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/mlp/ - Pony

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Previous thread: >>41548967

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map and leaderboard - WIP

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
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bopens uwu
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Thanks, doc.
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why does nobody bother to post the full image
Get mareied already
love this zigga
said nopony ever
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Reposting from >>41517714 and >>41524175

Here's an organized schedule of the upcoming events for the month of October that you'd want to look forward to and prepare for! Trying out something new before a more official form of event announcements is implemented.
>Oct 4th - Anon pony Friday Party - DJ Green (Red)
Already happened!
>Oct 11th - Friday Party with DJ Kozzle
Already happened! 90s/00s trance/dance/house "same shit as usual kek" - Kez
>Oct 12th - 13th - Canon Pony Photoshoot - Ruby as the host
Already happened! Gathering begins at 6 am SLT, continuing to 10:30 am SLT before taking shots
>Oct 18th - Friday Party with DJ Reburst
That was TODAY! Featuring Drum and Bass, Big room Techno/House/Trance, Dark Synthwave, Hardstyle, Dubstep themed music
>Oct 21st & 22nd - Medieval Photoshoot days - Marble host
Pic related- The Medieval Photoshoot taking place in the Castle build Neri made. Specific start times yet to be decided, but a good estimate is that it will start around 2-3 pm SLT and end until I pass out the following night on both days. More details will be posted soon
>Oct 25th - Nightmare Night themed Friday Party with DJ Marble
Spooky rock, metal, and Surf music
>Oct 31st - Baltimare Costume Contest
It will also take place in the Medieval Castle build. Some posts have already been made here in this thread- last year ponies made little skits or performances apart of their costume, and these are highly encouraged. More details regarding how voting works, and rewards for winners/participants will be unveiled later in the month! But for now, get to work on your costumes powies- time is ticking!
>November 1st - 'After Halloween' Friday Party

If any of you have questions regarding the Medieval photoshoot, simply contact Marble!
thank u nameless green pony we love you
the "after halloween" party should be dia de muertos themed
Now I have to think of an actual brain breaking Halloween costume+ act. Curse you.
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comfy popen sleepover
i will be avoiding all of these
I don’t care for most of the ponies in this picture
who pissed in your cereals
lurk more
That perfect sound overlap
my autism DEMANDS to know how many ponies choose to take the door instead of simply crashing through windows but I guess we'll never know
NTA but they're just very fake ponies all in all.
2 assumptions: door isn't fit for fat popens or they want to break the door (but it's invisible)
How so?
>It will also take place in the Medieval Castle build
can I ask details about specifically where?
Sometimes I just want to be quiet and not draw too much attention when walking around
sneaky popen
>door isn't fit for fat popens
They'd fit easily if they just put some more effort in but coincidentally fat popens are also LAZY
no just shy
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MDE reminder for drawpopens, theme is horror
forgor link https://magma.com/d/Gl6ZtytpG8
Calling Marj fake

