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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):>>41359252

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41426906
Hello Artfriends
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Pinky bone for prompt 8!
Trying to figure out how to work Krita after using sai for so long makes my head hurt.
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Day 10, certainly loosing steam for me.
Very creative, lovin it!
Would it be a good idea for me to do the opposite and try to learn sai? Krita is pretty good, but I feel like it has limitations.
If your problem is limitations, sai probably isn't for you. Sai is very user friendly, but it's also pretty simple.
Hello, sl0th. I love your doodles.
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Man, I'm falling behind on these.
Happy mlp anniversary /bale/
honestly simplicity is sai's biggest strength, it's just you, your brushes and the canvas
tangled amres
Given the option I'd rather keep using it, but I'm not going to use windows whenever I get around to my next build and sai's pen pressure feature supposedly doesn't work on linux.
yesss... now they're complete vulnerable to surprise headpats and boops
upon review i could've put a ball and just colored that to represent tangling, whoops
based fellow linux user, I can confirm the pen pressure issue. it doesn't bother me none cause im a mousefag anyways, not sure how to fix that though. also as an fyi make sure you have vulkan installed before hand cause if you're gonna run sai 2 through play on linux you're gonna need 2 drivers that being dvk 181 and vcrun2019 also any of the wine version here https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=4594 I got sai2 running on wine 6.4. none of the tutorials ever mention it and it gave me a hell of a headache figuring that out. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013903/can-you-run-paint-tool-sai-on-linux this tutorial works great with sai 1
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Hallo fren! I'm always happy that anons enjoy my sweet mares! Speaking of this is day 9 and I'm officially caught up
>based fellow linux user
Oh, no. Not yet. It's something I'm looking into for when I upgrade my old ass system. Still trying to figure out what distro to use. Leaning towards Mint.
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Another one for today to pick up the pace.
YO based, I am a mint user myself. its pretty easy to use and install it's also pretty stable so its a solid choice. I use Mate on my desktop and xfce on my ancient ass acer asprie from 2009. only real downside to Mate for me is that I have a fuck huge screen so scaling is a bit of an issue because mate doesn't have the best hi dpi support, I hear cinnamon is better for hi dpi screens so if you're gonna be getting a 50 inch 4k tv to use as a screen then I'd recommend cinnamon over mate. but they all use minimal resources and are fast as fuck which is great, i can have like 20 windows open in chromium while running sai with a fucking 10kx10k canvas with only 15gigs of ram and only have drive usage hovering around 30-45%. its fucking majestic and it will be even better when I get my ram upgrade in of 2 16gig ddr4 sticks in. the system for browsing images in folders to upload is ass and doesn't show them as thumbnails though so its easier to drag and drop shit from the folder itself directly.
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Went back to one of my album ocs. Tried some new stuff with this one
I like the candy bones, great idea
Love this, very cute bro
looks very nice brother brother
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how do you guys do it? it's such a struggle for me to get the rare idea i have onto paper. i don't understand how to draw things in certain orientations. even if i have an object right in front of me, i can't copy the way it looks to my eye. it's like i translate the object's depth laterally into width or height. am i retarded?
It usually takes me a lot of tries to learn a new pose before getting it right, and even then I need a couple more drawings to fully get the hang of it even with reference. The secret is to just keep trying, I guess. At first you do the best you can, then you gradually raise your standards until you like it enough.
I'm sure you've heard it before, but it's literally just practice. Abandon the idea of being able to copy references down exactly right. Once you get used to drawing shapes and then putting them together, it'll be your own. Embrace it.
pretty lippy, I want to make her smile.
Just like everyone else, practice. There's no shortcut.
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I return with another Christmas Cake sketch, just got home from the gym and was listening to VUL's August song so this came to me.
art is interpretation and evocative, use the feels of confusion, frustration and such that it gives you now and use it to guide your training. before you know it you'll have more problems with other drawing ideas and you won't even give a second thought to the problems you have now, it's growth from practice
Very creative use of the prompt lol
You could always look online. There are forums and tutorials.
Pinkieth is pretty
woah didn't notice the subtle pink on the face until staring for a while
i loled the shape of the hate and colours for all the magician stuff is pleasing
sketch for prompt 3, got a lot of catching up to do

