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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are welcome here.

Previous thread: >>41419762
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Don't forget, she loves you at your lowest because she believes in your best.
Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are NOT welcome here.
Oh motherfucker the previous OP changed it and I didn't catch it.
At least it's still Sunday
Don't thread split over it. We'll just change it back to "unwelcome" after this thread.
Thread's already made. No reason to use this one.
That's what we said last thread :/
No one noticed it last thread.
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If you got to Equestria around or slightly before the time of the sonic rainboom, do you think Celestia would involve you in her tutorship of Twilight? Would you want to be involved?
Looks like jannies are being extra gay today. See you all next real thread I guess.
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Stop having such an overreaction.
>would you want to be involved
yes but only vecuse i need to learn about the place
How do I stop lusting for this big white sun horse? I don't want to be that type of person anymore. I want to feel only pure love for her.
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I wish I knew, anon.
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You have to love her for who she is. It's something so much deeper than lust. A feeling that you know is true in your heart.
>You have to love her for who she is
I do. That is why I want to get away from lust. But this is hard. After all, just look at her! She is immensely beautiful and desirable. No human woman or mare can ever compete, not even her sister.
you can stop looking at that type of images or ideas, focus more on her qualities, personality and mannerisms, what makes her her, understand her flaws, appreciate her good looks without falling into lust.
but also keep in mind that that is also normal and innevitable really, i guess as long as the lust doesnt overshdow the love you feel for her it will be fine
>you can stop looking at that type of images or ideas
As distasteful as it is to dwell on such matters, the truth must be said. Shameful or not, it's really hard to close some doors when they are opened. I'm barely even attracted to human female form after surrendering to the urges that Celestia's splendor brought into my mind. And something tells me it's a common problem around here.
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Because Sunfags are dumb autists stuck in repeated patterns of conformity, repetitive patterns and sterility.
Who the fuck started the threads off by making humanization allowed
It's incomprehensible how inferior human Celestia truly is to her actual pony self. No amount of tits and ass can compare to that immense white flank.
That's not Celestia and never will be.
I like humanized art of her but EQG is just very ugly. Your right though, most of these threads are just boring art dumps and the same posts by 5 people asking things like:
>Why is Celestias glorious radiance so kino bros
>What would Celestia say if we drank tea together and I bored her to death!
Another garbage post by the subhuman cult.
it is hard but its probably worth the effort
Thankfully I am not this wanker.
>muh PURE love
Stop being anxious about your own natural attraction to her and instead explore her personality and how normal interactions would play out. Imagine how your conversations with her. Hallucinate sensations and smells. Imagine her soothing voice and bright laughing. Imagine looking into her lovely eyes - those soft purple irises framed by elegant lines - as you connect with her over an intimate moment. Imagine her smile. Stop being a faggot and embrace the sexual attraction as a facet of your love for the best pony!
To each his own. Some people can remain focused and separate their corporal cravings from spiritual attraction. Some cannot. And, by the way, there is something poetic about striving for ever-greater levels of purity when you are enamored with Princess Celestia. She is as pure as it gets, after all.
kinda gay ngl
True love is loving someone for who they are, shortcomings and all. If Anon wants to strive for an unreasonable goal to feel worthy of Celestia's love, then that should be something to reflect on. Does Anon want Celestia to love him as a unique individual, flaws and all, or the idealized version of himself? Self-improvement is good, but having the wrong motivations or goals can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Besides, as far as sexual attraction goes, it is a basic human drive. Striving for the asceticism of "pure love" for Celestia is self-denial if Anon values sexual gratification and reproduction.
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Why do you care? Bust a fat nut to her if you feel like it.
>Why do you care?
Well, I do. I simply do. And I feel immense shame and guilt for exploiting the the visage of my beloved princess for basic carnal needs.
I would with a better pic
No teats?
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Got a Mare Fair ja0822ck commission of Princess Celestia (and Pinkie Pie) as cupcake pones. I wanted to share it with you all.
Its beginning to take over everything. I must stop it. I must stop her before I lose myself.
https: //derpibooru.org/images/3462677
nice, anon. Wish I didn't have obligations at home that prevent me to going to stuff like mare fair.
That's the least repulsive EQG Celestia I've seen.
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Meh. I don't know how you can say that. It looks like shit.
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What other common pony problems do Princesses solve in unexpected (for us) ways?
is that one of those chinese figures?
this one makes me so happy
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>REEEE about humanized
>thread dies
GG autists
Pretend she's the one sending you the images.
obviously celestia controls the sun if its too hot or too cold
but that would be innevitable in a relationship
Sorry you’re gay. Get well soon!
why even sperg before anything was posted?
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is this smooch pov?
I want Princess Celestia to pee in my mouth.
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i want to kiss her wings
yes and also moments before she blows air on your face
I want Princess Celestia to give me a wingjob.
same especially seeing how strong those wings can be
I don't want to get her wings dirty.
Why can't you just worship her like normal people, leaving behind the degeneracy of our fallen world? She is a miracle unheard of—a glimpse of True Light in a world conquered by darkness. Bend your knees before her sacred visage and ask for forgiveness. She will grant it, because her wisdom and mercy are endless.
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>her wisdom and mercy are endless.
She had Discord put back in stone for eternity.
What my WIFE and I do in the privacy of the throne room in full view of the royal guard and the rest of the court is none of your business!!
im gonna make a celestia tulpa

i joked about it thirteen years ago but now im all in
Don't give yourself schizophrenia.
You will never consort with my goddess, mortal. You will die as you lived - alone, shunned, unworthy of her light. But it is not too late. Repent, and you will be forgiven. Repent and you will be worthy.
good luck on that
Oh yeah? Then why am I BANGING her right now!?
If I had any empathy left, I would pity you. But without it, I'm consumed only with the purest disgust imaginable. You are a waste of flesh, undeserving to even know her name. Yet the Sun shines equally for all.
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>mfw I realized I've strayed far from the sun's love and can only beg and pray for forgiveness for my pride
Go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.
Kumis is an alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting mare's milk. Because mare's milk has more sugars than cow or goat milk, kumis has a higher alcohol content than kefir.
Are you from Russia or some barbaric steppe country further south?
wluld try it
She is a goddess the worship will be a little weird.
but I dont want to worship her
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Are any OG writefags still around? What's the state of green in /sun/? Is the thread still plagued by that one autist?
dont think there are, sadly
luna is that kind of artist?
which autist?
Man I loved her when she went to Gala without anything to wear. She was a brave princess to... Show her assets... But I do like how they gave her a dress here.
it was a cute dress too
So her mercy very clearly isn't endless.

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