Extremely cringe
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Be there and be spooky!
Love seeing these cuties together
I want to be cuddled by force
Does anyone wanna come live with me and be my personal slave
no desu
smoke signal
desu being thread boogeyman isn't even funny anymore
sad thing is i can't even filter the word like my other key dramabait words because of all the innocent posts that would be filtered
Are you a good slaveowner
Are you a good slave?
It's not a joke that he still threadshits here unfortunately
most of the time he's getting blamed it's me, actually
ok desu
ok tb-h
TPP > Mouselook
And yes, I do mean TPP, not rear view
True. The Phantom Pain is a breddy good mgs title
>it's not a joke
True, its newfag retardation. He was gone for over a year at one point and the thread was arguably worse
Keep moaning about whoever some bored autist is using as a shield though, I'm sure that'll help /opg/ a lot
ok searing
mouselook in sl is making me dizzy
ok durpy
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What should get improved on the Open Pony model?
out of the box longpone support (no need for hacky skeleton breaking deformers)
Height/different models for different sized or at least an official alicorn body, also the normal stallion head needs a rework or an easy way to change for others
an actual tall pony would be incompatible with all made clothes, doesn't sound so good to me
But it is incompatible because an official one doesn't exist, creators would make clothes for it if it did
Idle animations
Get rid of the default POVID22 sneezing
No, it's my fetish.
Wearing a mask really help in those situations, anon
new animations just dropped, better pay now
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A dev kit that works with the current version of Blender
w-why is she looking at me, I didn't do anything
make it so turning on bom doenst turn your teeth and mouth grey
limeade on the front page
That's something someone who did something would say!
A dev kit that doesn't crash with every action that I do
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An optional walk cycle with ridiculous hip sway for the mare.
boggy made it
Better expression control and wing animations.
Much better bat wing animations. I hate the bat wing hud so much
Pay up for the bat animations
Woh, where
If you mean the batty AO btw it's got absolutely nothing to do with the wing hud
what's wrong with the batting? what would you improve exactly?
Oh you mean the animation on the wing huds then yeah my bad, there isn't any for those
Basically, wing hugs are extremely awkward. That's my main complaint.
On the normal wing hud they're very limited, but at least in the most basic scenario of cuddling somepony face to face, it works. More options would still be good. But on the bat wings, even this most basic wing hugging looks wrong - the wings stick out so it looks like some kinda wing-claw grabbing motion rather than a hug.
Yeah that's the one
Is there even a place we could check on upcoming/planned features for OpenPony?
why doesn't lindenlab just do an attachment refresh server side automatically whenever an avatar is showing up somewhere?
at least as intermittent solution until they found a real fix
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This might be controversial, but I wish the Open Pony model came with a less fat-assed default shape. While I do enjoy thick plootas, having those be the default makes the model look more like a coomer sex doll than it needs to look like.
I think the exaggerated ass helped greatly with the success though. They could turn it down a notch with an update of course but I think the fat ass should at least stay an option.
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Stiffie is never beating the bottom bitch allegations.
She needs to go beep beep in time with this
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Zee you logged off right as i was about to give you a placeholder model for builders im sorry
Of course, I still want popens built like Dyne to be able to exist. And even popens built like Mochi or Page Turner, iykyk. My only problem is with that being the default shape.
The default popen shape is perfection and I will never change from it
I have to agree there for sure. It's also really hard to have a "stronger" pony without just looking like you have a fat coombait ass.
the thing that always irritated me the most that even stallions have that "please fuck my ass" -ass and poses
The stallion that doesn't give me such vibes is acura so I think it is deserved
I never understood the complaints about popen butts being too big and always thought they were at a normal and healthy size, even if a bit big. I just figured if you are a pony you would have a butt that big by default and that the butt size was intrinsic, and that it was the same with most G4 ponies in FiM.
I'm gonna make an ultrakill popen
I'm saying this so I don't chimp out on it
make maurice
make swordsmachine
I love the ponisu!
>Hoverheight is fine when standing
>Try to sit on the ground
>Hover several feet above it
I have no idea what's causing this nor how to fix it. Both appearance and shape hover heights are at their defaults (0 and 50).
Me too and experts agree
I think that is caused by using non-standard heights since your center point changes with that
Yeah, and he's using custom mesh and going way out of the ordinary with his pony.
Takes a lot to break free of the gay stallion stereotype
he's not gay? but he's a foxy grampa like solid snake, that's very gay
Today I've learned one important lesson about women. When you thought all your hope is lost, a woman will take away the remaining piece of hope you thought you never had.
wtf did i do to you anon if you feel that strongly just suck cock instead or worship mare ploota
That's true anon, now cum, lets be gay
What happened, bro?
She doesn't use 4chan...
We broke up last year, couple months back, she wanted to try it again but, but to take things slow this time. Just to tell me today that she doesn't seek relationships anymore.
ok then date me instead i can be your mare just have to ignore the lack of fur
Damn that's rough. It's ok though, bro, her loss. You have popens to cheer you up and cute mares to snuggle.
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I would, but I'd rather be all by myself right now.

