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GalaCon 2024
27. – 28.07.2024
Bürgerzentrum Waiblingen

More info

To continue the PavCon thread.
The Bingo still wasn't finished.
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dashie plap plap plap plap plap dashie unf
Can't wait. Finally able to attend.
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GalaCon needs (you)!
When your gut is larger than your plushie
Time to get a bigger plushie.
>unprecedented airport chaos
Eh, might be okay by tomorrow morning. My flight's not been canceled.

My cosplay making is put on halt until Monday morning. I'm getting a hang of things now, and slimming down the sides of the (still sleeveless) suit really fixed pretty much all of the bagginess. I might actually like sewing garments, and I'll definitely make myself another such blazer for private use, just without some of the Discord-specific details.
RIP air travel enjoyers
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Two more fags.
I had nominated viking LARPers because of the viking theme. But if there are funnier scenarios, be my guest.
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My filly dressed up as a viking. Does that count?
>Hazbin hotel cosplay
>Ambulance called because anon drank too much (alcohol)
>Ambulance called because anon drank not enough (water)
>Ambulance somewhere
>medical emergency
we did have it in '22
Someone confusing viking runes for nazi symbolism.
Last year someone also got ambulance'd from the Biergarten.
The nice Sombra cosplayer has been working on an Asmodeus cosplay. Though I'm pretty sure he'll keep poni and Helluva/Hazbin separate.

I was thinking of some hardcore viking LARP, as in people in proper attire taking this very seriously. The Pinkie and Fluttershy cosplayers, for example, didn't come to last year's PCH because they were at some LARP event, though I don't remember what they LARPed as.

Very realistic scenarios. But we've already got a few bullet points about politically flavored drama and/or police intervention. We could use something more bizarre in my opinion.
So where and when will the gay orgy happen?
>anon buys some sick stuff at charity auction
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My filly is a pretty hardcore LARPer though
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Last changes?
Filly earthquake!
>someone clogs the toilet at Biergarten
>celebrity joining Can Autismo
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there's a toilet at the biergarten?
there is, and I'll be giving out free tossjobs in it.
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Where did you piss?
found the diaperfag
>anon shits into the river
The hotel lol
Whats Galacon attendance typically like?
I saw around ~1200 in 2019, but nothing for 2022 or 2023
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So, what are you going to attend?
There are so many panels that look interesting to me, I'm terrified of having to decide.
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Pic goes hard.
Oy vey
how many palestinian children had to die for this?
Die? They're employed there.
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Looks like it's the same amount of room as last year
>imagine fucking up primary function for a dubious aesthetic effect
Yeah I can't read that either, but it's like one room
There is another panel room and the ground floor is larger than last year
It seems that there won't be anyone else in the whole centre and it will be only the ponyfaggotry
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Ah, well I blame the map aesthetic, doesn't look like that much new ground flood space, like the passage to the Workshop/signing room and the new panel room
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definitely attending that murky panel, I'm a sucker for this story
I missed it at harmony due to purps background pony appreciation panel so I definitely wanna make it to this one
Trot did something similar. Walking around was way better for getting to know the place. Map was pretty much useless.
Map was probably made primarily for artistic purposes.
Leafanon here
I'll see you fags in Germany, who wants some Maple Syrup?
I've never tasted maple syrup in my life
I still have a bottle but it's running out, so yes please! I guess the airport won't let you bring a milk bag?
desu senpai we have generic maple syrup in every supermarket, so it better be a fancy one
Please come to the /fimfic/ meetup so we can laugh at you.
is that a euphemism?
Nah, I brought a little bottle of it last year which I have to an Anon, figured I should bring more this year
Sadly Bag milk won't fly.
I can get lil jugs of Quebecois Maple Syrup, its the good shit
Id love to try some
Can you get some of the golden leaf juice for me? That one is really good. Love how that one isn't overly sweet.
Okay, I'll take one. Thank you very much, Anon.

