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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are welcome here.

Previous thread: >>41419762
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Don't forget, she loves you at your lowest because she believes in your best.
Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are NOT welcome here.
Oh motherfucker the previous OP changed it and I didn't catch it.
At least it's still Sunday
Don't thread split over it. We'll just change it back to "unwelcome" after this thread.
Thread's already made. No reason to use this one.
That's what we said last thread :/
No one noticed it last thread.
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If you got to Equestria around or slightly before the time of the sonic rainboom, do you think Celestia would involve you in her tutorship of Twilight? Would you want to be involved?
Looks like jannies are being extra gay today. See you all next real thread I guess.
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Stop having such an overreaction.
>would you want to be involved
yes but only vecuse i need to learn about the place
How do I stop lusting for this big white sun horse? I don't want to be that type of person anymore. I want to feel only pure love for her.
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I wish I knew, anon.
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You have to love her for who she is. It's something so much deeper than lust. A feeling that you know is true in your heart.
>You have to love her for who she is
I do. That is why I want to get away from lust. But this is hard. After all, just look at her! She is immensely beautiful and desirable. No human woman or mare can ever compete, not even her sister.
you can stop looking at that type of images or ideas, focus more on her qualities, personality and mannerisms, what makes her her, understand her flaws, appreciate her good looks without falling into lust.
but also keep in mind that that is also normal and innevitable really, i guess as long as the lust doesnt overshdow the love you feel for her it will be fine
>you can stop looking at that type of images or ideas
As distasteful as it is to dwell on such matters, the truth must be said. Shameful or not, it's really hard to close some doors when they are opened. I'm barely even attracted to human female form after surrendering to the urges that Celestia's splendor brought into my mind. And something tells me it's a common problem around here.
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Because Sunfags are dumb autists stuck in repeated patterns of conformity, repetitive patterns and sterility.
Who the fuck started the threads off by making humanization allowed
It's incomprehensible how inferior human Celestia truly is to her actual pony self. No amount of tits and ass can compare to that immense white flank.
That's not Celestia and never will be.
I like humanized art of her but EQG is just very ugly. Your right though, most of these threads are just boring art dumps and the same posts by 5 people asking things like:
>Why is Celestias glorious radiance so kino bros
>What would Celestia say if we drank tea together and I bored her to death!
Another garbage post by the subhuman cult.
it is hard but its probably worth the effort
Thankfully I am not this wanker.
>muh PURE love
Stop being anxious about your own natural attraction to her and instead explore her personality and how normal interactions would play out. Imagine how your conversations with her. Hallucinate sensations and smells. Imagine her soothing voice and bright laughing. Imagine looking into her lovely eyes - those soft purple irises framed by elegant lines - as you connect with her over an intimate moment. Imagine her smile. Stop being a faggot and embrace the sexual attraction as a facet of your love for the best pony!
To each his own. Some people can remain focused and separate their corporal cravings from spiritual attraction. Some cannot. And, by the way, there is something poetic about striving for ever-greater levels of purity when you are enamored with Princess Celestia. She is as pure as it gets, after all.
kinda gay ngl
True love is loving someone for who they are, shortcomings and all. If Anon wants to strive for an unreasonable goal to feel worthy of Celestia's love, then that should be something to reflect on. Does Anon want Celestia to love him as a unique individual, flaws and all, or the idealized version of himself? Self-improvement is good, but having the wrong motivations or goals can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Besides, as far as sexual attraction goes, it is a basic human drive. Striving for the asceticism of "pure love" for Celestia is self-denial if Anon values sexual gratification and reproduction.
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Why do you care? Bust a fat nut to her if you feel like it.
>Why do you care?
Well, I do. I simply do. And I feel immense shame and guilt for exploiting the the visage of my beloved princess for basic carnal needs.
I would with a better pic
No teats?
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Got a Mare Fair ja0822ck commission of Princess Celestia (and Pinkie Pie) as cupcake pones. I wanted to share it with you all.
