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>Jesus christ what is this
Because OP is a faggot and the ABOOSE well is giving out endless buckets of serotonin.
>What kind of content can be expected in here?
The goal of these threads generally is to share and create content revolving around abuse. That said, we also welcome broader sadfic as well.
Remember to not just post images or bump notifs though, try and also post prompts, OC, etc. Don't be scared to contribute! Only scootaloo needs to be scared.
Story Index:
Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276
Nebulus's Character Analysis Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/2412
oh hey there hasn't been an abuse thread in a while, bump for interest.
"Come on, it's not that far."
>Scootaloo moves to the lip of the ravine and looks down
>she swallows nervously
>it looks like a drop of ten, maybe twelve feet
>soft mud and a little creek at the bottom
>the fall wouldn't kill her, but it might hurt
"You can do it. I believe in you, squirt!"
>she turns her head and looks over her shoulder
>Rainbow Dash is standing there beaming at her
>she feels a knot form in the pit of her stomach
>she peers down into the ravine again
"I don't know, it's pretty far...and it looks like there's rocks at the bottom..."
>she hears a heavy sigh from behind her, and the knot in her stomach tightens
"If you don't think you're up to it, squirt, that's fine it's just..."
>Scoot wheels around
>Rainbow Dash looks genuinely disappointed in her
>even worse, she looks like she's trying to hide it
>Scoot puffs out her little chest and tries to sound confident
"I can do it! It's just...well..."
>involuntarily she glances over her shoulder at the ravine again
>Dash sighs, more heavily this time
>the knot in Scootaloo's stomach tightens
>she can feel the faint beginnings of tears forming in her eyes
>why does she have to be such a wuss?
"Look, squirt, it's cool. You don't have to make the jump if you're scared. I won't tell anypony."
>Scootaloo bristles at the word 'scared'
"I'm not scared!"
"I mean, I set up the ramp and everything, and I brought the camera like you asked..."
>Dash continues as if she hadn't heard her
"But whatever, if you don't want to do it, that's cool. But I've got a Wonderbolts practice I need to get to, so if you're not gonna jump..."
>she trails off, shrugs, and begins to walk away
>Scoot cries out, trotting anxiously towards her
>Dash turns around with a surprised expression, as if she'd forgotten she was still there
"L-let's do the jump!"
>Dash looks doubtfully up at the sky
>there is still plenty of daylight left, but the sun is well into the western portion of the sky
>the shadows of nearby trees are starting to get long
>she returns her attention to Scootaloo, staring up at her anxiously
"Come on! We've got plenty of time! I'll just do the jump real quick, and then you can go to your practice!"
>Rainbow Dash glances doubtfully at the shoddy-looking ramp the two of them hastily constructed that afternoon
"Well, if you think you're up to it..."
>she shrugs
"Yeah, I can do it! No problem!"
>Scoot puffs out her chest again, brimming with confidence
>her fear is momentarily forgotten
>she scrambles quickly up to the top of the ramp where her little scooter is waiting
>she swallows
>the structure wobbles a little underneath her
>she's not even that high up, but somehow the ravine seems even deeper and wider than it did from the edge
>the ramp sways a little in the breeze, and she jolts, trying to steady herself
"Come on, squirt! You jumping or not?"
>she hears the voice of her idol calling impatiently from the ground
>the look on her face drives a spur into Scoot's flank
>swallowing, she straps her little helmet on
"You can do this..." she mutters to herself
>be you
>in your apartment playing vidya
>rain drumming softly against your roof
>hella comfy atmosphere
>you hear a light knock on the window
>look up
>it's that faggot OP
>fuck, he probably wants you to post in his Scootabuse thread again
>god damn you hate that faggot OP
>whatever, just ignore
>continue playing vidya
>a weird light catches your eye from down the hall
>you glance up
>sigh heavily
>it's probably her again
>the closet door at the end begins to nudge open slightly
>eerie pastel light spills tentatively out into the hallway
>you turn your attention back to the TV screen, deliberately ignoring the sounds of hoofsteps in the hallway
>you wish she'd just take a damn hint already
>everypony else figured it out
>you look towards the glow coming from the end of the hallway
>you see a purple muzzle poking through the crack in the door
Why can't she use magic
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>it's a shame, really
>all that work
>all that time and effort spent learning arcane and ancient sorcery
>all that trouble, just to open a portal to Equestria
>and at the end, when you finally succeeded, you just...
>you just got bored with it
>that's all there is to say
>your Dad had been right all along
>all that "dumb pony shit" really was just a phase
>at least your friends had gotten off easy
>when the fad was over and the dopamine wore off, the worst any of them had to deal with was some cringey merch to unload and some embarrassing Facebook posts to delete
>but not you
>you have a god damn portal to Equestria in your linen closet
>one that you can't figure out how to close
>whoever rents this apartment after you is going to have a fun little surprise waiting for them, that's for sure
>you hear a tentative clip-clop of hooves treading down the wooden floor of your hallway
>try to ignore
>maybe she'll just go away
>the clip-clopping grows closer
>you can feel her in the living room but you focus on the TV screen so hard you get tunnel vision
>you already died and you haven't even moved since you respawned, but you pretend to be absorbed in the game
Either on earth or she's been emotionally manipulated into not using it anymore
>she takes a deep breath
>her tiny, stunted wings begin to flutter
>she holds the scooter in place for a second, building up power
>then, she kicks off
>for a moment, everything is forgotten
>her fear, her idol watching her, her home life...
>it's all gone
>there's nothing but the rush of adrenaline
>the crisp, late afternoon wind in her mane
>that thrilling sensation of leaving her stomach behind as she drops
>the scooter rolls down the ramp
>she doesn't even notice it swaying anymore
>nothing can scare her
>she's invincible
>she's the wind
>these are the moments when she feels truly alive
>the edge of the ramp whooshes by, and suddenly there is nothing underneath her
>she careens upward in a graceful arc
>the land begins to spread out below her
>dimly she's aware of the camera flashing somewhere off in the distance
>her heart swells with pride
>she's doing it!
>the chasm of the ravine yawns underneath her, but she scoffs at it
>she's going to make it across
>suddenly, she notices that her momentum has slowed
>she looks down and realizes with a panic that she is barely even halfway across
>she flaps her wings as hard as she possibly can, trying desperately to move herself forward
>it's no use, it's like she's frozen in place
>and then, suddenly, she can feel herself begin to drop...
she had a lobotomy and now thinks shes a dog :(
>Twilight is panting again.
>Summer is summerin'.
>Which is to say it's hotter than the devils own cunt.
>The air is dense with sweat, noise thickened by the sound of Twilight breathing.
>Look away from the 'puter.
>Twilight's purple hoof is pawing at an empty water bowl.
You thirsty, girl?
>The pony crocks an eyebrow at you, tilting her head.
>Doesn't understand what you're saying.
Man those doctors really fucked you up good huh.
>Get her some water.
>Go back to 'puter time.
>Couple hours pass.
>Twiggy is twiggyin'.
>The little unicorn goes up to the bookshelf you keep.
>Pulls down a tome and sets it open on the floor.
>Then just stands there.
>Looking down at it.
>You don't really notice this, not right away.
>Not until you hear her hooves pawing at the paper.
>Twilight is crying.
Ah shit..
>You groan, getting up.
>She looks up at you.
>Twilight's head hurts.
>She looks back down at the book.
>Hooves at it again.
>And again.
>Until the paper starts to fray.
>Those tears just won't stop.
>Her breathing gets more frantic.
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>you hear her voice nervously speaking your name
>you used to dream about hearing that voice speak your name
>now it might as well be nails on a blackboard
>why can't she just take a hint already?
>everypony else did
>Dash hasn't been by in ages
>the CMC stopped coming through after Rarity told them to stop bothering you
>some of the ponies needed it spelled out a little more directly, of course
>that look on Pinkie's face when you flat-out told her you didn't want to come to any more of her "dumb" parties will haunt you until the end of your days
>but she got the message
>they all did
>even AJ has stopped coming through to lecture you about "playin' with a poor mare's heart"
>but not her
>not Twilight
>she suddenly steps right in front of you, blocking your view of the screen
>you slam the controller down on the couch next to you
"What? What do you want?!?"
>she recoils a little
>you probably didn't need to speak so harshly, you suppose
>you sigh
"What do you want, Twi?"
>she paws nervously at the floor with a hoof
"I'm sorry to bother you, Anon. I just thought I'd stop by and see what you were up to."
>you grunt and pick up your controller again
"I'm busy."
>again, probably said that a little more harshly than you meant to
>Twi glances back at the screen
>your character is just standing there at the spawn point
>she doesn't know much about games, but she knows what playing them looks like
>she stares at the screen with a sad expression on her face
>it makes your heart ache a little, and that just makes you angrier
>you grip the controller so tight it makes your knuckles turn white
>your character begins running off in a random direction
>she keeps pawing at the floor with her hoof
>it makes an irritating scratching sound
"Stop doing that."
>you snap at her
>she cringes like you just physically struck her
"I-I'm sorry."
>she stops scraping the floor
>you sigh again
"It scratches the hardwood."
>you mutter
"I'm probably not going to get my security deposit back, thanks to you."
>she stares dejectedly at the floor
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rare abuse thread
rock on
>This happens pretty frequently.
>Twilight sees the book shelf atleast once every day.
>Takes one down.
>Then stares.
>She doesn't always cry.
>But today she is.
>Unlike with Pinkie, the vets fucked up Twi's lobotomy.
>200 dollars right there, gone.
>You don't hate it though.
>It made her more interesting.
>She knows she used to do something with the book.
>But she can't remember what.
>So she keeps hooving at it.
>Just like she did with the water bowl.
>Because maybe she can fix it.
>She can't.
>So you just stand and watch.
>Until she throws up.
Oh god damn it!
>Grab Twilight by the back of her mane.
Look! Look what you did!
>Shove her face into the putrid pile of throw up, soaking into the book.
>Twilight chokes, whimpering.
>Trying to move out of your hand
>You don't let her win.
>You make sure her nose touches the vomit.
>Then let her go.
Fucking stupid...
>Stomp your foot on the ground.
I keep these-
>Point at the book.
Here for YOU, you know.
>Twilight's shaking.
>She doesn't understand.
>But she knows what's next.
>This wasn't the first time she ruined a book when she got upset.
>Twilight croaks.
>You think she's trying to say please.
>You ignore her, grabbing the white plastic trashcan.
>Her entire body is shaking so violently you could swear she was having epilepsy.
>Twilight reaches forward, trying to save the book.
>Smack her.
>Grab the book, cringing at it's texture.
You know what happens now, right?
>She sniffles.
>Those purple eyes of her watching you let go of the book directly into the trash.
>Crying louder than ever.
>Put the can away in the closet.
>She can't root through it now.
>Clean up vomit.
>Tomorrow is another day.
>Walkin' the unicorn.
>She nuzzles up to you, smiling.
>Kick her.
Out of the way, twily.
>She whimpers.
>Spot your buddy, Incognito.
>"Oh shit- hey dude!"
>Twily smiles, her tongue lolling out.
>She likes meeting new people.
Is that...
>A blue pegasus stands between you and him.
>"Yeah, my new pony. "
>"I'm NOT your pony."
Kind of an attitude I'm guessing?
>"Oh fuck yeah."
>He sighs.
>The two of you talk for a bit, catching up on life.
>The blue pegasus though.
>When she notices your pony..
>She doesn't think you see her looking.
>Getting close to her.
>But you do.
>You see the anger on her face.
>The sadness.
>The surprise.
>She whispers.
>"Twilight is that you?"
>Twilight responds happily, drool dripping from her mouth.
>"Oh Celestia..."
>She leans forward, nuzzling the unicorn delicately.
>As if she's afraid to break her.
>"I wanted to see you for so long dude.. now you're here and..and.."
>Twilight cocks her head to the side.
>"Don't you remember me..?"
>Twilight cocks her head to the side, ear twitching.
>"It's me...Rainbow Dash..C'mon Twilight- Please.."
>"Please I feel so alone..."
>Twilights ears go down against her head.
>Twilight should know this pony.
>Shouldn't she?
>Twilight shifts.
>"Come on..please.."
>Rainbow is so careful to keep her tears so quiet.
>Trying to keep human eyes off the two of them.
>"Just talk..be a braniac again..."
>"I don't.."
>She chokes.
>"I don't want to be alone anymore."
Yeah, i really do think you should consider the...
>"Even though it fucked up Twilight there?"
Oh absolutely. I mean she's a little broken yeah but...still alot better.
Plus Pinkie was great after hers.
>"I'll definitely think about it, that last kick from Dashie here was pretty bad. "
Glad to hear it.
>You and Incognito break up the little get-together between the ponies.
>Then both go your separate ways.
>Twilight's head hangs low.
You alright there big girl?
Well I think you'll like this.
>She always likes Barnes and Noble.
>You pick a few books up.
>Go back to bed when you're both home, feeling pretty satisfied.
>Twilight waits for you to be asleep.
>Then slowly trots out.
>Out to the living room.
>Out to the bookshelf.
>Taking one down.
>Placing it open on the floor.
>Sitting infront of it.
>Her tongue hanging out.
>It's hard for her to keep it inside ever since the lobotomy.
>She sits.
>After a few hours, Twilight gets up.
>Goes to a dry water bowl.
>And begins to hoove at it.
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>Scoot shakes her head in a daze
>she has no recollection of what just happened
>one minute she was in the air, and the next...
