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AI Art Thread #41


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony: https://novelai.net
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. Use tags from e621 and natural language.

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
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Artist here, reminds me of this image which made me more okay with AI and I think every artist AI or not should be humble and follow that guide.
I didn't know you could do AI Art professionally. You can make money doing this?
There are definitely people who try, I have seen aislop patreons. Considering how many upvotes "good" ai pics get on derpibooru, this might actually work.
> Artist here
Yeah, sure.
Also, we bake at >500 posts, offboarder.
Other thread is gone; what do?
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>She is ready

I was trying to a real POV shot, i.e. Twilight leaning in to kiss the camera, rather than just her kissing some guy.
>duo, 1girl, 1boy
You don't need any of that lmao.
You can make money taking a shit on camera, doesn't mean it deserves respect as a profession.
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Yes I do, there's little secrets to share about it, resizing, consistency in the LoRAs and it makes people happy.
Protip: Set your price high. Then discuss to know your client better. If the client can afford it make a image for $100, if the client is broke insist go down by half. Find the right client since they won't care about your commission listing.

Tips: use Deviantart/FA and edit previous images, replace them with mediocre and bad ones to make an evolution as evidence. Keep them in scraps and remove the comments if any.
I realize the kind of moron who'd pay for AI images is already bottom of the barrel but jesus that's bad.
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>Ponyquin (a wooden pony-shaped mannequin) in the Canterlot Boutique with a saddle dress on it
Can we get some Daring Do bound up and blindfolded?
Anons can you please sumbit moderator feedback for /mlp/ mods banning you if you say tamers is off topic?
a) What does that have to do with this thread?
b) Not your personal army, go fuck yourself
What’s sus about that? She literally exists for it, even the books make fun of the idea by having her literally ask to be tied up at one point.
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mind you there's many and as I discussed many times in the previous thread, it's what will preserve Ai art, it's been declining for months and users are giving up, real AI artists don't stoo and find motivation by making some profit or compensation for practice and learning, it can get a full time job, and hardware can cost money.
If there's no market for it, it dies, I'm not a capitalist but it's not like I have another option.
File deleted.
Also the moron is the person who will pay any famous artist who's hyped and not help any beginner or learning artist motivating them to improve.

Morons are artists against AI who refuse to grow up and adapt to new tools that will make their life easier and art better, but refuse to.
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FearingFun for Pony Diffusion v6. Strength 0.9-1.0.
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>There's nothing on civit or the rentry
Can you be a dear and share that lora, please?
nvm >>41426419, thank you very much!!
Holy based
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see >>41424669
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Please brother... Share the fearingfun lora
I am retard that didn't scroll down more. Ignore me
more kissing
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Damn I can't believe I missed out preordering this.
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Figured you'd figure the figure out sooner, guess not. Go figure.
Good stuff
Man, links are getting weirder and weirder these days.
I'm a little new to this, how do I see the prompts used to generate this? I tried putting both these in pnginfo but all I can get out is parameters: none?
Sorry for the possibly stupid question :)
4chan strips all metadata from images. Only way to see it is if the image is hosted on a third party site like catbox.
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Good stuff anon.
Are you sure? the catbox one shows the prompt for me.
Yeah, it was my fault, I tried to save it through the 4chan X embed rather than going to the actual link! Only worked it out thanks to >>41429258, so thanks mate
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>Try to add spike bracelets
>Adds Spike in drag
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The kirin is sexy.
I bet the humanized Twilight lora I made a year and a half ago is total garbage compared to today
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Pestil lora?
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(Yes because a LoRA can't be a pedophile.)

Source : https://boosty.to/xyiloiwg
I beg of you, at least fix the eyes.
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It's not my work, and it shouldn't be a big deal. But somehow, it always is. People already accept average to mediocre art from random artists without a second thought, without harsh critiques or condemnation like that manecut is bad or that leg anatomy makes no sense. But the moment AI art enters the conversation, it's suddenly met with hostility, skepticism, and hate. Why is it that AI, which is growing incredibly skilled and innovative, is treated like a threat? Why does its progress incite such fear and negativity?

