Secret Santa is back in action!Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.>How’s this thing work?Read the FAQ!The short form:Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!Click a link at: of events and deadlines:Oct Past: Signup doc goes live.Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalized card assignments will be given out, please be patient.Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.Dec 2nd: Signups for latecomers closeFAQ here : thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.comCard Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme:>BUT IT’S NOT EVEN CHRISTMAS YET! REEEEE!GO! GO! GO! MAIL! MAIL! MAIL!If you haven't wrapped- SENT your gifts it's time for that, my friends. If you're experiencing unavoidable or unexpected delays be sure to inform your Santees in thread and maybe even Pony Claus too if you can't get a response.THE LAST RECOMMENDED DAY TO MAIL WAS DECEMBER 10TH! IF YOU HAVEN'T MAILED OUT YET, GET ON IT!!In the meantime, while we wait to open presents, hang out, talk with your fellow anons, write a green, write a song, draw an OC, have some fun! Bake some cookies!!!!Previous Thread: >>41730849
first for another 500 posts of fun!
2nd for grinching my santee!
second for uh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh roman mares romares
Hey, Palm Tree Panic. There's a chance that my gift might be a little late. I should be able to ship it in a couple of days, but I just wanted to let you know. Sorry about that.
Crosstie Critter, expect a package to come in the male. Icicle Slither the Lamia, Eiderdown, Blueberry Bounce, Speed Limit, Pickle de Gallo: You've got cards on the way.
I still need to send out my cards. I've been swamped with school and work And playing in Divegrass before Christmas, got in the final 8 Sorry for delays and I've been a bit depressed for a while now due to my life going out of my controlMy cardeesIcicle Slither the LamiaCandlelight ArchiveSpeed LimitFrozen LakeQuiet ReflectionI love you all.
7th for severe caffeine withdrawal
>>41739180I am fighting that as we speakMidnight can of Monster will defeat the brain fog
>>41739133Is it too late to sign up?
>>41739187I care less about the brain fog than the pounding brain throb.
>>41739188most intelligent dashie poster
>>41739193it would be kinda funny if there was such a thing as maximum late sign ups where on Christmas Eve Pony Claus could just pair up anons who happen to live close enough to each other to just celebrate Christmas in person
>>41739212My santee last year unironically lives 5 minutes from me. I don't think we were intentionally paired. Yes, I hand delivered his gift.
I got grinched and it makes me unbelievably mad
>>41739247did you guys end up staying friends? :0
>>41731407Hi Garish! I'm so sorry if I don't respond lately, working in a market on christmas seasons is not the best situation I can get D:>>41717301I seriously don't understand why did they do that, you don't deserve an ass treatment like at, even if is your family. If you need something, I can help you search and get it, like a game or mlp stuff.Thank u so much for know me about the gift, I can't wait what surprises it will bring inside, but I bet it's all made with love. Andddd full of mares!
9th year doing cards and I still have no fucking clue what to write
>>41739299That is perhaps the hardest part of making cards
>>41739299insult them on their poor taste in mares
>>41739299I couldn't think of anything either so I just picked the first Mare in the list for each card and made the card a collage of cute pictures of that particular Mare and then I printed them off on the world's stupidest HP printer and they all look awfulnone of them have been posted to the thread yet but all of the cards that actually have been posted are much nicer lookingbut i tried!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Sherry Merry, checked tracking and it says my gift arrived last week, let me know if you got itAlso finished another request, this one was for Glimmer. Here ya go anon
Strawberry Shortcut, your package is arriving right now I think
>>41727584Hohoho everyone!The Trixie giveaway ended yesterday!And I am proud to announce its winner!>>41708410Fillycakes!Congratulations, turns out backflips were indeed the answer to make Trixie's show better!Email to collect (You)r prize!
Tail Dragger I'm going to have your latecomers gift out hopefully today, if not tmmrw!
>Still no post from my SantaIt's so fucking over for me
>>41739299Same, i find the shit i twxt incredibly simple and banal.
I got your card, Hotbox Reefer! Thank you for the adorable Derpy and happy horsemas to you too!
Finally mailed in all my cards!Sorry for being so late. I hope you enjoy the little things I crafted for you.
>starts huffing copiumMy Santa is alright>cranks up concentrationHe's just too busy with my gift to post>ignores the warnings and lights a hopium cigat in the now pure-copium environmentThe gift will be fantastic, more than enough to make up for the silence>burns alive as the smoldering cigar ignites the copiumI just have to believe>dies
so much horsemas cheer!
>>41739730name on kiwi
>>41739730Damn im sorry anon i hope your santa shows up really soon!
Well I'm glad you got the package Slack ActionUpdate would be nice at some point babe thanks <3
Alright my assigned cardees:IlluminationBlueberry BounceJolly JoystickCrow's Feet The GriffonI'm dreadfully sorry it's so damn late getting these out. I pray they'll reach you all in time, but realistically, they'll be a bit late. Sending them out today however! Also to my Santee, Shoofly Shush the Changeling, I will be finalizing your gift, and it should be out within the next few days. Will keep you posted! Sorry i'm so late this year!
>>41739837I'm the ghost of your 5th cardee, where is mine? oooOOOOOooooo.
>>41739853Card Slut dun goof'd and gave me a duplicate assignment kek
Piping Hot, your package is officially on its way!
Santa, I collected your gift. It's not under the tree for lack thereof but I'm certainly looking forward to opening it.>>41737465Icicle Slither! Glad to see you got the card and enjoyed it. Drawing Kiki was fun although I don't think I understand those legs. I was just looking at Google Images for abseiling spiders lol, I guess I just looked for too long at too many spoodlers. Fucking Americans ruining our cons, reeeeee
>>41739858You're sending them two cards, right?
>>41739878FUCK you're right, it's so obvious now that's what I was supposed to do.
>>41739884Ideally from a different return address and name, using a different color envelope, with identical cards inside.
>>41739730mine hasnt said anything yet either. probably offboarder santas just trying to get their shit ass ocs made into a plush by generous anons.
>>41739896Is… is this a reference to the REAL Wonder Waves?
im retarded. i labeled my letters wrong and sent them all to my parents house. sorry cardfrens, they might make it to you after horsemas. sending them CORRECTLY today.
Lamplighter the Moth Pony!I’m going to be shipping your gift this week! The third piece that I had originally ordered either fell out of the package or got porch pirated since there was a hole in the bag when I got it. Thankfully I found an even better item that is sure to be more fun for you.>My cardees!I’m trying to send out your autism this week too. Got stamps so I need to go to dollar tree and grab cards because I’m a broke faggot. Hoping they reach all of (you) in time!
>>41739909its cheaper to buy blanks at walmart. just draw a crayon horse on them and boom. ez cards
>wake up>check email>no tracking number>check USPS>no package tracking numbers>someone kocks on door>think it may be the mailmare>jehovah witnessesWhat did my Santa mean by this /mlp/?
>>41739927>Complaining about free food being delivered to your doorI swear, some people man
Garden Party! The package has arrived! Thank you very much for the nice letter and book, I am very excited to read it!
Hey Pine Peaks,I'm almost done with your gift, and will be sending it out soon. Again, I'm really sorry about the delay.
>>41739920You mean it’s cheaper than buying 24 cards for $2.50?
>>41739993you buy cardstock and cut and fold yourselfdraw with crayons insidecum on the envelope to glue it shut
>>41740000keyed quads
Oh geez, looks like I got coal for Horsemas. All the same, thank you very much for the card, Pony Claus!
>>41739276With benefits ^;)
>send "express" letter to US>it's been in transatlantic limbo for 3 weeks nowhaha yeah
>no cards today>but theres a letter from USPS uuuuuuhhhhhI blame one of you
>>41740059Oh yeah funny thingwith these express letters you only pay the accepting post of your country to take care of it fast. They can guarantee that the letter leaves your country for the money, but the receiving country gets pretty much nothing out of it, so they won't care for it as an express or whatever your post promised youPretty much wasted money
>>41739133>Kitten KerfuffleYour package is sent! Should be to you by the 23rd! I hope you enjoy your gift.
Uh, new thread, new bread... delivery.Fillycakes, surprise! You're my santee. The Pumpkin Bread loaf will spoil it anyways (the loaf is far from spoiled though). Your package is on the delivery van; I hope it arrives today.Quivering Cloaca the Gryphon, seems I missed that your card and goodies arrived *yesterday*. The pic shows it in a porch chair. If you haven't opened it, enjoy the Pumpkin Bread Loaf. Ping me immediately if you DON'T have it.Ginger Pop, Almond Heart, looks like your loaves may arrive today. If y'all don't get them by this evening, ping me.Doodlebug, Windy Jubles, you may get your loaves tomorrow if the stations they're sitting at aren't too behind.To all my cardees, ping me if you want the tracking number. I haven't yet passed them to Card Slut nor Pony Claus, but I can if requested.
>the package has been delivered>still no word from the Santee
>Raining today >Tracking says Santa's package arrives today >PTSD flashbacks to last year when mailman delivered my package in a puddle of waterI hope my Santa took my suggestion to waterproof the contents of their package to heart. Or I hope the mailman isn't a nincompoop this year.
Santa pone, got your letter. I appreciate it. I don't necessarily believe it but I do appreciate it.Well update the available game list later. Still got a lot to grab.
To Quivering Cloaca the Gryphon, the giveaway prize is now on its way! Also, Pony Claus, Card Slut and Quilting Circle, there's something coming your way as well!
TOP GUNNER, tracker says my gift to you has arrived, I hope it's safe under the tree, join the thread, will ya?>>41739649Yippee!
