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Verity Preorders are Open!
(Preorder deadline: by 31 July 2024)

>What is this about?
RTFM: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nNuoXy1F5nP7Cy-Y195150R1VDHeH3tgmdaERIYD9fs/edit?usp=sharing
PUBLIC SPREADSHEET & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11bJ6pVMgErMSGmyrtxRg6M3lTXF_2-8kvpqu1IoAI5k/edit?usp=sharing

>What's the current status?
• current payment/shipping: N/A
• current pre-order/production: Verity
• upcoming pre-order/production: N/A
• prototype in progress: Woona
• planned characters: N/A, things are slow in China.

>What can I do?
• bump, shill this project to other Anons, make content and advertisements
• design the next plush, provide feedback / suggestions on the next prototype
• buy the plushies
• expand and supercharge the project's blueprint

>any alternatives besides current manufacturer?
if you have any suggestions, please share with the thread.
>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...
if you have better ways to run things, you can contribute here!
>I have issues with my plush order / sensitive questions regarding this project, how can I contact the organizers?
email info@mppp.horse for plush support.
for general enquires, just ask in the thread.

Previous thread:
Anchor post for dead updates.

Yes i kinda want floor, any objections?
i like to pee on plushtoys
Current Verity preorders:
329/500 (min)
>kinda out of materials at the moment. Right?
No, the thing is because the scale is too little that not much can be done, a lot of restrictions because of low orders.
If we get like 10k+ orders then its a different story, Plush and prototype can be made easily and with higher priority then. Thing is, we can't really do that without going further from just a /mlp/ project, and if we do that without license eventually shit will happen, we're not exactly in symbiote position.
No, the current situation is that its just slow for us. And yes, for the previous runs, some limitations happened because the scale of the order, whereas you either keep it simple with small orders, or a large order with custom fabric/designs.

Not exactly western C&D but something equivalent i guess. The reason Oly stopped making pony plushies themselves is because they got into trouble before (idk the details but assuming internal china MLP IP might be at play). Whatever is the case, they simply felt its too troublesome to manage those, now they're taking pony orders only if others
Do you have a pic? Ill ask and clarify with them. As for last year i asked they themselves stopped working new ones.
>I'm unsure as to why they're unable to make Woona.
Oly is ok, but we're not. It depends, the last time we want is someone to start shit. Artist included.
The license and all that is confusing even for me lel. But yes they accept orders if its managed by you, but for Oly themselves they have stopped managing designing the plush and sell it themselves.
From last thread. People seems to keep asking the same question i replied months and years ago, but seems fucking confusing to even reply now, there's no one set of policy that dictates "you cant make x character", or "they run out of materials", or "current month schedule sucks for them so it takes forever.." Stuff changes so policy changes. Today we can make Aryanne but maybe tomorrow we won't be making Aryanne because of the risks. I can only summarize the general summary from oly, but seems like some anons are upset because of a possible misunderstanding that makes it not logical for them because the reason i give is very vague for some.

Regarding to the dissatisfaction of the previous thread, I agree it's time to have a change of management after Verity run.
I'm not qualified for managing either, to be honest originally I'd just want an affordable filly plush so I pitched the idea and the result is nice. And my idea was that someday this project can get bigger. The end game is to somehow obtained license from Hasbro to continue (For me as a non US citizen, I tried and it is too complicated for me, so I give up on the idea myself). So right now I'm hoping that other anon can take over this project. Especially those in the US that can setup a legit business/company and get the license, ill surely help with the procurement part then.

My skills are at best a literal half-assed interpreter between the thread and the factory. I'm not passionate enough in marketing, business or legal stuffs so right now I can only try to continue trying to. My scope is small and only settling for best demands for /mlp/ that is achievable and without much risk (in my opinion). I suck at risk management, so now I depend on other anions to help and conclude a decision for me especially now that I'm quite inactive and most of the ordering process are helped by wolv so shit still runs until today else I would have been exhausted couple years back when I'm manually doing email replies. So for those that want wolv to quit, do let me know. Cause right now he's the only one that keeps the whole operation afloat. I'll resign as well and you can take charge for whatever is the next thread, black and white I need your nickname though.