AI art is evolving rapidly, often producing work that rivals or even surpasses what many human artists can achieve as these threads have demonstrated for the 40th and one time. And yet, there's a deep-seated resistance throwing picks like these. Critics cling to their disdain, not because the art itself is lacking, but because it wasn’t made by human hands (Theirs) It's as if creativity is only valid if it's born from flesh and bone. What’s worse is that this reaction isn't just criticism anymore but bigotry because if they were honest they would have embraced AI a while ago.

It's heartbreaking, really. There's so much potential here, so much beauty that we can create, but it’s being suffocated by close-minded gatekeeping idiots. We’ve always embraced technological advancement in every other field so why is art any different? Why do we feel so threatened by the idea that anyone with the help of AI can create something meaningful? people who criticize these images love the image, their heart tells them yes but the social conditioning says otherwise. People are afraid of telling AI creates amazing art, there are rare commentaries on Derpibooru or on various sites.
AI art is here for good I hope even if the interest is declining for the reasons I mentioned, that people don't want to accept how good it is, saying it's just good on Facebook and other memes. A gimmick. It deserves the same respect and appreciation we give to any other form of art, and no it is not easier, in fact AI art requires another level of skills to achieve decent content.
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I refuse to let AI die like a fad because people make fun of pointless things, it is our right.
In fact MLP artists have mostly left the fandom, but AI artists are the ones keeping it alive and people ignore it.
Currently I use Easy Diffusion and Pony XL V6. It's alright and I can get some pretty good things going, but it's pretty beginner level

I have a 4070 GPU. Any recommendations to upgrade out of the beginner stage to something better? Basically, still a newfag
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"You know what Rainbow Looks like, right?"
AI: "Sure!"
I gen with a RTX3090 24Gb, still keeping it up but I may upgrade to a 4090 by the end of the year.
>not me but words words words
Uh huh. How about you stop making excuses for shitty work.
in terms of performance per dollar spent I believe used 3090s are your best bet?
>stop making excuses for shitty work.
Their art is better than 97% of MLP fanart.

This is why accepting AI commissions are important, it's an expensive hobby.
>in fact AI art requires another level of skills to achieve decent content
Shit like this is why AI still gets so much hate. I love AI and think it's gonna be a fantastic tool in the future, but to claim that generating AI pics is not only as hard but HARDER than drawing/painting well yourself is completely delusional.
It's hard. I've been generating since the early versions. Wording, talking to your computer, expressing and trying, getting hit by our mistakes, it is hard, like programming or fixing a computer, shartists don't bother with all the tech or not skilled so they use Macs.
And they claim it's theft...
Real artists steal like crows. From the infinite repository of patterns provided for free by nature, and reflected in the creative commons. “Copyright” and other versions of “intellectual property” are totally artificial human inventions, motivated by pure commercial interests. Nature is based on patterns being shared and re-used in different contexts. Nature does not respect copyright law, if it did, there would be no life at all. So sing freely!
AI art is more natural, it's about exploring, where an shartist only wants to push their vision and keep everything under control. Or some don't care and go for simplistic things.
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Also that's been a bump from Page 8.
I fell for the same meme, throw away that 4070 and get a used 3090 it is much better.
and hair flowers
and heart eyes

Holy based
Post cuck porn.
Last one
Hey, why are you ignoring me ponknigger? Post your favorite blacked garbage.
What price range would you recommend for a complex AI image, shitty artists begs around 100 for a full color and shaded image. I try to go down as 60, and fear losing commissioners.
Will try to gen more of these, I generally go with assasshatmonkey LoRA but will play more with this style.
Don't settle down if you provide quality keep it around $100 which seems fair for a full color, $50 for a sketch.
Do: Provide upscaled versions. Canvassing works best on Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon. DA is important. Avoid places like Derpibooru unless you find an OC that's been commissioned before then showcase your art.
Don't: Promote your AI on smaller communities or groups. Avoid brony related Discord channels unless they're AI friendly, Derpibooru (And it's clones)and Twitter where some nosey people will act like cunts. Don't cater only to MLP art, you can gen anything.

