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Brand new Wild Manes episode!
It's a Bailey one.
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>A Bailey being an extra Bimbo
Baileyfags eating good
>15 minutes
Is it actually longer or did they squeeze two previous episodes in?
>painted hooves
I will now watch your show
>painted hoofs
Acks is mining G% ideas again? sad
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>bet you're wondering how THIS happened
Actually, Cocoa, I'm not, because I just saw what happened: Bailey's big booty bounced banana beverage.
No need to recap.
They are

Why does Bailey sound like she smokes 12 packs a day
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Calm down we get cuter Ponies and cutie Horses. Mares celebrate with great ideas.
Bailey can surf and play volleyball. Wow! She can do it all! I want more Bailey episodes,
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I started watching this a few episodes back and these mares are actually growing on me now. Also I want to cum inside Cocoa.
Top three mares to cum inside:
1º Finley
2º Bailey
3º Cocoa
>Bonus number 4º Candi
captcha: y0ssy
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Cocoa wants you to cum inside her
Yet they have a reason for it to be part of the story, rather than mindless vanity, and the design of gold painted hooves is much more tasteful. Wild Manes outclasses MLP yet again.
Is the hype dead?
>Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net
either every mare in Wild is on either of the two teams, or there has to be up to 11 more horses we haven't seen so far
also Candi says she gets her hooves done before the carnival conference. surely there must be some unseen horses attending it?
also have a GIF
the hype is only beginning
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painting horses' hooves is nothing new
here's another GIF I made. lmk if some anon want any other scene done
Your show has a year at best.
You should probably stop behaving like an arrogant twat.
Um yea i already knew that. WM franchise doesn't come with built in multiple decades of success so go figure.
I hope so. Keep the normies away please.
I love how she goes "sweeeeeett"
I am going to cum inside Dreamer. I mean seriously, she's raping me. I can't hold back. She feels so good. Bros help im too young to be the father of a primate equine hybrid mutant creature thing.
So... are those leggings that Fluttershy wore in Rainbow Roadtrip? Or just body-paint?
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>not wanting to plap candi as she looks at the camera
just saw that she is number 4 why
she is pure sex tier
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why doesn't she just pull the cart? also why don't they have proper harnesses for their carts? silly horses
bimbo mares
Bailey giving me a sloppy hoof job then busting all over her shiny hooves!
>Painted hooves in a show made to sell toys to girls.
Dear God, what next? A fashion episode where they dress more bimbo-like? How dare they!
Surf's Up, Cherie!!!
I know right
>anon's problem
What problem?
Coco got called Coco Puff again.
Who would even participate? there's like 5 total horses on that goddamn town.
It's about time they made some background horses.
They can just recolor the cast. Early FiM was filled with recolors. It won't cost too much to draw another Cocoa and give her yellow hair.
Which is why they have to parasite off decades of success.
I really shouldnt be having an erection from this gif. I really shouldnt be about to jerk off over it.
His zoophilia problem. They're going to relieve him.
After your G5's shameful and pathetic cancellation i would say its less parasiting off of MLP and more replacing MLP
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Cock's up
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150% bimbo
What's the extra 50%? Marecock?
The partially in frame Candy.
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>Imagine a male appears on Wild
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Okay, that sounded more gay than I wanted it to sound
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>replacing MLP
I admire your dedication, but we all know that isn't happening.
Wild Manes is never going to replace MLP even the disaster G% was had cute characters and things, but Wild Manes has a charm that's difficult to describe, it's own niche in a way and I find it endearing
This. I don't need hype to enjoy things.
apologize by drawing a wild manes mare
Speaking of swastikas, did anyone wildified Aryanne yet?..
she's already pretty wild
Read this very thread. It already did.
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9000 hours in GIMP
why would i want to watch a show about equine air head bimbos
>why would i want to watch a show about equine air head bimbos
you just answered your own question with the question
Because they're hot, duh.
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Why bed is L-shaped (look at the bed's edge before and after her hoof)?
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why do her frogs stick out of her hooves? that has to be really painful to walk on
You see hot mare on the bed and you care about shape of the bed ? Are you autistic ?
I love it when the cowmares are dumb.
The dumber the better.
The way she minces and prances around scared of touching anything with her painted hooves is cute. Shying away from things for dumb reasons is totally a horse behavior.
because it's aisloppa
also the hoof on her right back leg is "closed". there are hoof orthotics that are shaped like that, but of course then they'd extend far past the frog
in short, AI sloppa can't into anatomy
Shut up, nerd.
