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Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Click a link at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

>Schedule of events and deadlines:
Signups, gift assignments, and card assignments are DONE. This is true for both regular participants (Oct 31st) and latecomers (Dec 2).
Dec 1st - 10th was the latest suggested mailing period, so DO IT NOW if you haven't already.
If you're in the US, some anons have noted heavy USPS delays, so maybe use another service if you can.

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

If you haven't sent your gifts it's time for that, my friends. If you're experiencing unavoidable or unexpected delays, be sure to inform your Santees in thread and maybe even Pony Claus too if you can't get a response.


In the meantime, while we wait to open presents, hang out, talk with your fellow anons, write a green, write a song, draw an OC, have some fun!

Previous thread: >>41752066
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First for working on a Sunday. Wish me luck. One more of these and I'll finally be free for the next week.
Good luck! I definitely won't open your presents while you're away ^:)
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Horsemas day is coming so fast! Im so excited!
Reply to last thread catching up on things again

Wow that is actually really nice. Thank you
Appreciate these have you all added
Yep every year since... *checks notes* 2018
You're more than welcome to design that typehead for documents
Sounds like a good plan can't wait to see the results.
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>send non-SS gift with cheap shipping on the 12th
>it already made it

>send SS gift with expensive expedited shipping on the 13th
>it's hardly moved at all


Surely the tracking will just update all at once tomorrow and it'll be there. Surely.
>he fell for the express shipping scam
No need to worry, unfortunately my gift seems to have just been put into the usps box itself and not wrapped.- Hoping everything still made it all alright.
usps or a different carrier?

Good to know that the resident scatfags are on the case to illuminate the situation with their infernal knowledge. We'll get to the bottom of this.
You dont have to have a poop fetish to see the bullshit
Just wipe your ass once and you should be able to call shenanigans
I cant believe you retards fell for the "shit" fingerpaińted card.
My tracking for my santee has updated since the 7th... Im actually so worried
Anyone getting a little pip statue should be concerned though
Never know if the Santa is going to make it smell authentic to an unwashed wastelander
Local postal service.
Last update is from the 17th, "on the way to destination country"
It's been picked up, sorted, and then that.
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Doodlebug was dooing her dooty to share love of tempest shidow, i am sowry you doodn't like doodoo's art :(
Speak and the devil shall appear
>sir, a second doodlebug has struck the second thread
>horsemas is under attack
What are you talking about? There was like one person (the recipient) and then a bunch of people pointing out why it was fake.
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>You think this is bad?
>That reminds me of the time when Plony asked Santa Pone for a vial of girly cum.
>[insert disgustingly graphic cutaway gag here]
My brother in suffering. May your day be so shitty so fast that you stop caring before things get really bad.
I think you were called fowl so often that you need to upgrade that pony to a pegasus.
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I woke up early for this?
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Eiderdown, Chuckles, Blueberry Bounce, and Icicle Slither, your cards came through!
Pickle de Gallo, yours is here as well, but it's boxed up so I'm saving it for Horsemas Day.
Anon... you're doxxing...
Imagine risking a 3-day on December 22
Imagine getting it for literal shit
Repostan so santa knows I got my gift!
and sharing some of the funny from the box
Oh shit am I
Okay so I'm 100% sure I'm getting grinched...what do I do now?
There was a self-dox last thread too
Mystery Flavour, I just send I've just send your package, sadly due to familypuszing me to help with irl Xmas preparations I've wasn't able to finish that one item I was working for and I will not be back to my apartment until few days before new year, so be prepared for small part 2 package to be send to you in January.
I will send Santapone the tracking code once I get back to pc in hhour or two . Package ETA should be the Tuesday.
You won't know until there's no present under the tree on horsemas. Once that happens, rescues go underway.
Oh Celestia
I would NOT like to get a card like that
What are the chances that my Santa will fly all the way over here and spend his Christmas holiday on foreign soil?
Slim, but you never know!
I'm pretty sure it's just chocolate smeared on the cards but idk it's also all on the inside of the card and it was gross even if it's just chocolate.

