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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:

Topics discussed:
>/glim/ rises from the ashes after a sudden nuke
>tertiary anon explains why he likes Starlight >>41356426
>anons and their varying powerlevels of publicly loving glim >>41357016
>glim boop chart >>41359497
>anon enjoys pineapple on pizza >>41361226
>glimparadox >>41364130
>get this anon a comfort glimmy, stat >>41370149
>glimter wrap up >>41379534
>glim seals of approval >>41381561 >>41382123
>When everypony's equal... no one will be >>41390516
>call for comic translation >>41393134
>Perfect mares don't exis- >>41393941

Legacy archive: https://ponepaste.org/7897

Some selected fanfics and greens:

"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

"Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights
>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go.

"Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain
>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.

"Public? Sexo" by jrudie
>Sexo? In a public space?

"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse
>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place.

"Starry Darling" by Climaclysm
>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

The Pink In Pinko by HK-47
>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her.

Some essential fanfics and greens:

Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:

>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if..

"Because I Choose To" by Mercury
>A very influential and iconic SPG story.
part 1 - https://ponepaste.org/2560
part 2 - https://ponepaste.org/2561

"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher
>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.

Grim's pastebin
>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.
>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.

karwler's ponepaste
>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.
>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.

Glimbrain's ponepaste
>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.
>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.

Unlisted List
>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
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Oh look, /glim/ died because i fell asleep again when the board was a tad too fast.
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I love Glimmy!
How do we cope with the brapfag shitposting Glimmertagged menace that is polluting /mlp/ and creating an environment where the entire board is becoming more hostile towards Starlight beyond their biases against the later seasons of the show?
I like him, he's funny.
nothing. millions of glimmers must suffer.
I like him, he's cute.
His silly fart posts is nothing compared to the damage masturboopers did.
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I posted this a couple threads ago so I'm gonna cooy/paste it here and add some things.

You guys are under some impression that me posting about my fetish with my flag on would somehow change anyones opinion about Glim one way or the other when they hated Glim from the onset. They currently use me for their confirmation bias of their hatred for Glim true, but if it wasn't me, it'd be some other guy or they'd bring up the masturboopers, and if there wasn't some other guy, guess what would happen? They'd still hate Glim.

In addition, every one else can post about their fetish so I am going to post about mine. I know it's niche, but so is wanting to fuck a cartoon horse which is what this whole board is about anyway. You'd be getting an aneurysm with the amount of fart fetish havers /mlp/ used to have before the scruffening like Gassipons, Gentlecolt of Leisure, etc. You're lucky there's so few of us here, with most in /chag/, I'm pretty much the only one who posts boardwide(plus a few brownoids who seem to want to be me).
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I tried to keep the old thread alive, but alas, slept got to me.
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The collective demands the effort of all of its comrades, the burden of failure does not rest solely upon your shoulders...
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The demiurge will pay for our dependency on slumber.
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twilight's a loser
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It's interesting how I'm only attracted to Starlight as a mare. It doesn't feel like her when she's a human
I think she's one of the few good looking EqG designs along with Sunset and Fluttershy. But yeah, i prefer as a mare.
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I love that Starlight's story feels "complete" from beginning to end, she had developmental arcs growing her character every step of the way, all connected by an overarching theme of understanding the magic of friendship.
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That's why I think it's silly when complainers accuse her of being a poochie or a writer's pet or whatever slur they throw her way. She's a fully-realized, yet entirely flawed, character by the time she joins the main group in season 6, and throughout the next two (2) seasons her flaws are worked on while still teaching friendship lessons to the audience. She has a very specific personality that wouldn't have worked for any of the Mane 6 learning about friendship. We know this is true because many of the pre-season 6 lovers also complain about their favorite waifu(s) getting flanderized (Celestia and Luna as a whole, Fluttershy's episodes after Putting Your Hoof Down, Rainbow Dash's family "not being abusive" [???], etc.). She's not a writer's pet because she has the best episodes, she's the breath of fresh air the writers needed to keep the series going because the Mane 6 had been worked to death.
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>In summer, winter, spring, and fall,
>We're friends throughout the year!
>For untold seasons yet to come,
>Our friendship will be here!
>(For nine, at least...)
The problem I feel with the m6, Twilight's friends in particular, is that Faust didn't conceptualize them with growth in mind. They had no long term goals or ambitions and were already masters of their craft, so their potential was poorly suited for a long running series. Dash had one built in but then she immediately easily outperforms all of the Wonderbolts in S1, woops.
It would've been interesting to see them trade places from time to time, as to take them out of their element and see them grow as people.
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That probably would've been better in two-parter episodes, since such a thing would increase tension. My issue is that many episodes are about re-teaching the Mane 6 what their element means (ESPECIALLY poor Fluttershy constantly getting the reset button) instead of one element representative challenging the entire group (which, ironically, also leads to some of the best episodes being Fluttershy-centric).
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Glussy or Glonut?
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I wish they could've taken the EQG route of adding characters that were similar to their elements but used it in nefarious ways.