One thing though - how would you know who wanted the leaf joos, and who's gonna be the funni one and take one because they can?
>who's gonna be the funni one and take one because they can?
It's basically written on my face but a single bite/spoonful would be enough for me to try, honestly. I hope Leafanon won't have a jetlag like I do right now. (Couldn't sleep much on the plane, so I just watched some movies and chatted with strangers at the airports. Gave a cereal bar to a French security guy because I saw the longing in his eyes.)
I'd love to try it anon! If you've got a spot in your bag, I'll take one!
Chug up that leaf
Yeah and I'll bring the brownies
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I'm curious. How many anons are also coming from overseas to attend?
Honestly didn't think that far ahead, i suppose showing me a screencap to prove its [you]?
Myself and a Yankfag are headed down

Gala gets a decent international showing
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I still have a hotel room spot available by the way. Grab it while it's hot.
oh that sounds good, I'll try to make some crepes for everyone
That reminds me, does anyone want an /mppp/ Anonfilly or Frosty Flakes?

I also still have some but trying the genuine article would be great, so yes me please.

>Couldn't sleep much on the plane
kek I knew it, I warned you about plane sleep bro
Same here, except someone from our group is bringing mare milk so I'll be using that instead.
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Blueberry Bounce, you're gonna be at the con, right?
How much do you want for it?
Also I’ve seen this pic posted before and I just have to ask, is that in Sweden? I think I recognize it
Not my photo, so I don't know
Does the Mediterranean count?
I can't.
Too expensive, too far, and too short of a notice.
If I saw the even earlier, I could have managed, but I am a fucked and always forgot about it...
Maybe next year?
I also can’t go, too short notice even tho I’m 8 hours away, i wouldn’t have been able to get time off of work. I also don’t know any anons in the Euro con scene, I know a bunch in America. So guess I’ll have to skip this year and go to Mare Fair, holding out hope that I can make CzechQuestria and Ponycon Holland.
Yes anon, I am coming on Thursday. I'll have this large grumpy filler at me at all times
>Too expensive

Niggas are throwing out free hotel rooms in this thread, so you can't possibly get a better deal.
PonyCon Holland is the comfier con in my opinion, so do consider that one soon while there's still time to arrange a trip.

>I warned you about plane sleep bro
Oh woe is me, I'm fine now. Went shopping (for materials for the cosplay) while still dizzy, got better, then kept sewing until 5am. I've got a rough schedule for this which I'm very much inclined to stay on top of. So much done already, so much to do still. All done because I adore Discord and want to prove a point of sorts/ contribute to keeping poni cosplay alive.
Trade ya maple syrup for Frosty?
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>is that in Sweden?
Yes, it is, in April
I'd definitely take a filly off your hands for pretty much any reasonable price
I gave away a bunch at MF last year and forgot to save one for him after promising him
I might even still have an extra /mlp/ silver coin to trade if thats what it takes, Pretty desperate to get one before I see him again at Everfree
Will you bring matzah?
I need to hug a cute pony.
You can hug me anon
We can pretend I am your favourite mare
Thanks Anon, I've been feeling weird lately, but that's nice of you.
We might be studying at the same campus, Anon. Are you coming to the con?
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me me me
You can hug me too, anon.
I'm not a cute pony, but hugs are always nice.
this guy's luggage is gonna be 90% syrup
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you have to eat all the syrup
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Cute picture.
I can probably bring like...10 little jugs of the stuff

but as it stands my luggage is
>Derpy Plush
>Syrup for Anons

If i'm lucky, I'll fit some clothes in there
Perhaps someone can bring a spare shirt and shorts if you're really sacrificing clothes for more goodies (and your waifu, of course). Use vacuum-sealed bags if you can grab some on time.
learnt the benefit of Vacbags last year, those are a godsend


