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"I'm Fly- *drops*" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.
Mainly pony shops, but also rare/little known products, figuremaker contacts, among other things!

=== Main Links ===

+ List of Active Plushmakers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sUvaUhFKC37T7ilpriTX82M1_p4a5XR5DUaWlptCSz0/edit#gid=314530747
+ List of Public Plushie Patterns: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piwF9h_rXBmWkcHXxtr54drnD1eKJfiWh66x8nu_CQw/edit#gid=0
+ OP Plush Pattern (with instructions!): mares.horse/p/plush.html
+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags: neighsayerpatches.com
+ 4cc Jerseys, Pins: etsy.com/shop/zemming
+ Wallets: https://shop.mares.horse/
+ HorsePussy Books: amazon.com/gp/product/1660812933/ & amazon.com/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/

Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!

Previous Thread: >>41461019
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Some links and information from the last thread that can help you.

+ Verity Invoices Sent!

+ Figures, Keychains:
+ Pre-Order Twi Figure (Lewd):

+ 4DE Fluttershy Plushies (80$)

+ MelodyBrony/MLR Physical Music Albums:

+ Beware with Scam Shops!

+ "MLP Secret Rings Blind Bags":

+ Anon Looking for Interest in Custom Pony Tech:
+ Maybe?
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First for zecora plush
I found this store, it has a lot of stuff:
The most characteristic are their sets of Keycaps (pic related)
But also Keychains/Charms (Acrylic and Pillow), Pins, Buttons, Magnets, Facemasks, Prints and Stickers
Oh yeah, they were at Mare Fair
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Symbiote had a Vinyl plush available for some time 3h ago. Thanks, anon's bot!
>Name: My Little Pony: DJ Pon-3
>Price: 29.99
>Quantity: 42
>SKU: MLP126
>Link: https://www.symbiotestudios.com/online-store/My-Little-Pony-DJ-Pon-3-p703979520
>Description: My Little Pony DJ Pon-3 plush is 12 inches tall and made with high quality soft minky fabric. Ages 3 and up. Licensed by Hasbro.
>TEAM: Concept Art: Isabela Seabra Manager: Boba Beige
>DJ Pon-3 is a female unicorn pony disc jockey who makes several appearances in the series. She also is called Vinyl Scratch which is her real name in-universe with "DJ Pon-3" being a stage name.
I missed it? I'm killing myself anon. I'm really doing it. I needed those wubs
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>Keep seeing some anons talk about how much they love the EqG Minis figures, I look at the line in more detail and damn, these really are pretty cute.
>Try looking up ebay listings of a couple I liked
>If they're not missing their skirts, they're being sold by actual price-gougers; wasted days going back and forth with the ones that have Offers on.
>Gave up and put in an order for some Bionicle figures instead
I will never find good MLP merch in plastic.
Bonkle mares when
Really love that they're going hard with the extra accessories now
hey guys just got my first plushie. please say hello to twilight, she is looking at the screen. thank you.
Hi Twi!
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Tempyloaf made a friend!
>tfw I have a bunch of these new in box
>tfw shipping to you anons would be a fortune
Would it be wrong to bring several suitcases of merch to a con and sell merch out of my room?
>several suitcases of merch
that's exactly what the merch swap was at mare fair this year
My flight was delayed and I didn't make the con until Saturday. I saw it went well
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Unironically link please
H-how large is this?
Pretty sure this is abdl thing.
Anonfilly printed diapers when?
Flair on Spec
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When you build one, anon.
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The great and spooky Trixie made it before Halloween
Yeah I'm still coping about not getting the comic con Trix
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im fucking stupid
That was pretty obvious, being a trixiefag
What is a ponut?
This has to be bait.
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Yes. So where can I buy them?
is anyone getting this?
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one of these days i will see my fillies again on one of these mash ups
however im very glad it wasnt today
Maybe if the pussy wasn't absolute shit.
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Does anyone know where the fuck the professional plush photos and plush meetup photos from Mare Fair are? I was told they'd be linked on Google Drive or something, haven't seen any such links on the archive.
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>>41574472 NVM, turns out one seller had the shipping way too high on accident and the nice lady let me send a decent offer for a Sunset, and I found a good deal on a NiB SciTwi.
We are so fucking back
>miss it because im at work
NEETmaxing is the meta. also fuck this new timer. government bots dont care about 800 seconds.
I need these
>No Fear
>[The ABDL'er who would wear the Fluttershy one]
>One Fear
Related /merch/ thread now archived >>41559592
Discussed some of the chinese merch
Whos gonna get this to wear and post a pic?
Plushies are the best
I love them