Brutal honesty, fake kindness, overbearing laughter, that sort of thing
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>is supposed to learn the meaning of friendship
>almost everyone on /mlp/ for learning about friendship
Why is this…?
*on /mlp/ hates her for
They hate her for being what Twilight could've kept being: a cutie unicorn.

Everything they hate Glim for Twi did first.
Total Glimmy Love
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She just ate.
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I want to make tasty treats for her!
Breakfast with Glim
Hello my fellow architects, do either of you know if horse teats swell in size when a pony gains weight, like as it happens with human (eww) females when they fatten up?
Huh, I didn't know that.
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This is what I see when I turn on my phone everytime
tf is a mastubooper pls spoonfeed
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Typed up a rant but I'll just say the tl:dr
Glimmer Derangement Syndrome.
Basically shitposters masquerading as fans of Starlight that spammed the board with her image for years while using inciting language to bait people into getting angry at her.
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Need morning glimmo sexo
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>Ah, yes. Me, my chubby, psychotic, reformed-communist wife, and her Twilight Sparkle plushie.
>>Ah, yes. Me, my chubby, psychotic
You just described Twilight. Glimmer is never portrayed as a gluttony.
Oh sorry I get Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer confused because they’re literally the same character

Also A Royal Problem pancake breakfasts ;^) gg ez>>41409267
Blue dragon hands typed this post
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Twilight stuffs her face with hayburgers.
Rarity demolishes dozens of buckets of ice cream at once.
Pinkie gulps down entire cake towers.

Glimmy is nowhere near the top of the glutton scale, she's so adorable when she eats though!
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glimmy get whatsapp
where's me?
On the street watching me plap that FAT ponut
Shut up up Trixie, you can't plap without a dick and you don't have one. Glim's ponut is mine.
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you only want the ponut because of the farts!
Much better. Cute Twi and Glim selfie.

No, that's just a bonus.
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She really should learn to chew with her mouth closed.
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Make her.
I like to see her food be devoured.
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Super cute!
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College football tomorrow. Nerds need not apply.
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I've never watched a game of football in my life.
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I've watched football games every Saturday and Sunday throughout my life.
football or am*rican "football"
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>desk job
>doesn't handle stress well
>is ostensibly in her late-20s
Yeah, there's no way in Tartarus that Glim isn't a bit of a chubster by now.
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Magic training helps keep her calories in check.
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She looks cute when having nightmares about failing Twilight.
Aggressive glimmy petting!
>Glim uses her magic to dodge and starts aggressively petting you instead with a magic hand she conjured up
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Why is Luna crying
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All ponies cry when they discover that Glimmer has claimed the only human male in all of Equestria for herself (and allows Trixie visitation rights on weekends and national holidays).
The tables have turned, I accept my fate!
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SFM is so ugly.
Do Glimmerfags really? >>41359759
Both Starlight and Trixie can fart on me.
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>he's still trying to make a wedge between Trixiefrens and Glimfrens because of one fucking guy on FiMFiction and Reddit
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>putting the cult leader in charge of a school
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>they're so tight they can't move around
What the frick did they mean by that?
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Glimmy getting to inherit Twilight's old castle and running the most politically influential institution in the country is pretty sweet all things considered. She'd have Trixie and Sunburst live with her there so she's always with her best friends as well. Enough free time to go touring Equestria with Trixie during the off-seasons or just making Sunburst take care of the school while they're away. Her love for magic needn't be sidelined as she has the school's resources and Twilight's favor at her disposal. Maybe even take it one step further by devoting more resources to nurturing everyone's special talents. The friendship school isn't some boring state approved facility, it's whatever Starlight envisions it to be and she has the ideals to really make it much more special than Twilight ever imagined.

