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Verity completed production, invoices are sent out! (Check email, or your PayPal account).
Payment deadline for Verity: 1st November 2024.

>What is this about?
RTFM: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nNuoXy1F5nP7Cy-Y195150R1VDHeH3tgmdaERIYD9fs/edit?usp=sharing
PUBLIC SPREADSHEET & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11bJ6pVMgErMSGmyrtxRg6M3lTXF_2-8kvpqu1IoAI5k/edit?usp=sharing

>What's the current status?
• current payment/shipping: N/A
• current pre-order/production: Verity
• upcoming pre-order/production: N/A
• prototype in progress: Woona
• planned characters: N/A, things are slow in China.

>What can I do?
• bump, shill this project to other Anons, make content and advertisements
• design the next plush, provide feedback / suggestions on the next prototype
• buy the plushies
• expand and supercharge the project's blueprint

>any alternatives besides current manufacturer?
if you have any suggestions, please share with the thread.
>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...
if you have better ways to run things, you can contribute here!
>I have issues with my plush order / sensitive questions regarding this project, how can I contact the organizers?
email info@mppp.horse for plush support.
for general enquires, just ask in the thread.

Previous thread:
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FAQ Regarding Verity orders:

>Is PayPal invoice legit?
If it's requested from <service@frontwinner.com> then it's legit, you pay directly to Olyfactory.

>When is Payment deadline
1st November 2024.
>Why deadline wrong?
skill issue

>me no invoice
Invoices are sent out by the batches (not every anon gets the invoice day 1), due to limits of sending out invoices, Olyfactory sends out few invoices at a day. Please do email back if you still did not get any invoice by next Monday (21 Oct).

>Address wrong? How change now
IF YOU PAY ALREADY, PLEASE EMAIL. (specifically >>41550854 i haven't gotten your email yet)
Anyone that got wrong invoice? (i.e. wrong email address, wrong name, wrong amount?)
Please let us know
FINALLY a thread
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I didn't check the address before putting my plushies, and right now they would be delivered to my workplace
it's not the end of my career, but I would appreciate not having to deal with the bureaucracy of international shipping to my company's offices
just sent ad email
same situation
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>i got order #1 this time
when my verity arrives she's getting a tiny horsey medal
can I still throw money at this or am I too late
Return to the threads after Anons receive their plushies, someone might send one to you.
No worries, I'm not that into this run. I will definitely keep an eye out for the next one tho
>>When is Payment deadline
>1st November 2024.
Uhh, please send an email with the new dates to Anons, they definitely need to know tgat they (nly have two weeks left.
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Can't wait to boop this
i get paid on the 1st of november
Where is Littlepip PLUSH
>prototype in progress: Woona
so what's going on with that?
Anon, I…
>>prototype in progress: Woona
>so what's going on with that?
We changed the design a bit.
>Where is Littlepip PLUSH

Hi, this is Todd Howard.

For starters, all of my employees were incredibly flattered that you even considered to make plush toys of Fallout: Equestria characters. We really liked the designs and even joked that we should give a Littlepip plushie to every employee for our Bethesda's anniversary event.

However, our legal department is not comfortable with your idea of mass producing those plushies. You see, "Fallout" is trademarked and copyrighted by Bethesda, and by extension "Fallout: Equestria" is Bethesda property too. Therefore, toys of the "Fallout: Equestria" characters are Bethesda merchandise and you must obtain the production license from us.

But don't worry! Don't focus on the short term drawbacks, think of the long term benefits. Corporations will still be willing to work with you. Artists will still be willing to associate here. You will not be seen as unreasonable. I feel like there's this big disconnect, where individuals just assume that's how "they" are and that's how "corporations" are, and don't want to nut the fuck up and take responsibility for cause and effect.

