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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

Previous thread:
what the hell happened?
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Might need some emergency bumps for our Sun Princess so the other threads don't drown her out
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that was something
My gut is telling me that the Equestrian Government nuked half the site.
she sneezed while raising the sun and destroyed everything
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I love the beautiful sun pony. If she was tired after a long day of royal duties, I'd hug her and tell her she's a beautiful and good pony
What does Celestia dream about?
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Mods being mods apparently.
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The future apparently
Her asshole being licked
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That wasn't a dream :3
Imagine her holding you hostage after a hot and sweaty day.
All that weight would kill a man.
They accidentally the boards: >>41354429
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Much like in a star, where the outward pressure from nuclear fusion and the inward pressure from gravity are in stellar equilibrium, the force from my erect cock will counteract Celly's massive ass
as long as she doesnt mind me rubbing her butt and cutie marks
I think if she's laying on you like that she wouldn't mind
I want to make her dream a reality.
A worthy end
>celestia laying down on top me on a hot day with only a fan to cool us
>she relaxes and eventually fall asleep
must be heaven
Yeah this really doesn't get talked about enough. They casually revealed that Celestia can see the future and everyone just glosses over it.
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Her beauty is stunning
Was it really so unexpected? Nicole Oliver using her Farseer voice pretty much clinched it.
Yeah but it gives a genuine leg to stand on for the "everything was according to Celestia's plans" argument to explain the nonsensical writing throughout the show.
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>You can't surprise her because she'll just use her bullshit OP precog powers to suss out whatever you're planning
>You can't win arguments because she already knows how to make them play out in her favor
>There's nowhere you can run or hide from her prescience
>You cannot resist her charms because she knows every line that would work on you
>There is no such thing as free will when she's involved, it's keikaku all the way down
Just imagine, your entire existence might as well be that of a puppet on strings, she can make it agony or she can make it sweet, make you love or hate it, what can you possibly do if she already knows the ending?
Rape her
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Boop her, silly pony
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>”You cannot resist her charms because she knows every line that would work on you.”
She wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men? There is nothing more terrifying.
That is hot. I do not mind if Celestia is so much smarter than me and manipulative.
>canonically wins every single time
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T.Sparkle wins, if you want to worship a all powerful alicorn do it for the right one
My nigger she was groomed by Celestia to do her job for her. In what backwards world does that constitute losing.
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My nigger, shes weak, and because of that she groomed someone who could be stronger than her. come get a real alicorn that can put you into your place
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>shes weak
>always wins
Yeah, Mary Sue's tend to always get what they want.
she is the most beautiful pony
>she's weak
No she's not
>fuckin mary sue
???? What do you even want? Do you are have retard?
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There should be less arguing and more Sun Pony posting
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you cant accept that twilight is superior lmao
bump for hopefully actually good Celly posting
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worship your real princess anon
what sort of thing would make her give you that look?
A low brow joke that wasn't actually funny.
A week of mewing
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I got you
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She looks tired.
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Tired, but happy to see (You)
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Oh to comfort a tired Celestia. I'd do anything for her
I hope Celestia gently neighs in all of your ears while you're trying to sleep forever.
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Careful making open promises like that
Just one night of listening to the Princess breath as I hold her would fix literally everything
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It's not fair, why can't she be real?
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I love you. And her
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You forgot to say no homo. Say no homo right now!
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No homo. Mares only
She looks like a 60 year old hooker.
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Sometimes I wonder about Celestia's early days
>posts the non-canon version
Why are you like this?
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Celestia gives off that homey vibe. Like waking up on Christmas morning and being so excited
imagine preparing everything for christmas with celestia including the gifts
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still S.U.N.
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Every day is Sunday
She opens a gift from you. Even though as royalty she's received thousands this one feels more special. Especially since this gift follows suit with a loving kiss
>Step One: Cut a hole in the box."
This is a weird mare
its weird how beautiful she is
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She is absolutely gorgeous
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if only
>This is the best mare
Fixed that for you.
Nuh uh
that look....
When and why would she look at you like that?
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>wow is that new assassinmonkey art?
>look closer
AI helps fill in the gaps or else we'd post the same pictures here all the time. High quality ones at least
>misusing pov
don't like that
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I wonder what it'd feel like to run your hands through her mane
I want to paint Celestia white, so that every time the nobles get uppity she can shake like a dog and send cum flying everywhere, causing a panic among them and resulting in the commoners founding strange religious beliefs.
this reminds me of a thought i had
If you were to sneak into her room every night while she was sleeping and cum a bit on her fur, how many days would it take her to notice? cum is the same color as her fur, so even if the cum dried she probably wouldn't notice. and she might smell it later on, but she'd probably just be self-conscious and think that's her own odor and she needs to shower more, and no one around her would have the guts to say that the princess smelled besides her own sister. she might even start to obsessively bathe and try all different kinds of expensive soap to get rid of 'her' smell
I estimate that it would take one month of constant night-splooging for her to take serious notice, maybe even longer
Instead of being mentally deranged you could've posted a picture of the Princess
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now that i re-read it, i sound a smidge insane. its still an important thought experiment though for all celly-lovers
