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Thread for all-time sexiest filly
Her voice is pure sex
>another pedo thread
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cry harder moralfaggot
>Verification not required.
y'all niggas need jesus
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Make us.
Kill yourself gorilla nigger
This is what happens when you let gays be themselves openly, and not thrown on a pyre.
Slippery slope is not a fallacy

>20 year old meme sends retards into fits of rage at the mere mention of Jesus
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Any attraction that doesn't favour reproductive success is vile and disgusting.
Agreed! And boy have I good news for you!
Why is her flank red? Was she spanked?
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What. Are you fucking with me? Anyways, even if children somehow have more eggs than girls after puberty, you can't reproduce with them obviously.
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Oh my...
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>What. Are you fucking with me?
Nah, too old.
How much you wanna bet these threads are fronts for actual cheese pizza?
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>you can't reproduce with them obviously.
How do you know this information?
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I just got done eating some pizza, actually. I’ll tell ya, it was delicious. Pizza really never gets old, does it?
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If that was the case these threads would've filled with bots posting discord links
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chat is this real
Yeah. Italians never miss
>chat is this real
I hope windsprint never turn into a fillytuber
Yes, this is why women become less fertile with age whereas it doesn't really change as much for men.
Furthermore as picrel shows the older women get the higher the probability of chromosomal issues.

Really humans were just not meant to live much past 30 (mean life expectancy was not far from 30 even 100 years ago) so the body is not designed to continue being good at reproducing into those later years.
>forgot to post the file
Outside the very early start of agriculture to the first empires forming, if you survived the 50% infant mortality rate, you very likely would live til 60
Sure but the point was more that most people died before then due to one reason or another, so the bulk of reproducing was done probably more around younger ages especially pre-civilization. Really the main killer before the 1900s was infectious disease, if you got sick you'd often just die as vaccines nor much medical stuff existed back then. Was pretty rough.
Also just for some data picrel shows what you said is true yeah, if you got past 1 year old you probably could live to 60, but I feel like if we had data for stuff like 5,000 years ago it wouldn't look so favorable really.
Most of our evolution happened long before civilization, so it's just a question of how did humans reproduce in the wild like that, and we just can probably gather some clues from when humans generally reach sexual maturity and how fertility and birth problems increase with age. I kinda doubt people reproducing much beyond age 40 was common in the wild way back then.
It was taboo at most, I'd imagine.
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Can you chartniggers post pictures of Wind Sprint instead?
No. Go suck on an aids-ridden nigger dick that you love so much, OP
Nah, it would turn into an NTR thread. Mainly because Quibble is so Beta, he is actually an Alpha magnet.
Not out of spite, but mainly because any man in a 100 mile radius feels "someone is really stupid, I must top him to assert my dominance".
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How do you respond?
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N-no. I'm not into foalcon.
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Yes, I am. Isn’t that why you’re showing off your butt? How cruel can you be if you expect me to resist my body’s natural responses when you do things like this?
mating press, duh
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Let the poor filly get some sleep.
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As long as she sleeps with me first
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As long as there's a thread I might as well shill my Wind Sprint fapfic:
Damn nice, gonna read it. Thanks for writing it and linking it anon.
What's on her face?
I had to sneeze...
icing, she really likes cinnamon rolls
If you’re not getting icing on your face every time you eat a cinnamon roll, you aren’t eating them right.
np, thanks for reading.
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Holy shit, have there now been more fillyfag threads than ever? What happened? Why so many?
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Embrace the filly anon. Or rather, let the filly pussy embrace you.
Probably a raid or something, it’s definitely not organic. Jannies are busy dialating to it as we speak
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Filly board, filly show, filly fandom. Cry harder faggot.
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/mlp/ realized that fillies are much better than old hag mares
Finally, sheesh, took 'em long enough!
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bump for best filly
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Doesn't apply to mares.
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It's a good thing fillies are exponentially sexier than mares anyway
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fillies galore today
damn nice! is this new?
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uh n-no
just in case jannies get bratty
that must be one soft tushie
>Not banging both
By the time I'l done, all of pony kind will refer to me as Ghenkish Kahn. Every pony will have a bit of me.