Sincerely yours, Todd.
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OK, this is not /pol/, but still.
There is a high chance that North Korea will start their ultimate IRL prank and China will be involved too.
Do we have a backup plan in case Olyfactory will not be available?
Maybe some cheap toy factories in South America or Eastern Europe.
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Check your email whoever is running info@mppp.horse
Flawless plushie when?
Fuck yes
I've talked to them about this.. as much as a Flawless plush would be cool, their schedule for producing plushies is half a year and the hype for the character is going to go down in that span of time and there might not be enough people who'd like purchase a plush of the character. As we've seen with Verity not even hitting the minimum piece order requirement.
now that I think about it, this doesn't make sense at all considering half the characters that are planned on being produced aren't that popular.
This project seems destined to either slowly die off after this, or just turn into the Anonfilly Plush Project.
No, I don't think that's the case. There was a ton of people who just weren't interested in purchasing a Verity plush, they were still interested in other characters.
It is the only way

>As we've seen with Verity not even hitting the minimum piece order requirement.

I wanna say i am surprised, but the amount of people who don't even knew who Verity is when i told them about the current plushie was scary...
Had a paypal email change, so i emailed mpp
>/co/ tourist plushie when?
Rope yourself.
Anyone get their invoices yesterday or today? I haven't gotten anything.
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>inb4 Verity actually had enough interest but half the orders got lost
wouldn't be the case since all the pre-orders got sent to the same place
I remember that the orgs deleted troll preorders.
So bad luck if you actually live in Flyover state, Shittown, Cocks street, 42069.
There is this site about making custom plushies.
But the most interesting part is their choice of partners:
Well, France is obviously too expensive, but Poland and especially Turkey with its sea access look interesting.
So if anything goes wrong with China we might check Turkish and Polish toy factories.
Poland. Pick fucking Poland. Unless they're some kind of prudes or have cultural issues that I'm not aware of, they should have no issues for the foreseeable future. Barring another country trying to invade it again.
>ultimate IRL prank
Hahahaha that's a good one!
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invoice status?
Invoices canceled by the fagtory. They claim they will not create or sell to horsefuckers. Instead they have chosen to keep Verity for themselves so that they can become ultra-horsefuckers. We must stop this. We sail for Okinawa at dawn gather your gear faggots!
Alright. We had a bit of trouble with our invoice creation system, those have been solved. I submitted the new invoice list to Princess, his turn to get it to Olyfactory.
After that the missing invoices should be going out to everyone.
Sorry for the delay
there are other characters that weve been waiting for for longer, i would be disappointed to see a trendhopper meme OC be the next one when there are OCs with a decade of history waiting for their turn.
thanks, faggot. awaiting invoice
>Apologies for the inconvenience, but it seems we’ve encountered a slight “technical glitch” in our spreadsheet. You may remember that we initially tallied up about 340 pieces for production. Well, surprise! After receiving an email from an anonymous customer about not receiving their invoice, we took a closer look at the main order dashboard.

>Guess what? There was no record of that order. After some digging—tracing everything back to the raw data from Google Forms—we discovered that somewhere along the way, a “tiny issue” popped up. It seems when that anonymous customer edited their order number to zero, it somehow broke the logic in the sheet. This little hiccup caused the system to treat a bunch of other orders as zeros too. (This is just a suspect cause, not blaming anyone here, just human oversight).

>So instead of the 562+- pieces we were supposed to produce, we only counted around 340—meaning about 200+ pieces vanished from our records. But don’t worry, we’re already in contact with the manufacturer to make up for the missing units. (pending confirmation)

>We’ll send out a second batch of invoices once production is back on track. And for the anons whose orders were affected, rest assured, the invoice deadline will be extended. We’ll be reaching out to those affected shortly.
-Coped with Chat GPT
Ill try to remind the anons later in about a week if i can remember.

what order number?

sorry i copied the wrong one from reddit

You're actually right, half of the orders somehow becomes '0' because something funny happened. (lets just blame it on computer bug and human oversight)

Yeah thanks for the help wolv. tallied up the number this time should be right. (Dont worry i asked chatGPT to do the math, seems right this time)

>we fucked up (technical difficulties/bug, caused human oversight (all me btw)).
>plushies ordered: 340pcs, actual order amount: 562pcs+-. Thus were lacking at least 225+ pcs (these are the anons that still did not get their invoice)
>now we split to 2 batches, the anons that already got their PayPal invoice are considered batch 1 (Just proceed as usual), the anons that did not got any PayPal invoices (after checking their spam and PayPal request, confirmed that they did not receive any invoices or money request from 'service@frontwinner.com'...) are considered batch 2. We'll send out the invoice for batch 2 verity once the addon plushies are completed, and will announce the payment deadline for batch 2 at a later date.

