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It's not a hate crime if the colt-cuddler likes being beaten. He should be happy that I'm doing him a favor for free. He should thank me for it. What, do I need to be wearing leather and tie him up to a bed first for it to be acceptable?
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I was gonna say something but then I remembered how he turn on my nigga Soarin so fuck him.
>Haha... yes well it's a good thing Spike is a dragon and not a colt a-am I right ponies?
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im just gonna be straight up honest with ya g
this latest episode was ass whenever a stallion was on
why do I feel bad for soarin in a such a shitpost animation?
Soarin did literally nothing wrong and still got shit on for it, and thinks that he actually did something wrong because he doesn't know he was being mind-controlled. Even if he wasn't fucking a colt with his 2-inch dick, you'd feel bad for him because fate has dealt him a shitty hand he decided to keep instead of throwing away to keep being a professional success.
yeah the gay stuff is funny for a bit but now it's gay and boring
because you're gay and retarded
Once we get the yaoi stallion triangle supercut you'll realize how dumb you are.
It's going to be a love triangle between Chrysalis, Shining and Blueblood.
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Making Shining Armor gay for Blueblood is what made me turn on the entirety of the stallion shipping he's doing. This is not a moral issue. This is an ecumenical matter.
Punished Soarin.
Tamers has made me gay for Soarin.
I love the age dynamic between Soarin and Braeburn. Also when Brae filled the pill container my heart fucking melted. Tamers is too good.
what if the colt-cuddler only likes getting beaten up by other stallions though?
Braeburn was actually a cunt this whole time
I knew he was a cunt when he stayed in ponyville with big mac just so he could sneak off with soarin.
wrong opinions - the thread
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Everything's falling apart. A real feel bad episode.

He looks cool.
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I think I'm beginning to understand the anons in the yandere threads...
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>is smarter than you
>is stronger than you (via magic)
>has more social connections than you
>has no inhibitions, unlike you
>WILL learn your location in minutes due to magical GPS
If you didn't understand it from the beginning, then your a retarded.
So Big Mac sees Soarin get stabbed through the throat and fall from low orbit back to Equestria, but then doesn’t question why he then goes to and starts attacking Braeburn.
I think Big Mac knew that Soarin wasn’t in control, but saw an opportunity to get Braeburn back.
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>"Spitfire, I'm already a demon...."
he even has that lens flare in his eye that was used so much in MGSV
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>big mac is stuck with the temperamental braeburn
>actually needs someone innovative for sweet apple acres or demonstrative in their caring

>soarin is stuck with the self-absorbed braeburn
>actually needs someone responsible to keep his career or receptive to his sexual deficiencies

>braeburn keeps acting the catty bitch
>needs someone with strong principles to cull his faggoty behaviors, or someone to spoil him

all of them are terrible not just for braeburn but also for each other and i think the only reason that big mac and braeburn have lasted so long is that they're both looking for someone that willingly gives them love and loyalty, like a male version of princess cadence (since they're homosexuals and think girls are icky)
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What does Twily think about FIlly-cuddlers?
That's not the thread for this, go to your Scootaloo containment thread.
Big Mac and Soarin are endgame. There were too many hints of it in the episode.
I'm honestly surprised there haven't been more pedophilia jokes besides that one time Celestia slapped filly twilight's ass.
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What even was the apple thing? Why were they holding the apple in their teeth like that?
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>"anon I pooped in my bed"
how do you respond?
Holding the apple in their mouths makes them salivate, so when they bite into it together their saliva and the juice from the apple mixes together. Then they slurp it up.
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>oh no haha i guess i better clean it up again lmao
>fat fuck Spike
Yeah but you’re a chubby chaser now which is way worse
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Filly-foolers are less taboo than colt-cuddlers because the majority of the population is female and they view it as more of a recreational activity. It's still considered illegal but it's kind of like when you're smoking pot in public and the police come around and take it away instead of outright arresting you, hell even Celestia partakes in her students.
cascada songs are my weakness
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The only people into that garbage are third-worlders.
something something apple=forbidden fruit/domination tactic. Soarin puts the apple in Braeburn's mouth before biting the other side. The apple acts as a barrier for this kiss, erotically taunting Braeburn for what he can't have in this moment
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>groomer dash
That was a nice thread, shame that Tamers turned her into another fag, instead of a filly diddler, it would make sense too since she stalked Scootalo and her fanclub
>season 8
not canon
after the 3rd episode of gay yaoi fanfic written by a high school girl in 2006 it got old. I was hoping Big Mac or Twi would kill one of them to at least change the direction.
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liking fillies is gay
This is a vaguely unsettling picture. Probably because of the eyes/eyelashes
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I like this pinkie.
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Being around a perfectionist that can easily control your mind and there's nothing you can do to stop her is unsettling in and of itself, isn't it?
It is a hate crime because Twilight doesn't have a dick
Were it not for the rules of this land, I would post evidence contrary to your claim.
Is Tamers unironically a faggot? I thought he did the gay shit for the memes but now I'm starting to think he's a genuine cocksucker.
I felt the same way, but considering he took a female-driven, female-led show and made it about faggots, I'm pretty sure he loves gargling cum. Making Sonic a fat-assed bitch baby seems funny because it's the opposite of him being super-fast and too cool for school, AND it seems almost like a caricature of the actual SU Sonic since he and Manic are both drawn very round, but it turns out that he was, in fact, making fetish porn for himself the entire time.
>gives me magic from controlling my mind
this seems like a pretty fair tradeoff desu
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>tamers tricked everyone into watching his gay porn fanfictions
This fucker did it again, it's insane how perfectly he does his caricatures of the MLP characters. And just leaving out Spike completely, what a genius!
it's not porn, it's romance.
Did you really think he's been drawing gay porn for 15 years as a joke?
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It's not gay to like cute cartoon horses anon, regardless of their gender
Yeah it's funny for a gag but it's killing the kino that is contained in the espisodes.
Kinda telling tumblrfags are dogpoiling the show.
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I sure hope at least one of you faggots is archiving this shit before Tamers troons out or something else and deletes his MLP vids
Yeah the gay stallions was funny for a while but seems obvious he ain't all there.
The man has been drawing his gay fanfics for almost two decades.
Are you retarded
He's legitimately gay, and definitely has a scat and fart fetish. But he plays it up for laughs.
>definitely has a scat and fart fetish
That one just seems like funny jokes to me
Braeburn deserves to be beaten harder
I hope Mac shatters that faggot's skull
I've never once felt compelled to suck a cock and yet I'll still watch gay porn because it's funny as hell. Sounds to me like YOU'RE the insecure on in this situation.
I'll show you that I'm not a faggot by licking your balls and not making you cum because I haven't sucked a dick before and have no skill at making a man ejaculate using only my mouth.
Most gay people have those fetishes along with a piss fetish, and he's been putting them in his videos for as long as he's been around.

Tamers is just a self-aware gay autistic man making funny videos that poke fun at things he likes and at stuff he doesn't like. It's that simple.
Most gays have scat fetishes. It's due to brain worms.
Oh so it isn't high quality he's just a degenerate trying to groom teens. got it.
What's your source on this (literal) shit?
Lol, he isn't trying to groom anyone Carlos. It's obvious he knows gay people, poop and farts are funny to most people so he cranks that shit up to 11. Also, he doesn't have a Groomcord and in fact he doesn't interact with fans beyond YT.
Toxoplasmosis makes mice get aroused by cat pee instead of scared. Most homosexuals have parasite infections.
That's not a source, that's speculation on unrelated or dubious facts
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So he's one of the "good ones", huh?

Very well, you're off the hook.

For now.
Ok here's a published, peer reviewed study
That's the unrelated fact, where's the source on the dubious fact?
Why does an antipsychotic/antiparasitic make a patient want to stop crossdressing?

I'm noticing a pattern. One person in this discussion understands science and the other is mad about science.
If anyone is going to kill Braeburn it's going to be Soarin. Braeburn gave him a taste of happiness before ripping it away.
How is this still on page 1?! Stop bumping this shit
Gender dysphoria and homosexuality are two different things
>wait, i thought i was watching ironic gay porn.
>i was just ironically watching actual gay porn this whole time??
>he doesn't know
>tamers is making the mlp communtiy worse by attracting fujoshis and furries
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>i was just ironically watching actual gay porn this whole time??
Tamers made furries and homosexuality acceptable in /mlp/, he is a revolutionary.
It's rare a homo understands how much of a drain on society he is but refuses to acknowledge it.
Explain how you are any less a drain on society than any homo.
Heterosexuality is normal. Homosexuals (both male and female) have extremely high abuse and promiscuity rates compared to heterosexual couples. Encouraging lifestyles that by definition have higher abuse, mental illness, and drug use rates is bad.
capitalist scum
the state of this thread.
Tamers is kinda like Faust. Faust despite being a feminist, made a right wing themed show.
Tamers despite being a homo, made a show that displays how mentally ill homos are, and they should be rightfully scorned publicly.
>Not liking ponies as a grown man is normal. Ponyfags have an extremely high rate of pedophilia and zoophilia compared to normal people. Encouraging lifestyles that by definition have higher rates of sexual paraphilia, mental illness and drug use is bad.

Or you can, you know, mind your own business.
communists also don’t like homosexuality, sorry.
You zill make children for the state, and have them be military soldiers and be proud.
It is baffling to me that people still think that homosexuality is bad.
This is what I shall call “faggots razor”
if your INTEREST is fictional, doesn’t harm anyone else because it is based in fiction, and is not requiring harm done in real life to get that fiction, then it is good.

However when it crosses the line into the real world, this causes cringe so intense that it’s disgusting. So someone liking homoerotic drawn art is fine, a faggot wanting to fuck other men in the ass in real life is not fine.

