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Previous thread>>41551042

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352
What the heck is tupperware rp?
its roleplay bot that changes peoples profile pictures to characters
I don't get how somebody would be interested in that.
mind control is not hot or sexy because it's not genuine. The pony wants to "breed" with you only because you control her as a mindless puppet and make her artificially attracted to you. I don't know why people find mind contol hot, unless they have actual rapist mindset or they're just fucking losers and think that the only way to make someone love them is to use mind control on their victim. This is fucking creepy
>>41699677 (Me)
I'm glad that the thread died after my statement. Such threads deserve to die early
Do you also believe S&M is not real?
It's not real if you look at it realistically. The only place where it's seen often is in ridiculous hentai plots

You will never find an S&M girl, anon. Don't live in your own fantasy.
The hot part is when you get to turn it off and see how they react to having been controlled.
that can be hot
I like changing minds creatures are in part the way thy are because of memories and lived experiences and thus can change
Seeing them break down into tears and alike in response to being raped? Or worse, trying to kill herself with the knowledge that you might do it again? Granted, that doesn't exactly contradict your point if you're into that, in which I would call you based, but I wouldn't bet that's the case.
Hold up, you honestly believe that S&M doesn't exist?
Why are you talking like unwilling brainwashed sex slave is the only way to hypnotize someone?
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Excuse me but that's my waifu
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It’s because they are a hater you could also use it to cure ptsd, and help mares be more confident.
Power is sexy
Is that why Luna is hot and celestia isn't?
It's why Glimmy-Glam is the hottest and why hypnosis art of her equalizing others is always so good
Maybe I'm missing something. Isn't that what hypno is? Manipulating a being to do something at your will instead of theirs? But I'll drop it. It seems you're all just nigggers after all >>41704490
>shift + click
Good fuck off
>unless they have actual rapist mindset
Was this supposed to be some kind of zinger? I want to read erotica about rape my nigger.
Nigga just because you dont like it doesnt mean other people dont. Weirdos like feet and fat inflation and shit.
based thread
any green ideas?
Good mind control stories?
Green ideas sounds like a kind of mind control via intrusive thoughts.
Starlight and Twilight have a causal discussion about mind control, and twilight realizes that Starlight doesn't really give it the fear and respect it deserves, and so asks starlight if she can show her why she's so nervous about mind control by temporarily brainwashing her. What she does after is less lewd, and more about trying to impress on starlight how helpless she is without hurting or violating her. Twilight doesn't notice that starlight trusts her enough to relax and enjoy all of it.
Cadence turning Moondancer into a horny freak as part of her program to help get her a partner.
>human nose on pony
why are niggers like this
Your language is inconsiderate
sounds fun
No one nose
Could use story or author suggestions too
Theres this broodmare story which I felt had a nice use of mind manipulation.
Okay I'll just ask it out, any writer or image edit anons who are looking for ideas ?
this person wrote some stuff and by this person I mean me I did

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look at this cutie
I can't. Don't post thumbnails

What ideas do you have
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going to bed now, here is a bump for the thread
Would hypno goggles have any effect once they fall asleep?
would they?

i mean, there might be earbuds
Someone's happy
i hate the 900 sexound captia thing that prevent me from posting from my phone

who is best pony to hypnotize and why

also who is the best hypnotist
>who is best pony to hypnotize and why
Depends on what your hypnotizing for. Fluttershy and Twilight are both very fun to see in a relaxing mindless trance, even without any orders. Ponies with more bravado like Rainbow and Trxie are fun to see made to follow suggestions publicly, they take to humiliation wonderfully because of the contrast. Rarity and Luna for the opposite reason are well suited to be made obedient servants due to their grace and poise. Some ponies are fun to see talking about hypnosis casually or asking to be hypnotized with a clear mind, Applejack and Pinkie would both earnestly and with little embarrassment be able to ask you to hypnotize them if they wanted it. Albeit with different energy levels, they could articulate why they want to be put under, or maybe even beg it. Maud would be fun as a subject that blurs the lines between waking and trance, Diamond Tiara bratty attitude just begs to be toyed with, Moondancer's life could genuinely be improved withe someone else controlling her, every pony is made to be put under for their own unique reason!