I appreciate your inquiry, but I'd rather wish not to be gaining any hope at the moment.
Have a picture of a cute popen pile.
Image is linked because gay file size limit https://files.ponut.space/ALToBSBr.png
I wish it would automatically undo shape edits whenever fatfags commit their heresy.
Can we date instead?
>I'd rather be all by myself right now.
Then why are you publicly posting about it you double fucking ziggeroid
I meant as in away from other popens on sim, cause I'd be killing the mood
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just so you guys know there is a vendor who banned the ENTIRE /mlp/ group from buying any of their pony products. I didn't even know that was possible, but I tested it on multiple accounts and surely enough the account without that group was able to purchase. it's really fucking gay, like they don't want our jew money
what vendor? why be a pussy and not tell us who it is?
i don't wanna dogpile them, it's not like they'll unban us
Well then there's no reason to not tell us is there
What Pony do you want to fuck?
I would plap all three of these mares, especially Lavender hhhh
Like, most of the mares and a couple of stallions.
The Green mare in the black onesei
so who the fuck is it
Legitimately most of the popen I see
But only if I get to know them a bit first. I don't find it fun to pump & dump
Whoever made that photo I want to inform you that this particular photo makes me laugh every time I look at it and I saved it too. Even if I try to do a serious face and then look at it I can't last more than 4 seconds. Thanks
inb4 it's a seller who lists L$400 BOMs, some pokemon pony mod pack seller or just threadshtting
I Got them blocked
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Oh yeah?
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>get back from break a while ago
>already feeling like taking another
how do you find the motivation to keep popening
Little projects.
For me the social part is not in focus. I just live in that little world and have my hobbies that I enjoy.
Yes. Lavender is a very plappable mare. Would
Seth's brown kirin that runs around in a thong.
Smoke signals.
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The only thing I can suggest is to try the thicker hooves mod and fuck around with the shape sliders, would a thinner ass mod like this interest you?
I think they meant that in the way which I do not look like the stereotypical femcolt looking gay.
tall radiation mare....
Actually yeah, something like that might make the pony ass look less feminine.
It's subtle, but I like it
Come listen to music in Ponyville in 30min
I’m too much of a sperg to outright say which popen I am.
filly shape
non uggo default stallion
Game name?
We love Cheerileader
Counter Strike
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There you are
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Damn it this makes me want to do the Lunas event for that outfit. Probably still wont.
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Wtf, I don't have that animation- how dare you pose me into a pose I want now...
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how am I supposed to get my cock in there now
The eye is still squishy
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Spoilered because this is just too spooky for the average viewer.
Does hover height save between outfits, or do I have dementia?
there's hover height that's saved into your shape, and then there's overall hover height that you edit in it's own menu. i don't know if the second one saves, but the shape hover height does
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What I do personally is change hover height in the shape so the hooves are on the ground and adjust as needed. It's nice to be able to change outfits and not having to really touch hover height
Attachment refreshes can have unwanted side effects, like eating all the changes you've made to an avatar without logging out (similar to crashes). Always relog after an avatar project.
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for the anon who made the haven popen
I miss the haven threads
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i love you anon, great haven
oh shit that's good to know. thank you, anon
Yeah I made an avatar, just to have to redo EVERYTHING after switching sims. Saving outfits also helps btw. Don't be me tho. Don't be stimfie...
This has happened to me as well
Why are the servers only getting worse
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Alternatively, you can also detach all your attachments after finishing and saving your outfit. Detaching saves all the changes made to an object to the server.

At least it seems they're aware of the issue.
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Oh no, everyone can see my snaggletooth!
Woh, thamku <3
It's fine. I'm too occupied staring at your ploota. :)
Ok desu

But I might let you plap me, especially if you're a cute mare.
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Mares don't have the parts for that, I'm sorry.
Ploota Poster made his mark
Stealing nudes in the dark
Baltimare's secrets exposed
Anon silent
Who'd have supposed
Plapping doesn't necessarily have to involve a penis if you're just using it as a term for sexo.
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Today on grid drive: drink cars. Cars which are drinks.
Ploota Poster’s stealing nudes, Baltimare’s in a spin,
But Anon’s got his eyes locked on Marble's perfect skin.
The thread's in trouble, but his mind’s not there,
Lost in Marble’s ploota, he’s trapped without a prayer.
Mom's spaghetti
Spilling out of his pocket already
lower polygon count. it's the reason we all lag
Shit, it's not just me?
wish I could ploota post but been so unwell lately
i cri
proof desu is here cause used first person >>41556723
stop giving him attention
i use blender 4.0 without addons and i don't have issues. only use a cracked version of bentobuddy for exporting
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Take care Anon.
Here is a song for (You)

