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Showing some updates and changes.
>uncanny garbage
every time
>cool new pony content
>shits all over it
every time
>new ai ponies update
>I enjoy it,
every time...
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>sloppity slop consooming slop cumtent
>cute mare exists
>I want to fuck her
every time
nice progress. will actual background ponies be added or will they be randomly generated like the ones in the video?
This model has been shit on in /create/ since it was being made. cope
I feel like the models are too small. Most of them look smaller then fillies.
i like how celly keeps trying to rape him
Thanks. I do have m6 and almost all the s1 bg mares constructed and spawned, they just roamed away
Stop posting threads for this trash
kill yourself this is kino
How much longer until Celestia satisfies my values through friendship and ponies?
>This model has been shit on in /cre-ACK!
Lying nigger.
Negative IQ
>Two posts with the same style and no punctuation.
You being a nigger isn't a sign that the model has been shit on. There are more positive posts than negative.
>Implying samefagging
desperate nigger.
ah, neat. do they have set traits or do they just act like a regular mare? for example, does mayor mare acknowledge her position? does derpy behave extra silly? does cheerilee act like a teacher? sorry for the questions, my interest is just very piqued by this project.
>Don't answer the second point.
I accept your concession, and yes, you should vary how you post. You're easily identifiable, nigger.
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Keep sucking triptranny cock. Every single model this faggot has made looks like ass. Mixing flat textured bodies, real irises hair with painted on fake eye shines, awful faces and wire.
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You fags will eat up any old bait thrown your way
IP & Rangeban doomfaggotry
stop being a lazy brown and create your own content
Your doing the Godesses work anon.
Can we please not have a shit fight whenever I make a thread? Whoever doesn't like it, it's ok, people like different things. There are way bigger problems in this wold than some anon learning to make a mare game.

They are supposed to know how to act because they know their names. The model uses a lora trained on show scripts and as you can see their personalities are present.
>A Lazy brown
You mean OP?
>The model uses a lora trained on show scripts
Did you change from GPT-J Pony or is that still the same model?
Llama3 8b instruct q8
I can smell the curry through the speakers. lmao
Great. It did sound more coherent than the first videos.
>Very subtle samefagging.
I am russian running g-man rvc, but i see what you mean
it's the best feature
Really goes well with the royalty free music and hyper-pixelated photorealistic background drop
If I don't want to spend 3 grand on graphics cards will I be able to give it an API key instead?
That Celestia model is... really not good.
llm - maybe. The tts and transcription would definitely have to run on your machine, ~3gb vram
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Can I have dirty talk with the ponies?
>If yes you are the mare-messiah
>If no then I will cry
Any ''''''''talk'''''' with this is the most robotic and soulless experience known to man. You may as well dirty talk a robot call on your phone
When you're finished could you please release a 3hr or so gameplay for those of us poorfags limited to our $100 laptops <3
Why is the AI that comes up with their dialogue so retarded?
It's a small 8B local model.
I wasn't awake
why would she do this?
Uncanny shit
That's part of what makes it hot. It wouldn't be molestation if you were sitting there thinking "hell yeah."
This post gave me diarrhea.
Anon not moving a single muscle makes this video great
Sleep paralysis, magic immobilization, drugs, dead? who knows
>Sleep paralysis
This one. Celestia had Luna do her a favor.
when does she lick my face?
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>this captcha
Celestia is trying to communicate to me
she is marking you so no mare will dare to approach you romantically during the day other than her
hell yeah
>during the day
and the night?
Shit, she didn't think about that.
luna's turn
You're doing cool stuff there, Anon. Don't let the shitposters tell you otherwise.
mare licks mark lasts from 24 hours to 72 hours and 9 out 10 anons recommend them as daily supplement
>Enter the white knight who can't let his safespace be defiled
I literally visited this board for the first time in ages hoping maybe you had a thread up. God bless you and your efforts, Anon. I'm glad to see the old dream of interacting with ponies from over a decade ago hasn't died.
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grasshopper mare
Discorder detected
Waiting patiently for bug queen
Love the progress of our future, please keep it up
Despite the dog horses, this is pretty great. Dropping the mares in the lake was top meem too, kek
The model is uncensored, so yes

Anon is sleeping, the pov angle is just for immersion. How he doesn't wake up after is open to individual interpretation.
why would she not?
need sunbutt mommy gf
Only thing I don't like is the sizes seem weird. Mares look too small and Anon is just as big as Celestia. Picking them up is super cute though.
Her ass is on the same level as your crotch. Perhaps other mares should be a tiny bit bigger but even like this they wouldn't get seriously damaged by dick.
2:05 I laughed too much. Hearing the cute little equestrian being xenophobic as hell. Did you teach it that or was that completely unscripted? Mandark was fucking correct.

LMAO. This is realistically what would happen if you went to Equestria as a human.

In my educated opinion you should use a 2nd weaker AI to give weaker messages first before the 1st stronger AI gives a more intelligent replies like at 3:47
>Ask who's ass is bigger
>They think you asked if they had a father or husband.
What the fuck is wrong with this AI?

>6:20 random Celestia moaning/groaning got stuck by a bee.
What's with the randomly creepy music?
Speed is not an issue, the memory is. Having 2 models wont help much.

I belive it heared "fatter" as "father" due to accent.

It's meant to be scary, you are discovering the darker side of the princess.
Last meant for >>41259750
Evil Celestia is a scary gem
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>Don't make promises you can't keep, friend.
>My friends call me Riot.
Are you shitting me with that 24gb video card requirement?
If he isn't using a quantized model, running the LLM and the game will demand a lot.
It doesn't have any added information.

Model is quantized and all the sizes add up to like 12 gigs. I honestly don't know why 3090 shits itself, will deal with it later.
can you pick her up like the other ponies or she just glitches out?
also ponies are too small or anon got too tall
The glitches at the end were my favorite part. The fucked up ponies at the very end were kind of cute.
He said that they're that size because that's just how he personally imagines them to be.
Aijeets aren't known for their efficiency despite the marketing campaign
Christ, that's expensive.
I want to hold her in my arms
That was enjoyable. I like how mares stop talking when they are booped.
>I like how they're more npc like, just like me!
>I'm mad that npcs in a video game act like npcs
This fandom is truly the most difficult to please. That's why everyone mostly does porn because it gets instant updoots.
It's just some aspies, most people here are nice.
>Anon in hospice
Why is an immersive experience so hard for jeets to understand? You have a defective brain if you think more Gmod slop is acceptable.
and something like trannyville is better? That relies on socializing with literal axe wounds, furries and unironic bronies. this aislop is leagues ahead.
I wonder what rig this person is using for the AI.
Why don't you kill yourself? You don't make anything of value to anyone, and as soon as someone does you try to tear it down. You are worthless vermin, you should kill yourself today
He gave the model here >>41257625. He also finetuned it on show scripts.
Calm down dalit
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i don't think it's that serious

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