Hey Chuckles, thank you for the card!The fillies definitely haven't been good this year, but that is just fillies, what can you do right? She tried to munch on the little coal foal before actually reading the card and finding out that you know her internet history. I think the filly is planning a murder or something worse, I'd be careful if I was you... Maybe that pipe bomb will actually appear in your package next year.Happy horsemas and thank you for the wishes!
I got a card today to add to the collection. Spoiler'd in case you wanted to be surprised by any of the mass mailer art.
>>41739618>Shipment held at the delivery depotUhh, okay? Tell me if you get any more info.
Eiderdown,>>41727182Oh wow, look at me getting silent for few days.You are allowed to open the exterior if you crave sugar immediately.
>>41740000>>41740012I mean with those quads I can imagine. Beautiful Still gonna go with dollar tree because im already late and don’t have the time to draw bad spaghetti
>>41740300Woo! Nice dubs
>>41740488Psst, Quivering Cloaca the Gryphon. Refer to >>41740116. Plese tell me the shipper didn't deliver to the wrong address.
>>41740061Oh it was just USPS letting me know the house is enrolled in informed delivery.
Butter Rum BubblesYour gift is out for delivery today/right now! Hopefully it is not pouring rain (or maybe hopefully it is to deter pirates). As a reminder: Once you bring in the box you are free to open it and place the wrapped presents under your tree, and you can open the orb gift early (but just that one!)I'm excited to see you open your gifts/)
>>41740320I'M WORKING ON IT!
>>41740116eyyyyy, yay im not as retarded as i thought!ever since having the awesome santa pone themselves as my santa the first year, nothing gets past me and i will happily take my gambled braincells to the bank as i indulge on nothing today but pure unadulterated sugar and my retarded satisfaction from figuring it out!thank you so very much for the horsemas cheer this year just in even poking your head out to say hi, and thanks for the cursed object from last year that i still have infecting my hopes and dreams
>>41740531No you're not, you're posting in a thread on four channels dot organization
I've decided to hand deliver my gift this yearmy santee will be so surprised and excited
>>41740554Okay, I'll work on it after I clock out and can stop by the post office.
>>41740555You need to clear it with your Santee first. That's creepy as fuck to show up unannounced and uninvited.
>>41740564dont worry its gonna be great
>>41740572You better be coming down their chimney.
>>41740555Please link the body cam footage after you get of the hospital. I would love to see the headline:>"Brony delivers box of horse dildos; Shot 6 times after breaking and entering strangers home"
>Santa shows up without asking>he knocks>tell him to leave the package on the porch and fuck off before I call the police>he goes for the doorknob>locked, obviously >he calls me a faggot and starts breaking his way in>castledoctrine.exe>police already on their way>open the package to find out who he is so I can report him for ghosting his Santa as literally as possible>he wakes up in Monster High because he died rejecting friendship
>>41739063Don't worry Cookie. I still think you're cool.
>>41740580Thanks for the idea>>41740588I could only afford one dildo since I'm gonna be blowing so much money on gas and a kevlar vest
>>41740589if I die and can't mail in time how is it fair I get on the grinch listjust because I died at a bad time doesn't mean I should be banned from future secret santas
If you personally deliver my pony pussy, you better be willing to help me break it in.
>Cookie hasn't posted in over 12 hoursSorry I bullied you cookie... don't leave us.
Turns out Cookie was peanut butter-butterscotch flavored! Underrated cookie combo in my opinion.
>>41740621is this why my hooves were wet when i woke up?? are you gonna explain that??>>41740592>>41740608 >>41740632i did not expect to come home to this i love you guys <3and I'll make sure to post a ton of pictures of the gift(s) too!! it's just sitting in the living room, taunting me....
I NEED to fuck Cookie Kiln. This creature was built for human cock.
>>41740645>human cock
>>41740647human with a horsecock thenyou're getting gingerbred
>>41740664maybe if it was a chick but that's not gonna happen because humans aern't real
Got this absolutely adorable card today
>>41740676/d/ookie /d/iln
>>41740647I told you I'm not role-playing. This is a real, flesh and blood anon that NEEDS to dick that Dragon pony down.
>>41740686well go pick one of the mares that like humans then???
>>41740690Doesn't matter if you like it or not. You know what's coming.
>>41740698that's it I'm turning the no diamond dogs sign I took down into a no humans sign
>>41740512I’ll reach out to my horse fucker friend that lives at that address and ask him. Sorry about that!
>tfw still no tracking or updates>even checked the archives, nothingAt least chikun got their gift
Quiet Reflection, it says the package was delivered to you. You're in possession of it right?
>>41740597Kevlar? That's a bad idea. A decent set of level 3+ or 4 plates costs well under a thousand and is a good investment. Be sure to pay with your credit card for the points!
>>41740712You think that will stop me? Let me in Cookie Kiln! I want to come inside!
>>41740723I have some dinner plates I dont use anymoreWill that work?
Thank you Caramel Copycat for the beautiful wooden Derpy! /) That's going right on my desk. I really appreciate the... wait a minute, someone is knocking at my door...
>>41740783Oh, this pretty mare has stopped by to deliver my gift! I can't wait to see what's inside!
Gift finally mailed and sent your way Frottage Cottage! Hope you can enjoy the assortment of goodies.
>>41740783wtf post the real version
>>41740783You're most welcome! Glad she made it there okay!
>>41740680That's very cute
I don't know how receiving cards works because it's only my first year, but I still haven't received any, nor was I mentioned by any card mailers. Seeing everyone receiving their sovlful cards along with horsemas approaching so quickly, it's kind of dampening my spirit. I've already mailed out mine.
>>41740813same here, I wanna say maybe I got the address wrong but the gift showed up, so... idk.
>>41740797Ahem... I've mostly contained the ants that were in the box, now to take a peek at my gifts! Wow... that's a lot of dogs, and a cute Twilight pin! Seems I've avoided getting a Peanut this year
My downstairs neighbor is some guy the landlady got to watch her apartment when she isn't there and he's been going thru and taking random mail, so I'm just getting two these cards after he stopped stealing mail from the building.I got Wynter wyes card, fun ocs, and cute nsfw of flutters on the inside
>>41740813>>41740815It takes time to get there. Weather and other stuff (like the bullshit strike up in leaf-stan) can and will impede you getting your cards.
>>41740818And now for the one gift I can open! It's a very comfy Horsemas ornament for me to hang up, perfect! To Vinyl's sides and back are Maud, Luna, and Twilight, all cuddling together in the snow. I love it, thank you! I can't wait to open the rest of my presents next week!/)
>>41740791 ^:)
>>41740828unf <3
>>41740722just picked it up!
>>41740819I'm not sur3 who sent this yellow on3, but it's super cut3, and thanky for cute nsfw on the inside
I forgot to say, I love each and every one of you faggots with all my heart, and there's no place i'd rather be than shitposting with my fellow anons on /mlp/ Mares for life, and comfy feels to you all on this December day, in the two thousand & twenty fourth year of our lord.
>>41740512He said he has it and is bringing it by after he gets off work today
>>41740813Do you know that the same people you send cards to send cards to you? That's why many anons don't do callouts on cards. Also most anons mail them very late, so getting them after christmas is normal.
>>41740824Super cute ornament!
>>41740813I sent out all of mine around the 5th, they seem to be slowly reaching their destinations.Post is unironically slow as shit this time of year so you'll be getting stuff this week at least from PC, I literally only just got my PC card today and one of my cardees cards last week. And afaik, my cardees are only just starting to get mine as of last week. I'm actually looking for excuses to make more cards. I can't stop.
>>41740828damn it zippy, i love your style but why you gotta have frontpussy anatomy like this
package secured by my demon daughter, thanks a bunch friendo!
>>41740842 Good to hear.That being said, to my >>41740116 bread recipients, quick allergen disclaimers: it the loaf contains, dairy, wheat (with stretchy tasty gluten), brpwn sugar, eggs, baking powder, baking soda, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Tested last year, to the detriment of their health (and my stress levels), a single slice is dangerously unsafe for the diabeetus. Each loaf has 2/3rds lb brown sugar (300g), and 50% more butter than last year.
>>41740873after me thinking my dumbass had dabeetus last year i am prepared to die in sugary glory
>>41740869sir please vacuume your house
>>41740828HelpHow to clean mayo off of wood
>>41740878thanks anon point out the one area of the house that wasnt touched by the cleaning storm yesterday why dontcha
Pizza roll parade, thanky for your cutie card and kind words in your card. I believe i sent you another cute doodle, and hoping you like that draw too
>>41740828HelpHow to get splinters off of woodHurt to pull out when bigHurt when try to get small so stay bigIf not help soonMight become fetish for hurt
Thank you for the wonderful card Pizza Roll Parade! Now I just need to figure out what to do with these stickers. What do you guys do with them?
Last card I have so far is from Fiddle yard frost. Another cutie card with some candies, and a floppy kek. I'm excited to see if I can get the floppy working on something, but even if not it's definitely a cool thing to have regardless
>>41740877Hey Fillycakes, friendly reminder >>41739647Congrats!
>>41740869 Also great to see/hear. Considering my sleep deprived state, I can't actually recall if I put spoilers in the card or not, other than shared interests in specific mares. Though, everything is individually wrapped in an extra layer of plastic on top of the wrapping paper/cloth. NOTE: do NOT look in the smol folder graphing paper marked "for QA". It will spoil the entirety of the gift set. Everything else should be good for staging beneath your tree. Ping me if you have any questions.>pic >>41740877 There goes my stress levels 'fore my afternoon nap before nightshift.
>>41740841mare crimmus
Only 9 more days to Horsemas, lads! Have you finished those deliveries yet?
