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She is literally Flawless. She is the bestest at everything ever. Love her.
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Can penis fix her?
Mare in the mirror, my beloved.
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Which name is better for her?
Penis cannot fix her because she does not need fixing (Flawless with a capital F)
Tbh I think "Sparklemoon" feels tacked on. If you're going to call yourself "Flawless" it feels appropriate that you'd also think that's the only description necessary.
This, Flawless is just fine. Mare in The Mirror could also just be a stage name/title sorta like "The Great and Powerful" Trixie
One of the shittiest ocs of the year.
She looked so hurt that she was just a clone and therefore incomplete. I think that's the perfect set up for more edgy emotionally motivated battle scenes.
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It's great. She gives off the impression that she's almost completely vacuous inside despite being a copy of two other ponies. Kinda like Rei, but evil and overpowered.
I didn't see her as vacuous. She was a brand new life trying to feel itself out. She didn't want to be destroyed out of hand and she didn't want to be destroyed spiritually by Luna using her as a weapon/tool.
Pretty reasonable, honestly. If Luna hadn't shown up she would have won in the dreamscape and potentially been able to plot from there.
She was a legitimate threat and a legitimate villain. Justice for Tuvix. Fusions are people too.
Where's the option for "neither"? Just call her Flawless
her only mistake was being born from an accident
and trying to kill everypony on sight
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I’m going to call her increasingly obtuse names just to be contrarian.
I’ll start with Tophat Mirrormare
smug tophat did nothing wrong
Topless Flawhat, my beloved.
We saw the inside of her mind was just an empty, shallow sea with some rocks in it.
Hat Kid was a failure.
Sparklehat Topmoon, the Flaw in the Mare in the Mirror
The flaw in the mirror
The Flaw in the Mirror
Fuck, I want to help her so much. Prove to her that she can be something other than just mirrored aspects of Twilight's and Trixie's personality.
Whatcha gonna do when she stabs you through the lungs?
Die I guess. At least for one moment I got to try to do something with real meaning, unlike anything I could hope for on this hell of an earth.
You could bring forth new life in the form of art, taking inspiration from the god himself, Tamers12345-sama
That seems pretty meaningful
Cringe deviantart fusion
thats what makes it kino
She's so CUTE!
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shes so cute i love her
Oh based
the man truly has outdone himself with this one
You're mothers said stop being annoying or no perfection for a week
I really like her. It's unlucky the tacked on "Sparklemoon" is probably going to stick because derpiniggers are retarded
Go back to your containment thread
Even rape correction wouldn't fix her, you can't rape the willing.
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The resemblance is uncanny.
>fusion of Trixie and Twilight
>wears a fucking top hat
I swear to god this must already exist in some long lost fanfiction from 2011
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Has an OC ever been this well-received by the fandom in such little time?
Never has one series united the fandom after the original's painful death. Tamers12345 has really given life to us.
There's no fucking way this is real, I refuse to believe it.
Tamers designed it this way. His show invokes so many early-fandom memes and lore, it was destined.
It's real
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Based fellow trad artist
What the fuck..
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Also, here's another Flawless piece I found
No fucking way
Tamers made me come back to MLP after I had disavowed it over a decade ago
A Prince has fallen in love.
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God damnit my dick is acting up again.
That's a good take on her expression/vibe
What a precious moment today has been.
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For some reason I thought that the normie side of the fandom didn't know about Tamers.
There are already a bunch of animation channels/reviewers who watch Tamers in secret because they don't want to expose him to people who will flag him until he's banned from YT. Also considering this is the first earnest pony content in YEARS might attract people who are still clenching onto the fandom since they have nothing else left to enjoy.
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Tamers12345 has to be a professional. This is, for lack of a better term, flawless character design on his part.
I do not like this filly, Charlie.
It's smug aura mocks me.
THAT'S JUST WIND SPRINT. Tamers you filthy hack!
Maybe if you stopped letting black guys cum on your face and get their semen in your eyes, you'd be able to tell that Flawless is a unicorn and Wind Sprint is a pegasus.
Combining their eye highlights so they become a falling star is genius.
When will >>41525827 have filthy fillyfooler sex with >>41525900?

Tamers can be hired as a storyboard artist, he draws just as off model as the rest of them except I don't think he takes 7 hour coffee breaks.

I still consider his videos Glimmer tier, but I got to say, because of WindSprint/Flawless I am going to give a quick review.
Not a scene by scene analsys roflmao I'd have an aneurysm over the Microsoft Sam voices.
>Using Microsoft Sam in 2024 when we have 15.AI, ElevenLabs, TTS and a billion other things
>Still using copyrighted music when Udio exists
>Still using screenshots & Google images when AI exists
Tamers better not be one of those "Screw AI" artists considering who he is or he'll really rustle my jimmies.
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I love this mare, I'm obsessed.
Maybe S2 will feature Discord ressurecting her as a minion
Tamers has already all but confirmed she'll be back and that was before it really set in just how into her people are.
I may be delusional but I'm still betting on the foreshadowing in SU to mean she's going to cross over
Prince spent days trying to make it MareFair for what amounted to literally a few hours before the con ended, maybe he's less normie than we think?
I like how she can switch between looking smug and innocent so easily.
Shut the fuck up PW and go make a (Sum 41[oh wait no you just did that, fuck.]) another Nirvana pony parody.
tamers is bad and you all have shit standards.
It was a Kingdom Hearts reference.
when does twilight get her keyblade?
Celestia absolutely keeps it locked up somewhere so nobody brings a more competent ruler to her realm.
>Luna ran a risk of losing if Twilight hadn't been demoted from alicorn before Flawless was formed.
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i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love heri love her i love her
>Tamers better not be one of those "Screw AI" artists considering who he is or he'll really rustle my jimmies.
IIRC he got in trouble for using AI voices for Atem in one of the yugioh videos and has just stayed away from using AI canon voices ever since.
>Tamers better not be one of those "Screw AI" artists considering who he is or he'll really rustle my jimmies.

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Is anyone interested in doing edits of Flawless but with hearts instead of stars in her pupils + a blush? Kinda like this, but not shit.
that kind of fits with the aesthetic, though
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now that the dust has settled, did she ever even stand a chance?
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Might as well post it here too
You're going to get GR13'd, anon...
call the national guard
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Alright, so in the Tamers animation she doesn't have a cutie mark but that's most likely because pretty much none of the ponies have it in the first place, BUT if hse had one wtf would it look like? A mesh up of TS and LM cutie marks or 100% OC design?
There was some discussion about it last thread. Some suggested some kind of mirror motif, others a "flawless" diamond/gemstone design, that sort of stuff.
She did nothing wrong (yet), she didn't even have time to become a super villain, let alone a tiny rival villain. Tamers really needs to learn to pace himself better or extend the runtime to 90 minutes to a proper movie, not an Equestria Girls special.

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Poor poor Flawless, she got killed off before she even had time to do any villainous despicable acts.
>Confetti explodes Pinkie Pie
>Stabs Applejack
>Gets Fluttershy shot by Rainbow Dash
No time at all to od any despicable acts whatsoever. :( poor poor attempt at a one-shot rival villain character.
Nightmare in the Mirror - Nightmare Mirror, has a nice ring to it. It could be her second title when she gains a second form.
In fairness Pinkie was being a bitch.
My favorite part about her was her unrestrained murdering of anybody and everything.
I only wish Celestia didn't literally butt in to ruin her rampage, it's like she didn't even have time to get acquainted with Ponyville. I wanted her to murder BonBon.
>Still using screenshots & Google images when AI exists
>Tamers better not be one of those "Screw AI" artists considering who he is or he'll really rustle my jimmies.
He uses AI generated backgrounds all the time.
Inserting OC can be very cringe and obnoxious. Tamers handled it pretty well I thought. Not going overboard was the right move.
Is that a ToonKriticY2K OC?
She already has AI stuff made out of her. God, they grow up so fast.
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>83 votes agree

Feeling a sense of pride screaming that suggestion in the chat during the premiere.