What now?
>I got my invoice
Good, kindly proceed with the payment if everything is correct (address, amount etc...), please complete payment by 1st Nov. Any issues or extensions, kindly email info@mppp.horse

>I did not got any invoice
Means that your plushies arent completed yet, currently we're asking Oly to produce a 2nd batch for the 'missing orders'. Just ignore the deadline as it's no longer apply to your case. When the plushies are completed, you will then get a PayPal invoice from Olyfactory <service@frontwinner.com> (which maybe weeks from now, N/A on the ETA).
So what you are saying is you and Wolvan are absolutely incompetent fuckups that have no idea how to handle a project? Kindly remove yourselves from life, instantly.
Why did anyone ever trust either of you?
because they have the connections and we dont. and theyve done this before and can be trusted with doxxes (mostly, winkyface).
hiccups happen, who cares. you want plushies or not?
Oof Big King Faggot here has made the decree. Hes right you may now die.
Well that's disappointing. I can't wait to get my horsey
Yeah, I'm your placeholder anon. You outsourced me remember? I'm simply there for my anon filly plushies and doing procurement for shitpost purposes, I've been waiting for a better replacement if there's any. If you like to contribute, kindly inform the team and the thread. If you really wanna handle ordering and sensitive stuff then you might have discuss with the thread, doxx urself (at least tripfag name or declare yourself etc...). If majority of anons are cool with you taking the lead then yeah welcome to the team nonny.
>no idea how to handle a project?
Yes, I just 'wing it'.
>Why did anyone ever trust either of you?
Based on previous shenanigans. Trust me bro /)
>Kindly remove yourselves from life
Not to worry, I'm already on it, I just can't afford the pills ^:)

Well actually not really, back in the previous thread I already basically released everything that I know off, you can attempt contact with oly through emails (that's how some other con organizers get a hold of them), or through WeChat (you can find it on the archives).

She'll be back home by Christmas (not really)
how long do you think it'll take for the 2nd batch to be made and shipped out? I don't want to miss out for too long while anon from batch 1 get to show off their Verity
i got the invoice on paypal, its just that i can only pay for it on the 1st of november
>>>prototype in progress: Woona
>>so what's going on with that?
>sorry i copied the wrong one from reddit

I mean, that's understandable, but what is the next character then?
Do we need a poll?
>haven't gotten an invoice
>this means i'm part of batch 2 (the cuck batch)
>won't get my plushie until more than half of everyone else does
>might not get a plushie at all if oly tells us to fuck off
cut my life into pieces
God, I hope we get our mare.
>It seems when that anonymous customer edited their order number to zero, it somehow broke the logic in the sheet. This little hiccup caused the system to treat a bunch of other orders as zeros too.
Let me guess, this zero was because one guy was sad with the Woona plushie cancellation and he zeroed his order.
So Ego not only cancelled all Woona plushies, but also half of Verity plushies, lmao.
How can one woman be so based?
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post something cute
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this is 4chan my friend
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>this is 4chan my friend
this is /mlp/ my tourist friend
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at least its accurate for once
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I-I'm n-not a tourist *sniff*
I-I-I've been h-here since the start o-o-of the third season! *sniff*
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then open that pony folder and start acting like it
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wow, usually fags die of disease before that much time has passed
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fine, you win
buy only because this Maud >>41560946 is hot
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Maud is always hot
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you can have this cursed maud SD popped out
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>might not get a plushie at all if oly tells us to fuck off
Please stop trying to jinx things even more.
So, how about a move to Symboite?
why? Oly didn't do anything wrong in this case
nah, we wait for normies to move to ReeSee instead
Looks like bootleg days are over, hopes for decent looking official mass produced plushies are coming
Olyfactory will probably just say "gather preorders for 300 plushies and wait for the next production window".
>official mass produced plushies
Hasbro won't get a single cent from me, so the "official" status is a curse in this case.
Also we want /mlp/ characters, anything else can already be bought elsewhere.
cheap* /mlp/ characters
I hear the cost point for a minimum order symbiote run (300) may be on par with Oly.
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Damn, I missed out on Verity. Gonna keep a lookout for any potential adoptions available.
If they have to submit a whole new set of orders to the factory they can probably add more orders.
Fuck you. There's a ton of interest for Floorb

