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Previous Thread: >>41573361
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8
Sunset Shimmer sings - https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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First for my penis inspector
Sunset Shimmer makes me wish that human girls could have empathy, too. I’m glad to know that the idea of an empathic girl at least exists, even if I know it’s only a fiction…
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how come sunshim is fine even tho she was somehow celestia’s first choice for element of magic which means she’s twilight but better wouldn’t that make her a boring character
>tfw it's actually going in our ass to make sure we don't have fucking cancer
>tfw she pokes it until we cum
>tfe bullied by Shimmy for cumming hands free and being insecure
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Nah, Sunset would never sabotage Penis Inspection Day that way. However her assistant... is known to be evil.
Cute sexy Shimmer
This thread feels kind a unneccesary cosniering all the other shimmer
Good shit, anon.
It has been a time now with two or three Sunset threads and they are basically the same. They all feel like if it was the same person creating them. So, yeah, I agree
Yeah, this guy's art is amazing.
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All the other threads could die, but this is THE Shimmer thread.

You can't blame people for fawning over best pony.
What a polite little pony. You can see in her eyes that she greatly desires uppies, but she restrains herself. Waiting for (you) to offer first.
She deserves more.
I used to have this schizo thought that all these threads were falseflaging to gas board's rage over Sunset, but recently now they feel like honest autistic prising. I don't know if it's ragebait or not.

But I'll give it's funny to see others complain, like the hoof thread
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Seems like she finally pulled it off.
Never thought I'd see you sharing AI, huh
That's not AI.
Anyway, I like AI stuff when done right.
Apparently a vector artist. Huh, he's actually good.
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I take back everything I've said
There's been a lot of source-accurate AI stuff going around, I can't even trust my own shadow...
Damn, that one's really good.
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That was 100% a thing in 2014
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Yeah, to me AI is not that bad, it's just something new/different and can produce good things when used right.
Just a couple months ago I got fascinated by all those show-accurate pics you could see floating around this board and boorus and collected many of them.
Whenever you see any good AI pic, it probably went through the process of carefully prompting, then selecting one good image and editing it before posting. So it's not completely effortless.

I've tried fooling around with CivitAI myself, but wasn't very satisfied and got bored after like two days - I need to finally convince my lazy software-hating ass to learn some editing. I actually only want to see suggestive pics involving my kink which is quite niche in this fandom as it turns out.

But I have one thought after my experience with AI. The thing that was both most annoying and most fascinating to me - you're never 100% sure what you'll see. It brings an element of surprise, sometimes disappointing, but sometimes the exact opposite.
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How does she feel about Celestia after the reunion?
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Fellow Slytherins would bully her for that hair color lol
Sunset is a very ambitious horse-woman, so of course she'd be in Slytherin.
Sunset would bully them back even harder.
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>bully them back
Sure thing she would.
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>has the ability to read memories, minds, and understand empathy
>if she touches you she'll know that you're horny for her but also that you genuinely care
>will be willing to give you a chance even though you're fat, poor, balding, and ugly
she's perfect...
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She's all about ambition, yeah. Of course she'd go to the ambitious house.
Even if her hair is Gryffindor-colored. I'd totally see her cutting it short to keep it in check

Imagine not knowing anything about MLP and getting three rare Sunset Shimmer cards out of nowhere.
I'd fucking kill to be this guy.
Twilight: Ravenclaw
Applejack and Rarity: Gryffindor
Dashie and Sunset: Slytherin
Fluttershy and Pinkie: Hufflepuff
I'd swap Rarity and Rainbow, personally.
this desu ne
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Agreeing with the change
Where's the anon from last thread who said Sunset eating meat made her thicker?
No clue but it was wild.
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So fly
Major hottie
The board seems pretty bare now that we only have this thread and >>41647934 to fulfill our Shim needs.
Damn she’s hot
How does she do it?
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It's her snowpitty shining through.
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I keep missing the thread because of the image being so thin and the Shimmy being hard to spot

Next time let's aim for a square
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Seconding this anon. The pic is barely noticeable. Can we have a unicorn Shimmy at least once btw?
Summer come back...
I wish we had more winter specials.
Yes, yes.
>Happy Holidays 2014
>Holidays Unwrapped

I just want more
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We should have gotten a full Holiday special and not just a collection of shorts
The Kayou Equestria Girls Magic Box set has just released the first ever official pic of Human Sunset Shimmer.
What is this?
When I pic research, it shows something is Chinese and don't get anything.
Kayou has released a set of Equestria Girls cards and one of the card sets have all the EQGs next to their Equestrian counterpart. So each card has both the pony counterpart and the human counterpart.
>40's Sunset Shimmer, still in shape, arousing males with that absolutely not subtle midriff to sit show off how little her waist still is and huge her hips are, eager by nature, being close to menopause, to find the most and only the most fertile male available to compensate her age. To increase the chance to find it, she arouses all.