Its beginning to take over everything. I must stop it. I must stop her before I lose myself.
https: //derpibooru.org/images/3462677
nice, anon. Wish I didn't have obligations at home that prevent me to going to stuff like mare fair.
That's the least repulsive EQG Celestia I've seen.
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Meh. I don't know how you can say that. It looks like shit.
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What other common pony problems do Princesses solve in unexpected (for us) ways?
is that one of those chinese figures?
this one makes me so happy
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>REEEE about humanized
>thread dies
GG autists
Pretend she's the one sending you the images.
obviously celestia controls the sun if its too hot or too cold
but that would be innevitable in a relationship
Sorry you’re gay. Get well soon!
why even sperg before anything was posted?
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is this smooch pov?
I want Princess Celestia to pee in my mouth.
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i want to kiss her wings
yes and also moments before she blows air on your face
I want Princess Celestia to give me a wingjob.
same especially seeing how strong those wings can be
I don't want to get her wings dirty.
Why can't you just worship her like normal people, leaving behind the degeneracy of our fallen world? She is a miracle unheard of—a glimpse of True Light in a world conquered by darkness. Bend your knees before her sacred visage and ask for forgiveness. She will grant it, because her wisdom and mercy are endless.
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>her wisdom and mercy are endless.
She had Discord put back in stone for eternity.
What my WIFE and I do in the privacy of the throne room in full view of the royal guard and the rest of the court is none of your business!!
im gonna make a celestia tulpa

i joked about it thirteen years ago but now im all in
Don't give yourself schizophrenia.
You will never consort with my goddess, mortal. You will die as you lived - alone, shunned, unworthy of her light. But it is not too late. Repent, and you will be forgiven. Repent and you will be worthy.
good luck on that
Oh yeah? Then why am I BANGING her right now!?
If I had any empathy left, I would pity you. But without it, I'm consumed only with the purest disgust imaginable. You are a waste of flesh, undeserving to even know her name. Yet the Sun shines equally for all.
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>mfw I realized I've strayed far from the sun's love and can only beg and pray for forgiveness for my pride
Go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.
Kumis is an alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting mare's milk. Because mare's milk has more sugars than cow or goat milk, kumis has a higher alcohol content than kefir.
Are you from Russia or some barbaric steppe country further south?
wluld try it
She is a goddess the worship will be a little weird.
but I dont want to worship her
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Are any OG writefags still around? What's the state of green in /sun/? Is the thread still plagued by that one autist?
dont think there are, sadly
luna is that kind of artist?
which autist?
Man I loved her when she went to Gala without anything to wear. She was a brave princess to... Show her assets... But I do like how they gave her a dress here.
it was a cute dress too
So her mercy very clearly isn't endless.
it is when it comes to innocent ponies, not villain
how exoensive is this and would celeatia allow me to make it from her milk?
>A date with Celestia, at the rollerskating rink, in the 1980s
Maybe her clothes don't match the era, but it's what picrel makes me think of (or rather, what I wish could be true).
how ckumsy would she be
She wouldn't be clumsy at all. On roller skates she would be extremely graceful. Imagine her hair flowing as she zips around the rink, doing turns, etc.
She did the same thing to me, I'm eternally rock hard thinking about her
she would be a good mom
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I wish she would look at me like that
He's becoming worse.
Could her mane/tail get caught in the wheels, or would it just phase through them?

Please refrain from excessive use of the m-word, Anon- that's how you get Momlestia threads.
I want those.
As do I, but do we want them bad enough to write the greens and/or draw the pics- that's what we've got to ask ourselves.
that Celestia is so fucking cute
Biblically accurate Celly ass.
but why?
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>my head is full of sunhorse
Sun teats in my mouth NOW!
>Could her mane/tail get caught in the wheels, or would it just phase through them?
No, because sh general skates so that the generated wind through her mane and tail is enough to keep them away from the wheels. However, just in case they do get too close there is a spell on the wheels to let the mane and tail pass through (as you suggested).