loaf marble so much
the crotch of the model is weird and most clothing there gets warped in ugly ways by animations, especially if you're nonstandard size. Also the chest/barrel, when the popen's standing it's like a big triangle the pops out and looks awful
I wonder what would be everypopen theme song
That is obviously someone talking about leaving Baltimare if she's unbanned. Reading comprehension failure.
This song makes me want to get lost in Marble's ploota even more than I already want to
>tfw never bucked the angelpone
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lmao even

desu is all of us, he's in the walls, he's in the room with us right now
entire thread is just desu samefagging
you say this as a haha funny joke but do you have no idea how much that guy actually astroturfs? it's a lot.
so many "desuposts" happen while he's asleep, I prefer to assume these "jokes aside guys" posts are M being butthurt or newfags being clueless
He barely even posts in thread, trust me. If he was, it would be much worse. He does like one or two shitposts a thread, if even that.
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you didnt post popens, you get sprimke
I miss lewding marble
i wish i could lewd marble
What is the name of the animation that makes you look like you are crouching and covering your eyes with your hooves in fear, and where can I find it?
in (you)r personal opinion should i, someone who never touched secondlife before, get into this?
If you want to make friends, yes
If you are looking for a creative outlet and the opportunity to experience being a Pony in a unique manner that you have a considerable amount of creative freedom over, then yes.
cover_face but i might have renamed it. IM tidal drift, its transferable. it might be from freebies, idr
Coverface is correct, thank you.
Dope, np
it's fun, at worst its gonna be a couple hours of messing with something a bit janky to make something interesting until the novelty wears off, at best its like the other anons said
the guides should be sufficient for the first steps, we can help you for everything that comes after
Most people that joined have never touched it before and were wary of it at first because it was Second Life.
no every person on here is fake and will shit talk you behind your back ESPECIALLY the really "nice" ones
I do this but to your face instead
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>no point wasting power by leaving it run all day just so I can AFK on a cushion somewhere.
I think you're cute, I love seeing you even if you're always asleep
Whenever someone tries to reason with one of these shitters, it always turns out they are one of the most braindead low IQ psychos on the planet
I hope you guys learned from this and never try to reason with them again
Scroll past them and talk about cute ponies, as Celestia intended
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t-thank you, anon
i wanted the one without the text but sure i guess
Nohooves run when I come undone
CanĘĽt kill me IĘĽm zeroes and ones
Add justice to the mares wrath
Blaze way down the popen path

Hear my memes - IĘĽm chippin' in
Creature screams - IĘĽm chippin' in
Casings fall - IĘĽm chippin' in
Kill them all!
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you say, as you reply to me :)
I can't begin to imagine how cringe you have to be to type this and hit Post
op avatars are constantly way lower complexity than the average nohooves I see round
Agreed, the base OP is really low complexity. Some outfits for it have crazy high complexity though but, overall, OP is well optimized. The reason we all lag in Balti is our number, the outfits, and how dense/packed ground level is.

Time to go fully naked to save frames
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>Time to go fully naked to save frames
>Time to go fully naked
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pov you got too close to lumi's oat bag
I'm scared
>are u a oatbagg
Allegations? He IS a bottom bitch trying so hard to be a top lololo
We need a top and bottom chart
No you don't. Two years here and I never met a single person who was bold enough to talk shit face to face.
Ruby Ruby Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
Strawberry Fields - The Beatles
Deer In The Headlights - Owl City

And for rara...
Diaper Song - Eli Kids Songs
I love them...
I don't subscribe to the notion of a "bottom" or a "top". I've ascended from the need of such labels.
Top donator on the patreon gets a signed diaper from rarapony everyone
Blackjack - Death Grips
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Cease your faggotry and post ponies
who the fuck is yoinking popens
I do but you dont listen :(
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Tonight we'll watch Cabin in the woods, and finish Arcane season 1 in the preshow! 11AM SLT in the hangout.
(Arcane season 2 starts in 2 weeks, we'll have to decide if we wanna keep watching weekly or binge through them)

dl: we . tl/t-hACQ2wgaRx
Hate both of them
Love both of them
>been here since the start
yeah, afk clearly
Give your name is you're so confident a out talking shit to peoples faces. You won't, because you don't.
lurk more
is that Burning Man
ok desu
ok [bogeyman]
Tops: Everypony I spin.
Bottoms: Every flank I smack.
ok <someone who is incredibly obsessed with desu>