Yes I'm aware that there are maybe inconsistent polices and decision made over the few years of this project. "Western double standard" or whatever. To me i see wolv's summary is reasonable too, and i understand that you're upset too, I'm not a businessman, sorry i cannot fulfil your wish anon.
I hope that if you really want that specific character so bad, you can start your plush run just like i did with Anonfilly.
For me I don't feel bad if this project dies, originally i wanted it to be alive to complete the /mlp/ mascots, seems like we did quite a number of them so that's satisfied. While originally i have high hopes of making it big but now i dont have that motive anymore, i still have the dream and i'm waiting for someone to do that as well. And back then the project started because at that time, there arent many decent mass produced pony plushies, 4DE was the last of it back then, nowadays we have Symbiote, and some mainland china company even have better looking pony plushies, So i see that our efforts may not be as effective and needed in the future (assuming that Symbiote can make other side characters that anon wanted so bad, why do we even want to compete with them).

t. P.S.

>reee this project dead
Yes its getting slower updates and stuff, because I also not that passionate in rushing making decisions anymore so i wait on the summary made, i grow old anon, I'm a bit busy to keep up with additional responsibilities.
>you suck
yes i'm a lazy sack of shit for the board and I'm no longer of use for the board. Replace me nigger. Take over the project. I'd still help you but you be the team lead, manage the operations, I can pass over the information and contacts to oly..
>Why cant we find other more competent manufacturers.
Back then someone mentioned that they're gonna ask some other factory to make plush, but I never heard from them, So yes you can find better alternatives. Got any?
>So what's the plan now?
I don't know, for me, I intend to complete verity run, and try to resolve any of the shipping issues, then, maybe i try floor, maybe focus on making original character for /mlp/ related conventions. Not sure yet i haven't reached out for mair fair organizers... I don't have much connections to powerful anons so im a bit shy lel.
>I got a better idea than your stupid 'plan' which is doing nothing.
Sure, please share. And if i cannot do it myself, you do~
>I'd like to contribute and help, what's the end game.
If you can manage to form your own company with other anons, obtain licence from Hasbro to make side characters. Then yes we can go full speed to making canon ponies. Can you help us legal and businesses anons?
>no woona
I am very sad but understand and respect Ego's wishes
Thank you for keeping this train going. Despite the few loud whiners in the last thread, most appreciate your efforts and I hope it lives on even if it takes a bit longer between updates. Like one anon mentioned in the last thread, you guys are one of the few on this board I'd trust with my money and dox (despite the doxxmass kek).
And don't you dare to kill this project before we get Milky and Floorb
I don't recall giving you permission to make this thread about my show.
hoping for good mares for the future
floorbored is one of them
but... with the 2 verity I ordered don't have space in my room for other plushies
what do I do?
>If you can manage to form your own company with other anons, obtain licence from Hasbro to make side characters.
You will also need to give a subcontractor license to Olyfactory.
But what's more important is that Hasbro is not interested in small orders with low margins, so it has to be a fandom-wide project, not /mlp/.
Move to a bigger room, obviously.
>no woona
I am very mad and I do not respect the feelings of one person at the expense of the feelings of 200 anons who wanted a plushie.
That was way faster than I expected it to be.
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Troona preorders when?
I don't get it. They never asked Randy's permission to make Aryanne. Why the sudden change?
>inb4 they forgor
Verity is not in the show, checked and mate.
What's her lore? Is she Princess Luna banished to 4chan for 1000 years?
I love her, she is us
>prototype in progress: Woona
>I am very sad but understand and respect Ego's wishes
Please don't listen to the whiners, the majority of us love the plushies and the work that you guys do to make sure the community has cheap plushies of their favorite /mlp/ characters.
I'm here wishing for a future floorb run and hopefully more to come.
Purchase a bookshelf to put your plushies on
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You see, the prototype is in progress, but Wolvan and Princess Shitposter respect Ego's wishes and have nothing to do with it.
They asked newcomer volunteers (Foxxan and Princess Pissposter) to organize a separate Woona run.
How do you think Floorb would react, knowing so many people want her specifically? Infinite options, and we want greasy neet mare just the way she is.
If someone did pickup the Woona plush project, it'd show how competent they are
anonfilly plushie rerun when
I hope soon i need a little faggot like that in my life anon.
the only free wall in my room is reserved for the new piano I'm going to buy by the end of the month
I could install a couple of shelves over my bed or desk... but I don't think my landlord will allow such modifications
You'd be surprised how little they care if it looks well done. Also just throw a shitty slap of paint on it and say it was there when you arrived.
I think there were many anons last thread who were disappointed that Woona very suddenly got removed. And that they were disappointed that you asked permission to make a plushie, when 1. These are essentially bootleg plushies, and 2. 4chan is generally more of a devil-may-care don't-bother-with-permission kinda place