Welost and FearingFun works well. Shino and Crade have a common vibe but diversify.
I don't have any more black penis for you, but how about a different kind of cuck porn?
I have a hard time believing you actually get clients.
If your cost is the same as an average artist, what is your value proposition? Quick turnaround?
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The one and only. Still the best LoRA I've made. Got really lucky with the training settings. Haven't been able to replicate it with anything else.
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I'm not the best when it comes to self promotion, and I just follow a few tips here and there, so I don’t make nearly as much as a full-time, certified artist. On average, I handle about 2-3 commissions a week, whereas a more experienced or professional artist might complete one or two a day, if not more. It’s definitely not enough to cover rent and bills, but I’m still learning the ropes and I’ll admit, I can be a bit lazy at times.
Perhaps it's about motivation or being distracted like in this thread, or prompting for myself and keeping in touch with other fandoms. But people wants porn, no one really cares how it's made, porn is porn.
I never could afford a commission. Now people are commissioning me, that's a great start.
I made one of them, I don't think it held the style as good as the other one. It was over-trained as well. Also that's a very good Sweetie. I like the subtle crotchboob.

Sad to say but it's impossible to make art for free. Even AI art isn't free, tradi requires less tools but more time, and free time can't be bought.
Hmm, I'd rather see these on Pixiv than here, sorry.
speaking of Pixiv is very chill with AI, and safer than furry sites for porn.
The difference between an artist and us AI artists is clearly how we have learned to write, express ourselves and develop topics, I see this as something tradis shartists don't have, they are visual and hardly express things without drawing it, while I also find myself being more verbal than ever, that's a good thing I guess.
AI is a hard teacher.
Actually all of the ai art I've made I've posted for free. Don't have to make money off everything I mess with in my free time you fucking kikes. Also anyone who pays money for sovlless slop is brain dead retarded. The only thing maybe worth commissioning would be a custom lora if you're lazy.
>inb4 b8
No such thing as an ai artist. Prompt engineers sure. Copying and pasting some words does not make you a fucking artist. Completely useless without a computer, a model for specifically what's needed, and then maybe another lora to go with it.
Ai images deserve harsher criticism. The errors are unnatural and stick out worse than traditional art. Also ai sharters probably don't even recognize or miss a lot of errors and need to learn. And it's not like you're going to hurt any feelings, since the genner put significantly less time, effort, and thought into what they produce.
Harsh but true. If you put as much effort into an AI gen as an artist puts in his art and the outcome still has such egregious mistakes, you simply don't have an iota of sense or talent.
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It's amazing what you can make with no experience, a substandard GPU, and some free software (+ tonnes of community work)

Any general tips you've learned, Anons? Using StabMatrix + ComfyUI
Use ADetailer
Finding a good method to organize your prompts and keeping a text file with your observations.
Accepting that most of your images are going to be bad that take too much effort doctor into a workable state.
Learning to shamelessly steal everyone elses prompts to frankenstein your own creations.
Learning how to be creative in general. This one is probably the hardest and most important one.
Don't become the generic 1girl, standing, looking at viewer prompter.
The gratuitous insults are uncalled for, you may enjoy a privileged life with not too many bills to worry or are allowed disability. You just explained in one post how you lack the mentality of an artist, the fandom artists are completely useless without a computer, or a model, or inspiration, references, and more. You don't understand a thing about AI art.
Art is theft, art is reproduction, and every copyright is hypocrisy.

You are in a fandom, you don't create ponies. Same for every fandom and more. only abstract art is original.

Errors are natural, nature is full of mistakes that makes life, I will never correct something like a smear or a blurry eye.

I'm an artist, it's a state of mind. I'm certainly more of an artist thinking and dropping my imagination into text and explore and discover results than a tradi reproducing images from a photographic memory.

