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Shy Does It for Free Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>41245323
cute pony
Fluttermop my beloved!
Why do people think Fluttershy would be curvy and busty? Wasn't there an episode where Rarity said she had the perfect body for being a fashion model? That means she would be abnormally tall and spindly.
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Only if ponies share our demented beauty standards. Why wouldn't they like their mares with a bit more plush?
>wouldn't they like their mares with a bit more plush?
I know I do.
I want a fluttershy plush
I want to fuck a fluttershy plush
I want to cuddle a fluttershy plush someone else has fucked.
What's stopping you from getting one?
Fashion models look like that because if they were voluptuous then it would be too distracting.
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Because ponies wouldn't necessasary have the same requirements for being a model, they mostly walk naked anyway. And it also is an interpretation of some scenes of her flash puppet looking voluptuous.
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What does a busty mare look like?
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Either floofa...
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...or booba. Or both at the same time.
Extremely sexy!
Let's go with that
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How can one mare posses so much beauty?
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She's just so darn pretty, inside and out.
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what's wrong with her?
She's tired and moody.
I wish I could be there to cheer her up
Big Fluttergoth booty!
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She needs a hug!
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yo whiskey did you see the commissions of your businessshy designs?
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i havent had a single image hit me so hard in ages
hint, not even horny
but yeah, genuine dream right there
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this pony is insanely sexy and doesn't even realize it
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>>Nice place zigga!
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>Your mare is currently standing in front of you as you sit on your knees, completely naked
>She's wearing a black dress with a long, white collar, with a necklace with a large, greyish-blue gem hanging from it
>She's not currently wearing that long dress, leaving her voluptuous, butterfly-marked rear exposed
>The only thing is on her rear side are the little shoes on her hind hooves, their colour following the pattern of the gothic theme of her dress, creating a beautiful harmony with her yellow coat
>She's biting her lip as she stares longingly at you, her eyes half-lidded
>You throb as she places her hoof on your hard manhood, gently rubbing you
>"Such a lustful boy..."
>You swear that her whisper-ier voice makes you melt in front of her
>"Nothing in this dead world really matters... yet you only care about satisfying your primal urges, in an attempt to fill our black, empty souls."
>You moan as she rubs your erect penis
>"Perhaps, you will show me that your lust isn't that... meaningless."
>She climbs up on the bed and lays there
>She spreads her legs, presenting her fertile flower to you
>You drool as her pheromones enthrall your mind, as you crawl to your wife's beautiful marehood
>You lovingly lap her pussy as she presses your head against herself
>Her moans make you more vigorous, as you lick and kiss your wife's fertile pussy even more actively
>You moan into her winking orifice as you begin to stroke yourself
>You gently suck on her winking clitoris, worshipping her, kissing her as she moans louder
>You unleash more kisses on her pussy as she wails in mad pleasure
>She presses your head hard into her winking flower, making you drink her delectable nectar
>You close your eyes, kissing her pussy inbetween drinking her
>You eagerly lick her, her delicious essence filling your mouth
>Your mare instictively thrusts herself onto you, her mind turning into mush as she loses herself in pleasure
>She moans lustfully as her clit aggressively winks on your face, a sign of her impending orgasm
>You passionately kiss her clitoris as it winks, before returing to her sweet, tight pussy
>You unleash many loving, vigorous licks and kisses on her, driving her over the edge
>She rubs her pulsating, enrapturing pussy all over your face, marking you
>"D-drink it all, boy~..."
>She manages to say inbetween her passionate moans, as she presses your head hard to her vagina
>She cums hard in your mouth, filling you with her sweet liquids, her clit winking frantically
>You moan as you eagerly drink her cum as she covers your face with her love
>Her studded ears flop as her tongue is lolling out of her mouth, as your gorgeous mare is lost in her orgasm
>You wish you could drink her sexy juices indefinitely
>She keeps squirting on you, thrusting her hips against you
>Finally, her orgasm dies down
>She regains control of her mind as she wipes your marecum-covered face and puts her hoof in your mouth
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>You lick all the marecum off her hoof and lustfully suckle on it, worshipping it
>You keep stroking yourself as you suck your wife's sexy hoof
>Kissing her with all your love
>You moan into her hoof as she presses it harder into your mouth
>She pulls it out as you passionately lick and kiss her underhoof
>"Come here." she tells you firmly
>She shifts to the back of the bed as you obey her
>You lay there as you present your throbbing meat to her
>"You do really want to take me away from this sweet sadness enveloping me?..." she asked in a sultry tone
>You nod
>"Then show me that it isn't just your primal games, my little Anon. Show me how much you love me." she growled lustfully as she pulled your foreskin, rising herself above you
>You tried to grab her plush flanks, but she prevented you from doing so, pinning your arms against the mattress as she lowered herself
>You're completely inside of her in a single thrust, crying in pleasure as her flank is pressed against you
>"Don't touch me until I'm done with you, slut."
>She began to ride you hard, her winking pussy ravaging your fuckrod as you moaned and cried her name from the insane plasure
>"That's a good boy... show me how much you're willing to be a light in my soul."
>Her heavenly pussy is sealed around you as she loudly moans
>Her rapidly winking clitoris kisses your head as she violently thrusts, from almost pulling you out to hilting you to your balls
>Her lustful wails fill the room again as she slaps her fuzzy mare butt on you
>Her crotchboobs and the gem on her dress bounce as she uses you
>Her wings are flaring up and twitching
>You moan and squirm as she presses harder on your arms
>She squeaks in pleasure and after a few good thrusts she stops, her pussy eagerly suckling on your cock, milking you
>"Do you like it? Do you like when Mommy uses you as her little fucktoy?~" she moaned, her hooves shifting down your arms
"Y-yes... please, keep going!" you managed to respond through your grunts
>Your mare wife rides you again, her thrusts being even more fast and passionate than before, as she used you as her personal fuckmeat
>Her garden milks you even harder, driving you closer
>The obscene sounds of a mare body slapping against a human one and combined moaning have filled the bedroom again
>You look into your beloved Fluttershy's lustful, blushing face, her lidded, beautiful eyes hypnotizing you, making you stare into her as she fucked you hard
>Your minds are turning into mush as you lustfully stare at each other
>You lose yourself in pleasure as she rubs her fluffy flanks against your balls
>Her winking pussy is twitching constantly in pleasure around you, as she soaks your rod with her mare juice
>Her marehood is pulsating around you as she seeks to drain you completely
>Her soft, long pink tail is caressing your hips as she fucks you
>You could feel she's about to have a very powerful orgasm, and so do you
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>Her pussy have tightened around you as it began to convulsate in mad pleasure
>She ejaculates hard on you, her tight, fertile hole violently milking you as it cums
>You can't help but reciprocate inside of her, cumming your brains out inside your mare wife
>Fluttershy's eyes roll up, screaming your name in pleasure
>Then her tongue lolls out, drooling as she violently thrusts onto you
>The mere sight of your wife drooling in insane pleasure adds even more fuel to your orgasm
>It feels like an eternity to feel her orgasming pussy eagerly milking you, turning your balls into raisins
>Her marehood spasmed hard and twitched, her juices are soaking your hips and your balls
>She suddenly stops thrusting, now just rubbing herself as you're hilted up to your balls
>It feels like you're still being ridden with the way her marehood milks you
>She squirts some more on you, your hips being competely soaked
>Your orgasms die down as you stay that way for somne time
>The afterglow feels so long as you try to regain control of your minds
>Finally, you do, and your wife's eyes roll down to regain eye contact
>She lets go of your arms, putting her forehooves on your chest
>She looks longingly at you, typical of her when she roleplays as a goth
>"My... you truly proved to be the only light in my empty soul, Anon."
>Your gorgeous wife slowly lays down on you
>She begins to kiss you, her heavenly lips touching yours
>You passionately kiss each other's lips for a while, enjoying the sensation and intimacy
>Your mare smiles gently as she pulls from your face, as you rest your hands under her wingpits

