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Previous Thread: >>41505029

Mare Fair 2024 has come to a close, thank you all so much for coming from the bottom of our hearts.
We sincerely hope to see you all again.

We had one of the most successful charity auctions in con history, nearly DOUBLING our proceeds from last year, and we cannot thank you all enough for your help in making sure Fallen Oaks and Kim are well taken care of.

If you have any feedback or just stories to share, we'd love to hear, thank you all again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k

P.S Mares
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First for fillies!
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Bootleg bros, how are we doing?
You don't need to see what you missed, half the fun is in just stepping into what's going on at the time, and people welcoming you back when you've been away for awhile.
>What's your nick?
share it anon
Yo Bug this is the guy who did the Lee Goldson cosplay, is there any chance you could post that pic you have of me at KSC? It would be much appreciated. Thankyou and have a blessed day
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next marefair I'm going to sell so much filly merch


I posted the files both into /create/ and /merch/
Don't forget to post pics if you end up making one.
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my body may not be ready
You better, I'll buy it
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very nice art
>be me
>stay near Orlando in Deland during the hurricane
>turns out to be a nothingburger, just a storm really (here, not in Sarasota)
>power went out hours before the main front arrived
>get woken up several times by electric arc between power lines
>it ends with a local transformer exploding and spreading glowing molten metal around it
>that was 11pm, now at 1pm the entire city of Deland is still without power
American power infrastructure is African tier. Even post soviet countries have underground power lines in cities. I get over the air power in a desert or whatever, but in a hurricane area? Wtf?
A toast to the anons still at the Marriott hotel.
Hope you survived!
florida dirt is like sand, plus limestone, burying power lines isn't viable in a lot of areas
I had a dream I bought a derpy t-shirt at marefair but they handed me the wrong one and for some reason the all the text on the t-shirt was replaced with the N word I had to go back and get a new one
Uhh I live in Orlando and we have underground power lines in my neighborhood
List power for a total of like 3 minutes
Most newer neighborhoods have underground lines
people would rather their power cost less than accept a rate hike to bury lines that are 50+ years old. Its not lack of technology, its capitalism at work
I'm still coughing up con crud, but I think it's almost done
How would they still be there? The con ended a week and a half ago
I got over my sickness in < 3 days, just focus on ponies and think <3 thoughts
>and think <3 thoughts
Why the FUCK did absolutely everybody come home with some sort of sickness? Everybody.
That thing was a fucking superspreader event
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Good advice, an I haven't been sick in years, I pushed myself pretty hard at the con, most days were up to 3am and up by 7am. Glad I made it to Monday night without feeling cruddy
think of dashie <3
sharing kindness and microbes is an ez feet
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Not me lmao. You non-Floridians are weak.
I had a headache for a few days but that's because I took a dude weed break after the con, no con funk
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Like this
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Finally getting over my con cough. I had a great Mare Fair, made lots of new friends.

Extra thanks to the Anon who gave me this Spitfire. I will treasure her forever. I wish I could have given you more for her.
Not eating/sleeping much for almost a week, and then having several red eye flights to get back with everyone in the airplone coughing
Completely forgot, sorry man, here you go!
>This guy ran up to me at KSC and yelled something about the state of us bronies.
the fucking redeye makes it perfect
I love the bit he did at the cosplay panel, hopefully AV guys had it recorded.
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Being sick sucks but the con was worth it.
Will go again.
Maybe I'll even host a panel next year.
I didn't get sick lol
Only people who didn't drink the tap water got sick.
I drank the tap water every day, and I'm fine
Is CWC banned from mare fair? if he went would you kick him out?
immune system issue
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Can confirm, tap water > sterile water
I drank the tap water and still got sick as hell. Still coofing over a week later
Confirmed, I drank the tap water perfectly fine.
I drank the water and got sick
ive never been to a brony con before. how do i find roommates to split the hotel room
my shirt's still on the way. defo getting delayed because of this fucking hurricane
just checked my tracking info, it says arriving oct 11. will post pics once it arrives
I drank the water and immediately felt dehidrated
at least we're not texas

>verification not required
Houston's a shithole, but they do have a fuck ton of good restaurants.
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Last night I had a dream that either Ardent or Ebonyglow (can't remember which) set up an event to bring a bunch of anons to their job during the con which was at some sort of plant dealing with really high pressure water. One anon decided to lay down in the stairwell, causing another anon to trip over him and fall 10 stories down the opening in the middle of the stairs to his death. While Ardent/Ebonyglow was freaking out over that disaster another anon somewhere else opened up a hatch which was under pressure, causing an explosion that killed him and sent the whole plant into an emergency lockdown. Some other anons started turning some valves which ended up destroying the power connection, forcing the place to switch to emergency backup power with nothing but the red lights and alarms, and it started flooding the whole place. I was stuck with Ardent/Ebonyglow in the main room with a few other anons as it started filling with water. This was on the top floor of the facility proper, which was the first level of the basement, so the 10 levels below us had already completely flooded. I swam over to a large vent and started yelling for anyone who might be able to hear us through it. Thankfully someone did, and they were able to come open the vent and we managed to get out. I think there were 20 or 30 anons who managed to escape, and at least 50 more who died inside.

0/10 definitely gonna stick with Kiwi next year.
I tried using the headphones that the airplane attendant gave me and they were broken before I even opened them.
Fuck yeah, thanks a ton dude!

Yo thanks!
Drank tap water, got sick the same night. Coincidence?
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I've been posting over in /merch/ but figured I'd drop a link here too. I was selling pony prints at the con and quite a few people were waiting for my site to be up, well, it is up but I am still rebuilding stock and getting pictures up, here it is:
You're very welcome. Knowing that I united a dedicated waifufag (with excellent taste, might I add) with a plush of his waifu is better than money or exchanged merch. She was just sitting in my closet, anyways, and she deserves better. I'm glad she has a better home now. It made me really happy to see you dancing with her over your head during the closing maremonies. It was fun hanging out and drinking shitty liquor with no mixers or chasers, kek. I hope to see you again next year, assuming there is a next year.
Next year can we host a panel where every anon attending cums to their waifu in labelled jars. The Waifu with the most cum wins and gets stored for next year.
I warned you, but did you listen? NOOOOOOOO! Faget.
>being this retarded
Well, at least my santa can know how much I love marefair.
I want a Cozy Glow body pillow
I got covid from marefair
Hey Anon, I remember talking to you at your booth, and you were mentioning how most of the work entailed is in the sanding and smoothing. Would you ever be open to selling a print with absolutely no sanding done for a discount? If not, totally get it. Just curious.
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Sanding and smoothing is no joke
(Don't snort Bondo dust, kids. It's not worth it)
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>bluefast stud
So, short answer, yes. Longer answer, a lot of the prints I make I already sell "raw", it just depends on what it is. When it comes to M6 ponies I try and do some post processing to get them looking nicer since they're already a high investment of time and resources to make. Recently I've actually considered lowering the base price on the prints and making sanding/post an optional upgrade.

As an aside, most of the work is actually in modeling, test prints, printer maintanence, managing failed prints, baby sitting printers that like to blow up sometimes. For small/medium ponies the post I usually do is only around the face, sometimes a bit on the bodies if there's something especially bad.

