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We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40972985/#q40972985
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It's back!
Bagel Bite my beloved
Does she count? Genuine question here, since she's food themed.
I can eat these ponies?
No, absolutely not. Look and even smell, probably don't touch, and definitely don't eat.
The pony version of Pinocchio is of a confectioner's desert come to life. I'm positive.
They are just food right? Can't I just bite off an ear at least...?
What's the regeneration rate? I would feel bad for a mare if she had to have an unsightly bite mark for long. Plus, isn't that kind of vorefagging?
>"I'm a real goy! I'm a real goy!"
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Do not
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A goodnight bump for my foodbros
Auxiliary safety bump
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One day I'll stop being lazy and draw more Bagel Bite... one day...
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Oh I missed these threads. I don't know why, but foodponers a cute.
good snowpitty
It will be a glorious day indeed
I need her caffeinepity this morning
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Sweet Bean :)
Petition to name them both sweet bean. Cute lil beaners
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A very endangered species
Hunted and eaten for sport :( but if you find one alive they're such beautiful creatures
dan halen is that you?
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This count?
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Cheeto Filly must undergo several trials before being considered a true foodpony
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>several trials
such as?
How lewd is it for drink ponies to mix their drinks?
Sodapone suicide beverage? No mote lewd than human kissing with a but it saliva swap
Getting bitten by Anon
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>Getting bitten by Anon
we talkin like a nibble or something thats gonna leave a mark?
It could be more or less playful, depends on the Anon that's chosen for the task
Foodmares are definitely for licking.
I love pizza mare
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Me too, picrel is my pfp for my professional email
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based, bet she smells heavenly
imagine the lead
checked and based
Cute ponezza
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Goodnight thread
Lead poisoning mare a cute
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>imagine the lead
>Lead poisoning
I don't get it.
A lot of paint used to decorate old mugs was lead-based, and repeated use causes it to leech
Look up the 1978 Garfield mug incident
You can eat them out
Cringe. Normies probably think you're a furry.
>caring what normies think
They probably primarily notice the pizza though, and if not then it works as normie repellant. Also it probably helps that I work at a pizza place, although my college and church sees this email too KEK
This thread has inspired me to ponify my groceries
Will report back with results
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Simply work in IT, nobody will give 2 fucks
Yeah that's actually what I'm going to school for ^:)
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Yes, but only some of them.
Crossover with >>41244627 ?
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You laugh, but ITfags are the ones who can get away with having pone on their professional profiles. I know a dude in cyber whose entire LinkedIn is themed around Lucky Star and he makes ~$200k annually working for some big corp. Not exactly the same but that level of distilled autism is a mark of prestige in the industry
Will the other sushi ponies get mad if I eat their siblings?
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just gonna pretend i read what you wrote out there in that reply and shoot one right back at ya
Honestly fair
No, but it may cause ponified organs.
They look like little amoebas I love them
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Gnight byump
Need more Christmas mares
I like her, very festive
bumping just in case
Sorry had to wait a day, working on it
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NEED sodapones.
Same or even pilk pony with mare milk
I fucking suck at drawing apparently, this shit is embarrassing. No way I’m posting it
Hopefully someone better comes along who can ponify a head of lettuce
Lettuce mare sounds fresh and cute
Excellent colour scheme. I really like this one. Does she have a name?
That's an interesting plushie she has, anon.
Peppermint Mocha. She's one of the cutes of all time!
candy luna
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i was wrong, that's candy nightmare
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bluelight sparkle
I love her design; my favorite part is the multi-coloured sprinkles/freckles. Hats off to whoever designed and created her.
Ah yes, it was Maplecakes the Kirin from over in the /ss/ thread. Very nice and cool artist!
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bluelight sparkle
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Lovely and beautiful!
I remember the comic about the earthquake, how does one save his sodapone waif and help her well being in case of one?
Please kindly keep your furry OCs way out of here
Carry her around in a spring loaded backpack
N o.
One word: Zeppelin.
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Remember to cuddle your foodmares
NAZI SODAPONES (They're all Fanta, and deathly afraid of earthquakes)
That looks so soft and good...
More Physalis
I'm so hungry
I think somebody should ponify topkek
S'Mare makes candy mares with (You)r help!
that's literally in the candy pony tag on derpi
beating my bals til I cream
This is where you went wrong
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logged in you can see those two on page one and page 2 in the results for "csndy pony"
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promptly seek the assistance of a gun aimed at the roof of your mouth you flaming furfaggot
if i am you are because thats literally a pony made of candy, so you're either trolling or just being denser then a brick
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Very cute pony
Not cute, not pony. Jannies, please throw this in the /trash/, I can't stand to look anymore
Listen up, retard. Things can be tagged incorrectly all the time, especially on that faggot site. Look at the anatomy. Neither of those are ponies. Also, I guess "csndy" is some furtarded sub species or something but you definitely found what you were looking for in that case. I know you're just trying to join in the fun or something but literally nobody likes that fnaf art, go post some cute food related horses; or just do the better move and never post again
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The pony that goes well with everything
This pony does not go well with chocolate.

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