cool stuff. I like their RD in a jar shaker keychain.
Yeah. Hopefully the larger ones get closer to release.
>what heaven looks like
That's a figure?! Such good painting!
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picrel their RD shaker jar. The dash is floating in liquid. $15 is a really good price.
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That's a lot of ass
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Figure by Sunny Way
That's a lot of fill to fill. Anyway, thanks for finally getting your shit together neighsayer, my computer case and my plate carrier are excited to become more autistic. I always love the extras.
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Got my Shopify back and sent out all outstanding orders last week. Pic related
happy you're enjoying the bedazzled autism. if it helps my street cred, I had to poke and prod Shopify to do anything with my ticket for months (kinda like a Neighsayer Patches order kek but at least im pretty responsive after one email). Learned the hard way that their support system is Youtube-tier if you don't have access to your account. No phone number, no human live chat, just a bot with a directory to troubleshoot your own problems which did nothing for me in my case.
I love autistic computer cases! I once slept at some brony's house while he was away and his computer case had super autistic stickers and it helped me fall asleep.
It's more fun if you only remember you placed an order like once a month and then get a surprise shipping notification. Looks like business is as booming as you'd expect these days! What's a few bucks gonna buy ya in terms of shipping time anyway?
What's a good messenger bag or backpack to have, that you could put pins on?
Sorry, I know stupid question, just I've genuinely never had a bag that I could accessorize before and I'm in need of one anyway, and there are so many really cute pnoy pins...
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A bit late to the party, but I don't think that the specific plushies shown in >>41552096 are meant for mass production. I think it's either just a showcase of fandom creations, or at best a showcase of plush makers that Reesee are collaborating with for prototyping. This is what >>41566571 said as well.
Symbiote also had NK prototype at least the Mane 6 plushies, and the earlier variants were a bit wonky looking until they iterated something nicer looking for the later batches.
Anyways, having both the Symbiote and the Reesee plush, I think they are both ok for their price. The Reesee ones are like $12 in chyna, and it is noticeable that they are less detailed
(and a bit smaller) compared to the Symbiote ones.
Also got to see a large ReeSee Twilight with posable internal skeleton, according to the owner of that one, the wiring for one of the wing broke during shipping, so quality might be a bit hit/miss.
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again
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who made the one on the left?
If Chinese factories can make a pomni plushie with 72 pieces then they can make decent quality ponies.
Great to see you got things cleared up. Now to buy more.
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It's the massproduced larger posable ReeSee plush, they have ponk in that size as well
>Please do not use plush as a substitute for family companionship
What do they mean by this?
>they know feelas...
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>it's real
LMAO how about no.
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Replace your family members with plushies, only about $110 each
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My derpy and pinkie plushies
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my mair fair and 4de fluttershy plush
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Fair Flyer my beloved... I can not wait for matinee plushie
Somebody's doing preorders for a Flawless pin, has anybody bought from this person before? Are they good quality?
Hey Baja, I like your pony stuff. Just downplay the furshit and drama posts during pony conventions, take more frequent breaks from social media, and people will like you more.
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Flawless shirts I had made for Ponycon Holland
Mmm horizontal
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Bruh I genuinely don't know this person I was just looking up Flawless art
I love that you can tell the people who are just hopping on the bandwagon with Flawless and haven't actually watched any of Tamers other videos
>implying there is any value in that slop outside of the trend hop OC
Yeah there isn't much to hop on other than hazbin hotel tier slop.
You sound autistic.
Tamers shirts is what makes them gay.
It looks cute but her horn is off-center lmao
did any of the spirit supporters got their package yet?
How much?
sooo breedable!
filly ass is the best!
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guys, please post more anonfilly plot pics!
Anon, what the FUCK did you post?
I hope that's a plastic shell for shipping and not liquid.
Buy horse?
So much for leaving the fandom, kek.
I do have their Trixie and Starlight rocket pin, and it is good quality, though the person selling it is a real cunt.

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