>she struggles to her hooves
>she can feel mud caked all over her coat and in the parts of her mane not covered by the helmet
>her scooter is jutting out of the mud a few feet away
"Haha! Wow, you really biffed it!"
>she hears laughter, and looks angrily up at the source
>Dash is standing at the lip of the ravine, laughing
>when she sees the expression on Scoot's face, she puts a hoof over her mouth and stifles it, but the damage is done
"Sorry. Here, you want some help?"
>she lifts into the air, but Scoot waves an angry hoof
"I can do it..." she mutters
"Let me get your scooter at least..."
>as Scootaloo struggles to pull herself up the slippery bank of the ravine, Rainbow Dash glides effortlessly down and retrieves the scooter
>Dash sets it down on the grass beside her as she stands at the edge, panting with exertion
"Did you...get a picture..." Scoot huffs out
>Dash snickers
>she tries to stifle it, but Scoot notices
>it hurts worse than her bruises
"Yeah, I got a picture but...uh...you probably don't want to see it..."
>Scoot glowers at the ground and says nothing
"Well, anyway squirt, this was fun, but I need to get to my practice..."
is that filly chrysalis?
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Best dog in the world.
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"I'm going again."
>without waiting for a response from Dash, she grabs her scooter and clambers back to the top of the ramp
>this time she doesn't hesitate
>with a huff, she flutters her wings as fast as she can, and kicks off
>the ramp whooshes by, but she feels none of the exhilaration of before
>her entire being is focused on traveling as fast as possible
>with a rush she careens out past the edge of the ramp
>the ground recedes underneath her
>she arcs out over the ravine
>she's further than she was the last time
>she's actually going to make it...
>she pulls herself up out of the mud, spitting
>some of it got into her eyes that time
>she wipes it angrily away with a foreleg
>tears are running down the side of her face
>it's just the dirt making her eyes water
>she clambers up the side of the ravine
>Dash has already retrieved her scooter
>she's smiling sadly at her
I wasn't expecting all this from my dumb little lobotomy joke. Well done.
So what exactly do you guys like about abuse? I personally find it hard to put into words, but I guess I just like feeling sympathy. Seeing ponies hurting makes me want to be there for them.

good greens so far btw
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>So what exactly do you guys like about abuse? I personally find it hard to put into words, but I guess I just like feeling sympathy. Seeing ponies hurting makes me want to be there for them.
there's alot i could say...I think for me it boils down to something about it being cathartic.
>good greens so far btw
glimglam really was one of our best writers.
I'm pretty sure they still haunt the board. Hopefully they'll contribute again.
abuseniggers get the rope.
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meant to respond here, whoops.
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>I wasn't expecting all this from my dumb little lobotomy joke.
the power of posting anything in an aboose thread. It unlocks the draw/write fags.
>Well done.
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Abusechads will run a boop-train on your waifu.
>"Anonymous, you have been my advisor for the past several years now."
>Celestia pauses as she looks at me with a neutral expression.
>"Your input is sound and you give the best hoof massages."
>I bow to her and accept the praise.
"Thank you Princess."
>"And that is why I'm tasking you with a special project."
>Her horn begins to glow as she lifts what appears to be a cloth covered object over to us
>I raise my eyebrow but hold my words.
>It's not wise to interrupt the Princess
>Although she favors me, I do not want to test her limits
>As the magic glow fades from the spell, she looks at me with a sinister smile
>"Anonymous, why don't you investigate?"
>A cold tingle runs down my spine as I look back at her
>She made that same face at the public execution last week as the poor fellow was being hanged
>One of her daily cakes was lacking in the taste department so she made an example out of the baker on duty. The staff has been on edge since then.
>Her Royalness doesn't normally target staff for her displays of power
>I think she wanted to remind us who's boss
>"Anonymous, are you listening?"
>Celestia's smug expression is replaced with one of annoyance
"Yes, my apologies Princess. I was just thinking about how lovely you were at the public service event held last week."
>Without further delay I begin to remove the red blanket from the squarish object
>That seems to satisfy her for now as she watches me fiddle with it
>The cloth drops to the ground and a small purple unicorn is looking up at me
"A f-filly?"
>Celestia begins to smile again.
>"Yes, her name is Twilight Sparkle. She is yours now."
>I gulp, not understanding what's going on yet.
>Celestia rolls her eyes.
>"No, she's mine. As are you. But you will be the one raising her."
>You look down at the filly. She looks roughed up and has tears in her eyes.
>Looks like she learned what it means to cross the Princess.
>I stumble to find a response as to not keep the Princess waiting.
"Of course, Princess."
>I've never even raised a pet back on Earth, let alone a child or something of this magnitude.
>I'm starting to get nervous, what if I fail?
>"Good. I made arrangements with her family, she belongs to the state now."
>I gulp as I think of my next words
"Is there any particular way I should be raising her?"
>"I am leaving that up to you. She shows great magical potential, I had to use a class 3 restraining ring on her horn. She is a feisty one, but I taught her some manners."
>As I look back at the young filly I notice all the bruises on her
>And there is blood coming from her mouth and nose
>She looks up at me with sad eyes but I guiltily avoid her gaze
"If she has so much magical ability, wouldn't she be better off with a unicorn?"
>Celestia walks closer to me and puts her head near my ear
>She begins to nibble on my bottom lobe and seductively whispers
>The two guards in the room look uncomfortable
>"Anonymous, you will figure it out. Don't forget our date tonight."
I would let the Nightmare Forces consume me if it meant that I could at least consign you monsters to an eternity in oblivion. I would rather damn myself forever than let you all continue to exist and spread harm and suffering.
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>Anon raising twilight
shes doomed
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I am with Dash on this one, it's funny.
Abuse is a broad term, let me try to dissect it a bit. Feel free to add to this.
>light physical harm
Some examples include: getting slapped/punched, minor bruises, scratches, non-consensual bondage.
Do I like it? Yes.
>light psychological harm
Some examples include: making fun of someone, laughing at them when they fail, minor manipulation. Do I like it? Yes.
>physical harm
Some examples include: getting beat up, some lashes from a whip, rough non-consensual bondage, dealing with harsh environments (extreme cold/hot, etc)
Do I like it? Yes.
>psychological harm
Some examples include: continued bullying, manipulation, blackmail, demeaning someone and making them feel less valuable, putting someone in a position to fail.
Do I like it? Yes.
>harsh physical harm
This is the type of stuff that usually gets labeled as edgy, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying some edge.
Some examples include: many lashes from a whip, amputation, torture, impalement, permanent damage including death.
Do I like it? Yes.
>harsh psychological harm
Some examples include: abandonment, hope torture, infidelity, loss of a loved one.
Do I like it? Yes.
>can I mix and match varying degrees of physical and psychological harm?
Yes! Many forms of abuse entail both.
For example, tying up a mare against her will would fall under both physical abuse and psychological abuse. The rope is physically restraining her but she's going to be scared and freaking out. Her mental well being is taxed while her fetlocks will be uncomfortable and chaffed from the rope.
Why do you like such things? That does not seem healthy to enjoy
>Why do you like such things
It makes me feel. Those emotions will vary depending on my mood and the content. The picture in the OP makes me feel sad and excited at the same time, as one example.
NTA, but what's fun for me with abuse is that it lets me explore the characters I like much deeper.
I can learn alot more about Pinkie Pie when she's really struggling....also abusefic scratches the same itch for me as sadfic.
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>somehow that hurts even more than when she was laughing
"Squirt, listen..."
>Scoot turns her head angrily away, shutting her eyes and trying to hide her tears
>without a word, she grabs the scooter and stomps angrily up the ramp again
>she's back in the mud
>she clambers up the side of the ravine
>she's limping a little now
>her left wing feels tender
>tears are streaming from her eyes now, she can't stop them
>she hopes her face is dirty enough that Dash doesn't notice
>Dash wordlessly retrieves the scooter and sets it down
>the pity in her eyes feels like a physical punch in the gut
>she grabs the scooter and runs up the ramp again, her tears flying behind her
>Scootaloo spits out mud
>she has no idea how many times she's been here
>she stopped counting
>bitterly she realizes that she lands in nearly the same place every time
>no matter what she does, she never makes it any further across the ravine
>her wings ache
>her rear left leg hurts for some reason
>she ignores it
GOOD list
personally I shy away from death and mutilation. If you're not careful it stops being abuse and turns into torture porn.
>tied up mare
I feel like this would completely destroy a pony like Pinkie Pie, especially if you left her completely alone
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>six months ago she would have started crying at being spoken to like that
>a year ago and she'd have gotten angry
>she'd have told you off
>now she just looks numb
>like she understands in her heart of hearts that this is just how it is, but she just can't move on
>she looks up at you hopefully, but you jerk your eyes back to the screen
>your character just got killed again, you're not even sure how
>she looks sadly at the TV one last time, then back at you
>her ears droop slowly and she stares at the floor again
"I'll just go. Sorry to bother you."
>she takes a step back towards the hall
>suddenly there is another knock on the pane of the window
>you both look up
>Jesus Christ, that faggot OP is still out there
>it's pouring down rain outside
>you can see it running down his face in rivulets
>or maybe those are his tears
>he stares through your window with an enraged expression
>he pounds on your window again, pressing his face against the glass
>several of his pimples burst open from the pressure
>his fat, stubble-covered jowls tremble with fury
>god damn you hate that faggot OP
>this is none of his business
>he had his shot with Twi
>he had his shot with all of them
>long story short that's why he's not allowed to use your portal anymore
>god damn you hate that faggot OP
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>have dash as a gf
>hit her when she talks about how awesome she is
>she's only used to being praised or ignored so this is new to her
>she eventually gets the hint
>so much so that she free refrains from bragging even when you aren't around
>the rest of the m6 are forever in your debt
Two birds one stone. Abuse can be used as a force for good with the right context.
>So what exactly do you guys like about abuse?
I. Abuse
A. Predatory Instinct
1. Pony prey
a. Cute
b. Innocent
c. Asking for it
2. Thrill of the hunt
a. Fear
b. Pain
c. Dominance
II. Bullying
A. Antagonize
1. Insult
2. Annoy
3. Irritate
B. Torment
1. Sad ponies
a. Crying
b. Depression
c. Isolation
III. Ownership
A. Pony Submission
1. Pet
2. Slave
3. Plaything
B. Order
1. Law
a. Rules
b. Policy
c. Obey
2. Hierarchy
a. Structure
b. Ranks
3. Rewards
a. Good behavior
b. Incentive
4. Punishment
a. Bad ponies
b. Fun things are fun
Yikes, my outline formatting didn't take. Dumb faggot website.
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>Without rules, there is no such thing as freedom. By enforcing a system of just laws, I give mares liberation from their own worst instincts. And through this process, mares can be molded into better ponies, the kind worthy of being my slaves.
OP is a nigger and so are the rest of you
love you too zigga
>t. Anti-Tamers
This board isn't for you.
Impressive organizational commitment, Twilight would be proud.
However; lurk.
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>After Applejack sent her letter to Princess Celestia about being right all along
>she decided to indulge in some hard cider with her good friend Rainbow Dash.
>Already many cups deep, Dash could barely walk straight
>AJ was feeling in the mood after almost losing the farm to those pesky Flim Flam brothers.
>she did not want to disturb the rest of the family so they decided to continue celebrating in the barn.
>Little did they know that the Flim Flam brothers were still in town.
>Furious about what happened earlier, the brothers wanted revenge on the Apples.
>But they also wanted revenge on the honorary family members
>After patiently watching the farm for some time they eventually spotted AJ and Dash heading to the barn looking quite wobbly.
>Flim and Flam wasted no time once the cover of darkness was conveniently available.
>Arriving outside of the barn they noticed that the door was partially open.
>Peeking inside with hardly contained glee, Flim gave Flam the all-clear signal.
>Dash and AJ were passed out, snoring loudly.
>It was time for the fun to begin…
I've been here since 2007, how much more lurking do I have to do.
However long it takes to notice that no post ever seems to have indentation/bulletpoint formatting
Did OP abandon us? Pick up the pace fren
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>she can push through the pain
>no matter how many times it takes, she's going to get this...
"Uh, squirt?"
>she rolls over
>Rainbow Dash is standing at the edge of the ravine
>Scootaloo can't read her expression
>shadows have grown noticeably longer
>the late afternoon sun blares out behind Dash, making her a silhouette
>she looks so cool, standing there
>Scootaloo sniffles and wipes her tears away
"Listen, I'm really sorry..."
>Dash begins again
"I'm really late, and if I miss another practice they're going to bench me at the show this weekend..."
>with a single, powerful flap of her wings, she takes to the air
>Scootaloo watches wordlessly as she clears the ravine in the space of half a second
>she glides easily to the ground on the other side
>she turns around and looks sadly down at Scoot lying in the mud
"You want me to help you out of there first?"
>Scoot angrily waves a hoof and looks away
>tears are streaming down her face
>she's glad it's getting too dark for her to see them
"It's okay, just go." she manages, hoping Dash doesn't notice the tremor in her voice
>Dash gives one last pitying look that crushes the last of Scoot's resolve
>she turns to go
"We can practice this some more tomorrow if you want, I promise!" she calls out as she lifts herself into the air
>she bolts away in a blue flash
>Scoot watches until she disappears over the horizon
>she lies there for awhile
>the shadows elongate, the light fades
>the bottom of the ravine is dark and cool, the sky overhead is transitioning slowly from red to purple
>the first of the evening crickets makes a tentative chirp
>Scoot lies there, feeling nothing
>finally, she musters her resolve and clambers to her hooves
>her scream echoes across the empty landscape
>immediately she drops into the mud again with a soft plop
>she stares in horror at the shape of her rear leg
"R-RAINBOW!" she cries out
>Scootaloo sniffs
>a second cricket begins to chirp
>then a third
"I think I broke my leg..."