Page 9 bump. I hate to say this but I feel like being alone bumping these threads for months now.
>Completely useless without a computer
Look mom, no computer!
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Why am I even trying to keep this alive
Given the current stagnation of the tech and the obvious offboarder takeover, it might be better to let this die until something new comes along.
Just don’t let them settle in next time.
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>obvious offboarder takeover
>Bake at 400 previous thread
>Shilling for the disksword server
I'm nooticing
Honestly,that's amazing. This should inspire both beginners and experienced artists to dive into AI art, especially those who are frustrated of not being able to be too verbal. I’ve been trying to use ComfyUI to transform my sketches into full-color paintings, but I’m struggling to get it to recognize patterns and shapes from my basic drawings, and I'm not able to draw like that. what settings did you use? I’d like to know how you got it to work.

I've been following this thread for a while now, I think it's important to keep it and even if it's a containment not to anger the shitheads out there we should keep it but all of these threads looks the same, however this one have interesting developments, on how to sell AI commissions and the previous post there with AI colors.

Which Discord? PurpleSmart.ai needs some more people it's getting quiet in there.
With 136GB RAM and 24GB vram you can run DeepSeek 2.5 with ktransformers at about 6 tokens per second btw. Plenty fast and it's somewhere between Claude sonnet (not 3.5) and Claude opus for me.
>136 GB RAM
damn it I need to upgrade my machine again.
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It's text not image btw, accidentally posted here instead of /hang

I removed the discoloration on https://pomf2.lain.la/f/i63uakv4.png by hand and run a 3x AI upscale on it.
no worries I got it from context.
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I've made a node for comfyui that generates a comic: https://github.com/blob8/ComfyUI_sloppy-comic/tree/main
It's intended to be used with a language model api node (which it also adds) to make comics from prompt, but you can write the story yourself too.

pasting the readme:

Using IPAdapter for style consistency, the node accepts a story structured as text {prompt} text {prompt} etc. and generates a comic, saving it to /output. It also adds LLM API Request node, providing an openai compatible LLM API for generating the stories.
Installation and usage:

First install https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus, follow the installation instructions closely. Make sure to get ip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-h.safetensors SDXL plus model.
After installing IPAdapter, go to custom_nodes and git clone this repo.
Use the provided workflow
You may be missing a custom node I used for previewing text, install it using "install missing custom nodes"

If you don't want to use a language model you can write stories yourself, just make sure they stick to the format described above. Also, LLM API node seed doesn't do anything.
Very cool. Niche I think but still cool project.
Thanks for this magnificent gift, Anon.
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Fluty Chicken
*aggressively licks your nose*
As you refer to
That's not AI, you're just a fag.

>136 gigs
You're a retard. That's also why I quit AI, it's a waste of money.
AI could be wonderful as a tool but you sloppers don't wanna create, you fags only wanna beat artists.

It's not really stagnation, it's users who stagnate, now users are too lazy to find a right prompt.
AI will replace Corporate Globohomo designs, not artists.
you do realize things like photoshop are considered AI, right?
>make a bunch to close up plot gens
>~1hr later they are deleted
Kek, I'll upload when I get home.
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It knows what ponies are and will let you zoom close but won't let you give them fatter asses
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Copy paste this link around.
Prompt please? I need me some Dash ass.
Really cool Anon, thanks for sharing. I'll have to try it when I get home.
Can't remember which one is which but here is a couple. The AI is very lenient in relational statements. I try to describe the scene, then chracters, and reiterate details. The AI refuses to give them wider hips

>photorealistic high detail style pony land. live video game realistic photorealistic lighting and shading
twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, and rainbow dash are in the middle of the scene, heads facing away from camera, tails facing towards the camera, walking down a dirt path, grass/flowers on the sides
ponyville in the far background, grassy hills, canterlot, some ponies in background
photorealistic high detail style
twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, and rainbow dash legs trot, tails wag, as they walk down the dirt path from the camera to poyville, hips swing left to right.
photorealistic high detail style