>50's Sunset Shimmer, still in shape, arousing males with that absolutely not subtle midriff to sit show off how little her waist still is and huge her hips are, eager by nature, being postmenopausal, to find the most and only the most attractive male available to compensate her age and finally enjoy endless sex with no risk of pregnancy. To increase the chance to find it, she arouses all.

I miss the early Butcher style, before all of his drawings got all that shine and shadows and the like
Why does the pony form and the book have magic all around her/it?
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I prefer his newer stuff personally but I can see the appeal
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>ywn be lovingly bullied by Slytherin Sunset.
Like the girl from the mobile game, the tsundere brown haired one
No clue who you're talking about.
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I haven't played much of it myself but I can give a short description.
Merula Snyde is a character from Hogwarts Mystery, a Harry Potter mobile game. She starts out a bit antagonistically but grows closer to the MC as the years progress. The game also has romance mechanics, which makes her growing closer to you all the sweeter.
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Interesting, but I didn't mean Sunset being a Tsundere. I meant the kind of gentle teasing that only someone who loves you and is happy to let the world know does. Not that I would be against a Tsundere Sunset either.
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I just fucking love her so much, bros
It's unfair
Who doesn't? Anyone who doesn't love her hasn't watched EQG

I'm not the one saying it, the chart is
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You don't even need to watch the series. She's just a cute orange mare with a cool hot design. You need to be the biggest gay to not like her.
Does anyone what's going with writers?
I don't understand you, Paco. Did you want to know what happened with the writers of the series? If so, there was a whole thread about that last week, you could lurk for details.

Many of them are working on Strawberry Shortcake afaik
Is this a bot or what?
What if we collectively asked Nick Confalone to share his idea on what would've happened to Sunset and human Sunset? So we could at least have a Word of God on it.
I think he meant the writers of the threads.
Wasn't G4 coming back?
>I think he meant the writers of the threads.
If that's the case, I'm still around. I just have a bit of writer's block I need to work past.
Best way to get past a writer's block is to keep writing. You don't have to write good words. Start another green. Write memes, write random quotes, write scenes out of context nor plot.

Inspiration is a fickle mistress we ought to work without.
Is there more green texts coming? Oh, God, I thought you were dead.
Give up that block, your greens make this thread shine
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I am working on a green right now and on two separate TTRPG campaigns, so that might be impacting things.
I've never been a fast writer, but I'll keep working on my greens and posting them as soon as they're in a place to post.
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I fucking love Sunset's face when she loses at the math competition yet her friends still cheer her up. God I fucking love this womanhorse.
Have we ever seen her cleavage?
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By the way, am I the only one who had no idea her name was pronounced "Shoy-Ket" and not "Shoy-Shet"?
I've seen DustyKatt's interview with her many years ago, so I'm aware of this.
I'd bet on "ket" myself anyway, but never had to say her name out loud.
I always thought her name was pronounced "Shoi-Chet"
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>What the fuck!?
>Anon, this stupid game isn't even reading my inputs!
Those shoes she got from Dash with the FG outfit are so fucking hot.
>from off screen: “git gud scrub”
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>The hike through the woods is peaceful
>Just you, Sunset, and the sound of birdsong
>As you walk, Sunset oohs and awws at various things along the trail
>Finally you reach the waterfall and its accompanying pool
>You stretch and start stripping off your clothes
>Which, of course, makes Sunset wolf-whistle
>”Looking real good there babe. Been spending more time at the gym?”
>You turn around to see Sunset finishing putting on a skimpy two-piece bikini
>Sunset, the tease that she is, grips one of the delicate triangles of fabric that only just barely covers her slightly orange areola and shifts it just enough to give you a brief peak at a nipple
>The second she sees your eyes glance down she returns everything to its proper place and sticks her tongue out at you
>Her voice holds no heat, though, and she slinks into the cool water
>You grit your teeth and finish changing into your swim trunks
>As soon as your trunks are on you take two steps back, then sprint to the edge of the pool and fling yourself into the air as hard as you can manage
>Whooping like a Comanche, you curl into a ball mid-air and cannon-ball into the cool, clear water
>Even under the surface of the pool you can hear Sunset's undignified squawk and as soon as you surface, Sunset slaps your chest
>”Damnit Anon! Warm a girl next time!”
>Sunset's, now soaking wet, locks frame her face drawing your eyes to hers
>With all the certainty your years of dating have filled you with you lean in and steal a kiss
“No promises, babe.”
>That earns you another playful slap
>You roll with the hit and fall backward into the water and let what little current the pool has pull you away
>As you do, you let your eyes close and listen to the soft roar of the waterfall and the distant bird calls as your mind drifts into a state of calm
>You lay on your back floating for some time though you eventually feel the grit of the streambed rub against your back
>That interrupts your impromptu meditation and makes you open your eyes only to see Sunset lying on a rock in the sun, looking like some long-lost Hesperide
>Your heart swells with the knowledge that your love for Sunset is reciprocated
>Slowly you stand and then cross the pool to where Sunset is
“All right, babe. Let's head back and make some lunch”
>Sunset groans and sits up stretching
>”Fine, but can we cuddle after?”
>Hearing that you couldn't stop smiling if you tried
“Of course babe, anything you want”