Literally me
She doesn't look very happy. I'll take them if she doesn't want them.
who made this, its cute
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I haven't fapped to pony smut in roughly a decade. I only just NARROWLY managed to avoid breaking my win streak to this image by a razor's edge.
Why ?
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Celly a silly.
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lick tongue
I want to touch her eyebrows
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the prettiest
Indeed she is
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whos this?
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Shit that's hot af...
Ii I remember, it's from one of the comics. It's Celestia in a magical disguise
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what happens when they run out of cake? what is the best alternative?
They use imitation cake.
What was this character's name again? I vaguely remember Golden Feather or some shit
>no cake
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so is mine
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Goth Celly is criminally underused in art
why was she in a disguise?
Oh how i wish i could...
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Great! Now Luna walked on you brushing Celly's chest with your bare fingers. The implications are implicitly implying the most implicatory things one could implicate. How do you explain yourselves?
me and sun horse are having fun, I don't have to explain shit.
the most understatement of this thread.
her chest was sore
I start brushing her chest too
I have two hands after all! (And I love them both too)
No explenations necesary!
You have two hands dont you?
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I'm busy with bug eggs. I swear it's not as bad as it sounds.
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Explain what, precisely? It's exactly what it looks like.
how can you say no to those eyes
Her royal farts kill a guard or two once a month.
Sloppy job twislob
I dont say anything and keep going
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Seeing Celestia sad hurts my very soul.
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Come now, you're not going to start off her day on 10, are you?
Does Celestia make murals of the defeats of all of her enemies or just the ones involving the elements?
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Its starting to get cold outside I want the sun to shine more to be warm. I also want to marry the beautiful Princess Celestia
just the ones she finds funny
Neither. For generations there's been a family of glassmakers who've been gifting her huge stained glass windows every time something important happens and she doesn't have the heart to tell them she doesn't have any more space. She's had to lengthen some of the castle halls several times to accommodate the windows.
Including her sister?
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In the show depiction, Celly is thinner when in her Daybreaker form.
Does she go into war crime mode when she doesn't get her cake? Or can the Princesses choose their forms arbitrarily (as Luna seems to be able to), and Tia simply chooses to have an absolute dumptruck when she doesn't have to fight?
she likes to show off
Those are some nice hips
Even when thinner she still have a massive ass... This mare ...
Helios. Helia? Helium?
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I don't think it's a difference that's really intended to exist. It's just a quirk of the animation, like Dash's big belly in this scene.
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They just get upgraded when evil.
Canonically prettier.
caninically hotter
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What episode is top left from
The first 15 seconds of S3E1.
Have a boop, /sun/.
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how often do they wat h things burn
ai still has a long way tongo but this looks cute
needs Rarity tied to a big stick
All her fat is burned off by the heat also no need for a big butt when you just rape anon instead of seducing him by walking in front of him with your fat jiggly ass

There is something weirdly adorable about this.
she secretly enjoyed it?
if she weren't calling for guards and were more surprised than angry it would be better
Its part of the roleplay
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If Celestia were a yandere she'd make sure you remained completely oblivious.
would she try to put things in your food? like her magic?
I think it's overrated.
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where is she headed on her new bike anons?
Iowa for RAGBRAI
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god damn she looks good in this outfit
So that's where all the witch celelstia's i've been seeing came from
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For some reason this made me think of that post about how witches and cowboys are like two sides of the same coin.
What do her evil dances look like?
>Celestia adopts an albino human child.
>Thinks it's a normal coloration for his race.
>Is somewhat devastated when she finds out how bad sunlight is for them.
love me some alternate hair styles
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Like this?
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luna pulls off that hairstyle quite well, but doesn't quite fit celestia as much
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>luna pulls off that hairstyle quite well, but doesn't quite fit celestia as much
What about the total opposite of that?