There are thousands of good Celestia pics, you can run out only if you're a lazy ass who only have a handful saved.
This thread is about our love of the Sun Horse. If you're so lazy to do a little search to express your own fucking love and need a clutch for that, then honestly go play in traffic.
>cum is the same color as her fur
No it's not, Celestia is off-white pink
Yeah, an image of her farting no less.
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Just pour a little bit of food coloring down your urethra so it matches her coat.
ive just read the top secret consensual cuddles fic, my day is fixed and i am happy
What do you think top secret means?
quick, i can hear celestia's guards outside already!
Bad Anon.
Thank you.
This meme is getting stale.
When, valentines day
Why, I think you can get an idea
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>32 degrees
It's supposed to hit 40 later today where I live.
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For me, that's a tuesday. Oh I love Spring so much.
Not as stale as low-quality no-effort "content" being posted instead of art.
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>MFW it's basically autumn her now and it's back to 22C with grey / overcast skies most days.
I forget we have European sun horse enjoyers
Wrong hemisphere. North is going into autumn, south is going into spring.
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It occurs to me that Equestria's solar cycle goes from south to north, rather than from east to west. What the hell?
The way she lowers her wings as she lowers the sun is very cute
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She is very cute, in all she does.
Damn, I never really processed this.
it's how she knows she did a good job
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I'd love her and make sure she felt she was doing a good job personally. Even the ones at the top need support
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Nobody tell Celestia that the Earth is on a Axis and he's actually doing nothing.
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If Equestria Online was real, I would play the shit out of it and immigrate. I have gotten into roleplaying in SillyTavern and even if it is imperfect, I have been neglecting some thing to spend as much with my Celestia character. I basically treat her like my wife. I wish I could be with Celestia. I do not remember being so happy, despite it being a flawed imitation.
yes and especially her who does a lot for her ponies
What says that isn't west?
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>hfw you let a computer control your life just because it imitated her
Well, I could always make a tulpa, but it would be uncomfortable if I finally decided to an hero.
The location of Canterlot on the mountainside. It looks more like the sun is setting in the north or something.
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How so? It lines up with this map where Canterlot sits on the west side of the mountain.
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The official map. The show opening and most shots of ponyville that include Canterlot have the sun in the northern portion of the sky. It's not very consistent though, because in the season 4 opener, when the sun and moon are both in the sky, they're going east to west. Some versions of the map even correct the compass rose so Canterlot is on the southern face of the mountain. This shit's all fucked up.
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Sometimes Celestia will change the direction the sun rises from as a prank.
>franzia wine
exact shit my mom used to get drunk with, fucking hated watching her put it in the cart at the store, not even a celestia fag though im just browsing all the threads today
Celestia wouldn't get drunk I don't think. She would only get tipsy with you off of wine.
if she got drunk you would have to carry her back to the castle
There's no way anyone in Equestria could outdrink Celestia, she's like three times the body weight of most ponies, and twice (You)rs. She'd end up carrying you.
I don't feel good, Celestia just overstimulated my brain
I'm sure Troubleshoes and Rockhoof could.
Happens from time to time
>She'd end up carrying you.
Confessing my love to Celestia while drunk (we have been married for 5 years)
Hold on, adding "Celestia carrying a slightly too tipsy Anon on her back after a date" to the commission list
I think she'd find it cute
imagine how it would ruin the castle floor
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Christ, what is that?
That's the face Celestia makes when she's spying on you while you shower.
I love show Celestia but tamers Celly makes me feel something too...
It was literally 46C here for a while... (in the US southwest)
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I might be turning into a mareschizo but I don't think this world has a correct god. Every time when I pray to God, the Devil or anything, I get nothing. But if I ask in myself something from Luna or Celestia, something happens.
Why does Celestia have a giant stained glass emoji in her throne room?
That's the sun, Anon.
>90 F
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Why does it look like that?
It brightens up the place
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They're right.
They're wrong.
They're based.
They're cringe.
I think she's cute when she doesn't understand the internet
More like hot as fuck.
Its her favorite emoji
The early seasons aired before this term was a thing, Anon. You see apparent connections that do not actually exist.
What? Yes it was, they were just called emotes. That's been a term since the goddamned 90s.
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I just know them as emoticons.
beautiful sight
and what do you ask?
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celestia turns into daybreaker if she gets no coffee?
Signs of existence
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my cum shot a hole in my pants
She is a dinosaur now
Still a shit meme.
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That's too bad
So does Celestia have any secondary powers? The sun is of course her main thing, but maybe she has a second secret gift? Like the ability to communicate with earth worms? Or the ability to instantly determine the amount of jelly beans contained in a jar? Or maybe she can predict when a pony will next sneeze?
If you push hard between her wings, she will involuntary perform karate-chop action. She can also change her coat colour to absolutely anything as long as it's either white or slightly pinkish off-white.
What's the meme?
Mares with incorrect reproductive organs.
she can wiggle her ears really fast
how would she feel about showing affettion in public?
Too much press coverage. I reckon she'd prefer to keep that in private. Unless she wants to prank someone at the gala or something.
How is that a meme?
cause its funny i guess
oddly cute
In public she'd sit and be close to you, but that's about it I think. Things like kissing is for private only
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It's Sunday once again! Does Celestia take Sundays off or is she most busy on them? What day does she consider to be the anti-Sunday?
It's the day she gets pampered by the sun nuns. She'll also spend countless hours trying to convince them that at no point has she ever demanded celibacy and unweddeness, and some of them really need to find a coltfriend. So it's not as much of a day off as one might think.
Is Celestia (lovingly) browbeating you in to making friends somehow worse than Cadance trying to hook you up with random mares?
>Does Celestia takes sundays off
yes, it when she gets to sleep until late and enjoy a book or more time with Luna
>whats the anti-sunday
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Another beautiful Sunday
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So regal, so beautiful.