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If you still have a Frosty on hand, I'd be glad to take her back home, to the peak of equatorial summer.
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Sure thing Anon (Polish dude here, just to be extra safe)
Me on the left
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Jorkin' it nextdoors
>captcha: SXXD
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So who is actually hosting the gay orgy?
/fimfic/ would be my guess.
/opg/, been confirmed in the secret clique discord
How do I get internet on my phone in Germany? My provider doesn’t give internet in other EU countries.
Can I just buy a SIM card and pop it in?
Will there be wifi at the con?
>packing clothes
Nigga, just buy 'em at the con.
The venue has Wi-Fi, and you should be able to get a sim at the airport.
Airalo Anon
That's some horny mares.
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bro that is a ridiculous number of mares
Make sure your phone isn't SIM locked
I think that's only a thing in Muttistan.
I'll just blatantly shill my referral code.
It gets you 3 USD off
You do need eSIM support for Airalo to work though
One of these days I’ll go to a Euro con, they look like a blast
One of these days I'll go to a US con, they look like a blast
When does America become normal again? I want to go to the US but only pre-2016 America.
>How do I get internet on my phone in Germany? My provider doesn’t give internet in other EU countries.
How is this legal?
Ridiculously low indeed.
He could bring a second suitcase.
These are only the mare essentials
I worked in the US in 2015 and 2016 and those were good times. I remember how people were talking about the elections in 2016, and how it is going to fuck up the whole country. Too bad I was too casual and never went to any pony convention in those times, always thought it is too cringe
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Shh filler, you shall be released from this entrapment tomorrow
Whoa, she is really cute! How big is she?
She's about 70cm long, if you are coming at Galacon, feel free to come and give boop
I am not liable for any damage or biting she might do however
Gonna be a lot of fillies at Gala this year. I think one anon is also bringing his big filly plush and most anons bring their mppp fillies.
We should do a group pic of all the fillies.
I might have to find a way to fit my filly into my tiny ass laptop bag. Wasn't planning on bringing her since I didn't want to pay for a carry-on and I already can barely fit my clothes, but now I'm determined to make it work.
If you lack the technology, buy some big freezer bags you can hand seal, put the plush in, flatten her and then close the bag.
Let's get hype with some pony music
also see
that shit is holy grain for transporting poners
Carry her openly.
Luka magnotta, is that you?
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Trust me I know about the wonders, but I just don't have small enough bags on hand. Maybe the freezer bag thing may work
Heres my bag from Mare Fair. Had around 20 of the little shits since I was giving them away.
>>41253314 >>41253317 >>41253407 >>41253430
>>41253559 >>41253743 >>41253755 >>41253866
>>41254008 >>41257206

Leaf delivers Anons, unless Customs seize my leafjoos

Hope they won't :(
Status report: I'm in for an all-nighter of tedium. FUCK this sleeve cuff, it utterly betrayed me. I have to make the other one differently, though looking the same from the outside. I'm so terribly behind schedule and my parents are unbearable to be around.

Dashie plap plap
Honestly, I am not in a position to go this year, even with free hotel.
I said "I could have managed" but realistically, I couldn't. And finance is not the only reason.
But I will follow the thread with attention as usual, and wish every Anon going a fun and ponyfic time there!

>PonyCon Holland
Pinkie's voice as guest? Sweet!
Unfortunately, as said before, I can't this year.
But knowing that there is an other con "not far" (meaning in an other country, but without oceans to cross) is always good to know.
Funnily enough, it's almost the same distance as Galacon for me.

I love you too Anon.
>free hotel rooms
Where? I’ve been looking for a floor to sleep on. I’ll be content with a corner or under the bed
Safe travels leafanon
my hotel spot is still open. you want it?
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Retards in stereo
>Parents of Discord
How would they be?
What entity would they represent? Entropy? Quantum entanglement? The strong nuclear force?

Dolby Atmos arrangement when?
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All-nighter done. My suit now has sleeves. Still need to attach the lining and outer fabric halves into one wholesomerino jacketino in need of wing slits; will probably misuse the buttonhole settings for that. There are some minor flaws here and there, but Discord's suit is shitty by design, so it fits.


Godspeed you glorious bastard.
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Meanwhile, I barely managed to iron on a patch without causing a fire.
Here's something to get you in the right mood:
I wonder if I should have my filly out during the airport security interview.
I wonder if she should have her keffiyeh on.
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My whole apartment is thrashed but I've managed to finish the mosaics for the auction on time and now I'm ready for the Gala.
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Very, very nice, Anon! Those better fetch a good price. What size are they? A5 or A4?
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Thanks, I hope so too!
>A5 or A4?
You're thinking too small, they are both A3. With the tile size I use, anything smaller would sacrifice detail. Originally I only wanted to make one and save the other for later, but I made the designs complementary and figured they should be photographed together. Next time I'll make just one.

A3 each is quite large, can you transport them safely?
I'm traveling by car, I think wrapping them in a few pieces of cloth will do the trick. They are heavy, but not super fragile.
I wish mosaics were in Roman style, not in modern. Still a piece of art, I wish I could make mosaics too.
How specifically? That may be a cool future project.
>I wish I could make mosaics too.
It's not hard, there are a lot of online stores that sell these tiles, and I'm pretty sure they get them from some Chinese website anyway. Get some glue, stain, and MDF from the hardware store (or some other type of plate) and you're ready to go.
I dunno, but I think you should protect them from flexing.
No idea, just look at Roman mosaics and do similar but with pone.