Thus since ponyfags are based in fiction, they don’t have anyone they’re actually harming, or any victims from their fandom, unlike lgbtqi2747++-fag retards who have to capitulate on grooming children, having gay marriage be legalized, and doing drag queen story hour in real life schools.
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>Faust despite being a feminist, made a right wing themed show

Tell me: You will never see a woman's vagina in your entire life.
Mice and humans might have similar DNA but it doesn't mean that they're 1:1 on everything
>higher rates of drug abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental illness
here we go again...
>I need science on the subject
here's the science
>ummm I need to be told what to think by scientists, I could never use my brain to connect pieces of factual information
>he doesn't want to fuck horses
actual faggot
I don't watch Tamers
I will pet horses and give them snuggles but I don’t want to end up as Mr hands, sorry.
I don't care what you do behind closed doors, but when you're in public, you should act like a model human being. That's not just me getting frustrated with faggot parades, that's me getting frustrated seeing women dressing like whores and dudes catcalling bitches on the street and little kids screeching in public and people smoking outside. In public your priority should be the welfare of others, and in private you're free to do whatever you want, as long as all parties in private consent to whatever is happening. So, no, I don't support you diddling kids in your basement because "muh private property" or whatever justification you use for your mental sickness, just as I don't excuse you for hittin' your missus, or coercing your fruit boy to put saline in his balls to make his scrotum swell up. Just fuckin' love each other and respect each other and don't be a prick who unironically thinks this life is "all there is" and once you die, nothing bad will happen to your consciousness despite how much of a dickbag you'd been all 32 years of your miserable existence.
>I could never use my brain to connect pieces of factual information
What you're doing is making assumptions, very unscientific.
No you're just a retard that treats science like a religion.
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I really enjoyed Tamers earlier pony videos, specifically the first, dash birthday bash, the trixie episode and the unicorn con episode. The other videos are good, but then it is specific parts that are good. The shipping sections are just unfunny, weird and way too serious for what are essentially shitpost comedy animations. I have watched a lot of his underground videos and I really like them, I think I like them even more than most his pony stuff simply due to the absence of tryhard shipping. Sonic and Bartleby is funny, Manic and Mindy is funny, Braeburn and Mac just isn't. The comedic whiplash Tamers achieved with the occasionally serious moments with Bardonic is completely lost by now with BraeMac. It's as if he wants to tell a serious story foremost with his pony videos unlike the underground videos which seem to me to be about the comedy first with out of place funny serious moments. The pinkie sleepover episode was funny in the first 1/3 when it was all mean bullying but then Tamers went nuts again with his gay shipping and made the rest of the episode an awkward yuri shipping melodrama. And thats a real shame because the poop violence racist absurdist themes are really funny but he's devoting so much attention to the shipping that I find myself skipping large portions of the episodes simply because they're so boring and unlike the show that I was initially here for. And I say this as someone who enjoys 1800's literature about rich european aristocrats bitching and naggin' about marriage and unrequited love all the time.
Learn to like things unironically, nigger.
>Learn to like things post-ironically, higger.
Bitch your are in my little pony board on 4chan, don't act like you got game
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Gay shipping run time and episode quality are inversely correlated. More gay shipping = worse episode. Just like any art where people push their personal opinions too strongly.
I'm not watching 20 minutes of gay abusive shipping so in 3 episodes he can come out and say gays good or gays bad.
Does anyone know what's the name of the remix of "Listen to your Heart" which is played during the big fight?
Some elements are very similar to the extended hardstyle mix, but that one is really unmelodic:
why does it matter if its gay shipping? the emotional aspect and character development are the important parts, which are present regardless of sexual orientation.
Who envited you gay ass newfag nigga?
There's a reason Doctor Robotnik Has Had Enough is one of the least-liked videos across the entire Tamers' fandom. SU and MLP aren't the vehicle for semi-autobiographical homosexual drama.
Again it's funny Tamers made gay shipping to make you care about homos, then accidentally said the quiet part out loud that they are very promiscuous and mentally ill.
>why does it matter if its pedo shipping?
>if a druid shapeshifting into a bear isnt bestiality, then
>a druid shapeshifting into a child isnt pedophilia
thats the argument you want to use here huh?
Says the guy that had those articles committed to memory to pull out whenever you have to argue about fags, like bible verses or some shit
>There's a reason Doctor Robotnik Has Had Enough is one of the least-liked videos across the entire Tamers' fandom.
No, it isn't, what are you talking about?
It is, gay lad.
Hey everypony, look at her stupid hat.

Doesn't she know we're horses?

What even makes you say that, other than, "I don't like gays"?
you say this as if its a counterargument or something but i believe this too
Except homosexuality isn’t a mental illness, dingus.
Ok here's another one in my bookmarks that's unrelated. To prove you wrong I guess.
I like how these people are incapable of understanding what other people think or why and the only reason is "I'm a victim!"
It's an episode that's ultimately meaningless because Sleet and Dingo went crawling back to Robotnik, their relationship never launched because Tamers 2 hates homosexuals, and Sonic only seems to "progress" whenever he compares himself to Knuckles who is INFINITELY more engaging as a bishounen twink that gets positive reactions from both homosexual men, straight women, and fujoshi. Sonic only works for people who actually jacked off to Nikado Avacado (or whatever his name is) and his coinslot.
The saying that all homophobes secretly want to have gay sex isn't true. However, if there's someone that will randomly and enthusiastically bring up their homophobic beliefs and talk about them nonstop, you know that fucker has gay thoughts chasing him every day.

Keep running, faggots! Hahahah
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I think you all are taking Tamer's videos way too seriously.
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Ah found it, was on the same EP as the last post:
I decided to visit mlp to see what you guys thought of the latest tamerskino and It's so funny seeing fans of a supposedly wholesome show spend almost the entire thread complaining about gay people, you niggas are actual losers
Then why do they have higher than average mental illness rates, drug abuse rates, and promiscuity rates?
I have a feeling tamers watchers are bigger losers than /mlp/ users.
I've never heard this and that video has a huge amount of views even compared to other su videos, what?
How about the episode is good because it has a lot of funny shit in it alongside the sweet character moments, and hey, why aren't you shittalking that awful Christmas episode that made them crawl back to Robotnik?
>sucking Knuckles dick that hard
I'm starting to think that I'm arguing with the other Tamers, the one who's bitter that the faggot Tamers' videos get a better reception than his recent failures outside of the school bus episode.
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You know what homosexuals and Sleengo / yaoi stallion videos have in common? They're both full of AIDS.
>the only people who like tamers content are homosexual men (mentally ill), straight women (permanent children mentally), and fujoshis (mentally ill women).
What did anon mean by this?
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the "gayters" (gay haters) will unironically watch this and think "ok" or maybe even "good"
but will listen to braeburns inner monologue about trying to get big mac to rape him and go "hol up"
You know what you and a homosexual have in common?
Your face
I understand that lesbian relationships are even more abusive than gay male ones. So it's funny that Tamers will depict the most abusive relationships in existence as cute and quirky.
Then accidentally points out how gay males do not have healthy relationships.
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I don't understand how people keep doing this shit. I don't care if Tamers takes himself semi-seriously now or not, doesn't mean we have to. Just have fun with them man...
>noooo stop taking it seriously
>just turn your brain off and say good things!
really makes you think
tamers mocking yurifags is the best part. yurifags will lose and the gay will won
How are gay women any different from gay men??
I just noticed Sweetie and Scoot still have each other's eyeballs mixed up. Tamers really is putting 110% effort in the MLP vids.
carious studies can show that homosexuals are correlated with those things for numerous reasons
it could be poor sampling or bias
most likely its that homosexuals are shunned and abused first because they are unaccepted by society and then develop problems that they wouldn’t have if they were included and accepted
but nothing about homosexuality in and of itself is a mental illness
cucks fetishize lesbians so they get a pass despite higher levels of abuse and violence. they wont be getting any pass on tamers videos
>verification not required
>right wing themed show.
huh? The show is about friendship, love, tolerance of all colors and races, has a benevolent ruler, shuns immoral business practices, environmentalism, healthcare for all, the freedom to follow your passions and be happy. It's a lefty paradise.
Yeah yeah you believe in critical theory which reverses cause and effect.
If homos are mentally ill abusive drug addicts... it's everyone else's fault!
If mlp was left wing why did they have to introduce the friendship school? lol
Most anons in this thread are either baiting or retarded
huh? it's a show about predestination, duty, honor, commitment to the cause, destruction of the ontological evil, rightness over wickedness, nationalism, pride in one's birth and status, and society is divided by plato's republic:
alicorns - kings/priests
pegasi - warriors/leaders
unicorns - merchants/craftsmen
mudhooves - laborers, menials

its a righty paradise
Tamers fell off and it's obvious he's attracting people equally mentally ill as him.
Homosexuality leads to abuse by straight people, homosexuals turn to drugs to cope with trauma, what's not to get?
nice try fag
i think its more likely for any individual who is socially rejected to be somewhat more likely to engage in self destructive or reckless behavior
regardless of what causes this rejection, its not exclusive to homosexuality
almost none of that applies at all. what show are you watching
Yeah with tissue trauma in the rectum.
>homosexuals are so strong that saying you don't like they want penis in butt makes them turn into drug addicts and abusers!
You guys aren't making the argument you think you are. Good argument that homosexuals are fragile and mentally ill.
People can make fun of me for looking at futa sometimes. It's never caused me to become a drug addict or abuser. Sounds more like borderline personality disorder when other peoples' opinions matter so much to you.
Is there more of this one? So that I know how to avoid it, of course.
the artist's name unfortunately doesn't help because he's one of "those" ones
>this thread
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>No refuge could save
>the foul and depraved
>from the terror of flight
>or the gloom of the grave.


>Then conquer we must,
>when our cause it is just,
>and this be our motto:
>In the Purp is our trust.