I also got my Santa's gift in the mail
Newfags, I swear...
Enjoy your 3 day.
>I also got my Santa's gift in the mail
Can't wait to see it after Horsemas once you're back from your vacation anon
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I was trying to leave out as much identifying info as possible.
you should lick it to find out if its chocolate.
You're not going to be able to post on Christmas morning if you get a 3-day right now
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Mr President, a second shit card has hit the thread.
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(anon there's marebits those will get you banned)
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3 more days until the big day, hearths warming !!! i’m very very excited !! i can’t wait to see my santees reaction to my gifts and to see what i got !!

today i ask you, what hobbies do you have? have you ever received something that started your hobby?

>be me
>art kid
>always receive exclusively random art supplies every christmas that never was useful to me
>paints but no canvases
>watercolor but no watercolor paper
>stencils of random things
>never use any of it
>always prefer sketchbook and pencil
I think I only ever used the colored pencils, sharpeners, and erasers from my childhood art kits. But I didn't receive them too often, since I never asked for art stuff
Any paintings I did were solely in-class assignments for all the high school art electives I took
Yeah, I might have messed up on the tracking number - there should be an Anon-Con sticker on the side of the box. If there is, that's your gift, and the stuff in there isn't individually wrapped so don't open until Christmas.
Sorry, quoted the wrong post from the previous thread - literally just woke up.
a likely story
tell me, where were you on december 24th?
These god damn kids have no respect for history
whatever that is should stay history
Lurk more. Please. I'm begging you.
Post the interior after your 3-day. Tempest Shidow was pretty well done so I want to see the rest.
for years now I've generally stayed faithful to a few particular threads without poking too much through the catalog, so sadly I've missed out on the SSs of years past
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>tfw you don't know if your card arrived in the mail
There are worse things to wake up for, like work or League of Legends.
Life Tip: save money on tracking and instead put anthrax in your cards so they make national news upon arrival.
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Last thread was my favorite thread in this event so far. My sides are in orbit.
Or even World of Tanks, sign up now at cdc.gov/suicide/resources and enjoy a timed advent calendar for the holidays!
>don't pay for tracking
>the anthrax card gets fucking lost
gee great idea
just wait until doodoo's poor santee opens whatever is in their gift
I just woke up and skimmed the last thread. What the flying fuck?
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So I did pivot one of the squares. Sending all those bags of peanuts to the UK meetup was too good.
As for everything else going on... I don't have a Bingo Square for that. How could I have foreseen this would come to pass?
Oh its fine I'll be able to post Christmas regardless
can't believe there was once a time where I would wake up to play that moonforsaken game
"anon gets a REALLY shitty card"?
i wanna open the presents so badly but i will wait until christmas i will i will im not a faget i will wait
sucks that this is the last secret santa and we couldnt even get a bingo
do you specifically host the bingo because that was his nameo? was that racist? is it said each year and youre tired of it?
wait, what do you mean it's the last secret santa?
Anon You couldn't have fucked these posts up more. The pussy, the dox, the orientation of the 1st one, not blurring everything in the repost. That card is foul, but pretty funny, and yeah, post the inside, I wanna see the "shitty" drawing.
I collect a lot of retro shit. Consoles and the like. so have gotten quite a few of them and their games over the years. Can't remember if I got the NES for Christmas or Birthday, but that was the one that started it.
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cozy flag reminded me of this
the chocolate haphazardly smeared on fluttershy is just hysterical
also, WASP
Checking in real quick on my Santa, just want to make sure you are still alive - I saw that you said it won't arrive until after Christmas back at the end of last month, that's all good with me. Would just like to know when I should be expecting it.
I would be disappointed if my Little Pip figurine didn't come with authentic murder horse smell. I want to sniff the inside of her stable suit.
Plz lick card and report what you taste
youre giving your santee some of your Wet Ass Santa Pussy?
how thoughtful of you to get aped for horsemas
>To Santa: Care package recieved! Also, fucking hell we live at spit distance from each other!!!! WTF!!!!!!
I know lol, I was debating just running it up there myself and saving on shipping, but I figured if you live with people I didn't want to freak them out by just showing up and leaving boxes on your porch. then I saw poop card and realized too late that probably very little would shock this anon at this point

