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Why did the jannies delete the last thread edition
Previous: >>41632653

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT:
Floor Bored - The OG OC NEET from the very first threads. Floor comes in all different forms, but she's typically portrayed as a horny and kinda dirty mare most of the time. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2321489)
Pardise Skies - Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting. She's very quiet, easily spooked, likes to wear clothes and speaks with a stutter. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2289220)
Moon Dancer - Huge bookworm.
Taku - Friend of Floor who is *very* into anime. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1722376)
Goldie Mops - Goldie is another friend of Floors, only she's into kaiju and big monsters. Speaks with a cute lisp and seems very adorkable. (https://ponerpics.org/images/6192935)
Chimney Peep - Floor's sports nerd friend (Pic above, pony with the hat and lazy eye)
Home Sick - Probably the least covered NEET. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1727410)
Wallflower Blush, of Equestria girls fame but as a pone. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1658572)
Cuppa Noodle - Cuppa is a NEET snekpony who likes cup noodles and very tight hugs. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1892447)
Cipher the Programmer - The super paranoid overthinking male NEET-pony (https://derpibooru.org/images/2236987)
Dot Matrix - A pony who is into retro gaming. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2577975)
Anon Mare - Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation. Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up. The self-insert pony.
Writer's Block - A NEET pony whos background is currently unclear. Know anything about her? Let us know ITT (https://derpibooru.org/images/2561414)
Starry Sails - A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting. Friends with Anon. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2657594)
Synthwave - A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music. Very laid back, somewhat flat in tone and expression. (https://ponybooru.org/images/3223846)

>List of some of the stories with known authors so far:

>Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:

>Link to OP:
Jannies hate cute mares apparently.
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Wait, what? Why was NEET killed?
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Probably just a janny having a janny moment
>"Anooon! Those bucking assholes just killed my Salaryman thread for no reason at all!"
>You watch Floorb furiously tap at her keyboard, cussing all the while.
>"I was in the middle of writing a bucking purple about a hunky pencil pusher and now it's gone! Poof! Up in smoke! Rrrrgh!"
>As she continues to wig out, you turn to Dot, who has been playing on her DS on your bed.
"So... How's your chihuahua doing?"
>You watch her feed her virtual pet some kibble while Floor begins to sniffle.
>"Dorito is doing good. She's getting really good at the contests. She's won like, the last three!"
"That's nice."
>Taku pops her head out from under the covers, clearly annoyed by Floorb's tantrum. "I'm *trying* to read a manga over here! Could you *please* keep it down? I'm getting to the good part!"
>Dot turns away from her game to look at Taku. "Oh, is that the one with the crossdressing stallion who turns into a fruity dinosaur when he touches cheese whiz but he has to keep it a secret from his love interest who's secretly a reverse trap?"
>Taku nods. "Yeah! It's actually really engaging! I think you'd like it, Anon! He kinda looks like you."
"Thanks for the uh- the offer, but I'm good on pseudo-yaoi for the moment."
>She shrugs. "Suit yourself! I'm gonna finish up this volume now! It's getting REAL juicy."
>Taku shimmies back under the covers while Floorb sobs quietly at your desk, a familiar 'You are banned' message on her screen.
>Dot gives you a prod with her hoof. "You think she'll be alright?"
"Yeah... Just give her a minute."
>She'll bounce back eventually.
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NEET uprising soon. The jannies must pay.
>Why did the jannies delete the last thread
My best guess is OP got banned for something else and had all of his posts wiped
haven’t visited a neet thread in a long while
floor bored is a cute slut and i would like to provide for her greasy ass
A Jannu got mad about the trump/filthy rich story and killed the thread out of spite as I’m told
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>Nuking a thread over a green
That's pathetic if it's true.
sadly I don't doubt it. jannies are going crazy with political stuff
Goddamn DEI janny hires…or should we call them Maids now?
Those trips of lucky truth don’t lie.