>verification not required.
It's just a bunch of retards trying to ruin the thread. Almost no one participating in these arguments is genuine.
bro nothing you said in this post makes any sense
try again
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Purposely ignoring physical abuse, neglect, rape correction, abandonment/disownment, etc. just exposes you as being disingenuous
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How did it all go so wrong...
You're saying homosexuals are so mentally fragile that people saying they don't like homosexuality turns homos into drug addicts and abusers. That it's the fault of straight people they become drug addicts and absuers.
No, they are mentally ill and blaming their problems on other people.
Homos were physically abused and raped? Wow, almost like the homosexuality is a symptom of abuse.
Sharty was right tamers is a loser degenerate.
In deed early childhood abuse seems usual with Sodomites. There are two with whom I`ve been in peripherical contact and both were very open about such issues.
I guess that you never watched the official comic of both together.
>Homos were physically abused and raped?
Yeah, by straight people who didn't like that they are gay
>11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
>gay pedophiles rape kids because they don't like the fact they are gay
No I think it's because they are mentally ill child molesters.
Do you not know what "rape correction" means, retard?
I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but I thank all based Twilight posters for the images. Mihi placet.
That song's got good riffs; I'd happily kill in the book horse's name.
Reminder that no matter your deviant sexual orientation, Little Caesar's will still sell you a $6 Hot-'n-Ready pizza that is baked fresh in-store every day, with the option of adding a side of their delicious crazy garlic bread for dipping in marinara sauce!
i am not asserting that homosexuality comes with any other baggage or a lack of mental fortitude
homosexuality is and only is an attraction to individuals or traits that are identified as the same as ones own sex
thats it
and that concept is not generally accepted in our society and often harshly rejected
then when someone is rejected or abused by the society that they must engage with it is reasonable for them to be maladjusted or develop issues
therefore if homosexuality was fully accepted and there was no abuse or rejection
there likely would not be any studied correlation between homosexuality and mental illness
does this make sense
Sorry queer accepting homosexuality as normal encourages pedophilia because most homosexuals are inherently pedophilic due to being victims of child abuse. Homosexuals are disproportionately represented in statistics of people who molest kids. Homosexual pride parades expose kids to graphic sexuality in public.
Homosexuals reproduce by molesting kids. "true" gays are extremely rare and less than 1% of the population. Everyone else is either a rape victim or porn addict.
Dude this time ia long gone... I remember when ice-cream-sandwiches were 1$ each, but these days...
Gas station pizza is where it's at now.
just get a coupon? retard?
>get hot and ready
>it's leukwarm at best
>sauce dried up ages ago
>People are unironically quoting Bible verses in a tamers thread on the My Little Pony board of 4chan
>almost no cheese
>bread wasn't proofed enough and isn't fluffy
'There is nothing new under the Sun.'
Sorry being smug is your only reaction to being a pedophilic degenerate.
If this is a tamers autobiography then maybe he deserved the abuse for accepting false things like gays are just as mentally well as straights. Doesn't seem like he learned his lesson.
Just get it custom, it's not fast but at least it's still six dollars.
It's lazy cooks. Order it custom and they fuck it up because they only want to make pepperoni anyways.
>There's a reason Doctor Robotnik Has Had Enough is one of the least-liked videos across the entire Tamers' fandom.
But it won the /co/ poll for Best Feature Length Episode for 2023
Leviticus 18:22
Matthew 18:5
Even here you knew Braeburn was a bitch
All lies except the parade stuff, though I don't know how much actual fucking happens there
It's not lies. Homos are 10x over represented in child molestation cases per capita.
>I don't know how much fucking happens at pride parades
Then recognize you are ignorant on the subject and go look for images of guys being elbow deep in each other, pissing on each other, tasing each other, and kids standing around watching.
Can’t wait for Twilight to ger her Lucifer arc and betray Celestia in a fit of jealousy and rage before being banished to the deepest depths of Tartarus, where she will make her own kingdom.
this is unhinged bait, but fuck it have a final (you)
It's starting to make sense why tamers hate the most feminine characters of the show.
I'm grounded in reality. You are the one detached from it. It's why you can't respond, and don't recognize the huge amounts of grooming, child molestation, and abuse homos cause.
Or you can keep watching tamers video about how his experience with homosexuality is rife with abuse. Because he made it up :3
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A kingdom of bones and blood and viscera from the corpses of all else imprisoned there. After absorbing their life-essences, she then escapes.
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Fuck you, Ah refuse to let you put me down
$15 for one pizza?
If you're who I think you are, then you're proof that Tamers' life has been rife with abuse.
>watch show probably based around writers personal experiences with abusive homosexuality
>this is straight people's fault!
I'm an anon, nothing more. Never interacted with tamers beyond liking a few of his pony videos before it turned into groomer propaganda for mentally ill people like him.
Tamer`s mom posts on /mlp/?
Soarin got done so unbelievably dirty this episode. I don't care about the Braeburn mincer chronicles compared to the rest of the show but I appreciate the finesse from Tamers12345 to make the faggot triumvirate work - even for a short period of time. Family loyalty meaning Big Mac would defend Brae regardless of the circumstances and Brae and Soarin obviously going on the defensive. Superb craft, honestly. I was really rooting for them and feeling for AJ as well.
Twi being an conditional psychopath is also excellent. What a neat skill. It contrasts well with the innocence with which she is devoted to Celly. Twi is too D A M A G E D for me to hate her. We're at the perfect mix of everyone being assholes (other than Soarin, bruh) so no one is the standout villain to rally against.
Tamers does it again.
Regular reminder that is Tamers secret twitter account https://x.com/LucasPSI3
The poll that was compromised, abandoned for two months beyond the deadline, and bombarded with fake votes? That 2023 poll?
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Proof of any of this?
You mean beyond the fact the poll never closed and was abandoned by the creator of it who never formally declared a winner specifically because it didn't fit their narrative and they were hoping everyone would forget about it? That 2023 poll?
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you can still vote on those polls because the dude who made it didnt announce a winner in february


Any actual proof this is him? You shartytards keep saying you know this him because of super secret hacker tools you can't disclose of.
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Yeah, I don't see the problem, or any proof that the polls was compromised in any way
Siman 103
Twisharter is giving off heavy pedo vibes in this thread
Take a look at the youtube account associated with the twitter account and you can tell right away that it's Tamers https://www.youtube.com/@SageMerric
this guy does some shipping shit and you automatically assume it's tamers, are tyou retarded?
>literally as physically far removed from Tamers-type content as humanly possible
Holy fuck you're an idiot.
So I like to make funny Sonic and MLP videos with my brother. Also if you are homophobic don't watch my videos.
God you tamers tourists are so fucking embarrassing that it almost makes me wish he never made any MLP videos to begin with
spineless nigger
the Anon posting this, not this stranger people think is Tamers
Pretty based take. Hell even the cancer seasons conjoin to this conceptually if you headcanon hard enough regarding Harmony being a rogue wild magic which finally completely takes over its host and starts spreading to other civilisations - which is basically hard canon given that it:
1. Was made accidentally and isn't a universal force like Discord
2. Empowered itself with hosts
3. Abandoned the hosts (stealing their form) after establishing itself forever in their society
4. Abandoned the original hosts to attach itself to new species.
Discord siding with it and the primordial Gods deferring to it and retiring was literally the BAD END. The only forces out of its reach are Starswirl who made it and Glimglam who is the REAL magic horse not the artificial one manufactured as a host

You're Platonic comparisons are a bit off. Stickheads are bureaucratic leaders and have as much power as birdbrains.
You'd be better off separating them into Knightly (warriors & tyrants) /Priestly (intellectuals/administrators) Nietz style. Muds are consistently shown to be the craftsmen as well as the labourers and menials.
But you're ultimately right in that the society actively embraces castes, hierarchy and a healthy balance between collectivism and individualism. That said it's not an ideological paradise but a mystic one. Tramp stamps are the reason everything works out so well. If it was a fallible state power dictating these things it wouldn't work. It's not predestination either, as the show points out once they fuck with time travel, but the collective consciousness making predictions about how best to utilize the people that comprise it. They belong to a racial hivemind that is as interested in its own prosperity as it is for the prosperity of the individual allowing for an unbiased supernatural ordainment.
Tramp stamps aren't just super powers that forever measure the value you have in life but a cohesive will to move forward as a group.
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>birthday bash, rainboom, true meaning of friendship, unicorn con, and sleepover episodes
>threads are maximum comfy

>first mlp episode, hot pot, and arson videos release
>threads are shit

if only there was like a way to determine what the commonalities between those last three episodes are so we can learn whats the real problem here...
Yeah, homophobes
Yeah, homos
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>No actual concrete proof
Faggot shit is part and parcel of tamers content. You just have to learn to live with it. I will admit that certain fans take it way too seriously but this series has barely even started, at least compared to SU. Surely there's no one at Sleengo levels yet.
most delusional post itt
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/mlp/'s crippling level of insecurity, possibly caused by years of paranoia over being called gay mixed with actual, unironic autism
Yeah, Bardonic, I've watched the video before
Dumb favela monkey forgot to take his name off lol
Who is this Sage Merric guy?
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Meds now.
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a "lead" that shartyfags have honed in on out of pure desperation
I just checked the sharty and apparently they deleted their raid board out of what most likely is embarrassment over their faildox of Tamers.
I heard they deleted it, made a new one, deleted that one, then remade the old one, it sounds like a big, retarded mess
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Share your hottest TamersMLP take that would get you in the position of pic related and I don't want to hear anybody crying about gay stallions
The old raid board just points you to a domain that doesn't exist, lol.
>Niggers shit up the threads because pixel homosexuality is a genuine threat to their own "hetero"sexuality and feel the need to make it everyone else's problem
Gee I wonder what could be causing the threads to suck.
Why are people trying to dox Tamers again?
Unironically most likely a raid by Tamer's SU fans to try to make it look like the fans of his pony content are evil.
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It's unironically a shitshow.
1) Party one wants to dox Tamers out of a misguided belief that they could be friends.
2) Two wants to dox Tamers because they think he's giving autism a bad name by pretending.
3) Three hate Tamers for being "popular" without selling out.
4) Four hates Tamers for being gay.
5) Five hates Tamers for not being gay enough.
6) Six hates Tamers because they won't include Tails.
7) Seven hates Tamers because they won't include their OC characters.
8) Eight hates Tamers because they think he's a pedophile that promotes cunny.
9) Nine are two different parties false-flagging the other party by doxing him in their name.