any /ic/ ?
personally felt like her hind legs are too thin
Adorable lanky Twilit
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Today I discovered that drawing two characters, multiple scenes and medium-cute stallion is still too hard for me. Anyway, here's some sketches.
>Imminent magic rape
Unicorns are so overpowered, I love it.
Happy Late Anni too
both of these ponies have really good colour schemes
the eyes here are particularly captivating here for some reason
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I don't understand a fucking thing I'm drawing, I just do it anyway
>Studies? No thanks!
My issue is that now that as I get more liberated from my self-deprecation, I'm stacking too many ideas and projects and get overwhelmed by what to do first
Current plan is to trace this into digital to them get printed on a shirt and then go order a hell quesorito as a other Anon instructed.
advice appreciated, especially the text
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It's hazy, like a dream :)
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Took me a while to pick the historical figure that would suit Pinkie. Despite some liberties with the dress, I think the cupcake may tip you off about who it is.
She looks like she drinks Monster
Cute Ponkpoleon
I take lots of breaks, and observe others and my own art. I also watch other people draw which resulted in me learning how to colour.
interesting effect also czech'd nice digit
based taste
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she tickles me fancy
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been messing around with a weird ass brush
felt fitting to do something a little spooky considering the time of year, maybe I'll actually do something serious at some point, but I don't know yet.

Very comfy.
neetbap time!
Poor mare got spooked and lost her sock.
I would eat her. iykwim
I'd protect her iykwim
You're good people, Anon. Don't forget to eat her tho.
Good fucking god she's hot as fuck would to hell and back. please tell me she has a color scheme? I would lap at her pussy like a starving dog would peanut butter that fell on the floor.
shit I straight up ignored this due to my unabashed horniness. I like it, you draw really cute amres too btw.
colored the neetbap belly. Changed up her eyes a bit but they're still a little weird. Could have spent more time on that.

I admire the enthusiasm
>please tell me she has a color scheme?
She does now!
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oh fucking hell yeah, good shit brother!
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Today I realized I don't have a lot of favorite fictional villains. So I got the next best thing.
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Fuck it, going to send it to the printer so I can get my sheetz trip going hopefully before halloween
you drew her in a way that's extremely charming! 10/10 she a cute would pet the shit out of again.
Is she named after the /a/ term?
Like the other anon said the back legs look strange
poor mare is balding
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Shes not perfect, but this one i used virtually no references for stuff.. im pretty happy with how she turned out. I should draw something today, she was a few days ago
did some more lewd shit, tried an angle I haven't done before https://files.catbox.moe/2a2dv4.png
I'm liking this bro. Cute and sexy bat
kek I love how the gun is just laying on her hoof
body looks a little too human for my liking but the face is cute
based and horny pilled you seem to like lewding rara is she your waifu? I took a crack at your style btw. Its not perfect but I gave it a square go. she's in her element a literal rape field, ie a rapeseed field
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Oh damn that's awesome bro, love how she looks! Really cool seeing someone draw a pony in my style, I think you nailed it. And yea, I really, really love Rarity she is definitely my favorite pony. The only other mare that comes close is Minuette.
great to hear brother! based taste in pastel mini horses.
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minecraft amre
She's angular, but not blocky. She's less Marecraft and more Mare-io 64.
fair i just said minecraft cause it was the first thing that dropped into my head
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pony for my bf, her name is pumpkin patch
shes cute
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

png: https://files.catbox.moe/jpeoyn.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/xdn233.psd

Previous canvas: >>41497328
ms pony
Can someone help me puzzle out nostrils? Sometimes theyre curved upwards and then sometimes downwards. I think it might be related to the position the viewer is at? But I'm not sure.
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My best attempt yet. Behold: Twilight
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How do you make yourself an artist name/tag? I could use something like anon + [random number generator] but then it would be hard for people to remember it.
>anon +
how about that
I went with an alias that I had given myself quite a long time ago
Cute twilight!
You can use a random nonexistent word.
I dub thee FiddlerOfMares
Fidd for short
Needs a profile picture of an Anon playing violin for a bunch of mares to go with it.
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Had a fun idea when I saw this page was already creased. And forgot to attach picture the first time, nice