>photorealistic horse hair shaded twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, rainbow dash ponies close up hauches plot hips tail wagging macro shot as they walk down a dirt road with grass, flowers, and tress on the sides, background is ponyville, they are walking to ponyville, super detailed horse hair detailed super wide hips thigh cellulite jiggle stepping down dirt road hyper realistic horse detail shaded
very close detail shot of hips and tails of ponies walking away
camera following ponies, ponyville in background, ponies walking away from camera, camera focuses on pony hips close up macro shot
It would also only either take G4 style like >>41436956 then shade it more realistic, or G5 style like the other 2. Also does not like rarity, applejack, or fluttershy. The 3rd one its cool you can see it using the 2d animation for their manes then shading the rest 3d.
More involved that I thought and also more impressive. Thank you. Hopefully we we get tuned cogvideo 5B eventually and can have the pony episodes we always wanted genned at home.
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The key is giving it more detail than it needs. You need to sneak by the details it doesn't want you to generate so they are weighted low in the overall prompt. (sorry for the text spam anons)

a gamer anime room filled with shelves of merch, colorful pony statues
a man with white skin, short brown hair, short brown beard, anime horse graphic tshirt, stands in the middle of the room, on the left side
twilight sparkle pony stands next to him on the right side
camera focuses on them for a moment
giant twilight sparkle hits him with her hoof in the pants crotch
short man falls onto the ground on his back
a white explosion of paint comes from the man's pants, fills the room and lands on all the shelves, pony figures, twilight sparkle, camera pause
white fade out of the scene
Kek, wtf
Literally me.
>several questions and their corresponding answers are just dumped into one poll
seeing you cannot put a proper poll together, I have no doubts you have no idea how to code a game.
holy fuck that scary good. i thought you were just posting his art, and was confused at first. how much art was needed to train this? ive only tried once but i have my own charcter, maybe a few hundred pictures innthe same style.would i be able to make a lora of, myself? so i can retire.
anon... 32 is standard these days.128 is expected
I'm not a fag, that's semi AI, started with a sketch to artwork.

Myself I have 64Gigs on my machine, and it's the minimum to generate, 128 is required for those who aim to be more serious, and 32 is the minimum for gaming, gramps.

Yes users have tried AI prompts, only a fraction will want to explore more. We are this minority, we will rule the world of digital art tomorrow.

You can't just tell Photoshop to color an image by dropping it in, you need more references.
Blob made those AI text prompt + animation youtube streams a year or two ago, somebody posted a 5 minute compilation to derpi, but I can't find it.
Does somebody remember where it is? The derpi post, not the yt stream.
The guy with the anon in equestria game?
>Book mare senses something foreboding
>She spots it in the distance
>It is coming
>anons penis
You're a fag.
After hours of searching I found it!
I initially thought it came from >>41434754 as original content, and notice how the artist messes with their own work by adding adversarial noise, AI can honestly do something like this faster and better.
And no, I'm not talking about that cringey Anonymous legion meme. I’m not a fag despite you wish I were, I really thought it was legit based on how it was presented, but the style looked familiar.
I don’t have anything new to show this weekend, too tired generating commissions.

That's not really AI art but if the speech is real and legit it's great. Waiting for a working version.
>not really AI art
The script is AI generated. The voices are AI generated. It was a livestream, it turned the prompts from the comments into small scenes.
lol. It's so bad its funny but soon it's going to be making whole episodes of porn
Why does it looks like a Nintendo 64 game
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i-is this what love making is?
Look Tomar it's you!
>"Hey, Tomar, what would you do if you came home one day to your beautiful horse wife, and when you went to hug her, she just collapses on top of you with her 1000 pound horse body and explodes into milk everywhere?"
You have a catbox Anon? The chest fluff and downy wings are gorgeous.
Smol ponies
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Now I know why they didn't give G% cracks.
nice job
Can we get rid of this? Also how to remove this kind of artifact that can give hints on AI generated art?