And those are just the most obvious ones. This list is not comprehensive and doesn't include rogue agents who just get a kick out of doxing.
Whatever happened to the guy who kept claiming that Tamers was a Mariotehplumber ripoff
didn't /co/ dox him as soon as he made a pony video?
a sharty tried to dox him on /co/ and then quickly blamed it on hugh and then tamers made fun of the false dox and fail accusation in the birthday bash episode
Tamers is a MTP ripoff I just hasn't mention him yet. Also John is now retired and is focusing his attention on Jesus.
>Date joined: June 10, 2010
>Date joined: July 25, 2009
If tamers is writing an autobiography then he deserved the abuse because he's too prideful and stupid to recognize the homosexuality is why the relationship was abusive. Also this is heavily leaning into groomer content.
Hmm I wonder why tamers dislikes the feminine ponies?
Tamers only started to make videos after MTP
>homo projection
I don't need to see gay stallions for 20+ minutes when the first 3 episodes were funny due to the absurdist and shock humor.
Maybe I should point out that Tamers is grooming kids by releasing videos like this under MLP with cutesy thumbnails then putting in heavy erotica without age restriction?
This is plausible and frightening, but without real evidence I am going to believe Tamers is just a based fanatic.
Let's ban Tamers
trixie deserves more abuse
The create your own Groomer dash thread anon. Don't be a fag and wuss out on what you want.
It's funny how it's just one fag with a grudge, throwing a temper tantrum over how no one but him hates Tamers the way he does.
Why doesn't Mariotehplumber anon follow MTP advice which is don't judge people.
Because the MTP ripoff accusation is him reaching for some reason to say that Tamers is le bad
What is this grotesque shit?
Cope. Several people find the direction tamers content is going in is disturbing and possibly irresponsible. The fags coming out of the woodwork to blame everyone else for their mental illness/drug addiction problems is icing on the cake.
Sharty trying to dox him was pretty lame, but they ended up being right he's a degenerate.
Honestly Tamers' Trixie is pretty boring, he removed her fun personality and the AI voice can't emulate her dramatic speech patterns. She's just an insecure trailer trash pony here, very disappointing.
Oh shut up you spineless nigger
Damn, fuck you guys.
Here is the truth!
>Tamers is gay and filled with furgotry
The Eyes, Rarity... they sparkle.
They sparkle, for you.
Exactly also who is going to post Tamers dox? I would but I don't want to get banned today.
This board should have IDs
Just this thread.
if only you knew... lol
all boards should have IDs.
Hi Tamers
just admit you're his brother so that I can snitch on you
I'm insulted you guys think I'm tamers or his brother.
The sharty hasn't been usable in a year or two and everything that happens there should be disregarded. Doll and Froot are pedophiles btw.
They've doxed way higher profile people than tamers, they took down raid because they needed to make room for discord boards
They need to re-instate the IP counter and bring back the IP based ban. Some people are getting way too comfortable samefagging.
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>I've lived twice as long as you yet I've never really dated before, so this is all new to me. Please give me time. You're most of firsts. You're lucky you had Big Mac to experiment with, I'm the older one I'm supposed to have experience.
We got flags
These threads are getting to the level of the /co/ ones
I hope the rumor that it's going to return after the election is true. I miss it every day.
I don't think anyone is samefagging. meds.
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I hope so too because every board has gotten significantly worse since it's deletion. But judging by how they wiped multiple boards including this one clean inexplicably and just called the ordeal an oopsie poopsie I'm not gonna get my hopes too high that the new staff could even pull it off without fucking it up immensely.
Best bet is to get the twitranny to detransition. We should focus on doing good.
reminder that shartyfags are all underage and barely above 14 at most, ban children from the internet
I don't get why that site is still up, I constantly hear about them posting pictures with embedded CP in them, how has it not gotten raided the police?
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Have any arrests actually happened?
Yeah same thing as the Pinkie Pie conversation, Soarin is literally us and the gay cowboy asshole is a metaphor that represents unobtainable happiness.
There have been no arrests because you are more likely to run into embed CP on /v/ than the sharty. Its shitty and dying now, so there is no point in even talking about it anymore.
Imagine thinking their fake image of being 14 year olds while they use black hat databases to gangstalk people online. It's like kiwifarms but endorsed by the CIA/FSB.
kek shartynigger is getting a little riled up you're calling out their fed honeypot site.
I didn't think about it before, but it's actually pretty sad that Pinkie had so much hope for Soarin and he ended up losing everything after following her advice.
Pinkie didn't know that Braeburn survives on a steady diet of apples, semen, and victim complex.
100% this
All boards need thread IDs right fucking now, no, YEARS AGO
>Several people find the direction tamers content is going in is disturbing and possibly irresponsible
You are not several people, no matter how hard you try.
Fuck you bigot I'm a system of at least 37 inhabitants.
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>disturbing and possibly irresponsible
And the disturbing and irresponsible part is just stallions wearing socks
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>shows girls as best friends
>they're cute, on-model, and wholesome

>shows men in a gay relationship
>off-model, melodramatic, uninspiring garbage

Still doubting the two Tamers theory?
>best friends
What is sharty
Rainbow hard rejected that retard. Ponkers is something to cherish and protect. Twi is something to challenge and achieve.
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Yes, best friends.
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>filter the phrases "sharty" "dox" "carlos" "hugh" etc
>thread quality vastly improves
Gee, it's almost like ignoring them until they go away due to not getting the attention they desperately want is the best thing to do. Instead people are too autistic to collectively do the one thing they know is right to make the issue permanently disappear.
Newfags don't know how to filter or ignore. They wouldn't have lasted back before this board existed when gorespam was half the thread.
I occasionally try to remind them of the solution in case it actually helps at least a single person realize they're a part of the issue when they reply to them. You're sadly right though, they probably also don't know how to MD5 filter either.
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Fuck, I watched this episode 3 times and only just now noticed Big Mac's sculpted ass
ok but speaking of "sharty" why doesn't vylet pony have a thread there yet, it sounds like something that would be right up their alley.
>hug h
no ones told me why hes hated enough that people lied about him doxing tamers on /co/
you're better off not knowing but if you must
ess oh why jak . party
they just do the most retarded raid shit possible, they organise discord ERPs to ruin threads and topics on 4chan and make those endless reams of those retarded jak reaction images you keep seeing infinite more of every day
they're not good at any of that shit but they're autistically dedicated
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Considering the fact the """""/co/""""" anons came to this thread ... NAH YAH FUCKING THINK, ANON? REALLY? they're the same Steven Universe and Adventure Time and Homestuck faggots, those stonerfags and homosucks have been polluting /co/ with their generals since 2010.

C'mon come out of the Sonic closet you closeted shitposting Gen-Zers who never watched the original Sonic cartoons.

if nobody mentions me then I'm going to go nuts, I'm reviewing your shitpost ... AGGRESSIVELY AT 4AM.
>mfw trying to watch this for the first 10 minutes
How do you gen-Zers have patience to watch this garbage, but no patience when it comes to TikTok and a quality show like Carmen Sandiego and Cleopatra In Space?
>keep watching
alright alright, but to save my braincells I'm going to have to skip a little...

Jesus and I thought the .mov series and Greg's voice acting and fanfiction was shit. And that 1 parody MLP series voiced by actual women(geeky nasal young women that look and sound like teenagers)
Why are you people taking this seriously? it's a shitpost/joke. Not to mention it's so badly written & voice acted. You're supposed to laugh at how bad it is like Angela Anaconda and The Room, not take it seriously. Why did the thread devolve into serious talk and serious shitflinging about lgbt over a joke?

I'm really trying to understand your Stockholm Syndrome and lack of self awareness, let me watch more so I can understand it.
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The latest episode literally debunked your theory by having both artstyles. Tamers said his artstyle may look like it shifts at times because he'll take more time drawing whoever is the main character of said episode at the time. This is especially evident with Applejack since this is the first episode she actually looked good. Also crossing my fingers we get a Twilight/Trixie bed shot soon
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>Our system thinks your post is spam
Go back to >>>/r/eddit.

gay porn is gay
We need infinitely more AJ content. Tamers is fucking us (me) right the fuck over with the faggot triumvirate stealing her episodes. At this point even chinesehorse and that 40 year old have more screentime.
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.... this is gay porn.
this is unironic gay-0-0-- fan-fiction...... written with the maturity of a 12 year old.
gay porn without any hint of humour in it beyond the intentionally shit artstyle and 99s Microsoft Mike voices, seriously it's 2024 couldn't he have used ArtificialIntelligence voices? we've had the Preservation project since 2020 or even 2018.
I'm pretty sure Fluttershy would have the least amount of screentime in total if you actually measured it out.
It's not worth thinking about.
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Watching him with that girly hairdo, puppy eyes and unassuming face just reminds me how manipulative and "I wasn't in charge" women can be despite being "submissive" masochists.

Tamers is starting to remind me of Rebecca Sugar with how he contradicts his own message, I agree with you guys there.
She has an entire episode where she features prominently. AJ wasn't even in the B-plot this episode.
>AJ needs to kill Brae
>Soarin isn't solid with Brae who is still hung up on Mac
But the dove tail is actually
>Twi has to go to apploosa to kill Brae and burning his farm but is confronted by Big Mac and Soarin

You could remove AJ from the episode and basically nothing would change. All you'd need to do is have Big Mac find out through someone else and or be visiting Brae at the same time coincidentally. Flutters being chinese was central to both the premise and conclusion of the A-plot
This bitch is giving orders around like it's nobody's business, she sorry I mean he makes. No accountability, no responsibility, etc. okay okay done. moving on...