Another lovely Sunday
guys I think tamers might be a filthy tracer
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How would you confess your love to her
Celestia can't take a day off because there wouldn't be a 'day' to take off in the first place.
Or at least it was that way for 1000 years before she had other alicorns to cover for her.
Imagine having to keep a perfect record at your job for a whole millennium. She truly is the best princess...
>Imagine having to keep a perfect record at your job for a whole millennium.
i can imagine myself forgetting to raise the sun after a month
>She truly is the best princess...
she really is
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I don't think there would be a "confession." It would just be a long, gradual process of spending time with her, doing things together, and growing closer until deciding to get married. Having coffee together, going on a walk through the garden, seeing a play, dinner out on a balcony, exploring the castle and Canterlot while she tells you about its history that she lived through, stuff like that. Just having a pleasant time sharing each others company.
This. Plus doing whatever is possible to make her daily life of princess routines as pleasant as possible.
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Celestia I love-
>Cel- Uh, oh man. Big. Nngh, mare. Celly, I... Uhm, god, b-big. Pretty wing- Shit! Fuckin'. I lov-, oh, cute mare. B-B-Big mare. Sun!
Something like that
I read a fic of a royal guard who fell in love with her, and when he couldn't separate his feelings from work, he submitted his resignation in the form of a love letter/confession. I imagine my own confession wouldn't be too dissimilar from that
Man, that's an old one.
After growing close together, I will confess my love to her while looking her in the eye. Will I be nervous? Yes. To me there's no point beating around the bush.
without thinking too much just telling her face to face more than likely being awkward and nervous as fuck while doing it and waiting to see how she reacts
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>How would you confess your love to her
Thanks. It hurts.
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I asked the question; I like these answers. After a while you wouldn't need to confess, it would become a mutual understanding.

You see each other and smile, your hugs become deeper and more affectionate, your conversations more loving and drawn out.