Especially how to remove details like curly hairs that doesn't blend right by example?
I'm blob, thanks for reminding me of this, I might as well upload it as a video. The streams were hilaruous until I introduced "optimizations" and then then became more generic.
>When optimizing is not optimal
Do you still have the unoptimized version(s) available to use, to possibly revert it to the funnier state?
>Can we get rid of this?
Need a training dataset that doesn't have jpg in it.
there are non-ai methods to reduce JPEG artifacts
not perfect but it would definitely help
Compress your files into jpegs
No. Even if there were any, the whole thing is very outdated.
Some would, I'd rather not, there's apps that do upscaling, then maybe saying you can't upload large files and need it JPG will do the trick.
Then there's more and more shitheads saying AIslop in the comments.
Digital art is digital art, regardless how it's done as long people are happy with it.
AntiAI people are the worst. Muh copyright do not steal!
They have Discord channels where they find arguments, sharing screenshots from Facebook's clickbait with AI, being mad at EA, sharing screnshots of artists posting on purplesmart, furry diffusion etc.
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go back to whatever shithole discord you came from
NTA but you're pretty fucking gay for not abusing ai to make arts of your waifu.
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>Go back to discord
>urgh everyone is moving to discord
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Ai generated new episodes soon.
Just got back from a 3-day vacation after posting >>41432982. I’m genuinely amazed and annoyed I even got banned for it.
what is stopping someone from feeding an AI like this purely MLP assets?
The urge to do it and the resources required to train a model purely on My Little Pony episodes.
Money and lack of utility. Lionsgate is trying though.
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What was it?
Crotchboob might've one it, personally I think you deserved an award for it, but whatever

Saucy Sweetie
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The fancy models that everyone is playing with were trained on massive data sets (including copyrighted material), processed on servers for weeks if not months, and also had the best software engineers working on the algorithms.
There is a reason governments suddenly want to use nuclear power to train AI because the costs of enslaving people with oil aren't worth the benefits of AI.
Some fine horse butt here. Hopefully local models this good / better come l out soonish.
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checked. AI is going to get crazy when nudity or sexual things aren't censored.
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It knows what ponies are, but refused to make their hips wider or butts bigger. All the pony training data is probably a few clips from the show and it doesn't associate their rears with human butts.
>be me
>Radeon GPU
>tfw no AI mares
You could always use civitai
Just make sure not to use any LoRAs trained off artists.
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I asked permission to every artist I trained on :

I'm good.
I wonder how well a LoRA of the best pony drawings in terms of quality would end up.
You probably wouldn't get the desired result. Since lora training finds commonality between the training data you'll probably just end up with a less interesting result than vanilla Pony.
All about balancing a dataset so it does not tie too heavily to some concept, style, character, amount of detail or such.
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Very nice.
What do you mean, AMD cards suck at AI but it does work. But you better have at least 16GB of VRAM.
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Dangerously close to anthro.
I tried. many other did, it's awful, it's inconsistencies and weird stuff x50, so better stick with one artist/one unique style.
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making a pond of black tea
If G5 had asses like this it would have been about 137% more successful

Fuck it, I'm tired. Doing something inoffensive gets ignored, wanting to change things gets us silenced.
g6 should be entirely be AI generated and be amazing, haters will want it shut down.

We could make every artist contribute to a G6 show, average fan style, catchy, beautiful, perfect.
We should be unite, AI takes and puts us together regardless the political takes or gender, but they would sue.

I hate human mentality, computers don't understand selfishness. Art is to be shared.

Thank these artists. But all the fandom should follow.
>Create a base
>artists steals it uncredited
are we in a fucking clown world
Moar pony butts
doesn't comfyui support amd gpus?
How do I gen multiple ponies interacting with each other?
I've tried to recreate this
using inpainting, but with little success.
Any suggestions?
a lot of patience, regional prompting with overlapping regions also helps a bit.
>but it does work

Get better at prompting, learn to speak the AI's language, make happy mistakes. It's hard or impossible to recreate something, every gen is unique.
AI is the new standard in graphic industry, if you're working with Krita, Painter, Photoshop etc you're has-been. Photoshop's moving to full AI platform.

Another Page9 bump.WTF.
family, group, together, party, on bed, doing sexy things you can put a lot of tags explaining the AI like it's a six years old with autism.
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Personal favs
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That Scootaloo is fucking HUGE
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That image is pure SOUL, and expressive and that's it? That's your comeback?