Anyway this series is really cringe and it embraces that. It's a lot of fun.
Kind of inspires me.
Why is pseudo-anime better than anime?
Define those terms.
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> this series is really cringe.
Nigga, you're in the brony fandom, literally everything is cringe.
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I need that flawless Flawless filly rump!
I made trash art. Should I put it here or on /bale/? It's just a 'thought that counts' offering.
just post it here
I'm not going to let Derpibooru have another mare.
THIS IS /our/ MARE even if we reject Tamers as a series, THE MARES BELONG TO /us/. It makes /me/ happy. Her smile, her expressions, her youth,how her eyes sparkle and shine and glimmers in the night. I MUST HAVE HER. SHE'S MY, MY LITTLE PONY. MINE ALONE, Derpibooru can't have her!
Just look at her. Look at the power of pseudo-anime deercathorse how it's a diamond in the cesspool that is Tamers12345's videos, how it drives a grown ass man to his knees to enjoy feminine /a/nime faggotry. For asians this is dime a dozen, but for a western faggot devoid of beauty because of the texan jews who can only laugh at ugliness this mare. This is like a grown ass man playing with Legos.
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Pseudo-anime is animated media which is not animated in the anime style, and which has significant divergences from anime conventions, yet still uses many tropes from anime.
I like how gaunt she looks.
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'tis but a scratch
>There's already a plush
Holy shit that was fast
Looks like shit. fitting.
Mare in the Mirror is better than Flawless Sparklemoon but Flawless without a suffix is the best overall.
post the one you made that's better then
Hole status?
honestly simple layered felt would have worked better for her mane
Holy fuck that's cute
Ikr, I've never seen an actual good looking plush.
Now that's some cope for something made out of a carpet.
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Flawless Unicorn
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>(you) couldn't save her
she's too self destructive and mentally unstable probably due to being the product of some janky jerry rigged magic and a curse
she has the memories and experience of two ponies but only seconds to process the fact that she suddenly exists as an individual
there was no way it wasn't going to end in tragedy
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She'll probably regenerate her body from her decapitated head. I mean sure she'll look like a foal with FAS but that's just part of the process.
I almost feel like flawless was made for gurofags
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Big if true
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can't be a big bad without taking a few hits before dying and coming back to life
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good art
Genuine garbage.
Don't put manic the hedgehog with modern sonic shit ever a fucking again
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I knew she reminded me of someone.
I'd let her peg
Need her farting
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Lmao aicuck mogged by tamers tier art. ywnbara
>line boiling in a copy paste
Tamers tier, also known as toilet tier.
I love tamers so much
No man has tamed his autism to such a powerful degree
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havent drawn in a year
Kill yourself.
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I'd cum in her flawless ponut and horse pussy.
>when she steps on your balls
Very G5 looking. Very fat looking.
She has no special talent, she's just an amalgamation of Twilight and Trixie's desires. She has no cutie mark.
You shouldn't draw for another year.
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dare I say, kinography
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gif > webm
Watching this during the anni was so much fun, but after the mare fair mlp movie I can't help but think about how amazing it would have been to watch this with a bunch of other guys in a real theater. I hope something like that can actually happen one day.
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>rent out a theater for a tamers marathon
I would want it to be a premiere though, it would be so much fun to freak out at every crazy moment with everyone in the theater.
You don't understand the heart and soul of Tamers12345. I've been watching his video for years and the things you are complaining about are part of the soul of Tamers. If you don't like it now you'll either get used to it or find something else to watch.
I wonder if there's a niche market for people who want to dub his videos.
Watching his videos is like watching G1, awful voice acting, yet some gold nuggets here and there worth stealing from, despite the fact all his content is already using existing IPs.
I played with the idea back in the day of a remastered G1 at least audio wise. I cannot stand Spike's voice in G1, but I also cannot stand the other ponies' voices in G1.
I love her
>You don't understand its so SHIT it's good.
I really really want to see all those MLP parodies with bad voice acting remastered and turned upside their heads with great voice acting.
South Park despite their almost chipmunk voices had great acting and great dialogue which attracted an adult to it.
anti-tamer rage is at an all time high for these threads
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I love this murderhobo
You’ve gone beyond ass kissing and jammed your head in up to the neck.
I'm gonna cosplay her next year at marefair. At least I want to. Hopefully she's still relevant by then.
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a good day
>rent out a theater for a tamers marathon
>have the premiere at the end
She's perfect...
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55k views in two days, man she's really popping off.
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I definitely humped the gun on posting that, here's a fixed version
She reminds me of Stitch.
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>mfw im getting off my ass to make a nsfw animation for halloween cause of this one animation
All she needs is a song to make 10 milion views like Flutterbat or Cadence.
That's not a good thing.
godspeed you magnificent bastard
Figuratively perfect
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Her flawlessness has inspired me
she's so smug. how did they fit all of that smug into one little horse?
Superiority complex + massive insecurity is one hell of a drug.
if there's no futa scene i'm rioting
That's an excellent thing.

If there's futa then I'm rioting. Magical cock strap-ons or nothing.
Need help? I can spend $25 on animator.
the cock has my vote
Fixed her
incredibly powerful mare with no character on her own, that does great evil and needs to be reformed. Reminds me of Glimmer a bit, except Glimmer is received bad and this new oc seems to be loved, I don't now why. Is it simply because the latter was written by tamers instead of Hasbro?
>no character on her own
>needs to be reformed
Its simply because Flawless is a better written character. There's a reason people call her poochie.
b8 or retarded? Either way, good job, you got a autist to respond. Flawless' first act was to murder the poners around her, and her next move was to give a speech about how she was Flawless, how is that not character? What are you even on about reformation? Glimmershit is a poochie that fucks up everything and the characters around her, as she forces plot or conflict to be about her.
Why would i pass up an opportunity to shit on glimmer?
better be about the bug
>her next move was to give a speech about how she was Flawless, how is that not character?
As Celestia, Luna, TS and Trixie said, it is exactly her lack of flaws that denies her having a character. She's like a robot that can get emotional and then goes on a killing rampage.
>Chrissy in the cuck chair
Glimmer was a co-protagonist while Flawless is an antagonist.
no..... you wouldn't...
goddamnt it
>>41532645 goddamnit, are you sleep-deprived? Glimmy was an antagonist until reformed
Heh, sleep-deprived. Interesting conclusion for an Anon on 4chan; my bet would've been profound mental retardation or methamphetamine.
Am I the only one that thought Flawless kind of looks like Boogiepop?
Im not familiar with that one, however Flawless hair definitely trigger my "I swear I know the anime this is from" part of memory.
Her mane somehow reminds me of Nadeko.
Do you think Tamers12345 would sell if he started drawing actual porn/porn animations on patreon using his style?
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I think his notoriety would at least give him a good initial boost, even if his YT videos have nothing to do with his porn. Starting out is usually the hardest part so having some eyes on you already helps a ton.
If he were to draw MLP porn at a decent pace, he'd probably earn a livable wage but nothing grand in the long term. Porn animations are a lot rarer (no matter the subject), so I think he could actually find a niche in that space and succeed if he were to commit to that.
That would remove the soul from his works. Besides, he appers to be fine with his current patreon, considering he lives in a midwest town that's probably pretty cheap by yankee standards
The fact he leaves so much to the imagination and focuses so much on the relationships surrounding them is, for the intellectual, way hotter than just seeing the characters do it.
Seeing Trixie bite Twilight at the end of a several episode long buildup has done more for both my heart and my boner than any looping sex animation without context could.
No, and you fags really need to stop begging him to do it. These videos already have enough softcore in them to serve as a compromise.
She was vacuous but only in the same way that a newborn without much experience is. She's born from a need to prove oneself and excel but her sense of self is only five minutes old while being a ripoff of existing entities, so she desperately tries to make her mark on the world through the quickest and easiest method (violence) so that there exists a self that is able to be proven.
spoiler that shit anon
god damn it
I want to cuddle her so much
ah shit you right
i see quite a bit of nadeko in her now that you mention it
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Is this the new Nyx?
They're completely different characters, why do people compare them?
Post it on YT for teh lulz