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>these threads are nothing more than shill attempts made by the series creators to generate interest in their horse preschooler slop
suddenly things make a lot more sense now.
>AI sloppa can't into anatomy
Yea, yea. Alert the fucking press.
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Dear Anon
You claim to hate Wild Manes yet you have a clip of Cocoa booping her phone.
Turning Point Wild
The horses themselves are tolerable, but their personalities are soulless compared to gen 4.
>he still thinks the mane 6 had character depth and werent just bland, basic bitch female archetypes from disney movies and older cartoons
The only basic bitch archetype in the mane 6 was Rainbow Dash. She didn't even properly represent her element of harmony.
Jesus anon... you cant just drop redpills like this on ponypurists so bluntly. They're... you know... sensitive.
behead those who insult G4
Anon you cant speak truth to these coomers
>Mane 6 was 6 basic bitch female archetypes
>Cow 6 is 1 basic bitch female archetype, 6 times
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Didn't I tell you fuckers to knock it off with franchise wars?
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They're still doing this fucking retarded carry thing on head - cringe animation?
Why are you arguing about a show youve clearly never watched?
Love this
She can't carry it with her mouth, it's HOT cocoa.
You're drastically overthinking the nonexistent worldbuilding of this show.
I don't know if it's because of nnn but the Wild Manes feel even sexier today
She should regurgitate the cocoa into my mouth
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I'm impressed with Bailey's ability to balance that cocoa on her head while trot-jumping. with that amount of coordination she must be great at volleyball
Or surfing
surfing goes without saying
I'm surprised you guys haven't mentioned those little "ooh, ooh, ooh" noises Bailey was making when she was dodging Tilly's ball.
You did, and we all ignoref you. It's almost as if you have absolutely 0 power or authority.
Oh anon. It's not about power. It's about peace.
Standing on a board bobbing up and down like an autist is not surfing, neither is bobbing starbucks product placement like an autist. The entire world is fake and gay
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I'd like to see you ride the waves anon
bailey is so good at surfing she has gravity defying skills
Animatronic cow on a greenscreen
I just like the fact she's blonde
Great now she can see my undies
They're so graceful and good at balancing
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Why do you guys like this show so much? Is it literally just because it has talking horses?
Ikr. What's sooo great about a cartoon horse?
why do they
so much
>slightly cute
>dumb bimbos are funny
>no LGBTQPOZ in current year+9
I think they haven't even had a racism episode.
Literally the most pleasant looking characters of any 2020s show. I simply like to look at them.
>less stylized, more realistic equines that look pretty
>adorable, stupid bimbo personalities
>cute voices
>cuter friendships, less bickering
>no fantasy/magic/lore/le good vs le evil/fandom slop
>no jarring, immersion-ruining pop culture references
>cellphone usage kept to a minimum
>no heckin valid lecturing about racism
>no heckin valid LGBTQYUHF(*W easter eggs
>casual, lighthearted feel
>every episode is basically just a 5minute shitpost
I was surprised by how good this show is. The worst part is I'd like for the episodes to be maybe 7-10 minutes, and for the animation to not be so subpar. But within their limitations the team behind this is certainly delivering.
They dont....
Were you even a fan of FiM?
I agree it would have been better if it was longer
She's talking
Yes. But Wild Manes is like FiM without any of the elements i didnt like, but then it has technical problems. The only thing FiM has that WM doesn't is the atmosphere. Many would argue FiM had an overarching story... but did it really? No. Only the vague impression of an overarching story.
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I’ve had Candi’s stupid vlog song stuck in my head all day.
>no magic
Yeeeeah, about that...
Muscle memory
They suck a lot of dicks
Twilight herself says Pinkie Sense ISN'T magic in the episode, so the same would follow with the hoof tingle in WM.
That's not what I'm referring to, buddy.
I mean, MLP has always took place in a world with dragons and other mythical creatures, so obviously there was going to be magic.
There was magic in G1 too, "Winking Out" was what G1 called teleporting.
Tales was sorta more down to earth, but still had pegasus appear in one episode so they could sell toys.
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You're referring your fanfiction of an episode you havent seen yet, then. Genie/ghost mares with the little tails happen to be my fetish anyway and there was none of that in FIM so just another 1 up for wild manes.
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>Genie/ghost mares with the little tails happen to be my fetish anyway and there was none of that in FIM
>You're referring your fanfiction of an episode you havent seen yet, then
The synopsis mentions a genie that looks like Dreamer.