>wait, what do you mean it's the last secret santa?
I'm going to second this question, I hadn't heard about that either but I also haven't kept a super close eye on the threads.
haven't you heard, pony claus is leaving the fandom and going furry, this is his last secret santa
Cookie, small reminder to tone it down with the posts a bit. You were actually doing fine until the crappy card conundrum got you all fired up. Ganbatte.
>didn't even spoiler it on his nth repost
Based retard. I'm glad I demand SFW-only.
>today i ask you, what hobbies do you have? have you ever received something that started your hobby?
You keep asking lovely questions; a shame few anons reply. Though this is a question I'll choose to pass up on because reasons.

Santee spotted. I still chuckle when thinking about the cursed cake. I have eaten my portion as-is, was too tired to add glaze, but I've been wondering whether your cake soaked up the watery glaze goodness (AKA sugary lemon juice)?

>he doesn't know
how do I get off the grinch list?
By doing a successful Grinch Rescue. Some poor anon WILL get grinched, so tell Pony Claus what kind of Rescue gift you'd be capable of putting together, so he matches you up and you get your chance at redemption.
>joking around with the dung beetle oc in respose
Yep, that card has definitely been smeared with shit.
>doodle with the shit-eating grin
ha ha moar liek gingre poop
i like a good conundrum, but yeh way too many post in too short of time there
I'll answer this though; my main hobby for over a decade has been building and using computers, and it all started when my grandma found and gave me the floppy disk and manual for Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 because... well, maybe it was destiny.
Of course, we didn't have a PC that could take 5 inch floppies, so she gave me the entire rig that was, at some point in the past, used to play that game originally.
The very first thing I did was accidentally format the hard drive, followed by installing Windows 3.11 from a handful of floppies so that I could finally play the game, which wasn't too special, but it made for a good foundation of learning how computers worked, and it all started with a single 5 inch floppy disk.
sexygoatgod is that you
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Hey Obtuse Caboose, I'll pick it up tomorrow and will open on the big day, unless instructed otherwise. Boy I'm hyped for it!
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To claim a code you'll:
0. Look at this entire post before doing anything. Reading only required if you are literal.
1. Read the replies to the post first to sneed which games have already been maimed.
2a. Post in the thread With Your Game On and state which name you want, so that other Anons are aware that a game is being claimed by a fellow Honsemas participant AND so I know to expect a email from you.
2b. Afterwards, as an engagement ring and anti-bot measure, you must also answer my question, either in-thread (highly encouraged) or in the email if you'd prefer to keep it secret for some raisin. Unless you don't feel like answering the question then it doesn't matter really.
3. Finally, send me an email mentioning your /ss/ name and the game you're claiming. It doesn't matter if you've emailed before, I need both in the body of the email, though if you have a dedicated /ss/ email that works too for the name.
3b. This won't be read but answering thread questions are difficult so don't actually feel like you have to do it.
>This space for rent.<

This thread's game drops are:

Five days until Christmas and anons have gotten OVER ONE HUNDRED GAMES. THAT'S A LOTTA SHIT. If you're a part of the /ss/ group, groovy. Grab vidya.


>This space not for rent, I just don't know what to put.<

Every thread you can claim TWO gameS, so to the Anon that claimed a game last thread, you can claim another now! Except it's possible because this is the TWELVTH one.
Email for claiming (follow the instructions above): spicethegingerbread@gmail.com

And for this thread's question: The Thing happens. What do?

HARD MODE: No, not That Thing but The Thing. You don't have to admit it in public but you know the one I'm talking about.

PSA: Do not use any cock.li (this includes horsefucker) emails. They're autofiltered by google.
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For last thread (because poop card happened and I forgot entirely), I'll pick:
>A Plague Tale: Innocence
And... well, the bathroom is actually pretty okay right now. I just put a bidet and a new seat on the toilet, so if santa thinks he's brave enough for cold water to the ass, then he's free to try it. The joys of having all the water pipes exposed to the air since this house doesn't have a basement, just a crawlspace.