>>41740645>>41740686I wanna bump tacos with Cookie Kiln on the principal's desk
>>41740940oh my
>>41740867isn't it supposed to go on the front??? i thought that's why it's called the front butt????
Did anyone send me anything yet. I know my anon got their gift(just hasnt opened) if im getting grinched, then fine but id like to at least know it.
>>41740455Wow, I did not expect such a filling. Now I won't run out of sweets even further than the end of the year. looking forward to opening the gift of the actual in this case. I think I also opened it from the wrong side xD
>>41740913resident evil experience ingrained in my brain let me inspect everything properly so i only learned you know what's good, what to open in what order and that BREADreceiving big box is already cheer, but horse things inside always makes it best cheerand even though any kind of loaf is my weakness, i don't think i could ever hope to finish a honkin hunk of a horker like this in one setting, it's just so goddamned beautiful and intimidating.we can confirm it's at least the size of one (1) retard!>>41740903eyyy, yeah skimming the thread i saw, hit ya up earlier unless my email is being gaythank you for the opportunity! :0 did not expect a blessing from RNGesus
>>41740997Also, "NSFW" part is now in Fridge, Will be test soon-ish
>>41740835Good to hear! Sorry, was a bit worried since you're leaving tomorrow. Hope you enjoy frend <3
>Dusty Bin>Caramel Swing>Stocking StrokerI fucked up.I got your cards returned to me today as I selected the wrong size/weight for them when I ordered the shipping... yes, I am retarded.Dusty Bin and Caramel Swing, you guys a domestic so I'll get them redelivered ASAP on 1st class so they'll be with you in time for horsemas.I'll do the same for you Stocking Stroker, but due to international mail travel times, it's unlikely to be with you before horsemas... I'm sorry.Pic related; it's me.
Hey Oil Lamp, the tracking says yours was delivered - can you confirm?
Aunt AntimacassarYour card has sent! Sorry it took a bit. Drawing's hard
Thank you for the wonderful card and cute coal foal ornament Chuckles! I hope your Christmas is a very memorable and merry one!
>>41739868Thank you so very much! I got the tracking info from Pony Claus.
>>41740884yeah yeah clean your house boyo
>tracking said package was supposed to arrive today>all week, all weekend, gonna arrive monday>mail arrives>no package>Tracking now says tomorrow>won't say what facility it's inSo much for getting it inside on my day off.
how many
>>41741173I turned 32 a week and some days back. December birthdays suck.
>>41741173...dont remind me man, It's already feeling sucky when Im one of the "grown ups" among the random zoomers at the con meetups.
>>41722598Sorry for the late reply, I've been super busy last week. It looks like it's been updated yesterday so it's now moving apparently. Not sure why they were just holding on to it for a week lol. I did get the other package.
Turntable Toboggan!! I sent out your gift today, i hope you enjoy it!! sorry for the lateness T-TCold Snap i got your gift and its wonderful and it's so amazing i love it!! Thank you so much!!Sorry for not being as participant as i should've in the threads its my first year and balancing everything was rough but i'll be more prepared next year!!
Stocking Stoker,Your gift has arrived safe and sound!
>>41741173Turned 30 this year but I’m an autistic retard so I don’t act it irl and still get ID’d lol
>>41741237Me too
>>41741237>>41741184>>41741181how do you not die at your age
>>41741246I was planning on being done by 30 because I wanted to reach a pay rate my family never attained... and then it just happened. And I realized my pay rate goal was so pitifully low that it was kind of embarrassing to have that as a goal to begin with. Then I thought things were going well because I was making stuff here and a few anons could even recognize me.Then I lost around 98% of everything I ever owned, in by and far the worst situation I've been with the least amount of support and options available. The question is less "if" and more "when". The answer is "when there's nothing left".If your life doesn't suck and you have things going for you, it's kinda retarded to stop yourself early. If your life sucks, and it sucks to suck, there's nothing wrong with still pushing forward as if your life is on the line. Because it is. No one is going to change that. If you reach the end of your rope and it's really just the end, don't make a spectacle because no one is watching. Just do it and be done.
>>41741173approaching 27...
>>41741173Also 30
>>41724985Hey Bing-Bong Singalong, got the package.
>>41741184Nice thing about being an old man in this fandom is all the milfs that are impressed that I can connect with their autistic son.
>>41740320Mailed mine out but never got one yet or seen my name posted by a cardee
>>41740320Mailed out all my cards and got only one from P. Claus so far. Card's unfortunately a bit soggy due to rain.
>>4174117324 in 5 days
>>41740680Man that's cute
>don't do crimmus for 6 years cuz family died>get roped into this by friend who said last year was perfect>no clue if my santee got his stuff>no word from santahaha yeah guys.. great love running myself into the ground to get some gifts for a dude and have some vague hope Christmas isn't deadleast mom would've been proud I did something for someone else..
>>41741393Your entire family just died ...?
Holy shit I got a lot of crazy cards this year. Thanks to every single of of my cardees. Im going to do a bunch of picture dumps when I get the last stragglers in around christmas so its not strung out, but hot damn. The art! The ornaments! THE ART. I got letters from my horse wife! THE ART! Im gobsmacked.
>>41741418dad, then mom like 2 and a half years after, yeah. haven't touched Christmas anything since then because it was just painful. had to live with extended family for like 2 years because I was 16. This is the first time I've tried to do anything Christmas related since
Wow just wow Oopsy Daisy your card came in and it is pure A E S T H E T I C if I wasnt a family stallion id put it right up with the other framed arts upon my wall. Thank you so much and happy horsemas to all.And to my cardees expect yours in the mail very soon!
>>41741430I just got your card! Wow. So many stickers… and a PONUT? How DARE.Bunny Bakes!Dude… this loaf is phenomenal. I think it made my teeth hurt a bit so I’m taking my time eating it. Shared some with my hypoglycemic roommate and she absolutely appreciates it.
Gandy Prancer, I'm finishing up packaging your "legal" and not at all "illicit" 0.4oz dosages of "pony" in totally "not suspicious" little baggies along the rest of your big box of "horsemas". Keep a lookout for expediated tracking tomorrow when it's dropped off in the afternoon.
>>41740902Enjoy the candy and diskette! The link on that card will give you the exact same files you have on the diskette!
>>41741508Side note… Banjo Boogie I absolutely adore the tiny little Ponka Po charm. >Quarter and lighter for scale
>>41741509This sounds interesting! Tell us more!
>>41741393i hope i get you as my grinchee ill fill you with lots of love and cheer, anon!
Matte Finish, your incomplete box is on the way. I'm still working on the last thing which I should have done sometime before 2026.
>>41741314Yay!! Glad to see it survived
Forging Fire, I have received your gift!
>package from santa supposed to be delivered 12/14>wait>nothing shows up>wait 2 more days>still nothingif it got stolen by a porch pirate... at least I received one of the giftsthough, apparently it can get marked as delivered on accident sometimes. maybe if I wait hard enough, it can still appear... right?
>>4174117335. I'm here for life, lads.
>>41741636That's not saying much you can't possibly make it more than another year or two right
>>41741173Christ, I feel like I'm the oldest one here at 40.
Toffee Truffle, your gifts are officially on their way! Tracking number has been sent to Pony Claus.
Pizza Roll Parade, your Horsemas cheer has arrived! Thanks for the card. Nerdy purple poners do make the best waifus. And thanks for the cute stickers and ribbon. Justice for the milkmare! And no worries about last year. Life happens.
>>41740320I’M TRYING
>>4174117333 check 'em
>>4174117319 lol, some people looked a little dejected speaking to me at mare fair this year.
>>41741644ok boomer.38 here
Next request was for Piping and Cookie setting something on fire, figured this would be appropriate. Also, here is Cookie getting her massive teats sucked :>>4174117327 here
>>41741698These are so good. The fiery mares are good. Thank you so much for making and sharing this! is your mindset
>>41741624just double checked my mail (package still isn't there) but I did receive a wonderful card! thanks Pony Claus, the coal filly has a new home on my tree
>>417411735 more months...
The perfect ornament for a My Little /k/commando
>>41741534Thanks mate, I just wanted to spread horsemas cheer
>>41736635I got your card a few weeks ago but kept forgetting to post about it. I greatly appreciate it.I'm finishing up my cards so I should be sending them out soon™. Sorry to my cardees for taking so long but I haven't gotten any of your cards either ^>:(
>>41741819There you are! >>41717686Your address was incomplete so I couldn't send your card out. As son as I get that info, I can get it in the mail.
>>41741788Its a shame but if you do get grinched you'll be well taken care of, anon. I think too many tourists join this event and half grinch because they don't understand/ care about board culture.You sound like somepony who fulfilled their job and will be rewarded accordingly.
>>41741508 I'm going to assume teeth hurting from sugar content and not that the crust got too hard in transit.Windy Jubles, seems the shipper made a liar of me; your goodies were delivered (light colored brick wall and the edge of tile transition (patio or interior? pixel density is ass). Check your front doors if it's there, please.Almond Heart, looks like they dropped the box off, red brick, white door (porch?). Please chime in, it's too warm out this week for me to be fine letting a loaf sit out there.Ginger Pop, Doodlebug, I'm hoping y'all will get it tomorrow.
>>41740320yep but thus far only one cardee seems to have received it. choosing to believe that others are waiting to open it on Christmas
>>41740320I've sent all of mine already but literally no one has posted em.
would I be a piece of shit faggot for reaching out to pony claus during the year just to talk :'(
>>41742020Absolutely not, Anon. Pony Claus is pretty busy but he always makes time for anons in need.
>>41741949Yeah that’s my guess is it’s the sugar.