I just used a longtime username, but it evolved a lot over my time on the internet based on others input. You might find that people will shorten your username when talking with you or about you, so when that happened to me I just adopted the nickname instead.
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Either wait for someone to start referring to your art by a certain name, or do what I did and think very specifically about the things you like to draw and then mash it all together. Doesn't have to be a good pun, just a memorable name.
Do you like ponk? Do you like drawing nature? Wildpies.
Do you like mares? Do you like boats? Mareway.
Do you like sportsball? Do you like medieval history? ThatchAndCatch. And so on.
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It appears my in-lecture doodles keep coming out better than my actualized attempts at drawing for some reason.
honestly, literally anything will work, many widely known artists have names that aren't even closely related to the show
Is it worth it to continue drawing a certain art style if it leeches off of or looks too much like an already existing artists? I don’t want to draw something too derivative of another artist just for people to go “This looks like [x artist]” or “Another [y artist] clone.”
I think this is fine you will add your own stylistic twists without even consciously knowing. Most likely you won't be able to objectively copy them exactly anyways so your own limitations will make it stylistic anyways. best thing you can do is browse the boorus and take note of artists you really like then compare and contrast to find out what features you like the most then implement those features you like into your style based on your technical skill/knowledge. probably didn't help but god speed brother!
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Mibbles a fucking cute!
Steal things you like from several different artists instead of just the one. That's practically all art is. A Frankenstein's monster of theft. Eventually you'll add your own twists without realizing it.
my artist name was generated from a dwarf fortress translator
whoa this great! its really smooth too
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Had to draw this mare too
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What do you think about this horsie?
>I don't understand a fucking thing I'm drawing, I just do it anyway
Is that Starlight?
very pretty mare, I like her eyes
Shes cute! What does her cutie mark represent?
I dunno, I just copied Honeysuckle from G1. So it;s probably honeysuckle's flowers. Still tring to draw cute Flutterpony wings for her, btw.
didn't draw it was a drunk post. I posted it as I didn't want to mindlessly boop the thread so i figured i'd share something i found interesting, should have clarified originally.
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Started another painting for the draw thread, it's nice to have multiple projects to jump around on. Though it does mean some things take longer to finish.
Looks real cool
You have such an interesting way of drawing this square pone, good stuff.
Nice Flawless and Crissy.
It's usually because of expectations, when you don't sit and think "oh man I GOTTA make something really good" you'll be able to relax and only create.
This is so god damn cute holy shit I love Marble.
Qt flaw
I like it!
>"Oh man I GOTTA make something really good"
Hit the nail on the head, there- gotta find a way past that mental block. Seems super obvious after reading it, thinking about it
Criminally cute Marb
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Marrie Antoinette? You did pretty good on the outfit regardless.
The tail movement is hypnotic.
It's cool how both the vaguely pony shape things have eyes despite everything
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My first time drawing a pony digitally! It was fun! Any requests?
Your marbles always turn out so good. Great job brother
Man I'm seeing this mare everywhere. Very cute bro!
Very impressive man. The colors and shading are looking really nice. My one criticism is thart I think flutters neck might be a little to long. Overall I think it's coming along great.
Rarity in a cute outfit
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a fun little comic.
pre bed boop
What do you guys do when you want to draw but have no gas in the tank? I just been sitting here drawing circles for the past thirty minutes unsure what to do.
/r/ing you draw me a circle
I usually take a break If I'm too tired to work but maybe draw a character you like, look at a picture and try and draw that or something around you (observational drawing). Simple stuff that you later can expand when you've got more energy. Other than that you can try and widen your creative mind with others art, movies, series or just go on a walk, bring your sketchbook and see if you can find inspiration of some kind.
jack off
Thanks for the advice. I think you might be onto something.Thinking back I often struggle like this while trying to draw in a vacuum. Maybe putting down the pen and consuming art might be more beneficial than just drawing circles.
Some mares I drew while in America. Sad I've missed half of Pinktober, liked doing the NATG so wanted to give that a shot too.
Need to give praise to this kino from the last thread, It's so good it makes my heart explode.
Oh shit you're back! I missed seeing your drawings bro. That's a great group of mares, I really like the sexy Trixie
That must be some of the best mares ever.
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Is this some sort of storyboard or comic sketch? Really intriguing
AJ bucking some abbles.
Thanks! And yeah I noticed that too when laying down the colours but fixed it now.
Had the same problem before so thought it would be of some help.
Great Amres.
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Sort of inspired by Redd's southern accent Redheart pic, but with the canon country-accented nurse.
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Ponk tober posting!
Oh shit is that Joseph Seed Pie?
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Losing drive to draw.
What makes you feel that way? Ups and downs are normal with any Pursuit but is there something specific bringing on this feeling?
Make walk to draw if gas price to high
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Ponkday 11!
Yaay you got it
Really funny. You must have been popular at school.

I don't know.
Not having a goal?
Tired of doing tutorials?
Not not being satisfied with my skill level?

I'm losing it bros.
Draw your favourite pony/waifu.
>Marrie Antoinette? You did pretty good on the outfit regardless.
Yup, that's her, thank you.
Sorry for lashing out. Text is ambigous so in my darkened state I felt you were mocking me and that did not sit right with me. I dunno, maybe you just were trying to lighten the mood. Anyways have a pony day.

Will do, maybe that will lighten my mood.
Ah I get you, a bunch of things that amalgamate into a specific feeling of "fuck this shit". I think that is pretty normal feeling to have, I sure did and still do from time to time. I think you'd benefit from trying to find some sort of source of conflict that you can tackle head on. You mention not having a goal with your art, it can do you good to ruminate on why you do art or why you fell in love with it in the first place. Maybe you should try and experiment with different art forms or change something up in your process. Taking a small break from art can also help but you gotta be mindful of not making the issue worse (I can't say how well this would work though). My last tip is simply maybe draw stuff you usually don't and try to set low expectations for it, in that case you can just focus on the creating part and try and find the fun in it again.