If there's enough demand, I'll list defective mares on my site, as of right now I'm saving them for my defect box at the next con I make it to.
Gotcha, thanks! And damn, I didn't know you made the models yourself too! Nice!
now if i get you i know to send your details to alphabet agencies and all employers within 35 miles for going to the evil nazi homotransfurphobic con
the base horse is made by a friend of mine, I make parts for it, and I modify them for use with printing, and of course do the posing and shit. (And for custom OCs there's usually a lot more work involved to make the OC)
I want to buy a Cozy Glow fuckplush at the foalcon vendor hall
I have one. Got it from Fearingfun
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Can confirm. Smoothing and sanding is an absolute bitch. This project fell through because I was numget and left a PLA print outside for the paint to dry. Ended up warping and couldn't close
Because all of you fucklechucks are retarded, unkempt, unclean, and have the immune system of a toilet. Shower more, take adequate doses of vitamin d-3, C, and zinc, and you won't get fucked. At least, not like this.
Electricity rates are already high. The companies are just pocketing the funds and dodge bros vs fording them to the execs instead of improving infrastructure in any way because that's the absolute STATE of the non-Equestrian world.
Yes, like I said, capitalism at work
Have you considered running PETG at about 200mm/sec with low cooling? Still pretty fast, and you can exploit it's inherent stickiness for some sick overhangs
God please tell us someone has a decent recording of PTS irl...
Also does anyone has the name of the megaman game that was in the game room? It wasn't megapony.
I've been wanting to get into printing with PETG for a while. Just haven't placed any filament orders. I'm running super low on black PLA+ anyway. Really need to just bite the bullet and stop being so cheap. What printer are you running with? I've got a Prusa Mk4. Looking to do the MK4S upgrade soon
I just got a runny nose and a light headache the next 2 days.
Overall 3 of of my 10 friends got really sick.
Maybe you just have shit antibodies.
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Were there any "incidents" at Kim's ranch?
You'll find out in about 10-12 months.
i plap dashie
Cr-10 smart pro (triangle labs CHCB-OT hotend, klipper, and zuff fan shroud ) and a comgrow t300 (fan mod on the throat).
I will advise against hardened steel nozzles for PETG, and keep an eye on AliExpress for filament deals. I typically use sunlu for both.
Slice prints in half and put them back together with baking soda and harbor freight super glue (not gel). Don't use any supports unless it's absolutely necessary.
I can produce a full helmet in about 16-20 hours now, whereas my first lethal company helmet took about 6 days.
the government telling ford he couldn't do as he pleased with his business meant its not capitalism.
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>it's not real Capitalism!
NTA, but Man, horseshoe theory really is real
hate to break it to you but incestuous government "oversight" is a feature, not a blocker of capitalism
I have never seen a more disingenuous representation of that court case.
So I thought about it, and decided that if it's less work for me then I ought to add an option for no sanding at all on prints. I've updated prices on my site and options for sanding. I should note that I don't usually do full body sanding and that's why it's expensive, it's tedious and time consuming. Also, on the facial sanding, my usual methods are to do touchups but not commit to the full face/head if I don't have to, that option will include the entire face being sanded. Thanks for bringing this up again, will hopefully save me time and everyone else some money lol.
are you willing to sell your models? I don't particularly care for the look of PLA but I would love to print some of these in resin
I'm going to print resin too if you are interested in painting yourself, it's on my list I just kinda hate running resin prints. As far as selling the models, I'd have to talk to a friend about it but I wouldn't count on it.
I wasn't even at the fucking con and me and the person I live with both got it from my friend who visited after the con and "felt fine".
I drank the tap water and got laid at fallen oak
Did you get "laid" by a horse?
Don't forget vitamin D, it's important for immune health esp if you don't get enough sun
My mother found morning mimosa's name quite humourous but her brow furrowed when I showed her it's tail dock.
>but her brow furrowed when I showed her it's tail dock
1. HER tail dock
2. why the FUCK would you do that anon?
Just found out that three of the guys in the swastika were diaperfags.
He's completely correct.
I also showed her all of the bunny suit posters.
Well I'd suggest starting with Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe.
Oh, wait, you meant the swastika diaper thing. Heard it from an anon on another board. Apparently there were two diaperfags who shat themselves at the storytime and four more who pissed themselves, and then some of them decided to go do the swastika. I guess I left storytime just before it happened because I wasn't aware of that happening. Also the guy who organized the swastika was one of the diaperfags. The anon I heard this from was at the cringe community oc panel at the time but apparently knew the guys.
It's fucking hysterical seeing the dumb shit you say at a con get blown up into crazy nonsense like this by retards after it's over
I heard the diaperfags performed a ritual blood sacrifice to summon the hurricane.
There is something so funny about shitposting IRL and seeing its consequences later on.
I was the guy who shit himself at storytime with Corp but I wasn't with anyone, I did it on my own
Will there be a Mare Fair 2025?
>implying Florida still exists by 2025
anon!? haven't you heard? both hurricanes completely wiped out america's penis!
Helene was a freaky as hell mare, even called a friend
sorry. it was indeed pretty bad. i generally try to avoid living in places with natural disaster
cute bloomy
just move it
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Just doing it one more time since one anon said he might send something.

With Horsewords & (You) having been going on for the last year, I wanna see more writers. I wanna see (You) write. Whether you've slapped down some greens or haven't ever even tried your hand at it, send me a story so I can read it. I wanna see more writers. Without (You) there's no more horsewords. And I like horsewords. I even like (You), sometimes.
Email to send to is blondieandjackyanon@gmail.com and absolutely post the story to the according thread so other anons can see what you've done!
So, did Milton destroy the Mariott?
thank you anon
I heard some anon did a one man swastika on stage during closing ceremonies
His badge name was GullieBelle, look it up
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I started feeling symptomatic on Sunday just before Mare Fair ended and still am sick, so did a covid test as colds/flus aren't supposed to last this long and indeed it's as I suspected.
Weirdly I think the covid infected my stomach a bit too because tonight I threw up and have been nauseous for the past 2 days which is totally miserable, hoping it clears up soon.

Incidentally I do not even know if I got this from Mare Fair, I went to Disney World on Tuesday before the con and it's possible I got it from there (since covid usually has a 3-5 day incubation period before symptoms arise). Either way it sux.
Thank you for sharing the friendship with the party anon
...coof, coof
congrats, you're pregante.
get well quick, anon
Drew up a lil something like I did last year, what a great con trip this was. Loved every moment of it, and the amount of things to do at and outside of the con truly made this a hell of a trip to remember back on.
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Drew up a lil something like I did last year, what a great con trip this was. Loved every moment of it, and the amount of things to do at and outside of the con truly made this a hell of a trip to remember back on.
So how long until the panel recordings drop?
I kneel
Gosh it disturbs me to see you gastanon.
You just sorta ask. Make a burner email if you're really worried
I really hope Gastanon got laid from his epic performance, because man, what a guy
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>Ballad of Horsefuckers
ai slop fresh off the press, I will see you next year fellow horsefuckers.
this drawing makes me feel warm and fuzzy
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So I cranked out a test print in resin of RD, here it is, I haven't removed all the supports yet, and I say test print because it needs a bit more work on the orientation to get a perfect print. If people are interested I can put these on my site pretty cheap as a "paint it yourself" setup
GOD I wish I had money right now. I'd buy her in a heart beat.
> I can put these on my site pretty cheap as a "paint it yourself" setup
I'm 100% in.
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alright then I'll start setting up to build these and get them listed soon, I need to calculate my cost and time into em but price will probably be $75ish. Also I posted this in merch but any opinions on this coating I'm testing on my FDM prints?
Which leads need staffing for next year? Where can I apply?
From what I hear, just about every staffer has been fired. All of them.
Yeah but most of them get re-hired as far as I know. I'm asking about which departments need staff who's not returning for next year.
What is it?
Bumping for this to be answered
Hey Anon, I bought one of your Applejacks and the nub that supports her tail broke in transit. It's nothing major, if I have her supported the right way it'll still hang on, but I am wondering if it would be okay to super glue it back on. If not any suggestions?

She was sitting in the front seat of my car in her own box so it's not like it was violently shaken. I'd recommend telling future anons to take the tail off when transporting as a safety measure.
superglue works fine on PLA with a setter but you're better off using testor's model glue in my experience
Thank you Anon.

You should put some sort of contact on your store website. Or maybe you already have one and I don't know how to use that freaky site.
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Super glue may work, but you'll likely want something a bit stronger. You can also try pinning it in some way though I don't have a good suggestion on this yet because I've been experimenting myself because I knew this could be a potential issue. As for the future, when I ship them I do ship them with the tails removed, and I should have mentioned that at the con, though AJ's tail is probably one of my strongest designs so I'm a bit surprised that hers of all things broke. Also ya I need some contact info on my website.

It's a coating that is glossy and meant to hide layer lines and print defects, I'm undecided on if I like it or not.