>Philomena on her choker
A phoenix doesn't seem like a very witchy familiar to me.
both look cute, maybe celestia's hair should be a bit longer and its perfect
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holy moly
my wife is always so beautiful
would she support you during NNN? think its dumb? tease you to lose?
Celestia would be wholeheartedly supportive of you, and then proceed to """accidentally""" rub up against you constantly throughout the entire month while feigning innocence.
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>No Nut November starts
>Every day Celestia goes out of her way to tell you, "There's no wrong way to fantasize."
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Celestia would wait until the final day of November to tell you that NNN was only about not fapping and that regular sex was completely allowed.
damn.... i know what i would do after november then
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Nice tits
I really want to kiss that neck
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What do you think it would be like to have a bunch of different competing Celestias inside your mind? How would you even handle them all?
i just want to hold her in my arms
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wht are they competing for?
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My sanity.
>handle them all
That's easy, conjure an additional baker tulpa to endlessly supply cake to all the Tia tulpas as to avoid a sugar starved mutiny.
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Get a mare that screams “If you get even whiff of his cock smell I will melt you”.
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the one closest to the show, an idealized version of her and daybreaker would be the ones always fighting
>that huge Celestia
I think that might be a bit too big.
i would lose my mind, and semen, on a single afternoon
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hey sunsnussnsusnusnussnsnsnsunnsnsnsussnsusn
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wht is she planning?
I wish to worship her beautiful white ponut.
>implying its not dark
I hate how good ponuts look.
It would be pink
what if its hair colored?
Which part?
All of it
Do the colors shift around the whole thing like her mane or is each part a certain color of her mane?
I haven’t even thought about mlp in years but Celestia and Luna were always my favorites. Big beautiful goddess horses.
I think she wouldn't like that.
Same. They're some of my favorite characters/concepts to have come from the show.
I've always preferred body colors, even if it isn't strictly realistic. White for Rarity, Fleur, Celestia, ect.
they shift
hypnosis ponut
That must be incredibly distracting.
its how she gets you
same, cadance too because she is cute
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I have a confession to make.
I am an unrepentant hoof holding degenerate. I will not be denied. I will not be reasoned nor bargained with. I'll never surrender.
P.S. The hoof bandit.
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As a deity she relinquished 99% of all mortal functions. She can guzzle cake which can be used for 100% of its energy with no deliberating effects
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>able to harness the art style of dislestia shippers against them and generate our own art
what will we do with our new found powers, sunchads?
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more beautiful sun ponies
or alluring
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Yes police? This man right here arrest him!
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This is disgusting.
i thunk she wants me to vote for her
how tall is she on 4 hooves not including her horn?
not including her horn 2 feet
including her horn 20 feet
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2 meters to the top of her head.
>"This is what I have to work with? You're lucky you're cute and that I know growth magic."
>Celestia makes you 10 feet tall and demands to be treated like the little pony
1.5 meters, not includint the horn
So, what- carry her around, brush her mane, let her sit in your lap?
I just want to hold Celestia in my arms and nuzzle her sweetly. that's all I ever wanted.

>captcha: W0RD8
i can do that without being a giant
so cute
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>the little ear twitch
what would you do to make her your special somepony?
ok dial down the weird AI fleshiness by oh, 10%. increase 'cute cartoon horsiness' by 10% as a substitute
offer her flowers and massages
Okay, what kinds of flowers? In what sort of arrangement? How would you present them to her?
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My body, Celestia's choice.
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flank so big
big big flank
flank so big
need a wank
gardenias or maybe camellias if she wants to eat them
and pressent them up front
Any bigger and the blackhole that will form from that ass will consume the universe!
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Based and same. I wonder how much of a following Celestia would manage to get if she came to Earth and started trying to influence humanity.
I should've written in Princess Celestia just for a picture but I didn't think to do that until afterwards.
i want to rest my head on her flank
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You wouldn't let her down, would you Anon?
she will alway have my vote
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How many statues dow she have?
plap the big sun
I really REALLY want to slap it
That will trigger supernova.