>The yandere Twilight comments
I don't know about you guys, but badass Twilight is only appealing to me cause of the contrast because she's normally a wimp, a goodie two shoes bookworm who everyone takes advantage of. So seeing her take charge and acting the opposite of what she normally does is refreshing and appealing to me. I don't think you guys think like that though. Vice versa when Rainbow Dash starts acting her opposite self for one day. I never liked it on Fluttershy though, felt OOC like a third personality.
>That fight scene with those awful cut-out cardboards and Sony Vegas effects.
This is South Park tier.

>Celestia dumping lore
I can't take you seriously. You're too stupid for me to take you seriously. Whole point of being an idiot genius is that you're also a genius along with being an idiot, that's the appeal of Izzy & Pinkie, that's the appeal of South Park and The Simpsons. Tamers isn't smart.
This is why only retards can take Steven Trannyverse, Adventure Stoner, Infinity Train Autism seriously.

Wow hmm yeah I see. I see why your weaker men behaving like women might fall for this lore shit and relationshit
The SU artist isn't as good at portraying physical depth as the MLP artist, characters like Aleena look so flat compared to these horses, despite her having tits
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I disagree, Fluttershy's entire episode only existed to create a setting for the gays. Fluttershy's asian obsession was ultimately meaningless and her entire plot boils down to calling her a background pony. AJ herself wasn't as important to setting up the plot of her episode, but she had much more interesting character development. Her struggle with her loyalty to the Apple family was a thousand times better than Fluttershy being used as nothing more than a joke. And she was the one who was able to tell Twilight off at the end of the video which might actually lead to her having a moment of self reflection. Fluttershy isn't even a character at this point.
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>For a second I thought Tamers actually listened to refined synthwave techno disco electronica till I noticed it's just the most popular shit, regardless it still says a lot about him, he has no taste. However I can still deride something from it. Feminine traits cannot understand comedy and do comedy beyond the understanding of an excitable 5 year old.
Yeah, it's gay garbage with horrible voice acting. Anyone still watching this is a faggot. Tamers will prioritize his gay soap opera shit over cute mares. Sonic has loads of fujos, but this doesn't work in MLP with a majority-female cast
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So despite my image, I actually understood perfectly what I watched ... I --might-- understand how you little kids get roped into talking about gay shit so seriously just like the Bittersweet Candybowl fandom suffering from not being able to look away from a car crash in slowmotion. Soap operas are still for gypsies, mexicans, middle eastern/indian genes.
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That's the only problem I have with it. This is going to sound 100% bitchmade, but I think this whole MLP exercise has helped me understand when women are upset when dudes show up in their "safe spaces" or whatever they call them. It feels wrong that colts are getting the focus instead of mares. It's even worse when the colts have a shitty will they/won't they scenario (which is something I despise no matter what sexuality is involved) that crosses multiple episodes.
Watch this in a discord group group high as fuck. Laughed my ass off. No wonder you horse fags laugh this shit.
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His latest video got 33k views in a day and actual fanart shut the fuck up lol
>you have to be high to tolerate faggot soap opera shit
Yeah, no kidding
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No, I'm just stating facts. Also, the sharty is a shithole ran by faggots now, I don't care about you shit talking it. I only care about the fact you are wrong, and I am right, since I have autism
And a chicken nugget singing cotton-eyed joe has millions of views. Your point? FiM is not a Fujo/yaoi vehicle. Making faggot soap opera shit is ramming a square peg down a round hole
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Don't know if anyone posted this piece here yet
You've taken the bait. Now it's time to watch his masterpiece, Sonic Underground. Start with the first Halloween episode and go from there.
There are playlists if you look them up.
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Yeah, tamers is probably getting a little too gay with the horse yaoi shit and I love SU. His mom must be really into it because its tamers usually only does gay shit comedically.
... i just wanted cute mares doing cute things...
>FiM is not a Fujo/yaoi vehicle. Making faggot soap opera shit is ramming a square peg down
You are completely underestimating how starved female mlp fans are for quality gay content where the majority of fan produced media is boring yuri shit. The fact is FiM is prime fur yaoi content and few are dare to risk it, Tamers risked it and struck gold
Catering to fujos is so bottom of the barrel I can't even believe that I've gotten so old the next generation thinks that it's acceptable behavior in any way, shape, or form, and that fujos are somehow entitled to anything.
So execution wise it's just shit ... cause genre/atmosphere wise it changes from a comedy shitpost on the level of Angela Anaconda to just a show trying to take itself seriously when the guy has no talent and effort for it.
It's especially like those "dramady" movies that try to combine both drama and comedy, like a black comedy but without being positive black comedy like Addam's Family, but the emo kind that's tryhard and goes "woe is me, the end is neigh".
I can see why you end up getting flustered over it just like religion and politics everyone wants to have a say so they don't seem dumb.

Me personally I will never understand how gay people can forge relationships with men, but not women and how the fuck can you not go asexual from so much lack of sex, how do you even feel the need anymore to go through the motions. Maybe you guys actually had more friends than you believe you had during your childhood.

Also I actually listen to electronica since I was little and not the overly popular pop shit meant to appeal to everyone. Pop is meant to appeal to every demographic. AND EVEN I KNOW HOW TO WRITE COMEDY BETTER.
The reason I enjoy techno is because of its modernness, sleekness, quickness. I enjoy Dragonforce.
Trey Parker most likely listens to country and old good stuff like Queen and despite him being a married gay man with children, he's still grounded and still funny ... even after SP season 3 he was still funny. Not extremely, but he was aware of his surroundings, honesty is the first trait you require in order to be funny.

I watch everything sober as fuck and I never laughed on the outside at Tom & Jerry as a kid. I enjoyed it in silence and laughed on the inside. Fucking Californian stoners and redneck drinkers, maaannn, duuuddeee.
The Hot Pot video is anomalous.
funny how we can go without this intense level of autism for weeks and then suddenly, for no reason at all, there are a whole bunch of wordy shartards and kiwiniggers at once
what a coincidence
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In a way I'm glad his MLP series is ending because if there's one thing I wouldnt want is for Tamers to be influenced by the autistics in this board, considering half the retards complaining think
is not only the peak of all storytelling, but also the only storytelling that should be allowed at all.
That one got age-restricted, dummies
this could all be avoided if you chuds weren't so violently homophobic ;^)
not one of you were here for the pinkiedash shipping
none were here for twixie
but ohhh nooo men love each other oh nooo its a sin in the eyes of big sky daddy nooo
get a life and a job
t. retard
Who the fuck do you think Aleena is? Hell (you) appeared in the most recent episode even.
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Have we ever stopped to consider the guy who has been doing gay sonic fan parodies, himself, is a fujo?
anon you're getting baited...
Tamers is NOT a FUJO *slams hoof on nearby desk, scaring everyone*
since he's a guy he'd be a fudanshi
I knew he was a fujo when he knew the names of both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru back in Battle with the Boys. If I had said that four years ago, everyone would have called me retarded. I'm not letting him using Pinkiedash with Diamond as a smokescreen this time. He's gay as hell.
And now I had waited five seconds because if I had used fudanshi you would've called me a retard because you don't know moonspeak (no one does these days), but now there's this >>41420499 enlightened individual who knows what that is, so I couldn't be called retarded in this scenario.
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ok retard
Unironically it would have probably hit 200k by now at the speed it was growing if it wasn't age restricted. Even tamers was worried about Hasbro coming for him and he was turning on and off age restriction himself to test things, before Youtube restricted it themselves. I'm surprised the views are growing as much as they are now since you can only really find it by explicitly searching for his channel
I don't even know how it got any attention. None of the other MLP videos hit 100k before it, which means someone was promoting it somewhere to help give it additional viewers, and that kind of exposure is dangerous.
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The only time you're gay is if you've had too many women as a gigolo or you've raised your standards too high and had nothing but shit women or just that 1 woman who really screwed you in the head. Either way I still have more sympathy for asexuals, I will always enjoy neutrality over "I better gayshoot the whole school and shoot nothing but the kids instead of the principal who's an actual important political figure in that whole shit establishment or college teachers full of themselves". Yeah I can see how you guys get roped into these discussions.

Yeah so see? this is why initially I refused to watch The Simpsons, Futurama and South Park as a kid ... I thought I was going to get more Angela Anaconda garbage because of how ugly the art style was and how annoying the voices sounded.
Only to wake up to the fact that Futurama had goddamn mathematicians writing it.
Wake up to the fact that I actually enjoyed the relationshits of the Simpsons characters far more than I did The Flinstones and The Jetsons ... cause Simpsons(at early seasons) uses a lot of emotional manipulation and knows how to write and make you care about it.
South Park despite its mediocrity actually had something honest to say every once in a while and the storytelling was just as good as Simpsons' and Futurama's...
none of them felt like normal children's shows so I actually got something refreshing out of them. They're also more entertaining than Dilbert and Peanuts that's 90% dialogue. Infinitely more entertaining than that Seinfeld trash and FRIENDS and Married with Children and all that jazz and I will die on that hill. Jerry Seinfeld isn't funny.

And Tamers' shit? I got what I saw; a shitpost taking itself seriously. A talentless hack trying not to be talentless but failing hard at it(Doug Walker trying to make movies beyond "comedy" skits.)

South Park started as a shitpost, but somehow its first 3 seasons were still funny when adding a plot to it and even season 6-13 which tried to take themselves more seriously was still fucking funny just like The Simpsons taking itself seriously with relationship drama and wholesomeness. Tamers is just pretending to try or want to take himself seriously without putting even 50% of the effort which South Park does and 90% of the effort The Simpsons do.