I really hope Oly is cool with producing another 200ish plushies without notice. Since this sounds kind of like a fuck up on our side. we're nearly doubling our order size on them.
>tfw won't get my Verities for additional months cuz Oly only planned to make about 300.
>Production Phase
Once preorder closes, your orders will be submitted to Olyfactory for production. Production takes at least minimum of 2+ weeks up to 3+ months based on Factory's schedule. As currently our orders are small scale, part of the production are depended on bigger factories, which our orders have low priority, hence the wait time may fluctuate. We will update the status periodically on the threads and the public spreadsheet.
Taken right from the order form
>Oly only expected to make just over their minimum order number
>Ordered small batch of materials and embroidery from large factory
>Low priority already
>Now about to go be asked by a low priority customer to make and additional 200 plushies (only 2/3 their minimum order)
>This would require Oly to place a micro batch order from their suppliers
>Who may have minimum order requirements of their own
>And will take months to deliver if they even take the order
>Pushing the batch 2 plebs to (if they get anything) January at best
>All because of a fuck up on our end
I'm genuinely miffed
>>Pushing the batch 2 plebs to (if they get anything) January at best
January is impossible - the New Year holidays, then the Lunar New Year holidays... We can only count on March if this is not finished by EOY.
>>All because of a fuck up on our end
True, I hope we all learned the lesson and no one will ask OC creators for permission in the future.
Let me understand this, if they haven't sent me the invoice yet, even it's almost October 21, I have to waiting a second batch? or even my email request may be lost after the incident? How long is the time to wait and get my Verity? :(
I'd be willing to order one to make it up to 300 on the second batch and it seems like a lot of other anons would too
The orgs definitely need to send emails with instructions (e.g. new preorder page) to Anons whose orders were ignored.
We just need new invoices
Is this our moment we can get another team to handle a Woona run?
>finally get invoice
>bank declines it
>still no invoice
Bros… I’m starting to get nervous…
Don't be nervous anon your in the pleb batch just wait till Jan and youll have your small horse plush
I luckily got it like 9 hours ago.
Pleb batch that might not happen at all until we get a confirmation. This genuinely sucks.
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>cuckbros have to wait until 2025 before they get their soft autism support toy

But I’m retarded NOW
I'm fairly certain that autism and retardation aren't the exact same thing. One's a neurodevelopmental disorder and the other's sub-70 IQ.
Still no invoice, do I end it all? I need her.
Bump of invoiceless anger
You just became inmin (involuntary minimalist).
So wait, do I need to email if I didn't get an invoice still or no? I just want my daughteru
I'm not sure if I want my plushies made by plumbers.
Anon, here is how plushies are stuffed couldn't find the original
I am sure that plumbers are the perfect workers for that.
>/k/'s dream job
uoh stuffed dussy
Email them 130 Canterlot Wedding invitations until they give us our Verity plushies.
>tfw places my order 4 days after orders opened.
>tfw doomed to the uncertainty of pleb batch
So is there any order to who did and didn't get Verity? Is it all those who ordered before or after a certain date?
I ordered on day one I thought and I appear to be cucked.
I'm away from home til the weekend, I'll be sending out confirmation E-Mails at least as soon as I get back
Same, a sad fate
i want to cum on her useless toes
The bug happened at random points (depending on when the bug happens), not by a certain date or order sequence, if my order number is 69 and yours is 70. And i change edit my order to 0 qty in the form and trigger said logic error, maybe the surrounding area of my ordres may get effected with that. Still a theory though.
i guess i am in the unfortunate crowd, i haven't received a invoice... D:
Sir, you need to ask for permission to request the progress of plushies.
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unf Minnie plap plap plap
Should contact symbiote so we can have 2 characters processes going at once
it sounds fine on paper but, and i dont like being a downer...
1. they have an official relationship with hasbro. i dont know if hasbro would like to learn that symbiote studios is working with horsefuckers from 4chan to produce OC plushies
2. they'd end up even more expensive. think about it, the official mlp symbiote plushies are already 30 dollars, and those are produced in much higher numbers than our /mppp/ plushies. even without hasbro's profit, we would be lucky to get to even that price with our numbers.