However, I don't think most of those anons want you to quit, or want you gone. Even if the progress is slow, it's still a great board project. I honestly think it was just a single samefagging retard who was screaming about MiSmAnGeMeNt!! and that sort of bullshit.
This here summarizes my feelings entirely. You should have never asked permission. I along with some people I know were quite hype for Woona. We'd already learned from NasaPone not to ask permission... I just hope that you guys really have learned not to ask anyone permission, just do the thing. I'm still hopeful we can get together and do a Woona even if it'll have to be done with someone else handling comms between factory and Anons.
then I'll think about it, the space over my bed is pretty empty so they would fit nicely
I never installed anything though, I'll have to look into how is done...
will keep bitchin about the milkmare until we get the fuckin milkmare
with titties pretty please.. and I guess updates via mail, instead of via thread
I just need her so much!
Ip kills creative projects, what's new
god please make floorb
Next "/mppp/ - Plush Demand & Future Plush Survey" poll when? I want to vote to Pip :3
The hilarious part about Woona is that Ego doesn't hold any IP and if she went to court Hasbro would rape and C&D her.
>Next "/mppp/ - Plush Demand & Future Plush Survey" poll when?
Never. There was some unofficial poll in the previous thread.
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>ordered 25 verity plushies
>don’t intend to pay the invoice on a single one of them

You can’t beat me.
Alright, I'll just pick em up when adoptions happen then.
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I guess this project was just Not Safe For Woona.
You monster
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Oops, it looks like Floorb will stay in her mare cave!
It’s over
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It's a good day to be a foe-chad.
Fucking based
31 votes isn't nearly enough for a proper poll. Floorb demands a second chance.
I accidentally clicked on Littlepip, I'd like to change my vote to Floorb..
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Sweaty neet plushie, this is a need.
>31 votes isn't nearly enough for a proper poll
The statistics says that it is enough, but if the orgs want they can make an official poll and send the newsletter.
That's just child's play.
I ordered Minus Infinity plushies, so now the preorder will never be filled.
Kek I ordered undefined plushes
Wake me up when you get to woona

Will she have the hat?
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>Will she have the hat?
Yeah, but a bit different.
wtf i never got to vote. i want floorb
And sold separately
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Same here butbI put my vite for pip
You can still vote, you know.
This better be unofficial. I do like Sgt. Reckless though. Was thinking about that last week after shit hit the fan. Definitely want Little League though.
oh thanks anon. lets go floorb!!
I want Little League too
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Pipbros, this is our time to shine!
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>Despite the popularity of Fallout: Equestria, the novel's author has remained anonymous, choosing not to reveal their real name or gender.