I've put resin horses on my website, I'm still running through prints right now and I'll keep updating it as I get more made.
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I'll try the testors model glue/cement >>41534945

Here's a picture of AJ's butt for reference if that helps any. I'm sure it wouldn't have happened in most cases.
Ah that's a bit of an annoying break since it's pretty flush. I would try strong glue first before attempting pinning (I've tried a few different types of pins and messed around with it with mixed results, should be a last resort). I put some contact info on my site, feel free to send me an email through that and let me know how it goes.
if it doesn't stick, sand both contact surfaces a little bit with rough grit sandpaper or if you don't have any, a nail file
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>hide layer lines
In the 40k circles, we usually just sand down those lines ourselves.
For a tail like that, yea, probably really thin Cyanoacrylate glue would be what you'd use. If it breaks like that, if you can't glue it back on, it's time for a pin. Any chance of having a deeper indent in the tail and part of the tail making a natural pin? Like how there's an indent here on this torso
>you didn't sand down the anchor points
I like how they look on bug carapace, I'd sand em down on ponies.
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The tails already have a pin integrated into the plastic, what I've been investigating is printing with a hole to accept a steel pin by default (since the best quality orientation for printing tails usually ends up with the layers in the "weak" orientation for the pin.) And I've sanded down layer lines before as well, pic related is an RD print I did months ago that unfortunately was broken by my cat before the con, I'm just always looking for ways to reduce time input for the same result so I can bring costs down on things.
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guys I just got my keycard, where are the rooms?
You can't fool me, that's Idaho or Oregon.
I was taking NAC, Zinc, D3 and ivermectin daily at the con, still haven't got the coof, but I got a sinus infection and cough. Almost at 100% now though
I wonder if printing that tail pin so the layers are in the opposite (90 degree rotation) orientation would help, looks like it broke right at the layer, if it were horizontal to the vertical strains it shouldn't shear like that so easily
That's not butt, and not even a dump truck. That's international cargo freighter!
is FearingFun dead? I ordered one off his latest run and haven't heard back. No posts in like a year.
>get pin drill, paperclip, wire cutter, superglue
>drill hole in tail
>superglue tip of paperclip
>insert paperclip into hole superglue-side first
>wait a couple seconds
>wirecutter on paperclip so that there's just a bit sticking out
>line up tail to body, use the metal to put a little mark where you're doing the hole there
>drill another hole
>superglue paperclip sticking out of tail
>stick together
ya that was sort of my idea, though the last time I tried this was on repairing my big RD print, which didn't go as well as I'd hoped, though I wasn't using a paperclip, in that instance her tail weighed about 3 pounds, so was using a 3mm steel rod. Thanks for the info though, I'm gonna fuck around with this when I get another broken tail.
you might even want to try heating up the paperclip to make the hole instead of the drill, pla is annoying to drill from what I remember
thank you
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Bumping for the mares and for the fairs
Alright so for the annual tranny beheading at the next mare fair, should we only go for POC like we did the past two years? I feel like the furry community is already running out of them. I never realized how white furries are. Sickening.
the ones that might need leads/deputies for the upcoming year are: Attendee Relations, Charity, Distribution, Logistics, Music, Scheduling, Technology, Volunteer Relations.
If you think you could be a good fit for any of them, email execs at marefair dot org
It may take a while to get back to you, but I hope to have the leadership team assembled by end of year.
So, when do I get my shirt? When I picked up my badge on morning of day 1 there were none left and I was told I'd get an email about it.
Sorry, we ran out of 12XLs.
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she has arrived.
is there a position of "just haul the heavy shit day before and day after con"? While all the team leaders and volunteers getting massive respect from me for giving their time to make sure everything run smoothly, I kind of have only one week just for myself that do not involve family/irl bullshit and I would love to spend it on attending/doing panels and going to room parties than standing in fornt to of merch hall and checking badges.
I'm in this boat, I'd like to help with sound and IT infrastructure but I really don't want to be spending the whole con tard wrangling
We're getting ready to start working on this now
We're going to be mailing out a form shortly, please keep an eye on your email and check spam when it comes out
We'll announce it here too

That'd be logistics department
We do generally require a 12 hour commitment of work to receive a staff badge
Logistics can get most of this on the Wednesday/Thursday before con and the Sunday/Monday after con

You can just be an A/V team member?
cool, I'll wait until you guys call out for A/V team members
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Good news everyone! By picking up random ass clips of PTS irl I am able to build up a almost 90% complete recording of it. If anyone in the thread was also on that panel recording things on their phone, I would really appreciate if you could forward the few missing clips:
1) from end of "lets write a a letter one word at the time", through "anons sit on the floor and listening to the /mlp/ lore" up to the "wait, way do they have dicks?!" Anon with three spoilers
2)The whole setup for Lauren femanon up to scruffy entering the stage
3) 2~3 minutes before Goku Anon gets to roll for the dubs
4)whole space station circuit board thread with Luna and Celestia, + 2 Anons talking to each other, + Anon disapointing his parent
5)Anon inside job conspiracy along with Celestia psa, +Anon praying to MA Larson , +the first 2~3 minutes of RD the fire extinguisher clip
6)Talking into TW vagina, +the whole bit with OP helicopter parachute thread
7)Im missing the first 3 minutes of the Anon collecting threads
8) Clip following "race war against unicorn", Snowpity discusion thread, +Anons dunking on Purp
9)Anon doing the song and dance is all in bits (missing random minute in the middle of it), if someone has the whole thing recorded that would be great)
when will the results of the post-con survey be released?
soon I hope
never, I wish
Before this thread ends unless it dies an early unnatural death
It is aggravating listening to the sneedback panel and hearing him deny that it's a 4chan or /mlp/ convention. What the heck is it then? I didn't attend, so I guess I shouldn't complain much.
Is it up yet somewhere?
I forgot about it's existence (again) until today. I gotta finish it tomorrow finally.

There's a partial recording of it up on YouTube.
amazing, that last panel is gorgeous
I mean, technically it isn't a strictly "4chan con", but it is pretty well implied that /mlp/ board culture is the normal and super pervasive. So they aren't wrong for saying it isn't.

But ultimately Snowpity doesn't make the con what it is, or control the vibe (to an extent) of it. If we want it to be, and remain, a /mlp/-centric convention culture, its up to the congoers to upkeep an environment that reflects that - both to make it fun for us and anyone willing to give it a try, but also gatekeep those that would put a damper on everyone's fun.

Rules and CoC are already fairly relaxed to allow for people to interact and do fun and silly shit without consequence.
That is retarded.
con has nothing to do with 4chan or /mlp/
those green guys in the opening ceremony video were just aliens. same with the guy on the poster that is now missing his face.

what is an Anon? Never heard of one.

It isn't a 4chan convention only if you're going by the purely legal perspective since the site's administration isn't snowpity inc
>It isn't a 4chan convention only if you're going by the purely legal perspective since the site's administration isn't snowpity inc

That's the important part, though. Snowpity and Mare Fair are legally distinct and separate from /mlp/ and 4chan as a whole. It's the individuals both running and attending it that end up making it a "4chan convention" only by coincidence.
>making it a "4chan convention"
I don't see /po/ or any other board really represented, so claiming its 4chan con is stretch. Its definitely a /mlp/ con though.
Origami ponies would be kino.
Also /vg/, /sp/, /pol/, /cgl/, /soc/, /u/. /y/, /i/, /lgbt/ and a bunch of other boards were repped
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In that case, AtA's part of the booth had some papercraft stuff so /po/ can be also considered represented!
Oh my gosh Linky great throw!
how has no one given a (you), this is god's work
I just noticed she's using custom dice which probably are also loaded! Linky is stinky cheater and a phony pony full of baloney!
Missed outt on MF 1 and 2, still on the fence for MF 3. Too much of a financial commitment plus skill issues
how does it feel that when you eventually get to MF, it will be inferior to the previous ones, as it's ran into the dirt by furries and trannies and stupid shitty people like anti-swastika or anti-racism
it's ok, I have a clique
I'm conflicted. On the post-con survey, I answered the furry question truthfully. The suits don't bother me because I couldn't give a damn what people wear, not to mention it could purity spiral into pony suits, sithlords, and maga hats. Furries are scapegoated way too much.

On the other hand, Snowpity Inc. banning fursuits would show that they have actual balls after that pitiful apology and send a strong message to certain smug jerks that openly joke about gentrifying Mare Fair. This alone makes me want to change my answer.
You could add a clarification at the end of the survey.
I felt the same, but its one of those "id rather ban it than not" situations
i forgot to put it on the con survey but please have an actual renegade stage next year. jesus christ
can you not edit your survey after submitting it?
>the same conversation for 10 threads in a row
>mlpol types STILL defending swastikas and shouting slurs in public because they don't know how to function in the real world
>anons STILL being browbeaten into whining about muh furries as if they're the ones risking banishment from con spaces
>nobody knowing internal staff drama and infighting will kill the convention before even the autistic swastards can
I don't like 'em but I also don't dislike them enough to support banning them.
They weren't a problem at the con, imo. Sure there were a few who hung out in the lobby and begged for attention, but got very little as far as I could tell. No action needed unless they become a problem to people who aren't triggered by knowing a furry exists somewhere nearby.
No one has complained about the slurs. In fact they got much more prominent than the first year without any issue.
this. if they keep firing and blacklisting everyone who doesn’t fit their autistic view of perfection there will be nobody left to run the con
>he actually thinks there weren't complaints and issues stemming from autistic retards shouting "FURNIGGER FURNIGGER FURNIGGER" in the public hotel space
Nah, there weren't.
What was the renegade stage this year lacking?