>>41741949I found the bread plus other treats today. Thank you! I haven't gotten my cards yet, but you'll be seeing one from me when they go out.
Santa, I received my first gift from you today and I have also gotten the envelope. The final package seems to be stuck in LA and has been there for the last 10 days. USPS said it will going to deliver on the 10th, but hasn't moved. I hope it isn't lost.
>>41741200I'm glad you liked it!!! That makes me so happy to hear :) hopefully the blanket keeps you nice and warm on these chilly winter nights!Feel free to post pics if you'd like of course!
>>41741866My address doesn't really have one of those. At least not officially for years. I'm pretty sure it's technically Street, but I've always left that out on delivery details, including previous secret santas, and have seemly always gotten my packages/cards.
>>41742096Thanks, just had to make sure so it didn't go to the wrong place or get sent back. Hopefully it'll get to you in time.
Forgot to post this weekend but to my anonymous Santa your gift has arrived and been placed under the horsemas tree.
>>41741698>figured this would be appropriatehehe yes I love it, setting things on fire is fun :3>>41741698>here is Cookie getting her massive teats suckedo-oh my I-I didn't think anyone was watching...>>41741710lov u firey amer <3
>>41741200nigger what are you waiting forposting pics of your gift is obligatory
>>41739153That's all good. Glad to know. In fact, I'm glad you mentioned it. I'm going to be out of town until Jan 6 starting on Thursday, so if you haven't shipped yet then it would probably be best to delay a bit. Wouldn't want the package sitting on the porch for that long. If it fits in a mail slot then it should be fine to ship whenever and I can pick it up when I get back.
>>41742214>>41741698forgot to say, thank you a ton for drawing us!! :D
things have been separated, hype train has started, and horses will be held until horsemas!thanks again so much bunny bakes, i actually expected there'd be even more sugar in the loaf than there was, so it was a very pleasant surprise i actually already ate half of on an empty stomach c:thanks for doing so much to take care of and make this random retard's year, the joy i get just seeing these boxes and knowing they're coming from a fellow fiery mare enjoyer just makes me so fucking happy insidegod i love being a horsefucker
>>41741173Where did you get this photo of me?
Got my package Santa! I haven't opened the bubble wrap and I (gladly) cannot tell what's inside, it or looked in the card yet so I don't know who you are yet, but very excited! Thank you!
Crossbuck Luck! Good news, your box of horse autism will be dropped off at the post office tomorrow! Anon and Twiggy helped me with the decorations. Hope your local postal worker enjoys them!
Hi Piping Hot,I got your package. It looks like the Canada Border Services Agency found you package to be sketchy and opened the end that’s marked do not open, despite Applejack’s disapproving look.
>>41742479Piping Hot,I am surprised and amazed with everything I have received. My favorites so far are the Flutterbat plushie, the hand drawn picture of and knitted and toy Applejack and Fluttershy figures and the custom CD. Really, it’s all awesome and I just want to say thanks. This cheered me up. Let me know if you want me to post more pictures!
Hey Pudding Pie,I will try to send your gifts this week. Unfortunately, everything has been conspiring against me lately.
I got your card Pony Claus I really love it but My coal foal got beheaded in the post
>>41740981Your Santa already mentioned you, goofus.
I just accidentally fucking decapitated my clay mareSo much for sending everything out first thing in the morning
>>41740101That's amazing! I'm so fucking excited!!!
>>41742521anon, that kills the mare
>>41734333I swore not to open anything until the big day, I think it makes the gift that much more special. Appreciate your permission though and your hint has been ...well noted>>41741167Ah shit, I see that on my end too, sorry about that man. Don't unspoil this if you don't want to ruin the surprise but don't worry the post office will have at least one more opportunity not to fuck up their delivery dates for gifts
>>41742521This is all haber's fault!
>>41740608I am exactly zero percent sorry about bullying Cookie and think that more milk dunk pics need to happen.
>mailed cards a little over a week ago>understand they will probably take 2 weeks minimum to be delivered>still excitedly check through new posts to see if they've been postedhow do you subdue this autism
>>41742046 Great to hear. Fair warning with me receiving cards. I may be very delayed opening them (12/27+) since I'm helping my mom host Hearthswarming Eve for 20+ family; I'll be 4+ hour out of town until then.>>41742238 Also good to hear. Though a loaf is 3.5k to 4k food calories iirc. I try not to bake any for just myself for exactly that reason.
>>41742602like that's ever stopped megood luck on your family fiesta, dayum
>>41742607What the actual fuck how is that allowed to be sold
>>41742628USA xD
Alright, I know it's basically the eleventh hour, but I want to try hosting a smol giveaway since I haven't hosted one before. I have an ornament that I made for 2024, and one last ornament leftover from 2023 to give out. Reply with your id and which ornament you want to get. Deadline is 8 pm p.s.t. on December 19th. Many thanks to all the giveaway hosts, mass mailers, and (you) fine friends who have made this holiday fun for everyone! I didn't know what I was in for when I joined in 2022, but I don't regret it for a second!
>>41742643I'll take 2023!
Hey Banjo Boogie! I'll be mailing your gift this thursday!! be on the lookout for that tracking code!
>>41742643In that case, dibs on 2024!
>>41742628At least it doesn't have confirmed deaths, unlike the panera bread lemonade.
>all these ponies getting their packages>awaiting patiently for mine>know that the REALLY busy mailing period is this weekI live in hope that the mail gods will be kind to me and send mine safely to my doorstep
>>41742693I very much hope so too, because yours is going out today! Dropped it off to the mail ponies just now, keep an eye on your email for tracking.
>>41742693>your package is safely delivered to MY doorstepThen what do?
>>41741191Nice to hear from ya, hope your weeks become easier! Also hoping that 2nd package gets to you safely.
>>41742643They look great! Sign me up for the 2024 mare stare.
Hi, Garden PartyJust wanted to let you know that the "card" has arrived. And I will wait until Christmas before opening.
>>41742693uhh.... i have some bad feealing becouse nobody post about my postcards... it shoud arrive in most of case....
>>41742777Those blessed trips will protect you and your cards from harm, bro. Checked.
I'm being grinched so hard right now by everyone except PC
good morning anons, 8 days till hearths warming !! hoping anyone that hasn’t gotten their package yet receives it before hearths warming (me included) !! enjoy the glimmy pic >oh glimmy, my beloved
>>41742484Thanks so much for the pictures! I am glad to see that everything including the sweets made its way to (You)Hope you enjoy it all and merry horsemas!!
Neighborhood FM is working. It's a holiday miracle.
to the grinching faggots that arent in this thread to even pretend they care, i wish every toilet you sit on breaks and spews raw sewage directly into your anus
Holiday Hijack the parcel says it was delivered a few days ago, please confirm it was safely delivered!!
>>41742643Ah damn, that's a tough one. They're both really good. I would like the 2023 one, please.
>>41742643I would love the 2023!
haven't heard anything from my santa since the callout post. when am I able to say that I've been grinched?
>>41742927I'll have to thoroughly inspect your balls to be certain before we initiate the grinch proceedings
>>417429272 more weeks
>>41740903Hey Fillycakes, the great and powerful trixie has been mailed! Expect great and powerful shenanigans in the coming week!This is also a callout post to my santa Obtuse Caboose. Is everything going okay?
>>41742952it's coming together, I should be able to send the gift either today or tomorrow, sorry for taking so long
>>41742643I wasn't here for 2023 but I'd love the 2024 :0
>>41742723Yeah baby! I am excited!
>>41742984Awesome! Looking forward to it!
Maybe I'm not being grinchedMaybe there's a goblin stealing all my cards and keeping my santa locked in a basement without internet
>>41741698Hell yes, that's more like it. I need more of Cookie Kiln getting what she deserves.
>>41743123>Cookie Kiln getting what she deservesi deserve a lot of money and also cuddles with mares and maybe even one of those cool nightmare moon armor reproduction outfits even though it would probably look silly on me...
>>41743140I could have provided all that plus more. There's only one thing you deserve now after putting up that sign.
>>41743151cheaper business insurance?
>>41743140>reproduction outfitsGlad we're on the same wavelengthGet in the cheerleader uniform
>>41743154You'll find out soon enough, let's just say it's Spanish for angler fish.
>>41743161ew i hate fish except for maybe that one place where they deep fry it>>41743159>cheerleader uniformok on one hoof i refuse to wear a cheerleader outfit but on the other hoof a moon themed cheerleader outfit sounds epic
Saddle Tank, I got the box! Waiting till Christmas eve will be torture
Beautifully written card with art from one of my favorite artists? I will treasure it always! Thank you so much Chuckles. I'll take good care of Coal Foal
Would have posted this yesterday but I was still a bit fucked from Sunday.Liquorice Tea, I got the package and Trixie is keeping it safe till Horsemas. Thank you kindly.
I also had some cards come.Thank you for the lovely card and coal foal Chuckles.
>>41743190Aww, I love your trixie <3
>>41736179Thank you santa! I got both an email notification from your postal service and PC as well! >>41742057Glad it made it safely, thanks for the update santee! > I have also gotten the envelopeStrange though cause i posted out the card and the 2nd package the same time at the same place. Oh well, lets hope it arrives and not lost, but at least you got the main high value items already!Hopefully the rest of my cardees got the envelopes as well.
Thank you Kettle Corn for the Bacon card. The blue Twilight made me laugh.
Fluster Dust,Your gift is in transit. It should reach you before Christmas, but maybe not... I really hope it will!! My apologies for sending it so late, I just got finished with everything yesterday and needed today to put it all in a package and decorate the box. In the future I'll work on the box beforehoof.