At least here we can go completely without the unnecessary "permission drama" and just make those plushies.
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actually rigged
>one of these is not an /mlp/ OC
>one of these does not deserve a plushie
It's that simple.
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So she seems fluffy and cuddly and sweet. Tell me, how many plushies should I buy? This time sister doesn't want one, so they'd be just for me.
Get her one anyway
Sounds like you need at least 3.
none of them are
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>2023 rerun
NTA but I saw them as well and decided to cop a few. They are basically identical considering the was an 8 year production gap.
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New vs old. Could just be Chinese factory inconsistency but they seem to be less lovingly crafted.
basically identical except for Vinyl's tail being small for some reason
Where did their necks go
Correct, but what /mlp/ OCs are popular enough?
I can only think of Terri.
They're the same, it's just a weird angle trying to get them all in frame
So long as it's the old version, the new version looks too stallion like.
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>the new version looks too stallion like
Tranonfilly became canon.
I'd like a rerun of any type of Anonfilly. Both Anonfilly that I've recieved had some sort of defect. Either it be in the stuffing, or in the legs.
Also, there seems to be a decent amount of people who are wanting one.
At least 3. 1 for yourself, 1 for poorfag sponsor, 1 for /ss/.
Does he know?
Aside from /ss/ being an offboarder event, is there anything more to know?
>He doesn't know
I actually don't, I never participated.
Did the orgs decide not to make any future events or what?
theres a few, a better ary and a v1 anon would be good. the arys we got im thankful for but shes just kinda ugly. same with v2.
Don't be so cynical anon.
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>1 for /ss/
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Schutzstaffel veterans deserve some love too.
>in 2 hours
>in the middle of the night
>on a Sunday
Shit’s wacky on here tonight, glad I woke up
it's summer and it's hot
nobody's got energy to argue anymore
How many daughterus did (You) order? I got 2 myself
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I ordered 3... for myself.
30 to give them away.
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>31 votes isn't nearly enough for a proper poll.
207 votes should be enough.
I couldn't give a shit about Fallout horse, her colour design will be the one everyone knows despite her never actually being given a proper design.
Floorb is better.
Floorb is best
also 2 for me, and other 2 to donate
she's the most boring option. didn't they say they didn't do clothes? of course, goy vidya fanatics will vote for her anyways.
I don't think that little lesbian horse is very relevant anymore, especially with no accessories, but I don't understand obsession for that unhygienic slob either. Is it some fucked up savior complex, or do you self-insert or something?
Floorb is an adorakable NEETpone, and most have always seen her as a ponified Tomoko which was her inspiration anyway.
>especially with no accessories
Anon cant handle the snowpity
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>she's the most boring option
Littlepip is the safest option that is really hard to fuck up.
Unless Wolvan reaches Todd and asks his permission.
>Is it some fucked up savior complex, or do you self-insert or something?
They're Haber fans, they imagine Equestria as USA.
Holy cope
Looks like VPN activity to me. Disqualified.
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And now when two shitponies rigged by autists are disqualified we can congratulate the real winner.
>Blue mane
>Yellow coat
We can legitimately donate Milkmare plushies to Ukrainian children.
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You have right
>which was her inspiration anyway
Correcting the record on the drawing end: Nips never even knew about Tomoko at the time of her creation. The fact that they look similar is just coincidental, but you can credit the author for it I guess.
Only one... I'm poorfag :(
Wait, Watamote is newer thing than Floorb?
So many anons say this without proof when it's more likely its the truth considering how similar they are.
There's no such thing as coincidence.
aryanne is much more of a board oc while woona is more of a personal oc
We never asked the Jargon Scott's permission to make Twiggles who is definitely a personal OC.
If you look at the "Anons Handbook", there is a box that checks off authors consent in terms if a plush can be made or not. Twiggie was marked as a /mlp/ oc.
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>there is a box that checks off authors consent in terms if a plush can be made or not
Wait, there is such section? Holy fuck, I thought Woona was the first case of the utter retardation.
Are we re-writing history now, or was that actually always there?
I feel like some anon would have noticed it before and pointed it out.
It was always there, I recall seeing it a while ago. The Anon's handbook was last updated since Twiggie.
*hasn't been updated since Twiggie.
>Twiggie was marked as a /mlp/ oc.
>99% of the OC art is made by the OC creator
>It's /mlp/ OC
By that logic every OC is /mlp/ OC.