I'm surprised the Applejack thread is still up with how they've been acting lately
Sounds like a good reason to repost it
It they didn’t make fun of the election in a green
my wife fat and stinky
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Dont sweep up my neets!
When I see this pic, I wonder if Dot is a larger than average mare, or if Floor is a smaller than average mare.
Maybe a little of both where Floor is half a head shorter than the Equestrian average and Dot is half a head taller.
Anon and the two go out, and ponies assume Dot is the mom, Anon is the dad, and Floorb is their tween daughter.
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Years of malnutrition and neglect does things to a mare.
Floorb is a marelet, and Dot is chonk.
I would read that green
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have some floor
ALL neets are supposed to report to ME, for snoot boops and hugs
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Floor board best pone
Patrician taste. I still listen to Yuki Kajiura's score from time to time. When the abyss starts to drown the rest of my world out.
>Floorb is their tween daughter.
Well, she has the angst, social ineptitude, and tween hygiene down, so I can see why ponies would make the assumption.
Heh, what about a green where it's not a mistake- Floorb really is Dot and Anon's daughter?
You have good taste my friend
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I was not prepared for this feel
Same, it's good to feel, though sometimes. Sometimes
Pet the neet! Hug the neet!
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Neets off 9
Mom Dot trying to get her daughter to socialize more by going to the arcade would be cute. She doesn't think online games compare because she's old school.
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You made me feel anon why??????
Off 9
Random question: Would you read a green about a spooky ghost NEET? Asking for a friend hypothetically in Minecraft
We've had that idea before. I remember a green where Floorb was a ghost hunting Anon's new house. When he dies, he finally sees the spooky spirit that's been scaring him is a cute, NEETpone.
I would read a green about that
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I want to kiss them.
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Cute bookmare
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And I'm a manlet, we'd be good together
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Total neet bathing
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I know it's a bonus chapter in Floored, a (fucking unfinished) fic about Anon being a social worker and deciding to be kind of a live-in babysitter for Floorb after she tries to an hero.

I wish that dude would finish it, he posted 5 unrelated bonus chapters I guess as a way to spark some interest in finishing it, dropped the two latest chapters and vanished, came back with an anonfilly/cozy glow story (also unfinished), then vanished again.
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It's important to bathe your NEETs regularly
Got a link? That sounds interesting
Would read, but what kind of spooky are we talking? Cute spooky or scary spooky?
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God that’s a cute mare
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>her coat is several shades lighter after a good cleaning
Headcanon accepted.
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What's she reading?
One of those trashy romance novels with roller coaster goose guy shirtless on the cover.
garbage-tier fanfiction that happens to have a few elements that she likes, so she tolerates the teenage-amateur-level writing
definitely not like me, no sir
Boku no Picolt
Has anyone tried to ponify the opening to Watamote with florb?
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I could see that
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She would read fanfic
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We all know NEETs hate baths. But what do they think about showers?
You have to eat all the eggs
You have to stand up the whole time, so they're more work.
I want to slowly become acquainted with Moondancer before amending fences and gradually gain her trust through a shared interest in reading and knowledge and by the time Twilight shows up, thinking she has abandoned her friend, I have already impregnated and married her and we are living together. I would try to clean her house. Twilight would undoubtedly freak out for having missed the wedding.
my diary desu
I understand that part of the joke for many here about NEET mares is their smell and dirtiness, but what about a mare that is NEET for exactly the opposite reason?
That she is ridiculously excessive in her cleanliness?
Naturally, her antisocial side would not only be because she secludes herself from the outside because she considers it dirty and therefore invests zero time in interacting with others, but because when she does it, she is seen as insufferable because of her habits and standards that she tries to apply to others (she condemns herself for it but still can't help it).

Part of her design may be having a mask on all the time (I suppose her equivalent to Dot and Goldie in terms of having part of her face covered).
Maybe you have already created her and I speak out of ignorance.
>Genuine neighponese hikikomori
>Barely leaves her small apartment due to her being a hypochondriac with OCD.