I hope you can get through this feeling anon and remember almost all artists both great and small have gone through similar thoughts, and you will get to the other side.
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I don't want to be patient zero for another plague so no.
She cute. The lines have this interesting chalky look to them and the colouring has this sheen to it that I can't explain. Looks pretty appealing.
I'll sign her petition.
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Who's the bottom right, god DAMN
Let's play a game of hypotheticals, /bale/. Or at least one I expect will produce an entertaining amount of reees. Let's say you made a commission price sheet, and let's say you think you're funny as fuck and put "Furry - $2000 per character". A furfag then genuinely makes a request at that price. Do you betray your values and take the ludicrous amount of money from a financially irresponsible furnigger, or do you hold fast and tell him you don't draw furshit?
I mean,im not gay but $20,000is $20,000
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I would use the $2000 to buy a gun and kms myself for what I did.
Nigga, it depends on your values, I won't feel good doing that if i couldn't deliver something that was worth that much
ultra cute
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I did a sketch of a weird mare
i would do the commission and spend the furnigger's money on a lifesize of my waifu.
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i like your weird mare. what's her name?
>anon has a gun in his mouth
>another anon is pointing at him and saying "ultra cute"
>I put a price on my soul and I'm surprised that someone bought it.
I'd take the fool's money and give him the best result I could. I sold it. He payed for it.
If you don't want your name associated with furry artwork, publish/work under a separate pseudonym.
>/a/ term
yes, that anon and I workshopped a mare mom and some of her kin as a target for Anon's affection, atm only christmas cake has a design since ive been dillydallying on her kid and so on. the discussion was really good for keeping us awake on the drive to mare fair this year
Personally, I enjoy drawing much more broadly than just ponies(I know, I should kill myself) so between that and my crippled finances I'd gladly whore out my canvases to furries. If someone wants me to draw that badly who would I be to say no, anyway.
Just a random mare. Probably really creepy, but I did base her design on some random women I saw at a Sweetfrog, hence the cutiemark.
Pony has never seen such a huge potato chip before.
It's cool that you're just going with it your idea instead of saving it for later.
Nice and compact pose.
What color should snow actually be? I know pure white is wrong.
The slightest tinge of blue.
this >>41549150
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Depends a lot on your environment, snow typically reflects the light around it and is thus affected by it in it's shadows also. For example >>41549150
>>41549179 are usually right if you are doing a general outside of snow. But if the sun is shining it can have some de-saturated oranges in it aswell.
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Depends on what he wants if it's a pony doing pony things then yes if it's his technicolor self-interest shitting out the world trade center then no
Bob Ross said the only thing worse than yellow snow is green snow. I think anything else can look good if it matches the lighting.
Very good, but which one of them goes mad with the power?
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I guess Weird-O would be funny. The weird "O" being her cutie mark. Is it a doughnut or a ponut kinda meme.
I hold fast to my values and draw the furnigger his draw to the best of my ability. I put it on there, he paid, I do what I gotta. Ain't worth makin' me a liar, and losing out on 2 grand.
That and Steam sales don't buy themselves let's GO
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Pinkie invents a new holiday
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And goes an extra mile to impersonate a friend
Hey /BALE/, I have drawn my cute unicorn Emerald Charm, please say hello to him. My first time ever actually trying without using AIslop or a pre-made template, and have enjoyed the process immensely.

Please be nice to him (he has poo brain)
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Welcome to the art world anon, glad to see another person enjoying the craft.
great ponks, would roll pumpkin pie around.
>donut cutie mark
o-oh my.
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First time working with this angle, came out better than expected.
Glad you liked 'em, thanks!
I will cherish your drawing forever thank you friend
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the one in the boat
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The one with the Klan hood is pretty dooe
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I cute little amre.
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hello /bale/
I am taking painting as elective in college.
Fucking based. I like your painting. If you paint more, I hope you will post them.
You're really good at drawing clothing items.
Cool OC. Did you make it?
Nice to see Nightmare Rarity. Am I crazy or did you give her breasts? The lighting is pretty cool too.
That's a lot of construction. I find it interesting that you draw the head inside the circle/sphere instead of using it as foundation.
I swear I saw the finished version of this already
I am so fucking confused right now
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it's a painting of this
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I tried drawing with 5 point perspective today.
That's definitely a butt
Did anyone else here start drawing on /bale/?
No but I plan to start here!
... Next week
Don't you ever let up something to do another time when you could start right now
Depends on your definition. The first few times I drew /bale/ wasn't even around yet, but I only started drawing more than once every year or two because of /bale/
i tell myself that every day
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I did
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haven’t posted here in a bit tried some softer shading
No, but /bale/ gave me the spirit to keep drawing and stop giving a shit if it sucks
Depends on how you define it, used to draw trade irl infrequently then stopped for a while. Did some tracing for a bit, then when I started drawing In earnest I popped in here and started shooting.
Looks pretty good
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I did. July 2022 vs October 2024
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a little project i did to practice lipsync

