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Upsies edition. Post ponies in diapers, soggy mares and potty pants poners.
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Going potty in your pants is the best feeling.
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Me on the right.
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Neat, a new thread it's been awhile
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Dashie in this pic makes me retardedly horny
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>Be a young colt.
>Today is supposed to be a good day.
>Your friends are coming over for a get together.
>There's one problem.
>You are currently getting your diaper changed by mom.
>Unfortunately, which you would normally be too old to wear them, she forced you too.
>One too many accidents in bed.
>With one such example.
>Naturally, she's giving you a change.
>Right there at the living room.
>The problem with that is, your friends are coming.
>And your families know each other well enough for them to just come in since their expected.
>They don't know about the diaper thing.
>You don't want them to. It would be humiliating.
>But mom won't budge. She insists on cleaning you.
>She just finished unzipping the diaper.
>"Mom, please hurry!" You beg.
>"Hush, dear, and stop squirming or it'll take longer!"
>You do your best to stay still despite your anxiousness.
>Any moment now, the door may open and your friends would see your embarrassing situation.
>A colt your age getting your nappy changed by mommy?
>"Mom, can we please do this somewhere else?"
The living room is directly connected to the door outside. Your the first thing anypony would see when entering.
>"Quiet." The mare says.
>Your blushing from this treatment, and want her to be finished so badly.
>But she's taking her sweet time.
>Still, you hold out on some hope your friends won't be arriving before she is finished.
>Those hopes are shattered when you hear the door open.
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Mom knows what shes doing lol
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>wake up
>take a piss
>get out of bed
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Filly may not admit it but she loves beeing a little piddle pants and getting pampered by Twiggy
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Twilight knows but doesn't mind
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and sometimes delibaretly puts filly in situations where she can't help it and has a very public potty accident
Cute, I think I recognise this artist from twitter
Are you implying that she wants her precious son to be humiliated?
Do you guys like to wear or just enjoy padded ponies?
I like to wear the ponies. I want one as a hat, 2 combined as a shirt, and a very small one as a wrist watch.
Supreme cutie.

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>unzipping the diaper
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What a smug pamped pony
She got that pamp filling smirk. The smuggness is of the charts.
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the chain of sweetiecolt concludes next time on ponyball z
Kek what fresh new meme hell is this.

>Nice argument nerd
>But have you considered this
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"This is where you get off. head down to the dock an-"
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this meme is positively ancient what are you talking about
>pooping your pants to assert dominance
It's about making a statement
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the only statement I'm making is "abwabwuh googoo?
Yeah but I only wear diapers for comfort. Padded sexy times is exclusively for mares. Does that make sense?
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Let the record show you are a poopy pamp packer
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he isnt
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Twilight and Anon are the best padded pairing imo. Though I can't decide what's better.
Anon having this fetish and Twilight being supportive of her. Or Twilight keeping Anon in diapers "for her own good".
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god I wish I was the sweetiebelle here, though I'd prefer to be playing with Silver Spoon, she's so pretty
also i hope equestria girls/"human-ish" is pony enough, most of my sweetiepics ended up being this form of 'em
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Glad you're still around doing alright sweetieanon
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i don't remember making a particular name for myself here, but I did notice a lot of other sweetiebelleposting in here last thread and joined with my sweeties
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She's a cutiepamp alright
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She's cute.
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Cute? Who is this filly? I initially confused her for Kettle Corn from the show, but she looks slightly different.
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She's an OC, Crafty Circles
Absolute cutie
In any way related to Kettle Corn?
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I like her, she's a cutie.
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need to get another pony pic from ulf some day
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I also would like to contact more artists, but unfortunately things came up
Moar poniponi is always good.
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Whew, look at that sag. This mare can PISS.
Pissing like a racehorse ^:)
Are there any pics of mares power pissing in their pamps?
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There's nothing hotter than a pony taking a HUGE leak into a realistic diaper.
This. Just spreading the legs and squatting slightly, letting loose a strong stream and flooding the thing. Unf
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I would give her the sippy, and then I would cuddle with her to calm her down.
Daww, cute Ponka!
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god I wish I was sweetiebelle in this pic aaaaa
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as you wish, Anon. I know what you are.
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holy dubs, batman
also sweet princess luna that was fast what the actual fuck
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>diaper change in the clouds

Sounds comfy.
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Very nice gif
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>making this thread now
>when half the thread is about to leave for Galacon
>implying this thread wasn't made to coordinate diaper chads at Gala
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we'll see I guess
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I'm down for meeting my fellow diaper chads
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Me too but I'm afraid of getting bullied if I get outed :(
Well then out someone else first. Double suicide.
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What the FUCK is she so smug about?
Shes taking a piss
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The baby!!
Probably the most basic shit ever but I 100% want to geek out about dumb baby stuff with Twilight.
Furniture, diapers, toys ...and of course - discussing and consuming media intended for four-year-olds.
"I saw anon at the diaper pony meetup!"
"What were YOU doing at the diaper pony meetup?"
god I wish i was her diaper print
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This creature has an aura
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Nah, that's perfect. Help Twilight plan her foal time to be optimal.
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Need more eepy padded pones
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diaper tf is without a doubt the hottest thing ever
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She very eepy.
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I agree. Do you think it’s hotter from the diaper’s perspective, or the one wearing it?
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I wish Easy Ups were more stretchy. I can fit into Pull-Ups 4T/5T just fine, but I have never been able to fit into Easy Ups 4T/5T. I'm waiting for them to make 6T/7T so I can finally fit into them.
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diaper pone friday
I want to cuddle a padded sleepy mare
so cute and comfy
I'd be the diaper ngl
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Shes about to fill that thing isnt she
Yep. She’s smug because she knows you’re gonna watch and enjoy every second of it
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W tf, indeed.
Galacon bros where you at
ngl anon I'd wear you and blort you up until you were a beanbag sized mound of mush
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you should be able to solve this
Im down for meeting at the biergarten sometime
Only if you were a pony
Why would they want to hide it? Is there some sort of a punishment for whoever gets sent to the table?
Nah, just a game they play. If you are wearing padding then it is well expected you'd use them.

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