With Futurama's insane sci-fi stuff, Simpsons A B C D plots I was genuinely impressed after the garbage nothing S2-S9 MLP seasons. "Holy shit it just keeps going, it's not finished yet. Holy shit these twists are actually good and refreshing".
And Dan Vs another good show that originally was suppose to be an adult show ... and infinitely funnier than Family Guy.
Mao Mao also funny, but it's dragged down because every episode is the same; Mao Mao learns a life lesson... in 10 minutes ... in 99% of the time the same way. Dan Vs at least freshened it up , but it also had 20 minutes to work with.
Mao Mao is kinda like Despicable Me- dragged down by Poochie MLP-tier characters.
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People were probably just spreading it around at lightspeed because of the pocky scene. It was literally porn
>haha don't worry bro bait and switching kids content with homoerotica is a joke bro, why are you so mad? just chill out and let kids watch gay erotica on youtube haha
kys namefag
Yes because tamers is attracting retarded fujoshis and other mentally ill people. People who have never really been bronies.
Let's not forget that Tamers knew about the gay Japanese mayo and intentionally used a bottle of it for the money shot. The fact anyone still believed him to be ironically gay even after THAT is mind-boggling.
Nothing of value
Please go back and don't post here any more.
whatever you say shartynigger
Yeah Tamers is using mlp to attract people who are mentally ill like him. Making more money, congrats I guess you're still a mentally ill faggot.
Yeah it has a sexual thumbnail dumbass.
>birthday bash, funny
>next 2 increasingly sexual
>now it's just gay porn on youtube
I don't care if tamers videos gets age restricted, if he gets banned from youtube (he completely violates the terms), or if Hasbro sends a C&D.
>a sweet video for pinkiedash shippers is rainbow dash admitting she feels guilty for liking pinkie, and pinkie feeling not good enough for rainbow, but both of them agreeing to be supportive friends with each other
>a sweet video for faggots involves rapeplay, erectile dysfunction, silver years medication, rape-baiting, beatings, abuse, psychological trauma, gaslighting, and self-victimizing while also playing the victim
It's good tamers doesn't hide how mentally ill he and his clique are. Absurdist comedy, good. Mental illness drama and porn for mentally ill people (and kids who stumble on it), bad.
homophobes take the L
Nobody is afraid of homos. They are disgusting and mentally ill, as tamers has shown.
Yhs_rEtTuLF is pretty active right now
Why is a fag who hates women making a cartoon about a show that primarily has women?
kys faggot
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Meanwhile Rick & Morty and Solar Opposites are trying to be Futurama badly, they even started decently, but kept getting worse and worse every season. They still weren't Futurama tier, even Futurama's season 6 is still good.

Venture Bros only gets better and better with each season which is a rarity during these times, and a rarity for any age really as things normally lose their freshness and get shittier and shittier after some time passes.

Solar Opposites & RicknMortimer are not as good as early Futurama - But their first 2 seasons are watchable and then it gets 50/50 tier where someone needs to filter a list of episodes for you. Shit isn't true for MLP, that one is equally bad with barely -0.2/+0.2 points of difference between each episode. You'd have to cut 30-60s segments out of each episode to get the good stuff, same deal with Tamers' cardboard cutout fighting scene if you're into that. I personally always stayed for the Scooby Doo musical+chase sequences and as soon as that was over I changed the channel.
I think the only fully watchable episodes for post S1 MLP are Power Ponies, Frenemies, Gauntlet of Fire only because they're different... because they have an entirely different idea that's so pervasive that it makes them feel like you're watching a different show. Like cutting the Daring Do bits out of Read It & Weep It and calling that 3 minute segment the entire episode. And again only if you have very low standards and like say you enjoy The Pillar6's backstory episode, they're still dogshit compared to S1 and still don't offer what S1 offered. But for fucks sake S1 episodes used to be more unique among each other with a different location, a lot more monsters, etc. S1 wasn't Look Before You Sleep and even the worst episode has infinitely better banter/dialogue than any brainless corporate YesMen dialogue from S2-S9.
It's pretty funny how this gay horse drama goes so many fucked up places that tackles irl issues like Big Mac being an incestuous abuser/rapist towards Braeburn, if you can even call it rape when Braeburn willingly lets himself be hit and fucked just so he could feel something. And Braeburn's only real other option being a 50 y/o man who suffers from erectile dysfunction and depression, and has to wear a costume of Big Mac just to get Braeburn off.

meanwhile on the Yuri side of things, at worst Rainbow Dash is scared of telling Pinkie Pie she likes her because she's the popular girl.
see >>41420570
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Our existence is like an apple rotting in a glass of the finest cider, killing the worm that found a home inside the comfort of its supple flesh, drowning in exuberant intoxication without comprehending how its futile life has come to a close because the actions it foolishly took of its own free will have placed him in this compromising condition. Not unlike a homosexual dying on a hospital bed, ravaged with AIDS.
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>violently homophobic
What world do you live in where anything in these past videos have been "irl issues"? I'm being serious, I want to know what shithole country to avoid, because if that's normal, I don't want to be a part of it.
>tamers shows up
>makes a couple funny episodes
>/co/ homosuck troons, fillycon spam bakes, attracting fujoshis to ponies
Really activates my almonds.
>fag hates women
>cute mares, no scares
>"cute" colts, only revolts
simple ass
Why do people act like Braeburn's and Soarin's relationship was a disaster? There were issues that needed to be worked out, but it was far from dysfunctional
making a gay romance plot is a funny gag but if that's the only story you can make then it sucks.
Everything that they did was perfectly fine for a blooming relationship, but those of us on the outside looking in know that Soarin is a genuinely good person and Braeburn is a legitimate piece of instigating shit that deserves death by stoning. It was a disaster from the start because every one of us knew that Soarin was way, WAY too good for him, and now Soarin is in the middle of a villain arc because Braeburn can't stop getting his cousin to rape him for validation.
2 inches and tender love weren't enough for breaburn Anon, he enjoyed what Big Mac gave but didn't like that Big Mac wasn't open about it.

He went as far as going on Horsereddit to ask if he'd be an asshole for cheating and making his post sound like he is merely tolerating the lack of sex.
It's 50% of the value in this thread you little shit.

Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry

Do you want me to talk like this

Does it help your zoomer Twitter TikTok generation if I talk like this?

To keep your fucking attention?

Should I run everything through Microsoft Mike while putting on a puppet show for you?

Cause apparently it does wonders for Tamers.

They're not if the women are ugly as shit.

Try watching 2 40-60 year olds kissing suddenly you'll get repulsed.

Try watching 2 fat women kiss and suddenly you'll understand the feeling of a straightman watching gay porn if you gays can't understand it.

Try stepping on a cockroach barefoot.

Try fucking your own samesex parent (since some people don't have siblings to empathize with this)

2 hot 18-25 year olds kissing? suddenly good. It's like watching 2 puppies cuddle together... compared to 2 grown ass dogs cuddling together.
It's like watching 2 kids hug ... as opposed to those goddamn fucking middle eastern italian persian f

Also it's simply not for you. Gay porn is for fucked up in the head teenage girls ... and other gay men.
Teenage girls are quiet about it ... they don't post about gay rights to get more gay porn, they also don't share gay porn with each other?

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This MLP and Braeburn adventure has got me liking SU Sonic a whole lot more in hindsight. Braeburn is actually just a worse Sonic without having the best cock/boyfriend in the whole galaxy.
>No friends
>Fucks family
>Can't stand up for himself without a safety net
>Tolerates women
>Shitty boyfriend
>Runs to women ran subreddits for validation
>Too shitty for them
Tamers, you are the best son a mom could want but fuck me I can't stand watching this whiny bitch take up most of the run time anymore.
KillYourself, PFFFFFAGGOT. and learn to read.
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I don't want to see stallions holding hands cutely. I want to see them trapped in a cycle of sex-abuse-rape-abuse-sex-rape-abuse in a world that will never accept them for who they are, because even if it's a dysfunctional thing each other is all they've got.

I don't want to see mares be unhappy, I want to see them do cute things with each other like watch tv together and hold hands and closed mouth kissing at most.

One is hot, one is cute, both satisfy me as a straight man.
but what if braeburn is tamers self insert
what if were supposed to identify and sympathize with him
You write nothing worth reading, if this was a forum you'd have been permanently banned for being a socially-inept retard who got on everyone's nerves, and even if you don't break any rules, people wouldn't care because they're sick of your faggot ass.
what if Big Mac is tamers self insert?
what if were supposed to go out there and find ourselves a twink cowboy to fuck
You write nothing worth reading, if this was a forum you'd have been permanently banned for being a socially-inept retard who got on everyone's nerves, and even if you don't break any rules, people wouldn't care because they're sick of your faggot ass.
Yourself. Now go open a book, an actual one, not a gay fanfiction one.
this actually came to mind for me too, except I immediately thought, "what do I care? Fuck him than."
I bet your ass Tamers is a fat man or a tall lanky son of a bitch that looks older than he is.
Can we accept this is tamerscord astroturfing his show here? First few episodes were funny but it's falling apart and people defending the shitty slop makes all of the episodes look worse.
I cant wait for this thread to hit the bump limit

why are you like this? if you dont like tamers then dont watch it
I've accepted it. As soon as I saw the stallions in the Hot Pot video I realized what he was doing. I post in premier chats, but I don't watch his videos live anymore so I can skip through the stallions. It's his art, fine, he can make whatever he wants, whatever. I can only watch the Yovidaphone episode so many times trying to accept the lesson before I have to finally say it's a load of ponyshit.
the coincidence of tamers showing up and board quality going down is pretty big.
are you actually joking? you're surely shilling if you're going around correcting anons' grammatical errors.
anon, he's clearly deranged. Like a drunk homeless man screaming in people's faces about lizard people in the street. We just have no authority for self-policing here
I genuinely feel like people are missing the entire point, that nobody in the tamersverse is supposed to be likeable or relatable. Tamers knows people find characters like Braeburn annoying and plays it up.