And Thank you Caramel Swing for this absolutely cursed card and the equally cursed stickers. It had me rolling. Poor Trixie couldn't even get away from the misery that thing brings.
>>41743212ok the twitter sticker is a little bit funny
>>41743199You can never have enough Trixie, or at least I can't.Not really /SS/ related but it is pony. My mate got me this little Trixo as a Christmas gift.
>>41742607 >>41742628 kek. Y'all haven't ever watched them take a full slice of cake and shove it into a blender? (Pic related) Best part is the cake and frosting globs that get stuck in the straw.>>41742643 2023. entry please. since last year was my first /ss/.Doodlebug, and Ginger Pop, I'm going to relay tracking info of card-and-loaf through some pone in charge when I get home before I pass out. Hard to do much and I hate trying to mobilepost. Doodlebug, not sure if it's going to be out for delivery tomorrow or Thursday at this rate.Ginger Pop, boy howdy did I go down a rabbit hole trying to find your card and bread package. The tracking info was lying because the box may be in the wrong trailer. I can rant about it when have a proper keyboard later.
>>41743233>this little TrixoShe's adorable!! I found a build-a-bear glimmer at the thrift store a while back, so I ended up buying a BaB trixie to go with her, they're still standing together on my desk nowadays <3
>>417426432023, please
>>41741043Oh boy, protein!!!
>>41743245I bet they look cute. I need to get the BaB one. I wasn't able to buy shit for myself back then so I missed out on some old Trixie stuff that I'm getting now, such as that 4de one.>>41742643They're both really good but I'll throw my hat in for the 2024 one, please.
>>41743292>I bet they look cute.a moment of silence for all of the Trixie & AJ plushies that are missing their hats :((I'll try to get a picture of them when I get home!)
Heyo Hotbox Reefer! Thank you for the card! I like the shiny golden star on the tree. Fluttershy is looking very cute!
Yow Candlelight Archive! Thank you for your card! The Flutters inside is very cute. Poor Anonfilly looks quite sad with her spaghetti. Also, on the Fluttershy trading card, who the heck are those little humans in the background?
>>41743316Forgor pic
>>41743321Yeah, that's why you get your cards out before the 10th. That way, lines are shorter and you have an extra week knowing that you've done your horsemas carding duty. Also, you avoid pissed off postal workers dealing with retards asking for delivery miracles the closer you get to the holiday.
Naptime! Your gift is finished and will be shipped out today! Pretty much everything is wrapped besides a few little extras if you want to put the gifts under your tree. To my cardeesGoodiegoodie Gumdrops the Goo PonyShed Bash Sweater Golden Spike Your cards will be sent out later today or early tomorrow. I promise they will be worth the wait!And Santa! I got your package and I cannot wait to open it on the big day!
Hoi hoi Icicle Slither, wat een mooie kaart!I like the Flutterstare holographic sticker! I thought Trixie with 2 horns was normal, but this is the first time I see her with both on her head. I hope that we can have a pony weekend soon, but don't worry if you need more time. Also now with Santa projects out of the way I'll continue your comm/
Ahoj Broccoli Time! Bro, you always send these nice cards with great art on that bomb ass paper!>delivery guy ahhh chav wannabe janny bouncerI'm glad he made you giggle! That moment just had to be immortalised. See you at the next con/meetup!
>>41743334And compromise my artistic vision!? I think not!Anyway, I avoid pissed off postal workers by bringing them candy.
>>41743336>I thought Trixie with 2 horns was normal, but this is the first time I see her with both on her head
>>41742643I'd like a 2024 one
>driving to work>gets in accident >dies instantly >oh shit >last thing i see before i close my eyes for the last time is the various starlight glimmer sticker and figurines on my dash >fade to black >wake up, look around, see vaguely familiar buildings around me>is this equestria..? >before i can get up i see the shadow of a mare coming from behind me >turn around, it’s starlight glimmer>she asks me if i’m ok, her bangs falling to the side as she looks down at me and cocks her head>i guess? where am i? >the outskirts of equestria! my humble village! she says, i was on my morning walk when i found you>she offers a hoof to help me up >i’ve never seen a creature like you before she says as she walks around me, examining me>before i could say anything she says hey have you heard about cutie marks? >mfw i die and go to equestria just to have my waifu try to turn me into a communist
>>41743375You know what to do: either turn her into a good commie or fuck the stupid out of her.
>>41743383i think we all know what ill do >plap plap plap plap plap
>>41742927see >>41716537
Lads there's a mare ou
>>41742498Don't worry at all, friend! Take all the time you need, and thanks for keeping me updated. I hope things start looking up for you soon!
>>41741648Can't wait to see it! Horsemas will be great this year.
>>417426432023 is so snowpityful, I'd love to try for that one \OcO/
Caramel Copycat, your present is out of my hooves. It should be in yours soon!
>>41743202Never mind, USPS was pranking me and it’s out for delivery today. I’ll post an update once I have it in hand.
>>41742484>>41742817Hi again, sorry my reply this morning was a bit hasty, I was running out the door to work. Glad you are enjoying it all, and that the sweets made it, I was worried that if customs was gonna take anything it would somehow be those dangerously delicious chocolate covered potato chip crumbs haha. I had the manila envelope with your flat gifts (poster, comic, drawing) on the very bottom when i originally packed it so thats why i wrote not to open it on that side, but it seems like it worked out okay! I see the poster and drawing are still looking good.Glad to see the CD is in good shape too! That was another thing I was slightly worried about breaking. I hope you enjoy the music on there and maybe even discovered something new. I opted to include remixes of Flutterwonder and Sunshine/Celery Stalks rather than the original tracks since you said you have already heard both, even though i still agree that both are absolute classics.Since you seemed to have opened everything already I assume its safe to ask if the candle is still in one piece as well? Thanks again for the pics and the update!!
WEIGHTED BLANKET YO GIFT IS OUT FOR DELIVERY (like actually this time)Like I said last time, you can go ahead and open the main box, I wrapped everything except for one thing that will be pretty obvious once you open the box. She can keep you company while you wait until hearth's warming day!Don't open the card yet, it spoils what the main gift is, and the disc inside of it is a data disc rather than a music disc, though it does have the music I burned to my cardees' discs on it, just in MP3 (I think) format. But it also spoils the main gift, cause I included the pictures I took of the gift being made. Technically, it took years to make! If sitting on a shelf waiting for the right moment counts, lol>>41743484your CD is WAY cooler than all the ones I made :0
Hello Aunt Antimacassar,The package has been dropped off and UPS claim they can get it to your closest pick up point on Thursday.There are no decorations on the outside as requested.Don't look to closely at the label if you don't want to get spoiled, because UPS thinks "Don’t worry, we won’t put this on your label!", means We'll totally put it on your label.
It's the first time I do something like that, so here goes nothing...Hey, let's do something crazy!The rule is pretty simple:Reply with a cute and festive image, and the name/description/link to a cute mare for me to draw.In a good hour, I will pick one reply at random, and draw your designated cutie!I won't draw it now, but I will try to post it before the end of the week.
>>41743530Would it be too narcissistic to ask for a begrudgingly festivised Cookie? Dressed up in something that's festive but also fits her looks-like-a-dessert theme, I guess
>>41743530VINAL VINAL VINAL VINAL VINAL(you should draw Vinyl)
>>41743316I’m so glad you liked your card! Those are bootleg KAYOU cards from China lol, I bought a booster box of them when I was getting into the trading cards and didn’t realise one of them was a bootleg. It came with some official art and strange fanart, my favourite being the diaper Vinyl Scratch cause it’s so weird compared to the rest
>>41742643Enterin for 2023 pleaseWinter Charge! Your gift arrived safely today! The box was slightly damaged in one corner so i could see some of the items inside, but each of their wrappings seemed to be intact. Looking forward to Horsemas to open them!
>>41743572How much you want for that card
>>41743530I will also ask for a festive Cookie Kiln though I want her gagged and tied up with ribbons and placed under the tree to be opened on Horsemas morning. If that's pushing it too far a festive Trixie would also be wonderful.
>>41743530>>41743538Yeah, have Cookie stuck in a wall getting fucked by an irishman so she's a ginger-bred house!
Is USPS just destroying all pony cards or something?This thread should be full of cards being shared.
>Claims to have seen her internet search history>What the fuck is the internet?Card from Pony Claus made it, took 11 days to get here within the US per the postmark. Gosh USPS is heckin' slow this year. Thank you for the coal foal, she'll go on the tree to remind all the autists to stop looking at!
>>41743336The Great and Powerful Trixie does not remember showing anypony THAT second horn, where did you hear this? I'll make it a proper New Year's resolution to get those tiny events going again, and glad to hear you're continuing with more mares!
Why is sexually harassing other anons something now
>>41743612sup, welcome to /ss/, I want to suck your ginger pop
>>41743619I'm an old fag so I mean relatively. Like it is a bit much if im being honest
>>41743530Draw my secret Santa oc! She's got no art, so have fun. Here's a filler for your troubles.
>>41743612it's included in the disclosures on the sign up sheet, did you not read it?
>>41743572>diaper Vinyl ScratchChat, is this a bruh moment?
Saddle Tank, Turntable Toboggan, Holofoil Halter! Your cards are in the mail. Dropped them off last Friday, so expect them soon!
>>41743640Certified hood tragedy
>>41740300ooooo, can't wait!
>>41743648>Certified hood tragedyI like this phrase. Is this what young sigmas say nowadays?
>>41743530Sure if you'd like to take a try at my /ss/ mare:
>>41743639I guess not
>>41743572>diaper Vinyl Scratch
>>41743680why do you hate diapers cookie?