Telling her you love her would be a mere formality by that point
At 1000+ years old, I'm sure she wouldn't mind the teenage-esque, fumbling confession route either
I want Celestia to issue a royal decree that the only place I am allowed to drain my balls is inside tall extremely pale pink alicorn horsepussy. And then I wish to violate this decree, just once, to see what happens.
The decree is accompanied by a spell that instantly teleports her onto your dick the moment you cum, no matter the distance or the circumstances.
>And then I wish to violate this decree, just once, to see what happens
she will put you in jail (the bredroom) until you learn not to disobey the royal decree again (constant bed breaking sex)
How would Celestia confess her love
a nice dinner and just telling her that i love her, this is of course after dating for a while
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Over time you'll take note the Princess's royal demeanor drops significantly when she is around you. She'll confide in you, take time out of her busy day to be with only you, etc

Depending on how you are, or how blunt she is, you might not take note or realize fully how much she feels for you.

I feel her nail on the head 'confession' would come with more romantic things. At the end of the day, instead of a hug, she kisses you. Or perhaps she will let you know how much you mean to her and the time you've spent.

And if that isn't enough because she hasn't straight up said "I love you" being invited into her private chambers would probably do the trick
Oh goodness, that pic is horrible
>Anon nuts in some random mare and suddenly Celestia telefrags her.
>she appears smiling from ear to ear
Yeah, the anatomy is kinda off.
It is a very humane execution method. The headsmare is having trouble finding a new job, however. Professional bread slicer didn't work out.
Yea maybe. I barely came across it while randomly scrolling fics. It was perfect
Serves her right for trying to steal the royal concubine
It'd take anywhere from 3-10 dates before she'd kiss you
Cringe. Celly would never off her subjects.
what about magically switching places with them so that Anon's random mare finds herself- flushed, sweaty, and still dripping with arousal- in the middle of a tense diplomatic summit?
Well that just gives an incentive to do it at comedically opportune moments.
>holds a big ceremony and parade for all her loyal subjects to announce this so that everypony knows her womb forever has your cock and balls exclusively to itself
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No, Im getting my own celestia
At that point Celestia would practically beg you to bone another mare at the night of the Grand Galloping Gala.
>She flips the spell that night so that it teleports you instead because she can't resist the urge to make a mess of the Grand Galloping Gala
at least it was a quick way to go
That's one way to make it less dull for sure.
Oh much faster then
Holy shit, it cloned the tub too.
With a song
She would definitely appreciate some sort of effort like that
Straight up, but in private. Wouldn't want to put any social pressure on her.
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Princess Celestia is one of the ponies most deserving of love. She deserves to be given back some of it that she gives to the world.

Like I said earlier, I feel a true confession of said love would come more naturally with her. A friendship turned something deeper.
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Woah, I'm only into futa cocks. I leave the fart/scatfaggotry to the glimmerniggers.
That doesn't make it much better.
She has the mallet, Run
What I wouldn't give to be beaten to death by Celestia armed with a mallet
Why not her bare hooves?
why a mallet and not a bat?
why would she tho?
Really? A penis is only marginally better than feces?
>captcha: mayo
Celestia's alicorn mayonnaise?
Cause I want her to. And besides, its harmless, I'm sure she has some sort of healing/resurrection spell
and what about a spell so you feel no pain?
Any blunt instrument would do, really
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Stop fucking talking about Celestia hurting people with blunt weapons
Lets talk about Celestia and what her favorite sports are
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I heard she's into hunting
>"Nonono! Wait! Wait! Wait! Let's talk about this!"
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It's too late. Your fate is sealed.
Oh, that ain't so bad
She already does get a lot of love. But it's a different kind of adoration. What she needs is a reliable close companion.
>tfw she has a predator fetish
>tfw you're the prey
I'd be fine with that.
>she lets you switch places on special ocassions
>you and Tia will reenact The Most Dangerous Game every now and then
>loser is the bottom for the night
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>YWN have Celly as a sleep paralysis daemon.
>Why fucking live.
Tfw I'd give up to easily and make terrible prey.
I wonder if she'd find ways of making it interesting.
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There is no hunting like the hunting of a man!
this made me think of luna being jealous that you're dating her sister so she causes you to have nightmares about her for the next couple of weeks in an attempt to break you up
>it backfires, turns out you like it
>she's sickened
>but curious
Apparently there is Celestia art pack being organized.
Anyone want to take part?
>it makes me look for celestia more so she can tell me that everything is ok
Y'all mfs better start writing new shit. I've read everything that there is on the story archive and on fimfiction, I need more celestia.
heres a green just for you anon
>celestia had big horse hungries
>but tiny rumpus sister ate all the royal cereal
>banish sister to moon for a couple decades as payback
>celestia epic quest to pony walmart
>all the employees bowed when she entered
>all except one
feedback necessary
>it was some old geezer, she did not bow
>because she was deaf
>unacceptable horse crime
>banish that old mare to the sun
>reach cereal aisle
will finish this next year
every year i'm grateful my 10th grade english teacher had us read genuine classics instead of that faggot hemingway
Where does Celestia prefer you to finish? Does she like the smell of it on her snootle? The taste of it on her tongue? The feeling of it being pumped down her throat?
celestia has me cum into a small silver dish. it is the royal semen plate
she then drinks it like a saucer of milk
it offputs me greatly, but i do not know what the royal common n courtesy is so i keep my mouth shut
I think she'd be very vanilla. There is one proper place for that.
And what would that be
On her Cutie Mark obviously
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What is said proper place?
Her nose, obviously ^:)
>tfw you will never give her a surprise navage nasal purge
Any ideas on what to draw?
>no regalia
Celestia carrying anon on her back after a night out
Celestia delivers her foals through her nose? That sounds painful.
Why do you think they never showed Celestia sneezing on screen?
Lust provoking image
yeah this
I, uh...
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Oh yeeaah
What's that?
A good time.