yknow if you want him in your mouth so bad all the time, you can probably ask
script for alpha should be opened, it has export option that saves state of selected body parts, which can be put into relevant type of clothes, but it makes that part of clothes no mod as well, which is silly and inconvenient
yeah almost nobody here played SL beforehand, or would use it if it didn't have ponies
it's just really fun to hang out with ponies and make stuff for them
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just gonna dump some popen doodles in here.
Arrow is pointing at the wrong dumb fucking retard
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Might be actually. Lemme fix that.
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Thank you content deliverer
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A hearty kek was had.
I never touched second life before I got into opg so, as long as you have the patience to deal with 21 year old software you'll be fine.
these animations make popens look so much more alive now
Two most annoying faggots imaginable
damn I need to up my game in that case
>as long as you have the patience to deal with 21 year old software
and faggots
I really want ponies to point to all the posts in the past few threads they think are Desu so I can confirm if they actually are or not
It's hard to play any social interaction game and not encounter tons of faggots it just comes with the territory, even for for more 4chan type communities
You have to train your whiney bitch skills
Yeah it's one of the best fucking HUDs this year, maybe even the best
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To the guy asking if I'm into sounding: NO.
It's been two years. It's time to stop.
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thats it im sounding the alarm
yes, it's called Burn2 in SL and it's mostly prim art sculptures. it's pretty cool
are you into sounding?
can we chill with rods in our rods while playing elden ring?
10/10 post
Everytime someone posts drawings in the thread I always hope I'm in one of them, but I never am.
Everytime someone posts drawings in the thread there's this particular post
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Some would say you can measure the popularity of a cartoon by the amount of show related avatars around.
...And I rarely saw any G5 ponies around anywhere
What do you mean? He's all ears.
I'm the main character in this anime (baltimare).
Whenever someone posts an image with me it's never about me but about side or background characters.
I don't care much about what anyone says about me, yet I'm not popular nor lonely.
I'm happy with how things are going.
I wish I could see more background ponies get the spotlight.
There are a few. They're usually made by the players that make a lot of official ponies, like Lalana and Tetsu, but Lumi (the green one) made the OC that she gave to Hasbro on that G5 design contest too.
what HUD?
Horse Seeking HUD, L$300
I love it and the shifty eyes
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I am sorry thread
that's actually kinda neat
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i love watching popens play games. especially n*tsy
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>Literally hundreds of individual micro-adjusted animations, essentially a frame-by-frame catalog of every feasible angle a popen could realistically adjust their head/neck/eyes, all to do something as laughably remedial as getting a model to look at an object
Normalfags have zero fucking clue what absolutely ludicrous hoops we have to jump through to get basic-ass functionality like this. Native IK for quadrupeds WHEN. I know it'll never happen, but goddamn.
ok seth
procedural animations never
This. Idc about the other stuff but the script making clothing no mod is seriously annoying. I want to be able to rename things without rezzing them.

Side note: if anyone knows the channels that the clothing alpha script uses to communicate, I'll remake it myself. I gave up last time after spending ages scanning different options
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what about watching a popen hopelessly losing
That's how the hud works?? It's not just as simple as making the pony's head look towards something?? wtf that sounds so unnecessarily clunky
>wtf that sounds so unnecessarily clunky
It's not clunky. It's business. How else would Linden Labs make a tonne of money from animation uploads. Oy vey.
They make nothing from animation (and sound/texture) uploads now, since it only takes one account with Premium Plus to handle every single upload for free.
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Open the popen, that’s the goal in sight,
But the autism's too powerful, it’s a never-ending fight.
They try and they try, but they just can’t cope,
The ponies of Baltimare, they're running on hope.
actual grinch wtf
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So Im pretty new to Popens, what do I need to do to fix this error? From the quick googlefu I am lead to a adobe flash website link that just states "Support for Flash ended on December 31, 2020". Its showing both on Black Dragon and Firestorm.
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havok on the most boring havok arena ever except 4 of 8 players will be glowered at by applebloom
i love you
Anon. don't use Dragon for casual play.
Interface designed by professional autist and furry. Use FS or Alchemy.
Steps to Fix:

Reinstall the Plugin:
If the application you're using allows you to reinstall plugins manually, go to the settings or plugin management section and reinstall the media_plugin_cef.
Alternatively, you may need to download the plugin from the official website of the software you're using or from the vendor.