But seriously though I’m not sure how to process Tamers’ minimalist fusion OC getting tons of different artists to draw her and fall in love with her and wanting her to have her own stories.
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I never would've believed it if someone told me at the start of the year that I'd see porn of a pony OC Tamers made trending on derpibooru by the end of 2024.
I can only hope no stupid drama happens surrounding this. Tamers himself likely won't get involved but I can see some retards making a fuss about it at some point.
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Minimalism is the correct way to design things, imagine if she had a bunch of symbols on her cape or had flashier colors. Tamers understands design and created a good character, anything more than what he did would be overdesign. A simple tophat and cape along with traditional pastel colors makes a beautiful creation. Simplicity is beauty. Someone who breaks simplicity in an effort to find beauty only reveals their ignorance of it. There is a goldilocks zone between a character being too plain to stand out and being gaudily overdesigned, it takes a true artist to find it.
Keep the mouth you filthy animal.
>Tamers himself likely won't get involved but I can see some retards making a fuss about it at some point
half of the brony fandom are literal nazis at this point
I fucking wish
Need correction
He already said before he will never draw explicit porn.
I'm excited!
Jargon Scott Celestia:
>"Mmmm Twilight, WHY did you procreate when you are just a LITTLE FILLY?? NOW you have to KILL your ABOMINABLE DAUGHTER before her POWERFUL MAGICKS get out of hoof! But I believe in you, my little Twilight! Go DOMINATE that horrible little--OH! OH, NO, NO NO NO, TWILIGHT, NO, NOT THAT KIND OF DOMINATE!! LUNA!! LUNA, COME HERE, BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR LITTLE SISTER DOMINATING YOUR DEMONIC NIECE"
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Been busy for a hot minute, but this made me dig up the tablet. Have been excited for drawing a pony like this in a decade
>those flawlesses
kawaii desu
>that sunshim
hell yeah
hell yeah
Hell yeah
hell yeah
I unironically agree Tamers' writing feels very similar to Haberkino, they both prioritize character development and hard hitting themes in an interesting plot, it's what I love most about late seasons and why I prefer them over early seasons. Though obviously Tamers cranked the shitpost meter to 11 so it can often be very incoherent, but that just makes it more fun.
Stop breathing immediately
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>Is it simply because the latter was written by tamers instead of Hasbro?
a) I don't think they're alike but
b) Was Glimmer hated because of Hasbro? Absolutely there was a lot of writer hate and general pining for better days. Shit was going down hill and a new character with daring new directions is the exact opposite of a return to form. As someone who took a break around S3 and came back later, someone who didn't sit and fucking seethe over every writing decision, I think she's great - especially in the final seasons because all the other characters have gotten shafted and she's left mercifully alone.
Lets be honest, I know you guys were the butt of the joke but the Glim shitposting was hilarious too.

I'm desperate for Tamers to make her the third in the OP unicorn trio along with Trixie and Sunset. He's already set it up too. The seethe would be endless and the board would turn on him, but it would make me happy.
That's really nice.
/mlp/ only has a vocal minority that appreciates Tamers. Most everyone on this board absolutely despises him because of the gay stallions, the poop/fart jokes, the "ugly" art, the "traced" art, the "nonsensical" stories, and a bunch of other pedantic complaints because the so-called /mlp/ fans haven't been able to produce their own original content. They've had over a decade to pretend it's because there's something wrong with Hasbro that prevents them from making any goods, or maybe they're too busy to afford good technology or whatever, but when Tamers shows up with the line-curve tool and AI voices, all of their excuses are exposed as lies.
This except eqg
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Look at it... look at it... the power of waifuism

The power of ... UNICORNS.

Love at first sight.
Hasbro will never understand love. Hasbro can't even understand the love for money for selling QUALITY products.
Hasbro recoils in disgust at quality because Hasbro/jew can only understand how to trick you.

When Hasbro looks at Flawless they do not see a waifu, they see themselves; a disgusting pile of feces. They are incapable of seeing beauty, of seeing unicorns, of seeing anyone else in the mirror but themselves , at the same they equally hate themselves as much as they love their own self.

In Hasbro's mind if you love Flawless then you are a sucker, you are a sucker who deserves everything bad going for you and you deserve to be parted out of your shekels.
It is not so much the shekels they care about as it is the exhilirating feeling of tricking you. Of destroying your innocence, of making you pay the price for falling for their clever ruse and allowing yourself "weaknesses" such as love. They are sociopaths. It was never about the money, it was always about the schadenfreude, jews are eternally a cancer that feels the need to corrupt.
They cannot possibly understand the love for unicorns. OUR UNICORNS.

I only hope, Tamers12345, that you do not also see our love for unicorns as a weakness to be exploited and laughed at. For you too are a brony, do not deny yourself, do not take me for a fool. One does not simply keep Trixie's single eyeshine out of mere "I did my homework" , one does not simply make Trixie faceplant into the ground just like in Magic Duel. You, just like other fandom that crossed over with us, Dr Who, Star Trek and Sonic ... you have always been secretly a brony. How many fanfics did you read, Tamers? HOW MANY?
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I unironically like and appreciate Tamers12345
His ability to tell a compelling story and build characters between fart and piss jokes is amazing in ways that are impossible to describe
I want him to make a WH40k series
>the Emperor is just Bartleby
Nah, I think it's hilarious /mlp/ hates Haber but loves Tamers, the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is out of this world. It gives me a great level of satisfaction seeing your irrational hatred for Haber being proved time and time again.
psychotic homunculus magic pony is a lot of fun

considering how often people casually get maimed in tamers, i feel like having her around isnt a stretch
I don't know how well that would work. I think Tamers does well specifically with high-autism franchises and MLP is one of the few fandoms that rival Sonic the Hedgehog in autism.
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Aesthetics aside (you really can't ignore how important that is), Flawless was just given a better story than hasbro could ever provide.

Glimmer's backstory is that she was camped out in the boonies with her private cult and is more powerful than Twilight while she was an alicorn.

Flawless was born out of a conundrum brought about by Luna's actions, Trixie's acceptance of that offer, and then Trixie's trying to undo it. Her power is from the manifestation of combining both Trixie and Twilight's being.

Glimmer wanted to be more powerful than ponies and admired

Flawless wanted to fucking kill everyone.

Twilight and gang fought Glimmer to try and stop her evil ways and reform her

Twilight and gang fought Flawless and fucking killed her.
>implying WH40k isn't a high autism franchise
anon...have you ever interacted with 40k grognards?

And I would only want to see Tamers do a single episode.
Bartleby as the God-Emperor was already done by Emperor TTS having the Emperor be on record that there are no female Space Marines because girls are icky, and also him being an egotistical bastard that makes massive mistakes due to his own hubris.
Yes, the simplest answer is the most likely correct. Fans have always had far lower standards for fan works.
Extreme doubt.
>AI voices
is one of the reasons I cannot get into it. It's slow, boring, and annoying, which can work for a 1 minute low effort joke, but tamers is far too long for that.
Just admit that you have ADHD brain-rot, so if you don't hear a freelance VA over-embellishing their dialogue, you're unable to focus. It would make everyone far more sympathetic to you if you would just admit your own personal failings and stupidity.
Yeah the TTS voices are much comfier than VAs, the luna voice at the beginning just made me uncomfortable.
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You know, I think another reason Flawless has struck such a chord, is because she could have been a legit antagonist in the official show, even if it were just for one episode. Though Hasbro's version would have palled in comparison to Tamers12345's
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i just like her
Nah, I can't see Flawless being made under Hasbro.
This is excellent, great job.
this is adorable
Now draw her impaling Applejack
I meant to correct it to TTS, not AI, but lmao at this unhinged projection.
>another Sparkle clone
Yep, that's exactly why she's being gushed over. It's the Twitism.
Reminder that Trixie is a biter amidst lovemaking so by extension Flawless likely is too, and the love bites only get amplified by twilight's unfathomable bitchiness.
Bait used to be believable.
MSpaint tracejobs are not a style, dicksucker.
Who is the ESL nigger thats hating on GODmers12345?
you uh...you double post there anon?
Exactly. A literal Twilight clone too! Just think of how much merch she'd sell!
Minor grammer mistake.
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You have to be 18 years or older to post here.
Are we back to 2014 when people were complaining about tracing?
>Tracing!? ERM he's a real awrtist sweetie, that's fake news
>Donate to my patreon!
>Who cares if he traces, everyone does it
You are brown.
i think they're complaining that the character is drawn from reference and on model enough that they look just like the characters from the show where they used vector puppets that were literally copy pastes over drawing every frame
that being said if there was actual evidence tamers was a hack i'd be interested but all people can find is shit like this at most
This doesn't even look traced, it looks referenced.