>>41743588>though I want her gagged and tied up with ribbons and placed under the tree to be opened on Horsemas morningthat'd actually be pretty funny but only if she's mad about it like that kirin was when they tied her to a chair
Chuckles, I got your card!And I've been caught in 4k, but at least my coal foal ended up okay...>>41743654Yes. We say it with rizz
>>41743715... i forgot pic
>>41743633This looked like a fun ssoc to try
Rolled 6 (1d6)Whohoo that's a lot of answers!Let's try not to mess it up...1) >>417435382) >>417435633) >>417435884) >>417435955) >>417436336) >>41743657Also, I should have said safe for work before, so I will see what I do.
>>41743530>>41743657>>41743748Winner winner Chicken dinner!I will draw it and try to post it before the week end.Thanks for the cute mares Anons, and may the cheering continues!
>>41743748Congratulations Chicken DinerWas pic more related than usual?
>>41743748Funny that you rolled a 6 considering the pic you posted.
>>41743735>Friends with frosty flakesYou should draw her hanging out with frosty, does she just sit on top of her head?>>41743748technically half of the entries were me and I still lost, lolexcited to see the train mare though, she cute! :)
>>41743755Someone draw Cookie being sprayed with a fire extinguisher for actually trying to rig a raffle
>>41670335A moon bottle has showed up today, it looks SO COOLI'll have to post it again during SS 2025 to show y'all how it's fared against a year of drinking immense quantities of water...
>>41743795anon that's a hate crime you can't just spray someone with a fire extinguisher because they're capable of breathing fire>>41743817Oh and still no cards yet :(
>>41743817Fuck that looks cool
Rolled 2 (1d6)>>41743752>>41743753Nope, I used the 4chan dice rolling option, so I couldn't rig it.(let's see if it really works or if I have to reroll using an other method)Still funny indeed>>41743755kek, that was unexpeded, I have to admit.I honnestly would love to draw them all, but I probably won't have much time to do so, so, only the winner (I will see after if I draw more)
>>41743823oh no please not #4
Hey Corn Chip!Your package is on its way!Merry Horsemas!
I hope my santee doesnt mind that I included several polaroid photographs of my anus in the gift
>>41743849are all changelings like this
>>41743349Yay, glad you were able to redeem the card, sir.Happy holidays!
>>41743823VINYL MENTIONED (sorta) (kinda)
Anonymous!Your package may or may not be in transit!If you dont get it I'm only half a grinch because of quantum uncertainty so I cant be banned!
>>41743748>>41743751Thank you kind anon. I'll wait with bated breath!
>>417426432023 would be pretty cool c:
>tfw still have to paint, wrap, draw and ship my present for my Santee by tomorrow.I dun goof'd this year anons. The one good thing is my santee is like only a hundred miles away, so i'm confident IF I ship it on the 18th, it will get there in time. Worst case, i'm seriously just considering driving and hand delivering it myself. My Santee WILL have a gift come Christmas.
>>41744065I have a one last gift that is 70% done BUT my family decided to visit tomorrow and day after so I wouldn't be able to work on it.
>>417426432023 for sure, but both look awesome!
>>41739276>>41740019wish I could be connected with whoever is closest to me but I understand the privacy concerns..
>>41744121Me too, All my past Santees/Cardeees live like half way on the other side of the country, I wish I had a fellow horsefucker living somewhere in the same (or near by) city.
>>41744136santa claus any chance we could request you ask the nearest person(s) if they would want to be connected to someone nearby? social threads on the board get nuked so its hard to find people.
>>41744065Distance means little in the face of esoteric logistical chains
Coal Shovel. I sent your package yesterday, they said it should arrive in 3 days, but let me know if you need the tracking number
>>41744065Same desu. I have to machine six parts, decorate the front panel, and program the thing in time to ship on the 23rd. Though I could potentially deliver in person on the 24th
This is the week I've been dreading. The final push everyone does at the last minute to send off their gifts. Please send good pony thoughts and pony prayers to my poor back from carrying a majority of my shift.
>>41744153My take is that it is best practice to send tracking info it to Pony Claus so it can be forwarded just in case, and also so Pony Claus knows you have sent it.
>>41744065you should ask permission before showing up at someones door
>>41743469Yay, lovely news! Thanks Santa, I'm very excited!
>>41744170>you should ask permission before showing up at someones doorWas this in the FAQ?
>>41743562hes probably fine
>>41744177It shouldn't have to be but since this board has a poor understanding of good social behavior we should make sure its in the FAQ for next year.
>>41743202I have received the final gifts. I will report the contents of these gifts next week when they are opened.
>>41744176Don't get too excited. I don't want high expectations!Also, just so you know, you should be able to open the outside package itself, as the contents inside are separately packaged for proper Christmas aesthetics.
Hey Jolly Jenny, sorry meant to post this yesterday I was busy having fun with the new keyboard. Holy shit man, you went all out with this holy shit,>The Keychron V1 Max kayboard and EK21 VIA Numpad.Absolutely fucking glorious. The keykap artwork is amazing and same for having a printed housing for it. The switches you chose on both the keyboard and the numpad feel amazing. I love the tacky feel and sound of the keyboard's switches.Oh and the fact that you can just hotswap switches if you want to, is just fucking amazing.It blows my mind that it isn't more commonplace.Same foe the numpad as well, Love the fact that the theme for both match and the switches are pure fucking butter using them.I actually swapped the switches on the WASD keys with the spares and one of the numpad.The best of both worlds and I love it.And the cable for the keyboard is sexy as fuck.Just a question though, what switches did you end up using because both are absolutely amazing.>3d printed wireless mouseMan, not only is this mouse's design is sexy and clean as fuck, it's also comfy as well.What filament did you use to print it? Its fucking gorgeous.>Fallout Equestria bookBro holy fuck, thank you so much for this.As a horsefucker and as a massive fan of Fallout, I've wanted a physical copy for YEARS and it's amazing to finally have one. Thanks man.>Bushoujo Princess LunaMan holy shit, awesome figure and thanks for grabbing it.>Stable 2 cogMan this thing is awesome. the print quality is amazing and the paintwork on it is top notch.>CardReally sweet to read what you wrote man.I must say man, this is probs the best gift I've ever gotten in all the years of being part.Absolute 10/10 anon, thank you so much for everything.Just a quick question though, what's the best way to configure the lighting, I tried cycling through the lighting profiles but none of them had a solid blue option.What's the best program to use?
>>41744194I was joking, but should perhaps be mentioned that only Pony Claus can do unsupervised nightly visits.
>>41744198>I've wanted a physical copy for YEARSI will get my hooves on one eventually even if it means I have to sneak into a business after-hours and print the entire thing off myselfjokes aside, holy shit that's all amazing! It's a small detail, but the enter key on that keyboard is beautiful...
>>41742643I'd like the 2023 one. I love Rainbowshine. She's so purple!
>>41744208I think it would be a good idea to add it. PC had to make ghost rules because of some participants being so socially retarded they dont comprehend that their santees, cardees, and santas would really like to see that they exist by having fun and participating in the thread.
Blueberry Bounce if you're in the threadI'm a fuck and forgot the customs form when I first mailed out your card. I put on express shipping to make sure it gets to you by Christmas, but the post office informed me they may require a customs fee to paid upon delivery. seeing as that is grade A fuckery and this is my fault I want to sport you the funds to pay for it. Let me know whatever is the best way to send you money.>picrelalso I've so far additionally gotten cards from Stocking Stoker, Shoofly Shush, and Quilting Circle. Again, I'll be opening them next week.
>>41744216He even bought a luna keykap from my little ties but it hasn't arrived yet but still, everything is amazing and couldn't be any happier.
Candlelight Archive, merry horsemas, faggot! Wife is a cute, filly is a silly, Minty is a... mintler? Ah, I'll think of a word later. I'm glad filly finally made friends with an someone as autistic as her.
>>41744170Well duh obviously. I'd only do that if my santee was comfortable with it.
>>41744241Just yeet it through their living room window. That way you avoid all the awkward social interaction.
>get card assignments>have the exact number of stamps I need>send cards>one stamp left overOh no
Eggsnogger I drove the farm truck all the way to town today and your package is in the mail finally! Sorry for the delay. USPS says it might show up Friday the 20th. I sent the tracking number to pony Claus so you should receive it sometime soon. I also included a card in the box. Feel free to open it early or wait until Christmas day. Don't show anyone my shameful wrapping job! Lol. If you want to do a bit of both open the card and the pony wrapping paper gift early because it's relevant to Christmas itself. Either way I hope it brightens your holiday a bit. I am hanging on to your address for next year for a card and possibly a small handmade gift. My trials this year were a complete and autistic failure. I am going to enlist some help from an artsy female friend to show me how to do what I wanted to do. Merry Christmas!
Pump Trolly Holly, your package has been received. >>41741233I'm so glad. The last part to the other gift just arrived so I'll try to get it out this week with priority shipping. I hope you like.
>>41744300give moon a hug for me
>>41742834Hey Candlelight archive, so sorry. It's been super busy here. Yes I've got it. Very excited to see what is inside it. The stickers are fantastic. Can't wait to open it on Christmas day.
about a week until christmas, i’m excited to receive a present and drink some eggnog
Broccoli TimeInsomnia the ChangelingNarrow GaugeSaddle TankMelodious MoonYour cards are in the mail. I apologize for the lateness! I had a hell of a time but they're finally done now. My inkjet printer died on me, the laser printer prints like ass, and I wanted to make a nice card so I ended up driving 200 miles round trip to the big city to get a new printer. So aside from some grinch rescue cards and extras I want to mail out this year I am going to make lots of personalized cards next year too. In retrospect I hope nobody gets offended by my Horseler joke... I spend way too much time lurking /horse/ general. Pizza Roll Parade thanks so much for the card! It showed up out of the blue today along with Broccoli Time's thank you too! Pictures to follow later when I get off work. Pizza Roll Parade I will be mailing you a card back shortly I didn't have you on my list. Take care!