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Let's see her other side
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Wind Sprint thread? being endangered of being slided? i simply wont allow it.
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Extremely based. What was the danger, p.10?
Made for correction
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get this anon a copy of CSP Pro, stat
Kek, fun image.
I'm on that CSPEX shut nyigguhi use pc and android to draw interchangeably, drawing in bed is comfy
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thank you
draw moar wind pls
Top brat
i might tonight, ive been working on an art project thats been pushing my drawing-want to the limits
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Until she calls you “Daddy”
That'd be hot
This is the way
lil bean
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I'm a fillyfag and I partly welcome it, but I think what some people are saying, that it's brown hands typing a lot of it is true. There are so many thirst posts in these threads with broken english and it's really pissing me off. I only want to talk to good intentioned huwhite foalcons, not horny third worlders thirsting after my fillies.
pretty much this
Nah, you are best filly for me.
What makes a good foalcon to you?
>broken english
like? show us some examples anon.
no I like her as a wife as well
Only when we’re making love. I mean when I’m using you in bed.
depends which end of you I'm using
filly wife .wav
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so hot
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Built for sleep molestation.
Fuck, just imagine how it feels in there... Fillies don’t know how much power they have over us, thankfully.
Imagine the tightness
She's smiling so she enjoy it, isn't molestation
She's just having a really nice dream.
Why is she so malformed?
Lack of paternal love
Fingerbang the filly
boy you almost made a good point, then you started repeating bullshit
life expectancy is different from averaged-out age. all the infant mortality really threw that off
you always lived til you got old, then died of old.
Any chance you can gen the Barrel twins?
nta but that would be great, they need more loving
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>Barrel twins
Impossible without LoRA.
Best and sexiest voice of the franchise
3567786 ponybooru
3567787 ponybooru
3567788 ponybooru
3567774 ponybooru
3567775 ponybooru
3567777 ponybooru
3567778 ponybooru
3567779 ponybooru
3567780 ponybooru
3567783 ponybooru
3567784 ponybooru
3567785 ponybooru
You could just do this.
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>Fingerbang the filly
ass too big
She's been eating too much cake lately.
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>bang the filly
If they're all your wives, three of them are royalty from three different nations. What does that make you?
prince consort
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this is my favorite
It makes you the grand chancellor of Cunnydelphia
That bratty mouth...
That's a really satisfied smile, that's what she always needed.
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Are you sure? It'll definitely wake her up.
Damn these are good.
Whether or not she wakes up, at least have the decency to be gentle about plowing her pussy.
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Fuck that! Damn brat needs correction, go ahead and give it to her, stat!
Seems to be some division on this. How will this eventually proceed if it does?
gentle entry and start, ramping up to rough plap plap
'fraid so
Yeah there's a lot of filly threads in the catalog today.
page is dead
Hey I made this, thanks for reposting!
It had a good run. Lots of nice art to farm here
Works for me
it goes offline sometimes
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Post more
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Whoops wrong link for the first pic
Little fillies are such a good fit for grown men.
I don’t get it. What’s the difference?
Holy fucking UNFFF, doing god's work anon. What is the prompt and model details for these? Also post moar pls
Living onahole
Talk about eye candy
I mean, when it comes down to it...
Top tier daughter wife
Give her a cream filling
Why is she angry?
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Glowies begone
Who’s more of a manipulative alpha bitch? Cozy or Diamond?
It's true though
Cozy is a bigger manipulator but Diamond is the bigger bitch
>What is the prompt and model details for these?
Here, some pics with metadata.
>Also post moar pls
In due time.
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It’s a shame the two never interacted. I feel like Diamond would have been able to pick up on Cozy’s manipulative nature.
Yeah we clupd have had a great episode
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She seems to enjoy it.
Is Cozy Glow Ryan Routh's handler?
Such a good little filly. I bet she’s hopelessly addicted to being filled up now.
Damn, that second pic has her cumming her brains out.
Finally enjoyed what Quibble never dared to do
Is there a LoRA for Clear Sky? Mother-daughter bonding time would be nice to see.
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Holy shit it's unreal just how fucking amazing this is. There can never be enough Wind Sprint lewds, hope you post more.