So either she's fucking around with Cocoa for giggles, or they're going to reveal she's a lot more than just a horse that has sleepovers.
but there aren't any stallions in Wild. that's why all the mares can walk around without a veil. if a stallion should show up and he breastfeeds from one of the mares then he becomes rada al-kabir and he may live in Wild
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>be me earlier today
>window shopping downtown
>notice one store has selfie sticks for sale
>immediately think of Candi
How is she holding that?
horse glue
I guess it makes sense that Candi has sticky hooves.
Diagnosis: Brainrot... of the mare variety...
Look up coprophilia .
I love that Tilly calls her "Cocoa Puff" again in the latest episode. I wonder if it's a sexual thing...
I wonder if they're aware of the fact that they're dumb bimbos
I wonder if they're aware of the fact that they find Big Green Monkey Cock irresistable
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Did I do good?
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How jewish
dumb bimbo cowmares
>”G-go easier, you’re going too gnarly on my a-anus, dude…!”
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>"H-Hey! c-could I get some of t-that action? m-maybe?"
>only if you shake your hooves hey hey shake your hooves hey hey
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Finley will never fuck and cum...
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>Bailey reading SuperMare smut-fiction in public
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Sounds like Cherie read the script lol
Ad's up Cherie
Huh, Candi’s the youngest but they put her in charge of the ferris wheel.
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An absolute cutey.
you wouldnt sex a farm animal with hair dye, would you anon?
>The YOUNGEST, sweetest horse pal you would ever want
Thanks for clarifying she's not old, Jakks.
I wasn't sure.
Now make her read an 18+ doujinshi.
Did they not mean she's the youngest of the 13 horsepals?
>dumb bimbos
you guys are kinda rough with them
Which episode is the clips of her with her stuffed toy from?
Bailey is cute as fuck but I can't stand her voice
Bailey is cute as fuck AND I love her voice!
Who did our mares vote for?
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woah! totally unchill!
trot on!
but there's no money in Wild
They all pay for stuff using their phones.
name one (1) time we've seen this so far
They know eack other so well, that they know just to charge it to their accounts.
They eat eachother out and hoof each other as payment during the sleepovers
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>sex based economy
big if true
Yeah... yeah that makes sense
Making out with finley...
visiting the local salt lick with Finley
Licking SOMETHING for sure
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yeah, the salt lick. and then some hay afterwards. and if we've been good horses then maybe some licorice-flavored oats pellets
yea, my cock
Sometimes i feel like the mares of Wild only view me as a living dildo, and dont love me for my personality...
They're not the brightest but they sure mean well.
Its getting Wild in here
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>”Exactly! Such an ugly who’re isn’t meant for such juicy, pulsating girth, like me! Who wants some baby bimbo hamfistedly added to the group like a DEI hire? She’ll never FUCK n CUM! In fact, let’s show her how we FUCK n CUM anon! Come jam this blueberry!”
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>uh oh! something bad's about to happen...
My brain keeps converting the show title into "Wild Mares" and I can't stop it from doing this
Mares Gone Wild
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>Episode synopsis: Finley pretends to sleep by anon in order to get some RUT n SALT GOO, an offer he can’t and won’t refuse. Time to splash in some waterfalls
What is Finley’s job?
Genie Dreamer today. I'm predicting Cocoa will wake up and the whole thing was just a dream...
I don't like stories like that unless you're like Little Nemo in Slumberland
predicting that the genie magic will be some kind of trick/illusion, only for a slight hint of real magic to appear at the end of the episode as a final stinger. captcha: GPSYS2
Genies come from Islamic mythology, gypsies are christian. No correlation
She runs the community pool and is a lifeguard
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fresh oats
>If you’re drowning the one in charge of saving you is notoriously indecisive
God help those poor mares.
does the swimsuit stay on?
To be fair, there's only one option a lifeguard has to choose from if someone is in danger. So indecision wouldn't get in the way.
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Oh god, they're going to turn her into an alicorn!
Please no more alicorns.
This show doesn't need that shit.
Wow, these things really are just stomachs, on spindly little legs
There are no pegasus and no unicorns in Wild Manes. We are not getting an alicorn.
Oh no Cocoa might get those tiny wings on her saddle blanket and a tiny horn put on her bow, the horror the horror.
Tell that to the captcha, NERD
I would kek if they spoofed Magical Mystery Cure
Another musical video?
About queens?
>Wild Manes pokes fun at how it's a spinoff of a certain pony show
>riffs on the original's dumbest mistakes
That would be too based for this debased reality.
Maybe things are looking up for us after all
Things are going surf's up
Just saw the most recent episode.


So magic exists in the Wild Manes world?
