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Flutter Gaming Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.
Did it die?
newfag pls
Previous thread >>41187322
Were numbering these now? Why are we starting at 2?
Finally, we got the new update. Never thought I'd see #2 drop in my lifetime.
The #2 refers to toilet humor.
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I forgot to add it, I was just upset that the thread got archived because the board has like a billion new threads over night.
Because I didn't know what number it was before.
Why does it need a number?
so you can lose track of it.
Why didn't you check every single past thread and count them for the exact number?
>numbering the thread
Good thing there are a lot of retards on this board.
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my Ready or Not looks different
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>Replacing the posters in that mission where you arrest a pedophile.
raiding shinodage's cave
>The Brandon cave
>Not replacing all with foalcon
>mystery meat sim
too laggy to be playable, and no its not a hardware spec issue.
that and EVEN more people still one tapping headshot with AK at distances, or using bolty to snipe you right as you spawn

the recoil update was a mistake, especially the fucking burst mod being attachable to SAR or custom smg since those get turned into laser beams if you crouch
I love this game but man.. why is every suspect so fucking smart? half these are random ass niggers who are holding up a gas station and they see me through stained glass windows. all the AI is hypercracked and I'm genuinely too slow mentally. it hurts because I love the concept so much
I had a similar problem when I player, every random dude has like perfect accuracy and reaction speed, just seems kinda silly.
The games was mostly fun tho.
its a bit too tense and fast. it's hard to keep up when the AI is not realistic but superhuman. I'm ok with loosing that's not the issue. most the time I don't even know who or what killed me so learning from my mistakes to get better is even harder. It feels fruitless and not very rewarding
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Raiding some zoophile
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Anyone heard of that new mod for some open-source game called pioneerspacesim? It supposedly adds pony character portraits but those have no big role in-game. Saw some screenshots going around.
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Guard counters and Deflecting Hardtear MVPs
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CSA Bulwarks. They are backing up my Lucherhulks.
he's playing Ready or Not
bro raided an average 4chan brony
btw is this a mod that adds these wicked pony art?
yes, read the thread my nigga
blud thinks it's HIS thread
blud expects me read WHOLE thread above FUCK YOU, blud
kys nigger. just skim through it, uberfaggot
kys nigger - overused, not original, not offensive, not offensive, annoying. Come up with something more original, blud

Blud mentioned -uber, blud thinks he's German] (Wolfenstein difficulty reference)
We should delete this thread and try again
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go back to whatever shithole you came from

The game is fun but holy hell it’s frustrating sometimes especially the ides of March mission or the other mission with the veterans especially running solo.
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racism is fun you niggers
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Anyone interested in Tabletoppery tomorrow, at around this time?
We can start with some light, party games, then cross into some meatier stuff.
Jesus man, I'm not involved in the argument but you write like you rob convenience stores for menthol cigarettes. Stop breathing. Just stop completely.
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Selling slaves to green unicorn applejack is the most productive thing I have done today. Found the mod here after a bit of looking:
Well, time to get addicted to pioneer again.
>Check in and see furries and tourist fighting.
it is a mod I made for our Ready or Not group. You can have it.
I want a horsefucker roleplaying group but D&D and its ilk gets me into an autistic rage, I'm also always on call so I can't make time for tabletop anymore. Never go into healthcare.
Unfortunately, I am not autistic enough for D&D.
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Any recommended pony music maps for Beat Saber? I liked https://beatsaver.com/maps/2006a.
>I want a horsefucker roleplaying group
>but D&D and its ilk gets me into an autistic rage
damn. there's other options out there but anywhere that isn't the /foe/ fags probably means you're out of luck
>I'm also always on call
play by post
>Never go into healthcare
Amen, especially post-coof
So what games are you anons playing today?
I been minecraft
might play some new vegas later
Darktide, AoE2 DE and Elden Ring
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minecraft, nobody wanted ftb so I'm playing solo
Quite a bit of Mein Kampf, hope your builds look nice.
Got to remain killy
Replaying Dark Souls 2.
Dark Souls 3 sucks. Everyone is grey and gay.
i fucking love dark souls 2
Risk of Rain 2
This but unironically. DS2 is super overhated.
i wasn't even kidding. i couldn't even finish DS3 but i've done DS2 several times over. haven't even played a magic build in it yet before. shits so fucking cash
Aye! cool guy.
I bought the dlc during the steam sale but still haven't played it
0/10, not using resourcepack to get rid of the Excrement-Covered Textures.
Soul memory is a colossal flaw. One that was really easy to amend too, as the game does track how much souls you SPEND, but wasn't.
ADP and respawn limit without locking yourself into no-coop are smaller but still significant issues.
But otherwise? Greatest game of the series. Proper dual wielding, interesting bosses, actual benefits to challenge runs, actual changes on NG+.
Vintage Story
SMUGling is awesome.
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>eaw thread dead
>furry tranny working on the Equestria rework
>Equestria is apparently going to have some fucked up industrialization where large parts of the country lag behind (this is completely normal and how industrialization happened in real life, especially for the larger countries like America and Russia, but apparently for Equestria it's some crippling failure)
>the northeast has frequent commie riots
>civil war is not only still a thing, but even more prominent
>if Luna fails her reforms you get the civil war
>pic related
Equestria at War is deader than a doornail.
>Equestria at War is deader than a doornail.
It has been ever since we need to wait half a year for focus tree for 2 countries
Mark another thing that the furries have ruined or will continue to ruin.
Maybe the Great Lakes update will be good. Thankfully for me, I happen to love HOI4 in general and EAW is the best mod for it with or without ponies.