>no answer but the evening song of the crickets

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This is how s3 should have ended.
It's really fascinating how perfectly and clearly this proves "ugly soul, ugly art."
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>suddenly you turn your attention back to Twilight
>she has once again resumed her lonely trek back to the linen closet at the end of the hall
>you jump off the couch
>before she has a chance to even look over her shoulder you grab her by the flanks
>she cries out in surprise as you drag her backwards
>her hooves make a terrible noise as they scrape across the floor
>fuck your hardwood, it's already ruined
>you keep pulling her
>you sit back down on the couch with your hands still gripping Twilight's flanks
>*unzips dick*
>she cries out as you stick it in her
>her marehood is already soaking wet
>you glance at that faggot OP still watching through the window
>the expression on his face is pure agony
>you smirk at him and give Twilight a hard slap on the rump
>she cries out in pleasure
>there is a faint squeaking from outside as OP's hand slides down the wet pane of your living room window
>you grip her flanks hard and tug her back towards you while thrusting your pelvis with equal force
>these ponies are so light, you wonder what the hell they're even made of
"Aaaah! A...Anon!!"
>you begin pounding her in earnest
>the sound of your mighty human member destroying that horsep*ssy echoes through the room, accompanied by Twilight's squeaks and squeals
>she loses herself almost immediately
>you feel a warm torrent gush out of her, soaking your loins and your shorts and dripping down onto your hardwood floor
>yeah, that security deposit is long gone
>fuck it
>you thrust harder and harder
"AAAAH! Oh Anon!!!!"
>Twi completely loses herself as you explode inside her
>her front legs wobble and give out
>if it wasn't for your iron grip on her flanks her back legs would have gone out too
>your life force slowly drains into her
>the universe ends
>in that moment, you are euphoric
>Twilight sighs contentedly
>you look down
>she is staring up at you with an adoring look in her eye
>reality returns
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Looking around for resources on writing abuse fiction specifically.
I enjoyed this.
wait a minute......this isnt abuse!
And that's how we get wheelchair scootz
can't fly, can't walk
made to suffer a full crippled life
why is she being executed in Griffonstone?
I'm sure a lot of soccer moms would say something similar when they find out about r34. stop being a soccer mom, anon.
>Oh pity you.
>You are Twilight sparkle.
>Today you cannot stop crying.
>It was your friends who turned you in.
Big Brother?
>He shakes his head.
>Trying to talk to him only makes him more angry.
>He hisses.
>"You've done enough damage to our family.."
>He shoves you forward.
>You see the platform up ahead.
>A rope swings above it.
>Inviting you.
>You don't want to go.
>You want to stay in the ugly gray prison cell they kept you in.
>Stay with the rats.
>But the guards push you ahead.
>Purple hooves, which seem to be yours, click fearfully onto wooden planks.
>It seems so quiet today.
>Your mentor looks down at you.
>"Do you have anything you'd like to say?"
>Her voice is so harsh.
Please I..I..
>Your whole face feels congested.
>Snot dribbling down your snout.
I didn't know...I didn't mean to..
>Celestia's glare sharpens.
>"That doesn't make the situation any better, Twilight..."
>You feel so small.
>Like you're a filly again.
>The Princess seems like she could end you now.
>But her eyes soften, she draws her breath inwards and sighs.
I love you, Princess. I really...I didn't mean to switch everypony's cutiemarks..!
>Tears sting at your eyes.
I can do better! I can-I can prove it!
>If only..
I didn't know you were testing muhh..mm..meeee..
>Your face is so warm...a cold up in your back grips your shoulders..
One more chance I..
>"That's quite enough,"
>"Twilight Sparkle,"
>Celestia's voice booms like thunder through the rural village.
>"You were given a test- a test you had failed."
>You didn't know.
>"Using forbidden magic, you altered the natural world and broke the law. "
>She pauses.
>Looking at you.
>Some kind of hope stirs inside.
>"You will be executed."
>The world breaks like glass.
>No more hope.
>She steps aside.
>"Come on, Twilight."
>Shining gruffs.
>"I am so dissapointed in you, my little pony."
>no no no no no.
>You had to be dreaming.
>You just..
>But you aren't.
>You know this as you're forced to stand directly infront of the rope.
>This awful feeling of doom swirls around you like an inescapable black cloud.
>Settling in your head and shoulders.
>Lump in your throat like an iron ball you can't swallow.
>A needle worms its way into your heart when shining shoves your head forward with his hoof.
>The wind tickles your tear stung cheeks lightly.
>Distant wind chimes ring somewhere.
>Heart racing so fast you think it's gonna leave your chest.
>The rope swings.
>Today you will die.
>You don't want to die.
>Shiney fastens the noose over your head.
>Teacher turns Big Brother into your executioner.
>Your world is destroyed.
>A criminal hangs.
>Goodbye Twilight.
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>you suddenly feel like an absolute piece of shit
>abruptly, you let go of her flanks
>you slide wetly out of her and she drops completely to the floor with a plop
>without another word you pick up your controller and began randomly pressing buttons
>you can feel her adoring purple eyes on you still
>your character dies again
>you don't even notice
>you just keep pressing buttons and staring at the screen
>you can feel her eyes upon you
>somewhere in the back of your mind you can sense OP as well, staring at you through the window in a cold fury
>fuck him
>fuck her
>fuck everything
>you just wanted to play some vidya
>why can't that mare take a hint already?
>Twi's voice cuts through the air, still hot and musky from your lovemaking
>you ignore
>finally you look down at her
>the expression on her face almost kills you
>her numb sadness was bad enough but this...
>but worse, hope
>that look in her eyes is just pure devotion, hope, and blind faith in you
>your heart becomes a lead weight in your chest
>Jesus Christ, AJ was right about you
>you are absolutely the worst kind of asshole
>you can't bear to look at those trusting, innocent eyes anymore
>you stare back at the screen until you get tunnel vision
>your character is just running in place against a wall now
>you don't even notice
>that little tremor in her voice causes you to glance back at her
>she's still staring up at you with the same expression
>but there's just a hint of sadness in it now
>you snap at her, probably much more harshly than you meant to
>she doesn't flinch, but you can tell she felt it
"Oh, um, I'm sorry. I was just thinking...."
>she trails off as if she expects you to take her meaning
>it irritates you
"You were thinking what?"
>her adoring eyes flinch ever so slightly
"Well, I was just thinking...Spike is away helping Rarity tonight...she, uh, asked him to help her sort some fabrics or something, so the castle's empty..."
>you give a derisive snort
"Spike still thinks he has a chance with Rarity?"
>Twilight laughs a little, but the sound is hollow
"Yeah, he just won't give that up...I think she feels a little bad about leading him on, but you know, there's that festival in Canterlot coming up, and she really needs the help..."
>the two of you share a mirthless chuckle
>she looks up at you with a sad, hopeful smile that breaks your heart
"So...anyway, I have the castle to myself tonight, and I was wondering...."
>she trails off hopefully
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>you stare at her, pretending you don't know exactly what she's asking
>a horrible pause endures
"...and I was wondering if you wanted to...I don't know...spend the night...?"
>she finishes the sentence pathetically
>you turn your attention back to the screen
"Can't. I have to get up early."
>she recoils like you just physically struck her
"O...oh. Okay."
>she stares dejectedly at the floor
>but when she looks up again, that sad, pitiful gleam of hope is still in her eyes
"Well...maybe I could sleep...over here?"
>your character is dead again
"I have to work tomorrow."
>again, that came out much more harshly than you intended
>Twilight cringes and looks away
"Humans have to work for a living. You know that."
>you meant to say that more gently, but you snap at her instead
"Oh. Oh, right. Well, you know that if you lived in Equestria..."
>she trails off weakly
>even she realizes that that sentence isn't worth finishing
>she stares at you for a while longer
>her hopeful, smiling expression never changes
>but behind her eyes, the hope is beginning to fade
"Well, I guess I'll go then. See you later maybe...?"
>you don't answer
>she stares for a moment longer, then begins to trundle off down the hall
>she turns and casts one last sad look over her shoulder
>then she resumes her lonely journey
>a second later you hear the familiar zap of the portal
>the closet door closes
>for several minutes you do nothing but stare at the screen
>your character dies three more times
>you don't even remember what game you're playing or why you wanted to play it
>your head jerks up sharply at the sound of a hand slapping on the pane of your window
>that faggot OP is still out there
>the expression in his eyes has gone beyond pain, beyond fury
>you realize your pants are still around your ankles
>you smirk at OP as you pull them back up
>he gives you one last hateful glare and turns to go
>finally, you have the apartment to yourself
>you glance down the hallway, where a familiar pastel-tinted glow is still coming from under the closet door
>a pang of guilt twists like a knife in your gut
>you are such a fucking bastard, you think to yourself
>you wonder if maybe you should just move
>that would probably be best
>and yet, somehow...
>you shake your head, doing your best to put the thought of Equestria out of your mind
>it's not real, you think
>none of this is real
>you turn your attention back to the screen
>your character has respawned again
>you remember what you had been trying to do, and you begin to explore the game environment
>the crotch of your pants is still warm and wet from Twilight's explosion
>it feels good pressed against you
>you put the thought out of your mind as you concentrate on vidya
>god damn you hate that faggot OP

~ FIN ~
glimglam is one of the best writers we get.
If the threads stay up long enough we'll get them again
What does slavery under an abusive Anon look like?
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>Be Princess Luna.
>It’s your favourite holiday.
>The solar eclipse.
>You don’t get to have many days just for you, most p0nies love your sister more than they do you.
>You’re not your sister, you don’t love endless attention but it’s nice to be remembered and thanked.
>Today is a good day.
>You love your sister more than you love anything else in the world.
>The air is cool, p0nies below watch the two of you with eyes wide. You note with particular reverence just how cold the bricks of the castle’s floor are. Your sister was smart in choosing the best place to be, where everyp0ny could see you.
>Your sister is always smart about having what she wants to be seen shown.
>Today it’s you.
>The awed crowd sends chills up your back, each and all wearing their special glasses to keep their eyes from getting hurt, something you happen to think looks quite silly.
>Your sister convinced them they needed to design them after a banana.
>She’s funny.
>You turn your head from them, looking up to her. The alabaster white princess of the sun who towers over you, her light, the suns gives her a halo yet casts shadow over her and you especially all the same.
“Is it time? Can we start now?”
>She smiles, nodding.
>”Go ahead my sister, you’ve earned it.”
>Your heart beats fast, you nod as the crowd watches. You always get a little nervous but, as your magic begins to flow like music you don’t feel any pain.
>The moon soon eclipses the sun, you have raised into the air by way of the magic coursing through you.
>The crowd looks up at your work and fawns, they love it. They love your moon.
>You can feel tears trickling down your cheeks.
>You’re so happy.
>Soon it is night again, you’re swimming in the pride you’ve felt since this morning.
>Your bed is soft and it is warm. Your sister loves you so she always got you the best, whether or not you asked for it.
>You keep replaying earlier over and over in your head, the feeling swells in you every time you visit it.
>You hear the soft clip clop of hooves, the door to your room opens and you see her enter your vision.
>It’s your sister.
>”Didst thou enjoy the festival of the eclipse my dear?”
“Verily,” you nod, your smile hasn’t gone away yet. You know what’s coming up soon, but you forget in the moment.
>She chuckles, coming in closer to you until she’s sitting on the corner of your bed. She’s not wearing the gold shoes you note, she never does when she visits you.
>Her hooves rub against the silken sheets.
>”Thou knowest, Luna, thee art quiet as always..” she giggles, ears perched forward in a display of delight as she looks down at you.
>”Hardly do I mind, in fact it is quite pleasant.”
>Your sister moves herself surely but slowly, alike to a cat prowling for it’s prey until her body is over you.
>Heavy is the first thing you note, she should lay off of the cakes. Her head leans down into your neck, her breath hot against you.
>Today was a special day, you try to keep it that way by putting your mind far away from what’s happening.
>”Thou dost love thine sister, do thee not?”
>You do, so you nod. She nibbles at your neck, your stomach feels queasy.
>Your sister loves you, which is why she tells you that you can’t be around the commoners. You must work only at night, while the other p0nies dream.
>Her hoof finds it’s way between your legs, you day isn’t special anymore.
>You aren’t allowed to be touched by other p0nies ever, it will make you love your sister less.
>She pulls from your neck to face you again, leaning into you and parting your lips now with her tongue.
>You don’t stop crying the entire time.
>Your sister is happy.
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>"The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one."
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Have you all ever thought about how a unicorn can so easily kill you in so many ways? haha
Come back god damn it
I need more
for some reason it's not the execution or the rape that gets to me, it's the concept of my beloved ponies being shittily lobotomized and turned into pets by fuckass humans, something about it just goes beyond the usual shock value and hits in a deeply unnerving way instead

i am afraid of all of you in a manner that is difficult to articulate
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He starts by acquiring a one. Or in this case, another one. Upon first meeting it's important to establish boundaries. No more toys for this filly.
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I don't like this thread
Ponies aren't supposed to be sad or get hurt
They're supposed to smile and laugh and play and have fun
Give your edgelord faggot thread a subject so I can properly filter it. Thanks!