There were multiple complaints about slurs
Operations kept a log of every complaint, there were quite a few
Slurs are disallowed by the CoC specifically and they showed a lot of restraint for not pulling more badges over this
All staff were just fired to start the next con cycle
Prior to that no staff were fired this year
Nobody is blacklisted
renegade stage was lacking being in its own place, being marked on the map, having any info about it. on day 1 i spent ages searching for any info and couldn’t even figure out where it was (not listed on the site)
having it share a room with a panel room makes everything harder, having a dedicated space (even if it’s tiny) would make the equipment there not have to be handed back and forth between musicians and panelists and not have to worry about cutting each other off
adding on, having it not be its own space (even if that space is just a table with equipment brought by the musicians in the hallway like at the old trotcon venue) does a lot for getting people to want to participate and creating an environment where people can hang out. having to clear out for a panel every hour hurts that a lot
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For one it was unclear there was renegade stage at all, as it wasn't explicitly mentioned in any of the MareFair material and was hidden behind a funny name. It was even more confusing as the room also had panels scheduled in it, which afaik is untypical at most conventions. Furthermore, none of the staff knew how to sign up for the renegade stage. Infodesk had pointed me to operations, and operations informed me renegade was "first come first serve battle of the hill" which is ridiculous as it sounds. Finally when I had finally tried to claimed the room for a renegade Jam set with other musicians, one of the bands that were performing for the concert had told me that they were using the room to practice their set.
>and maga hats
already banned anon
>Operations kept a log of every complaint, there were quite a few
It's be cool to see a tally of which slur got the most heat. I imagine nigger and faggot are neck and neck
>Don't ban fursuites in con space
>See slur tally increase year over year
I didn't even know there was a renegade stage. I heard so little about it that I thought it didn't even seriously exist.
>heh joke's on you, we're going to say MORE SLURS and make MORE SWASTIKAS unless you give into our demands!
Amazing. Pretty blatant where your loyalties lie, and it's not to ponies.
This is it right here. If you don't want the con to be run by furries or X users, this is your opportunity to step up. This is your opportunity to be in positions of real influence.
What? I'm just posting what I noticed, I don't know how you can constue that in some retarded way. The slurs like furfag and furnigger are direct responses to the increased furry presence. Also the swastiktards are faggots who deserve the same treatment as the furries. Fuck you and your weird warped perception of reality.
Retarded disingenuous concern trolling.
>Operations kept a log of every complaint, there were quite a few
>We're going bigger!
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Anybody knows who's singing the lines of anon punting anonfilly starting from 3:32? The pitch of that voice is absolutely unnatural.
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>"I'm walking down the isle with some Twiggies in tow"
>None of them are Twilight
Aren't these just squats? I thought Twiggy was squat Twilight.
You need more bat practice
Back to the cave with you
If not in the [cc] then I know for certain someone asked before and it was delivered in another mare fair thread for ya to check
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Ugh, fine. I'll start perusing the archive then.
Yes, they refered the squats as "Twiggies".
Use closed captions my guy
Looks like I have to refill the entire survey if I revisit the link. Ouch.
Thing is they're still welcome to the con, just minus a small suit sacrifice. To me it's a decent way to send a message to the crybullies claiming that MF isn't accepting enough that they can't impose their will on it. If there is a better gesture that Snowpity is open to that doesn't involve crucifying the fursuits, I'm all ears.
Technically it's not, despite the incident. Nowhere is it written in the CoC that attire showing certain beliefs or values is banned. It was very immature on MF staff's part.
>all this shit
Mare Fair CoC says no to political symbols, period. No, your trump hat doesn't get an exception just because your group thinks it's still 2016.
It is a PONY convention. Why are you insistent upon infesting it with non-pony political symbols?
Do not deflect to >muh furries; answer the question.
actually did a double check of the CoC and it doesn't mention politics anywhere. I thought it did too
So you'd like a dedicated renegade stage for musicians only?
I was hoping we'd have renegade panels, last minute events attendees could host themselves but I'm not sure that really happened this year so maybe there's no demand for it

I can speak for most cons, but BABSCon does schedule some panel events in their renegade stage, so it's not completely unheard of
As for sign up, I do apologize for that.
I had been told the lead in charge of that had it handled and there was a sign up sheet at the info desk
I think if we do a renegade stage again we may want to have a dedicated staff member overseeing the room
And possibly schedule fewer events in there

This will likely change for next year
I thought it was in there too but apparently it never was
Since one of the founding tenets of the con is "ponies, no politics" something should probably be in the CoC
btw, do you know what's was the deal with with the QR code reader not working for the badges? I almost didnt made it because guy wasn't able to find my name from my ID on the laptop, lucky my namefag text was on whatever spreadsheet he was looking at.
>I'm not sure that really happened this year
This year was packed though, and not in a bad sense, i keep hearing about people who wanted to go to more panels but couldn't, so much there was to do. I don't think it's a necessity, but if there's a space open, any room could be fit for that from asking in the front I think, otherwise you just have a empty room for most of the con waiting to be used.

And careful on that minefield you're walking on, you already saw that if you give them a hand they will take your arm, with how larger the outcry became after the announcement and them trying to find every little thing to whine about, from the fags who never actually went there.
I'm glad that natural selection is starting to happen and some "horse famous" niggers eg.: millionaire panel fag are openly saying how they won't go, as if they have any relevancy, there's a reason the board asked for no GoH back then, and if you're trying to cater to those, I hope you're aware that it won't take one year or two or a few posts to win them back.
>no ribbing about creature immigration
>no z word passes
>no appleloosan battle flags or plantation AJ
>no trans trixie
>no gay pride ships
>aryanne mega dead x100
>no christian waifu weddings
>no plushie sized hijabs
>Safe Space Con 2025
I'm so tired. Is it so hard for people to act like adults in this age? Are freedom loving libertarians just absolutely double fucked until our sweet death arrives?
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>I NEED to have these contemporary politics analogs in my pony convention!
"They barely come up to your knees, still they do anything as they please, and the reason for the squeezin' is it's fun to make 'em REEEEEE!"
>I don't UNDERSTAND how other's have FUN with things that UPSET ME!
Ban tamers12345 while you're at it.
We should for all the fart and scat trash, good riddance
>you hate fun if you don't allow me to force my normalfag politics into a pony convention
I will ask again:
It is a PONY convention. Why are you insistent upon infesting it with non-pony political symbols?
Do not deflect to >muh furries; answer the question.
No, I don't justify my pony fun to raging manchildren.
>pony fun
Yep, you're an outsider.
it's all about the mares
Well one does have to go outside to go to the convention. Just remember that the z-word passes sold like hotcakes in the vendor hall and anons had fun marrying their waifus.
Sirs, please kindly donate the clips, I know they do exist since I saw several people with their phones recording all the random bits of the panel.
Maybe if it wasn't one big block of spoilered text, people would be more willing to read it.
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You do know there is plenty of pony media that is enjoyed that is parody material? And that can and does include political stuff. Jokes that reflect what we can relate to and current events can be enjoyable humor, this includes the edgy and ironic stuff as well obviously - and that area of humor is quite intertwined with /mlp/ board culture.

Problem is that there are people that cannot or refuse to understand that people are just fucking around for fun and don't take things in stride as jokes or see any irony or humor in it - or at the very least just let those people have their fun if it isn't impacting anyone physically. This is an 18+ con, we are all adults, so you should be responsible for your own emotions and how you react to the world and others, not crying over someone's mention of politics or wearing of a hat.