Pick up 20-50 images, tag them well and train one, it shouldn't take more than an hour to get okay results even with a mid tier card.
He did, but he couldn't start, so to speak.
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>Can even get hard for your step-daughter
For celestia sake... no wonder she's grumpy all the time
>ai drives off the drawfags
just let the thread slide at this point
>ai makes the drawfags feel insecure with how much better it is
Cope and seethe. There’s literally nothing stopping artists from drawing except their bruised egos now that they can’t get away with charging hundreds for a single porn pic that takes however long it takes for them to finish.
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filly don't into machine learning
Based artfag Now draw her lewds
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something went wrong with your prompt, you should give it a shot on your end
lame, aifags are right, drawfags are obsolete
Based aifren
Based drawfren
Someday, but not today Wind Sprint.
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Quibble touches Wind Sprint in her no-no regions.
I can fix her!
Quibble wishes he could
I think you mean five, anon.
Luna, Chrysi, Flurry
Nope, still missing two.
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He's too much of a pussy for that.
Good little filly. Finger her some more to let her know how good a job she’s doing.
Nah, the best direction is attacking her from an angle she would not expect, time to tease these sensible filly wings
You got two hands. Why not both?
HER VA IS HER LITERAL FATHER YOU FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!
Also this >>41429147
A pussy can get overstimulated by hands that have no clear vision for what they’re doing to her. They’re not like like a cock that just gets off to intense friction, you have to have vision and creativity and expertise that doesn’t come through when you just got two hands groping all over the cunt trying to choke it like a dick.
I think you misunderstood. The comment was referring to stroking her wings and playing with her pussy.
hungry filly
heh stroke
oh, yeah I think you're right. Well, maybe an anon might read my post and get something useful out of it anyway haha
Sorry, loli monkey, you ain’t fuckin’ canon to G6, so get the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear diary...Jackpot!
G6 is going to be literally nothing but Wind Sprint getting passed back and forth between every male character from every gen that has ever existed while Quibble beats off and cries, and when she's done with that she's going to start on the mares. Hasbro is not even trying to make a kids show this time around, they know exactly who their audience is.
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now THAT is fucking SUPERCHARGED
That's true. I've spoken with Hasbro about it and they're interested in the idea. In fact, this MLP gen is going to be all about me watching Wind Sprint get used by every male character throughout the entire franchise while I stand in a corner, whacking my stallion boner off and crying as I scream "YABBA DABBA DOO!!". Hasbro's working with a Japanese company on the animation and they've already got a title worked out for this gen. They're calling it, "My Little Pony: Boku no Wind Sprint".
If I was Quibble I'd be hitting that nonstop
But Quibble does hit that nonstop. All the time when Clear Sky isn't at home.
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At this rate, she'll be addicted to human fingers.
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Nothing like a little positive reinforcement
These eyes are filled with hunger
Well, he must do a crappy job if it makes his step daughter go for the hairless ape.
uohh tummy
I mean, it's Quibble. He's lucky that all the colts, stallions, and Anons even let him have a turn with Wind Sprint. Most of the time, he's just standing in a corner, watching Wind Sprint get filled up by all the male characters and Anons while he strokes his meat, crying the whole time as whatever tenuous grasp he still had on his sanity slips further and further away as a result.
I mean, he has Clear Sky, or whatever name Wind Sprint's mom has.
The thing is, if you lost the cunny, deal with it. Hags only for you now.
That's just what Quibble tells himself whenever Clear Sky leaves the house. The truth is, when she leaves on "her errands", she's actually going to get plowed by several well-endowed zebras. Quibble...he just can't pleasure her the way her bvlls can.
>Ruined his chances with Crusty Cunt because he started to ramble about book autism
>Ruined his chances with Daring Do, a woman who is REALLY DESPERATE for ANY kind of companionship
>His only game is with a woman who had a child, so is obvious she is only in for the money
>Can't even get hard to rape his step daughter

Sometimes, people exist just to be dunked at.
The best Quibble can do is touch his stepdaughter inappropriately, but even that doesn't get him hard. It's just the closest he'll get to ever really feeling the privates of any female pony, filly or mare.