These are all simple shapes so it should be easy to trace completely but there are slight differences in length of the individual lines.
I don't care either way but its definitely traced.
>It's 1% different so it's not traced
Pure copium. As if tracers haven't been doing tiny edits to hide the fact they trace for over a decade.
Man Vaggy is extra pissed off today isn't xi?
"your favourite artist is a hack, actually" is like a default shit stirring routine it could be any anon if we're being realistic
Behead all flaggots
Behead all flaggots
Behead all flaggots
Tamers does trace (either for time or comedic effect) but your example isn't an example of it. Look at the positioning and stretching of the front leg to make more sense with the background he chose. The neck is also curved differently.
Wow, you really DO come from deviantart &/or tumblr, don't you?
Or is this satire?
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The fact that you give any of them the attention they crave goes to show that you're the retards, and not them. Why do any of you feel compelled to argue with them when you know that they're whining in bad faith and are bitter that Tamers is getting popular after being super-niche for 13 years? Do you think Tamers is going to suck your cock for sticking up for him on an anonymous image board? Just hide the posts of people bitching and move on.
>Tamers does trace
I accept your concession.
You don't care that you're wrong because you're retarded.
If you draw a circle and I draw an imperfect circle to match yours it's obvious I didn't trace because I didn't follow your line exactly when it's a simple shape, you don't even know what you're talking about you just think it's wrong because you're retarded.
You can see the line of rainbow dashes belly curving inward not outward, you can see the back leg being flat and not rounded, you cansee the difference in the back left legs. It wasn't traced. Even the chest being more rounded and that point in rainbow dashes neck not ending where twilights head starts in the next frame proves you're wrong for you.
You don't know when he does or doesn't, as made evident by the example you tried to use.
Why does anyone argue about shit nobody cares about on 4chan? We've been doing it this long you can't get all huffy about it now.
I can easily spot screenshots he traced, nigger.
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Rule 14: "Do not argue with trolls--it means that they win." This has been the core value of anyone who has been on the internet since before 2007. What you think to be "normal" is what we call "cancer". You KNOW they're baiting, and you choose to reply anyways? You KNOW they're wrong and won't change their opinions, but you waste time on them anyways? You're all fools. You're all poor, deluded fools.
>your favourite artist is a hack,
This but unironically. There's no such thing as tracing for comedic effect. Tracing for speed is just a round about way of saying they're a hack and can't draw it on their own.
Apparently not since you tried and failed. I guess Tamers is just smarter than you.
I enjoy responding to bait. This isn't a high debate that has Tamers' reputation on the line. If there's a retarded post, ironic or not, I like to make fun of it. a 20 post long derailment isn't going to ruin the entire thread (out of ~7 we've had of this episode thus far).
If you were an oldfag you'd also remember this site is full of manchildren who argue about stupid shit all the time and get upset at the slightest provocation, as well as filled with constant barely moderated trolling from shitposters who don't value the site as some kind of bastion of social excellence either, and that the cancer itself has just been this happening with no breaks for as many years as this site has existed.
It probably just means that the immediate discussion is dying down for now anyway, at least for a while, or at least until the next new thread or wave of content external to the site because that's where all the good content comes from these days anyway.
Plugging your ears like a toddler and going "nuh uh!" is not an argument. Anyone with eyes and a functional brain can see it's traced.
So is doing the same but insisting it is traced, it's almost like neither side has any intention of actually agreeing with the other because they don't value the opinions of anonymous fuckheads but do want to get the last word in.
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Trixie will discipline her bratty child, you may apologize and she may forgive flawless for thinking she could ever replace Trixie
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tamers is a genius truly
Do you think Twilight or Trixie would fuck their weird mind child if given the chance?
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It's factual it's traced offboard shill, here's the layers at 50% you fucking nigger. 1:1 lines in most areas and 1% difference elsewhere is a trace job
Thank fuck. Now ponyfags will mass report his channel and get rid of him.
This person clearly has never seen females banting around with each other, sisters included.
That guy has such a hateboner for Mare Fair, no wonder he has a hate boner for tamers kino too
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Trixie could and would if her child wasn't a brat and wasn't a murder hobo.
>he's never read a princest story off fimfiction
his opinion is meaningless
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smug trixie can try to dom me any day
>Mare Fair
You mean the con which ditched the name "Florida Foalcon" because they're normalfags and made a xitter post disclaiming the people who did a swastiget there?
Mare Fair are normalfaggot trash.
make your own Florida Foalcon if it pisses you off so much, if you can manage to put it together I might even go
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If someone wanted to it's 100% easier to edit the detailed twilight shots into Flawless since flawless inherited Twilight's hair
>more powerful than Twilight while she was an alicorn.
Glim was never shown to be more powerful in any way. Twilight missing her attacks doesn't mean Starlight has more magical strength. Glim was interested in magic at a very young age same as Twilight, her work ethic and passion is such that she tirelessly delves into every aspect of its subject matter, her dedication is what made her stronger than the average unicorn.
>Glimmer wanted to be more powerful than ponies and admired
Wrong in every way. She wanted to provide a safe haven for ponies to have friendships so they wouldn't suffer the way she did, she only wanted to help ponies in her misguided evil way. She even hid her magical abilities from her followers so she didn't even want to be recognized for having strength, from her follower's perspective she was just as equal to them and they could have revolted against her at anytime. You're really just talking about Trixie here.

>Why do I like Flawless so much?
BECAUSE: she's a tragic charming character. Who didn't even have TIME to kill anyone (AJ & Ponka don't count). Ponka ruined everything.

Have you seen Trixie in Magic Duel?
Have you seen Twilight in Feeling Pinkie Keen and Too Many Pinkie Pies?
Now combine them together ... how much hatred do you Flawless has for Pinkie Pie?
I'm glad Nurse Redheart got some love this ep.
she's cute
Florafags being annoying are why he branched off, I guarantee it
>Have you seen <show sources>
Have you seen any other tamers video? Pinkie broke Trixie's kneecaps, filled her hat with nacho cheese, and tried to kill her, all in the space of an afternoon
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Working on getting the speed right
but seriously where are the marecock edits
Oh no, my blood kink is acting up.
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twilightbros? what the FUCK happened here????
Right on their heads, kekekeke.
Should give them magic marecocks with obvious neon colors and glow effects. Girls don't have cocks.
It was Trixie's character development moment, she was 2/3 of Flawless' personality anyway
Nice try, Trixiefag. Twilight jobbed to herself. Flawless looks just like Twilight, Twi has the dominant genes.
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One guy said he might do it but later and the thread died before he finished/started so who knows for now. We either wait till next episode or he might show up here or the one other flawless thread before we hit bump limit.

If you are here and working on it but we die before then, just send it to the draw thread, we will still see and appreciate it
Trixie is like 2 mares, she has a cock of two types of magic forming a solid cock just like the scythe
>Shills have no answer for this
As expected.
Twilight is so used to being the strongest in the room that she wasn't prepared for her ass-whooping. It's like when Twilight got BTFO by Shining.
>but what about when she bodied Soarin--
Soarin is 50 years old and has erectile dysfunction.
Bitch please, Flawless is 8/10 Twilight. Twilight has dominant genes. Where'd you learn unicorn biology, motherfucker?
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>Twi has the dominant genes.
twilight could never, especially not to her goddess Trixie, she's a bottom
>and has erectile dysfunction
how does this affect his fighting skills?
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People who unironically think he'd trace because he can't draw are morons. His style is an unpredictable amalgamation of random shit he finds funny mixed in with his own art for the lols, hence why we get iconic shots like pic related.
he probably has low testosterone or something which makes him weak since he doesn't have the aggressive energy of a younger stallion like big mac.
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You can literally see the lines not overlapping but that's the simplest part and you can see he selectively chose that part because they're different poses. NOT traced.
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Not that kind of dominance you coombrained motherfucker who can't use capitals and punctuation.