Krita LCM will make this process significantly easier.
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this chink ai is impressive
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>Look at that pony, man. That pony is huge, man.
Not sure what they are doing. Nice lingerie. I wasn't able to get it to make bigger asses. I don't think it correlates human ass with pony ass. even large flanks didn't work for me.
Don't worry anons creative threads are the backbone even if everyone ignores them.
It is. See above for my prompt trying to make it make big pony ass. >>41436988
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>My Little Pony, My Little Pony, Ahhhahahah...
>When https://youtu.be/CLdvxrdLeio?si=UJOH-8ZcA7QQfrpy&t=105 starts playing
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Whoa. I'm gonna need the metadata on that one, please?
I will need a billion cute/ero/porn pic with that style, Anon.
in a few years it could become a VR interactive animation, so real.
Monkey paw'd
Joke on you, when it come to Sweetie Belle I'm into that too.

I often check progress on stereogram stuff.
I'm in love.
Probably the first time a realistic poner actually works. If they looked like this when I got to Equestria I wouldn't mind.
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This should work, Anons. I want to see some Sweetie dick as payment.
Nice, I've played with pony realism but never thought to combine it with wholesome MLP, that might be the secret sauce.
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Am I allowed to say or ask about humanized version and EQG stuffs here?
Yea but I will call you a giant faggot with poor taste.
I like the faces that Bluey Pie is making.

I mean, she's as tall as the door...
Captcha: 2VAST
Live AI processing of video will probably replace "graphics." There are also newer videos of someone changing the style of a video game between tons of different styles.

This one (>>41452465) is especially beautiful
Need more like this!
Scootaloo pls.
Yeah, my 25 credits per day won't like this.
No art is free but better than paying an artist asking hundreds for just an image he'd draw for free.
>he doesn't have 5 bucks to generate 1000 sexy mares
>he doesn't farm the 200 daily creds
>he doesn't farm the hundreds of generator-creds daily
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This, and it's cringe from someone who aims to be a pro AI artist to read some people complaining about everything. Want to play harder and more free than paying for a service? Get a beef GPU as mentioned in the OP and generate your own. It's an investment, sell com*issions to pay it back and don't forget the power bills that comes with it.
Thanks man, the mix of these LoRAs with the Pony Realism model seems to work very well.
Glad you liked them, friendo.
>This one (>>41452465 (You)) is especially beautiful
Agreed. That was my favorite too
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WOW, what model?
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just standard pony with a couple loras,
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Do you think people would actually pay for Ai coms? I've been tempted to open a patron or something while high off my ass, but didn't think it'd actually be realistic.
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png pls!
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Would you choke yourself on a flightless filly's flare and heavy load if she asked you very nicely?

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I like this one
cute background mares
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i don't know if these are /mlp/ made specifically but maybe should be added to the list


there seem to be a few 'civitai' exclusive pony models that sort of get buried. only found the longinius one because the other two are from the same uploader
How are they so FLUFFY?
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I want to rub my face against that fluffy flank so bad
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Thanks anon. Dicks aren't really my thing, but perhaps some Sweetie pussy will do. CM in this one but I felt it was good enough to save anyway.
Here's some more.
Would eat out, you have my approval
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I really, really like this model.
>But you said she's legal if she has her cutie mark!
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What am I doing wrong, I'm generating incredible stuff and I'm never satisfied, yet I can't do anything else. Is it just me?
Learn to edit. That way you can touch-up any small mistakes, and get a result you are truly satisfied with.
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Desiring is suffering
One desire gets fulfilled and it instantly gets replaced by another one
A tool that converts a prompt into a picture, how insane is that. But it still doesn't fulfill your hunger
Bad practice, editing a prompt is ok. Don't Gimp or Photoshop your gens.
Don't ever feed a LoRA with AI.
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>bad practice
you are incapable of doing it and therefore pretend it isn't a good idea. no gen comes out perfect, but you might get something you really like with just a few problems that take it from an 8/10 to an 11/10. ai with human touchups >>>>> ai with inpainting >>>>>>> throughput slop trough
>bad practice
No such thing. Just move the pixels around until you're satisfied.
>Don't ever feed a LoRA with AI.
The big model makers use synthetic data all the time, you're not beneath it.
10/10, made me kek.
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Hey AI Chad, could you generate Izzy, please?
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Not him but here's my attempt.
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Bing is shit, stop.
>bad AI
>generic pony style
>uncanny composition