Wind Sprint's
>Wind Spirit
Oh yeah, that ass FARTS hard, loud, and you know she only eats the sloppiest foods to give herself the most rancid of flatulence to ward off fillyfuckers.
That's part of why Quibble's never been able to do anything other than touch Wind Break...I mean Sprint inappropriately. The smell of farts turns him off and with how much Wind Sprint toots, plus with how wet and smelly those rancid poots tend to be, it's just not worth the risk to him to have her fart on his dick at best, and at worst, shit on it.
Can you not bring this shit into every single thread?
I have a fart fetish and I will post about it.
Are you going to Mare Con? Do you want to meet someone to dress up like Starlight and fart on your face?
No and no.
You’re no fun.
How about you have a fart fetish and NOT post about it in unrelated threads where no one wants to hear, you autistic fuck.
I've considered it, and promptly tossed the very notion into the garbage.
Anyway...Getting back to what a cvck Quibble is.
Those bed covers in the first pic are kinda hurting my brain
Kek the dude has no legs
I think it's the line between his leg and the covers on the right that's messing with me, like an optical illusion or something.
It looks like the blanket is underneath him but then if you look more to the left it's actually between him and the filly.
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>When Anon goes "UUUUOOOOOOHHHHH" for the 1,000th time
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UUUUOOOOOOHHHH!!! Oh, yes! Boku no Wind Sprint!!
>Boku no Wind Sprint
"Then that nigga grabbed the filly and then YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
Bumpity bump against Wind Sprint's cute little rump.
She's called Wind Sprint because when she sees Quibble's wiener, she does a 360 and sprints away like the wind.
Clever girl. No need to waste time on small gains.
That's the real reason he got close to Clear Sky: Quibble was actually trying to get to Wind Sprint.

Captcha: T8TP8
Wind Sprint's
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Look like Anon was busy in his job to use his finger in his filly daughter
Clear Sky would have to agree.
Don't worry, she has me now
God damn you, what is your process for generating these? Best I could do after 30 minutes and the shino lora.
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>God damn you
All, I was told we'd cruise the seas for american gold
Fucking legend.
Can you at least use a trip so that you're easy to hide?
Jannies, are you okay? I didn't see anything in his post that violates the rules.
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Here's the prompt https://files.catbox.moe/in6htg.png and LoRA https://civitai.com/models/721612/pov-lying-on-viewer-handjobblowjob-fingering-pony
I also used ADetailer for the horse pussy https://civitai.com/models/608504/adetailer-horse-pussy
Face https://civitai.com/models/293448/anzhcs-face-segmentation-prototype-or-yolov8-or-adetailer-model
Hand https://civitai.com/models/329458/hand-detailersegmentation-adetailer
Probably the thumbnail was really on the nose or really borderline to be porn
nuke everyone in this thread
Including you?
yes give me the sweet release of death by nuclear annihilation
Thank you!
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Are we talking about Wind Sprints flatulence?
Wind Sprint's braps are so putrid, so gut-churning, that any town she and her family visit when on vacation has to go straight into quarantine after they've left. On the family's last few visits through the beautiful land of Equestria, Wind Sprint dropped her ass so many times that she ended up killing the wildlife that lived in these places. Her gas is so disgusting, so revolting, that Celestia and Luna have officially labeled Wind Sprint's farts as a biohazard.
Holy UNF, she just get it from her mom.
This is fact. Despite what her name might suggest, Clear Sky doesn't leave the sky clear for long whenever she has to fart. In fact, her farts are just as bad as Wind Break...I mean Sprint's. When it comes time for Clear Sky to let out a loud, powerful, unyielding fart, you better run for cover as the smell will cause nonstop vomiting and stain the sky a dark green. Some ponies say the smell tends to linger for at least three days and three nights before the green, putrid clouds dissipate and it's safe to go outside again. If Wind Sprint or Clear Sky come to your town to visit, you better hope they don't suddenly feel the need to expel some revolting, sickening gas from their asses or you might not be able to step foot outside your house for a time.
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The filly deserves some stress relief, after having to deal with Quibble's dumbass every day
Based drawfren.
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Quibble eating out Wind Sprint's ass.
Man fillies sure do love fingers.
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Unfathomably based. hope you do moar
One of Clear Sky's bulls fucking Wind Sprint silly.