That being said, there is justification for specifically banning the more volatile stuff, such as friendship windmills and whatnot - purely on the basis that people are still terrified of a basically dead political party/ideology - as it can affect the conventions reputation and ability to have venues host us, not to mention it we want any more wonderful horse rescues to be excited to be involved. Unfortunately, optics is a thing that they have to consider. I just hope Snowpity doesn't bring down the hammer too hard to the point of censorship and leading to what >>41542438 mentioned as a "safe space con", where fun new ideas wouldn't be allowed if they are subjectively considered "too political" and then con events and content would stagnate to the same things that happen at every other convention.
It's easy. Just listen to the video
The distribution lead decided not to use the QR code readers, I think
Next year we should probably hook them up at least to make finding people's registrations easier
Sorry about that

I don't think anyone's talking about stopping either one of those things
Nor do I think most of what >>41542438 mentioned would be banned
>ponies, no politics

Would this stretch to the vendors too? Some vendors had some Pony stuff that parodied politics, and I can think of one vendor (dunno the name) that was just propoganda on a bag that had nothing to do with ponies.

I just find it hypocritical to get mad at MAGA hats when that sort of bag was being sold.

(Apologies for any formatting issues, Im an offboarder)
who ended up buying that box of soap at the charity auction anyway? heard it went for quite a bit of money but not sure who ended up getting it.
I remember that. It was a "Trixie trans" bag tho. It had to do with ponis as it's a common Trixie joke (regardless personal sense of humor). It's still important to point this out because we would need to know what kind of humor would be allowed.
i’d understand the “propaganda” angle if it was an all ages event, but we’re all adults here, it’s at worst an eye-roll worthy akira parody
also, go back
You can't be vague now after opening a box like that. What exactly would this new CoC clause look like. Is pic related from EAW against it?
We're clearly not considered adults if MF is seriously considering banning red hats. Also, age has nothing to do with propaganda.
This bag had no pony iconography and was a circular emblem that stated something along the lines of "Bad for dysphoria - Good for mental health" with a syringe centering the circle as an HRT thing. It had no Trixie on it we may be thinking of different bags.

Zizzy(?) Had a trans colored Trixie name plate badge and in spite of my sensibilities, it was at least still Pony.

"Propoganda" was the best politics adjacent term I could think of. The point of contention is "These politics (MAGA hats) were actively removed, but these politics (non-pony tranny bag) was fine to exist in an official space"
>ponies, no politics
That's vague and doesn't properly address to the "problem" (windmills in pools I assume).

Not pony related political propaganda could be banned, and political pony jokes (like Aryanne or Trixie trans) might only be asked to not be displayed in public areas (like NSFW), but not banned. As for the merch, it's supposed to be pony-related anyway, so it could be sent to the black book.
nothing political about swastikas retard :^)
Youtube shows just lyrics. I wanna know who's singing them.
People saying trans-shit is political, what's political about mental illness?
Being gay/trans has been updated to not to be classified as a mental illness on DSM-5, actually.
Nopony ever visits me up here. where the fuck are you lot
Then the writers are retarded and should probably be diagnosed themselves.
I agree, the only politics I see in it are in terms of banning/allowing it for youth. I don’t care what an adult does to their own body despite how disgusting it may be.
I would like a venue with bigger rooms for next year.
>I NEED to have politics in my pony convention
>if you stop me from having politics in the pony convention, it'll be a tumblr-twitter safe space
Not one of you has adequately explained why you NEED to force your stupid fucking politics into a pony convention. It's a pony convention, for a pony show. Just because this site has been up its own ass since 2016's election season and /pol/ has been given carte blanche to spam every single hobby and interest board every second of the day doesn't mean you need to be given free reign to swastika, confederate flag, trump assassination attempt parody, etc. in a pony convention. You really can't go three fucking days without obsessing over politics? Do you realize you're wasting what's left of your youth on meaningless drivel and culture wars you "fight" by shitting up hobby boards and risking the livelihood of conventions for a childrens' cartoon?
>defending politics and deflecting to muh pride flags on merch
Fucking pottery.
It is art.
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where are the ponies?
wasn't that the tranny giving away credit card numbers on stream?
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Its ours, not yours. Full stop. If you dont get it or understand leave. Also heres to all the real ones. Love you boys
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before cutout
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Nah, that was the poxyboxy stall in the corner, different vendor
The fact THIS was allowed to be sold but not censored Aryanne plushies is a huge red flag for me. Morale is slipping at Mare Fair and something needs to be done. Hopefully the survey feedback shows them that.
Strict "no politics" rule would forbid this too, as it would forbid red army star that one soviet anon cosplayer had on his ushanka. They have to go on case-by-case basis and that opens whole new can of reee'ing.
Okay that bag isn't even Trans Trixie shitposting that shouldn't be allowed
I'm pretty sure twifag already mentioned in a previous thread that staff wasn't aware but would have asked for it to not be shown or sold if they were.
There's no wording yet
I'd hope that wouldn't be disallowed
If it's pony it should be ok


Personally I don't think this should've been in the vendor hall, but this is the first time I've seen it
that same vendor has literally sold the bag at other conventions(ciderfest, think WCPC too)

the blindness astounds me
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I personally know the founders and many of the staffers of Mare Fair and I can say with authority that you're full of shit. Mare Fair was created to be a pony convention without the politics, without the vaccine card inspection. It was not created to be a carbon copy of every other con but with le heckin BASED and REDPILLED politics inserted instead.
Don't worry though, a few of the staffers also forgot what the founding tenants of the convention are and shoved their heads up their asses to huff their own farts more efficiently.
You clearly didn't read that whole post.

How's the search for the next venue going? Are there a good handful of options in the Orlando area that can meet Mare Fairs requirements for a hotel+convention center combo? I know there are many places, but some seem to be very large, likely too large and also costly as a result.
Are other cons in the US still asking for the vaccine thing?
>Had a trans colored Trixie name plate badge
The problem is that Trixie's colors ARE the trans flag colors. Her coat's blue, her mane is white and her magic is pink. Hell, part of her iris is, too.
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Forgot pic. You can't ban Trixie's merch being trans colors without also banning Aryanne.
>Is pic related from EAW against it?
I sure hope so. It should be banned just for being so retarded.
Quit being a disingenuous nigger.
I'm pretty sure that pink is closer to trans rights flag than to Trixie's pink. And it's exactly next to other Trixie badge resembles her pallet better.

It doesn't matter anyway. Trans Trixie is legit pony shitpost, so there shouldn't be a problem following Twifag >>41544797
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>"Oopsie doopsie we forgot to put our FOUNDING TENANT in the CoC."
>Goes on to redefine "without politics" to be super literal, instead of the sane interpretation "without the con imposing its politics on attendees" as every other con was doing at the time.
So can Snowpity just split into two conventions already? Or have the BabsCon guys go back? Because I'm guessing they're not "cool now" like they claimed. You sound like you hate your coworkers, and the more I hear about your internal strife, the more I don't want to bother with next year.
It became political when they started to insist that their mentally ill delusions are reality, and insist that the weight of the law be levied to enforce their delusions.
>I want the reasonable people to be kicked out so I can make swastikas and wear maga hats to a pony convention
You're clearly not interested in pony conventions for ponies.
Yesterday, Twifag tried to calm down the rumors of an internal rupture, and then you come and make an scat analogy of how you hate each other.