Still a shame though, there's still a chance that it'll be good. If not, then that new breakaway that got teased seems to be decent. Almost like ELF 2.0. I have a feeling that they want to wait for a big update for a bunch of nations at once, but it would probably have been better to have more smaller meaningful updates.
Crusader Kings III. Worst interface in history.
A Crusader Kings II mod by a fresh team would be better than this.
its funny how much ds2 marketing was like 'ur gonna die voer and over!!' but its way less focused on actually killing you with cheap deaths then ds3-bb-er is. oh boy above enemy to shove me off a ledge!
I tried so hard to have fun in Rust. Unless I play in a PvE server I just can't, and PvE feels like it defeats the game's whole purpose. I WANT to get into raiding and adventuring and crafting breaching tools to decimate someone's base. What I don't want is to spend literal hours being door camped by EOKAs and waterpipes on the day after wipe. The farthest I ever got in Rust on my own was making an ally, building a base beneath a cheeky cliff, and learning to garden as we scrap farmed our way through the first workbench tree. I was really proud of myself for making this whole super sophisticated indoor garden for making teas, gathering rainwater and solar power so we could just hunt and scrap farm without fear of running out of water/power.
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Courageous, head on charges against enemy fortifications
Just like good old times
>he thought that the furfags would stop at making the furry factions objectively the strongest as a 'joke'
hahahahaha retard
>he thought that the furfags would stop at making the furry factions objectively the strongest as a 'joke'
hahahahaha brainlet
>so much copium
Anon, one of the hands of the guy in the screencap is occupied by jerking off over his skirt going spinny and the other is occupied by shitting things up so they're about his skirt going spinny instead of whatever they used to be about.
There is no chance that it will be good.
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>As the princesses have failed Equestria, it falls upon the common ponies to pick up the task to preserve harmony.
>Happy to finally share the first two potential presidential candidates for the Equestrian Republic. More to come in the future.
wtf is this?
>here bro, here's your first president
>fucking edgy furry sparkledog oc
Crusader kings II will always have a place here.
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Mining AND crafting?
Yep. Mining AND Crafting
Someone should play minecraft with this anon!
depends on mods and how annoying it is to install
an easy mod is Essential. it allows you to invite people to your world like opening to Lan. it may expose IP.. but when i play with my pals it doesn't matter, what they gonna do? come to my house? I WISH
but everyone is so far away..
I would play video games so much more if I could play with Fluttershy
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The face of someone that enjoys the suffering of others.
>magic weapon buff, katana sorcerer
Ahh ok FINE. I accept your build
One shotting low vgr plebs is a divine experience
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An intruder
Here i my last DS2 Playthrough. Seeker of Fire + Dark Souls 2 Lighting Engine.
Yes, that is Gowers ring of protection in the left image. What a nice little fella that ghost hollow is. he kept me company. the mod is fun and a nice mixup to DS2. but its kind of easy and no weapon durability.. you can just spam moonlight beam. extremely satisfying I must say even though busted. It does do something very interesting. you need Souls of a Monarch to challenge Vendrick and not souls of a giant. those are from
Fume Knight
Ivory King
and ofc Giant Lord
made a very fun experience! but again broken as fuck. ez to to spam special weapon moves
Interesting, I'm running lighting engine and texture overhaul. Probably going to grab the moonlight greatsword on this character aswell.
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Also blue acolyte so I don't get gameruined by cheaters.
I would do so much more than play video games if I had fluttershy.
Moonlight sadly is actually kind of ASS in the base game. it just kills itself with minor use and doesn't do much damage