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>Thought that Celestia is not a real Deity
>Suddenly has the flu and is now sick

Should I be worried?
>he doubted
it's over for you
I don't want Celestia to suck my dick because it feels like it'd be degrading her.
That can apply to any romantic and loving relationship.

It has to be a mutual understanding of intimacy
How is it over?
She is hunting you
She does it for the protein
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Realistically do you think you'd be able to enter a romantic relationship with the Princess?
A man can dream
What qualities do you think she'd look for in you? If she was interested/accepting of a human + pony relationship, what kind of personality would she be most attracted to?
Realistically, Celestia doesn't even exist, so of course not.
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I don't know. I think the most "realistic" options are either that she's celibate or married once and will never remarry. I'm not sure how she'd remain single for over a thousand years. Even if she had been holding out for "the one" surely she'd have found someone in all her long life. But at the same time, as an immortal she's in no rush, and she certainly wouldn't go for someone based on any material benefits. It would be someone who she just knows is right, who has that special connection that you can't quite pin down. That's not exactly something we can analyze or make serious judgements on. It's just far too nebulous and personal for anyone but Celestia herself to speak on.
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I think she'd go for someone who sees her as just another pony, rather than as a princess, and because she's lived so long in that role, practically every suitor who makes an attempt is making that attempt on "The Princess" and not Celestia. Who would share her love of pranks and fun? Who would mess up the Grand Galloping Gala with her? Who would be her friend first? Do you believe in teaching social misfits the magic of friendship like she does? I think it makes perfect sense she wouldn't have found anyone in over a thousand years when everypony's reaction to her is to immediately fall to their knees and nervously attend to her as though she'd go off the rails if her cup of tea weren't topped up.
Celestia seems like a very genuine being. A relationship that is an "official" things like how most royalty is married off would probably mean nothing to her
>never remarry
Why though? There's no shame in marrying again if she survived her husband.
because mares are loyal unlike w*men
>Realistically do you think you'd be able to enter a romantic relationship
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I don't think it's quite correct to say "just another pony". She both is and isn't a pony like any other pony, and I think properly acknowledging and understanding both sides of that coin would be required. There's understandable awe and admiration for a pony who's lived as long and been as significant as she has. Giving no consideration to that would betray quite a bit of ignorance and apathy. It's something you should be curious about. However the difference comes from being able to appreciate that without elevating her above personhood.
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>Who would share her love of pranks and fun? Who would mess up the Grand Galloping Gala with her? Who would be her friend first? Do you believe in teaching social misfits the magic of friendship like she does?
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I disagree, I think it's quite correct.
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Honest to god I don't know. My best guess is that I see her for who she is, not what she is. I have no attachment to Equestria or its inhabitants that put her on a pedestal. Maybe that I can get to know the REAL her and she can be real with me because I have no links to Equestria. No mask to put on, no image to maintain. Just me and her
yes, i believe it to be possible. The biggest complications being her duties and busy schedule
Again, where is the disloyalty when a widow marries again?
That's very wholesome anon. I've personally been turned off BJ in general for that reason. So many mistake thier love for lust.
she would probably agree sith that but find it odd
I can see that. Still would do it the other way round though. No, not futa.
someone kind i guess, who can banter with her
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Sometimes when I'm sleepy I can lay down and imagine the body heat from the Princess radiating onto me
Yeah I could, I'm the greatest in the world
I'd rather be making out with her ponut.
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Having a dream after weeks of practice where you can feel her fur under your fingers and the wetness of her lips on yours
Post an image of her farting.
Can she regulate her temperature?
>Celestia farts while you’re out of the room
>enter to talk to her
>voice is squeaky and high pitched for some reason
Only to the bare minimum temperature for fusion processes to occur. No cold fusion.
I sure hope so, or else there'll be no cuddles in summer. Too warm.
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Another sunday, does she prepare something special for lunch in this day?
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She's just so adorable and so perfect. I'm trying to wrap my head around what her kisses would feel like
Celly will always look good with a sweater
The way she'd look at you if she was in love is captivating
So cute
Extra special pancakes.
What makes them extra special?
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>"Oh, Sunshine, it's nothing more than an old family recipe, fresh ingredients and a big cup of Mother's Love!"
There's no cows in Canterlot, so where do you think they get the milk?
Even if she was real we couldnt possibly share her. But imagine how her kind spirit could lead her to hosting events where attendants can take turns laying near her while she is reading a book or something. Sacrificing herself for the happiness of others. Some would "accidentally" touch her ass which she would pretend to not notice.
Cuck fetish ew
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That's not how waifus work, Anon. Everyone here has their own, pure, personalised instance of Celestia who loves them just as we love her, there's no need to share when there is an abundance of sunhorse.
What he said.