And that's part 2, let me know what you guys think and where you'd like it to go next.
>>Your heart swells with the knowledge that your love for Sunset is reciprocated
That was my favorite one.

I hada boner imaging Sunset striping and wearing her swimsuit, and also made me immerse into a calm nature with just birds singing and water falling. And of course, the beautiful guess of Sunset taking a sunbath. God! I need to go for a hike sometime.

Thank you, Anon. Like I said, your greens make this thread shine.
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another new draw
This is very cute!
I'm 31 and wouldn't mind being her trophy husband if she were single. I make pretty good money and in good shape.
Her last name is indeed very French sounding.
It's Jewish apparently
Yo chat, I made a bunch of Homelander mains crash the fuck out in another thread, are you proud of me? :)
Another Koikatsu render coming soon, maybe.

Shit, didn't Sunset was about that life.
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>Yo chat, I made a bunch of Homelander mains crash the fuck out in another thread, are you proud of me? :)
No clue what that means but good job I guess?
>Another Koikatsu render coming soon, maybe.
Hell yeah!
Did someone make a green for either Sunset finds out that Flash is dating again or Shimmy is Celestia biological daughter?
I made one of the former: https://ponepaste.org/10189
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Fucking love this, thank you Nonny
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i forgot to crop it. heres another version.
Is that a shirt emblem, or is she so stacked she can use her boobs as a reading desk?
Both. Canonically stacked girl
Shimmy's titties are so perky, you could play hide and seek beneath them
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Looking for Sunset Shimmer girlfriend. Must be very empathic and understand that I’m the way I am due to severe trauma. Must accept that I am a bad person trying to be good. Should have her own ambitions that I can cheer and support, since I’ve given up on my own due to constantly being put down and abandoned. Must be willing to let me cook, clean, and do her laundry. Must be able to understand that I would support her implicitly. Must want to invite me to do things since my fear of being a burden inhibits my ability to ask others to spend time with me. SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY.
Human food.
what the fuck
One day, Anon, one day.
I used to think it was sho-ee-shé
>not having 4chanx filters setup to make your waifu's thread stand out
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I don't use 4chanx and still found this thread within minutes of it being posted. So I'm gonna go with skill issue.
You're right. I must get good for the sake of my wife.

Here's a pic of her for group support.
>Shit, didn't Sunset was about that life.
Lol It's refering to ritual slaughter of animals not people. Though still pretty out of character for Shimmy tbf
How often does she get hit on at her job?
She doesn't have a job, she's a neet like me, cuddling together all day until we have poor sex
unf unf
Reminder that Flash never had that conversation with Shimmy.
>Angry Paco
What’s next? Sad Paco?
Quick. Tell me how you identify him and I'll do a sad paco
Oh, come on! Just do the sad paco!
How exactly was it angry?
You fuckers told me he was French but I thought he was Latinx and I took Hispano classes and now all I can do is racist impressions of an immigrant.
Sunset remains my favorite
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Wtf I love Tjpones now
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TJ Pones makes them au naturale. He can do no wrong in my book. Except for that awful Halloween special he put out recently, what was he THINKING??
TJPones is a big EQGfag, self-proclaimed and usually delivers barbies. He's been focused on Wallflower just as much as on Sunset.

You mean the McDonald's one with the eggs? What did you not like about it?
Can you give me a link? I genuinely don't know what you're talking about.
>give me a link?

>Being a EQGfag
He has hundreds of public Sunset pics

>Halloween special
This the 5th? 6th? I lost count.
I read this in her voice and it's perfect
I was completely unaware that TJ was making Halloween animations.

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