my previous seeker of fire playthrough.. it removes farming for armorsets and such. all you can find or buy. dragon scales for dragon thing? theres enough you can find to get what you need without farming. stuff like that made it very fun. it cares about my time and despite it being a mod for scholar there was either no or few petrified statues
"One day fire will fade, and dark will become a curse.
Men will be free from death, left to wander eternally.
Dark will again be ours, and in our true shape, we can bury the false legends of yore.
Only... is this our only choice?
Seeker of fire, coveter of the throne, seek strength. The rest will follow."

and people call this one the worst one.. They should really play the new ER DLC for the worst fromsoft souls experience
It terms of lore it's the best in the series
In terms of gameplay it's still the worst for me
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Seeker of fire is cool, I was originally going to to a playthrough of that but I wanted to pvp, so it'll have to wait.
As much as I love this game I have to agree, but the pvp experience (aside from soul memory) is top tier. Iron bridge my beloved...
maybe in terms of gameplay on a technical level. but for me personally, schizo-moron as I am it's the perfect inbetween the new and the old. DeS and Ds1 are far too clunky for me. the 4-directional rolling while locked on is hell for me. i can't do it.. well I did 100% the game so it's not true kek but I wasn't happy about it!! in ds2 you can anything to great effect. bow build? works for enemys. bosses is a bit harder (alot) but it works for enemies very well. sword and shield? works. greatshield? works. spells? works if you're not doing pyromancy.. F pyro users. bosses aren't focused on making you 'memorize' them like in Ds3 and especially ER+DLC. Fume knight and Sir Alonne maybe. those super endgame optional fights. but most base game bosses are 'oh he's swinging. im gonna dodge' rather then spamming roll catches and other 'gotcha' low effort artificial difficulty shit. am I a crybaby? Yes. but I like ds2 and find it relatively moderate in terms of difficulty. the newer games are often too much for me. just too fast. I'm slow and dumb
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I never want to play this game again after doing sl1 (I will play it again in six months)
Funny enough I found it more clunky compared to DS1
But DS2 does have the best new game plus in the series and is the only game that does what does with new game plus
bro.. why
I see that totally. I can never bring myself to replay ds1. I try and I just can't.. I fricken hate how it feels
>is the only game that does what does with new game plus
The extra red enemies is a thing in Dark Souls 1 on NG+ as well. If you want a challenge, you could use Cheat Engine to perma-Gravelord yourself.
you seem to not understand the full extent
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>bro.. why
Why not?
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Now do the all bosses no hit run :)
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Don't give me any ideas Anon.
I'd suggest doing some jolly co-operation in ds2 but...
this is a terrible idea. i did 3 player co-op the whole game. it took soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long it's unreal
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Y-you're joking, r-right? You wouldn't actually subject yourself to something so agonizing right?
if you kill enough people you know your sin level goes really high. at a certain point your minimum hollowing is insane. you'll have like no HP
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Just don't die lol
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I beat Dark Souls 1 using consumables only.
I've beating Kingdom Hearts at level one twice
I tried playing Dark Souls 3 one time.
I'm kind of a masochist
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I kneel
I've been thinking of getting HOI4 just to play this mod, since the actual game doesn't appeal to me much, although I have watched a few let's plays in the past.
Is it worth it? I feel like I'm late to the party and everyone else has come and gone already.
This furfag tranny shit doesn't fill me with optimism either, how is it they can get in and ruin every community?
I'm on year 3 of my first play through. got bronze and am slowly progressing to domestication of rabbits, chickens, sheep. still using flint spears as my main weapons though because metal is too expensive.
The mod is still fun and worth playing despite the future not looking very bright. You can easily sink hundreds of hours into EAW and other mods without touching vanilla. I would say give it a try.
>how is it they can get in and ruin every community?
Cowardice slash decades of brainwashing to prevent people from standing up to them.
>metal is too expensive
