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...Listening & Learning...
Humans do not belong in Equestria.
...on opposite day
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Post the Based Ponies Pleaze

Preferably the Swatstika One, My Jawn wants to see it.
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They do
Nope, you weirdo monkeys don't belong here. Ponies are superior, and we don't need ugly aliens hanging around here and straining the Royal Welfare system. Keep out.
>you weirdo monkeys
Stop talking like you're a pony.
>Royal Welfare system
You can keep your faggot Equestria.
have fun getting domed. retard
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Post Pony Post Pony
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Stay in your own fucking dimension then, monkey-boy.
Damn, no wonder mares keep dumping stallions for human men.
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Literally the finest work of art this godforsaken fandom ever produced.
A true classic.
There's literally nothing showing Strawberry is racist. Fruit preference is not the same, you retarded applefag.
It's okay. The reaction to it was what made it.
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Based. Troonstalion is just a furry in disguise, based people self insert as a human man just like snootgame
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Is this based and trad enough?
We all know that tranxie fans are into man
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Equestria is for real ponies only. Not for creatures that imitate ponies.
Nevermind the sudden flood of shittertards. A based art pack to spite the baby killing libtards is attracting their ire and they're encouraging others to raid the board and monitor it. Ignore offboarders.
if those niggers try to raid the shit board we will just make more art. And things for the artpack. Niggers like abortion so much why they don't abort themselves and end their shit lives?
I'm just leaving a reminder to ignore retards, spot retards, and call out retards. If we must, then we shall remind them why we don't lose. They don't necessarily care about any rights. They're possessed by demons for having weak spirits and tow the line of satanic practices wherever they see. That's all. They won't suicide easily. Demons aren't keen on disposing of a host they worked so hard for.
Trannies do not belong in Equestria either.
Natural-born ponies only.
Anything else is a sin against Nature and Princess Celestia.
>stallion = tranny
Anon, why are you trying that angle
He's not lying tho. Transtallion is real
based pony triggers derpi through simply existing
Monkey creatures who become ponies are trannies.
Mares all over the world cry every single time a man gets convinced by changelings and gryphons that becoming a stallion is the way to go.
If only they knew that your mare loves you how you are, and don't want to change you.
I don't see it. If anon retains his cock and has straight sex with his mare, I don't see anything wrong.
But I don't really care about trannies either, as long as they keep to themselves and aren't encouraging ten year olds to make their ballsack a ballsock. Guess that's the part where we disagree isn't it.
narcissistic cult members by definition cannot "keep to themselves"
When what you're doing is so unnatural that you need multiple people in your ear constantly telling you that you're stunning and brave for mutilating yourself, there's no "keeping it to yourself"
Nigger, you really think a troon accepts itself? People that accepts themselves and are secure don't need to solve their stuff into everyone ass. You really believe someone who mutilates it own body accepts itself?
Anything that exists in the world is part of nature. Not everyone is looking to lob it off of their crotch or tear off chunks of skin to make a fake cock. Many people genuinely do want to keep to themselves, and in return their parents raid their room, throw away their possessions, kick them out or otherwise use force.
>parents? So you ARE for kids taki-
It's just a fact that people in their late 20s are still unable to afford housing. Don't be like that.
My point is, everything is a reaction to something. The bizarre and offputting propaganda praising penectomy (or in the case of Buffalo Wild Wings...vasectomy?) is a reaction to people genuinely persecuting people. The persecution is a reaction to terrible edge cases of pedos in drag queen story hours with kids, and gross bimbo fetish surgical intervention. Even being a tranny is the REACTION to not feeling like yourself. I can actually relate to that. When you have feelings you can't express safely about your very sense of self, it is extremely painful. When you are shamed and called a failed man for not out-the-gate knowing exactly where to go and being 90% there at age 19, is it any wonder when you start wondering if being a dude is cut out for you?