I have to choose one though, and that one has got to be Luna. Especially in a willing slowburn with lots of love, pushing her boundaries only when she is ready to go deeper and give up more.

>also who is the best hypnotist
Starlight objectively. Nobody else is show to have as much experience messing with the inside ponies heads. Except maybe Luna? If she put her mind to it, her dream magic may be the strongest mind altering magic. Power notwithstanding, the ideal hypnotist is a pony who uses her powers both responsibly and selfishly. Twilight and Rarity fit the bill, but the idea of Rarity commanding and dressing empty eyed mares is the most compelling to me personally.

Honorable mention to Applebloom, I'd love to see her inside a pony's mind, though I don't think she'd take control on purpose. Especially if she actually got the potion mark she should have, it'd be great.
Luna works as both the hypnotist and the target?
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I may be biased.

That said, capability alone does not mean she'd make a good mistress. If gifted a brainwashed pony tied up in a ribbon, I think Luna is so soft as to not even look at them any longer than she has to. Luna can make a great hypnotized hypnotist or serial recruiter, but without a master of her own encouraging her she would never consider taking a pony's mind. That makes opening her up to her repressed dominant potential even more exciting and all the more a reason to entrance her.
I like the idea of hypnotizing Flurry Heart the shouting Is fun version, brat taming is always fun.

as for Target, I guess your are right, it does depend on the reason you are brainwashing them; let's say you are trying to take over equestria, who do you start with.

alo your right twilight in trance is super cute and fun
World domination doesn't appeal to me, but I'll entertain it. I'd say hypnotizing all three alicorns is a suitably dominant position to be considered victory. (because let's be honest, cadence doesn't do anything) Twilight is likely the easiest to hypnotize if you want to go straight for it because of her isolation in ponyville and relative lack of experience as an alicorn. you could also get a big advantage hypnotizing her friends to get a foot in the door. That's also valuable because once she's hypnotized, her friends are the biggest threat to getting caught before getting the other two alicorns. Starlight especially is a threat and could quickly find your trail, so if we're including her instead of pretending she isn't canon, she's a really strong first choice. Pinkie similarly has an X factor that makes her dangerous to leave in hypnotized. Those would be my first and second picks.

The real trouble is getting Celestia and Luna. No matter how many other ponies you hypnotize, I don't think anyone will get you closer to brainwashing them. Twilight or spike could let you send letters directly to them, but at the end of the day you need to get them alone and hypnotize them, and they're strong and experienced enough that just trying to hypnotize them is a dubious proposition. For the same reason hypnotizing anyone stronger than Celestia and Luna to use as an amp is equally likely to backfire when your magic doesn't work.

That, plus Luna being able to catch you quick if she sees the dreams of any pony you've hypnotized, and secret conquest of equestria just doesn't seem like an attainable goal. It's a bad plan, but the best I can see is trying to get Luna with twilight's help the night after you get her, then Celestia that morning. You're much more likely to end up in tartarus than pulling off that gauntlet though.

Asides, why try to conquer equestria when all that scheming will distract you from spending quality time with your favorite willing subjects?
i more meant if you could start with one pony that was already your hypnotized slave who would be the best pony and why, based on your response I would guess that you think the answer is Luna.

I mostly agree with that, but I think Twilight might be better since Celestia was grooming her to take over Equestra, so you could wait until Twilight takes over.
Turning Rarity into a tomboy
There has been ZERO good fetish art recently. The fandom truly is dying and/or getting furrified
I'm not even primarily/solely into mind control, I'm here partially as a tourist from /sim/ and the latex threads (posting here because it's the only fetish thread up), and those just have no good art on the boorus anymore nowadays.
>partially as a tourist from /sim/ and the latex threads
Same thing here. I've been thinking of making the /sim/ thread this week to at least to catch up with the carat and stick writer, and also to ask that zecora anon how his commission idea is going so far. Aside from that Im not looking forward to the dead discussions that have been plaguing that general.