I like this thread
Dang, never thought I'd see one of these again. These threads are what got me into MLP.
>abusing mares
I seriously hope you guys get sent to hell before you die and get sent to super hell for your sins against ponies.
>not chopping her head off
It's threads like this that make me thankful our pastel waifus don't exist, if they entered this world they'd be in for a world of dread.
It's time to go home. She's not in a position to fight back so it's easy work just carrying her. When bagging a mare he needs to bring a cart. Or refrain from beating her up too bad so she can walk. It's cute watching them cry as he leads them on with rope, not knowing where they are going or what's in store for them.
Once back home it's time to mark her. She's his property now, forever.
IDK, I like abuse threads but the whole point of the show is about them learning how to be good to their friends and stick up for themselves. I don't think they would stand for much social abuse the way they do here.
And wrt the physical, I just headcannon that pony magic makes them massively stronger than us. Been going wild in >>41682841.
These threads are harmless, just a serotonin fix.
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More ponies in cages please
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>The blanket warm around her shoulders, but the icy wind stinging her cheeks as she curls up on the street corner
>A few months have gotten her savvy enough to know which places the local child predators hang out at, so mostly she's just alone.
>The blanket is one of her few posessions, the only other things she has right now are a toothbrush (end carved to a point, but still used for brushing her teeth) and an old photo of her and Dash.
>After the crash and subsequent coma, her mentor and secret big sister's allowance to let Scootaloo live under her wing gradually dwindled into nothing.
>The house was repossessed to pay for her medical bills, and since none of Dash's family members wanted to accept that their baby girl was braindead, Scootaloo had to pay too.
>She had a bunk bed there, though only the top bunk was used.
>That was high enough to see through the window in the clouds, into the rolling skies and ponies below.
>She would just look out that window for hours sometimes.
>Being up so high...
>She felt like a real pegasus.
>She hugs the blanket tighter.
>She's numb, numb on the inside but also on the outside.
>Maybe tomorrow she can get some hot chocolate with bits thrown after pitying glances.
>"You hate to see it."
>Copper Top shakes her head as the EMTs drape a curtain over the little orange form.
>She picks up the blanket and, dirty as it may be, puts it on top of the stretcher.
>"Hooves, I know this is evidence but I think she should be buried with it. Can I take it home to wash?"
>"You know the rules."
>She sighs.
>"Yeah, it was a nice thought though, wasn't it?"
Really? I wonder how many Anons got into MLP through these
>after being branded and left in solitary confinement for a few days
>it was time for Anon to check up on his new pet
>what kind of slave will she be?
>it appears that she will need to dash away her dreams of romancing her multicolored idol
>for her only mate will be a green monkey man from another dimension
>such is life sometimes
Will he be gentle or will he be rough? I leave that up to the viewer's discretion.
I guess, I'm the rape rainbow dash's ego out of her guy, but this shit is another level of depravity. I'm not moralfagging, I just don't get the appeal, is it for sexual gratification?
>I'm so sorry Sweetie, but you know I have to do whatever Blueblood asks me.
>I know it hurts, but after the third time, it starts to feel good, I swear!
>Please don't hate me, when you grow up, you'll understand that love works by doing little sacrifices.
>"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity called.
>The blood of the child froze.
>"Can you come down for a moment?"
>She didn't want to. Every time her parents dumped her with Rarity, the same thing happened.
>"It is fine, honey, I can go upstairs." A male spoke.
>"O-Ok, let me just talk to her. It’ll be just a second" Rarity pleaded.
>"Fine, but do it quickly" He ordered.
>The older sister went upstairs and knocked on the open door.
>"Hi, Sweetie." She greeted.
>"However, the little girl kept staring at her little drawing.
>"... I know it is not very, enjoyable. But I have to do what he asks me to, I don’t want him to abandon me."
>"Y-You know how much he loves me, but I need to prove my love!"
>Sweetie Belle kept drawing.
>"... Remember Sweetie. Just, smile and, ignore the pain. It'll be over soon. W-We can go for an ice cream when we're done, how about it?!"
>But the girl kept ignoring her.
>"Time's up Rarity, I'm going up." The man said.
>"Close your eyes and let it happen, Sweetie. Please" Rarity cried before stepping out of the room.
>The sound of the steps on the stairs made it worse.
>The girl let a couple of tears out, soaking her drawing.
>A picture of Sweetie Belle, her sister and Rarity's boyfriend.
>But the two adults were scribbled over with a black crayon.
>"Hey girl, you missed me?" The man mocked at the entrance of her room.
>"Just smile and ignore the pain." Sweetie Belle sobbed to herself.
>"I just don't know what happened to her" Said Sweetie's mom to Rarity. "She doesn't play with her friends anymore, her grades dropped to the floor and she even stopped singing, the thing she loved the most in the whole world!
>"Really? I never noticed." Rarity answered.
>"Worst of all, it looks like she's scared of every male. Even your father! The poor man is so depressed; he thinks Sweetie hates him." The worried woman said.
>"M-Maybe she is hitting puberty? You know how much girls can change at that age." The young woman answered.
>"You're probably right. Can you talk with her? Your father and I are very worried."
>"Don't worry dear mother, I'll try. Is Sweetie Belle ready?"
>"Let me see. Sweetie, honey, Rarity is here!" called her mom.
>"I'm not going!" Sweetie answered.
>"Stop throwing a fit young lady, your sister will take you to the amusement park. Show some gratitude!"
>"Sweetie" Rarity said "please, come down, you know what will happen if you don't come, right?"
>Her mother looked at her, but before she could ask the meaning of those words, Sweetie Belle came down.
>She was still in her pajamas and her hair a complete mess.
>"Sweetie Belle! I told you he doesn't like it when you're all, untidy, he will-"
>"Rarity, what's going on?" Her mom asked.
>"N-Nothing mother. It's just a game we play, heh, heh. It's getting kind of late. Come Sweetie, we still have some time to, clean you up." She nervously said while reaching Sweetie Belle.
>"I'm not going." She answered.
>"I said, come!" Rarity pulled her from the arm.
>"Rarity let her go, you're hurting her! What's going on?"
>"Nothing! I, I'm sorry I got a little angry. Come Sweetie, I'll buy you something nice, alright?"
>The sisters walked out the door without saying goodbye.
>They are sisters, nothing wrong can be happening, right? Their mother thought.
either way she's gonna be ruined
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But...>>41784832 covers it the best. The appeal is it makes you feel.
If it were only to jerk off we'd be over in SiM (no offense to them).
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>She’s pretty proud of herself when she stares up at the poster she’d just finished hanging up.
>Sad sight to see to the normal eye, a slightly tarnished poster of an uprising professional scooter rider; P0ny Hawk.
>Not too shabby if she said so herself, she’d wondered how they got a picture of P0ny doing a flip like that in the air. Not that she was complaining-seeing him against the blue sky backdrop in the middle of the air was little less than awesome.
>Sure, he wasn’t any Rainbow Dash but..gosh he was cool wasn’t he? There’s something nice about seeing somep0ny successful who’s into scooters like she is.
>If P0ny Hawk could become a famous pegasus for his scooter tricks, maybe she could too. Even if she wasn’t a real pegasus like Dash.
>Maybe even be as cool as her.
>When all's said and done, she finds herself tucked in next to the brick wall she’d taped the poster onto. Safely beneath her makeshift cardboard home, she pulls over a blue blanket on her small, orange form.
>She’d need it, with these crisp P0nyville Autumns she’d hate to end up like the little matchbook filly.
>Can’t sleep in the treehouse anymore, afterall.
>Careful she pulls up a little book, nosing it open and picking up her quill tucked inside of it.
>When she writes about herself, she writes about a Scootaloo that has parents who tackle down dangerous beasts. Who lives with her family. Who’s part of Rainbow Dash’s family.
>She does this until she’s too tired to write in her ‘diary’ anymore and blissful sleep takes her away into Luna’s domain.
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>Classes are over at Sweetie Belle's school.
>"Please sit down". Mrs. Cherilee asked the little girl.
>"Sweetie, you know, I'm very worried about you. You were the best student in class, testing nothing but A+, but now you fail even the easiest assignments."
>Sweetie Belle just sat down looking at her knees, listening.
>"Scootaloo and Applebloom miss you. You haven't played with them like you used to, instead you sit in the classroom, eating your lunch. Sweetie, please, what's going on?"
>She kept looking at her knees.
>Cherilee sighed, and took out something from her purse.
>"I didn't want to do this" the teacher said "but I have to show this to your parents."
>Cherilee took out a little drawing.
>The girl glanced at it and instantly panicked.
>"Give that back!" The girl stood up, desperately trying to grab it.
>"Stop it, Sweetie, STOP IT!" Cherilee shouted, scaring the girl and making her sit down.
>The drawing was of her, Rarity and a man.
>Sweetie Belle was crying, Rarity had a black eye and the man had an angry face.
>"It came in your notebook. Who is this man?"
>The girl sat silently.
>"Very well, in that case I’ll talk to your parents."
>Sweetie suddenly smiled.
>"He is no one Mrs. Cherilee, he is just, huh, Rarity's boyfriend. He treats me v-very well. That scene is just, a, a baseball game yes! A baseball hit Rarity on the eye and and, I was very sad and he was very angry with t-the baseball player, that's it, n-nothing special." Sweetie Belle answered.
>Cherilee stared at her.
>"Sweetie Belle, are you crying?"
>"What? oh... it’s just, a sad memory." She looked at her knees once more.
>"That's it. I'm calling your parents."
>"No please! Mrs. Cherilee, I beg you not. He will hit Rarity and he will make me-"She covered her mouth.
>Cherilee just looked at her.
>"I mean, I'll play with AB and Scoot, I'll study thrice as hard but please, don't call them, I beg you!"
>homeless Scootaloo
Interesting, nothing else makes you "feel"? Serial killers often say they kill to "feel" is it similar to that?
Rape is abuse. Post your fics/desires/fantasies instead of moralfagging. You want to rape dash or not, fag?
>othing else makes you "feel"?
Weird jump. NTA, but many things make me feel, this is one of them. Sometimes I feel from the perspective of the predator, sometimes I feel from the perspective of a caring onlooker yearning to intervene.

IATA and sexual abuse is plenty of fun too, but non-sexual abuse isn't a sexual rush to me.
Big fan of your work, btw.
It's basically just R-rated /spg/. At least here I can explore heavy topics without anons asking me why I enjoy fetish material without gooning as the primary focus.
Oh, wait >>41791017
>Wind blows against her coat, gliding through the air majestic and free. Her scooter firmly beneath her hoofs, Rainbow Dash is watching her, forelegs held up in excitatory amazement.
>Her wings flap in long powerful strides to assist in her flip, mimicking her skater idol.
>”Squirt, you’re amazing!”
>Pride swells in her chest like a warm balloon, enjoying every second of no longer being tied to the ground. Hearing her idol praising her, tears gracing her cheeks she-
>She wakes up.
>A glance up to a beige roof, water stained gray in some spots.
>Momentary buzz of the useless wings on her back.
>’Yep.’ echos through her mind, the next words roll off her tongue the same way the dream now slinks off to some unknown depth.
“Still here.”
>She wonders what P0ny Hawk’s room is like.
>Flipping through a magazine she’d found in the same can as the poster, she sends thanks to the princesses under her breath for a new addition to her growing collection. Little bit more banged up than the poster, though that’s certainly not a problem.
>Reading through articles on the scooter master and seeing his photos, ideas flit back and forth through the pegasus’s mind. A new cutie mark to try finding? Or maybe just a fun trick or…
>”Hey!” A raspy voice like gasoline and wind chimes in the fall to Scootaloo’s ears slices sharply through the air, her head swivels clumsily in her shock towards the intruder.
>It’s Dash.
>”Scootaloo, I thought you were coming to see me practice today!” her voice bellows out, looking down at the p0ny in question.
“Oh!” Shoot, that had been today wasn’t it? Slipped her mind like one of Fluttershy’s snakes slips through her hooves completely, just like it did last week and the week before that too.
“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash I just-”
>”Y’know if you didn’t WANT to see me practice you could’ve just said so, I don’t have to come down and show you stuff on the ground like a mud p0ny! Sheesh..”
“I know I didn’t mean to not come It’s-”
>”It’s kinda mean! If you don’t REALLY like somep0ny as cool as me you could just say..” She stops, her heart also stops as she tracks the pegasus’s head and spots her looking at the poster.
>”..that..” the word is disjointed, foreign on her lips and seems to be more an accusation of the poster than a continuation of her last sentence. Her eyes go from it, then to the magazine, squinting her eyes as she realizes exactly who it’s about.
>Scrutinization greasily slithers into genuine hurt, which causes Scootaloos own chest to clench inwardly like an angry minotaur was grabbing her from the inside.
>Heat builds over her shoulders and creeps up her orange neck, shameful.
>Dash’s face builds only more in the way of genuine feelings of betrayal when she spots the other sparse items of merchandise.
>”You..don’t like me anymore?”
“No! No-Rainbow Dash you’re still the best p0ny in Equestria it’s not that!”
>”Seems that way to me!” she snaps back with vinegar in her voice.
>”He’s not even an ex Wonderbolt like the Washouts were!”
>There’s a moment of quiet, until Dash screams out “Fucking cripple!” and moves like lightning.
>An unsecured end of the poster finds itself in Dash’s teeth, huffing, she pulls her head back.
>The poster goes, Scootaloo’s swears something in her chest tore with it.
“I’m sorry,” she croaks wetly, tears streaming down her face. It was never easy when Rainbow got this mad.