I respect the hornieness of this
very minimalist I like it! sorry i don't have much critique
Can someone draw my sister's cat as Silver Spoon?
Thanks in advance, we both love MLP
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how drunk are you?
cute cat i will draw your /r/ tomorrow morning
Had to quit drinking :(
Lol thanks yo! I'm excited, meow meow
Glad you liked the sketch!
plap plap unf
Naw, been drawing since 2016 but stopped 2020 and now I'm back. Thread has been great for motivation and crits though.
Good shading on the flank but you could push the shading on the sweater a bit more, for example maybe the foreleg behind the body would probably be in darkness a little bit more. Great drawing overall and lovely Silver spoon
Cute Rarity!
Your ponies are always so cute and round (not in a bad or fetishistic way, it's hard to explain).
loling at the fries and ketchup changeling
love the expressiveness with the ears
It's mostly up to personal preference but it can also be because of the angle. If you take a cup and look at it from different angles some parts of the lip will stand out more than others.
you did well
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at some point I might actually sit down and do actual art lessons but not today
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Random flutters I made trying out some new things in CSP. So far I'm enjoying using vector layers for my linework and fill layers are nice too for colouring.

Although layers pile on fast while using fill layers to colour. https://files.catbox.moe/vpfygl.PNG
I'm beginning to understand why most artists use black outlines rather than show-style colored outlines.
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This one came out a bit smaller than intended.
Is stealing poses or compositions a thing I should worry about?
I patented this way of standing, you cant stand like it or make anything stand like it
Just dont directly trace and you're good, imo, try drawing a skeleton to then work over so it comes off ever so slightly different
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I tried drawing with lines of actions.
I like my burgers with some pink, but this is ridiculous!
Is pone.social a good place to post to keep your eggs in as many baskets as you can? On one hand, more places = more good, on the other it seems too small to really worry about keeping updated.
LOL ITS AMAZING BRO, dw about quality, I love it because you took the time and effort to make it! Also it rocks IMO
Gonna send it to my sis, I'll let y'all know what she thinks of it
I like that's the treats are bits, cause she's rich asf XD
Thanks for the confirmation, Anon. I felt bad about copying the composition of a piece and looking and comparing it now. It's so different due to small changes it hardly looks similar.
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Figuring out how to apply this three-point pose to a pony was probably the hardest challenge for me so far.
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My second ever drawing of an horse.
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Two friends sharing a sandwich. I don't know why they just don't cut it in half.

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this was fun hope you and your sister and your cat enjoy my redraw
love her expression is she laying next to bits?
yeah figured i needed to do more with her sweater.. just couldn’t figure out what to do guess i gotta study more oco thanks anon!
Thank you
Yeah, those are bits since I assumed the cat was lying next to some treats.
the unicorns are horny color me shocked! based
shit she's really fucking cute! love your raw sketch I think it looks really nice personally.
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I love her
kek that is great man
cute spoon bro. Love the expression you gave her
cute! Now draw them fucking.
Never used the vector in CSP but good flutters! Even with regular raster layers I can go up to 90+ when painting so I get it
Good sense of movement, I gotta do some more practice with gesture to.
Love the design of the clothes!
Hope there will be more
great expression
Actually good sketch in Tamers style.
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since everyone participating in /ss/ is sending handmade arts and crafts. I should try drawing pone. going to try drawing at least 1 pone a day.

1st sketch in over 12 years. and 1st pone
Good beginnings, Anon. If you haven't I would look over some of the guides in the OP too.
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>Hope there will be more
Thanks. Here's my first ever drawing of an horse.
I'm doing these drawings to get the hang of drawing horses first since I've never drawn them before.
If you aren't planning on drawing anything outside of pony you could just do, "[adjective or thing you like] Pony."
A creative way of making the best out of an inconvenience.The scene is pretty nice too with the details like the whale tail and the dots in the sand.
Construction maxxing
Star as the light reflecting off the eyes is a nice touch.
Probably because there isn't a expectation or pressure.
Most people start out copying artist they like and change over time so it's not a big deal.
It took me until seeing this pictures to notice that her cutie mark isn't meaningless, and is supposed to be marbles (the toy).
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I have never had a picture stare into my soul before quite like this one. I.... I think she needs to be framed. She wants to be inside my house.
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Nice, lovely Chrysalis. Fav character from the Tamersverse. Horses in general can be a Little tricky but the shows anatomy does make it somewhat easier to draw. Keep going anon!
Yoga mare.

I really like this image
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You wouldn't happen to be a white stallion by any chance?
Tamers recent movie is what got me wanting to try to draw horses. The shows horses are indeed a lot easier to draw lol. Probably helps a little that I've been drawing snoots on and off for a while now.