>no good fetish art on the boorus
What would you think if I made an nsfw edit request thread on /trash/, with a direct link from a latex thread on the /mlp/ board ?
Making a thread just to ask two anons what they're up to seems inane. Sad that that's what we've been reduced to.

Maybe the fetish threads should all just merge - I wonder how many anons would hate each other enough to no longer enjoy a combined MC/submission/latex thread? If most anons can at least tolerate and ignore the aspects they're not personally into I think it would be worth exploring.

>What would you think if I made an nsfw edit request thread on /trash/, with a direct link from a latex thread on the /mlp/ board?
I would think it would probably die instantly. Doesn't /trash/ already have a general request/edit/art type thread somewhere? The furfags on trash will just use that, and I would be exceedingly surprised if there were enough hidden ponyfag lurker art/edit fags that never made their own thread, and never came to post in the fetish threads here, but would suddenly spring into existence to sustain a pony-only edit thread out of nowhere if you made one.
Besides, I hate browsing /trash/ with how many furries there are. The catalog is painful to look at.
>Making a thread just to ask two anons what they're up to seems inane
I know but the alternative to that would be what ? Create a discord to poach even more of whats left of the engaging lurkers in the general ? I dont want to kill this community but using temporary threads to keep communication really sucks when theres no natural engagement to bump them. Maybe using the ghost posting thing from desuarchive could be an option.

> how many anons would hate each other enough to no longer enjoy a combined MC/submission/latex thread?
I think you picked the combination that is most likely to work, I cant even count the amount of times I've seen latex and bdsm stuff being talked about together in both threads.

>If most anons can at least tolerate and ignore the aspects they're not personally into I think it would be worth exploring.
I dont think the issue is hate, but mostly anons who dont want their specific general to fade out.

>and I would be exceedingly surprised if there were enough hidden ponyfag lurker art/edit fags that never made their own thread, and never came to post in the fetish threads here
I just thought that it might work if enough people here saw something like this being tried on a other board where theres no "no explicit images" rule to hinder the horny discussion and ideas.
Friendly reminder that the foalfags were right all along. Silence like a cancer only grows, and the people who were pushing for it got what they wanted.

>If most anons can at least tolerate and ignore the aspects they're not personally into
Considering how that's gone in this general with anons screeching at filly stuff, then gas mask/drone stuff, then AI stuff, (all of which was mind control related, btw) good luck with that. Feel free to browse desuarchive to see all the posts from anons ITT over the course of more than a year imploring others to have this mindset (live and let live) only to fall on deaf ears.
I'm dead certain that having to go to the furry board will be a bigger hindrance than the "no explicit images" rule, even in a vacuum. When the /trash/ thread will only be visible through a link in a normal latex thread here, the turnout will be even worse because the only people who will go there will be ones who click on the latex place in the first place (and thus would already post in it here).

>I think you picked the combination that is most likely to work,
>I don't think the issue is hate
There have been threads in the past that have prefered dying over merging with something that they perceived as unrelated. It's all down to where the anons want to post. I know in the past /latex/ proposed merging with /sim/ but discussion concluded to keep them separate given their different focuses, for example - of course that was back when /sim/ was able to stay alive and /latex/ could sustain the occasional multi-hundred-post thread when made periodically.

I guess we'll see what everyone else has to say about it. I do think that wanting to keep "your" general pure is not the same thing as relenting and merging with a "foreign" general our of necessity - in the former case you deem certain things to be off-topic, which is entirely fair, whereas in the second case you explicitly agree to have a joint thread with things that are inherently somewhat off-topic just for survival. But let's see.