>”What’re you sorry for again Squirt?”
>She watches as the magazine is thrown in the trash alongside the rest of what’s left of the poster and her sparse merchandise.
“That I hurt your feelings..”
>She’s sure she feels the bruise around her eye swell a little bigger, this will last her a while if the one she got last time over the washouts was any indication.
>That earns her smile, the older p0ny rubs the back of her purple mane roughly.
“You’re still best p0ny.”
>Scootaloo watches as what’s left of the cardboard shelter comes crushed under Rainbow dash’s hoof.
>The crayon drawings she’d done on the outside of the two together look funny crumpled up like that.
>”Awesome! Now let’s get all my stuff put back up, huh Scoots?”
>Your eyes stare into the mirror above the sink, as you brace yourself for what you're about to do.
>Your rainbow mane is ruffled.
>Your cyan coat has traces of snot and dried up tries.
>But worse of all.
>Your left wing is limp against your body.
>Forced to flex, as it hangs lifelessly from it's socket.
>No matter how long you stare at it, it doesn't make the task at hand any easier.
>You fill your lungs with air, and hold it in.
>Grabbing your wing between your hooves, you push with all your might.
>A loud pop echos around the room, and the breath you held comes rushing out as a scream.
>Fresh tears stream down your face.
>The pain that followed such an act was beyond describable, but at least you can somewhat feel your wing now.
>You are thankful that flyer school had taught you how to mend a broken wing in the field.
>Your breath comes out ragged, your body is trembling, and vision is a word your mind can barely comprehend.
>What feels like hours is actually mere moments.
>You slowly open the cabinet, and reach for some bandages
>Tentatively wrapping your limp appendage. � � �
>All you can do is hope that's all it will need to heal properly.
>Even if it heals you could never forget the sound it made when it was pulled from its socket.
>That disgustingly loud pop that you are sure only your ears could hear.
>The experience was made worst when the paralyzing pain that surged through your body afterwards.
>All you could do was cradle yourself till the pain subsides, and that took hours before it even numbed a little bit.
>Your mind started going over the past events, and the more you thought of it, the more you thought you deserved it.
>Anon had every right to break your wing, to remind you not to make him angry.
>You shouldn't have dropped that plate while making dinner.
>You shouldn't have yelled back when he called you a clumsy, useless cunt.
>Today at work made you forget your place.
>A co-worker bailed making you stay far longer than you would like.
>You were still agitated when you returned home, and you needed to vent
>Fury consumed your thoughts.
>Maybe some cloud glue on their route next time will show them.
>You should of paid attention to how hot the plate was.
>But you didn't.
>The pain from holding a hot plate in your hooves caused you to drop it.
>Spilling Anon's food all over the floor.
>Anon looks up from his newspaper.
>And the first thing he does is to insult you.
>You were in no mood for that, so you insult him right back.
>That caused him to raise from his seat, while he shouted more insults towards you.
>Not backing down, you continued to shout back.
>Apparently Anon had enough, as he started to walk towards you.
>His hands balled into fists.
>There was so many things you could have done in that instance.
>But you weren't thinking straight, as you press your back against the oven, shouting at him for getting closer to you.
>You waited to late to move out of the way.
>Anon rushed you down, and maneuvered his body on top of yours.
>His hands wrapped tightly against your wing, and then.

>You shake your head, but it doesn't stop the sounds, nor the quick jolt of pain that runs through your wing.
>Anon left you afterwards.
>Saying that he was going to cool off somewhere.
>Raising you head to look in the mirror.
>Looking worse than when you walked in somehow.
>You need to clean up.
>You need to fix Anon a proper dinner.
>You need to apologize to him, and beg for forgiveness.
>Anon is a wonderful husband.
>He provides for you, takes care of you, and even makes enough money so you don't have to work full time anymore.
>So long as you don't make him mad your marriage was nothing but sunshine and rainbows.
>With you wing fully wrapped in bandage, you give it a gentle flex, relived to see it moved slightly.
>Now all you need to do is come up with lie that would appease your friends.
>Hopefully they buy it just one more time.
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dont you know youre not allowed to like anything unless gooning is the purpose
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Here's to another year of abusefagging, cheers!
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Man I am so glad I kicked the hurt comfort brain rot. this kind of melodrama is worse than porn addiction for your brain.
Just don't be a clumsy useless cunt next time. Easy.
Suicide by firework bombing for the yearly festival is considered a great honor, bringing glory to their family, clearing any shame, and grants them access to their version of valhalla in the afterlife.
Funny that you posted the sexual predator that regularly mind controls fillies to serve her sick abusive fantasies.
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>The sun is setting and Anon is walking by the playground on the outskirts of Ponyville
>He spots a lone pony sitting on a swing
>Too large to be colt or filly from what he can gather by the outline
>Curious, he walks over to take a look
>As he gets closer he can hear the gray pony with blonde mane talking to herself
>"i wish i had somepony to play with..."
>Anon purposely crunches some mulch so she can hear him approaching
>She turns around and is immediately spooked at the sight
>A large bipedal creature is approaching her
>"w-who are you?"
>Although she's still sitting on the swing she seems like she might bolt off at any moment
>Anon stops walking and takes a friendly stance waving at her with one hand
"Hey there, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just passing through."
>Anon gives her a reassuring smile
>Her eyes swirl around as they measure him up
>"o-oh okay. mommy said there are funny looking creatures in the city. are you one of them?"
>Anon chuckles at this, not the first time somepony questioned his appearance
>He also realizes she's a little touched in the head by the way she talks, not to mention her eyes
"I'm actually living in Ponyville, although I have visited Canterlot before. My name is Anon."
>As her eyes google around as she lets out a small smile and visibly relaxes
>"oh, that's great. everypony in ponyville is nice. so you must be nice too. i'm Derpy Hooves."
>Anon keeps his friendly smile on and walks closer to her
"Oh, absolutely. I love being nice. And it's a pleasure to meet you Derpy Hooves."
>Anon bows graciously
>Derpy blushes a little bit and hoofs the air lightly
>"y-you too"
>Anon continues to close the gap and is only a few arm lengths away from her
"So what brings a mare like you out here by yourself? Is your mommy here with you?"
>Derpy puts her head down and looks serious
>"mommy is sleeping...in the ground"
>Anon stands there dumbfounded for a moment but regains his composure
>This pony is definitely missing a few marbles he thinks to himself
"Oh Derpy, I'm sorry to hear that. And what about your daddy, where is he?"
>Without looking up she starts to sniffle and a tear falls to the ground
>"daddy went away when i was small"
>Anon feigns empathy as he continues to question the pegasus
"And your friends, where are they?"
>Derpy continues to look at the ground as another tear slides off of her cheek
>"...i don't have any friends" Derpy blurts out flatly
>Anon walks up and gives her a sympathetic head pat
>At first she flinches but then starts to enjoy it
>She closes her eyes and nuzzles his hand
>It's not long before her small smile reforms
>Eventually Anon takes his hand away and Derpy looks a little sad about that
"I know what will cheer you up."
>Anon smirks and gives her a wink
>"you do?"
>Derpy asks with genuine interest as she turns her head slightly sideways while looking up at Anon
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"Of course. But it's getting late"
>Anon looks into the distance and sees the sun lowering
>"that's okay i don't have a bedtime anymore"
>Derpy looks up at Anon, hopeful for an answer
"Alright, I suppose it's okay then."
>Anon begins to walk back towards the dirt trail that he arrived from
>Still on the swing, Derpy scrunches her face, unsure of what to do
>Anon turns around and gives her a welcoming smile
"Well? Are you coming?"
>Without hesitation Derpy jumps off of the swing and trots beside Anon
>She's looking up at him with a big goofy smile
>"where are we going anon?"
"My house, I have cake."
>Derpy perks up at the mention of cake
"i love cake!"
>Anon pats her head as they continue walking
"Very good, because I need help finishing it."
>Soon the first of the Ponyville houses begins to appear down the trail
>Anon's house is the first building on the east side of town
>He helped build it with the construction ponies several years ago
>A quaint rancher with a wooden finish, a small vegetable garden out back
>Modest but comfortable
"And here's my humble abode"
>Derpy smiles at the house
>Anon approaches the door and pulls on the handle
>Although he's been in Equestria for some time it still feels strange to him that he doesn't need to lock the door
>This goes beyond having nice neighbors, it's an actual utopia
>Anon walks inside with the bubbly mare in tow
>Before closing the door he looks out to the other houses nearby
>He doesn't spot any ponies, they tend to go inside before dusk
>With an excited smile, he closes the door
>Before his thoughts can wander, he hears a loud thud
>Turning around he sees Derpy on the floor in the living room
>Judging by the knocked over coffee table, it appears that she either tripped or knocked into it
>Anon rushes over to her and helps her up
"Derpy, are you okay?"
>As she gets up she blankly stares at Anon
>She snaps out of her stupor and shakes her head
>"oh i'm fine. this happens a lot"
>Once again Anon finds himself for a loss of words
>"Well...um, good?"
>Derpy smiles and picks up where she left off, exploring Anon's house
>Anon watches her and puts his hand on his chin
>She walks over to the bookshelf, one eye looking at the books in front of her, and her other eye seemingly spinning around in random directions
>Yes, she's certainly a special pony Anon thought to himself
>He picks the coffee table up and the knick knacks that got knocked off
>Luckily nothing broke
>After getting done with the bookshelf Derpy heads over to the sofa
>She flaps her wings gently and lands on the middle cushion
>Sitting with her tongue out, she smiles at Anon
"So, about that cake. You make yourself comfortable and I'll bring it right out. I hope you like chocolate raspberry."
>Derpy looks excited as she's reminded about the cake
>"yes please"
>Anon walks into the kitchen which is connected to the living room
>He pulls out a knife and begins to cut the partially eaten cake
>After making a few cuts, Anon puts two pieces of the chocolate raspberry on ceramic plates
>He walks into the living room with cake in each hand
>Derpy's wings flutter in anticipation as she watches Anon bring the treats
"As promised."
Anon places the plates down on the coffee table
>Derpy leans down and starts chomping on the piece in front of her
"Take your time, there's no rush. I'll grab some milk."
>Anon walks back to the kitchen and pours two glasses of milk
>When he returns to the living room he notices that Derpy is looking at him with guilt
>As he places the glasses of milk on the table he realizes that his piece of cake is gone
>Derpy turns her head away and pretends not to notice
"Here's something to wash that down with, I'll get more cake."
>As Anon brings the empty plates back to the kitchen, Derpy greedily chugs her glass of milk
>She looks at the other glass but resists the urge to drink it
>A moment later and Anon is back with more cake
"Round two, and I have more where that came from."
>Derpy wastes no time as she dives into her third piece of cake
>Anon sits down next to her and picks up his plate
>He owns some utensils but he mostly just got used to eating with his hands
>He picks up the piece of cake and takes a bite
"Mmm, delicious. I'll have to stop at Sugarcube Corner and get another one."
>As Anon is chewing and talking he notices that Derpy is already done with her's
>She's attentively watching him eat his piece
"Where are my manners? Let me get you another piece."
>Derpy beams with happiness
>"yes please"
>Anon goes to the kitchen once more
>Approximately a quarter of the cake is left
>He shrugs and just brings it out to her on the cake tray
>Surprisingly his piece of cake still remains on the table
>Derpy gets even more excited when she sees the cake tray
"Here you go, it's the last of it so make it count."
>Derpy shoves her face in the cake and goes at it
>Anon finishes his piece and washes it down with milk
>Derpy is already done the cake but she's licking up all of the crumbs and berry remnants
>At this point Anon is not surprised, this mare can eat
>he brings his plate and glass to the kitchen
>By the time he gets back Derpy is done
>With crumbs and icing all over her face she gives Anon a big smile
>"thank you anon that was super yummy!"
>Anon grabs the cake tray and her empty glass
"See, I told you I knew what would make you feel better."
>As Anon goes back in the kitchen Derpy glides off the sofa and follows him
>Anon grabs a towel and runs hot water over it in the sink
>After straining the excess water he hands the cloth to Derpy
"Here you go."
>Derpy stares at the towel, confused
"Your face."
>Derpy looks even more confused
>"my face?"
Anon sighs
"It's all messy from the cake."
>She's still just staring at Anon, not getting the message
"Alright, I'll do it. Just hold still."
>Anon places one hand behind of her head and begins to blot the warm cloth around her mouth and nose
This thread is tame so far. Needs more edge desu senpai
>special needs derpy
She is gonna be so molested
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I wonder if anyone remembers that period of time where spike was molested
>Derpy involuntarily tries to move her face as Anon cleans her up
>But he has a firm grip on her head and manages to wipe everything off
"And there. All done."
>Anon turns around and rinses the towel in the sink
>Derpy watches him without saying anything
>She's still processing all that's happened today, or is trying to at least
>Anon looks at the clock mounted on the wall
>It's an old timey spring-driven model, the tick tocking audible in the momentary silence
"It's getting late and I have work in the morning."
>Derpy continues watching Anon without saying anything
"Uh, you live in Ponyville right?"
>She smiles and nods
>"i was here my whole life"
>Anon scratches his head in thought
"Why have I never seen you before? I'm pretty sure I've met most of the townsponies by now. And I definitely would have remembered you."
>Derpy's demeanor begins to shift
>With a frown and looking down at the ground, she speaks meekly
>"mommy doesn't let me leave the house..."