Anyway have my third ever horse drawing.
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Minor fix
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playing D&D and the party was split so I had some free time
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programming mares
also 7 day streak of drawing! >>41533922
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prebed boop
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3am pony phone doodle
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this one took me about 30 min. I need to work on eyes and hair a lot
Death to snipers
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Made me a new mouse pad, made it from shitty yellow lined paper and some thick drawing paper I had lying around that I layered and glued together under pressure by putting a pl8 on it. its standard printing paper size roughly.
and the digital file, wanted to keep it simple.
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I think this is progress
this is nice
cute lispy flag
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Ponko drops by to say hello.
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I will draw this mare over and over again until I can draw her as perfect as she is
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Added alternative perspective
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when the guide said keep the snoot small they weren't kidding
Does that mean this mare is invalid?
that mare has too much snoot to boop
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Was practicing my pony doodles when the idea 'Rubber Duck mare' came in to my head.
Is she mare-sized or rubber duck sized? Is that a muzzle or a beak? Do her wings work or are they stuck in that position? Will she be the Miss /mlp/ winner of 2025?

Would love some ideas on what to add or change about the design.
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I wished I did Posey's back legs better
Cute expression
Heart Throb
Interesting that use squares and rectangles for everything
One thing that's cool about painting is seeing how the colours blend together
great job with the twisting body
More Anonmare
Poor pony
each attempt is better than the last. keep going, anon.
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more ducky, had some ideas for some other toy-themed ponies that i might try out too.
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This one feels a little basic, but i think it looks nice enough to post here. can't lie, i just thought "Hastily Made" was a fun name, and I just tried to think of a design that fit it. Again, I'd love some feedback!
Your mares are super cute, and I love your ideas. Rubber Ducky and Hastily Made put a smile on my face.
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Dope mousepad, I gotta find out if there isn't a service that makes custom mousepads on order where you can just upload your own art on it.
Based apple enjoyer, love this apple mare. Did some line of action and added AJ to this 2min apple sketch
Ponk is so cute here
interesting concepts for mares!
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tried my hand at a bap. I think was ok. I'm finding out that the larger the pony the easier it is to draw.
I like the tiny witch hat
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made dis
does it look more like that? or does it look like chuckling?
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Two silly creatures who fight crime.
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Another one from me! This time its my Vampire: The Masquerade character, Bella. Not sure if she really looks that much like as Nosferatu but I'm pleased with how it came out regardless. My speed and accuracy with drawing pones is increasing already, though I did struggle a bit with getting the arm to look right when it's being lifted up like that.
Take a break.
That Pinkie is really food.
I don't know why but I really like that second panel. Maybe it's because we normal don't see ponies from the angle or the expression, or maybe it's both, but I can stare at it all day.
Damn Anon is making Fluttershy go feral
This is really good choice since Seed and Pie almost have the same number of siblings
Nice twist
Take a break but down stop reading the thread
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Always had a soft spot for scratchy, spooky art.
I think the scary mare is cute and I would boop her even if she turned out to be stab-happy.
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Added my friend's character, Sid. Pretty proud of how she turned out! (waiting for my friend to wake up and tell me what the cutie mark should be)
I think it's more akin to chuckling. I just thought it'd be funny to make a beatboxing joke since I could imagine someone putting some silly beatboxing noises over the picture.

Cute pones. I'm really digging the thick outlines.
The right mare kinda looks like a shyguy pone from the thumbnail. Left mare is giving me stickmare vibes for some reason. Might be the eyes.
Keep up the good work, anon!
Wow, that looks cool, anon. Make more!
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just started learning art for the first time

very nervous about sharing my draws but a friend convinced me to post so here's my twiggles
I want to read with her and eat carrots together
twily!! super cute!
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bap a day 4. eye is a little wonky
the detail on the eyes is very well done! what a cutie!
Try moving nostrils slightly to the right, I guess. Btw, very cute eyes and mane!
>Just started
That's pretty damn good for just starting
Wow, Disney has a lot of characters you wouldn't think were Disney.
The way you do hair is really nice.
What's so weird about her?
The poses here are very fluid. The trees are drawn well too, especially the one on the left.
Sounds pretty comfy. Like a holiday meant to bring comfort to the souls of the loved ones that have died. Love that little sign at the bottom.
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I tried gesture drawing. I probably did it wrong, but I don't feel like I learned anything from that session.
I understand the importance of the line of action, rhythm of the lines and etc, but I don't see how spending few minutes on loosely copying action from a photo helps or teaches me anything.
Many professional artists do emphasize its importance though.
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ring ring ring ring ring ring ring.
banana pone
Gesture drawing is benefictial in different ways.
Firstly gesture drawing can be of use simply as a warm up to your other drawings. But where it really is important to understand gesture is in the theory and structure of it all. You do gesture to learn about the range of motion of your subject (in this case ponies) and how they generally can move. Second is weight distribution and structure. How does the body and limbs work together to hold up the subjects weight and what details are important to convey to make it look believable? Also connected to structure is that gesture helps you to learn how to simplify the subjects forms so you can more efficiently draw the underlying structure of your subject with intention (which then can help you with studying anatomy).