>you can do it too

Huh, maybe I shall try
I see. They look very pretty, you'd have to find a larger palette of colours to make that, with the shading and stuff. But the result would be amazing.
Fuck. Now i want to make a Byzantine style mosaic of Luna
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Hatman reports in, see ya tommorow frens
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bugged and tagged
Hot ngl
How did they become so fat?
then contact me at ponyman69 at proton dot me
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Man, I love ponies
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So Anons, what do y'all think?
I wouldn't even steal it
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We ride, see you guys tomorrow
bringing my anonfilly plush is mandatory, right?
i might have to make space in my bag
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We're waiting for you anon
Retard, you misspelt "autistic".
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I kneel
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I slept the day away. Feels bad.
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Camping spot set up, here’s to hoping I don’t get rape-murdered by a hobo who’s claimed the spot. Not supposed to rain so no tarp up. Plan is to wake up around 5 before a lot of people are out.
For tomorrow does anyone have a spare piece of floor I can sleep on? Alternatively just someplace to shower? If not I’m sure I can just go shower in a gym
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How does airport security always manage to wake me up the very instant I fall asleep?
When do stores open?
I mean, any at all. I really need a coffee. Any 24/7 places?
Also open liquor stores would be nice but I imagine they close early
I can give you a wake-up BJ.
Gonna be in the air soon
See you all is around 14 hours
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I'll give you a succ for a few of those.
my journey starts now, leaving home to get to the airport
Let’s fucking go, after a couple hours sleeping on the ground outside I woke up and wandered around aimlessly until I got to outside login hotel, fell asleep again in chair outside and worker out smoking let me in to sleep more in lobby cause it got cold as fuck outside. Cool dude
my journey begins now. see you at the Pavillion tonight Bois.
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>posting in the dicksword before the thread
Anyone want to meet up for an early as fuck walk around town?
>shitalian bastards confiscated my officially-licensed G4 confetti cannon
I am fucking fuming.
Call and ask them not to throw it away
Where are you at?
Airport security is fucked. They confiscated the miniature rifle (like, palm of your hand size) I bought in the souvenir shop of battlefield vegas when I visited amareica.
Eventually got it through using mail but still
They said either it goes or I go, and threw it away before I had a chance to retort.
When I get home, I'll dine on broken spaghetti.
Funny thing is that it's a connecting flight, so I shouldn't have had to go through security again, but these untermensch threw me out when they closed for the night. Which sucked, since I planned to sleep on the comfy couches they had near the gates, but had to make do with the hard floor of the entrance hall.
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That fucking blows, sorry anon
What did it look like?
Where you at now?
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Doolishly didn't bother taking a pic of it, and I can't find any online, but it had portraits of the mane 6 (minus Rarity and, of course, Appul) in the style of picrel wrapped around the shaft, bracketed by some text saying "pony party".
Milan Linate, near the gates. Flight's not for another hour and change.
Good morning sire
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Ugh. Hope I can get some shut-eye on the plane.
Dang it, now I sound like a medieval page instead of an Indian
Providence has decided you will LARP as a royal crier this year.
At my place but if you want to we could meet at the convention center or maybe at the bridge that goes into town.
Fuck it I’ll go to the convention center. Haven’t been here before but I’ll trust google maps. Bürgerzentrum right?
15 minute walk for me, when can you be there?
In about 10 minutes
now kiss
Do i need to carry my passport around if i want to get alcohol?
If you haven't hit twink death, absolutely.
Don’t you have a national ID card?
I have a drivers liscense from the usa
>krautland has national IDs
I thought you guys were against fascism.
>"fascism is when you have an ID card"
- Benito Mussolini
it’s european standard to have IDs.
Who knew illegal aliens were the real patriots all along
No unless you look underage
Alright well I’m here at burgercentrum. Some big statue thing
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On my way
Damn everywhere smells like weed
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Are the train lines from the airport fucked? How do you get to the venue?
U6 to the main station and then train
The tram line is horribly long
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Based public plush displayer
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Where the anons at?
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First con hype!
How many of us already there?
Considering if I should wait for frends at the airport or just get to waiblingen
Also how's the weather? I didn't pack any long sleeves, did I fuck up
Should I pack one extra for you? I'm about to leave
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Wow that's kind, but I'd feel weird wearing someone else's shirt, if it's even my size
A small warning: /pol/ memes about this part of europe aren't that wrong. Don't get robbed.
Yesterday in Stuttgart, in the evening, (east, near Internationales Studierendenhotel) we saw some random German guy on a bike being threatened with a pistol by two immigrant looking teenagers on a scooter. He didn't speak any English unfortunately but 'hilfe hilfe polizei' and after the guys left (after seeing us) he said a lot in German, but I definitely got the word for a pistol
Okay it's packed.
>is it gay to wear another man's shirt
Come to waiblingen of course
any anons waiting at Frankfurt airport? gotta wait 3ish hours for my buddy to arrive
It's only gay if you get aroused from the male scent
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The weather is quite warm so you probably wont need one.
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More flying
I saw you take that photo, nice suit.
Just got to Waiblingen station, where mare?
What? Where?
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It's 17 degrees right now and I feel pretty cold
That is warm and it's gonna get warmer
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It's going to be a hot suit
so where /is/ everyanon?
Currently at a McDonalds on the way that only sells breakfast items. Worst deal ever.
How many anons will it be?
That is the question
Sitting in my apartment.
Just hanging out with another anon. Beer is so cheap here its insane
At least one(1).
two of us are at pavcon
Still sitting at home, working. Someone FF 2h please
I don't see that on the police ticker yet, but does
one of them fit the description from https://www.zvw.de/stuttgart-region/zwei-m%C3%A4nner-in-stuttgart-mit-pistole-%C3%BCberfallen-kriminalpolizei-ermittelt_arid-842746 ? Either way you should give a witness report to the police if you haven't yet.
>Other person arrives
>Gives back phone and smokes before booking it
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At the zoo with a filler
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Somewhere in the air north of Stuttgart, you tell me
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Derp of the seat back pocket, we bring you this offering so that you may share your wisdom with us
I need mares milk. Where do i get it?
From a mare of course
On a train to Waiblingen. See you soon Anon.
I was looking for some but it's really hard to find that stuff fresh. There's places that sell it in powdered for though.
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On the road again, should arrive in Waiblingen around 17:00
near the frontier 3 hours from Waiblingen
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There's a farm here in Poland that sends it fresh frozen. But when I tried to get some last year the farmer ghosted me.
Leaving for the airport soon.
Good morning, sirs
Good morning, sirs
Please do redeem the convention
Oh yeah, cup viewing most likely in the Insel again. Bring snacks
Anyone wanna go out to lunch? There’s two of us
There are 5 of us sitting at Cafe Quintus
Flixtrain to Stuttgart
I haven't slept in days and just realized I don't even have a ticket, lmao. Will have to buy one over the counter tomorrow because online sale's closed. I'm getting ready for the car drive.