Gen properly with LoRAs. Learn. Train. Practice. Don't be a clown.
>But it gen fun images
Some retard will post this on every Booru and it's pain to deal with.
>just buy a 900 dollar graphics card or anon
>don't use this perfectly capable image generation tool that costs nothing and takes 3 seconds to generate 4 things.
Be ye vexed, my brother?
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Bing kinda largely sucks at mlp specifically, especially compared to sd that can be trained on it, but dalle3 is still phenomenal compared to almost everything, and for being free and easy to use with its language comprehension it’s absolutely worth using. No negatives and inconsistent art style (for pony) is definitely an issue though for this specific content
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Thing is you'll never be a serious AI artist if you stick with generic styles everyone ignores. See this just as a friendly tip.
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Guys I'm a bit confused about generating ponies because usually I download a LORA for non-ponies but where is the Accurate show pony Rainbow Dash Lora for example?
Some of us are only here to post the occasional image for fun. You need to stop with the
>We are muh artists. Take me seriously!
Great Izzy, thanks King.
Close enough, this one is nice aswell. Thanks AI Chads you're the best.
I don't think you need a lora for that, PD6 should be able to do show accurate on its own with the right prompts.
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THICK, POWERFUL mare shoulders
>buff Cadence
Holy unf.
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perfect couple
That’s an Izzy that makes me conscious of how much meat she’s made out of
Wish I could run an Ai art generator normally. Unfortunately I am too mentally retarded to figure out how.
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she's so snazzy
Looks good except the tail.
fix the tail!
Arareroll LoRA?
Just don't look at it, classical unicorns have a tail like this.
Classical unicorns wouldn't have the tail hair like that thoughbeit
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That's the one.
Question to more experienced AIchads: Is it possible to train a specific cutie mark lora and how would one go about it? I have a couple of OCs I like to gen, but adding their cutie marks manually gets annoying.
beautiful amre
Kek why are you mad?
>blue eye shadow
unf. How did you get that pony style?
Why ew?
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not bump because mods will ban you for bumping
>He came so hard he became the cum
Now that's some hardcore determination right here.
>mods will ban you for bumping
oh yes that's a thing lately...
let fill the board with 1-2 post threads, instead of bumping regulars
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Kek wtf
She looks like she does drunk driving in space.
it's a fucking nightmare fuel
for such a short lived gen g% sure is all over these AI models for some reason
Nobody knows?
They can barely get cutie marks to look right of existing characters with thousands of images in their dataset. At this point it'd be easier to just slap it on manually than try to train a LoRa to do it for you.
It's looking like a damn joke.
Nightmare fuel like this makes AI art looks like a joke.
Do we have any more artists supporting AI besides this list?
Just use inpaint
inpainting still uses the AI so dunno how that would help unless I'm missing something?
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See https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41354251/#41418071
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Why did she do it?
Oh that's cool, thanks. Will have to try it.
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I need to get back into proompting
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Need some ideas for prompting. I'm dry asf. Give me your worst, anons
Super cute.

Luna trying on panties / stockings.
It's October. You can get ideas with the drawtober challenges that are popping up all over social media. Some are even AI oriented like pic related.
There's also a ponytober that some people are doing.
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>men want just one thing and it's fucking disgusting
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Uggghhh, this is making me reaally want to try it out just to try and recreate a dream I had a few days ago, but I'm really not sure if it's worth tying my Google account to this thing
Xi already knows your dreams, might as well try it out.
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Hahahaha, yes, dance for me you stupid ponies! Dance!
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Anon, post pngs
They're too big. Pomf2 link to png is in the file name. I'll just put the whole link in next time

>put the whole link in next time
Do that. I would have not guessed
Ahh yes, fiction.
Many ummfs above
Nobody has bothered since it's such a small detail but in theory you could get a bunch of crops of the closeups of a cutie mark (or whole shots but you'd have to tag more stuff) and train a model specifically for that, annotating everything in the picture and using cutie mark as a tag for the cutie mark so it associates the form with the tag as an activation word. Just like everything LoRA related it's all about experimenting on what works until it's enough for you, but cutie marks are no different than any other concept.

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