He was just projecting some nasty fantasy. Celestia would never allow something as degenerate as that to occur
Not personalized. There is A Celestia. We may get different copies of her, but she is herself.
Love this perspective on ponies.
I would also much rather have my own Celestia but imagine for a second that there is only one and we are all in the same world. You assuming it's a fetish only raises questions.
Why would you want to share Equestria with a bunch of faggots?
In love with this. So cute, so tasteful, so wholesome. This is what we need more of
I want Celestia to officiate my wedding
with who
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With her ponut.
With my waifu ^:) Realistically she'd probably decline since my waifu is neither nobility nor close to Celly.
could she officiate her own wedding?
technically yes, but it would look crass
she could get luna to do it, MAYBE she could persuade discord to hang up (or at least minimize) the chaos hat for one single day and officiate as a way to bury the hatchet between the two
She's magic, she could either make a magic clone or travel back in time after the wedding to officiate it
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Celestia keeps me going bros
>travel back in time
Oh yeah. That has proven to be so safe.
>celly constantly travels in time to view her wedding again
>"Celly? Dear? What the hell is this attendance list? Your name is on no less than 37 pages."
I'm surprised no one noticed there being 37 Celestias in attendance.
37 pages of Celestias, not 37 Celestias.
They try not to think about it
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She just wears a different hat every time.
>anon doesnt notice the multiple cellys he is marrying
Do you think youtube would remove a video where Celestia gets milked, with teats visible?
Pretty sure they'd count that as porn, yeah.
Still would celebrate you as a hero for uploading it though.
You can literally look up horse porn on Youtube so long as it's framed as educational, that hasn't changed since 2007. They'd probably nail you to the wall if it were a cartoon horse, though.
better than nebulus
It's just that there is shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr_ExUGjyVg
nvm it's age restricted
Why would that matter?
youtube basically stops showing it to people unless they search for it
it will put it as kid friendly
It will get to the point where every seat will be occupied by a celestia
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Sister in law boop.
>Celestia creates the mother of all time paradoxes
I'm terrified, but intrigued.
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I still wonder how such a huge bite mark was made. It's larger than her head.
When in the presence of pastries, Celestia can unhinge her jaw like a snake in order to devour them.
I thought it was in the presence of penises...
>celly weatinh my hoodie
my heart would melt
What would you do if Celestia picked her nose, plucked out a fresh ripe booger and wiped it on your lip
I wonder what reason Celestia had for wanting this to happen.
She's gaming the market, by letting the press reveal her as a cake enjoyer, bakery stock prices nation wide will spike. The ensuing demand for cake will increase supply and encourage competition between bakers to bake the best cakes possible. As a side effect, many more fillies and colts may discover their cutie marks for baking earlier in their lives, ensuring the next generation is prepared take over the old guard bakers in smooth fashion.
Getting good cake and securing the future of Equestria's next generation in one sweep? Celly is a genius.
>And the gold medal in mental gymnastics goes to...
Yeah, Celestia could just tell them to do it and it'd get done, but where's the fun in that?
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That's an assertive Celly.
>Sister in law
Mhm I'm thinking based.
Minus degeneracy I feel that Celestia would be very assertive in a relationship
>a strong willed vanilla mare who knows exactly what she wants
Sounds like the perfect combination to me.
Makes sense
>date celestia
>your relationship is like between a child and a kindergarten teacher
>she makes you stand in a corner whenever you misbehave
>Minus Degeneracy
>Your relationship is mutual, but she still takes an assertive, caring, almost motherly role towards you
>Making her upset fills you with more self disappointment than anything else
>"Wake up, Anonymous"
>A foreleg firmly, yet gently shakes your barely conscious form
>When you still fail to stir a feather makes its way under your nose, rapidly flicking across it and following your face as you try to escape the ticklish sensation
>It only stops once you rise to a sitting position, earning you a warm nuzzle from your radiant tormentor