I hope this is a bait impersonation of a directive, but that would be innocent from me.
You're right, word twister, ponies are too broad. I prefer filly conventions for fillies.
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>Reasonable people
You mean the snakes who always motte and bailey their disgusting ideology into everything they can.
>marefair was 1 month ago
I liked the old marefair.org slideshow more than the one we have right now desu
>saying this
>while insisting you should be allowed to make pool swastikas and wear trump election advertisements to a pony convention because mlpol exists
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Show me where I said any of that. I'll wait.
why would this be allowed if full windmill ary isn’t? it’s the same thing, irl ideological symbol with pony added on
surprised trannies even come to a 18+ convention, their favorite victims can't even buy a badge
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nigger I did not have a red army star on my ushanka
further proof these animals were not even present. Further proof the enemy is present in this thread, and we must tighten our gaurd.
I wish apples weren't banned for hate speech. I miss their crunchy sweet goodness.
Where are the post con survey results
Donation to Fallen Oak complete
based, this is what its all about
We've narrowed it down to one option that appears to be very nice
We should enter contract negotiations soon (this can take a couple months)

desu it's all going to be based on interpretation on the ground
Any new rule in the CoC is going to reflect this reality
Swastika is always going to be banned no matter what, only because of the status of the symbol in modern culture
I fucking hate rule lawyering bullshit and wish we didn't have to add more rules what the fuck happened to common sense
you host a gathering of severe autists, what did you expect
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>We've narrowed it down to one option that appears to be very nice
Is it the guys who put a Mare Fair 2025 logo up on their digital billboard?
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So when are you going to allow foalcon at the AD vendor hall?
these faggots never will. the based foalcon artists with things to sell should just drop a room number someplace close to con-time and host a secret AD hall of their own. sooner it is planned the sooner it could happen.
Was just going to suggest this, all of these vendors that want to sell "contraband" should just do it in their rooms
Even if suggestions like this could be normies making sure foalcon never reaches the public eye, I'd honestly prefer it this way at this point. With some sort of big party or event around it. The more staff talks here, the more it's looking like all the fun stuff needs to go underground because Nopity Inc is rewriting the rules to be more Twitter approved.
Wonder if Kim will share the goods like last year or end up holding all due to being isolated for no reason
I simply know that the reality of the normalfag mindset is that foalcon = pedo. If friendship windmills are bad optics wait until the con gets known for "inviting .pdf's"

Might as well plan for the staff to not have the balls to ever allow it, since they already disallow much "lesser evils" from being openly displayed or traded at the con.

I would love to contribute to such an underground gathering in whatever meaningful way I possible can, if it happens.
>ooh let's have our knockoff child porn eveyrwhere all in public at a con
Twitter is making a hard enough time dealing with the pool spastika, imagine if they find out about cunnyniggas
>Largely funded by a vorefag
Based transparent finances. Very mare
No politics rule should only forbid things that is haram to the American oligarch.
The money is still green anon. Vorecunt or not who gives a shit if it helps a horse.
Better a vorefag than a furfag.
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Abloo bloo, like they don't already know.
>this happens in the same year that the staff members got groomed by a twatter circle
kek, everyone saw that coming, anyways, hope its the last con since its no different from galacon or bronycon.
See ya guys at FloridaFoalcon next year!
For being a vorefag, Lemon Drop looks like a Lich. The guy needs to spend some of those techbux on food for once. If we were more centrally south, I'd insist on bringing him to a proper barbecue joint. carolina style.
Bit off topic, but what's the difference between the various barbecue styles? Is it the preparation/sauce, cooking style or just a big pissing contest between the regions?
He's actually vegan.
It’s okay Anon the Twitterfags are largely Liberal and don’t care about the Florida Foalcon stuff all they care about is my hecking notsees, they are pro pedos after all
>Largely funded by Incels
According to Amy New
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Exactly, after all, almost every anon loves foalcon!
Fillies and foals are so beautiful and sexy!
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yes, yes and yes
It's a difference in sauce and preparation. For example Kansas and Tennessee like to do a lot more dry rubs. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tea like very sweet sauces. The Carolinas tend to like more vinegar based sauces. Though you get a lot of blending of styles these days since BBQ culture is not limited to geographic regions anymore.

I'd make sure Lemon isn't an incel, but he won't be a vegan after it though.
Unclean ugly dudes doing gay things
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If anyone managed to take pics of filly plush plots, please share them!
yeah speak for yourself I have a functional immune system and wasn't spit swapping with trannies, came home fine other than the greasy meat shits from 3 days in a row of bbq
If you vore someone, are you still an incel?
>At their genitals
You tell me
I mean even without that large contribution the con still managed to raise more than pretty much any other pony con other than BronyCon 2019 and Ciderfest 2023 which I think is impressive for the number of attendees.
Overall the people attending Mare Fair in general are just more charitable for some reason which I think is cool.
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probably because the money goes to a charity instead of lining the pockets of the organizers
Will share what you have if you don't get the remaining parts?
You sad it's not (You)r fetish or something, Anon?
It helps that the charity is going to animals, which everyone can get behind, and not some niche divisive human minority, like lgbt or army vets. There's also studies that show conservatives are generally more charitable than liberals.
>It helps that the charity is going to animals, which everyone can get behind
It also helps that the charity is going to animals which everyone can get behind
If we made sure Mare Fair was 100% Nazi we'd probably raise over 250k.
im going to start drawing fillies exclusively in the months leading up to the next con and sell prints n sheeit out of my room
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To Marechiato guy,

How's the beans I gave ya? I hope you kept it at least and enjoy some mild roasts.
arthur bryant's is overrated but delicious af
I'd probably blow my entire vendor hall budget in your room, fren

make an anonfilly daki with bits and I'll pay you for it today
>filly ahegao shirt virtually indistinguishable from the typical one, from a distance
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This would be so incredibly fucking based, how could we do it without the hotel getting all pissy and shutting it down though? That and security probably?
>uuuooohhhhhh let's have our filly cunny everywhere all in public at a con
>I would love to contribute to such an underground gathering in whatever meaningful way I possible can, if it happens.
Me too, sign me the fuck up.
Who gives a shit about faggots on Twitter? Twitter is not a real place.
what you do in your room outside the con space is between you and whomever you do it with, anon.
I think it would be more fun for it to be an underground vendor hall in a room rather than in the con space. The only way to get in is to find a man giving special tickets that then get taken when you enter the room so no outsiders. If you want the filly merch then you have to work for it.
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Uuuooohhh!! sexy and breedable fillies!
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Fuck yeah, that would be amazing. Bonus points if it's literally underground with an ongoing party and shit. When you knock you have to say the passcunny. And no cameras, you have to turn in your phone along with your ticket and then you have it given back to you on your way out.
Went to that url and got a virus
>See ya guys at FloridaFoalcon next year!
fuck yeah, see you there anon
>verification not required
Second this idea. No phones/cameras plz while I browse my fillycunny merch.
we identify as "cool", so now we are
Bullshit, but you are correct that the domain expired since that was last year's. I don't know why they changed it but this year's brand new pack is at https://fillypack.art/
Based, it's gotta happen, even if for no other reason than it adds to the atmosphere.
We're finally reaching conclusion that windmills are bad and shouldn't be made before, during or after the fair and now you fuckers are planning semi-open pedophile vendoring event? What the fuck?
I love this place. So chaotic and senseless. Keep up the good work anons. Maybe next time a heist will be on the menu
Mystery room where you help Anon figure out who stole Fair Flyer's snowpity.
Hold up that actually sounds pretty kino
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Whole weekend-spanning arg-style mystery solving thing would be fucking kino.
T. silly ideas guy with no real capability of arranging any panels or events
Imagine what is essentially a game of Guess Who but with various mares trying to figure out who stole her snowpity. Could add some Murder on the Orient Express vibes too. Have it run by teams of like 6 people every 30 minutes to hour. Would be a fun room. Winners get a Happy fair Flyer pin or sticker. Loosers get a sad snowpityless Fairflyer pin/sticker.
Mare Fair mods write this down and make this canon. I will attend this panel
And if you check the timing, they started to plan this immediatly after Twifag complaining people don't have common sense.
So do I love this place.
If I wasn't already committed to vending, I'd be down to help run The Great Snowpity Heist game room.
I like the check pony
For anyone who played the karaoke in the game room, did they have the Mare Fair opening animation songs? I might make charts for them if not
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Get fucked moralfaggots, it's gonna happen.
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>you have to turn in your phone
I know where this is going
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If you're so paranoid just don't bring one dummy. Otherwise just keep it updated and locked.
can I buy windmill horses at this contraband convention too?
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Do you even need to ask? ^:)
gonna have to stock the super secret sideways Z word passes too
yeah, I guess I will wait until monday, than I will post it on pony tube, it will be bit sucky since I do not remember all the parts but I may try to recreate some bits with tts sam so there wouldn't be massive gaps in sound.
If my artstyle wasn't noticeable enough, I'd draw her being bulleted so much
I always get angry and feel like shit at myself after conventions. Because I'm always a nervous wreck during them, I can barely say anything to the few women there, I can't make friends with any of the guys, it just makes me hate myself.
Do it anyway fgt
just shoot your shot dude, unless you're an actual turbosperg nobody will remember you after the con so even if you get some negative reactions who fuckin cares
I remember (You)
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How am I supposed to do that? I can barely suppress my overwhelming self-hatred when trying to speak.
I started playing with that idea, but I didn't have enough time to make something real. All I did was hide some ponies I picked up from a thrift store around and was surprised how quickly people found. One idea was to write a phone # or URL on them, or cut a hole and put a slip of paper with a QR code, etc and then start off the clue chain that way.
Maybe next year, stay alert anons, the portal to Equestria is real ?!
I'm glad all the shit that happens in these threads is only here and isn't actually at the con
Which song and dance are you talking about? The only ones I recorded are the complete Gaston parody and all of Anons to the Core.
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I didn't post mine at the time because too busy with con stuff, but I found one in the stairwell.
If the clues are something that's limited in numbers, the thing/part/step must be solvable without getting them all because people are stupid and dumb sometimes and keep stuff to themselves. It would also be nice to have panel or some event as official starting point/story dump. You'd also realistically need layout of the venue to properly plan shit.
you're the only one who knows. what everyone DOES know about you, at a con, is the common interest which brought everyone there in the first place. that's a perfect starting point for striking up conversation. or if the idea of a full blown conversation is too much, a single comment too. "nice plush" "cute shirt"
only you are you, others aren't. they don't hate you as much as you do, so there's no reason to assume they do. they don't even know you! but you can give them a reason why to know you, so make it a positive one.
does anyanon have a picture of the back of the staff shirts and/or janny shirts? they were both very cute and have been trying to find it
My favorite moment at Mare Fair was when I got into an elevator and the two guys just completely stopped talking about mares because they thought I was a normalfag.
Yeah Anons to the core, the one at the end, but I managed to find a better version of it on the YT. Sadly trying to scrap twitter was pretty useless as it seems most people just posted 30s private clips instead of sharing them in open.
>Double posting
But I would appreciate of you send your versions as well. Especially the Gaston song as the one I have was hit by random audio filters that muted/ lowered the volume at random places.
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I talked about the elevator voice and everyone acted like it was retarded to care