All of that aside, I also believe that the three threads had a pretty huge overlap in posters, and while each thread might have had a few anons unique to it those alone might not amount to all that much. Meaning even a unanimous merger might not actually bring in that much extra actiivty.
>in the former case you deem certain things to be off-topic, which is entirely fair
Except that's bullshit since this general is literally for all things mind control, which has been in the OP from the very beginning, and all those posts were directly mind control related. It wasn't a case of "off topic" like you claim, it was a case of anons getting their fweefwees hurt because they didn't like certain (very on topic) themes and trying to shut everyone down because of it. And now they've succeeded. I hope they're happy. It's not like we warned them multiple times that trying to shut down discussion and posting would result in the death of this general or anything.
I know but you clearly get what I mean
No not really. If people couldn't tolerate on-topic posting within one single general I hardly see how adding even more varied fetishes will make things any better. Fact is, the people who were saying censorship (including attempted censorship) is a cancerous growth that will kill us if we let it exist were right all along.
My point being that "here's what I want and don't want in MY general" is not the same thing as "ok my general has to share a thread with these other generals, so MY general still has everything I like but I sometimes have to ignore those posts from the other generals because I don't care about them, but it's the only way to have a thread at all".
>Meaning even a unanimous merger might not actually bring in that much extra actiivty.
It wouldnt hurt to try a one time merger idea.
What should the OP be though ? Bondage/ponies with restraints ?
>What should the OP be though ? Bondage/ponies with restraints ?
An explicit merger, I think. /sim/ + mind control + latex, spell it out so that people from all three threads know to check in.
>MY general
That's exactly the problem, are you really such a fucking narcissist that you can't see how you're almost making a parody of yourself? It's not YOUR general, it's OUR general, and OUR general is for (and I quote): "anything and everything about controlling a mind". Nobody gives a flying fuck about what you think should or shouldn't be in "YOUR" general. The reason we're so fucking dead right now is precisely due to retards like you who believed it was THEIR (individual) general and they could (individually) decide to impose upon it THEIR will. Considering this is the mind control thread I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but the point still stands, you cannot have ANY general or shared social space if you expect literally everything to be tailored to your exact tastes and nothing besides like a spoiled five-year-old brat. Come to think of it, are you Discord? Because I'm pretty sure that was the entire point of his reformation episode, but then again you probably don't even watch the show.
Wait, maybe an offshoot merged thread for write and edit requests would be better ?
Im having second thoughts about an actual merger of the three threads being that effective. People already talk about the subject at hand during edit threads, we dont need to make that explicit.

One thing Im seeing a lot from this censorship in the generals is that some of the kinky talk is transfering over to character speific threads, like the Vinyl thread having cuckquean talks, Cozy threads having foaldom talks, etc.
Your reading comprehension is horrible and arguing with you is unpleasant as a result. I'm not a mind-control fag, I'm not saying THIS is "my" general, the conversation was about hypotheticals. Are you black by any chance?

And yes, a general's topic is decided by its posters, in a pseudo-democratic way (as much as is possible on an anonymous forum). If a single guy manages to kill a thread then he's called a shitposter, but if enough people want a specific type of content - and they outnumber or out-activity people who disagree - then they can set the tone of their own general.

I don't know the details of what went down in the MC thread specifically because I only lurked sporadically, I'm just saying that on the face value of it, people might deem something off-topic or unwanted in a narrow thread - but the the context will be different if a merger is in question.
>Wait, maybe an offshoot merged thread for write and edit requests would be better ?
What's a "thread for write and edit requests"?
There are already writethreads and drawthreads. If you mean a "lewd request" thread, even that is almost entirely covered by the existing threads - people can and do request lewd in e.g. the drawthread.
If you mean a "fetish request thread" then just make a fetish thread, there's no reason to limit it to being a request thread.

It almost sounds like you believe requests get fulfilled out of the aether and if you just make a place to ask them then something in the universe will karmically ensure they somehow get filled. Instead of requiring a drawfag/writefag (rare) that's interested in the specific niche fetish (extra rare) and requiring him to get interested in the thread in the first place (less likely if it's a soulless "request thread", and doubly less likely if the thread is a graveyard because normal discussion isn't flowing).
Yeah you are right its unnecessary to make it just be about requests.