Considering that several countries already rush to get the reconstruction contracts and there are ongoing talks about the peace conditions, this plushie might come online right about the time the peace is achieved.
Sending plushies before that is definitely wrong - Milkmare doesn't deserve to be bombed, abandoned or stolen.
Milkys creator doesnt want her mass produced nor does the factory want to make her. I personally dont care what plush comes next.
>Milkys creator doesnt want her mass produced
Who cares?
>nor does the factory want to make her
Is it because of the boobs?
Anyway, it's Reckless time!
Veritable bump
>it's Reckless time!
Does USA army hold the copyright or not?
I appreciate the explanations, apologies and willing to let someone else take the lead but still help the new recruits. If i wasnt tax retarded, in a lawsuit, filling for disability, chronic pain/always tired i would do it. Best of luck, dont ever kill this project completely.
Sorry, we need permission from the United States Army for that.
who gives a shit what the creator wants. why does oly not want to make her? also are you even anyone with authority to say this
Speaking seriously, Sergeant Reckless is a trademarked name.
Copyright only lasted for 28 years at the time Sgt. Reckless was alive.
She's free for all.
Wrong link.
>at the time Sgt. Reckless was alive
Ahem. The copyrights were extended several times since then.
Sergeant Reckless died in 1968, so the copyright would last until 1996. But in 1976 the copyright was extended to 47 years, so the new copyright would be until 2015.
And then in 1992 they extended copyright again.
> The effect was that any work copyrighted in the US in 1964 or after had a copyright term of 75 years, whether or not a formal copyright renewal was filed.
So the new copyright for Sergeant Reckless is until 2043.
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So we just need to email Erik M. Pelton or Robin L Hutton and get their permission.
>can we uh, turn this loved war hero into marketable plushies?
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>Can we promote public awareness of the need to recognize war heroes by cum tributes?
We can just call her Morning Flame. That's her actual name, given at birth.
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>Morning Flame
Uhh, isn't that the original Lucifer's name?
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>We can just call her Morning Flame. That's her actual name, given at birth.
This explains the cutie mark.
However, there is a really good question: how to make the plushie distinct from Verity? They are almost clones.
Close. Morning star
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Maybe she could have her blanket?
Change the expression, use the old style fabric for the mane like on the anonfillies, and give her an army helmet.
No accessories.
How many preorders for Verity so far?
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>No woona
>Troona forgotten
>No pip
>No floorbslop
>No milky's "permission"
>Sgt. Reckless copyrighted
My God bois, who's gonna save us...?
(You) know who
why are you guys acting like the ocs won't have another chance to get a plush if they don't get it now?
>inb4 /mppp/ doomposting
if it dies that's because you let it die.
>no woona
>no milky
>no floorb
might as well just do reruns, see you guys next year
who said no floorb?
I would love to have a Terri plush. Why can they not give her a bow accessory? I wouldn't mind if it took us a few months to get the necessary pre-orders for an additional cosmetic.
>the ocs won't have another chance to get a plush if they don't get it now
I will be honest with you - I fully expect Verity to be the last /mppp/ plushie.
>I would love to have a Terri plush. Why can they not give her a bow accessory?
A bow is just a ribbon, we only need to have mane sewing pattern allowing to put a ribbon under it.
>milky requiring permission
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Milky Way has a clear author and this author already removed images from Derpibooru.
If you want to make a plushie you must have their permission.
What if we just do it anyways?
Could just make a legally distinct version of the mane 6 all combined?
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The author will be uncomfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies. They will be incredibly flattered that we even considered to make their OC plushie though.
Long term? People will not be willing to work with us. Artists will not be willing to associate here. We're seen as unreasonable. We will not nut the fuck up and take responsibility for cause and effect.
You can, but not with Olyfactory - Hasbro oversees their production.
Xin Zhi Ji made some cool toys recently.
What if it’s just similar colors but looks like none of them?
This is a shit idea. Olyfactory already makes normal versions of the mane 6 readily available.
Those are ugly and look like the products of incest
It's Olyfactory, they wouldn't be able to make them look any better.
Can we just make Terri or Reckless then? Those are characters I don't see anyone having issues with.
If we don't do anymore characters.. fuck the doomposters, I hope it doesn't come to that.
could we do 1 final run of Anonfilly 1.0's? End the project where we started.
I thought we went over this. Fuck asking for permission, just bloody do it. I mean, the fuck are they gonna do, write a strongly worded letter to the jannies? You've all gone soft.