Then after the con thread makes her an OC
the monero theming feels a bit too pedo-ish
aw thanks anon thats such a great graphic
stay innocent as long as you can
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looks like I'll have a date to next year's marefair ^:)
Who's the lucky mare anon?
being a privacy-based crypto coin, i’m sure it’s used to buy CP. just feels a little weird to have that be the mascot of a specifically foal/loli art pack, feels like it takes it out of the realm of fantasy a little
I have used monero exactly one time, to purchase a lolicon-related game. So it does have uses beyond cheese pizza
>paying for porn
I'll always support based artists that dare to draw cunny, they are my favorite people
Yeah, foalcon merch must be so based
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Imagine cuddling with your filly plushie during FloridaFoalcon, it must be absolute heaven!
It's a privacy-based coin, so as with anything that allows privacy and anonymity, it gets slandered with "durr only pedos use it".
then when it hits mainstream they get to brag about how smart they are for investing in crypto back when its only use was drugs, cheese pizza, and putting hits on people
>Phone breaks down before i can archive all the photos i took
>lolicon related game
>uses beyond ordering pizzas
anon, I don't know how to tell you this, but....
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Who else?
Broken screen? Bootloop? Or something worse?
There's already a video about it kek
>wide thighs and belly imprint
gosh he's like a goddamn bobblehead
Anon, the wide thighs are to make room for her fat cock.
Honestly annoys me too. Blame the weirdos Maxi and Parfait for making the Monero pony and literally just making her for foalcon. Moneropone should be a mysterious libertarian pone, not some vector for foalcon. I say this as both a (very) long time user of cryptocurrencies and enjoyer of foalcon. Fuck that French weirdo for permanently associating Moneropone with foalcon.
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its actually my fat cock I just stick it in
You stick your cock inside her cock?
you both seem incredibly proud of how unentertained you are

I'm glad I enjoy it. Life is much nicer being able to smile at things I like, and I like a lot of things.
No, I think I'll thank them for it instead.
Okay, she's Leslie Fair's daughter. Is that good enough for you?
>they permanently associated Moneropone with foalcon
yeah, i'm thinking based
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Wish I knew where the coffee meetup was. Still managed to make do on my own.
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wow, fillies do eat a lot, uh?
No wonder they all love the subway sandwiches!
I wish anonfilly was real...
bros... mare fair 2024 isnt really over... is it?
I just want to forward a note to people organizing the staff room party (room 916 it was?). The room bar space was really fucking SMALL, the two bartenders (bless them) were constantly stepping on each other toes and practically only one drink at the time could had been made, if possible for MF3 could you get them either a room with larger bar tending space or get some portable aluminum tables to help out with the lack of space?
mare... fair? what's that?
it's a big mare affair
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me too anon, me too
what is that? this is a FloridaFoalcon thread
they don't really have much choice anon, if that's the suite the hotel has, that's the suite they get
if they removed gender dysphoria when will they remove anorexia? I wanted to starve to death peacefully just like the troons wanted to cut off their dicks
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>I say this as both a (very) long time user of cryptocurrencies and enjoyer of foalcon.
>How do you do, fellow pe- uh, I mean, fellow basedchad foal fiddlers?
my body my choice bigots
idk if spec is in this thread but why didnt you dress as trixie again? WHY???!?!? i wanted a pic with you last mare fair and you denied me and i had a DREAM before this year's mare fair of me meeting you in your trixie cosplay with your goofy hat, honestly well made skirt, the sleek boots, and the cheap walmart jacket.
I wanted to see you again but when i saw you, you were different. you were dressed in a c-celestia onesie??? MY TRIXIE GIRL?? DRESSED AS CELESTIA??!?!?! i felt so hurt, i think i was the guy who you asked if i was okay when i talked to you. no i wasn't. i wanted to meet trixie but you weren't her, you were dressed in a cheap onesie. and my disappointment was huge and i was going to ask you to lunch, on me. please. explain??????
is this Bug?
fucking based, thank you anon. we need more people like you.
t. cunny artist
unf speccie plap plap
literally anytime. wish I could contribute more than just money but have no fucking clue where/how to do so
The two guys who were recording the Polish Conventions panel, are you planing to upload it? I found it pretty funny the stories on how jank the cons are set up.
All I have is the footage that the guys let me copied their decades old laptop.
One of the dsm-v committee steering members is an old transsexual jew.
I can't find 'her' name, the original member disclosures is hidden behind an academic journal paywall and I'm getting tired of looking for other sources, so take the claim as you will, but I distinctly remember it being a whole thing at the time they published it.
were you one of the ones being genuine about fucking me in the at con threads? lmao
Gaston: https://files.catbox.moe/6668oy.mov
Anons to the Core: https://files.catbox.moe/n2q0oq.mov
I just don't want my Chad anonymous libertarian currency being devalued by pedos. Yes I do have hundreds of Monero I've been hodling for a decade waiting for it to finally cross $1k per coin.
Whenever I saw spec I gave him a brohoof, he gets too much hate, gotta give a man some love yknow? He ain’t half bad. Also he gave me a printed out thread OP on the elevator and that’s a really good bit
It's so hard to suppress all of the thoughts when I try to talk. And it all just feels so hopeless.
maxi and parfait are the same person.
phone screen is completely black and wont turn on
If it got wet, don't charge it. It makes things worse.
If it just shut down or is staying black, press volume - and power, hold for a bit until it vibrates. It it doesn't turn on I can't help you online, only option is sending to a repair shop from black screen.
depending on the phone it could also be a different button combo for hard cycle, look it up for your specific model
Only if it's an Apple, but those usually don't just black screen without being more serious.
Unless the phone is that old to have home buttons or flipphone.
quite a few Androids have done volup+power just to be a pain, though admittedly my last android device was 3 years ago at this point.
iPhone for what its worth is tap vol down, tap vol up, hold power (because volume down + power is the soft power menu key command now that holding power brings up siri)
Yea, but that's for very old phones, which is what I meant. Nowadays androids are basically all the same.
For Iphone it is even more specific, that one is for newer ones, but it has like 4 different ways in the most common ones that I see around. I don't expect his to be an IPhone like I said, but would need to look it up for his version, ye.
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actually its standardized across the lineup now, even the home button iPhones and iPads use this reset procedure. As long as you're within 3 or 4 years of the latest iOS, at least
t. hardcore Applefag (not that kind)
You'd be surprised how many fags still use the Iphone 6.
And no, the "IPhone XR user" is not just a meme. I hope no one has to deal with those poor phones.
Also, It is nice to know that on newer ones it remained the same, good that both appul and androids are standardising that
hate to be a contrarian but
>uses an iPhone 6
>can navigate 4chan
>can't hard reset their phone
>has enough money to go to marefair
is a zero person overlap
I saw mare fair at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday.
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I didn't mean that /he/ uses an Iphone 6, but we're going besides the point.
Hope it gets saved.
Autism? on MY horse board? More likely than you think
i’m familiar with the latter name but but “maxi”
Anon, its been 10 years...
just found out wootmaster brought covid-25 to mare fair in a vile he smuggled off the black market
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I tagged up a cute mare off Normandie the other week
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>the people attending Mare Fair in general are just more charitable for some reason which I think is cool.
The people are, in general, in better shape as well. I think it's the same phenomena with the Hell's Angels as Hunter Thompson described them being more well behaved/courteous than normal people in certain situations because it contrasted harder with their public perception.
I'll do what I want anyways so fuck it. Have fun "taking" my badge from me, LOL.
Pony-parodies of anything ought to be allowed, of course.
XMR is almost as good of a stablecoin as LINK
also have a few monero, just in case the government confiscates gold, again, and fiat stops working, and BTC is compromised by Blackrock, and ETH is converted into the CBDC chain, and they ban capital export and travel out of the country because the only assets the govt has are the goyim slave people, maybe, just maybe I could trade some monero for a place to live and some servants and guns and stuff in South America
Cheers dude! I also asked around and got the celestia griffin announcement video and the script text anon used so I guess I can at least attempt recreating the missing parts with tts or something.
Asking one last time, anyboy has the name of that one megaman like platformer that was in the game room, close to the controller guys?
can't help you but I think it was also at the game room at whinny city. perhaps older threads from other cons might turn something up
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Was it this? I found this in my Whinny City photos from last year, though I didn't catch the name.
yes, that one.
>I'll do what I want anyways so fuck it. Have fun "taking" my badge from me, LOL.
If you do intend to get in a fight with the staff, make sure you do it out in the open so everyone can witness a bizarre display of two retards shoving at each other.
Could be gayer it could be the "fight" that spec had that was just an excuse to hump in public
I did not witness that, but I imagine it was pretty damn gay for both parties.
Based and parody pilled. Even better if the venue is open to the public and you hang around without a badge.
Ban trannies and their flags and I'll be okay with this.
Mega Pony
I didn't even go. How was it? For those who went.
Mega Pony has you playing on all fours as a ponified Mega Man. The game in question has you playing as an upright Twilight Sparkle
Horrible. There was only two vendors, every other person was wearing a fursuit, there were a dozen panels for diaperfags, aryanne was banned, multiple bug-chasers, none of the acts showed up for the concert, the power went out and the hotel fucking exploded. Twice.
closest ive found so far
When can we expect next year’s website to go up?
fluttershy panel was ass. 70% of it was eqg and the host shilling his dumb flutterdash obsession.everyone knows pinkieshy is superior.
December at the earliest but could be as late as February
When will badge purchases first open?
So this has probably been discussed already, but did anyone else feel the charity auction this year was a bit underwhelming? This isn't to say that the result of the charity auction wasn't spectacular, because it was - fantastic to see that much raised for Fallen Oak - and a lot of wonderful items for auction, especially from the mare gallery. But a couple of the auctioneers (rainbow faggot and wolvan) were either lacking any enthusiasm, or trying too hard to throw donations high and make people feel bad for not bidding higher. That and there seemed to be way too much pressure on Lemon at the end to bump the total over the record, as if he was obligated to dump more money. I won't speculate on his feelings about it, but the "vibes" for much of the auction were not great.