Quibble is so lucky to be able to smell that daily.
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>Actually a decent filly thread with a lot of content.
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Well, Quibble's farts don't reek nearly as badly as Wind Sprint's or Clear Sky's, but he is capable of dropping some pretty nasty poots of his own. Not nearly enough to send an entire town into quarantine, but bad enough to disgust anyone who's unfortunate enough to come into contact with his rancid braps. Though there was one time where he went to a Daring Do convention and he had to fart really badly. He tried to hold it in for as long as he could, until eventually, he just couldn't, and right in the middle of the convention hall, Quibble released all unholy hell. His fart started quietly, but eventually grew louder, alerting all the con attendees. The stench ended up being so sickening, so disgusting, so overwhelmingly foul, that the con had to shut down early that day and the entire place had to be disinfected. Some of the attendees were able to escape Quibble's eye-watering stench, but many fell victim to its unbearable odor. The lucky ones passed out right away while the unlucky ones were left to puke their guts out before losing consciousness. Since that day, Quibble has gained notoriety amongst conventions and con-goers for his own brand of toxic gas.
>Stallion fart
Aaand, I've lost interest.
I mean, even stallions have to fart. And Quibble, having made some pretty stinky ass blasts of his own, is now part of a family that is known for dropping even more rancid toots than his. It all comes full circle.
Don't care, not sexy.
Okay, what about Quibble sticking his snout up Clear Sky and Wind Sprint's butts and getting a whiff of their putrid gas everytime they're about to let one rip?
Now that's sexy.
Correction time
Erection time
I want to have sexual intercourse with wind spring
For that, you need to get erect first, Quibble.
I get first dibs since she's my girlfriend's daughter. You can have her afterward if you don't mind having my sloppy seconds.
Give poor Quibble a break. An erection is a rare event for him, you can't blame him for wanting to brag a little.
Well, that is true, I...HEY!! Just because I rarely get a boner doesn't mean I...wait, what did you say again?
>Cute little fangs
Uh oh. I think some Anons and a certain stepdad are getting uncontrollably hard just thinking about Wind Sprint sinking her fangs into their throbbing boners.
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And from having to deal with Quibble constantly trying to get into her ponut.
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She's so cute and funny!
Too cute!
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This was tougher than it should have been, but I had to do it since you guys liked the first one so much. Very fun warmups
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UNF! You spoil us, drawfren!
Based. thanks Anon. I'll see if I can get these working on my A111 when I'm back from MF
Omega based, now color it pretty pls
Though Quibble very rarely gets a boner, he makes up for this by taking Wind Sprint into her bedroom and forcing her to let him pee in her butt in exchange for unlocking her bedroom door. He also makes sure that she doesn't tell her mom or any other grownup about their watersports sessions.

Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have, they do not produce gametes like males do. About 80% of the eggs are lost by the time they hit adolescene and start menstrating, from around 2 million eggs to 400,000. This process continues indefinitely until they lose all of their eggs around age 50 during menopause.

Menstration starts age 9-13, and is the point of highest fertility in a females life. The most attractive age to most men is around 13-14, theres plenty of literature on this.

Regardless, anyone who treats an attraction as innately good because its "successful" is retarded. Reproductive success does not equal morally good or permissible. Its also even more retarded to see an attraction that doesn't favor reproduction to be "vile". Dont push your insecurity with sexual exploration onto others.
>The most attractive age to most men is around 13-14, theres plenty of literature on this.
To clarify on this point: Most men would not consider themselves attracted to such an age. However, you find these results when you test for attraction without the bias of knowing someones age. This is unquestionably a good thing though, since it means society is able to overbear the attraction to a good degree.
Proper plap
Based drawfren
>Twilight acting confused. As if she's never read the 120 Days of Sodom.
That ass is made for fartin'
And that's just what it'll do
One of these days, this ass
Will fart all over you
UNF! Wind Sprint is built for Quibble's teeny weeny peeny.
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Gross, she's all human and shit
Dude, the fuck?
What's that from?
Anon sauce us pls
Indeed, nohooves is gay
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Fillies > human fillies
Is the series over?
There's no more filly windsprint art that hasn't been already posted

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