What you can try other than gesture is figure drawing if you feel like it doesn't really give you anything though.
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i think your twilight is super cute, and you are based for sharing your drawing even though you were nervous. i hope we see more from you.
god fucking damnit i didn't mean to attach this picture.
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POV drawings are a headache.
heckin' dolesome
i like this one a lot
Why not? It's a nice picture.
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Thank you all for the kind words. Pic related is my first attempt at drawing mare. I'm still trying to find my desired head shape then I'm gonna move on to drawing full mare.

haha yeah they felt off but I wasn't sure what the best way to fix them would be
Here's a Flutters.
i didn't make it, so it's not thread-appropriate. i attached it by mistake.
>Wear protection glasses
Based. Safety first.
Very nice for a first try. I hope you stick around.
Interesting lines.
>The censor bar is a sign
Cool detail.
Whoa. The pony in the boat is giving kids movie vibes. You know, those movies with a tiny and kid protagonist.
Wouldn't want to get hit with that club. You did well with all of those cones at different angles.
These armored ponies are really cool.
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I like this
pre bed boop
This is not effort drawing at all.
Good luck to you. Going from cute portraits to fullbody horses may be hard. Don't stop and post more ponies!
These are fuckin cool bro. I really like the second one. Makes me want to try doing sketchy art like this again, reminds me of the kind of shit I used to draw in my sketchbook. Been trying for that clean look for so long now.
Hell yea brother! Keep at it I think you already have a really good foundation. Crazy good for first try
Cute Flutters man, love the little forest scene you placed her in
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Starting to feel pretty done with this painting soon, what are some (preferably small) adjustments that could be made before calling it finished? Also wanna thank all ya'll who has crit'ed me tons during the process, helped me a ton.
Looking pretty good. I can't understand how you are able to stick to this single project for so long. My ability for proper judgement would have been long exhausted.
The "I know I can do better" mindset can take you pretty far. Also the intial response to this made me really want to turn it from a kinda failed piece to something I can atleast be a little bit proud of. What also helped is taking breaks from it and work on other stuff so I can later come back to it with new eyes while evaluating what is worth changing or not.

Also holy shit I've been working on this since June? A whole four months to the day.
>Advice and motivation from seasoned /mlp/ drawfags:
Anyone have the direct link to the google doc? Seems like the derpy link is broken.
>derpy link is broken
Weird, it's not in the dump from april this year, I conclude it was removed for some arbitrary reason.
should submit it for the art gallery and auction for Mare Fair 3
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bap a day 5
I really need to start planning for ears when drawing
Which art gallery is it you mean? Could probably do the auction since I just gotta print it on some nice paper (gonna be expensive af to ship it to the US though) or I could just have some anon print it out idk.
the last 2 Mare Fairs they've had an art gallery to show off pony artists for the board and a few of them donate their artwork to the charity auction.
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A Flutt
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Sucks that I'm reduced to phone posting because of the new anti spam but that won't stop me from posting my mares
God I love that lil apple mare excellent comfy draw anon
What an unusually dainty Appul. Looks lovely.
Wow, you've been working on this painting for a long time, I respect your dedication. Painting is looking great.
I also tend to forget them sometimes lol
The "ershy" is sold separately, lovin the socks.
And what a fine mare it is!
Thank you! AJ is just the best ain't she?
Appreciate it anon and thank you!
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She truly is
Did this toda, i finally enjoyed something I drew! I got a bit excited after finishing the full-body Moondancer and ended up drawing the butt. Guess which one was my favorite.
My practice is showing results!1!
She is very hoers the best hoers
Cute fangs. This cutiemark is really cool because even though it's supposed to be the upside down cross, it looks like twinkling light or stars.
oooooo looks nice. A piece art or merch that is subtly MLP is treat. Interesting that you opted for purple as the colour of the glass instead of blue or white.
The perspective is neat. The lighting, like the two white circles on her cheeks is also cool.
Yes and no, I've technically being drawing since forever but only started seeing progress when since joining /bale/.
Poor Pinkie.
Nice socks.
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tried painting
Always remember if you're not having trouble you're not learning (or not learning nearly to the degree you could).
cute pinkamena pie
pretty large leap despite being a little over two years
lovely luscious manes
i like whatb you have going on with the lines but i dont know to explain it
lol at the expression
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bap a day 6. so much progress in such a short ammount of time. literally started drawing almost a week ago
But on a real note, Nice! It's a great feeling.
You got a good sense of form and shape!
Good mentality! It's good to thrive in the uncomfortable. Want to add that progression in art isn't always an upward trajectory, you'll be better at some things faster than others and will have days where you think you've lost your abilities. Just gotta change up something in your process or even maybe take a little break for the day if you really feel overwhelmed.
Lets goo!
quickly bale! draw a mare from behind!
Armchair advice from someone who can't paint as well as you, so take all advice with a grain of salt.
Something about the perspective of the outside world and the open part of the window is off. The rock, window, windowsill, and AJ don't quite mesh.
Applejack's legs look too close to the front of her body, her left (our right) ear looks too high, and something is off about her head/neck but my eyes aren't good enough to tell exactly what.
Your rendering is great. Top plane of her nose, rim lighting around the eye, fantastic reflection. Her fur texture really comes through and no shadows look out of place. However, the color choice in the shadows make it look somewhat muddy and unnatural to me. It looks like you used either black mixed in or just a darker shade of whatever color was there. I would take a look at Marco Bucci's ambient occlusion videos on YouTube.