>Derpy looks up at Anon with determination
>"but she's sleeping now. so it's okay"
>Anon finds her situation interesting and decides to pry a bit more
"So, you live by yourself?"
>Derpy scrunches her face, not quite comfortable with the question
"C'mon you can tell me. We're friends now."
>Anon gives her a big convincing smile
>Derpy's mouth opens like she's surprised
>Anon nods reassuringly
>"i never had a friend before. except for lulu"
>Anon raises his eyebrow
>Derpy smiles brightly as she confidently explains to Anon
>"she's a pony princess"
>Anon acts impressed
"Wow. I didn't realize that you have friends in high places. Are you sure it's still okay to be friends with me? I'm only a commoner, after all."
>Derpy blushes and looks worried
>"yes! please be my friend...lulu is my dolly"
>Anon sighs in relief
"Oh good, you had me worried for a second. Of course I'll be your friend. And Lulu's too."
>Derpy blushes as she raises her forehoof slightly
"Okay, so you live with Lulu. Anypony else?"
>"no. but the white ponies sometimes bring me food and stuff. and give me a bath..."
>Derpy looks embarrassed and turns her gaze to the ground
>Anon's brain is attempting to translate her meaning but it comes up blank
"White ponies? Who are they."
>Derpy awkwardly shuffles in place and continues to look at the floor
>"ever since mommy went to sleep..."
>Derpy trails off and starts to sniffle, but she persists
>"ponies in funny white clothes do some stuff mommy used to do"
>Anon walks up and gives her a hug
"It's okay Derpy. Thanks for being strong enough to tell me."
>She nuzzles her face into his stomach, Anon can feel her warm tears soaking through his shirt
>He smiles as he holds her
>Several minutes pass and the pouty pony is back to smiles
"Okay let's get you home, I'll walk you there."
>Derpy looks tense at the thought of going home but she doesn't protest
>Anon opens the front door and is hit with a cold breeze
>He grabs his heavy jacket off the coat stand near the doorway
>He looks down at Derpy who's smiling at him
>He doesn't have any pony clothes but spots a red scarf hanging idly
"The temperature really dropped. Let me put this scarf on you."
>Anon wraps the scarf around Derpy's neck
>His adrenaline begins to pump as she wiggles in excitement
>It has not been easy for him to contain his desires, that wiggle almost pushed him past the threshold
>Anon takes a deep breath and walks outside. He looks up into the night sky
>Taking a deep breath of chilly air as he looks at the myriad of stars
>Derpy follows suit
>Her big eyes swirl around as she takes everything in
>With his nerves marginally more relaxed, he closes the front door
>But then he is hit with a realization. He hasn't the slightest clue as to where her house is
>And going off of her mental faculties thus far, he's not sure she does either.
"Which part of town do you live in?"
>Derpy has a confused look as she looks up at Anon
"You know, where your house is at?"
>"i live in ponyville"
>Anon is in disbelief at her response. Well, almost.
>"i can show you"
>Derpy flaps her wings and rises into the air
>She starts to fly in a direction but Anon calls out to her
"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?"
>Derpy turns back and looks down at Anon
>One eye is locked on him and her other is looking into the sky
>Anon let's out a chuckle
"I don't have wings, I can't fly."
>Derpy continues to stare into space, literally and figuratively
"Okay how about this. I would like to walk with you, please come down."
>Derpy seems to understand and flies next to Anon
>"okay my house is this way"
>She trots off to what appears to be the north part of Ponyville
>They make their way through the eerily quiet town
>Aside from the wind there isn't a peep or pony in sight
>Anon puts his hands inside of his pockets to warm them up
>Derpy seems to be in deep concentration as she navigates the town
>Filled with purpose she seems oblivious to the cold
>After a little while longer Derpy stops in front of a house
>A two story structure that's seen better days
>Some of the wood is warped and the shutters around the windows are hanging off
>"this is my home"
>Derpy opens the door without further ceremony
>The first thing that Anon notices is that the place is a mess
>The furniture is either knocked over or covered with junk
>There's a broken mirror laying on the ground
>And random assorted items everywhere. Clothes, keepsakes, boxes, trash, all kinds of stuff
"Damn Derpy, you live like this?"
>Anon realizes too late that what he said might be rude
>Derpy looks at Anon briefly before avoiding his gaze
>With her head held low she quietly responds
>"...im sorry"
>Anon kicks himself mentally
"Uh, that's not what I meant exactly. I'm sorry it came out that way. I meant that the white ponies aren't doing a good job."
>"it's okay"
I guess it blurred together with all the other spike abuse content. I never paid it much attention but feel free to post some more.
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Sombra has had enough of Linky's shit.
She didn't go to magic school in that timeline. And with no books to study she's just a dumb little pony. She looks really cute though, I'd at least give her a hug.
I'll see What I can find when I'm home. It popped up pretty quickly and disappeared once grimdark in general was starting to go away post 2016
Absolutely based.
>Anon starts picking up what he thinks is trash and puts it in the nearest empty box
>Next he picks up a turned over chair
>As he rummages through the clutter he feels a soft nudge in his side
>He stops what he is doing and looks over
>Derpy is looking up at him with one of her eyes
>"anon im sweepy"
>It takes him a moment to realize what she's saying but then she yawns
>Anon cannot help but yawn too
"Yeah, I guess you're right Derpy. I will be here all night if I want to clean the place up, and I'm pretty tired. I'll get out of your mane and head out."
>Anon gives her a wave and turns towards the front door
>Derpy follows Anon and nudges him again with her snoot
>He looks down at her with a puzzled expression
"Can I help you?"
>"yes" Derpy replies almost instantly
"Oh, what is it?"
>Anon wasn't actually expecting her to say that. This pony is full of surprises.
>Derpy blushes as she responds
>Anon raises his eyebrow
"Betty and the what now?"
>Derpy looks up at Anon expectantly without saying anything further
"...a goodnight hug? Sure."
>Anon kneels down and wraps his arms around her warm body
>Derpy uses her wings to hug him back as she buries her face into his chest
>She gently rocks back and forth within his grasp
>Anon's heart begins to race so he breaks free and plays it cool
>Derpy looks a little sad
"Okay, I'll be off then."
>Anon feels like saying 'what is it this time' but manages to phrase it better
"Lulu, what about her?'
>Again, without hesitation, Derpy responds
>Anon sighs, he knows where this is going
"Okay, sure. Where is she?"
>Derpy smiles and turns around
>She trots over to the staircase leading up to the next floor
>Before ascending the staircase she looks over at Anon
>With a sigh of defeat he follows her. Carefully avoiding the minefield of junk along the way
>As they go up the steps Anon gets the full view of her ass
>He's been with several mares since arriving in Equestria. Unfortunately none of the relationships lasted
>But one thing is for certain, he's never seen an ass that plump
>He continues to follow her, watching her butt jiggle with each stair
>Next his eyes travel a little lower, a light gray vulva with dark gray spots mixed in
>Anon can feel his southern soldier rising but he tries to dash the dirty thoughts away
>'That has to wait' he thinks to himself. Everything needs to go according to plan
>After what seems like a very long time, they finally make it to the top of the staircase
>Before them is a narrow hallway which leads into three different doorways
>Derpy continues forward and eventually goes through the doorway straight ahead
>Anon looks in the doorway to the left, it's the bathroom
>There are a few bars of soap and some towels on the floor, but it is surprisingly well maintained compared to the downstairs area of the house
>Looking to his right, there is a closed door with a lock on it
>'Strange' Anon thought.
I always want to rape her, just need to learn to write better.
Thanks for the explanation and thanks, that was my first green.
The board's moving fast today
>He's not sure if he's even seen a door lock in Ponyville before
>The last time he saw those was in Canterlot
>Maybe he just never noticed
>He feels another nudge
>Derpy's looking up at him
"I'm coming, I was just looking around. What's behind this door anyway?"
>Anon points his finger
>Derpy's mood changes, she looks down at the ground
>"...that's mommy's room"
>Oh. 'Crap' Anon thought
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
>Derpy turns around and walks into what is presumably her room
>"it's okay"
>Anon does his best to change the topic
"So, about that princess I've heard so much about."
>Anon swivels his head and does a quick reconnaissance of her room
>Like the bathroom, it's messy but nowhere near as bad as the first floor
>There also isn't that much stuff in here so maybe that's why Anon ponders
>He returns his attention back to the pegasus whom he recently befriended
>She's holding what appears to be a dark plushie in her mouth, she's looking up at him
>Ponies holding stuff in their mouths all the time took some getting used to for Anon
>But now it's just normal. And besides, ponies have very dexterous lips so they rarely get the object in question wet with their saliva
>Anon reaches out to take the doll from Derpy, she lets go once he has it in his grasp
>Anon tries not to visibly cringe as he can feel heavy dampness everywhere
>He holds it up in front of him and puts on the best fake smile he can muster
"Aheh, she's um...very pretty. Beautiful in fact!"
>One of the eyes is missing, the other is hanging by a single thread
>The stitching is ripped and frayed in various spots
>But worst of all was the stench. Covered in sweat stains and dried up mucus.
>Anon holds back a gag
>He glances at Derpy, she smiles and lets out a little giggle
>Anon hypes himself up internally 'Okay Anon you can do this'
>Closing his eyes he brings the worn Luna plush to his chest and squeezes ever so slightly
>The last thing he wants is to become the sponge for whatever bacteria is stored inside
>Anon hastily hands the plushie back to Derpy
>His hand is hovering in front of her face, but she's just staring at him not getting the hint
>He wiggles the Luna plushie in hopes that will work
>Derpy changes directions and walks into her nightstand
>She stands there for a moment unsure of herself
>Anon walks over to her
"Hey, don't you want Lulu back?"
>Ignoring him she walks backwards and then forwards, bumping into the nightstand again
>Now next to her, Anon uses his free hand to guide her to the bed
>She gets in and lays on her back
>Her lids are heavy as she smiles up at Anon
>He places the plushie on her chest
>As he wipes his hand on his pants, Derpy wraps her forehooves around the Luna doll
>"will i see you again?"
>Derpy asks innocently as her eyes dreamily roll around
>Anon gives her a reassuring smile
"Of course, we're friends now. Meet me at the playground tomorrow."
>Derpy fades into unconsciousness as she lightly says "friends..."
There's another part to this, no?
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There's nothing quite like breaking in a new pet.
love her face in that

yeah bitch its time for a wakeup call
Is there more to this? I thought it was just a repost like most of the stuff in this thread, but I couldn't find it on pastebin or the archive.
The initial post should be available in an archive, although maybe not word for word. It was a one post concept that I never expanded on, the subsequent posts here are new additions. But I may not finish it in this thread.
When/if it's done I'll be fixing some grammatical errors/making small changes before adding it to my paste
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Very well. I'll be looking forward to whatever you've got cooking.
Does anyone else remember the Piano Man having been a greentext as well?
I swear to fuck it was, or atleast maybe there was SOMETHING similar to it. I know for a fact that one of these is true because I remember something about this. Just enough to know something existed at one point.
>Piano Man
Anon (Piano Man), roughly from our earth, is summoned by Trixie.
He's promptly made into a Piano playing slave for Trixie to make money off of.
Trixie takes out all her insecurities and anger on him, culminating in horrific abuse.
I was considering reposting directly to the thread...but can't seem to find any evidence of the original greentext format or if it really existed.
May post anyway.
That is kind of interesting. You could always format it in the form of a green and modify things as you see fit. Just credit the original author if you post it somewhere.

And I think some anons may be confused about abuse threads. Yes, normally the theme is anon (human) abusing ponies. However, any and all abuse, related to mlp (sorry fluffy enjoyers), should be welcome here. Whether that be pony on pony (which this thread has), and also pony on anon.

This should be a place to have a fun and post weird fucked up stuff that normally isn't okay in other threads. I don't have the link, but I remember reading a fun green with Pinkie being hyper abusive to the "normal" Anon.
where does she go potty?
On my face
she can just walk out between the bars and go take a leak anywhere she wants and then go back inside of her jail because shes trying to be good girl for master
Diamond dogged
I am extremely jealous.
Which one of you is real. Or are all glimmerfags into that stuff
They are all me. I am the only glimGOD left on /mlp/.
Suffer not the lack of Dash on Scootabuse
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>Anon wipes off the sweat running down his brow with his shirt sleeve
>Walking out the backdoor to Café Hay, he sighs with relief
>Another work day finished
>When Anon first arrived in town he was enrolled in the Ponyville Assistance Program
>He doesn't understand how it works exactly but it allowed him to handle expenses while looking for his role in the community
>His first choice was to see if he could get a gig at the day spa
>His single cell brain had one thing in mind: 'mares mares mares mares mares'
>But it didn't go according to plan

>"Anon was it?"
>Lotus Blossom eyes him up warily
"Yes, I'm new in town and would like to put my talents to good use"
>Anon puts on a big smile and holds out his hands, showing them off to the spa ponies before him
>Aloe and Lotus look at each other unamused
>"Well like we said, we do not need any help here."
>Anon wiggles his fingers at them
>Lotus winces and Aloe makes a weird face
>Eventually Lotus speaks up
>"What are you doing that for?"
>Anons smile widens
>"Fingers. Mares will love them. On their body, on their little hoofsies, and-"
>With a stern expression, Lotus interrupts Anon, "That's enough. We do not want you working here."
>Anon's smile fades and he goes on the defensive
"Why? Is it because I'm not a pony? You both have weird accents, are you even from Ponyville?"