Former cult leader. Her time as Princess Twilight's pupil has taught her all about the magic of friendship and she's learned more about proper leadership along the way. I feel being a leader has always been her calling, more than just simply magic. She's the best mare for the job.
Having sex with headmare Glim who is double your age(you're a 16yr old human, the only human, male student at the School of Friendship.)
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>"one guy"
>two people are cleary shown in the screenshot
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>tfw no beautiful yet incredibly stupid best friend to get me in trouble with the law on the regular
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>tfw no queen bee dommy waifu pone that has an established professional career and just wants you to be a good boy that keeps the house clean and does the dishes and makes her food for her and listens to her day before busting your balls in the bedsheets
>tfw Glim will never adopt you as her son(you're a green baby ape creature from beyond the veil)
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>complimenting your boss
>telling your boss that you love her
>asking to impregnate your boss (consensual)
>showing your boss your plushie collection
>notifying your boss you're into SPH and CBT
>finally putting it in your boss and discovering she's a 30 year-old virgin
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>Ha... I guess you could call that a dick.
>She does
>it's S5 Glim
I wouldn't mind
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I NEED to brush her coat and mane!
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So? S5 Glim would be a great mother, any Glim would. In fact baby (You) would probably end up redeeming her just by being a dumb baby.

>S5 Glim is practicing magic in her bedroom and ends up accidentally ripping a fabric through reality and out (You) come plopping down onto her bed
>Glim is freaked out, she just summoned some alien baby thing and she doesn't even know how to get it back to where it was due to the accidental nature
>She has no idea on how to take care of you (You), you aren't even a pony so she can't just wing it with common sense but she tries to do so anyway
>She ends up needing the help of one of her townsfolk because of your incessant crying, luckily a former veterinarian specializing in exotic creatures is amongst her townsfolk
>the vet mare, without her cutie mark, can't actually do anything worthwhile and Glim is forced to give her her cutie mark back
>than Glim is forced to give other ponies their cutie marks back, like the town cooks so she can actually produce nutritious teat milk
>than she has to give other ponies their cutie marks so they can go and establish trade with other towns and stuff because she's too busy with you to do so
>Even more ponies get their marks so they can set up a school and such
>she ends up releasing all the cutie marks and realizes that maybe cutie marks weren't the problem in the first place
>her town actually ends up growing exponentially all thanks to (You) being a stupid green ape baby creature
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She doesn't wipe.
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>problem arises that only a pony with their cutie mark can fix
That's a really good premise, I love it.
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Glimmy is cute, CUUUTE!
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I do not like this image, Anon. It’s smug aura mocks me.
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In actuality she' be really controlling. It would probably come from a good place, not wanting you to end up up heartbroken like she was and such, but it would still suck.
>She is your only friend. After all, other ponies will come and got, but not your parents.
>Assuming you're a pony, you're only allowed to partake in hobbies she had/approves of. What if they develop a cutiemark?
>Assuming you're a human, no worries about them developing a cutiemark, but she'd still try to force her hobbies and interest onto you in a misguided way to form a connection.
>You can't have any secrets. That's not what good children do, she'd expect you to be able to tell her anything. As a result, other ponies are not comfortable around you isolating you even more.
>"Really? That's all it took to make you ejaculate? You're so pathetic! You should be embarrassed of yourself, spurting your seed all over my face like that! If you don't apologize, if you don't get down on your hands and knees like a pony and bow your head properly, I'm going to make you kiss my face clean. I may not be a princess, but I'm still your queen!"
She wouldn't say this.
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What would she say, then?
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Lookin cool, Glimmy!
Not that.
This Starlight looks like she's going to bully someone.
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Wow, someone actually screen capped my silly Gleen(Glimmy Green).
This Starlight looks like she makes significantly more money than me and believes that 6 inches isn’t big enough.
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Alright, listen up, you triple berry smoothie lookin' bitch, just because I want to give you all of my money, do whatever you tell me to do, and constantly defend your bad behaviors does NOT make me a simp!
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Nice sketches Anon.
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There are times where I think I've met a Starlight Glimmer in real life, only to painfully discover that the woman I am talking to is as retarded as most girls. This causes me distress, but it's only temporary, as I know the real Starlight is waiting for me at home.
This needs to be animated and voiced, too funny.
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>single-handedly BTFO Star Swirl's time travel laws
>single-handedly BTFO an alicorn princess
>single-handedly BTFO the changeling empire
>single-handedly BTFO /mlp/ by existing
Can't stop, won't stop.
Don't forget she negdiffs Anon's cock