And for this thread, I'll go with...
>Paradise Killer
And... you wouldn't. You told her? Who told her?? I've been hiding from that pink psycho for months!!! Do you realize how hard it is to be a dessert store in the same town as PINKIE?
Fuck I need to get my shotgun before she manages to find me andfhjkthm,,./l./';
Next year add "Santa mails bodily fluids/solids to Santee"
8 Doors and Greak: Memories of Azur
I think I've given out over 120 games at this point. The list of 150 has gone down to 80, and I think I gave out around 50 titles before making that omni-list.
I don't know how much that matters but it's something to add.
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Looks like my package has arrived safely at my door Wonder Waves! Looking forward to opening in on Horsemas day!
Crosstie Critter, for peace of mind, have you received your card yet? I just want to make sure the USPS lady in my neighborhood didn't see the pony stickers and tear it up.
And for anyone who has felt lazy, just open the steam store and start punching in the names, something might jump out at you!
I've discovered two games thanks to Spice that I never would've tried on my own, and for that I'm super thankful. (And those are just the ones I've had time to actually get through)
and if you want to be lazy, just do what I do and keep replying to Spice's last email every time he does a new giveaway, it really streamlines the whole thing
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santa here, I saw, am happy. enjoy gifts!!!!!!
There are a few things I missed from previous humbles that I wanted, but I'm terrible with backlog, so I don't want to take a game from someone else and then never get around to playing it.
exciting! cant waitttt, Love all the effort you put into the box, having many giggles
At this point I don't think there is an anyone else anymore, so why not just snag anything that catches your fancy?

I've made sure to go with games I'm pretty likely to play, so even though some of the roguelikes look really good, I don't ever play those, so I left 'em.
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I can promise you that there are games to spare. The average participant in this has gotten at least 10+ games to themselves through multiple threads.
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ill take the last dark pictures anthology and the shapeshifting detective

and ill just die i guess
can you give bunonny a boop for me
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I have received a package, but have not heard from Santa. I don't think I had anything else ordered so we will wait for Horsemas to open this one. Excited, I hope it's what I think it is! a bomb
Its definlitly a bomb
biological bomb
i shit inside
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Identity withheld from foal protective services
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Some more cards arrived this week, let's see what else pops in my mailbox in these last few days before Horsemas. First card is from our illustrious mass mailer of maximum cheer Chuckles! Red on black is a loving eyesore to read, but it can't be worse than reading through my internet history so fair play there. The filly didn't quite make it unscathed, though I definitely worsened things whilst trying to remove it from the card it was glued to. Will try to add more superglue to fix it later, and if all else fails I'll just have a decapitated black filly head on my Horsemas tree. Not entirely certain that's the spirit of the season, but it'll send a message to the green menaces in my house at the very least.
Next is Shoofly Shush the Changeling's card, though you should probably add that to the inside of the card next time, Anon! That is one hell of a sultry faggot, and I sure hope that tree and candy cane are comedically tiny. I'm not ready for filly to be the big mare yet.
Merry Horsemas, Anon, and finally I'll say I'm intrigued by the two Pinkie Pie stickers using almost identical art, where one of them seems to have their mouth stolen by Trixie again.
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Snout, not mouth, I'm blind.

