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newfag here
which general do i join?
All of them.
Lurk for a billion years, you'll gravitate to one eventually.
Just avoid the trannies one.
ggf griffon awaits (You)
General? Oh you mean the bump threads disguised as generals, just pick your favorite pony/fetish.
Second Life thread, TF2 thread and Canterslut general.
Start with the anonfilly thread
Generally speaking lurk everything for two years
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I would recommend making a new general.
Your very own
/opg/, we're the ones keeping the board alive.
All of them.
Good question. The answer is yes.
Fuck off astroturfers, I don’t want newfags in MY thread.
If you must get into a specific general the best one to start with is fimfiction or BALE
AI art, we are dying.
/fimfic/ here, I was gonna say fuck off don't dump your newfags on us, but on second thought I suppose it's as good a place as any to come discuss fandom writings and get more of the culture
Nice to see a newfag. I'm new here too for the past few months. Here's what I picked up.

>Join any thread you like.
>If a bad thread is dying, bump it. People may find it funny
>Prepare to take cristisms for your opinions
> ">" Means green text
>Lurk around to see what the board likes and hates
>See bump
Is OP going to ever come back?
nah he left to join the generals
he no longer browses the rest of the catalog
Based newfag
Many such cases
>Join any thread you like.
If I see you newfags in any of MY threads? Well... let's just say it won't end well. Capiche?
Which are yours, squizanon?
I just joined it.
U can skip the lurking phase by masturbating to small horse right now try it out
>generals that are alive
>generals with a purpose:
the rest are dead or not worth it
Join Shoepan threads whenever they come up lel they're hilarious but rare. I saw one last night

I miss General Polkovnik and Scootieloo
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mindcontrol thread. we have
-ditzy mindless ponies
-blissed-out squeaky drones
-filly positivity (including the green one)
-mandatory submission and horny
earned a genuine shriek of horror from me
bump any shitpost OP that isn't a fetish thread.
bump any OP that is a fetish thread.
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for the love of god please lurk for a while hefore posting. here's hoping you get sucked into the based anon horsefucker cabal rather than the horsecock obsessed, anonstallion furries, and transformation fetish autists.
anyway go to nmp, flutterrape, waifu threads, rgre, AIE. maybe you'll be based and add something of quality there.
>t. Shoepan
Nothing sadder than ancient irrelevant tripfags
Why would you worship the garbage part of the oldfag culture?
He is the namefag, anon.
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Avoid all generals
This is now the newfag general.
We'll call it /newfag/
Join the futa general.
Avoid every fetish general that's allowed to be on this board, as they are all terrible. Avoid almost every fetish general that's exiled to /trash/ as they're also terrible, just not shared by a janny and thus deleted on sight.
Every thread that isn't a general or special event is more than likely a low quality shitpost or exists only to fling shit at one another.
Only newfags say this.
this should be a real thing
Bumping this general.
fucking where? mares with flares? that's been gone for a while.
How do they breathe
If this is now the newfag general, where are your embarrassingly new questions? Letś make this the /spoonfeed/ general while weŕe at it.
New general for the newcomers? We are so kind
How the fuck are new people finding their way here in 2024? This shit's been irrelevant for years
We should make a helpful chart.
>Are you trans? Yes?
/opg/, /ptfg/, /canterslut/
>Are you gay? Yes?
/fimfic/, /tf2/
As a newfag, here's my story. I've always knew and heard stories of 4chan, as this mysterious unholy website of users in the shadows. When I came liking to mlp, I peaked my head into /mlp/ to see the unfiltered side of the fandom. I'm happy to say this place is... interesting

Apart from my initial ventures in pony Reddit, Discord and YouTube, /mlp/ is where I spend most of my pony time
>Apart from my initial ventures in pony Reddit, Discord and YouTube
I Don't Want you to Come Inside my General
This place is home for me.
/opg/ has more gays than trannies, it's /tf2g/ tier
its okay to like cute poners in poofy diapers
that's the neat part, they don't have to. or via gas masks serving a steady supply of potent aphrodisiac gas to generate a neverending state of hazy bliss
I don't know who Dyx is, but she looks cute.
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Each general has a discord server, so im sure you'll fit right in.
My general don't have a dicksword server
Mine does, but it's not openly advertised and I don't think they'll have added any new members in years. Probably just a handful of old guard shooting the breeze. Not that I'd know, I left it years ago.
Newfags in MY threads? More likely than you think
i watched the first three seasons of this show when i was 8 years old, didn’t continue when the new season began because “it’s for girls and i’m too old for it now”, rewatched an episode on netflix over a decade later out of curiosity and got back into it
Any newfags coming to Mare Fair I am
I forgot my question mark...
Join Roseluck!
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In your fever dreams maybe. This shit is all over tiktok.
Is it really? Are we going to be reckoning soon with an influx of lgtv gen alphas? I guess it's better than complete stagnation.
>This shit is all over tiktok.

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