Braeburn uses fucking reddit to cry about his feelings and asks for validation from strangers on if it would be okay to literally cheat on Soarin. When of course it fucking isn't. He forces Soarin to dress up as his own cousin to do erotic roleplays where he dresses up, and commanded Big Mac to beat his ass with an emotionless gaze. When Soarin suffers from erectile dysfuntion his first action is asking Soarin to pass him a jar of pickled jalapenos because he's hungry, not comfort his 50 y/o man. When he visits Big Mac in the barn he is literally having rape fantasies where he wishes to be violated by Big Mac right then and there.

The confirmation that has been in everyones faces this whole time is when Tamers explicitly played up how every member of the mane 6 would be getting their own videos. Then when the Fluttershy video came out and Braeburn stole it for himself people whined about it. When the fucking punchline near the end is Twilight telling Fluttershy "You are like a background pony".

Tamers knows what he is doing.
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>/co/ can't self-contain to one thread
>discord and sharty fighting their stupid wars on /mlp/ instead of anywhere else
>tamers coming out of the closet with enough force it generated a hurricane in louisiana
>NO sonic underground, NO zatch bell, AND mlp is just fujobait across 10 episodes
I'm mad about all of the dishonest marketing and bad behaviors and nothing more. GR15 needs to be more strict to maintain the purity of /mlp/. Number of posters needs to come back. Force IDs in threads, too. I don't care about freedom of speech anymore, I want full-blown 1984 dictatorial law in here to help purge all of you.
It's only a joke if people laugh, retard.
It's more like 1 guy complaining about gay shit
I'm a drunk homeless man that believes in lizard people. oh shit!
Yeah making shitty drama non-stories that have no value beyond some absurdist humor.
It's more like 1 guy defending the gay shit.
Forgot you name, faggot?
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Then you don't have to watch my videos bitch. You think I make them for you? Are you retarded? Are you fucking stupid?
>*pushes you on the grand*
>*I act like I'm going to punch you and you flinch*
Heh, that's what I thought. You're just a fucking loser, I bet you don't even know the name of the song that plays in the episode of Bartleby the prisoner. If you're bothered by what I make how about you go an make your own my little pony video or some shit? Oh wait, you're not as skilled as. Damn, that sucks for you huh bitch? I bet you're a modern sonic fan. Do you want to know why I put gay shit in my videos? Cause I can, simple ass, bitch. To tell you the truth I never even watched my little pony. I thought Braeburn was a main character. It wasn't until the Hot Pot video that I realized he wasn't all because of your whining like a poopy baby bitch. But now, you know what? He's gonna appear in the next one just cause I wanna see you butthurt. Peace bitch, I'm off to make another Braeburn x Big Mac video... Or a video with Luna... if you promise you'll be good lol. Bitch.
>*I walk away*
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>nobody in the tamersverse is supposed to be likeable or relatable
Correct, and they're also not usually obnoxious to watch either. Bartelby can literally ruin Christmas one year and its still fun to watch. The Mane 6 are fun to watch when they get a fucking turn in their own episode. I want Soarin-Nega to just pop Braeburn like a balloon so we can move on to the actual fun parts.
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You offboarders are fucking autistic. Even by /mlp/ standards.
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I'm glad Tamers doesn't give a fuck about any of you
It would have been funny if the abusive gay romance was subtle and a side plot, but it isn't. The absurdist humor is funny, but only a small part of the show
They need to go back.
Picture is misleading. Dash has a cock. Side note: how do you spoiler text?
Also he's on Derpi.
It's best for him.
Anon this is a fandom for a show that ended almost five years ago, and on a low note at that. Tamers isn't the problem he's a symptom of Hasbro's failures.
shut up nerd
>Tamers isn’t the problem he’s incredibly based and is making high quality content that most fans and even some non fans enjoy and is breathing extra life into the fandom
mentally ill fags and fujoshis don't help mlp
>extra life
you mean the gays?
stay mad and die early homophobes
Futa is cool and it proves that it isn't about sexuality but homos being disgusting freaks.
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I pray to Celestia every morning that Tamers never visits this forsaken place. He's too pure for this shithole.
Tamers should keep his show discussions on discord where he's used to.
This is a fandom built on bestiality and yurishit. It was always mentally ill.
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This fan art fucking slaps.
No it isn't
Tamers show has turned into shit and by extension the art is shit.
>muh heckin mentally ill gay is becoming an alicorn
>woah so deep
tamers jumped the shark pretty early
>No it isn't
How is it not?
People want to fuck the horses they don't want them to fuck each other. Only a retarded homo grifter wouldn't understand this.
Wanting to fuck horses is mentally ill, anon.
Fuck the horn is making me emotion, this is some really nice stuff
Tamers is just too based for most to handle so they hate him in fear
>thing is bad
>can't make good thing based on bad thing
is the world good or bad?
No the absurdist stuff was funny but it's clear he's a mentally ill fag trying to groom kids like vivziepop.
Oh, it’s much more than that. These are all the same brain-dead autist.
Yeah. But the funny part will be when he keeps making gayslop soap opera shit when fim is about cute mares doing cute things.
Reading through this thread takes me back to the days when people would unironically argue with Tamers on Deviantart over who the fuck Bartelby even is and that he should draw Sonic with Amy and then he'd get extremely pissed and it would just devolve into endless pages of autists arguing with autists. Kinda based.
Being smug doesn't make tamers content stop being gay groomerslop.
this is the fate of anything popular, I promise you if 2snacks was still part of this /mlp/ would turn on him too after 10 vids max
The fanart that's been coming out after the new episode is surprisingly great, I'm surprised Soarin ended up being one of the best written characters
what the fuck happened here
If I finally watch this tamers shit, is it a prime and perfect example of all this "groomer" shit the right has been on about for 3 years, or will there just be gays being gay and also bad fictional people?

Is this a working example of the groomer phenomenon which I can use too understand the epidemic, or are you full of shit?
Tamers mindbroke another one, he's just too strong
The groomer shit is happening in the eqg threads and in the eqg community. The right was 100% correct on that one. Here it's just shitposting.
tamerslop has very little to do with mlp other than using the characters.
why are you shartyniggers backing tamers?
>tamerslop has very little to do with mlp other than using the characters.

>not answering the question
>giving me a reason not to check
shut the FUCK up

Look, eqg is itself grooming of the straight variety both for the adult fans and the kids, and what happens to them is their problem.
I made jokes weeks age that it was only a matter of time before Braeburned drew some TamersBraeburn porn, but if dripponi is drawing this it really is only a matter of time before Braeburned draws something too
I propose a new theory the 'Schizophrenic Tamers Hypothesis' where Tamers has a yuri side and yaoi side with the yaoi side being his dominant personality, which can be seen by the majority of his art being yaoi related up until his take on mlp. This theory would also explain why they both have a similar artstyle but use it for entirely different purposes.
>a similar artstyle but use it for entirely different purposes.
That's what styles are for
That's the point of them
This is the most normal possible behavior
Why do none of you understand art
what is this shit and why do I keep seeing it here?
Has tamers said why spike isnt in it?
Probably but I haven't seen it, but I guarantee he either pretended not to know who Spike was or said he didn't give a shit about Spike.
It's mlp as if it was written by vivziepop and animated by chris chan.
He claimed he didn't know who spike was in one of the previous premiere chats. But to be honest, this is looking like another Tails situation to me. i think he knows of Spike's existence, but doesn't give enough of a shit about him to include him in the videos.
nah m8 the story and dialogue are way too coherent for that bitch's schizo hands
Tails wasn't in SU.
>written by vivziepop
Don't disrespect Tamers writing like that.
Nether was the cast of Lazy Town, but that didn't stop Tamers from including them. Dude just fucking hates Tails.
He's only doing crossovers, tails wasn't part of SU so he has no place in it even during crossovers.
Part of Tamers character is that he hates anything about Sonic thats not from SU.
He doesn't include Tails just like he doesn't include other characters like Rouge, Cream or Shadow.
>Dude just fucking hates Tails
Rightfully fucking so, Tails is an annoying toddler. Sonic Underground was the perfect mix of Sonic media which didn't include any annoying cast of characters from the other Sonic universes and has an amazing and unique cast. Having Tails in Tamers' continuation would ruin that because it was untainted by shit characters. It's like your mother begging you to bring your annoying younger brother along even though it's completely inappropriate to have him there.
who is Tails?
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This is Tails.
Why would anyone want Tamers to include their OC into SU?
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You're coming into watching tamers with the expectations that it will fill some niche that others shows already have. But this is not other shows, nor anything close, it is a unique experience that only comes about from the mind of an autistic, and far away from corporate pandering, censorship, or agenda pushing. The "best" shows always make a comedic allegory off of a real life event like the boondocks does. But ultimately it will always be in the shadow of the real event it's parodying unless it's able to add something to surpass it, but not so much as to dispel the illusion of parody. In that sense I believe tamers does an excellent job riding the line with the MLP series that not only parodies FiM, but his own work with his asses, AI voices, funny faces and farts.
Mare farts farty fart
there was a vote in live chat about which mare has the stinkiest farts and while tamers said let pinkie win, he also said that while we all know rarity has the worst ones pick pinkie
Yeah I voted for Fluttershy in that poll. I hope he includes Glim at some point in his vids, I want to see the tamers version of my waifu and also want to see her have a gassy poopy butt.
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That's completely different though. Lazy town, and every other random crossover are from completely separate properties that Tamers has watched. Tamers has said probably thousands of times now that he does not and never will give a shit about any sonic media besides Sonic Underground, and as such, sonic characters not from Sonic Underground will never appear in his videos. I don't understand peoples retarded obsession with tails anyway. He played a younger brother role to Sonic, but in Sonic Underground sonic actually has siblings so there's literally no reason for him to exist his role has already been filled and he would bring nothing new to the table.
in the future you can try checking this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lN2nn22hwmfBMn_hRl58iv3FmSrCZpkBHzQnlnvXUmM/edit?usp=sharing
some guy made a spreadsheet of all the music he uses
Is there one of these for the voices? We had one guy in one of the first few threads that found most of them but he never found Luna, Trixie, Chrysalis, or Soarin
Soarin is the Brian voice on MicMonster, but no I don't think anyone has made one. I just know about that list you mentioned.
Pedophile thread
How in the world did you get the impression that this is an eqg thread? Explain and present your evidence.
>present evidence
Have you read this thread?
Yes, there are zero eqg discussions here except that one barbie fag who is trying to force the agenda, like everywhere. Where is the eqg shit? Point to it.
Ok nonce keep pretending its only EQG
dude its the 21st century and we live in the civilized world its ok to say ur a fag
>its ok when i do it ok?
>it- it just is ok!
godfags when the person who doesnt believe in their religion doesnt follow its rules
more gay stallions
whats a thread id?
A thread ID is a custom identifier attached to a person’s IP address when they post in a unique thread that helps prevent samefaggotry and avoid shilling of a certain topic or idea.
if these videos are autobiography
then i cant respect tamer he got fucked in ass
Well, if he thinks that other people use science as a religion, it would actually be the correct move to just swamp people with science verses. He's being consistent with his wrong idea.