I want my Floorb. Worse comes to worst, I'll make them myself, though they won't be nearly as cheap.
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>the fuck are they gonna do
They will block the orgs in Twitter and Discord and they will not greet them if they occasionally meet on some con.
Gee, I guess we need more /mlp/ characters. Time for some writefags and drawfags to nut up and collaborate on astroturfing a plushable, legally-distinct neetpone.
>a plushable, legally-distinct neetpone
I mean, we already have a plushable legally-distinct Woona.
She wasn't shilled hard enough.
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This freak was made for a draw thread so she’s technically /mlp/ properly
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>Long term
>The project will likely close after Verity
would buy
There's a whole ton of characters we can make.
Terri, Reckless, Changeling Anonfilly, Zeeb Anonfilly, Anonfilly with a cowboy hat, Anonfilly but purple, Anonmare, Anon
Purple Anonfilly is actually my oc and I don't give permission
Anon stallion?
That's just Anonfilly 2.0
Still mad at myself for being to broke to buy her, I’d kill for her
wouldnt reach the required number of sales
I would love an Anon plush no homo. Life size?
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i loaf anonfilly so much unf
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Are you living under a rock, anon?
Recently some ppl created not one, not two, but three cutie plushable pony OCs.
They are named according to their... Umm... socioeconomic status?
oly wont do accessories
Considering that the whole permission thing is a joke, we do need some clown mares.
Haven't participated in the /ss/ in 4 years, is it kill?
the amount of non-communication from the orgs is staggering
are we getting milky? who is up next? is floorb off the table? what the hell
Just a Red mare with blue hair, clown nose can just be part of the body, if not anons can just go to a party store and buy a clown nose themselves
I guess the Verity orders need to be processed first.
Show Clarity some respect
>who is up next?
Anonfilly rerun would be neat.
1st edition, so we have an actual filly.
Sorry, guys, but from now on we must ask Skitter for permission.
>She wasn't shilled hard enough.
That's what makes her /ourgirl/.
Plebbit/Dicksword/Xitter don't know about her and will not include her into their "hate symbol" lists.
>oc:anonfilly Creator: 4chan /mlp/
>The idea and the first image were made by Skitter
What did Derpibooru mean by that?
Seconding this question.
>People will not be willing to work with us. Artists will not be willing to associate here. We're seen as unreasonable. We will not nut the fuck up and take responsibility for cause and effect.
So what if they don't want to associate? We're dealing with quantities, aren't we? What matters most is the consumer, the artist can just be taken from, shouldn't be an issue, no?
I dunno, it's just ridiculous really worrying about a fuckup when the anons hold all of the power desu
This anon is a faggot but he is also correct
why the fuck do we need the support and help of artists who don't even use the board anymore? if they don't like pony or post here anymore, chances are they won't be willing to help with new plushies. I doubt any of the plushmancers here would give a shit about what we do anyway. how offensive could making a pony plush fucking be?
>how offensive could making a pony plush fucking be?
When Aryanne was made the whole Twitter was on fire. Con organizers even promised to closely monitor that no Aryanne plushie entered their safe spaces.
To be fair, Aryanne has nazi symbolism and just a play on Aryan, but if it were done with, let's say, Woona, Milky Way, Anonfilly
Who would give a shit?
"Oh! A cute luna plushie!"
"Oh! a cute mare with funny boobs!"
"Oh! A green faggot!"
you get the gist?
>What matters most is the consumer
What matters most is that Wolvan and Princess Shitposter are not cancelled because of /mppp/.
File: anonfilly_hate_symbol.png (97 KB, 634x326)
97 KB
>"Oh! A cute luna plushie stolen from her creator!"
>"Oh! a cute mare with funny boobs stolen from her creator!"
>"Oh! A green faggot symbolizing hate!"
Would it be possible to have some very simple electronic toys made? I was wondering if something like a furby mechanism could be made into the head of a plushie. Of course it would need careful designing and planning to make them come out as cute and not creepy.
Anon, the mayority of here are biggest poorfags, do you think they have enough money for this?

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