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>That will trigger supernova.
Celestia eats so much cake because she actually gets bigger as she loses weight.
She needs the density to strengthen her gravitational pull. The more dense she is, the more her body compresses, the thinner she appears.
but I want her to be bigger
Well you're gonna need to convince her to eat less.
It took me a while to see the little pony.
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she eats over 40 kilograms of cake a day at the minimum. Her Alicorn biology allows her to be a massive Amerimutt tier glutton without any physical repercussions.
>cant cook the food i want for her if i want her to be bigger
what a terrible curse
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good to know that even in a dystopian cyberpunk future there are still celestia appreciators
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Your body, Celestia's choice.
as it should be
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>"...Oh.. Ugh..."
>*Flings off tiara and jewelry with her magic in a panicked frenzy, starts slamming her head against the wall*
>"Quinctilius Anonymous, GIVE ME BACK MY LEGIONS!"
I don't get this meme.
yes, Celestia's braps are lethal
what if i dont
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ask her to be my special somepony of course
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I made a JJ model for ponyxl, any sunbro requests on what you want to see in his style?
Good ol' Jack-o pose, from behind, looking back at you. Featureless and/or explicit versions welcomed.
obviously spread crempie
difficult pose to do without going to anthro
Ponut action.
If possible facial or maybe some missionary or a hug.
>No teats
Slamming her head against the wall after losing three legions at the Battle of Everfree Forest
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spank marks
This image made me realize I care a lot more about the chase and game for dominance than actually being dominant.
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Much better. Cheers, anon.
SEX WITH THAT THING and maybe the white horse i dunno
I like the russian-ish style crown she has in this picture. Question, does she have different style crowns for different occasions?
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The face of post nut clarity
there must be no greater feeling like cheering her up
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what got her like this?
She ran out of villains to throw at Twilight.
>Look, Celestia, I didn't MEAN to burn down the west wing while Twilight chased me with her weird magic science equipment.
>Who even puts forbidden tomes in a sealed off hallway?
Great work, can you publish it?
>Celestia engineers the return of those witches from the G1 MLP movie
>Twilight & co. take too long to get their shit together
>Equestria gets Smooze'd
time to make a new one
lack of?
all pretty good, between this and the clopician one AI is evolving fast
>the clopician one
its in the AI thread i think
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big hug
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The warmest
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I'll send it either to the ai thread or civitai after I've retrained with a higher step count and more training images.
Pretty and Smug
I want to shove my face between Celestia's asscheeks and slurp away all the sweat.
Been getting cold, could definitely use this.
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how about this?
i wouldnt mind that even during summer
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is that time of the year for her?
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I still want a story about Celestia shortly after Luna's banishment.
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Eh, it'll grow back.
This actually manages to make holding her hoof feel like a really intimate thing. I think part of it is because she has a bare hoof right next to her hoof with regalia on, putting focus on the difference.
thats awful
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Have some eye bleach
I really want to
are hers softer or more delicate since she wears slippers?
I want her to brap on me
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Not any harder but certainly more sensitive to the touch. I imagine holding an alicorn’s hoof to be an incredibly tender moment due to their senses being more “dialed in”. Combined with general loneliness that comes from rule alone for a thousand years, a simple gesture such as holding Celestia’s hoof would be very intimate.
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>Anon after saying this
>Celestia suggests Anon give the recently-reformed Luna one of those wonderful hoof rubs of his
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no one could be affraid of her, she is so cute
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whats so scary about twilight
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I have several other models in the works. Will soon publish the styles of Evomanaphy, T72B, Aquaticvibes, Quotepony, Imadeoos, and Cocaine.
She's a biter
That's not a twilight, that's a twiggie. It's a common lookalike so misidentification is normal, but it's wise not to approach lest one gets discombobulated by the laws of shenanigans.
thats adorable
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Have some ai sunbooty
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i want to rub celestia's swollen moist hooves
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love me some bunnylestia
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bros how to cope with this
says who
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