oly works because they're already a bootlegger and have nothing to lose, and work with much lower prices from the start because it all happens in china
Who do you think made the Mare Fair plushies?
no idea. was it symbiote? i wouldnt have expected them to
It's so over bros...
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It was symbiote. They did a custom tag for the plushies. Their minimum order is 500, or 300 if you're ordering more than one design.
Symbiote made the MF plushies. They were also only $30. I think they are a viable alternative, but there's no reason to go with them at this point because Oly suits our needs and we're running out of OCs. Who do we have left anyway? Littlepip, Floorb, Reckless... Zipper?
47 billion anon and ary reruns
The only thing we need Oly to do is make docks for their plushies
Strange I ordered my plush on August 8th and my invoice was 213. Although I did order 10 verity’s so maybe mine was pushed to the top because I ordered more.
I ordered 3 and didn't get an invoice so I'm in the cuck batch..
do we know if batch 2 is going to happen for sure or not?
Let's find a manu willing to make some Milkys
If someone is willing to organize it we can have Woona, and we don't even need to change the factory for that.
Olyfactory has real benefits that might be hard to find elsewhere:
>work with individuals
>direct sale: Anons don't need to appoint a middleman and handle taxes
>mass shipping straight from factory

The other interesting (but expensive) possibility is Makeship.
This is a crowdfunding platform + toy factory that became popular among indie gamedevs.
If we use it for Woona it will eliminate the need for a doxxer middleman Anon because orders are handled by the platform.
The disadvantage here is the price: a typical plushie is $30 + shipping, but the advantage is that they can make higher quality plushies with accessories (Littlepip with Pipbuck, Woona with hat, etc).
Example: https://www.makeship.com/products/happy-haunting-wally-darling-plushie
I'd buy a few of we did a makeship
The problem with Makeship would be that there's a chance it wouldn't make it past the petition phase, and they usually only make it accessible for people who have social media accounts with a semi-popular following.
maybe we could contact someone in the community with a decent fanbase?
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>they usually only make it accessible for people who have social media accounts with a semi-popular following
A genuine Hasbro moment:
>Oh no, our product is too popular! Shut the fuck down the access for the main audience - small communities of enthusiasts!
They need to fire the guy responsible for this shit immediately unless they hate money.
Makeship makes ugly chibi plushies for $30. Way too overpriced for steaming piles of shit. I'd rather have an accurately proportioned pony than the chibi garbage they pump out.
Floorb is important, and we could try for Terri or Tracy
Some of the tracking numbers have already sent out for batch 1 verity. please check your paypal invoice.
batch 1 people are getting their Verity this early..
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>still no invoice
seems I'm in the cuck batch
>go to check the drawthread this is from
>all the deliveries are 404'd
On the bright side, the Secret Santa event might have some Verity adoptions then.
Also if Olyfactory does not agree to release the second batch early then there might also be some plushie adoptions in /mppp/ threads.
I think the only relevant person for this is Kkat, other OCs are way less popular.
Do they only produce ugly chibis or this is just what the plebs wanted?
>Some of the tracking numbers have already sent out for batch 1 verity
Can confirm, /ourdaughters/ are already on their way from China.
Huh, so they are. Hopefully I'll see them in a few weeks.
Anyone wanna sell me an extra Verity that they bought? I'd really appreciate it. I need this horse ASAP.
Sure, post a throwaway email here, I will contact you.
>inb4 ur not cucked but ur email got sent into >>>/trash/ instead
get double cucked
Punished Anon: a man denied his daughteru plush
>do we know if batch 2 is going to happen for sure or not?
Considering that we already have the preorders for 225 more Verity plushies we can always just gather another 75 and order a regular batch.
Though, then the plushies will probably be received somewhere around Easter.
Pleb batch emails soon?
Never ever
As soon as Olyfactory agrees (or not) to make a sub-300 batch.
Still no invoice. I ordered 5...
Same bro, it hurts.
Cuck batch order confirmation E-Mails have gone out at least, now. So if you received one of those, you should be getting an invoice once Oly is ready to start shipping the second batch
Got the confirmation mail but it's mentioning Frosty Flakes and not Verity for some reason.
They do that. My Fillys said Aryanne, and my NASA said Filly
Recieved, any idea on when they'll be coming or is it a shot in the dark?
I may or may not have rushed it a little and forgot to change the text, whoopsie daisy.
And january was a complete shot in the dark. No idea when oly is ready, that is something only princess shitposter can tell us
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>paypal repeatedly asks me to reconfirm card I had on account for a year now and try again
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You dumbass niggers forgot to update last years delay message.