Biological dominance is a million times more important than experience/knowledge, cause biology isn't something you learn, it's something you're born with.
>Posting an example of tracing as not tracing
Are you well, are you brain damaged?
Yes. Both. At the same time. And she would love/hate every second of it.
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>Not that kind of dominance you coombrained motherfucker who can't use capitals and punctuation.
Trixie has the dominant genes as she is more magically attuned, it's why flawless continuously mimicked her spells and 0 of Twilights, Twilight is 90% face. Aesthetic, body and style belong to Trixie barring the baldness.

Trixie's magic even overtook hers instead of Twilight's as Trixie is stronger.
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I've only ever watched like one episode of mlp when I was a kid and now tamers has me drawing horses and checking the /mlp/ catalogue. Is this truly the power of shitposting?
Cool instead of 2~ish autists wasting thread posts we can have 4-5 idiots arguing with each other about stupid bullshit that doesn't matter and then 6-8 retards complaining about it. Good thread. Good website.
that's weird why is there a cock in my pants then
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>he didn't pay attention to the episode
>he doesn't know about Trixie's condition
Pathetic attempt at damage control.
i fucking kneel
It is kinda wild just how many more views the mlp videos are getting vs the sonic stuff. Must be a nice increase in pay for him too, good for him!
He makes no money off of the videos because he wants the freedom to use whatever music he chooses and doesn't want to adhere to the Community Guidelines. He does, however, make money off of his Patreon, which has swelled with paying subscribers thanks to how popular his MLP videos have gotten.
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Do I really need to watch all of this before watching the latest thing?
he has some 300+ subs at 3 bucks minimum so thats anywhere from 900 to 1500 smackaroos depending on how much patreon takes and probably averages out to around 1100~ and considering he's probably severely mentally ill he's likely on benefits and lives in bumfuck nowhere in a trailerpark so really he's living like a fucking king as far as hes concerned. Bastards going to drown in hot pockets.
If your cock doesn't work then that makes you half as powerful.
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>I'm stronger than all of you
I believe it.
Anyway, there's no way in hell he isn't trolling. If he was genuine, he wouldn't have posted that joker voice acting demo video. That was the moment it truly set in imo.
I would definitely help, but you can probably figure out what's going on with just context clues.
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Hey here's a theory for you.
What if it was actually TwiLuna's homunculus? Kekeke or Luna's sister's homunculus?
>HOW does that even!!
Trixie is a proxy. Trixie tied the knot with Luna and the world design said Trixie has a sister either dead or alive.
Soooooo.... Trixie got cucked, through herself. Does that make sense? of course it does! if you're capable of understanding Tamers' insane bullshit then you're able to understand mine.

>But Flawless is almost fucking BLUE , she's a hint of blue!!
You know who has a slightly purple-tinted darker shade of blue than Trixie's Rainbow Dash blue?
Ohh yeah you guessed it, princess fucking Luna.

It might also explain why Flawless is so powerful. Good job Trixie, you cucked yourself!!! HHAHAHHAHAHA
Man how do I get roped into these things. At least I'm not as roped as Trixie selling her soul to Luna and then trying to pass it over to Twilight and then Flawless. Tamers was just being Tamers with the plot holes. Flawless totally inherited Luna's abilities.
It's recommended to watch his other MLP videos before watching this one, yes. Some people say there are a few episodes you can skip, and I understand why they believe that since many episodes have so much filler or go way too far off track for what's being advertised by the title.
If anything it would just be Trixie and Luna's, Twilight's magic is far too weak out of alicorn status to be capable of contesting current Trixie let alone being strong enough to turn herself into a nuke.

Twilight is weak in Tamers lore as in weaker than even her brother and "babies" as Scootybooty, Sweetcheeks, and Applebloom were all able to best her in a straight fight. Same with her getting washed in another 3 way agaisnt 3 homos.

Trixie's magic and ego were critical to flawless's powers and effective nature
ignore namefags
hide namefag posts
do not post in namefag threads
you're better than this anon
Don't be that way, Twilight wouldn't just stop talking to Pinkie cause she's mentally deficient, she'd make it a game to showcase her mental ineptitude by blatantly giving her task that she can't complete properly
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God you're an annoying cocksucker
Shut the fuck up tamerstroon.
How is this a plot hole?
Anon stop replying to him, he knows its traced.
who the fuck cares
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I was fully convinced that twilight would be the dom in the relationship
>If anything Flawless could also just be Trixie and Luna's magical homunculus murderhobo.
Maybe. A very 90% maybe towards yes. Since Luna is a fucking murderhobo.
After all the 'he's a real artist' mantra I'm not convinced.
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>Twilight used to think she would be the groom
so very cute even if she does canonically have autism
How so? Trixie showed were she stood at the con compared to twilight. Twilight did try to dom tho, she didn't win
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Because Trixie was the pathetic one in her debut and occupies a much lower spot on the social lader than Twilight, as well as being inferior in magic.
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Everyone who unironically believed that Twilight is a dom wasn't paying attention to the other episodes. Twilight is a bully, but she totally collapses under pressure like a wet paper bag. I could definitely see an image of her and Trixie in bed, with Trixie smugly smoking a cigarette while Twilight's hooves cover her blushing face as she's turned away from Trixie.
Which is exactly why she has such a large desire to top, behind closed doors (or in a public park, apparently) she can be the Great and Powerful mare she can't be in real life
Meanwhile, Twilight is used to Celestia molesting her
Anon... I am THE Namefag.
I am not just A faustfren, I am THE Faustfren.
I am a 7th level Iceberg SCP of /mlp/.
I am the Bright Eyes of /mlp/. Do you know who Bright Eyes is? Oldfags will know.
>I would definitely help
Twilight does seem to enjoy hurting others though. I would post twilight with the crazy eyes from the arson episode but I apparently didn't save it.
Trixie was never pathetic, she was bold and even showcased her hidden power back in childhood. Twilight was proven to be nothing without being an alicorn and her 2 inches. The moment she lost those powers she was inherently openly insecure because she was no longer special while Trixie's issues came from bullying and her actual living conditions. Twilight is also a slut for celestia. She can only believe she can top those weaker than her and at Unicorn con Trixie proved who was the more confident of the two and even (jokingly)brought up equal grounds since she lost the alicorn buffs.

Twilight was never a top, she was just someone who thought that as long as she could look superiors to others she was, the truth is she was never a dom ever since Celestia groomed her possibly.
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y-you too...
there's no doubt there, sparkle booty
Yeah that's what I said, she's a bully, but she collapses under pressure.
>but then why did she fight against soarin and big mac
Because Soarin is a gay and Big Mac is an inbred cousinfucking shithoof. That would be like submitting to a real life gay or a real life inbred cousinfucking redneck.
So uhhh who's taking responsibility again?

And who's going to be the useless parent who doesn't teach the kid jackshit, but comes out and says how proud they are of the kid when he achieves great things?
Is Tamers going to Flawless up for adoption on DeviantArt to find better parents? is this going to become another My Little Dashie except it's an overpowered murderhobo?
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Tamers is genuinely actually such an inspiring person. I might actually learn how to draw due to this guy.
>Might learn how to draw
Already more of an artist than him.
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Shit, or don't shit. There is no "try".
>Trixie was never pathetic
Lol what? She was unable to make friends despite her best effort along with having shit magic (aside one incident) while being one step away from homelessness and performing shitty magic shows for change. Her life was so shitty that Twilight had to save her suicide. Being bullied and having shit living conditions means that you're pathetic. Trixie also lets Twillight walk all over her with the cold treatment in the hotpot episode because she knows she has no one else.
She doesn't collapse all the time, she regularly puts her hoof down with her friend group and wrested control from the pink retard. Didn't she also force Applejack into betraying her family? She's not a pushover, she's just emotionally dependent on Celestia.
I'd say there's a big difference between being just a bully and enjoying violence to the extent that twilight does. But I agree with what you're saying.
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Hurting weaker people is the extend of her control in life, Celestia constantly reminds her she is inferior and has been around her since she was a kid, Twilight is the inverse of Sunset. She is outwardly trying to be like celestia but doesn't desire to surpass her only to attain approval rather than superiority. Most of her habits come from pretending to be celestia or relying on the fact she knows celestia to get by on events. The opening of the movie slightly hints on it that she even wore her crown just to get a second popcorn for free and that was a Twilight in a vaccume when not trying to posture for her friends or the public, choosing to only strike derpy mainly because it is the once ounce of power she can have over another pony at this point after taking beatings for days at this point.