Everyone is acting according to their honestly held beliefs, or justifying it as reaction to others' seeming bad actions. Everyone is the protagonist of their own story. That includes antifa commies, that includes radical muslims, that includes zionist heebs. Start from that point, if you want to change the minds of people like trannies.
I don't care about most trannies, I just wish they'd leave Trixie, Fluttershy, and Big Mac alone.
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>based pony thread immediately devolves into tftranny shitflinging
Fluttershy and Big Mac? I wasn't even aware they had tranny proponents. I mean sure butterscotch is acute but aside from actual r63 I was totally unaware of this phenomenon.
>The eight millionth thread where retards seethe about trannies
Oh boy, my faaavorite
Prove you are a pony faggot
The salt was fucking glorious.
It caused a fandom schism that still resonates to this day.
One for the Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Trans Mac is mostly attributed to the cross-dressing episode, with influencers like Punkitt pushing it. I've never heard of a big push for trans Fluttershy either.
Trixie is a trans icon and that's that, what's the problem with you incels?
which one? The AJ plantation or the Chrysalis-beheading one?
>t. newfag
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show rifle plz
More proof that frogfaggots are the worst.
YWNBAW. Continue hating yourself more than I ever could.
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>>>41660614 (You) #
>YWNBAW. Continue hating yourself more than I ever could.
Go back to the sharty, subhuman.
Hell no, i'm never going back to that toddler playground
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she's a cutie
Why have you posted a capybara? This is a pony board, faggot.
This does nothing because nobody's afraid of faggots, we just think you're insufferable
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what a very based thread this is
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Daughter Put the RD sticker on the Mag
based beyond belief
>didn't save yourself for your waifu in Equestria
What are you, gay?
These Ponies are merely manuscript for the Perfect Partner.

Just mend and mold these mortals to match your perfect Waifu
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>Smith AR
>Dressed with a bunch of expensive attachments.

7/10 Ditch the m&p and get a real AR and a suppressor. EOtech magnifier combo is nice.+1 for RD sticker. At least its not a dpms or a Ruger.

>These Ponies are merely manuscript for the Perfect Partner.
>Just mend and mold these mortals to match your perfect Waifu
very based
The Lower is the only thing M&P about the Weapon hahah.

It's got Anchor Harvey Upper with BA Barrel with FSP that I pinned myself.

My Business is failing unfortunately and I'm falling behind on paying the employees and rent, but one day if the wife allows I'll get that Can.

Eyeing a Titanium one
Post your guns, fags!
I would but the pollice have my weapons
Da'fuq is wrong with you? Why didn't you conveniently lose them in some unspecified location that you have conveniently forgotten? Or, why didn't someone steal them from your house and you didn't notice for months later and you have no idea who it was?
Don't forget to make sure the serial numbers are clear and visible!
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Applejack Mossberg, cause she Sure does Kick.
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Now that is badass!
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oh... that's gore... that's gore of my comfort character...
Basedddd. What game is that? I made my marewife in Call of Duty BO1 and BO2. One of em, someone even posted to derpi.
I just find that particular pic extraordinarily sexy for whatever reason. Just Chrysalis' expression as she looks back on her detached body I think.
Least insane gurofag post
Go back to Shitter, faggot.
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Here's a fixed version
She's gonna be fine, don't worry
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How much do you make a year?
There's enough money on that wall to buy a terrain for a house.
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welcome back aryanne pony thread
You either think guns are way more expensive or American land is way less expensive than they are
The mayor mare elect will be dieded.
Wouldn't a 4channer make more sense
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>my comfort character
Bro how the fuck is Chrysalis your "comfort character"? She is queen psycho manipulative bitch. She would cackle at your suffering and call you a pathetic loser. Go to somepony like Pinkie instead.
I actually feel bad for you. And I don't even mean that in a mean way.
She is cute though. And it is fun to find sympathy and comfort in a character who feeds off love and stuff. Plus...who here *wasn't* in love with her in Flufflepuff's old vids? She deserved a pillow cave to get fed in.
She reminds him of his mother.

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