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>t. starlight glimmer
Cute glushies!
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yeah i know
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Women lack the purity of a pony's heart and their snowpity.
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Be honest: How many of you would cheat to lose in this situation?
Cheating is not cool! I'll win and rightfully be the top for tonight.
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>not playing "winner gets to be bottom"
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Big Sister Is Watching You
Holy based.
What MLP has taught me is that it's okay to be evil and try to end the world as everyone knows it as long as you say you're sorry, in which case you'll get a bunch of friends and also a really cushy job that is state-sponsored by your Goddess-Princess.
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Unless you're Trixie.
Luna really got off easy didn't she? She did it twice in a row too lol.
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That reminds me, another aspect of the show's lessons was that it's important to use your positions of power to give your underqualified friends access to higher careers that they wouldn't have achieved independently otherwise.
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Don't respond to bait.
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The double-standards with Luna is staggering. Luna got a little jealous and decided to try killing the ruler of Equestria and taking over the world. Not only is her backstory far less impactful compared to losing your one and only friend, her response is 100x more severe than establishing a community with strict rules.
Is there a term for the fetish where bad women become "good" and are also able to get off basically scot-free for everything they did while they weren't trying to overtly be good? It's not reverse-corruption, of that I am sure...
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its not a fetish it just work
he said bad not victims
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Damn it feels good to not hate Starlight for literally no reason.
I love Glim
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>had to choose to lose
glim > nightmare moon
glim > discord
glim > chrysalis
glim > whatever was the villain of s4
I left Glim on read and she blew up my iphone :(
Oh dude, three more weeks
I don’t understand, what’s going to happen in three weeks? Is this the equivalent to /pol/ having its “two more weeks” spam where the mentally ill proclaim oblivion is on the horizon?
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the poster for glim's movie says October 9th
which is in ~20 days
umm.. yeah
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AAAAAA I made that Glimbros!!
Look at her face!
Glimmy butt
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I want to see Glimmy and Trixie do the sunshine dance!
is she going to cutie mark camp?
No, she's going to pound town which is located in our bedroom.
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This scene in The Last Problem: Was it a jab against Glimmy? Like haha, this episode is about the Mane Six; so fuck you Glimmy, you will never be part of it. You can't even talk!!! AAAHAHA
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Any top glims?
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Here, you can see for yourself just how FAT and WIDE Starlight Glimmer is due to her excessive diet of SWEETS and CONFECTIONARIES that she consumes en masse as a stress-reliever for her career.
It goes (mostly) right to her flanks. Also Glim wouldn't eat a lot of sweets I think. She strikes more as a mare who instead gets chubby due to eating chips, things that are fried, and other such junk foods. Not too mention all the coffee she drinks, which is the one thing she likes super sweet. Her morning Sunrise Special Deluxe is a whopping 500 calories a cup, and she drinks 3.
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Imagine being this jealous for 8 years in a row, lol.
Glimhaters are truly retarded.
I likey!
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My question is, how do ponies get socks, stockings, and other tight pieces of clothing on when they don't have thumbs? And don't you frickin' tell me they have "grippers" on their hooves, that's nightmare fetish fuel bologna.
Unicorns can use magic obviously. Pegasi can use their wings, and mouth. Earth Ponies are very good at using their mouth to manipulate objects, sometimes they have to get a friend to help though.
>vylet pony
fuck off
skill and the right mindset
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Mares helping each other put on lingerie sounds hot as fuck.
>Glim attempting to do ASMR for you after you tell her about this uniquely primate sensory phenomena
>Starlight Glimmer
Why is she like this? What was her major malfunction?
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Cute colorful ponies just do be like that.
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Everyone likes to rail on her for being upset that Sunburst "abandoned" her, but it's on-point for a pony like her. She's both a responsible pony, but also an anxious one. When she's at her best, we see how committed she is to the School, how her students agree she's an excellent counselor and guide, and even when she skips her responsibilities to attend a party with Trixie, the audience can tell how difficult it is for her to do something for herself rather than her students. We've seen how she acts around Trixie during the Bottled-Up episode, where she became more passive-aggressive, evasive, and ambivalent towards Trixie. We saw the mixed signals Starlight was giving by both being angry at Trixie and trying to pretend nothing is wrong. Then, at her worst, when she feels like the Mane 6 unjustifiably ruined her compound, she decides to constantly end Twilight's friendships in such a way that can only be construed as insane. She improved Star Swirl's time travel spell specifically to fuck with Twilight's friendships because of how much Starlight hurt by losing her own, and that kind of fanaticism is disturbing.