I hope he accept his fate and does it.
cafe quimpuss
On my way to the airport. Soon (tm).
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I'm so fuckin jelly of you all.
Next year. Maybe. (hopefully)
Next year surely!!
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Good luck getting there next year!
This will be my first con in >10 years, I'm pretty hyped.
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Man, Biergarten really hates us
Thanks frens, have fun in there!
>That one anon is so fucking BTFO'd
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We are forming a mighty faggot
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My nigger ass forgot to bring plushies. Will there be any fags selling cheap factory-made ones in the vendor hall? (I am broke)
In my hotel room deciding on what to do now.
Come to biergarten
dumb chud
I'm pretty sure they'll be selling those, some anons are also giving them away.
almost there after 20 hours of travel, kms
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this is where my plane was supposed to be 1 hour ago
mine too
We have checked 3 stores now and they just look at us like we’re crazy
I think it's more French thing.
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We're off, on the road to GalaCon
They pretend it's some miracle food. Maybe I should just mail them asking if I can get some fresh from the tap.
On my way. I am quite far so it might take me a while.
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Finally on the road
I should be arriving at Incel in 10-15 minutes.
So fuckin tired anons, but long travels nearly over, I can practically smell the biergarten schnitzel
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About 3h to Waiblingen:)
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We're at the hotel
Come sleep in my arms~
It's starting to take me longer than if I were to walk.
Yeah trying to stay awake too.
Go to bed too early and the night day rhythm will be fucked up
no new posts
So what’s up tonight?
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Nuggie run
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The End approaches...
The nice Sombra guy won't be attending this year. Dry on money.
So he went cosplaying Asmodeus on Advík.
Insel, probably
Anything gonna be happening around 5:30 or 6.
Gonna be in town in around hour
Any anons at the biergarten or the park?
Handing out tossjobs at incel. Drop on by and whistle the theme to get my attention.
Look for a pile of faggots at the biergarten
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Mewing champion
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The faggot grows
I am already edging... are you?
Post chin
How the fuck did you guys get Ryan Gosling to attend
What do you mean? It's literally just me.
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German "burger"
I'm too fucking anxious to join the group
Just come and say the secret password
Just power through it and join the group There are even people here that haven't been to any con before
Arrived at my hotel and now I’m filled with nothing but stress and anxiety about actually attending the con despite all the effort to get here. Autism goes hard.
Don't be silly anon and come. I'll be there in like an hour to join the fagots
Come drink
Drinking time
What if I don’t drink beer and only drink cocktail bullshit instead
>but you’re in Germany anon
yeah ik autism goes hard
Then you drink that and join in and have a good time
fuck it omw
I also don't drink beer, but I am drunk on ponies. Come over, it'll be fun.
it's not called a cocktailgarten, faggot
you’d prefer it if cock were in the name, wouldn’t you anon?
Where are you m8
Standing by the Dunkin’ donuts apparently
Isnt that on the other side of waiblingen anon...
I meant there was a box of donuts
but I got grabbed already, I’m minglin
It’s ok anon you don’t need to lie
What table I will prove you WRONG
The one with all the green fillies
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Super faggot forming, it's over
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Ponies n beer
Just hope this con won't be hotshit garbage like trotcon
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I fucking love her
Woah, thats my filly! Thanks anon!
For Leather Jacket Brony: regresa, te lo pido.
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Dry bros ... its over
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Fag tower
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What did that guy just say about the mr gutman?
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Oh no, there's a bunch of faggot-tree
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Is anyone going to loginn after watching the 4cc
But I don't want to walk alone that late at night
I love you
We're going to prep in about 10min, for anyone who wants to head over to the insel with us.
Come to the filly table
Thought we were going there at midnight if not later
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There is one more match, but we're setting up now. Heading out
Fuck, i already went back with a group of people, since no one had said anything
The ride never ends (the brakes don't work lmao)
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I fucking hate that I'm not there
No need.
Leafanon with jugs of golden syrup, where art thou
Welp I literally just left lmao.
33 Anons 1 room
>inb4 imagine the smell
Picturing the aroma
I fucking hate that I'm there
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Anyone from the biergarten anons took my Pinkie plush? I left her with others trusting she will be fine and when I came back she wasn't there. I really hope someone just took her to not leave her alone