It's a neat note due to how tamers tells the story, I've gone over it before, but Twilight's attempt to take control when she kiss Trixie and the face she made when Trixie pushed back was the testament to her finally accepting the reality of who she is. The face she makes, the confusion in her eyes was the face of someone still thinking that for just one moment, she still had power even over something so simple only to be once more and fully humbled by the unicorn who ironically unintentally encouraged her to reject taking back her alicorn powers, as in giving up what made her so special in her own eyes.

There is also the moment in flawless's mine where Trixie says very little but Twilight instantly tries to win her back over and apologizes, something she rarely does to anyone.
I want to add Trixie was still willing to face twilight even as an alicorn, something not even her friends would do. Trixie was always a more than confident despite it all
Pictures like this make me want to watch it. But skimming through it, 99% of it looks like >>41534132
Bro this is tamers art we're talking about. Let the inspiration take you and don't worry much about the technicalities, just draw.
>Hurting weaker people is the extend of her control in life
LOTS of people are weaker than her, this isn't saying much.
>Celestia constantly reminds her she is inferior and has been around her since she was a kid,
Yeah she's the god of the sun of course Twilight is inferior.
beware the pipeline
>Tails Gets Trolled
>Neko Sugar Girls
who am I missing?
Trixie lets her walk because Trixie knows Twilight has nothing else: her friends don't like her, her magic is far weaker, Celestia is still abusing her, she's 90% more miserable, and so much else. Trixie can't make friends because of her ego and, as more Tamers lore reveals, she has inherently been feeling like something is missing her whole life, she didn't make friends cause she didn't want any and because nobody understood her, she was always willing to stand alone even during nightmare night where she went as Nightmare moon because she respected her and wasn't willing to be put down by other kids, same with her Lazagna. Twilight has no friends in her own words, barely viewing half of her group as actual friends at all and Trixie her only true friend. Trixie's living conditions are something only she could handle and partially because her wagon got destroyed and she doesn't have the money to get a new one.

Trixie was the more self sufficient of the two even form childhood
That's because he's not a real artist. He's an entertainer.
its not just visual art my friend, its a multimedia package.
>LOTS of people are weaker than her, this isn't saying much.
ironically no, current Twilight is weaker than even Big mac and Soaring but not just them, Cheerliee, Rarity, the CMC, her brother, and more than likely Blueblood. Compared to non-unirons maybe she's semi tough but she is barely average as she's a prodigy but even her brother and a retard alicorn were better than her.

Twilight has basically gotten no real wins since she went back to being normal
He's an artist and since he draws shitty on purpose when he does the special shots and animations it stands out and highlights his work. If it were all quality, it couldn't have the highlights and it wouldn't hit as hard
Ah yes, we also needn't forget the shit tier TTS for every character, cringey weeb soundtracks, halfassed vfx layering, and moving around 2fps MSpaint drawings.
What an experience.
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I think its funny and compelling youtube content in an era devoid of it. I'm sorry you're too young to remember 2012
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Wow, its actually impressive how everything in your post wrong. I'll only address one part of it,
>wasn't willing to be put down by other kids, same with her Lazagna
She was put down so much by that incident that she remembers it years later even when Twilight forgot about it to the point of obsessively stalking the person she viewed as its perpetrator.
>current Twilight is weaker than even Big mac and Soaring
Blind or disingenous? She 2v1'd them.
wasn't she still an alicorn then? her two inches was obviously stronger than Soarin's
She was not.
Tryhard gore with overused horn in the neck is not compelling. It's some junior level SMILE and Mov shit. Trying way too hard to be edgy after wasting half the screentime on poop fetishization.
Yeah, the horn should have been a one time thing for the movie. Having Flawless do it to Pinkie and then having it done to her made it a bit stale.
speak for yourself zoomer, I haven't been this excited to find a new youtuber in a few years, especially one who produces content in the old style. All the platform seems to be these days is video essays and grifters reacting to video essays
>She 2v1'd them.
She literally lost and then had to mind control Soarin. She was losing the moment they starting attacking together and then had to use a pony shield just to get the advantage and still ate shit coming out in a cast while none of them did. She lost more than she won.
>She was put down so much by that incident that she remembers it years later even when Twilight forgot a
She targeted twilight because she did it, beyond that this is still following the MLP canon where she used the amulet and got ran out of town, the lasagna was just the start of their rivalry not the sole reason.

The Twi cope is amazing how hard one must try to believe she was ever a real dominant force outside of being an alicorn
nah, she was a unicorn.
Nice projection. Tamers is at the very bottom of MLP Fancontent. FiW had much more soul than this autistic dumpsterfire. The length is so padded out that it's unwatchable at 1x speed.
While that's the case, the weapon of unicorns in early stories on earth is their horn. Pearcing non-virgins orcably as punishment for lack of purity is the oldschooll unicorn myth.

The rape metaphor feels thematically relevant. Purging the impure through symbolic ironic violence.
She was the last one standing at the end of the fight and soarin's speed attack or whatever you want to call it barely had any effect on her. There is also no proof that big mac's attack would have been able to defeat her if he hadn't been stopped by soarin being used as a meat shield.
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She mind controlled Soarin after the fight was over just to spite him.
>Y-yeah but she fought dirty?
Lmao, yeah she lost so hard huh.
>Speed posting
>Multireplying speed posting
Holy shit vaggy's having a hell of a melty. I hope he kills himself when the vid breeches 100k views.
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cry about it, I still enjoyed it and that's literally all that matters to me
He's been playing that one trick pony since the start.
The last one standing was Big mac & breaburn, She was crippled after mind control. She was getting washed till she used him as a shield not to mention constantly trying to attack Braeburn who they precedingly defended. She was going to lose like any other time.
>There is also no proof that big mac's attack would have been able to defeat her
There's plenty, a single full punch from him took out Soaring like a light and Twilight is very much just a normal unicorn, given she came out in a full bodycast afterward she would have been gone had the combo finished.
>Lmao, yeah she lost so hard huh.
Yep and it all came back when she lost to not just babies but a fake copy of her and Trixie, how grand the irony is that every fight where she can't use human shields she pretty much loses and tried to call for help agaisnt children and still managed to fumble the mission

Twilight lost to shining as well and he's a normal unicorn, while he is white his magic is normal
These are simple shapes with different lines, you're literally proving it's from reference and not trace, a trace of a character using simple shapes would be exact.

You need to prove you can draw right now because I honestly don't believe it.
>lost to shining
not really, that one was a draw until cadance stepped in to get double blasted (her favorite pasttime I've heard)
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imagine coming here wanting more than a shitpost when this board was made to contain shitposting
There wasn't much of a draw, Shining had clear advantage to the degree twilight is not only struggling to get up but actively showing fear against him which, he wasn't even breaking a sweat doing it.

Trixie is even outright worried for her during the clash
I think the more alarming issue is that both he and Big mac were fine afterward as in virtually uninjured while twilight came out in a cast.
>DBZ power leveling discussion
>tracing discussion
Okay I must now say my goodbyes. The anniversary has been fun... after I missed them 4 or 9 times in a row.
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>Twilight was never a top
I think she is, or at least she would be when it comes to casual dating. But Trixie effects her in ways that only true love van. She's used to being in control during every situation, but Trixie’s presence allows her to relax and give up the usual need to be in charge.
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Spoken like a true tourist.
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Tamers note is twilight has a specific type of autism as in it was brought up during in hotpot episode comments that the reason she acted the way she did was she fundamentally couldn't express those kind of emotions for more than one person at a time.