It's why she gets along so well with Trixie, because she's an attention hog (with some good qualities) that allows Starlight numerous chances to be involved with Trixie's life and try to keep her "on the rails". It's also why I wish she had more time with Fluttershy since I think they would have paired very well together as friends, but I also understand that Flutterfags would get mad about Starlight sticking up for Fluttershy rather than Flutters sticking up for herself.
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>Glimmy evaluating my video game collection
I-i know I'm a filthy casual!
>Glim checking your steam library and seeing that you keep buying games you never even play
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For some ponies, strenuous concentration causes them to stick their tongues out of their mouths, and hold it between their lips. The reason for this is that the brain subconsciously tries to "lock down" other parts of the body so more energy can be directed towards minute foci. This includes the tongue, which, for a pony, usually flops around inside the mouth after seeing a male human as the brain visualizes fellating their monkey dick.
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Cute Glimmy Tongue!
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I never watched Season 8 due to /mlp/ saying it's ass.
Now I'm watching Season 8.
I'm sorry.
I cannot support Starlight anymore.
This is beyond the pale.
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trixie watching this
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it's the fact that she sold the wagon so easily and didn't understand the inherent sentimental value of it that makes me so stinking angry
She has autism and apologized
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This again? We've been over this before. Starlight had no idea about Trixie's sentimentality over her wagon, Trixie only explained that fact to Hoo'Far and he took advantage of the situation, if anything you should direct your anger at him. Starlight just wanted to surprise Trixie with a good deal that would benefit everyone, she's always been the type of mare that thinks about the greater good for everyone.