>year 3
I'm slow to progress, but already used up all the surface Copper on my whole island and there's like no copper anywhere on my propick
perhaps you should look for more land then
Ah, there's your problem.
I'm stuck in the eternal hell that is War Thunder almost every day because i have a serious case of Stockholm syndrome with this shit game lmao.
Holy shit, you can get Lyra as a leader or advisor?! That's great!
Because they're given an inch.
Except you have furries and their ilk making it.
How is that copium?
You poor soul, you need more mare juice to reinvigorate you.
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Celestia plays Elden Ring and plays a pure FTH caster build
She jobbed and died at the 30 seconds of the battle
Finger the host with a furled finger anon!
>Celestia + finger = win
Horse but hole
Try finger
Lore accurate Princess Celestia
Lore accurate? So we, "Horse but hole, Try finger." Got it!
But I am playing vintage story....
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its more of a small continent, but this is where my base is. is "just keep moving" really the way your meant to play? what about all my animals and shit.
Im planning to move elsewhere and make a new base with more late game building materials anyway. This is a copper age mudbrick settlement, I want to build a roman villa for the iron age from brick and mortar.
When you said island, I assumed it was small and quick to lose resources.
>There are several times in the focus tree where there are ideas to pick, which stem from Twilight.
>She appears in events. She debates ideas with the other princesses
>She may even replace them after the great war
>Technically there are 3 paths were Twilight takes over to be added in the rework.
>One is the historical, good ending from the show.
>Equestria will have a 'oh fuck oh shit we're at war aaa-' tree to help if losing a defensive war but it won't be a 'lmao we win fuck off bugs' like it is now
Who the hell let this guy take charge of the fucking Equestria rework?
>Is it worth it?
If you buy the cheapest copy you can get and pirate all the DLC, sure. As long as you're doing that you may as well try it out. There's still fun stuff in EAW, it's just not on Equus.
Another mod I'd highly recommend is Enclave Reborn Redux for Old World Blues. Easily the best HoI4 mod out there. It's the most fun I've ever had with this game.
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hello anon, I may be able to help but I need to know how to contact you. I can't promise you that we'll mesh well together, I'm kind of (really) annoying and headstrong about certain things
that's one way of putting it
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i've spent much time trying to be patient with others aswell other things of that nature
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you were never patient to begin with and your attempts at it inevitably result in you exploding autistically
usually destructive of other things people made
try being abrasive to let off that steam before it builds like that
>Estrus flask
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when did I say I was patient before?
and anon, that was 4 years ago
potato knishes ass base
thats okay, i can be so too. you can contact me on discord at @naturalselector788
>want to get back into noita and resume my god run
>didn't realize there was a fuckhueg update in the 9 months i've been away from it
>that also made my god run save obsolete
I've decided to include pudus in my mod setting as gnomes.
I sent you a thing
She only wants to play Farmville, though. Don't add her on Facebook.
Getting a virus because she wanted to play Farmville sounds canon.
Finger horse but hole
You like stallions.
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first pass...
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I dont need it... I dont need it...
Which horse from where?
is this Minecraft?.. vintage story?.. If this is minecraft holy shit. man this is PEAK!
Ahhh fun times
Absolutely based niggerbase exploder
you will die alone
>still seething four years later
This is minecraft ! I made it a while ago but I want to redo it and fix some of the smaller issues. Maybe properly get into modding and put one up for everyone. The mod is Custom Player Models
looks epic
Holy shit I thought it was VS, this looks fucking awesome!
That is nice, although I prefer VS
I miss cooping with randos against Messmer, Gaius and the Sunflower
Cooping against Radahn is not fun, I wish I have stayed at level 150
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pic related, you
Nice cocks
They're clearly hot chicks
>Anon sees hot chicks and immediately thinks of cocks.
Bro I think you might be gay.
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top donk
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Remove archerfags
Remove brainrotted metafags