>Despite her antisocial tendencies and the obscene amount of time she spends on her electronics, her apartment is spotless and wouldn't be out of place in a line up of 'normal' pony apartments.
>Has an almost debilitating fear of getting sick and nearly had a panic attack last time she got the sniffles, thinking she had somehow contracted some rare disease.
>The only times she leaves her apartment is when she absolutely *has* to, like when she's completely out of food or cleaning products.
>Her 'outing' attire usually consists of comfortable, fuzzy clothes that make her feel less vulnerable to the outside world, so think baggy sweaters, slippers and the like. Her most prized possession is a beanie her dad bought her when she was in middle school and still wears to this day. Would get very VERY upset if it was washed/cleaned improperly.
>Always seems to have one of her many disposable masks on, even when she's home.
>In all honest, no one is quite sure what her face looks like, especially since she has a tendency to wear sunglasses as well. Doesn't help that her mane is always in her face anyways, so even if she *wasn't* wearing anything, you'd still have a tough time see her eyes.
>Doesn't have many friends, unsurprisingly, but keeps in contact with a few of her high school buddies she used to play old kids MMOs with, which she still plays occasionally through private servers. Won't let any of them anywhere near her or in her apartment, though. Too risky.
>A little kiddish and immature when it comes to what she find funny and her sense of style, but is usually pretty good at keeping a poker face around more 'respectable' adults.
>Most of her game time goes towards gacha games which she can lazily play in bed or on the couch, but she's wise enough not to put money in them.
>She unironically plays them for the plot and she will adamantly defend her favorites up and down, stating that 'they're real games and you just haven't given them a fair shake.' and 'you don't have to give them your money, you know. it's literally that easy, dumbass.'
>Gets pestered by Taku rather frequently on her messenger app, who desperately keeps asking her cultural questions and for her opinion on various anime/manga.
>After being sufficiently worn down and buttered up, she relented and tried to meet up with Taku and her friends once, but upon seeing(and smelling) Floorb from halfway across the subway, she quickly hurried back onto the tram before they could notice her and nearly lost her lunch.
>Later on she would apologize for not showing up and make up an excuse involving a 'particularly nasty cold', which Taku bought without much fuss.
>Isn't entirely against meeting new ponies, but her encounter that day has made her rather weary of meeting her online friends anytime soon.
>Who knew her fellow NEETs could be such biohazards?
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That's such a based fantasy anon
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>anon finds neet grill on twitter
>another anon finds neet grill on 4chinz
They may not be ponies, but damn I'm jealous. Anons finding love left and right, and I'm just sitting here masturbating.
Where can an exhaustedly employed yet boring man find himself a stinky kind-hearted girlfailure to cuddle and watch cartoons with?
A man can dream.
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I don't believe it, they're probably just "girls" and not actual girls
I love it and I love her
What would she do if I pinched her butt as I walked by?
Filthy Frank did it better and sexier
Imagine Floorb flavored ramen.
Just so you're aware, the girl from this thread I started talking about seems to have disappeared. I do wish her the best though. Hope she's doing well.
shes taking a break from 4chan to focus on life stuff, last i talked to her
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To elaborate, I don't mean meme-y 'haha stinky' ramen, I mean ramen that encapsulates the essence of Floorb. Ramen that if you ate it you'd be all like 'yep, that's totally Floorb's doing, she'd make this/love this.'
The kind of ramen that was clearly made by somepony who's been eating the cheap stuff for years now and has somehow dodged getting a heart attack and is utterly bored and wants something a little different, so she experiments until she finds something that's as ludicrously bad for you as it is delicious. You WILL have wicked heartburn and you WILL feel like you're dying, but you will be satisfied.
Makes me wonder what other NEET 'specialties' would be.
Taku's would probably be a very picturesque and earnest attempt at making 'genuine' Neighpone ramen, fish cake included. She'd probably buy all her ingredients imported on the basis that it'd make it 'authentic', so she probably can only afford to make a bowl once in a blue moon. It's flavorful and chock full of what Taku dorkily puts as 'that umaremi feel', which is just a fancy way of saying it's filled to the brim with MSG. Better enjoy your half of the bowl, only Celestia knows when she'll be able to make one again.