>Now scowling with a red face, Lotus is about to blow
>Before she can unload, Aloe intervenes and begins to push Anon towards the door
>"Leave us be, we are not hiring."
>Anon does not resist, he doesn't want to get in a physical altercation during his first week in town
"Fine, I'm leaving. But I hope you're proud of yourselves."
>With the door slamming shut behind him Anon kicks the ground in frustration
>He didn't fare any better at Carousel Boutique
>"Oh, yes darling. I'm sure you would be a great addition to the boutique with those...what do you call them?"
>"Ah yes, fingers. I'm sure anypony would be glad to have your...erhm, fingers. But I run a one-pony operation. I'm sure you understand"
>Rarity has the most uncomfortable looking fake smile ever
>Anon sighs internally and moves on to the next place
>And then the next
>No luck
>Eventually he was accepted at Café Hay
>With no clear defined position Anon finds himself doing all sorts of tasks
>Cleaning, washing dishes, taking care of trash, and occasionally filling in as a server

>As he walks in the direction to the playground, he feels a ping of excitement
>He's just hoping that the gray pegasus will remember to meet him
>That excitement dampens when he sees two small figures walking his way
>A pastel magenta filly with white streaks in her mane
>The other, a gray filly with a braided ponytail
>Anon takes a gulp, readying himself. Last time he encountered these brats he almost lost his cool
>The last thing he needs right now is a filly assault charge
>Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk up in front of him, blocking his path
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uh oh, bratty fillies
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forgot pic
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>Anon makes an attempt to walk around them but Diamond Tiara blocks him again
>"Hey. Where do you think you're going?"
>Anon takes a deep breath before responding
"I'm on my way home, I just got done working."
>She gives him a dirty look
>"I can't believe they let you work around food, that's so gross."
>Now it's Silver Spoon's turn to weigh in
>"Oh my gosh, like seriously. Who let's an ape work at a cafe? Yuck."
>Anon clenches his fist, trying to keep calm
"I just want to get by, now get out of my way."
>DT smiles smugly as she self-boops with her hoof
>"Hah, I don't think so. 10 bits first."
>Anon is losing his patience
"You have to be kidding me. Isn't your dad rich or something, why do you need my money?"
>Silver Spoon interjects
>"This is our road. Pay up."
>Anon looks at Silver Spoon's throat and fantasizes about strangling her right here and now
>A small smile starts to form on his face
>"Ew, why are you looking at her like that? Are you some kind of perv?"
>Anon continues to stare at Silver Spoon without responding to Diamond Tiara
>"Hey. Are you listening? I'm going to tell everypony you touched her if you don't give us the bits."
>Silver Spoon adopts an amused expression while chiming in
>"Yeah, Anon touched my butt. Gross!"
>Anon regains awareness as he registers the threat laid out to him
>He grits his teeth containing his rage, and he remembers what he was doing before being detained
>Derpy should be waiting for him, he doesn't want to waste any more time with these fillies
"Okay, fine. I'll pay, but just leave me alone."
>As Anon reaches into his pocket the two fillies look at each other with devious smiles
>Anon hands Diamond Tiara the 10 bits
>She smiles and steps aside
>Before Anon can walk forward, Silver Spoon gets in front of him
>Not bothering to hide his annoyance he bluntly blurts out at her
"What is it now."
>Silver Spoon's smile grows as she responds
>"10 bits. Each."
>Anon's jaw drops at the brazenness of these two.
>Before grabbing the little pony before him and shaking her to death, he remembers that he needs to see Derpy today
>Defeated, Anon reaches into his pocket and gives it to Silver Spoon
>"Good job, ape."
Silver Spoon walks over to Diamond Tiara as they giggle
>Thankfully they leave in the opposite direction
>Anon continues towards his destination, the playground
>He looks into the sky and the sun is still going strong
>As he gets to the playground he notices that Derpy is sitting on the ground outside of the entrance
>'Strange' Anon thought.
>As he gets closer he can hear her sobbing
>She's looking down at the ground and doesn't see him yet
>Anon walks up to Derpy who's now looking up at him
>Her eyes are filled with tears and she sits there crying
"Derpy, what happened?"
>Asking her that question only makes her cry harder
>Anon bends down and gives her a hug
>She doesn't reciprocate at first, but eventually he can feel her soft wings wrap around him
>why is she being executed in Griffonstone?
She denied that six million boids actually died in the Griffoncaust and demanded to know why the chimneys weren't attached to the building. Then she said it should have been six million more. her only real crime was being right
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Correction is NEEDED
More like this.
How dare you guys make Twi sad like that!
The fandom lives in a cynical age. Much of the pony fanbase is disillusioned. They no longer believe in the things they once valued. In years past, anons took great pride in edge and grimdark. They believed these were the marks of a truly elite fandom. But then came the hugboxers.

Is abuse. relevant? Those who oppose fun would say it is certainly not. Ah, there's the rub. They would say it isn't fun. But would they believe it? As we've seen, one cannot take a hugboxer at his word.
heh never noticed that
meant for >>41804952
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sometimes just simple bullying is the best
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Saving this bread
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All's well that ends well
Holy based. I've seen some of these but never compiled like that.
post the edit where she's a cock whore
>implying she's not always a whore for cock
This was completely god damn heart breaking
I love it so much
C-come on guys!
>"Awwww whats wrong?"
>Silver spoon giggles.
>"Yeah! Whats wroooong cripple?"
>"I think she wants her medal back, Spoony!"
>You jump again trying to get it.
>No dice.
>"If you want it why don't you just fly up and get it?"
>Diamond Tiara hums.
>"Fly and catch it BABY."
>Then off goes the medal.
>The two watch as you run off after the trophy, soaring up in the air.
>Giggling especially hard everytime you jump up, your useless little wings buzzing.
>Only crashing back down in the ground every attempt.
>You don't hear them anymore when you're far enough.
>The medal crashes to the ground before you can grab it.
>The catch to the earth damages it terribly.
>Look down at your prize.
>Covered in dirt.
>It's ruined.
>Nopony is around.
>The piano is a beautiful instrument; majestic, pure, giving its user the ability to play soft melodies and slam out heavy chords at a moment’s notice. It just isn’t like other instruments. For example, the guitar is guttural, with all but its top strings giving off music that sounds more like a growl than a tone. The violin is always nice, but nowhere near as majestic as those wonderful ivories.
>You suppose there’s also something magical about watching your fingers dance across the keys, or watching the hammers hitting the strings. Back when you were in high school, the other students always loved to open up the piano lid and watch the hammers while you played. You never really minded. The hammers always made it look more complex than it actually was.
>This has always been my stance on the piano. It’s why you chose to learn it. Humans have opposable thumbs and fingers, with the ability to manipulate tools, so why not use them to their full extent? It seems like a big "up yours" to all of existence if we don’t.
>You love the piano. You love your piano. You try to play it at least once a day, making sure to stay in practice. Being a good pianist is better than any party trick—not that you would really know, by the way. You’ve only ever been to one party with a piano, and by the time you arrived, the keys had been painted a sickly green, and the “painter” had somehow managed to pass out on the lid. Unpleasant, to say the least.
>And yet, despite how much you babble on about the majesty of the piano, you yourself own nothing more than an elderly spinet. It’s shorter than the basic upright, and has what I would call a richer sound. That being said, the one you own looks unbelievably ugly, and the lower-middle keys sound ever so slightly guttural—reminiscent of a Guitar.
>You would love to own a grand piano. A full fledged one, and yet… you would also be sad to part with the one you own now. You’ve had it for so long that parting with it would be similar to ripping off one of my toes, in a way. Then you’d probably forget all about it, because you’d have a grand piano.
>This is how you felt about the piano before it all started. All of these extremely biased opinions that surfaced whenever anyone spoke of another instrument have been with me for years, but now they've changed. You used to love the piano so very much. Now an old upright sits in the corner of my cage, piles of basic sheet music you've never even glanced at splayed across the top, taunting me with yellow, chipped keys and the ugly stain on its side.
>You’ve been forced to play this damn thing—or one extremely like it—for hours at a time, every day for the past week... or has it been longer? You don’t know how many shows you perform a day, and time seems to pass so differently when there’s no light to judge it by. Actually, how long have you been here? Honestly, it could even be close to a month. You seriously have no clue.
>You're the Piano Man. That’s what she named you. The Piano Man. You don’t know how she came up with it, but that name is all you have—well, that... and your skill. Playing the piano is something that none of them could ever hope to do. You go up there, and you play. The same thing every time: You just go out there and pour my pent up sorrow and rage into the keys while they stand and watch.
>They’re all bastards. How can they do this to you? You were normal! You went to school, you graduated, you work six days a week. What did you do to deserve this?
>Okay, okay. Let's move it back a little. Jumping into a tale like this from the middle isn't going to make much sense, so—as any good story should—you will do what's best, and start at the beginning. The beginning of a story is always fun, because it’s at that point where you know the least about the story itself. As far as the reader is concerned, anything can and will happen.
>So that’s where you’ll start. The beginning.
>The previous week...
>Trixie looked out at her audience, disheartened by all the uninterested faces.
>Some of the ponies at the back of the crowd had already turned away. A disaster of an opening monologue, if she had ever seen one.
>“And now, The Great and Powerful Trixie will astound you all with her unrivalled mastery of the magical arts!”
>There was no response—well, there was, but it was in the form of an unusually loud yawn.
>The yawn itself got more of a reaction than her statement, as several audience members nodded in agreement.
>“Uh… well then…” Trixie cleared her throat, before throwing herself headfirst into her routine. “Watch in awe, humble ponies, as The Great and Powerful Trixie dazzles you ALL!”
>She reared up on her hind legs as the standard fireworks display went off, before dropping back to her hooves, horn glowing. “Now, for my first amazing feat, The Great and Powerf—oh, come on!”
>The crowd had dissipated, with only seven ponies still watching—all of which awkwardly turned away, once they realised that they were the only remaining spectators.
>Trixie watched as her audience dissolved, her mouth open in disbelief. She couldn’t stand it.
>Ever since that scandal in Ponyville, her audiences had started spurning her. It had gotten even worse when the Foal Free Press—during it’s impossible spike in popularity—had published many of her secrets.
>After that, members in her audiences had actually shouted out the secrets behind her tricks, but never had they simply walked away before her first trick.
>And now, here she was; living day-by-day, roaming in her little carriage, and trying to find an audience. Trixie could remember being forced to dig through garbage for food at least twice.
>With a little sigh, Trixie stepped down onto the earth, looking sadly at her carriage as the stage was encased in her magical aura and folded back up.
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>“I need something new,” she muttered. “Something these fools want to see… something they would regret not seeing for the rest of their lives.”
>She looked around, wondering what on earth she could use. ‘What would these idiots be entertained by?’
>Unsurprisingly, there was nothing interesting in sight.The idea that she could find something amazingly stupendous just by looking around was absurd, of course.
>Dejectedly, Trixie plodded over to an open-front café that took up one of the sides of the small plaza, sitting down at an outside table and removing her hat.
>“Oh, Celestia,” she mumbled. “Who would have thought my career would end up like this?”
>A waiter trotted over, his face a stoic and aloof mask that did not belong on one employed at a simple café. “Would you like a drink?”
>“Iced coffee,” Trixie mumbled, digging into her precious supply of coins to produce the three bits for her drink.
>The waiter nodded, taking the coins and walking away, while Trixie put her head in her hooves.
>What was she doing? Now she barely had more than twenty bits to her name.
>This was no time to be wasting money on luxuries like iced coffee.
>She continued mentally berating herself, and was just starting to wonder if she still had time to get her money back, when the waiter returned with the beverage.
>Slouching in her seat, Trixie numbly thanked the waiter.
>She sat still, staring at the drink which had just chipped away a sizeable portion of her remaining funds.
>“Oh Celestia, why?” she grumbled to herself, finally deeming to take a sip from the cup—almost feeling angry that the drink had the nerve to be delicious.
>Trixie continued to grudgingly sip at the drink, glaring across the square at her wagon, almost as if her home was directly responsible for everything that happened. Her entire career—and a reputation she’d spent years cultivating—was ruined. She’d have to return home as a failure. How would she face her father? How would she be able to look him in the eye and tell him that she was broke?
>There came a noise from inside the café, the sound of a hoof thumping two keys on a piano. Trixie took no notice, still wallowing in her depression.
>The second time caught her attention. It was hard not to notice the sound of a hoof being pulled down the length of the keyboard.
>Pouncing on the chance to be irritated at something that wasn’t related to her, Trixie stood up, absently grabbing the iced coffee and walking into the interior of the café.
>Standing in the corner of the main room was a dusty brown piano, along with a cello and a lyre. On its stool sat a young foal, who was chortling his little head off as he mindlessly thumped the keys.
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>Anon pats her back lightly to comfort her
"I'm here now, it's alright."
>Derpy's wet face is planted firmly in his chest
>She's still crying but is no longer sobbing at least
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
>She shakes her head while still buried in his chest
>The earlier events still running around in Derpy's head

>Derpy kicks her legs out to gain more momentum
>Her mane flies freely in the wind as she smiles
>Ever since her mother passed away she would visit the park. The swing was her favorite
>As she's giddily swaying in the air, she hears somepony yell out to her
>Derpy looks around but doesn't see anypony, only the treetops and the sky
>She continues swinging her body and hooves in rhythm
>"Stop that swing."
>Derpy hears the voice again, whoever it is sounds angry
>"I said. Stop."