Update the Application:
Make sure that you are using the latest version of the application that requires this plugin. Sometimes, updating the application can resolve compatibility issues with plugins.

Check for Plugin Updates:
Ensure that you have the latest version of CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) or any specific media plugins your application requires. The vendor's website or forums should have any necessary updates or patches.

Reinstall the Entire Application:
If the plugin reinstall doesn't work, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the entire application to ensure all necessary components, including plugins, are installed correctly.

Check for Dependencies:
Some applications may have dependencies such as certain libraries (e.g., Visual C++ Redistributables) or additional media support packages. Make sure those are installed correctly.

Disable Hardware Acceleration:
Some users have reported that disabling hardware acceleration in the application’s settings helps to avoid crashes or plugin errors related to CEF.

Clear Cache or Temporary Files:
Sometimes clearing the application cache or temporary files can solve media-related issues. This option is typically available in the application's settings or preferences menu.
loaf lumi
I do not know how to reinstall the module on its own since it comes with the viewers, and reinstalling them do not fix it. I am able to open the game just fine, and it sound to me the environment sim sounds work fine (Im guessing this particular module has something to do with media sharing?)
try to reinstall chrome
try to install Firefox
Useless AI post
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This week in Havok:
Lightning Fast Edition.
I unironically want to buck rose that ploota calls to me
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Sorry thread, my autism to great and powerful

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"NO U" as a song...
fucking THIS
Open the popen, they shout in despair,
But their autism’s a fortress that’s too hard to tear.
They gather their strength, they give it a try,
But the popen stays shut, and they don’t know why.
Why the fuck is there a nigger spamming AI posts now
Someone is actually spamming /opg/ with AI. Report system works sometimes, just saying.

ok desu
Looks like it's an issue with Pulseaudio.
The solution I'm seeing online is to completely uninstall the SL viewer, whitelist the installer in your antivirus, and reinstall.
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my cheeks were not the biggest on the havok field today
How can mares ever hope to compete with his....
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Remember to run your deliveries today, anon.
Mares can give you a blowjob without dissecting you on a molecular level.
I have heard of something like this, real or just pic?
What if I'm into that?
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Fresh mare.
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step 1 : start mewing
Cute! Welcome to SL
leave your cel shading layer at the door though desu you will never need that thing again
I completely missed this lol nice alt
or its an existing SL oldfag who hasn't been doing pony until now which is completely understandable welcome to SL but not shit
What if this not a desu but RV
What is ancient evil has awoken?
what if it's oliver?
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Damn, caught in the act.
I was just observing the new horse.
hi flowy you're a nice mare
nice alt
>it's a screenshot of some new horse therefore it must be the new one taking the screenshot
why are your screenshots always so dark?
it's like the pony with the sunniest soul is living in eternal darkness.
Then you'll go whoosh within a second.
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This should get introduced AND enforced!
>tfw I saw a popen with a white ribbon yesterday
does this mean I could just buy that popen?
it's more likely than you think
this could be the solution for the problem of taking a mare like bun home and then getting the pickle surprise
he already wears a blue bow, you were warned
>pink ribbon
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>for sale
So hoofbands 2?
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I would so buy a snorm IRL
I'd pet her every day and feed her carrots and scritch her neck after work while she's laying on my lap and telling me about jets
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My eurohours are calling me to sleep. It was a nice nice day in Baltimare.
you're both men
Nanomachines will take care of that
guarantee you're a homosexual too anon
Mares with pink bows are horny.
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Is it rude to tell someone you wish they would talk and play and cuddle with you more because you like them or will it just push them away?
Well, what are they supposed to do about it? Take the initiative and invite them to play or cuddle.
I just don't want to come across like I'm trying to control their time or like some desperate love bomber. It's not like they don't already have friends or things to do.
It's not going to hurt to invite them. Worst they can say is no.
based mare maker
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Yeah? And?
god I wish
Baltimare is flooded... again
I popen on a laptop, so with my graphic settings, the only "good" environments are those that are night time. I think some other laptopfags can take better pictures, but I either feel bad about asking for help or it simply doesn't bother me that much to feel compelled to make a change.
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Very much real, GTFO is a super jank delivery minigame within the SL mainland, but it can be fun.
i wanted to make something like that within baltimare
like deliver "supplies" and stuff to the shops or directly to ponies
if you guys can put together some rails and let me play Derail Popen Valley then I will never leave the cab of my SH282 again
cute soff on derpi
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>What time???
Monday the 21st at 2:30 PM SLT, continuing the ENTIRE DAY until Marble passes out, which is probably 3 AM SLT
Medieval Build on the weapons testing platform duh, if you have trouble finding that Marble will post a notice with a teleport link
Relax, you have plenty of time to make one. Think Armor, or royal regalia. Or maybe Peasant wear- it can be simplistic. If you need help, feel free to ask for it
>Is this the only day?
No, the photoshoot continues at the same time on Tuesday the 22nd
>How does this work?
Show up, find a spot you'd like, then message Marble or any other available photo popen that you're ready to have your picture taken! Pose animations will be provided via sit-cubes