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I have made ramen before and I can tell you right now, making just a bowl of it would be more expensive than making a huge pot. I'll do you one better for cheap meals for Taku. Pic rel here is very cheap, equivalent of like 3~3,5 euro, it tastes pretty good (plus it's Japanese curry so good for her weeb self) and it's pretty cost efficient since half of the package is six servings, which is a lot of curry. More if you don't eat a lot and I imagine Taku wouldn't eat much so she could probably survive a week on half a cube I'm guessing.
The real ramen would essentially be her holiday meal that she makes once every few months.

But in reference to the Floorb pictur. I imagine that is what Floorb would consider gourmet noodle serving
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What are some common fun scenarios to draw neetmares in? I'd like to make more of my sweaty green horse
Draw her taking a bath
And the water turns dark/green with dirt
Mess with her head and tell her it’s a chocolate bar.
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Draw her getting a big kiss on her butt from Anon.
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I want to fix a Neetpone to the point where they go from total loser to ascending-into-alicorn.
Hi Celestia.
(captcha WXDADY)
How bad does floorb's neetmare pussy stink and would you lick it clean for her every day?
Wasn't that basically Twilight Sparkle's story arc?
She was groomed by Celestia since she was a foal, and never got a chance to be truly broken. I need a complete, total fuckup.
>Anon as Galinda
>FloorB as Elphaba
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>Her cutie mark is just Dot
Lmao Floorb is a dyke
And then Dot has a matching Floorb sticky note over her mark.
I’m not gonna complain about her cutie mark being Dot, but I do wonder what that would even mean
Oddly enough the thread nuke wasn't a janny having a wobbly. I got dunked on because someone used my IP for some fuckery and I got hit in the crossfire.
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She just like me fr
Met an actual NEET today at the drugstore. I could tell by the hoodie and the unwashed smell. It was surprised to be spoken to politely (by me) twice.
I have to say "it" because between the shapeless clothes and nondescript hair, I had no real way of telling what gender the NEET was.
But apparently they do go to the drug store from time to time.
Even if it's only for the candy aisle.
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I always think that ponies would be about the same size as a large dog, not the size of a cat like what this image shows. Or that person is actually a giant
>Ice cold fluff as far as the eye can see.
>Every inch and every crevice is covered in the stuff.
>You extend a chilled hoof out from under the bus stop awning, hoping to catch a few flakes before the fall to the ground and clump together with their brothers.
>A small smile creeps up on your face as you watch the fat little ice crystals melt on contact to your frog.
>Despite the cold, biting winter, you've always had a soft spot for snow...
>Maybe it was because it gave you a reason to bundle up and forget about the outside world for a while, maybe it was because you actually enjoyed being in the thick of it...
>At this point, you were just glad it was coming down at all.
>You've heard on the canternet that the winter weather factory in northern Cloudsdale had been on strike for a while now... Must of too a lot of horse power to get winter back up and running again without them.
>Hm... You wonder how the pegasi up there feel about all these pretty flakes melting away each spring?
>It must feel awf-
>"Excuse me?"
>A gasp escapes your mouth as the pony you didn't register sitting next to you taps your shoulder, making your wings involuntary spring open and thwack them directly in the snoot.
>A flurry of whitish down feathers is kicked up from your swift wing movements, resulting in your vision being clouded by your own lack of grooming.
>C-Celestia's horn you really need to preen every once in a while...
>Seeing as your wings are already spread, you decide to make use of them by pulling them close and hiding yourself under them in a pitiful attempt at seeming smaller than you are.
>You cautiously inch a wing away from your face so you can get a good look at the pony you just assaulted.
>It was a pegasus mare the color of brown sugar with a floofy reddish brown mane. She was taller than you by probably a head, but from her lithe frame, you're pretty sure she's around your age.