Exact statement being " Twilight has autism and so she can only shoe one emotion at a time, and she doesn't always know how she is making others around her feel. She can't help the way she is"

She has never dated more than Celestia who, we can all agree, will never let her top. Trixie was essentially her second time of intimacy with a mare and she was made to bottom yet again.

If it's actual romance or a positive emotion, it's likely it's her bottoming especially if she's just a unicorn. If it's a situation like Rainbow trying to kiss her she doesn't view it is real romance and her autism will shrug it off. Twilight is very emotionally venerable when it's not about murder, she's even distant to her family outside of Cadence
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>he and Big mac were fine afterward as in virtually uninjured while twilight came out in a cast
That's a good point actually. Soarin could maybe be explained away as some weird side effect of gaining magic, but Big Mac should have also been fucked up. Both he and Twilight looked pretty good directly after the fight though, so maybe big mac also needed some recovery offscreen. Twilight recovered the next day and we didn't see big mac until that time so we don't know the extent of his injuries.
>Attempted suicide to sleepy mare caressed in her arms
It should have been me...
It's the main reason I use the after the fight as a metric, Tamers rarely shows injuries until a fight is fully over meaning you could, in theory, judge damage based on the aftermath if you wanted to quantify just who did more in the situation. We know Big mac has a solid 2-0 agaisnt his family but to date we have rarely seen him full on in a cast or doing more than bleeding after Braeburn bit him during the kiss. With Soarin, who should and would have taking the more full brunt of the attack, he gets up mostly only dased and by the end walks away with head trauma mainly caused more by Big mac than Twilight. An argument can be made for her stab being low damage as Fluttershy brings up earth ponies being strong, but that is mostly irrelevant.

It all doesn't matter but it's why I'd argue the combo would have finished. It could easily be argued adrenalin was carrying her through but we have less reason to bother with that level of logic
Did you just commit suicide? Literally not a single line in your gif even overlaps.
Go back to your discord.
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to be fair injuries don't mean shit in the tamersverse, pinkie pie fucking exploded and got an arm sling for it
Explosions in pony world are small potatoes unless an alicorn does it like when Twilight kills celestia. We're mainly talking who actually won.

Twilight technically finished her mission, so she won in that sense but if Braeburn didn't go to get water and Soarin wasn't mind controlled, you could argue that given they still got up just like her, they could have kept going. The question then comes down to how long can twilight stall or last in a match where front facing Big Mac could punch her. Ask yourself, how many Front facing Big Mac punches can a pony take on average after an exhausting battle?
this whole scene made my heart diamonds
we've already learned that the gay punch and gay combo attack are stronger than alicorns, so not many
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ok, based
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>tfw you will NEVER be as based or as cool as Tamers12345
I want commit suicide so I'm not stealing this man's air
>I wanted to trace trixie and twilight kissing
my knees...
is this your new strategy, sh*rtyfag?
Low quality baitdeflection.
Sure. It's hard for you to operate from a position of strength, though, because at the end of the day the effort that Tamers puts in to make his shitty sloppa animations is an order of magnitudes greater than the effort people like you put in to designate it as shitty sloppa.
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That rewind part still my most replayed bit.
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>tamers has learned to draw key frames that can easily be edited by the audience for fetish fuel
Kinda funny how he now cares for them after he just amde the video to please his mom
why don't they just have a 3 way? surely there's enough love to go around
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If Trixie jerks off with her magic, is it incest?
Chrysalis is black.
but she can turn herself white
And I can paint black stripes on me, but that wouldn't make me a zebra.
Cadence is a nice dicent lady
Marriage is a sacred bond.
Has she actually changed into anyone else yet in the tamersverse?
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yeah, that's just paint. Chryssy actually turns into stuff
don't think so, except if you count the credits of the last episode
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I'm kneeling
There it is. We've reached peak.
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>he made a MLP series for his mom even after she screw up his christmas

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What I got from this moment was the fact that Twilight will let Trixie turn her into goo if taking in her dominant sexual energy will help make Trixie into a better pone. Trixie is envious of Twilight being superior in every single metric (except sex appeal) and Twilight taking in her lusts and frustrations makes my heart boner grow. Not to imply that this was Twilight's thought process when she initiated the kiss, but I felt like whoever gets to be the top was solidified in their pillow talk.
Maybe someone else can put into better words the specific appeal of the broken soul being the more sexually dominant one in the relationship
When we first heard a unicorn voice off-screen, I thought it was Glimglam. To find out that it was Sunshim was kino of the highest caliber. The fact she refused to elaborate further and just left made me hard as diamonds.
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>duuude tamers isnt trolling he said so!
Yeah and Im the pope. Fucker makes MLP references in his stuff nobody would know that hasnt been a horsefucker for a decade now but makes posts like this.
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Hell Yeah.
wasn't expecting him to bring Sunset in, let alone make her so cool.
I'm not that into eqg but this shimmer is cute as fuck.
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If I may be so bold (you may want to skip to the final two paragraphs)...

Trixie taking out her frustrations on Twilight is something that we've seen before, when she was hiding in the bushes and tried to use a grenade, and then when she cut Twilight's power. What makes this different is that previous battles had both of them operating with their guard up. When you're intimate with someone, you're forced to be vulnerable. Trixie was the first one to be vulnerable, and that's what helped Twilight realize that Trixie didn't deserve the horrible mistreatment she and her friends had (separately) been giving her.

The conversation Twilight had with Celestia was an admittance of Twilight's fear of Trixie surpassing her. The conversation was needed to help Twilight realize that she's allowed to be vulnerable around Trixie, because it's no longer a petty competition. Therein lies the sudden reversal. Twilight was never "dominant" because Trixie was always the initiator. Trixie was the one who kept challenging Twilight. Trixie was the one who showed vulnerability, which is NOT weakness, first. Trixie was the first to admit affection for Twilight. Three times did Trixie show her dominance in unexpected ways prior to this episode.

The two of them having their moment together is so important because Twilight finally makes herself vulnerable. She lets Trixie finally release all of those frustrations that Trixie has built up for Twilight for so long. All of that anger, confusion, jealousy, flowing out with that overwhelming need to be wanted, accepted, loved, and respected. Trixie finally got her "revenge" in a way that the two of them desperately needed. If it had been a fight, then Twilight's friends may have intervened. It may have been a public affair. Sex, meanwhile, is a private, intimate act. Sex could only have been done by themselves alone. Sex is also when two people are the most exposed, at their weakest, and unable to lie or deceive themselves or others anymore.

That's what that moment was. That's what that bond was. Their sex scene was Twilight apologizing without words, and Trixie saying thank you without speaking it. That is why you are so happy about it. You didn't know how to describe it with words, but you could feel what that scene implied, and that implication is beautiful, tender, and sweet.
>Flawless targets Trixie and Twilight after resurrecting to become whole by absorbing them
>tries to blow everything up after losing
Getting a new loved and cherished OC with tons of art on 2024 ("Twenty-Twenty-Four") was not on my bingo card by a long shot.
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Drew Flawless at work today.
Finished up with the background at home.
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This is her best face.
hot damn
you're pretty good!
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She has too many great ones, I can't pick out a best.
>mfw still no art of wholesome mothers/daughter bonding or Twixie just double fucking the fuck out of her
>tamers has learned to trace key frames
i can do the first one
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just finished drawing her
cry more loser
>'Best face' looks like shitty fridge art
Lol, lmao even.
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You will never be white, Carlos
I wonder how much marelust this poor abomination has, seeing as she was created by the synthesis of Twilight and Trixie's gay petplay double fantasy
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I want to see him create yugioh decks for the mlp cast
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I like this one
you are a menace...
>Agrees to the sex
>But it must be done in front of a mirror
>Because the only thing that turns her on is herself
Do it
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>"No- this- why is a princess here? I can't- I'm supposed to be the- I'm supposed to be invincible."
Flawless's instinctual fear of princesses is somewhat interesting considering the only beings that Twilight fears and reveres are princesses. Twilight's submission is so ingrained in her being that its passed down even onto an artificial being born of desire. Flawless is powerful but her even her lofty self-image is unable to overcome a fear repeatedly impressed upon her progenitor's psyche. A creation of pure ambition abandons her mission and flees at the first sight of the one she knows is superior. The princesses are the only existences that deny Flawless her supremacy, and she recognizes that.
In a way, her defiance of the princesses is sole thing that differentiates her from any of Twilight or Trixie's innate characteristics. She musters the courage to harm an absolute being, something that you would never see Twilight or Trixie doing as they know it to be a futile attempt. It is only in her death throes that she becomes more than an empty shell.
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Every time I see a tamers12345 thread it visibly has degraded in quality, from the OP to the retards trying to find “da lore” in faggot shipping.