Still looking forward to next year's for a new charity/rescue, but I hope that a little more care and attraction is paid to running it next time.
Everyone thought that those two auctioneers were fucking terrible
others might feel the same way. suppressing these feelings will only compound them and keep them inside. find some outlet. that outlet could be just talking to others who might feel the same way, or, especially at a con settings, have similar interests. again, you're all there for the same basic reason, you have that in common with everyone around you!
just try to look at the light side of things anon, there's always a silver lining. life is what you make of it.
Well in that case, did anybody find it a bit insulting that absolutely nothing else was scheduled during the charity hours Sunday when the rest of the con had tons of overlapping panels? I'm glad the rich anons are having a blast throwing their money around to save horses, but I'm not going to be entertained watching it.
>how dare they schedule a block of time for me to go to wawa instead of missing out on something I care about
>when the rest of the con had tons of overlapping panels
Read nigga, READ.
Mothafucka u. With nothing overlapping, if you are disinterested in the one thing that's happening, take the time to fuck off and go to wawa, swim, hang out with frens, or clop to fillies, simple as.
Okay Attention Whore McMoneybags. I'm sorry you care more about your auction having zero panels competing for attention than any of the other panels that were stacked 4-5 at a time throughout the convention.
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Thanks to everyone that contributed to the post card. It was delivered to my friend and he was pretty damn pissed because his brother gets his mail for him.
lol rekt
>tfw I'd love to be an auction runner.
>tfw lots of experience running previous auctions
>tfw fairly high energy individual
Why couldn't it have been me up there on stage excitedly yelling into a mic doing my best quick-speak. How do I become the guy up on stage instead of low energy ESL Wolvs
Just go volunteer to be staff for next year.
I want to do that too but you gotta be in the cabal sucking off the right people
Cute stickers Anon, I'd post the two ponies I placed on a stop sign but sadly I did not take a pic. Do you just do random signs or is there a reason why you chose those two?
I hate that you're not wrong.
Sorry you got to be horse famous or a bottom to the staff to have a job like that.
Yeah, they're random
The absolute stability of XMR only make sense in the context of an organized attempt to keep it's price low. it's remarkable how whenever it starts climbing towards $200 it just falls right back to around $150. Even though it is a fairly scarce commodity with only about 19M circulating supply, an airtight use case, and a very active developer community it's price just keep getting suppressed. Because it's the greatest threat to true the surveillance economy, it has a lot of downward pressure trying to keep it from realizing it's actual value.
Snowpity Inc should post funny mailed in vids of anons auditioning for auction work and have polls to vote for the best one.
You mean porn audition tapes?
Isn't it bad for something that's supposed to be a currency to be treated like a speculative investment?
Volunteer for the charity department next year and state your interest in being an auctioneer. It's that easy. Although your true chances will depend on who gets the lead role for the dept.
Aka find out who's dick you gotta suck?
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Mine, don't forget the balls.
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This is finally the last fucking thread of this shit right?
one thread a day until MF 3
personally i cant wait to see what kind of shenanigans will the year 3 bring to us.
not sure where you got that idea, Forex is one of the biggest casinos in the world.
idk lol

One of the main reasons we hold the con is to raise money for charity
The biggest amount is brought in by the auction
Plus these weren't many panels that could've been hosted then anyway
Game room and vendor stalls were open most of the time, too

Email charity at marefair dot org
Wed appreciate the help

I hope not, but if it is
we should be sending out a survey you must answer to get your shirt
It already got sent out.
the results
In general I wish more stuff was scheduled Thursday over Sunday, I'm used to cons where Sunday is a "closing ceremonies and checkout" day and I missed a lot of stuff in this one because I booked for that expectation
Side events nigga so much happened on the Thursday
>One of the main reasons we hold the con is to raise money for charity
I know going against this sentiment is going to make me look like a massive dick, but, since when? This is starting to feel like trying hard to "beat" the other conventions at being the good guys, when the reason we know conventions exist at all is because we want spill spaghetti over a cartoon. If you lost the ability to give, would Snowpity actually drop MF entirely?
Yeah I never got the impression that cons were made to raise money for charities.
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Yeah, if we could just get the con staff to stop saying stupid shit off-the-cuff for no reason in particular, that would be great
didn't do my survey, i'm on smoko
>One of the main reasons we hold the con is to raise money for charity
I know it's American con, run by Americans who has tradition to do charity in their events but seriously?
It's why Snowpity, Inc was founded
>We are Snowpity, Inc.: A new nonprofit corporation organized by anons who frequently post and have run successful projects on /mlp/. Everypony working for the corporation is unpaid, from the Board of Directors to the smallest volunteer. That means that after administrative expenses (which we aim to keep as low as possible), 100% of any funds we raise go directly to our objective: To hold events to raise funds to rescue, care for, and improve the lives of equines in need; to bring together artists to practice and hone their craft of pony art; and to educate the world about the beauty that resides within every mare.

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