>Despite the weather, she was simply wearing an oversized sweater and earmuffs that kind of reminded you of a snowshoe hare's tail.
>Atop her nose was one of your dumb little down feathers...
>Her expression was... really neutral?
>Like she wasn't bothered by your outburst one bit.
>Her wings were in a similarly unkempt state as your own, which is something you notice as she ruffles them a bit and her own down feathers begin to fall to the ground.
>"...Hey! Uh... I know you're still there, dude... ette? You smell like a mare."
>You scoot a little away from the weirdo that's... sniffing you? For some reason??
>As if she could hear your thoughts, she clears her throat.
>"I- I know that sounded weird, but, uh... But bear with me here! I'll get outta your mane in just a sec..."
>Your rump presses up against the hoofrest of the bench as she scoots a little closer.
>She lifts up the front of her mane and you wince.
>Her eyes are... milky.
>And it feels like she's looking straight through you.
>She chuckles quietly as she lets her mane fall back into place.
>"Sorry for the uh... scare, but it's easier to show then tell, you hear?"
>She's blind.
>Like... Like those three mice!
>You awkwardly rub the back of your neck.
>T-that was dumb...
>You hear her clear her throat and your eyes dart back to her patiently waiting face.
>"I'm, uh... I'm too close, aren't I?"
>Well considering the fact that she's on the verge of falling into your lap, yeah.
>...G-gosh, her breath is warm...
>And she's kinda... cute.
>She reminds of you that one unshorn ewe you saw at a petting zoo once.
>So f-fluffy...
>"...I'll take your labored breathing as a 'yes'."
>W-wait... were you breathing funny this whole time?
>You bring a hoof to your chest, only to find that your heart was doing a rather desperate jig against its ribcage prison.
>As the blind mare awkwardly scoots back onto her side of the bench, you take a few moments to settle yourself before you need to whip out your inhaler.
>She didn't even *do* anything! No need to freak out...
>Celestia's tailbow it's like you've never talked to a mare before...
>...I mean, you *haven't* but that's for entirely unrelated reas-
>"I don't mean to pry but uh... I take it your not much of a talker?"
>You huff.
>What made her think that? The lack of response for the entire duration of her one-sided conversation, or the fact that you started to have a panic attack when she had her face a foot from your crotch?
>...Not like she *knew* where her face was... But still!
>...Oh wait, does this mean it's *your* turn to have some big dramatic reveal?
>Not like *hers* was all that dramatic, just... sudden.
>Like a cheap jumpscare.
>H-heh... brown mare jumpscare.
>You fumble your way over to the mare, who's ears begin to perk as you approach.
>She smells like cinnamon apple cider...
>You give her hoof a prod and she lifts her head to what she probably assumes is your eye level.
>You gently tug her hoof a bit.
>"I'm... gonna go out on a limb here and say you want me to trust you on this one?"
>You nudge her hoof again and give her a incredibly awkward 'm-mmhm'.
>She snorts. "Hoofholding at this time of year, at this time of day, entirely localized at this bus stop?"
>What did she mean by-
>Oh whatever, just do the thing!
>You guide her to turn over her hoof and you begin to tap on her frog.
>Her nose scrunches at the sensation, but the way her expression slowly changes to understanding tells you this was the right call.
>Buck, you messed that last one up...
>She... doesn't say anything for a while.
>"...so it's not just a shy thing?"
>You tap a quick 'no' on her hoof.
>"Dang... I'm sorry, dudette."
>She shakes her head. "Of all the ponies to get stuck at the bus stop together... Sorry for- huh?"
>The blind mare smiles. "Thanks... Guess we still got a ways to go, huh?"
>"...Wanna play I-Spy?"
>"Hah! Nice."
just realized I never added the bit where Autumn asks when the bus is coming don't write without any sleep kids god I had insomnia
more more more more more more the interaction between these two are incredibly wholesome and heartwarming and I need more more more
this one flew over my head though. what's it mean?
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I forgot to add the part where she asks when the bus is supposed to get here like a tired dumbass

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