It's nowhere near as bad as Dashie selling her friend into slavery, the m6 are the pioneers of naughtiness.
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I don’t care about a confirmed lesbian, I only care about Starlight, and I worry now about whether or not she’s a good fit for me to adopt as a waifu due to this terrible behavior. How do you think my friends would react if I introduced her to them, only to discover behind my back she sold my WH40K figurines that I 3D printed for official plastic models? It would be a disaster!
She's new to owning things.
Is that why she keeps acting like my penis is her penis ever since I showed it to her? Like, seriously you dumb bitch, I have a refractory period for a reason. Don’t fucking tear it off!
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>"Hop in Anon. We're gonna call the students at the friendship school a bunch of nerds and throw cider bottles at them."
>"W-why? And where the hell did you get a car?"
>"Some friendship exercise on bullying or whatever, also Discord conjured this up. Now get in, we need a male creature with us so they can't say we're being discriminatory."
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>"Principal Glimmer! Principal Glimmer! Citrus Twist got two scoops of ice cream at lunch!"

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>this never would have happened back at my compound--I MEAN, our village...!
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Starlight projecting strength and leadership is so hot
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>A thousand fibres connect each of us with our fellow pony and along these fibres our deeds run as causes which come back to us as effects. Everything we do must be in the furtherance of true equality lest we return to the знaк oтличия, the cutie mark.

I want her to boss me around, and not just in the bedroom.
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Alright champ you got two options
Option 1 is doing 100 push ups in the hot sun without clothes
Option B is doing 1000 push ups on top of me in my quarters without clothes
Whats it gonna be, ape?
Option B, please.
you have just declared that you would have extramarital sex with an officer of the people
go to gulag
How the fuck is Glimmy not as fat as Twiggy if she eats all the time? I swear there's like 20+ gifs of her eating.
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Is there anything this mare can't do?
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Glimmy exercises, Twiggy just reads books all day like a stupid cow. Maybe if Spergle had some hobbies beyond "take notes" and "reading" she would've made friends sooner AND not gotten that fat belly!
Glimmy exercises:
>Having hardcore sex with Anon for 2hrs every morning, evening, and night