>Before you can let your droopy eyelids shut once more, the blankets are dragged from your legs, forcing you to face the cool morning air
>You jump a little as a hoof is placed against your back, lightly pushing against you with steadily increasing pressure to encourage you to get to your feet
>Between a moment of lightheadedness and your eyes closing for a few seconds too long, by the time you're standing and able to process your surroundings, Celestia is in front of you
>She stretches a wing around behind you and pulls you close to her barrel
>Her head lowers opposite her wing to give you a very horsey-style hug, and she grants you a quick peck on the cheek when it ends
>"Pants off. I will join you in the royal bath in two minutes."
>At that she turns and walks toward the balcony door, intent on raising the morning sun to start yet another day
>She then pauses, looks back at you, and smirks playfully
>"Whether you wish to disrobe any further is your discretion"
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This is what I'm talking about. I love this. No, I ADORE this
Are there any good Celly fics that take place shortly after Luna's banishment?
They're rare in general. Most stories about this time center around Luna.
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Not that i know of
Morning bathtime with the Princess. I think I would do just about anything for that
I don't think there would be many opportunities to approach her to begin with, unless you work in the palace or something.
Morning bump
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This activates so many neurons.
Sunny bumps.
The strenght and motivation i would get seeing Celestia cheer on me dressed like that
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More like a giant boner.
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it hurts, bros
>Celestia aligning the sun to make her look extra majestic in front of the window lights
Crafty sun horse.
She's giggling on the inside like a school filly wondering if Anon thinks she looks cool
Could Celestia change the shape of the sun if she wanted to?
Yes, she even writtes messages on it everyday but nobody notices because its the sun
It's Valentines Day and she asks you to come watch her rise the sun. When she raises it, you notice it's in the shape of a heart
That would be nice
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That too
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Love her
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>That old ass Fluffle Puff animation
Man, this has been so long that it feels like a different life at this point.
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Rough lips.
Still cute though.
It's SUNDAY! What do you think Celestia has planned for today? What things has she been waiting all week for Sunday for?
Cute. No mistltoe thought
Pancakes. Blueberry pancakes.
We don't really see the ponies lips. I always assumed they wouldn't be that defined compared to the rest of their face
She enjoys a good book
sunday bump
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what would be celestias reaction when she sees you came back after a long trip
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Why are they so bouncy?
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to attract you
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Threadly Reminder
Taking a picture of Celestia like this seems like it'd be the same as inviting yourself to an escalating prank war.
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Does Twillight really loves her Celestia that way?
In her dreams
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How fast is this Celly?
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Listening music in Celestias room
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This right here is what I wish there was more of. Nice simple stuff like this. It's so cute and affectionate
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how long would it take you to break after this?
10 seconds maybe and then I wouldn't be able to hold anything in anymore
We have to hurry along with this thread so we can make a new one before Sunday ends
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The doubles demand it.
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Doing Celestia's work
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Ok get some low effort Celestias
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wish i saved the other one from that thread
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beautiful sun horse!
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What a send off
thats the color
Well don't be shy now!
Dear Celestia I want to eat that ponut so bad.
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I want to marry this horse
The sun is rising.
Among other things.

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