After writing this blogpost, I reread your post and you wanted small crits. Oops. I really like this piece but the perspective and colors hold it back. Hope to see you post more Anon, I'm mirin' your rendering skills and you got mad potential
Thanks for the crit! The perspective and colour choice is some of those things where I will take it with me on later works but I feel like it was good that you pointed it out! I will however look into more of the muddy colours and especially those that are too dark (I think you are pointing at the darker part by the legs), I've found that some areas really need a specific type of shade to work out. Anatomy is also a thing I'm currently working on.

I definitely can use some of your crit you gave here before I'm finished. I thank you for your compliments also, truly appreciate it as much as the crit.
If you got something from my post, I'm happy! I really meant my compliments, you paint very well.
I thought a out it some so I can elaborate more, also forgot to say only Applejacks shadow colors look off, the environment is good.
To illustrate my point: With the flowers, the green shadow works perfectly because the light is bouncing off the grass onto their underside. To me, it doesn't look like AJ's shadows are properly reflecting the environment. I wouldn't say being too dark is necessarily the problem.
A couple other nitpicks I noticed are that AJ's hat might look better with more texture and her right cheek appears to be puffed out compared to the other.
Godspeed, artfriend /)
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Scootaloo is a good amre/filly.
Sorry, it wasn't really quick, but ask and you shall receive.
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"The Prank" by CMC
Some spooky drawings for spooky month.
That grim reaper Trixie is awesome bro. Also, nice ass
Now I want to see the aftermath. Which pony you think gets caught? I feel like Pinkie and Derpy are both strong candidates
Good anon!
very nice
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second attempt
she a cute, the only change i'd make is her horn. i'd make it a lil sharper but that just me. love everything else though.
am very hammered
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Thanks yet again! And all luck to you too! /)
In my restless dreams I still see that mare, Scootaloo
>great and powerful unf
Bread Trixie is me
Very nice, feels very Disco Elysium/Aleksander Rostov inspired with the background choice especially. The thick outlines contrasts nicely with your rendering.
oh lawd, wish I stuck with pinktober more than 10 days but damn I was getting a bit burned out.
Is it rape if she just puts it out there like that?
it's only rape if a man does it
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I tried drawing Trixie again.
you love to see it
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>/create/ is ded
oh well, anyway, I finally started messing with oil paintings and made while following Bob Ross smoothing voice, I've tired adding Canterlot tower to the mountain but I dont have small enough brushes or steady hand to make it look thin and straight (the canvas is bit larger than the size of my palm).
Gonna hit the thrill shops to see if they sell some more canvases, gonna need to level up the skills for the perfect waifu painting.
Pretty nice tho
>feels very Disco Elysium/Aleksander Rostov inspired
Thanks, I was aiming specifically for this game's artstyle, so it's great to hear that someone noticed it :)
>>/create/ is ded
Has any /create/ thread ever reached bump limit?
Based, I like it.
Really cute Triskie
Based Bob Ross follower. It looks really good.
How was oil vs acrylic?
I need to rewire how my brain thinks of painting because its fucking autistic about not mixing paints on the cavas despite that being one the foundational features
Im not expert since this is my first time using them, however as my experience goes, on one hand oil paints are nice in a way that they take few solid minutes to dry even with thin layers so its pretty easy to mix and made a nice fading between colors but on the other hand I had bit of struggle to actually get the paint off the brush onto the canvas, Bob sure made it easy to just slap the paint on and tap it in (however I suspect that the cause maybe lays in the fat that I just grabbed a cheapest kit set to not break a bank on just learning the basics).
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the face she makes when the company has a mass cas event
ironically my best drawing ive made on pc
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hi starb, cute mare
who is starb
Better go catch it!

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