Ram, pikes and knights up this dumb ethiopian arse
I have an idea
big if true
I'm a hoi4 noobie and maybe I'm turning redd*t, but in a vacuum it doesn't sound that bad. If the changes are done well and aren't just theme-park tier gimmicks I can see it work.

Though this doesn't give me much hope. I really dislike the text alone, it says almost nothing and is chock full of purple prose. Cirrus reads like a Californian punk girl, which is fine, I guess, but with its current (limited) characterization it clashes with the idea of her willingly becoming a presidential candidate. Her only motivation is 'government bad', which is fine desu contrarians don't need much reason. But the text muddied Lyra's line of thought that they likely wanted to guide the reader through: Lyra worries about Bon > current government being villainized/blamed, seeding the idea that they can't keep Bon Bon safe, or might actively hurt her > temptation to take her well-being into her own hooves.
I would rewrite it to something more concise and direct like this:

The rain stung Lyra's face like tiny needles as she stumbled through Fillydelphia's war-torn streets. Her heart ached with every step, Bon Bon's face haunting her thoughts. Was she safe? The worry gnawed at Lyra's gut like a hungry timberwolf A sudden cold splash - paint, not rain. She jerked her head up.

Above, a pegasus with wild eyes wielded a spray can like a weapon. "What the are you doing?" Lyra yelled, her voice cracking.
"Tearing down their lies," the pegasus snarled. Her name was Cirrus, and her mane was a tempest of blues and greens.
The mural warped under cirrus's savage strokes. Celestia's serene smile twisted into a sneer. Luna's eyes burned with madness. The princesses became monsters before Lyra's eyes.

"You think this matters?" Lyra spat, but her voice wavered.

Cirrus's only answer was to thrust a paint can at Lyra. It hummed with potential—and a new future.

It's far from perfect or good, but it is much clearer in the emotional conflict it tries to build.
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Ok ,my idea is a tabletop game but with some nicer visuals cus u could just rip sprites from ponytown and make characters in ponytown and stuff ?
tabletop game is a very broad tearm
Ok well u get the broad idea tabletop game with pretty visuals with (fairly easy way) to get it done can be any system !
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Warpfire and Napalm to keep the chaos pitbulls at bay
Never imagined I'd have fun playing psyker but here we are
Does anyone have any great pony emblems and paintjobs for BO3? Explicit and SFW are appreciated. I just finished a plot shot of Sunstone for the KN-44 last Friday and want more to rep MLP
>That's a lot of words.
Too lazy to read, someone please summarize it?
Also, this is why OWB is more appealing, out side of the majors, every little bastard can build a decent military and fight back or conquer.
tl;dr trannies ruin everything "they" touch