Sorry for not posting this sooner, my minds been all over the place. See you there powy!
marble my beloved can i submit myself to you (i want to be in the photoshoot but i do not have any good ideas)

am dressed in mage apprentice outfit or whatever it was so
show me your powy and I can help!
something something magic princess idk

I really need to fix her damn horn the hat makes it look so tiny
oh minty minty minty, it's still october!
This picture is fucking great
inb4 someone putting on ALL THE RIBBONS
>delivery game inside Baltimare
I want to see ponies run around like mad with mail transport saddlebags that shed mail and cardboard boxes (those need to get picked up again or the mission fails!) and also them using their vehicle to get to places quick to deliver.
The only problem I see is the sim crossing so either make it Baltimare-only or make missions involving sim crossing quick a higher difficulty/torture level.
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dont give me anything hazardous to ship because I will crash all of it and I will have fun doing so
hear me out
popen crazy taxi
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i can be trusted with train driving
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I'm thinking about it and honestly it wouldn't be that hard to implement. And we could have leaderboards and stuff. The hard part would be making/finding a taxi with the right controls and physics for this
Hatty horn~
when the new bungle drops
I want to buck Lalana's pony
retook cause >syncing player positions accurately in the year of our princess
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I haven't been able to clearly imagine how it'd work but the thought of doing some sort of mafia / organized crime simulation in balti could be fun. Turf wars and stuff?
As an event? Maybe. As something permanent or for a while? Others will complain about guns each day
Might sound stupid but I was envisioning less combat and more like, with a hud or a webpage or something. Think fantasy football.
This already exists. There are multiple cliques and some of them hate each other.
I think he means more of an rp/minigame thing.
We don't need to simulate crimes when real ones are occuring
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Yeah for example the lack of horse in your post
Please do. I really love that taxi game idea.
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I miss maremarepony
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where does the taxi come in?
im not >>41562960 but my idea was just boxes you pick up and carry on your back
Popen fake taxi?
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It’s not rude in the slightest. I wish I had friends that would ask me exactly that
That comes later
Ponies should be more assertive. Don't be afraid to ask. Many of us lonely neets need attention
If you wanna be safe, what I'd so is be playfully demanding. Basically if you say something like
Or even more generally, telling them e.g. "we have to cuddle more often, faggot, it's mandatory", then if they don't want to then they can also just be fake-rude and go "nuh-uh!" and run away and it's just banter, and if they do want to then you're all set up for some chill cuddles.

Whereas if you do it in a pleading or just generally spineless way, like "I'd love to cuddle and talk more often with you, please!", it's not rude or anything but it may come off as clingy. And if someone really doesn't have the time or maybe even doesn't like you all that much, it'll make them feel bad or guilty to decline, not to mention that outright saying "sorry, no" probably sound really harsh to most so they might settle for either ignoring you or giving some non-committal assent and never follow through on it. Which is just awkward for everyone, and since nobody likes feeling awkward that might actually slightly push them away, yes.
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>tfw was gonna participate but then had to put your pupper down unexpectedly and just really aren't feeling social interactions rn
I do hope the rest of you have fun with it though.
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yeah, it's a different thing. I was thinking more of a minigame that's like crazy taxi. You get on a taxi and a timer starts, then you have to pick up pony NPCs and take them to their destination. Each pony gives you extra time on the clock when you pick em up, but you inevitably run out sooner or later

stop overthinking social interaction in a furry sex mmo
I say NO!!!!! to really hammer it in
horse seeking hud but only ear animations
Is it strictly in medieval? Could it also lean fantasy? kinda like a ren faire?
great photo
There's nothing stopping you from wearing what you want. Photopopen exist to take quality pictures of you at any time, anywhere.
Its okay Anon. I can take your photos another time when things are better. Im really sorry for your loss.