I beg to differ
I don't see her at the incel
Crinkle crinkle
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>not at GalaCon
>watching /mlp/ not winning
Not feeling so good right now.
Yeah dude, saw her at the fag table, but one look later and she was gone. Sorry if some nighand stole her. Ask the staff tomorrow, maybe.
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a fucking

Its gonna be the 3 point miracle lmao
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Good night sirs
holy based
Time to redeem some sleep, good night sirs
the captain morgan red bull is softly lulling me to sleep rn
I lost a v2 anonfilly plush with a rarity thingy in her hairs somewhere around the venue, if someone finds her, I'd be very grateful
Nice digits. Ill look around when i can.
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Haven't seen it, but was it pic rel, just to help others to keep their eyes oepn for it
Any reactions from the other passengers?
Cant sleep. Anyone up?
It smelled bretty good
If it happened and she just got stolen my trust for people here will take a very heavy hit. What a horrible day, first got fucked by a hotel and now this, I'm gonna cry.
Im so sorry man. I will keep an eye out for her. I dont want you to lose trust in us.
Don't worry anon, we will be on lookout for her. People are faggots but I hope no one here would actually nigger a plush, she probably will be found somewhere today
Damn ! First con. Was expecting way more lewd than I saw yesterday.
Hi Anons!

GF is still snoring. How should I wake her up ?
Wanna meet up?
Good morning sirs
Morning. Just woke up... tired af.
With a slap to the cheeks.
Good mornings sirs!
Was expecting >Rape and yet you never cease to surprise me and make me chuckle Anon.
God dammit Anon your too slow. Now I have to slap her !
Truly perfect timing.
When I refreshed the page and saw the post that's exactly what I thought.
My dumb ass didnt sleep
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Good morning Waiblingen!