Just as much as aliens yes

and Dreamer is fucking in on it the slut
>episode 20 is a thanksgiving episode
does this mean the horses of Wild also genocided the natives?
Hey, you look like mane character material! Let's make all the episodes about you trying to fuck and cum
>Haven't watched Wild Manes in a few months
>Haven't visited /mlp/ in a few weeks
>See my girl Bailey has just become the ultimate bimbo
>Progresso Instant Nut™
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We got a better unicorn for that
She looks stunted here
ponies are usually 2x smaller than horses
Or cows
The alicorn of cocoa
The alicorn of surfing
The alicorn of social media
The alicorn of macarons
The alicorn of indecision
Anon having FINALLY arrived in Wild.
Huh, did Bailey put on a few pounds?
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>Dreamer up close
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>Twilight on a diet
Wtf is an offtopic show doung here in /mlp/?
This isn't the Tamers thread... Wild Manes is very on topic
Wild Manes explains what happens to cows in MLP when Applejack doesn't enslave them
Oh no ponyxisters there are horsies on my board. Janny help me.
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Twilight has nipples THAT big!?
>Wild Manes is very erotic
What's up with ponyfags having such a visceral reaction to a talking horse show? Are they retarded and mad that it isn't G4?
A cow head on an equine body would be really cute
Retards think they are ontopic because their show includes horses.
You will never be a janny.
Just hide the thread
Your opinion is myopic
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anon I'm so happy for you your offspring is looking cute
Anon + Twilight = mystery cow
That's not funny
Zamn i want to lick her shiny hooves
I don't care if they look like cows. I think they're looking cute and that's all that counts for me
Only their faces do. Their bodies are equine. So theyre even cuter than a real horse. Also, you could argue that theyre Arabians.
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Do you have mega link or something for that set?
I forgot to save it...
Pretty much everything I can remember is available on Derpi -- https://derpibooru.org/search?page=1&sd=asc&sf=first_seen_at&q=wild+manes%2C+artist+needed Here's the archived thread if you wanna cross reference -- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41300712/
Based, thanks.
imagine the smell...
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It's refined
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Yes, certainly
That's our whorse
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Shot of Wild
>full load
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Why did Bailey get arrested?
also why are there so many of these?
She surfed in a no-surfing zone
Jannys are incompetent for not deleting offtopic threads like this
Anon, I think you're on to something. This whole thread (and the show itself) reads like a shitty psy-op to scrape some horsefucker attention.
>ai slop
I bet this anon is a tamers fan
Cry more g%nigger.
>blaming g%ers for the g$ autism
Sure, fag. I notice and I won't stop noticing. So far it's been only dogfaggots shitting up WM threads.
You have goy glasses on. FiMtrannies cry to janny in every nonFiM thread to have them shut down.
Of course, totally believable. Fuck you and your disgusting beanmouth gremlins.
Vaxx status?
This board should only be UP TO G4. Specifically that means FiM, EqG, Pony Life, The Pinkie Pie Show, all previous gens, and all fan works deriving from that. Yes, our Lord & Savior Based God Tamers counts as G4. Anthro should be unbanned because it's part of the fandom. Wild Cowshit needs to be banned, G% Beanmouthosaurs need to be banned, Filly Fucktasia dolphin cats need to be banned.
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I like their manes and they're like bimbos
>Wild Manes hater likes furry porn
Opinion discarded
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ok, have a good day
There's no way this isn't bait.
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whispering willows
Mare drool
Thank goodness
I heard this is a wild board
You heard right
The thumbnail made me think she had an exaggerated overbite.
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>The Pinkie Pie Show
Anon, even bronies wouldn't touch that shit with a ten-foot pole.
He likes it out of spite
now thats wild
It sure is
A wild economy
heckin wild
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What is she directing?
We just like the bimbos
A good association
I'd vote for Bailey
A wild pick
Well aren't they all wild?
A few
Yes, certainly.
A video with Candi
And what will be the topic?
I'm actually watching through it for the first time for completion. It's cute, but not something I'd re-watch.
I for one preferred it to Pony Life & Haberverse. It's different but still good. I'm a Trixiefag tho so go figure
I can't watch tpps
I feel the same way
so you freaks watch this just because they're dumb horse bimbos?
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are the episodes improving quality-wise?
they are wildly
Wild Manes is not for you. Go back to your g% thread
It's amazing how much a design is enhanced with freckles
it really ups the surf
I want to creamer Dreamer
Yes, certainly
The ideal diet
Wild. And they love it
I see what you tried to do

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