Fantasy and Ren
aissance Fair themes are welcome, of course
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Don't forget to pet your friends
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What did (You) do to earn these expressions from them?
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We should have sexo (in minecraft (in second life))
>fences not at 90 degree angles
my immersion
He fucked a sheep AGAIN?
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There even happened to be a pony at the destination.

You can find a pretty good one that you can also use for GTFO deliveries on the mainland if you search for "quarry train" on the marketplace. It can not derail though.
>cant crash the train
why even bother :(
>horse seeking hud but only ear animations
You mean only the ears are rotating to where someone is saying something?
HMART needs to come out with it and make it a part of the base kit like the random eye movement toggle. I swear, half of my attachments are HUDs.
Head HUD, Neck HUD, Eye HUD, tail HUD, expressions HUD, AO HUD, wings HUD, flight HUD, seeking HUD
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keep it clean champ
This. compiling the huds might be a good idea
why is your alpha hud on?
That's still 7 attachments, anon...
its useful for hiding parts of the body that clip through clothing. The Alpha hud and the Alphas (remove if using BOM) are not the same thing
I'd say to make your own alpha masks but I don't remember offhand if the openpony is set to 'alpha masking' or just 'none'.
still, there's no reason to wear the hud unless you're constantly changing outfits, is there?
I've never had enough attachments for it to ever be a problem for me, but I figure it's always nice to have on
No, that's a fucking bad idea.
All these movement related huds have literally HUNDREDS of animations in them. It's fucking bloat city.
Some people don't need or want all of these and if you put all that into the pony by default and literally everyone had that amount of shit running all the time I bet the servers would choke even more.
Combining all of them, I'd agree, but there are some optional HUDs that are almost essential like the StarKluster eye movement HUD.

What I want is a script that makes my ears twitch whenever somepony says my name.
Do those animations affect performance at all? I thought they were loaded on demand anyway.
This anon has a choke fetish
that would be painfully easy to do, honestly
bit late to the party, is the medieval photo up still happening?
No, it ended a few hours ago. better luck next year.
yep, Day 1 starts soon!
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>SLPlugin.exe has stopped working
how do i fix this shit before i have an aneurysm and collapse
Medieval Photoshoot Day 1 START

Lets fly to the Castle at the weapons testing platform in your best getup, find your spot and message Marble when youre ready for your photo!
horse seeking hud but only cock animations
>penis always points towards the nearest stallion
impressive, very nice
anybody know why wizardkins is quitting SL? i see them around balti sometimes, anyway everything in their store is 0 or 1 linden
I don't think they're entirely quitting, but between personal drama and the fact their laptop can't run PBR I can see why they're logging on less
eyes always pointing to the nearest ZAF
they posted in the op discord and said they were quitting and put everything on sale for 0-1L
Oh, just looked. It doesn't say they're quitting SL, it says they're not interacting with the SL pony community anymore.
content creator proc: have an especially negative experience with a community they were otherwise passionate about and swear the entire community off and then make a lateral move to another fandom that is more or less the same
What happens and about what pony we are speaking right now?
Hundreds doesn't matter at all.
I wear the beta pose hud at all times and it comes with IIRC about 28,000 animations inside of it. Servers don't choke and nothing lags.
A few hundred animations across a few huds will give literally zero issues.
>cock twitches when my crush says my name
desu I wish more content creators who left the community at least did what they did and just leave the listings instead of just completely deleting it.
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unf afterrain plap plap
More content creators should block everyone in the SL group Nor/mlp/eople.
OP content sales will drop to zero, and I don't feel like I am joking
Forgot the group is full of tourists because there is no bar for entry unless you get banned which requires showing up on sim. Plenty of people join strictly for the group notice freebies.
One of the reasons I try to keep my powerlevel in check in group chat
Miss you guys, when i come back you snooters will be oblitarated by BOOPS of my HOOVES.
YOU WILL BE . Enjoy the photoshoot for me fellas
ow my snoot

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