Here is a twig.
I would not be able to survive if I didn't sleep. Best of luck.
Leafanon where art thou, I hope you're okay
Good morning, sirs
Good morning, my liege. I hope you are well enough rested.
Twig on a twig
Good morning sire
Good morning sirs
do not redeem
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Good morning sirs
Someone named Blossom on the Galacon Discord found that one and will be bringing her to the con today
What a fine gentleman
Good morning anon, first con for me too.
Shit was cash yesterday.
Also, good morning sires!
The stank room.
Enough Anon musk to bring down the most powerful mare.
Saul has arived at con!
I’m going to be smelling like that all fucking day cause I had to last minute remove luggage cuz too heavy.
Any shop with cheap clothes around here?
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Going to the Infinite Eclipse panel but when people look at you do pic related
Good Morning Sirs!
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Good morning sirs
Faith is restored. Pinkie was waiting for me in lost and found. Thank you to some kind anon that took care of her and brought her back. I'm very grateful.
We're sitting left in the front, there's still place for more
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here we go bros
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That was way nicer than I expected
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>I am Mike, I am 9 years old and my wish is to meet Skibidi Toilet
this is the future you chose
Luna's tiny ass excites me so
What are anons going to do now?
I don’t fucking know, I didn’t sit at the front
Infinite Autism
God the sweat smell is already unbearable in the vendor all
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Come to the infinite autism panel, we'll fit in great
Help, I cant stop laughing
Haven't seen any. Guess it's not my lucky day
Haven't heard about any of this stuff before
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>INFINITE ECLIPSE: Preamble to the Prequel (Part 1 Volume I): The Initiation of the Start of the Beginning: Origins
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>Ary spotted
guess thats one for the bingo
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1 OC species?
You are like a little baby, I made 7, and they are all alicorn progenitors
>no hooves
Oh God you're right
>there are 3 kinds of protectors and 69 types of gems and he's 30 cycles old and there's the Academy or Alicorn and
Are we doing the dinner tonight?
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Watch out who you call ugly in high school, they might end up starting the Infinite Eclipse
literally me right now
I never followed the Infinite Eclipse stuff, but I assume it follows on from that Together Against the Sisters song. So is this Nerath character just supposed to be Luna or somepony else who happens to share the same colour scheme?
maybe there are enough French people in the pony fandom
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The virgin Equestria, only one kingdom and landmass
The Chad Equstera, has seven kingdoms, with different races
Can somebody tell me where their cutie marks are.. i am scared to ask
Someone completely different I think
Even when having it all laid out at the panel, I’m still confused as fuck
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>he's red and black and looks like an edgy OC, so we toned it down a bit
I hope you memorized this anons. It will be on your exam tommorow.
it seems to be following the JYCrow songs, but pulling a ken penders
wonder who becomes evil?
>Generic sword alicord
>black and red reaper looking edgycorn
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ah yes, I see
Uh uh mm huh mm hmmm
A for ambition. Just a bit bloated in the.. everything. If he focused on smaller stories that could gradually goes deeper and deeper into the lore. Maybe the book does that, i haven't read it, but with the panel being "bang, here's a billion characters and factions from the getgo, much lore!" that's not the impression I get.
Dinner now, meeting outside
Nah that is tomorrow
Study material before the exam, make sure you study it well
where's the lunch?
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I love lurking con threads
keep us updated on what's happening I can smell the autism from the inifinte eclipse slideshow
Has this anon been satisfied? Where are the cutiemarks ?????
We just went to the biergarten since everybody disappeared
Ok but where does Thanos fit in all of that
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>Has this anon been satisfied? Where are the cutiemarks ?????
The panel went over time so there was no Q&A session
What panel is this
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To the anon that lost his filly with the rarity thingy, I picked her up from Blossom, where are you?
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EoJ panel
And this as well
>second life shit horse
Oh god it's leaking in
How do YOU know it's from second life?
>second life thread in the catalog
>posted in that thread too
>how do you know the 3d sex doll is from second life???
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Anyone going to cosplay contest?
>beeg filly volunteers at smol filly recovery services™
Those who want plushies from me, come see me anytime. I'm the bespectaled manlet in 4cc attire.
Update: dropped her off at the lost and found, you can pick her up there
Nice fish hat
Dear anons pls change your clothing and shower, make aryanne proud.
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wtf double w brothers are real?????
I just shat my pants
It's the weak ac anon, I showered in the morning, I'm starting to stink rn
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