But do you have any good OP ideas or thumbnail suggestions ?
i posted about this thread somewhere else maybe that will bring new people here
I also bought an ad.
what no i did not
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This person doesn't understand that taking someone that's up at the top and bringing them down is satisfying
Maybe they want to be Celestia's pet
that is true, but i also like it a lot more drawn out with Celestia and Luna. Don't make it quick that's boring.
but she absolutely WANTS IT though, imagine the relief she must feel when finally being able to let go of responsibility and control. i bet she would fucking love it with a pony she trusts.
Hypnotizing Applejack to like strawberries.
Her hair tinting red in the process
That's too easy
Hypnotizing Strawberry Sunrise to like apples
You're messing with forces beyond your comprehension. There will be consequences.
Her mane tinting blonde
who even were the og writefags making greens for this thread?
Seem likes someone else ended up making the /sim/ thread.
For the drone lovers in this thread, did any of you ever read Eudeamon ?
Well the gist of it is an alternative sentencing system where criminals are made to live in enforced social isolation with the help of AI controlled drone suits. Completely faceless and mute, released out into the open, with a programming imbued in them that prevents them from approaching free people or even other drones without receiving an ever increasing feeling of pain.

That sounds awful. Becoming a drone should be an improvement.
I forgot which thread this was and first was confused as to what that'd have to do with /rcg/, then with plones
Based anti-drone
i was abou to bump this thread but you did nice.

What are the mind control powers of each princess and how would one go about controlling them
Fuck, >>41742924 is meant for you
I had a girl live at the foot of my bed with a collar for almost a year but I guess she was just a figment of my imagination
wonder what I was cumming in every night
Damn. What happened after a year?
Well Luna has the magic of dreams, this is probably the most powerful, and can effect creatures the deepest however it also takes the longest, it might also not be that subtle, so there is a lot of counterplay.

Cadence has the power of Love it is probably the simplest, of all the princesses, and one zap is all she needs.

Twilight as the princess of magic is the most versatile capable of many types of mind control, if i had to guess, and unlike the other two you dont know how she can do it will she make a potion, will she use a spell, or a ritual

what about Celestia does she have super charisma an artifact or anything at all
Celestia's mind effecting magic is powerful and crude. It's sort of like a want it need it spell she can cast on herself, appearing so glorious and so important that ponies obsess over her and their own ego diminishes. It's dangerous stuff, and ponies can get pretty mindbroken if they stare at the sun for too long. Doesn't even give Celestia much control over the ponies actions, just impresses them with the immeasurable difference in stature between them.
What's the sweetest mind control story you have read?
So she's a ventrue with presence

based vtm enjoyer

Would Luna be Kiasyd since they have a combination of powers that lets you condition someone In their dreams.

you can link it to a sound, appearance or sensation, then you can use another discipline to make said sound
Sounds like something Luna would do
would flurry be easy to hyonotize since she is a foal, it would be a great investment since that means you could get a goddess in the future
No. Hypnosis depends on the subject's focus and trust. As a foal, she simply doesn't have the attention span to get hypnotized. Using other, magical forms of mind control may run into problems with her resistance as an alicorn, but while harder than brainwashing a pegasus, should be a lot easier than an adult alicorn.
Yes. Hypnosis depends on the subject's lack of mental fortitude and willpower. As a foal, she simply doesn't have the mental defenses to withstand getting hypnotized. Using other, magical forms of mind control may run into synergistic effects with her being an alicorn, but while harder than brainwashing a changeling, should be a lot easier than an adult pony.
I love this board.
She wasn't raised on a tiktok, she should have a long enough attention span
You can't hypnotize retards
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>See? I told you I'm smart, see how completely hypnotized I am? Applejack could never get as obedient and mindless as I am right now. It's like I have no ego at all anymore!
Perception shift and memory alteration is always nice

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