Holy shit.
>Fallout 4
Hell no
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hey maud, how did you make the white + timber? is it beams or a texture pack? and whats the white material?
Plaster with logs
I didn't even know there was plaster. big tech for my next base ive got planned. I feel like im always discovering stuff I could have made ages ago but dint know existed.
I think you may have mistaken, this is Vintage story.
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yeah I know. I only started playing it recently and want to discover the late game myself as much as possible so theres a lot of stuff (like plaster it seems) I havent encountered.
plaster will be perfect for my roman villa base (pic related)
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The correct color for Roman villa is limestone, you fillystine. And red clay shingles - you can get them off building material traders.
Sadly there isn't intense red stone like meinkraft granite, so you'll have to do with either chert, which is closer to brown, or having a mod (Rivers, Porklayers, etc) to make red clay itself available and using hardened red clay.
Most of the things in the picture can be done during the copper and bronze age. Just going to be the materials and time.
Also the roman villa is entirely possible. From what I can tell, you can use.
>Fire clay roofing tiles, plaster, hardened clay fire/red. Oak, gravel, chalk or limestone.
Hope this helps.
thank you. what's VS? i've never heard of it. maybe ill mod a pony into that game if its possible...
Im a simple man. I like brushing up on my banned from equestria mane 6 speedrun.
9 hours, and I finally got Fallout London to work*
*by that I mean I made it out of the test tube without crashing.
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>He log in
Oh no...
Does this shit work with pirate versions or did they add a bunch of autism that makes it refuse to run?
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Todd did a rugpull by releasing an ultra widescreen patch out of thin air three months ago, the same day that the mod was supposed to release.
The modders couldn't fix it so they just created a .exe to download the older build from Steam depot which requires Steam login.
Pirated version should work as intended.
Reminder to draw tree hugger for OP mare
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VS is Vintage Story, it started as a mod of minecraft then it simply broke off to its own game.
I'll make the logo
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Is this nuclearcraft or big reactors? It's been too long, I can't properly tell
big reactors, it's been so long it is extreme reactors now.
Big, nuclearcraft looks like a cuboid with a few rainbow-y blocks inside.
>writing a whole program to control a reactor that physically cannot explode and whose efficiency is sinusoidal
>still not having a resourcepack to unshit the textures
>writing a whole program
not mine, i'm not that autistic
>reactor that physically cannot explode
correct. and that's a good thing
>efficiency is sinusoidal
it's only slightly sinusoidal, it's a matter of PID efficiency tuning in that program, still good enough for me and works well in preventing from wasting fuel resources.

what's wrong with vanilla textures? what do you recommend, anon?
>we saw how people kept using axe and knife instead of the dedicated SwordTM because of shitty animation limiting it to half the DPS
>so we, under the excuse of "reworking tool animations", broke using axe and knife as weapons entirely
>they cannot be used to attack with
>as complimentary change, you now have to click twice or hold while smithing!
>oh and here's a bunch of other shitting on your gameplay like rotting hides
The last good Vintage Story version is 1.18 as they INSIST on committing the same blunder that Minecraft did.
Necrodancer songs
Especially the metal ones from family jules
If looking for pony, then can't go wrong with the L-train
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Oh wait, already made maps. I actually never played it myself, sorry.

Automation/BeamNG, but also Gmares and Necrodancer to complete a full run as dash now instead of single levels.
By the way if you think dash is bad, I just gave up with ever completing the Sphinx.
There's Starlight(Aria), there's Dash(2x speed) and then there's the giant cat with both, and more shit. I- no thanks.
why not just use spears? like 10 of them can kill a bear
Occupy obscene amount of inventory space, last like 5 hits each, are shit against drifters trying to crawl up your ass the moment you try to do anything at night.
And spite-breaking the game because of players poking holes in your shit mechanics NEVER results in anything good, it just makes the game worse and worse as you can't prevent the hole-poking. Pickaxe still works and is STILL a better weapon than the dedicated melee weapon, even with its less than half damage per hit, simply because it doesn't have the "atrophied paralytic trying to lift anything" animation attached.
but bro they'll fix it. combat is obviously the weakest part of the game anyway concidering the enemy variety
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>they'll fix the changes that should'n've'en done in the first place bro
>just wait and believe bro
>they'll totally fix it bro
the game isnt even out yet, how can you tell that its shit?
>not mine, i'm not that autistic
Did you steal it from somewhere else? That's even worse, what's the point of playing the game if you're just gonna download builds from the internet

??? Didn't see this coming, not sure about the updated sprites tho. Not sure if I like them or they ruin the charm.
Looks like, fucking somehow, they're sane enough to have a toggle for them.
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Cute amres can stay however
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Uh oh..
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Brave little Armenian stands defiant against all odds

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