Or maybe you didn’t, and my Frosty ploosh is getting a new sister.
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Cuck #10 reporting in
>paypal repeatedly asks me to reconfirm card I had on account for a year now and try again
Well, stop paying for your Darknet drugs with the same card you use for mares.
Are we even sure Oly has committed to taking on the pleb batch?
>Are we even sure Oly has committed to taking on the pleb batch?
No, and that's why it would be better if everyone mentally prepared that they need to order 1-2 more plushies.
It’s gonna hurt seeing other anons get their verity while being stuck waiting however long
Hope they end up making it before harmony
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The payment deadline is November 1st when? 0001GMT?
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Right there with ya...
I'll wait however long until I finally get her.

(Had to wait 812 seconds to post this, WTF?)
Now that the verity's are on their way do we know what plush will be next or will their be a vote?
How about ya bum don't push everything on the last moment... just pay like a good nuggit boi
>Now that the verity's are on their way do we know what plush will be next or will their be a vote?
It's really simple - it will be no other than Nurse Redheart (Miss /mlp/ 2024).
>Now that the verity's are on their way do we know what plush will be next or will their be a vote?
Let's just say next year there will be a sequel to the Sergeant Reckless IRL adventures, so it makes sense if she is the next /mppp/ plushie.
Life has bitch slapped my ass and I'm trying to figure out if I can wait until I get paid or if I have to liquidate some assets to pay for my next dose of horse.
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>doing drugs when you can hug plush mares instead
lol, lmao even
But thanks for the idea anon - I even removed and re-added the virtual card from my bank and it wouldn't pass (CC_AUTHORIZATION_DECLINED on API, no notification from my bank), however the payment went through using a physical card from the same bank. Had a worse exchange rate on it though.
Anti-fraud? More like anti-mares. They could just ask for 3D Secure confirmation in-app if paying a Chinese vendor seems sus, but nooo, pretend that the card mysteriously failed and don't tell the user a thing in web UI. It didn't even want a confirmation for the physical card once added to PP. It's just weird.
So, for the 2nd batch, do we need to order more so that the batch is confirmed to be made?
Yes it's confirm its in production
no need to get more orders, they already got all the cut-outs and stuff so it's easy now.
How long is the period for it to email arrive? What would happen if I don't received any one?
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Can I interest anyone in a cope Verity?
They look like they want to kill me in my sleep.
>package has arrived at the airport, difficulties finding her a comfortable seat
Should have arrived already. Did you check your spam folder?

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