Now Tamers is doing a self insert OC? Retarded.
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cry about it, fandom hasn't been this excited about new content in years
Board quality has gone down since G4 ended.
You're just an anti-bardonic loser
Celestia being an abusive groomer saved ponyville!
I watched Tamers12345’s first few videos a couple of months back.
Only 3-4 are good, the rest progressively drop off on quality because of the homosex shipping and shitty yandere plot lines. There’s no story, it’s just sex.
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Yeah the homosex episodes suck, we got a bowling episode before this though which was great.
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>anniversary stream
>secret Santa thread
retard, all three of those get more traffic than you and your group of 20 retards circlejerking each other.
oh so your one o those antiyaoi retards lmao its clear botting is taking place because the best episode objectively was the arson episode which had lots of stallions and got killed by youtube because of you morons reporting it meanwhile this video can barely get 70k videws lmao
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Sorry faggot but yuri good yaoi bad. Arson episode was mediocre at best.
It's not an offboarder thread until some irrelevant boogyeman get's namedropped like a gotcha.
>In an exciting turn of events, Anon reveals himself to be a faggot! What a gamble! Will there be any Anons left that do not have him minimized?
yeah tell me more about how those are content and not gatherings of retards. I said what I said for a reason, your retarded ass just can't read
I want to see these cute mares fucking and these cute stallions fucking
It wasn't that good and I don't even care about faggotry one way or another. the cloudsdale episode was better and had just as much gay shit
The bowling episode which had more homosexual beta messaging about wahh abusers?
Yeah it was trash. It's the exact same tripe he used with Big Mac and Faggotburn. Tamers is such a fucking homo he stuffs his shitposting videos with stale tired preaching.
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>there are trolls in this thread RIGHT NOW the equate this scene to the full gay stallion instructional fuck video featuring bondage, blood, whipping, and humiliation
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That was a satisfying breakdown, I never gave thought to Trixie being the initiator in other instances and how that could parallel unrequited feelings. All along Trixie was arguably more real for putting out than the autistic bitch that was trained to shut off her emotions by Celestia. Perhaps Shimmer will drive a wedge between them in the future and make Twilight shape up her act, considering that her walls are still way up.
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Yaoi is just yuri with males
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My current headcanon is that Sunset is going to be the actual rival Trixie has been looking for to get stronger with/from. That's ignoring any possible Soul Eater references that's currently going on with Trixie and EQG Sunset.
she looked really cute here
yeah a lot of complaints are genuinely just from people who were unfortunately not born bisexual and become genuinely upset whenever they see an expression of sexuality they don't relate to
>Yaoi = funny and silly, made to be laughed at
>Yuri = hot and sexy, made to be sexually arousing
It's that simple.
I mean, I find it funny because they abuse each other.
>who were not born bisexual
why do faggots think that your genes at birth have anything to do with wanting to tongue men’s anuses?
If this was true, then the world would have way more lesbians.
Being anything but straight is an aberration. generically speaking you are a series of mistakes.
The reason I believe people are born in their sexuality is because I refuse to believe that I would ever be interested in having someone else's balls up my asshole by being exposed to the idea enough times. Think about how gross faggots are. There's no way that they could enjoy being gay unless their brains were hardwired to want such disgusting filth. They have to be biologically predisposed to wanting AIDS and monkeypox and swallowing semen and wanting to fuck boys, because if they were CHOOSING to do all that, why, by God, that would be downright horrendous, instead of them being pranked by Mother Nature herself.
>There’s no story, it’s just sex.
The sex served a narrative purpose this time around unlike before. No gratuitous ass shots, no kinky RP or spanking, just straight up romance that had a proper time and place.
>this video can barely get 70k views lmao
What are you talking about? The Arson, sleepover, and bowling episodes all got 40k in the first 2 days. This episode flew right bast that in under 24 hours
>He's not parasite pilled
put on a name so i can filter you
>I will never have tapeworms and a cute hairy femboy boyfriend
It’s so over
you first
based parallel
Anyone have a gif of Flawless falling into the dreamscape?
All those produce almost nothing, its just empty traffic.
This board doesnt do shit anymore because any time someone makes anything you get a hundred jaded retards like you bitching about it.
We used to top the charts in traffic and make so much content EQD had to make ten recaps a day and now we've become a worse /jp/.
stop drawing a normal pony instead of some weird fucked up disproportionate deranged face all your art SUCKS
die mad loser
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When are you going to stop blaming critics and start blaming a much smaller fandom full of creators that are pussies?
Trixie and her mentor, they might kiss one day but not in the groomer way like Celestia more like a cool aunt kinda way.
I hope Trixie takes up twilight offer and moves in with her. It would be fun to see Cellys reaction
Cum edit when?
The show is over, retard. There's no more official content. Everything is going to be by necessity new.
>when are you going to stop blaming idle parasites that pretend thread events are content and clog the threads whenever someone makes something
Never. Go make something YOU like instead of doing your post-ironic contrarian dance for another year.
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This is the bitch hierarchy as far as I can tell. I have no proof of Celestia being Shimmer's bitch other than the expression she makes here
hell yeah
hell yeah
was not expecting Tamers to even know who she is, let alone make her be cool
wonder if he'll do more with her or if this is an inexplicable one off cameo
I wonder if the thing about him not actually being a fan is true, and that he's actually watching episodes as he goes along which is why he is phasing in characters not from the first few seasons with more familiarity as to who they all are.
It's so hard to tell. The man's an enigma.
The best parodies are made with love after all, and the jokes he's making require a certain level of familiarity. I think he's at least used a watch list of some of the better episodes to get the gist of the series.
the way they had rarity save the day with a magic ejac is uncanny there's no way he hasn't seen that
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>rephrasing what I said to blame threads that supposedly create nothing on being the cause that's stopping people from creating things.
Schizo moment. I wasn't even the anon that mentioned those threads in the reply chain. Not everything new has to be worshipped without question, and contrarian is a threatened npc's go-to phrase. Eat shit.
>hasn't seen that

What do you mean?
Does this mean it's time to go into the V*gel thread and clean it up?
Sadly yes if we wanna keep talking Tamers mlp, we can mostly just take it over and ignore him. Making a new thread would be semi rude since we have technically 2/3 back to back and moved to this one since it was already made and still far from bump limit.
>self insert OC
he's the most powerful entity in the SU universe outside Bardonic present ever since the past decade of SU content
Fine by me, this one's on page 8 so it's a good time to migrate regardless. I'm sure that one will hit bump limit too, but by the time it does, everyone should be tuckered out of Tamersposting and will patiently wait for the next drop.
I think you're the brain damaged one, he's saying he does trace but he does it for comedic effect rather than out of any lack of talent
>Muh comedic effect
Already disproven offboarder
Quickly posting this draw before this thread dies.
everyone is bisexual it came free with your fucking sexuality
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Sharing some of my art !
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Nice. I hope all the art made over these threads gets collected somewhere
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capes always look cool
On one hand, I'm not the biggest fan of yuri, on the other... I like mares in capes and want to now fuck her and Trixie while Twilight watches.
that's actually pretty fire and I don't even usually like fandom music with lyrics
kino at the highest level
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New bread
Stop drawing her until a lora is made. It's not fair to bros who can't draw...
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This reminds me of picrel.

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