>>41743572So based
Why are so many of you opening your gifts early???? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WAIT zoomies I swear, 0 patience
>>41744304Now about a boop?
>>41744328Seriously, deez niggas have no chill, no patience.
>>41744328I have to work Christmas its not fair
>>41744337That's fine... I guessNew rule if you open early you are required to post WHY and it better be a DAMN GOOD excuse
>>41744337So open it on December 23rd or something
>>41744342I've had to open early in previous years, however I've waited until horsemas to say that I've opened the package and post the pics.
>>41743403>Remember: The Grinch is someone who selfishly stole Christmas, not a well-meaning but careless guy who missed a deadline.This is bullshit and you know it. If your santee doesn't have a gift to open on Christmas day, they have gotten fucking grinched. Getting a gift shortly after doesn't remedy that. You ruined their holiday and you deserve to be banned from the event. I don't care how many make believe setbacks you have, you are a fucking grinch. I'm sick of you assholes sending my gifts late and pretending it's okay when it's not. You knew what you were signing up for and you're a piece of shit for not putting your santee before yourself. Stop making excuses for this shit.
>>41744360absolutely the fucking truth, if your santee doesn’t get to open a gift on christmas like they were promised you’re a grinch. don’t be a faggot and make sure your santees get a gift, it’s not that hard
>>41744369And that's why I drove to my santee's home to drop off their gift.
>>41744360Sometimes I've had packages get through customs in a week, sometimes it takes over a month. Sometimes there's legitimately nothing the Santa can do to get it there on time.
>>41744360Maybe you'd have more people in your life giving you gifts and general cheer if you weren't such an absolutist autismo prick
>>41744383>tfw I've flown to another country and used that country's postal system to send off a gift
>>41743862There, there, have a cute Vinyl>>41743981Don't hold your breath too, I'm (very) slow at drawing.
>>41744360I hope you get grinched
Thanks a TON Pulsar Patterns, didnt know how much I needed this!! made my week!
>>41744360damn, I guess every leaf is a grinch this year then
>>41744396Glad it got to you safely, hope it met your expectations.
>>41744331i love her
>>41744196Gotcha, though I am looking forward to what you have in store for me all the same... sorry, I can't help it lol
>>41744360>>41744369If it's outside a person's control like Canada deciding to fuck everyone over, that's one thing. If you are just shit at time management like me at the very least make sure you can send something that qualifies as a gift and keep working on whatever it is you haven't finished. These people who never get their shit done with endless excuses that all boil down to should have started earlier and fucked off less will hopefully fall under the new grinching rules and fuck themselves off a cliff.
>>41744360>>41744369Golden Spike, I’m unimaginably pissed i couldn’t ship to you because of the strike. If I knew this was going to happen, I would’ve had my package on its way to you two months in advance. I’m really, truly sorry you don’t have a gift from me under your tree this year. I’m at my parents place for the holidays and I won’t be be able to send you your package until January 8th. Assuming everything I ordered is in my mailbox, I’ll ship out to you that very same day.Hope you have an exceptionally marey christmas, my dude. Stay classy.
>>41742927I haven't said a word to my santee except for the initial callout, but I'm still hard at work on a gift. Also didn't hear a word from my own santa until the package was already in my mailbox.I do watch the thread, though, so if my santee seems worried, I can let them know what's up. Maybe give it a day or two and see if you santa says something
Hotshot hogger are you there? Your package got delivered like 5 days ago now, and id like to make sure it at the very least got to you. The gift making on my end was stressful and I only cared about gifting for this event.I don't even care if you don't want to post images of it open, or anything. id just like to know i sent my gift to an actual person and its not just on the streets or in the trash
>>41744396>hey I use that same wrapping paper for my gifts>I used both of those wrapping papers actually...>hey wait those are MY gifts that *I* wrapped Did you open up your stocking yet Skittles Lineup? Hopefully everything arrived intact and undamaged
chompy i have successfully used the domino's gift card, they suck for not accepting the number unless I manually typed it in though, what do they have against the time tested copy paste?
>>41740741Coooookie Kiiillln.
Hey Mystery Flavour, package you sent me has been received today! I think it got delivered yesterday at some point but it was in the post room and like a dumbass I didn't check and thought it was being redelivered. I'm travelling home for horsemas next week so I'm gonna open it up this weekend before I go, and I'll be sure to post a picture in the thread when I do.
>>41744360truth nvke
>>41744489oh celestia he can drawYOU'RE NOT THE PIZZA PONY GO AWAY
Sun pin arrived. Frosty's mane got a little squished in the box. Thanks for running the giveaway
Pizza Roll ParadeI didn't sign up for any cards but I got one anyway! I'm upset! my Christmas is ruined! How dare you send me a cheerful card with a classy picture with an upbeat note and fun stickers!Ugh!This is all your fault!
>>41744532You'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens next.
Holofoil Halter, I was able to get part of your gift sent out yesterday. Moving is taking its toll on me. Just wanted to let you know the pipe bomb is still on the way in case Pony Claus hasn't passed that info over yet. Sounded like it would be there by this weekend.
>>41740680That's cute as fuck but why not put on your ID so your cardee can find the post?
>>41744570HELPPONICEI CANT SET HIM ON FIRE INDOORS THE HOUSE IS MADE OUT OF WOOD lol these are great, you don't see actual art on paper too oftenand damn your coloring inside the lines game is on point
>>41744547the frosty plushies are so damn cute, I'm glad I got five of them
Really hope to see some of the cards i sent out be shown, I believe they should be getting to everypony soon
>>41744479I haven't opened up the stocking no but ill make sure to be easy with it
my dad gave me a christmas present, new tires for my ‘99 integra, couldn’t be happier, it’s a shame they aren’t pony themed or something but they’re really high quality tires so yay
>be me, Milkname>always ctrl+f "milk" to find posts mentioning my my name in them>the last several years, every thread i would see Basedmilk Sip and Milkshake Shimmy, fellow Milknames, posting in thread or being mentioned>this year I've seen neither, at all, except for once right at the beginning of the eventMilkname chads, is it over?
>>41744648does our cookie themed kinship mean nothing to you? :(
>>41744621There's nothing especially fragile in the stocking. What I meant was: I hope all the contents of the shipping box weren't visibly banged up or anything.
S-surely my first card will arrive in the mail soon... S-surely my Santa will post itt for the first time this year. S-surely I'll have something, anything this Christmas r-right guys? Is it possible my address is somehow fucked up? I haven't even gotten one of the mass mailer cards yet
>>41743735I take back what I said to Cookie Kiln. I'm terrifying. This is great!
>>41744648Same thing happens to me when I search for myself. I feel a certain kinship with my fellow Pines
>>41744551You didn't hear this from me, but it's from last year ^:)
>>41744692>Is it possible my address is somehow fucked up? I haven't even gotten one of the mass mailer cards yetSame, but my gift (and a bottle) have made it, so I am all out of that particular copium
>>41744715I checked the sign up form and I'm a massive retard. I did mess up my address. I only hope that shit still makes it to my PO box because I at least got that and my city and zipcode right. I just feel like a huge fucking retard now. Maybe stuff is lost in the mail.
>>41744733.....the gift exchange and card exchange both use the same address, right?
>>41744736Yeah, they do. It's all done off the same sign up form.
>>41744733Inform Pony Claus so at least your santa will know the right address
>>41744746ok, at least I don't have to worry about whether I screwed that up, lol
>>41742643Got the 2023 one from ya last year, would love the 2024 one to go with it>>41744489>>41744570Kek those are great bro, looking forward to the next part. Watch out cookie
>>41744692I think everyone is just late this yearAnd that there's a lot less activityI'm hoping there's not a massive grinchfest going on
>>41744756>Watch out cookiequick, someone draw her with a shotgun before the anon comes back
>>41744750I did. I own my retardation.>>41744765I dunno. My Santa still never did post itt the whole time. I'll just see I guess.
>>41743755>>41744694I'll see what i can do for more spiderpone, I've got an idea, I just have to think about it and execute it.
>>41744692Fixed your pic. You deserve better. Probably.
>>41744775you should draw her on a web that says SOME MARE like that spider (i forget her name) from charlotte's web
>>41744765I vastly underestimated how much work my gift would be but I’m finally almost done with it (for like the 4th time) and will be sending it out hopefully tomorrowGiven the amount of newfags and zoomers on the board as of late I’m willing to bet a lot of other anons are in the same boat
>>41744779Nah, I've got a better idea. It involves Frosty Flakes.
>>41744783love frosty so much
>>41742643i would like the 2024 one
>>41742643I'll enter for the 2023 one!
Anyone want to make an art request of me
>>41744814Sorry i worded that oddly
>>41744814>state something that sounds like you're talking requests>>41744816>say you worded it weird but offer no clarificationblink once if you're taking draw requestsblink twice if you're asking for art
>>41744778Thanks Anons. I try. I got all my cards and gift put already so at least everyone I had will get stuff this Christmas.
>>41744830I'm taking art requests Sorry again I am leaving work as I posted that
>>41744285Oh boy you had to use a big ole farm truck to haul it I bet its a real live horse (please don't be a real live horse)I look forward to getting it, hopefully friday!