>he pulled out a bookmarked tab
having it bookmarked isn't better
I'm not sure if it's worse or not, however.

Oh no see they don't care if he's serious or not. Their interest is in fighting a "social contagion" in the form of a "degeneracy" and so any expression of the topic is a valid and correct target to them.
What do you mean by one of "those ones?"
Rainbow Dash was the one who beat the shit out of Pinkie for putting smarties in the candy bowl.
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Which was totally justified since Pinkie didn't even bother to undo the plastic wrapper. The point of the TikTok activity was that at the end, everyone could get a hoofful of candy and eat the mixture at once. Horses can't digest plastic wrappers, so Pinkie was ruining the entire activity by being retarded and trying to kill them. Beating Pinkie after Pinkie actively tried to force a choking hazard on others is 100% justifiable behavior.
kind of fucks up the anonymity though.
Anonymity isn't a right, it's a privilege. When it's being abused by bots, Indians, and Discord groups, then the privilege should go away because only bad actors gain anything from anonymity, while the rest of 4chan suffers.
Ban the entire Indian continent, as well as Israel and Canada.
>only bad actors gain anything from anonymity
Nice argument, moron.
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, or in this case without an argument on either side.
You ignoring evidence isn't the same as no evidence. You're like a black mother defending her hoodlum son who made a TikTok bragging about how he killed someone and showing off the gun he used to do it.
Naw man I'm responding to a single post which expressed opinion without argument. Easy to confuse the two. Perfectly normal. No need to get all embarrassed onions~.
You're a liar, and if we had IDs, we could all ignore liars like you.
So, under your ideal system, I would be shunned by "we all" for the post where I say "false"? Ignored completely for basic and simple disagreement?

This conversation has gone better than I imagined it could.
Talk about mares farting in Tamers' videos.
that's not what they are interested in, and thread's over
Glimmer fucking disintegrated along with Doctor Whooves in Cloudsdale. If she's coming back it won't be until he starts the next story arc.
The point was to mix it all into noodles, it was going to be disgusting regardless of the smarties
No it doesn't. The anonymity comes from not having an account and not being recognizable between threads.
How do you know he's the one getting fucked?
Can 4chan do something useful and dox the /biz/ moderators? the moderators in particular, not the janitors. That's the only place that truly deserves to get doxxed and I do not understand how it didn't get before cause on that side you can actually make money and lose a shit load of money because those retarded moderators range IP ban anyone and ban anything resembling "advertising" because ANYTHING can be considered advertising, even this thread can be considered advertising.
Imagine being so brainrotted you feel compelled to force directionbrained politics on a cartoon about horses. Do you faggots realize how insufferable you are?
That's the thing though, it's not unique. It's just Gay Angela Anaconda. Watch as Tamers has a fit over this.
Put your name back on, namefag
>Watch as Tamers
Tamers doesn't know you exist, and never will, if only we could all be so lucky.
dont like the gay excrement eating jokes but otherwise pretty funny
Injuries and such aren't persistent in his universe, characters die and walk it off in the next scene all the time.
Then I hope Glimmer comes back so we can get an extended death scene and Glimfags commit ritual suicide.
>enjoys 1800's literature about rich european aristocrats bitching and naggin' about marriage and unrequited love all the time.
I unironically have been trying to get into this. Do you have any recommendations or a reading order? Part of the problem with finding info on this is that it all leads to Tumblrina spaces
Zigga what?
Oh, it's just another /pol/troon seething about an adult animation alluding to something sexual.
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I'm partial to Russian literature, almost all of it is public domain by now so you can download text or find free audiobooks of it on Librivox. A lot of the stuff I've read is very long and really isn't obscure, personal favorites are Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. But some specific books which are about marriage and troubled love are as follows in no particular order: The Hunting Party by Anton Chekov. The Adolescent, The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (super long). The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Anna Karenina (long) by Leo Tolstoy. Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (long). Cousin Bette by Honor the Ballsack. You'll do well simply googling "top 100 19th century literature" and you're practically guaranteed domestic drama no matter what you pick. Biggest issues is in the Russian book almost every character has 3 different names dependant on who is talking with or about whom. The Adolescent might be a good start, although almost no one ever discusses it due to it falling in between his many other more well known books.
>Tamers thread when video premiered was all positive cuz it was all people eager to watch more
>late comer thread is a bunch of tourists with impotent rage they can't stop tamers from keeping up with mlp vids rather than SU
Assy thread, assy tourists
What are you talking about dude? Thats a very off target interpretation of the situation. First of calling anyone tourist here is a laughable offence, you yourself hardly know what you mean by it and it means nothing. Second no one here is angry about Tamers making pony stuff instead of SU, this is /mlp/ nigga. Third the reason people are corrosive in this thread is because what started out as an innocent gripe of an unnecessary amount of attention being placed on the BraeMac ship instead of the usual funny content matter evolved into a /pol/ogue.
Fucking newfag Sonicfag blackskin mexican fujo, shut up.
Go make a subreddit, let's make 4chan invade Reddit just like redditors invaded 4chan.
Also go make a stinking Discord, they allow for threads now.
Make a discord. Your kinds low hanging issues with nu-tamers don't bother me, begone from my sight bitch
Tamers rules, homophobes drool
Why is the sharty (a FSB/CIA backed site) pretending to attack tamers so bronies defend him, so that they are defending gay groomerslop? sharty is trying to damage the mlp community while they pretend they are against grooming.

Pretty sure they are also the ones suddenly spamming foalcon bakes and in every thread.

The government is spending money to shill and shit on the pony board of the niche corner of the internet?

Really really activates my almonds that /mlp/ get shat up as the sharty invades and pretends to attack tamers.

Yeah the CIA/FSB backed site with black hat databases can dox anyone they want EXCEPT tamers.

Real Hegelian diaclectic psychopath shit going on in here. Sharty pretending to agte tamers ,so bronies defend him, then inadvertently decent gay groomerslop which has nothing to do with why people like the show.

Reject sharty. Reject tamers now groomerslop. Embrace heterosexual mares.
>inb4 these threads get /trash/ed due to the sheer autism and shitflinging
*pretending to hate tamers
*inadvertently defend gay groomerslop
I'm phoneposting
Good. Sharty needs to get a life instead of trying to stir shit in a niche corner of the internet to make bronies look worse. Tamers threads belong on /trash/

Imagine getting kicked out of /mlp/
I'm referring to people like you, faggot.
This is how you know sharty supports groomerslop like vivziepop. They raid random discord users then conveniently position themselves so bronies defend groomerslop too. Making bronies into and enemy so they bronies do what they want.

Remember, government funds are being spent to shit up /mlp/ and make bronies look like groomers. If bronies were groomers they wouldn't have to shit up the board with tamers astroturfing.
getting sent to /trash/ would unironically improve the quality of the thread
You're not from this board you're part of sharty shitting up the place with tamers to make bronies look bad.
Tamers groomerslop has nothing to do with cute ponies and is homo groomer propaganda that should be age restricted on YouTube.
Nigger I've been on here since people were spamming the same low quality threads to get Homer's attention in the hopes they get on his PTS series. Stop projecting.
The false equivalence of a thread ID to an account is your own retardation coming out.
Wah wah I need to lie because anon is calling the sharty out as pretending to dislike tamers, to shit up the board and make bronies look bad.

/mlp/ didn't have enough groomerslop for their liking so they had to come here and make it look like bronies are grooming kids/teens. Your bait and switch of the series is obvious at this point.

Nope, just like mares, simple as.
This shit's for oldheads, dumbass
bro youre in here having a legit rant about a cia-backed conspiracy to manipulate the soijak autists into making us (the internet's punching back for fourteen years) look bad.
for some reason.
even though there hasn't been any soijaks posted in this thread and you know they can't resist spamming their cancer everywhere they go

this is a full level of retardation beyond what we usually see here, and you're swinging around that brain damage like you're trying to fight off a ghost.
please anon, try a bit of introspection, because this is the kind of thing the phrase 'touch grass' was invented for and i know you're better than that.
The way you talk makes it obvious you're an offboarder shartynigger.

Didn't read. Go to >>>/trash/
You are completely powerless.
be careful anon, the full might of the united states military is in here rolling their eyes at you. if you interrupt their grand plans to make us look bad you're gonna get assassinated via drone strike. you need at least five proxies to survive.
As are most schizos.
No one cares about your gayslop soap opera, DeMarcus

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