Anyhow, carrying on to Store Brand Soup's high-effort card. Sure didn't expect another seasonal drawing on the inside after the Berry on the front, but it definitely lit my face up with happiness! And running out of room in a card is classic, but that's probably because I also just keep writing whatever comes to mind. Glad you're approving of my tastes, and I'd definitely like to have a sip with all the mares graciously depicted on the card.
Even so, the overly short tl;dr on waifu autism is nothing more than a tease. I want to know how you hold Trixie, caress Trixie, kiss Trixie, get smokebombed by Trixie, and subsequently managed to legally marry Trixie! A very Merry Horsemas, and know that I'll be expecting a proper waifu autism dump if we get matched as cardees next year.
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Final one for now, Bottom Floor! That's 10 cardee cards, of which 4 drew a Berry lamia. It seems my plan of getting more folks to draw snakeponies is going off without a hitch, muhaha! I ain't complaining, quite the opposite, though I'm starting to suspect we may have a Changeling hivemind going on here. We'll see what happens with the other cards that should still be coming in we're not even halfway please send help.
Fren, I know your art is peak, but I will never cease to be amazed at how adorable you manage to draw ponies, and now also pony hybrids! Look at here, I could just give her a drink and a hug. Or more likely she'll be doing that to me. Worth it. The enamel pin with Fluttershy wearing a collar of sorts is also top unf, she'd totally wear one voluntarily. Enjoy the season, and hope to see (You) soon in the new year.
Though I can't help but wonder who is this Chrissst mentioned at the bottom of the card?
That's one heck of a fancy card.
>I've discovered two games thanks to Spice that I never would've tried on my own
Same. Early on, I saw someone claim a game called "Dream Tactics". I looked it up purely based on the name and wound up buying it and playing through the whole thing. It's a fun little turn-based tactics game. The story is kinda fucked, but the gameplay is fun.
Ok, then I'll go for Hokko Life and The Serpent Rogue, please.
Not sure what I would do if I were in The Thing. Die, probably? Though if it was Thingpone instead of the usual alien, I'd let her take me.
Hey, glad to see at least 2 cards have made it now. I really am not good at getting my thoughts out. Even looking at that card makes me embarrassed. I guess seeing everything you wrote made me want to match it? I don't know. I do promise to put my waifu autism in my signup sheet next year though (sorry next years Santa and cardees), so we'll see what happens.
I'm casting my desktop to my TV, she's been watching the first two Mummy movies. What an outfit to watch for mummy bashing.
From what I saw it seemed pretty cool. Voidspire Tactics has to be one of the quickest games I'll shill these days. Indie game that has a really good campaign. Good classes, good music, has some interesting item crafting components (bandage+stick=much better healing item that also heals an ailment). Very unique. Fell Seal is also a great game, plot is alright but top tier class and monster system.

See, there isn't any real way to tell what exactly is on the card. Be it a sick joke with chocolate, be it if it went bad, or a spray was used, or if any of it is real; there is no telling.

Why would police be involved? It is disgusting, that is for sure, but if it is real, and again, there is no real way anyone normie could tell; that is a biological health hazard. There is no telling to the sort of state of health of the individual,be it human or animal (humans are animals too but you should know what I mean.) and so if it is real, that is a big problem. It would be the equivalent of someone sending someone else a biological bomb.