Fluttergoth domming (You), just like promised a couple of months ago.
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ok that's really hot
Wish i could see these. Catbox links have stopped working for me over the past week.
finished ver. will be uploaded to derpi soon
Worship with her Anon.

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>completely drained myself just before all the artfags come out of the woodworks with 10/10 dick hardening juice
this always happens.
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Have you tried opening their entry page (just catbox.moe, no files or litter before it), and while it's open, open the link? Works for me on trashfox.
This month has been really good for lewd fluttercontent. Just recharge and the k00m to them later.
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god fluttergoth is so sex
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She truly is.
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Very nice! Would worship nightly.
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Look at that lovely wingspan.
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I love her long and beautiful mane!
Come on live Shy thread!
No, I hadn't seen it yet. Cool to see somebody using the design.
>Amazon position
The power went to her head.
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>The power went to her head
More like it went to her tight marehood.
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Black socks look good on her.
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First traditional draw in like nearly 2 years, its a bit rough. Clothing based on >>41248593. Used to do these more often when I was simply just a resident flutterthread drawfag 3-4 years ago.
Speaking of...
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Forgot pic
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ah sweet a Fluttershy thread
That's nice, anon.
Lovely belly.
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Clothing not hiding her more intimate parts is really hot.
I didn't expect a drawing to be made based on that crop of an old porn pic from '13... it's really good and is ahead of its time (has anatomically correct marehood when most people did either hvop or hybrid, complete with show accurate style).
There was a safe edit of that on artist's tumblr, too bad it got nuked when shitumblr decided to deporn itself out of relevance.
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And to add on
>Black socks look good on her
She looks great wearing black in general, as exampled by Fluttergoth.
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On my way to work today I just happened to decide to check the backyard before leaving. Lucky I did. There was a bunny in the process of drowning in the pool. I fished her out, calmed and dried her, gave her some carrots, and sent her on her way. Just tried to do what Fluttershy would do. Cheers flutterfrens.
Yes. it exists, get over it already.
You will never be a white.
Feel like a hug from her would melt away all of my life's woes.
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That one has only one cutie mark. If it makes a good pic, it would always do some retarded fuckup because we can't have nice things. Classic AI.
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Yeah, this image has a special kind of cuteness that I find hard to put into words.

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