That's it.
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Wouldn't your balls fall off if you had sex two hours per day, every day? Like, don't get me wrong, you should choose how you want to die, but I would encourage others to maximize emotional happiness before one's physical happiness kills them.
Glimmy casts Reinforcius Ballsackus on your balls after every rutting session it's okay.
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The secret to a successful marriage is sex. Did you think it was trust? Well, sex requires trust. Did you think it was money? Well, sex doesn't cost money. Did you think it was communication? Well, when you have your balls in her throat, she doesn't have room left to bitch about how the dishes are still in the sink, does she?
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it was just bantz
all my posts btw I’m keeping the thread alive single handedly your welcome
Glimmer… lay off the wheatcakes
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Hoofy kicks!
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Man the spammers are out on force
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Your waifu a shit, but she a cute shit.
Glim is better than your waifu.
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I just... I'm not sure how else to explain this... Like... I -want- her to fail at her friendship tests. I want her to be a massive bitch. I want her to be a successful, affluent, influencial turbo-cunt that gets what she wants because she's so strong and sexy and smart.
You just want a femdom bully Glimmy.
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Glim's own friendship tests are tough.
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>catches a whiff of musky human testicles
Messing up on purpose so Starlight slowly gets angry, and continuing until she blows up and starts yelling.
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Intentionally avoiding her pony clitoris so Starlight slowly gets more angry and frustrated, and continuing to do so until she blows up and starts angerfucking me until my balls similarly explode from the impact of her pony butt slamming into them with the force of a thousand suns.
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Constantly getting into trouble at the School of Friendship as an evolved ape transfer student, making me a diversity agent they can't expel, not that the principal wants to expel me because she loves my monkey cock and actually looks forward to getting a report that I am up to mischief since it means we will see each other again soon.
Young Virile Badboy Anon x Hagmare Glim is such a sexy combo.
stop being horny
But Glim is so sexy I can't help it
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If we are to learn from our mistakes, then we must habitually make mistakes in order to be disciplined in how to properly react to accidents in our future. I would rather remain ignorant than carry the burden of knowing I let so many people down so many times throughout my life. If I must be a disappointment, then at least spare me from disappointing myself.
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Fly me to the moon,
Let me play among the stars...
Let me see what spring is like,
On Jupiter and Mars...
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Why is she giving me that look?
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You just showed her your "big" 6 inch penis.
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space mare
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>you, your chubby hyper-competent GF, her stupid and narcissistic BFF, and her hot crazy new friend
Trixie isn't a narcissist
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Imagine the warmth. Imagine the softness. Lately I've been getting advertisements for weighted blankets, but I don't think that's for me. No, I think having a pony wife that has agreed to mare-y me is best for my sleep...
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Did you lift for Twilight? Did you do your taxes and wash your ass crack? Did you get fifteen minutes of sunshine? Did you remember to eat a bit of peanut butter so you have a few calories in you too?
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We're not in the reboot.
I want out of this simulation and put into the pony simulation, if the archons continue to refuse to let me leave the material prison and my master codes keep taking a lifetime to get through the firewalls
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Doesn't seem likely that Starlight will be recycled like the mane characters, she is still technically just a side character.
>she is still technically just a side character.
not in season 7 and 8
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>tfw no pony will ever be my BFF the way Trixie is for Starlight
>Be Anon
>Everyday you wake up feeling tired, plod through the day at work, and return home too tired to enjoy anything.
>Despite always feeling tired sleep alludes you. In the hours where Starlight has yet to return from her job at the school and when you get back, you often do nothing but stare up at the ceiling.
>When she comes home the world gets a little brighter; literally, you forgot to light the candles again and have been sitting in a now dark room.
>It’s Starlight’s first year here in Ponyville. Her being a Unicorn and being surrounded by other Unicorns for most of her life meant the Earth Pony traditions of the changing seasons were all new.
>She excitedly explains how school was dismissed earlier than normal so they could all help. How awestruck the non-pony and other pony out-of-towners were. How pretty it was to see the leaves change colors in real time.
>You sit there and wordlessly soak it all in like sponge. With every sentence you can feel some energy return. When she’s done you have just enough to make dinner.
>Something quick, filling, and warm; dandelion soup, it is. After dinner both of you begin preparations for bed.
>Now it’s the dead of night and you’re both in bed. Like always, you feel tired but can’t sleep.
>At least you’re not alone this time. On your side, snoring softly, lays your marefriend.
>She has all sorts of weird sleeping habits besides snoring: she’ll move and thrash, use magic, tear up, and sometimes even whisper incoherently. Not tonight, she just threw the blankets off the bed this time.
>Fall had literally just started today, so it was chilly, not freezing. Being too lazy to get up and retrieve the blankets you opt for the next best thing.
>Like a starving predator pouncing from the shadows to grab its prey you quickly pull her against your body.
>Her body instantly makes the chill retreat to the dark corners of the room. This isn’t enough for you, not today, so you focus your efforts on next next objective. Letting your hands drift over her shoulder, past fluffy chest, and to her toned (for a pony) stomach.
>Starlight’s coat is soft like silk thanks to the shower before bed. Your hands float on surface without touching the skin beneath like a leaf in a pond. For humans, this is the warmest part of the body, the same is true for ponies, but this is better because of their slighter higher body temperature.
>You can feel Statlight’s warmth travel from your palms and into the rest of your body with every breath.
>The rest of your body shivers with pleasure at the sensation.
>You need more. Keeping one hand on her stomach and using the other to move your pillow to the center of the bed, you curl up into a semi-fetal position.
>One arm under Starlight and on her stomach, the other resting on her chest. You damn near poked your eye out trying to make sure her head was resting on the pillow too.
>The warmth felt her was akin to sitting in a hot bath. Unlike before, your chest abdomen, upper arms and thighs share in some of her warmth instead of your hands keeping it for themselves.
>All of your troubles were reduced to mere puddles with her in your grasp like this. The daily trudge up the mountain of life was worth it just for this.
Super comfy, nice work Anon
Oh boy depression
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