If it is just a joke, hey what ever, throw the card out. But if it is not, well then, we have a major problem. I am sure you can understand that at the least. I mean littering as you say, yeah, there isn't much you could do unless you are a goodie two shoes and decide to pick up the trash and toss it, but we are quite so speaking on the same level as a bomb threat, if it is real that is.
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Dear lord the captcha system is ass now, I really should've gotten a pass this year :(
I got your card on Friday. And man, what you wrote was the most heartfelt message I've ever read.
It was genuinely heartwarming to read such a message thank you for the kind words and the cute coal pone.
>Icicle Slither the Lamia
Hey man I'm genuinely, I'm really sorry to say this but i'm ship before New Years.
To be honest with you, work is short staffed (Basically the only other full timer other than me is the manager) and that pretty much rail-roaded to dedicate time on this besides the weekends.
The last thing I'm working on is a 3d printed /mlp/ 4chan cup banner. I saw you that you're a fan of it and knew you'd love it.
But besides work rail-roading my available time, the biggest timesink is just waiting for the bloody paint to dry so i can do more layers.
The other colours have a nice smooth layer to them when applied however, white and yellow, you have to ALOT more coats so you don't see noticeable spots where the paints thin.
It's a balance act with those colours, if I put on too thin of a coat, im practically wasting my time but if i apply too thick of a coat, it just looks messy.
This is what it looks like now, I'm almost done and I'm sorry for the delay.
I really wished I had more time to work on this to ship it out sooner but that's life I guess.
I hope you like it when it's finished and in your hands.
>To my cardees
Dancer Do, Sun Kink, Candlelight Archive.
Sorry for the delays with your cards aswell, work threw a wrench in the works but once my gifts for my santa are done and ready to ship,
I'll be making your cards.
Psh, embarrassment, we're all autistic basket weavers here in one form or another. If anyone doesn't want to read through stuff, they can just write tl;dr in the card and we can all have a laugh. My own style of cardwriting is also very much spur of the moment, with the input of whatever the cardee put on their list, so it doesn't appear to be much different. Totally going to respond to (You) again for some more praise, since these drawings deserve to be appreciated. Really hope your other cards get posted, this shit's quality. Totally forgot to mention the chav numget sticker also elicited a smirk or two.
>unspoilered again
Santa please I beg ya, stop it. I know you'll deliver, no need to keep showing what you have already, just feels awkward to ruin the surprise! So long as it's shipped out within whatever Pony Claus deemed acceptable at the start, I'm good. Hopefully you have the holidays off to counteract work stress man, this shit sounds rough. No need to doublestress about this if most of it is just waiting at this point.
This feels like a callout towards me
>Santa please I beg ya, stop it. I know you'll deliver, no need to keep showing what you have already, just feels awkward to ruin the surprise!
Lmao, my bad.
But thanks for being understanding. I just thought it'd be better to be honest rather than have it be a "dude trust me i'm legit" situation.
I think it was either my first santa or santa but I got burnt like that before and it's not nice.
first santa or second santa*
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Holy horsemas I got it! idk if I'm just blind as fuck and never saw a post but thank you Santa! it will live under my tree until the big day!
me too !! the suspense is killing me !! and they’re numbered ?? i’m so curious, i’ve been gently shaking them trying to guess what they are
I love snekponies, maybe it's just because I'm also a halfblood but I feel like they'd be a lot of fun to hang out with and maybe even cuddle

very cute art <3
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shut the fuck up or at least take off your name and flag you attention seeking fag
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Anon have you considered filters? It makes the thread readable.
stop whining and get in line for Cookie Kiln to drop a fresh turd nugget in your mouth like the rest of us
i thought we were going to gangbang her with our human cocks
she cant fight back if shes tranquilized muzzled and tied up
fuck her until shes pregnant with human dracony hybrids
make her a kiln for half breed babies
ngl i wish a group of anons would tie me up and use me
I would rather scroll through a thousand cookie posts than this retarded faggotry
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Holy shit I am finally free! I am done doing work for the rest of the year!
>complaining about mass mail card
When did that happen?
>card mailed on the 9th
>still not there
DeJoy is the biggest grinch of all.
Yay! I'm glad it got there in time. I wasn't expecting it to get delivered on a Sunday. Those are about half of your gifts, there's something that I'm waiting on but I didn't want to risk you not having anything to open on the big day. The gifts are wrapped so if you want to open the box and eat some of the snacks inside you're welcome to.
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I am sorry to ruin the meme, but just for the sake of the holiday spirit allow me to confirm after hearing back from the author, the poop card is in fact a Nutella card.
Fucking lmao
Even knowing now its fake it was still a wild ride.
We have fun here in Secret Santa.
Still, was some funny shit that went down.
what was the explanation for the smell?
They pooted on it.
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Nutella isn't pure chocolate. There are hazelnuts in it, and nuts tend to go rancid very quickly.
I unno. I assume placebo effect. Having seen the card, once I was told is was Nutella it was like yeah, obviously that’s what this is. And I feel like Occam’s razor is a lot more in favor of sending someone Nutella for the meme than actually finger painting with poo, so yeah I believe Doodlebug. It makes more sense to me.
I gotta respect actually going through with a nutella fingerpaint card just for the meme, and it really was a cute tempest too
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Seasons Greetings I got your package. Can't wait to open it up on Horsemas.
anon you have managed to simultaneously dox yourself and your santa
It just keeps happening.
Do any of you faggots look at your pics and think before posting?
yknow i never even gave it much thought that the filly could be interpreted as huge as fuck, now i want to redo the image, thanks

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