>>41744198Im so glad you like it. The clicky switches are Kailh BOX Navy (Cause its Luna themed.) And I think the linears are simple Gateron Reds.The filament I got is Galaxy Blue PLA Pro Sparkle from Siddament. The bottom held was going to be Bambu's PLA Galaxy Blue but if you look at the bottom of the mouse you can see the green glitter in the filament so I didnt want to use it.Im not entirely sure how to do the lighting of the K1 Max myself. your going to have to look it up.>>41744216Yeah its a set called Blue Hell ive been wanting to use it for a while.The only FO:E books absolutelyeverything have in stock are Pink Eyes Duck and cover and Murky. But by the looks of it Ministry of Image has stock of their Special edition of FO:E.Im still waiting on Zemming to give updates on the AE Project Horizons. I skipped out like retard on MOI's set because of it... Its been two years since the last update.
>>41744834give cookie a shotgun :3>>41744882>Ministry of Image has stock of their Special edition of FO:EFinally! I never thought I'd have a chanc-Oh. Okay.
>>41744885It is admittedly a pretty cool special edition
>>41744489>>41744570>>41744885I like that. Just to make sure these are cookie right
>>41744894she's been through a lot this past month
>>41744885Oh you think thats bad, check ebay. 2 of those fucked listings have been there for years.
>>41744901what? it's just a book on eba-OH MY GOODNESS
>>41744905you can't even buy a bootleg sombra these days for less than six benjamins
>>41744905Yeah the fucked part is that listing was up WHILE Zemming still had stock. Fuck Scalpers man... Hell Pink Eyes is still in stock.
>>41744917>Fuck Scalperscan't agree more, on some level I can understand (but still don't condone) scalping shit like a PS5, but it's especially assholish to do it with pony
It would never happen but I wonder if I would ever have a story that would sell for even a dollar, much less an absurd amount like that.Thread moved too fast and I wasn't slow, got too many games to give away still that I'll start up again next thread.
>>41744907For that price I know a few plush mancers that will make a bigger and higher quality Sombra plush than that
>>41744964I'm talking to one about a moon plush at the moment, but once I have her sombra is next on the listCan Antart be trusted?
:( where giftsad clown days
>>41744978I dunno about Antart. My go to plushmancer is AiKawaiiShop on Etsy. She's done 2 plushies for me. 1 a very complicated Dyx plushie (see last year's SS for pics) and this year another plushie of a yet unrevealed poner.
Spoilers for Pickle de GalloI spent three straight days working on the code to convert a Mare in the Moon SVG to a decent looking engraving. Finally ran it for real tonight, and it seems to have turned out reasonably well.
>>41745046>AiKawaiiShopAww, her plushes are adorable, looks like she's even done a dragonpony before. >>41745054Looking pretty cool! What's the mare in the moon being engraved onto?
Spoilers for Pickle de Gallo>>41745060>What's the mare in the moon being engraved onto?It's part of the moon phase display for a sort of moon clock. Now that the device finally has an actual pony on it, I'll try to post more pics as I finish it up.
>>41745071I love clocks, my house is full of them, I have everything from flip-down alarm clocks to old electric clocks where the second hand moves smoothly to wind up alarm clocks which are the only thing that actually is able to wake me up in the morning!Excited to see how it turns out, I'll be posting pictures of my gift after christmas if blanket doesn't post
Thanks pulsar, it looks fantastic!!!!!(Also sorry I had to give you my address like three times because I was retarded and forgot my house #)
>>41745116Nah, it'd be pretty neat.
>>41745111I have to go into the mountains this Thursday to yodel for one of my finals, so it will be a perfect time to take it for a test drive as wouldn't be weird if I sung some mlp songs for my santee, then sent it via flash drive... right? (edit forgot pic)
>>41745122>yodeling for a finalThat sounds fucking awesome I want to go to that school
>>41744360I spent $180 in shipping costs to send mine because of this exact rationale
Ho boy, a very enticing package arrived today. Nice choice of packing tape, very spoopy!
>>41744547Ayy, glad it finally made it over.Happy Hearth's Warming.
And Buffer Bump, I got your card!I love the picture of (You) and Swibble on the front, and the moon mare draw on the back is very cute. Nice snoof and ears.Thank you for the ornament, you definitely chose the right Moonfag to gift it to - I love that horse so dang much.Looking like you should be getting my card tomorrow or the day after, hope you enjoy.
>>41744225I wouldn't worry about it in the slightest anonIf it is marked as a gift then it will be all good, I'll make sure it all goes throughAnd if not, well what can you do
>It's here
Shoofly Shush The Changeling, do not read this post to avoid spoiling your Horsemas! I'm really worried. How disappointed would you be if you got this for Horsemas? Still need to put the mane on, but almost finished with her.
>>41745358I would be honored to receive it and would love her forever
>>41739404Your gift arrived safely last week, been sitting under the tree, can't wait to open it!
>>41743209Hey Santa!All good if it arrives a little late, I understand that its a busy time. Looking forward to opening it!
Ice-Cream Social, the last part of your gift has arrived! I should be able to send it all very soon. Really sorry it's late.
>>41745419Yay! All's good.
King of Ding-a-ling, your package has been sent and the tracing forwarded to pony claus, I hope it gets to you in time for horsemas
>>41741200I'M SO EXCITED!!!>>41742396LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!I was anxious because the address you gave didnt 1:1 match with the address UPS had. I hope you love it as much as I loved making it!>To my cardeesI have to reconfigure a few things to make sure they actually fit in the envelopes and don't get squished like Funny Fuze's might have, but I WILL have them at least on the way in the next few days.
>>41744885Threads about to die but here is cookie with a shotgun.Could've done more with it but wanted to have it done relatively soon after
>>41743858>>41743610>>41743572Brocolli, Icicle, Candlelight, Fluffy Feathers, Hotbox Reefer, I should've mentioned that your cards are on their way to you. They should make it before Christmas, but nonetheless I'd like to apologise for sending them this late.
Anyone who has not received a card from me yet, that shits lost. Report it to me and I send a funny repeat card. Unfortunately Im out of cute trinkets and stickers, but there is still hope you can at least get food mare art before horsemas.
Heya Shiny Showers, your first gift is on the way :3
Doodlebugbug, Ginger Pop, I'm hoping my care packs arrive today. I got a 4+ hour drive and errands to run so I can't check throughout the day. Windy Jubles, I have not heard from you if you got my care pack; chime in pls.
Anyone baking?
>>417426432023 one pls
just a week until Christmas, hope every anon here is able to spend hearths warming full of horsemas cheer
>>41744328Tbf I’m going out of town to see family, so I’m going to have to open a couple days early. My plan is just to take lots of pictures and post them on Horsemas morning and pretend like I’m opening it then so my Santa feels happy.
to every one that hasn’t gotten a gift yet you e definitely been grinched >i wish (you) a merry grinchmas and to all the grinches you’re all faggots, if it’s gonna be late at least warn your santee, give an estimated ship out date or something, i’m seeing too many people here wo presents and it’s only a week until hearths warming, do better.
>>41745838>lateChristmas is still a week away. You can ship today and still have it arrive on time without even paying extra in most cases
>>41745838>to every one that hasn’t gotten a gift yet you e definitely been grinched what? even non-express priority mail should be delivered before Christmas
>>41745838this is a brain dead take, it’s still a whole week until hearths warming, i trust in frankincense that i’ll receive my gift by the big day, quit being so impatient
Lumpus, I’m very sure this is my parcel!!! It’s going under the horsemas tree to be opened! HORSEMAS, JUST A WEEK AWAY
>>41745358>>41745386this desu
>>41742643can I enter for the 2024 one please
>>41745838i trust in my santa that hasnt posted since november to suddenly have something arrive at my door despite ups usps and fedex having nothing in their system for my addressmy liver is also shutting down from copium abuse but thats unrelated
>>41745921my santa is a chad and posts about once a thread
Got two more cards today. YAYHope it is okay that I wait opening them until Christmas as I fear the postal service will not be able to work hard enough to get the gift package to me by Christmas. This way I get to share some opening with you all on Christmas.But it could be that all the stars aligns and the autistic powers of Celestia, Luna and Pony Claus combines and empowers the postal workers and the package arrives on time. I will in any case post the full gift opening when package arrives, just doing a backup plan, and following one cardee's instruction, so I have something to share on Christmas day.
>>41743335Holy Gift Giving Batman! I just saw the tracking number in my email! Finally I got an update, Thank You!
>>41744657I'm gonna be completely honest here, despite me noticing that you were the source of like 90% of the word "milk" this year i absolutely did not put it together that we were Cookiebros. I might have forgotten Cookie was in my name. I am bad detective
>>41745838>no one baking>on page 10>everyone grinched eachother >all cards lost in the mailIt's over /ss/sisters
If someone doesn't bake I will do it and I WILL fuck it up.
Last for impregnating cookie kiln with dozens of foalsAt once
>>41746025Do it faget, how else will you learn?
>>41746034I'll not let you take pregnant cookie from me
>>41746034Nah fuck that, I tried baking a few years back and everyone gave me shit for it
>>41746034FUCK captcha timer is making me wait 300 seconds. Hold on, it's coming.
>>41746038The only baking to be done is by me in Cookie's KilnAlso I've arranged it so this will be the next thread to die when a new one is made
>>41745553damn am i really that thi-Hell yeah! He won't know what hit him! (I love it)>>41745591I haven't gotten any from anyone, at this point I'm starting to suspect that the mailman is stealing my mares and this cannot be allowed to continue >>41746042if you dont do it i will do it because i am now awake I'd probably use the image with me and piping setting that purple thing on fire lol
>>41746046aaaand because I just got up I forgot about the name
60 seconds unless someone gets to it first
>>41746046>>41746043Last for I just Grinched everyone here with an anti-horsemas spell. ^:)