>Derpy refrains from kicking her legs, the swing slowly but surely comes to a stop
>Now back on the ground, Derpy's left eye spots two fillies standing in front of her
>Her right eye still watching the clouds
>"Are you deaf?" asks the pinkish colored filly
>Derpy takes a moment to process the question
>"Could have fooled me. Anyway this is our park and there is a fee."
>Derpy stares blanky at the filly speaking to her.
"hi my name's derpy"
>The gray filly chimes in
>"What kind of name is that?"
>Derpy is about to respond but Diamond Tiara cuts her off
>"A dumb one, but who cares. You owe us money."
>Derpy looks confused
"i do?"
>Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes while Silver Spoon picks up
>"Are you slow or something?"
>Derpy looks at the ground and doesn't respond
>Diamond Tiara continues
>"Whatever, you owe us 6 bits. Hoof it over."
>Derpy looks at Diamond Tiara genuinely baffled
>"The normal rate is 2 bits, but since you are an adult the price is trebled."
>Diamond Tiara delivers the last tidbit with a proud smile
>That smile quickly disappears when she receives Derpy's reply
"i don't have any bits"
>"Seriously? Don't you have a job or something."
>Derpy continues to look at the ground
>Diamond Tiara facepalms with her hoof in frustration
>"Aren't you a little old to still be playing at the park?"
>Silver Spoon adjusts her glasses while questioning Derpy
>Derpy looks up at her with a tear in her eye
"i like it here..."
>Silver Spoon smirks
>"Hey DT, check it out. I think she's crying."
>Diamond Tiara walks up closer as Derpy starts to sniffle
>Another tear rolling down her cheek
>"Oh my, you're right!"
>The two fillies point their hooves at Derpy and laugh
>This only causes Derpy to openly start bawling
>"Big stupid crybaby, haha!"
>The laughter continues as Derpy runs away from the troublemakers, warm tears running down her face

>Anon holds Derpy for a few more minutes
>By the time he lets go she's finishing up the last of her weeping
>Looking up at him with teary eyes she makes a request
>"can i go home with you"
>Anon smiles
>And I think some anons may be confused about abuse threads. Yes, normally the theme is anon (human) abusing ponies. However, any and all abuse, related to mlp (sorry fluffy enjoyers), should be welcome here. Whether that be pony on pony (which this thread has), and also pony on anon.
Agree, all abuse is welcome in the thread as long as its on topic
>This should be a place to have a fun and post weird fucked up stuff that normally isn't okay in other threads.
What makes these threads so special is you can make weird fucked up shit specifically to FEEL. I see alot of anons who take comfort in being able to baww here or feel their broken bird syndrome.
>I don't have the link, but I remember reading a fun green with Pinkie being hyper abusive to the "normal" Anon.
can you describe it a bit more? What happened?
we can try to search for it maybe
Poor Derpy. Unfortunately for her I don't think anon has the best intentions with her either.
thisll end horribly...Anon already wanted to kill them earlier
>Despite her irritation and frustration, Trixie couldn’t help but smile at the foal. Even in her slump she could appreciate the cheerful innocence and ignorance of youth.
>Any older pony would understand why ponies couldn’t really play the piano.
>The expensive instrument was rare enough, as they could only be played by griffons—and badly, at that—or exceptionally skilled unicorns.
>Trixie knew that she would never be able to play a piano, as she was unable to multitask with her magic, but maybe she could train a monkey to play—no… monkeys weren’t intelligent enough to learn all of the intricacies… but what if there was an animal that could learn such complex patterns?
>‘Wait… could it really be that simple?’ Trixie turned away from the foal fiddling with the piano, draining her iced coffee in two large gulps.
>She gave a hopeful sigh as she left the café, heading up the street towards the Trottingham Library.
>Trixie had some reading to do. It was a long shot, and involved something Trixie barely knew anything about, but if she could pull it off… she could be rich.
>Trixie left her wagon where it was. It wasn’t like there was anything of value within it anyway. The wagon itself was in desperate need of painting.
>She hummed a grim tune as she trotted the short distance from the street to the library.
>There wasn’t much for her to be cheery about any more.
>The Trottingham Library was a very large, distinctive building, and quite a bit older than the more modern brick buildings surrounding it.
>The library’s shell was built from large blocks of light grey stone, with the doorway flanked by large pillars of the same material. It was imposing, to say the least.
>The archives in the basement were even more interesting. Filled to the roof with old books that nopony checked out anymore, they were the perfect place for Trixie to research her scheme.
>It was actually very simple. After finding the necessary spell, she would summon the perfect creature for playing the piano.
>It wasn't that difficult in theory, but actually locating this “perfect creature” would be a difficult task.
>She could think of a few candidates—all of them obscure myths—but one in particular stood out above the rest.
>All she needed to do was find out if such a thing even existed.
>Her entire plan—which she’d had for a grand total of ten minutes—was in the balance. If the creature wasn’t real, then she would go bankrupt. But if it was… she would be rich.
>Walking over to an index, Trixie started flipping through the pages. It was going to be a long, gruelling day of research.
>Trixie gazed coldly at the collection of books in front of her.
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>An illustrated picture of a human was set before her. It was shown to be roughly six feet tall.
>Judging by its two extended, fleshy hooves, the human appeared to walk on only two legs, while at the end of its upper-limbs were claw-like appendages.
>Both the hooves and the claws were tipped with five rounded digits, but those on the upper limbs were much longer and appeared to be ideal for the manipulation of objects—and playing a piano.
>It had no muzzle, although there was a distinct, rigid point protruding from its face just above the mouth.
>Its neck was far shorter than that of a pony, and at the base was a pair of broad shoulders that continued directly into the upper limbs.
>The only other defining features of the human was its angular, apparently oval-shaped eyes and the lack of hair in any place except for the top of its head.
>The anatomy of the creature’s body was a mystery, however, as it was garbed in what looked to be a large woolen sheet or blanket that wrapped around the torso and folded over the left shoulder.
>The only things visible past the strange-looking clothing were its even stranger-looking hooves, which the expansive folds of wool failed to cover.
>Humans seemed much the way Trixie remembered from her childhood. Back when she’d had a real penchant for books, she could spend an entire day browsing the Manehattan libraries. During that time, Trixie had found many interesting stories and pieces of mythology. Some works had been that of fiction, and others had claimed to be based on actual history.
>Humans had been reasonably interesting—if a little far fetched—and as a filly, Trixie had eventually dismissed them as too unbelievable.
>However, as an adult, Trixie was able to see their proportions in a more logical light. They were rather tall, walked on two legs, and wore their coats much thinner than ponies.
>But what was important was their hands.
>Humans had five digits on each hand, giving them the ability to play instruments and manipulate objects in a way that ponies could never hope for, which was exactly why Trixie needed one.
>If she could create a show out of a human playing an instrument (specifically the piano), then all of the fools that made up Equestria would be scrambling to see it.
>A strange, unknown creature on display that also plays music? What's not to love?
>Of course, the real issue was summoning one. Humans had faded into myth long ago, all of their achievements forgotten over the course of time.
>Trixie herself wasn’t even entirely sure that this would work, or that humans had ever existed in the first place.
>It only takes a few well-placed words to blur the line between history and myth.
>Now, all she needed was a little more money so that she could set everything up.
>A loan seemed like the best idea. If this succeeded, she’d be able to pay it off easily. If it failed… well, Trixie would be broke anyway.
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>Trixie gave a little start as she realized the librarian was standing across the table from her, a bored look on his face.
>“Oh, th-thank you,” she stuttered in surprise, before composing herself and repeating the phrase in a more confident tone. "I mean... thank you."
>“Do you want to check those out or not?” the librarian deadpanned, completely apathetic to Trixie's attitude.
>“Yes!” Trixie snapped irritably, bunching the books together. “Of course I do.”
>You wrap my towel around my waist as I step out of the shower—not that it's necessary.
>There’s no need for modesty when everyone’s already out of the house, but it always pays to be prepared. The local Jehovah's Witnesses have a bad habit of popping up at the worst possible moment.
>This is what you love about Saturday mornings. Mom is downtown for a few hours, getting the groceries for the week, and your sister’s working at the corner dairy.
>Neither of them will be home until at least one in the afternoon, leaving me with a good three and a half hours.
>What's even better is that you don't have a shift rostered for today. It’s the first day off I’ve had in two weeks.
>Passing the piano in the hall, you reach under the dust cover that lies on the keys and play a quick series of ascending octaves, before continuing into the living room. It's like what the untrained enjoy doing: making random noise… except it sounds a lot nicer.
>Your computer sits on the couch, its screen still paused in a freeze-frame of the credits for the Friendship is Magic episode, ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’.
>With a small sigh, you close the laptop's lid, walking over to the smoldering log in the fireplace. Its passive heating is a wonderful contrast to the cold winds and frigid rain that always dominate the outside this time of year.
“My Little Pony… My Little Pony…”
>you start to sing under my breath as you towel off.
>You continue to sing, smiling slightly as you warm yourself by the embers. It’s fair to say that—aside from snatching a few minutes to tinkle the ivories—watching the show is the highlight of your days.
>Things are a little tight lately.
>It’s bleak... not horrible, but there's not much going for you right now.
“My Little Pony… I used to wonder what friendship could be…”
>Your singing dissolves into simply humming the theme as you turn away from the fireplace and walk towards your bedroom to get changed.
>You re-emerge two minutes later, hair frizzy from the drying, and your body fully clothed.
“…Do you know you’re all my very best friends…”
>Finished off with the lyrics, absently rubbing at the scruffy little mustache sprouting on your lip. ‘Note to self: Shave tonight.’
>With nothing better to do, you sit at the piano, removing the green-brown dust cover on the keys and playing a ‘G’, just for the hell of it.
“Sing us a song, you’re the Piano Man…”
>You mutter under my breath in a whimsical voice.
“Sing us a song, tonight. Well we’re all in the mood for a melody… and you’ve got us feelin’ alright.”
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>You cut yourself off, raising both hands and preparing to play a different song… something that will fit the rainy mood..
>Your left hand comes down to play an A minor chord, but then stops in mid-air, suddenly unable to continue.
>You stare at it, attempting to discover what's stopping it from moving. Actually... something looks different. Your fingertips are pale.
“When did that hap—wait…”
>You watch in wonder as the rest of your fingers turn a deathly white, followed by your top knuckles and then the backs of your hands.
“I… what?”
>Your wrists slowly lose their color, followed by your forearms, and then your upper arms. It looks so strange—and it feels even stranger. The bleached skin tingles as if you’ve lost circulation… but that can’t possibly have happened.
>Finally realizing that something is wrong, you jump to your feet and pull up the bottom of your shirt, knocking over the piano stool in the process. It seems that I can move your hand again, but you're too panicked for it to register.
>Your stomach and chest have turned pale, and I’m starting to feel very weird.
>You're about to shout, when your arms seize up and lose whatever remaining color they had retained, followed almost immediately by your knees locking up beneath you, dropping you to all fours.
>Your back is trembling—heaving, even—as your joints and chest are wracked with a sharp, electrical pain and your mouth is forced open in a soundless scream.
>Your head drops to the carpet and you stare at the pedals of my piano, trying desperately to move. ‘What’s happening? Am I dying?’
>Before your brain can form a single thought more, your vision is filled with a rich shade of magenta, and everything else is lost.
>Your eyes flutter open, and you jerk upright.
>‘Ugh… What…’ you look down at your hands. They look normal—not white, not even pale.
>“So, it awakens...” a female voice rings out, making me start in surprise as you climb to your feet. ‘What…’
>You look around, and realize that you're in a cage.
>‘A cage? Why... am I… I’m a prisoner?’
>The cage in question has hay strewn along the ground, with a flat mattress in one corner and what looks like a beaten up piano in another.
>You can’t see much else, as the area outside the cage is shrouded in darkness.
>Groggily, you try to take a step towards the bars of the cage, teetering on the balls of your feet and nearly crashing headfirst into the piano.
>“Poor balance, but the hands are what count,” the female voice says again, and you see a darker patch of shadow shift slightly around your poorly lit prison.
>Placing your attention on the dark patch, you rub your eyes, letting out a small groan.
“Where… where am I? What did you… you do to me?”
>Your voice is raspy, and you realise that you're completely parched.
“Who are you?”
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>“My name isn’t important.” The female voice sounds scornful. “It would only intimidate you."
“Oh, trust me, it’s very important,”
>You snap, my temper suddenly flaring.
“If I’m going to be abducted, then I want to know who did it, you piece of horseshit!”
>Even as the last few words leave my mouth, the reality of the situation comes crashing down on you.
>You’ve been abducted—kidnapped.
>You're in a dirty cage in the dark, and you're brashly insulting your captor.
>The shadow shifts again, adjusting its position.
>“Well, then…” The shape steps into the light, and you let out a loud curse in surprise.
>Is that really who you think it is? Could it possibly be… her?
>There’s a cape and stereotypical wizard hat… both worn by a blue pony. A pony.
>It is. It’s her.
>“If you really must know, my name is—”
>The word comes flying out of your mouth, layered with shock and disbelief.
>The blue mare is silent, staring at you with a wide-eyed expression that conveys so many emotions that you can’t even begin to acknowledge them all.
>She stares at you wildly for a full five seconds, before finally moving her face closer to the bars of your cage.
>“How do you know that?” she hisses venomously, her horn starting to glow.
>You stare at the mare in shock. This can’t be happening. She can’t actually be real! She’s from a TV show. She’s from My Little Pony! Maybe you've been drugged, or had a seizure, or something...this can't be real!
>Trixie leans a little closer, her horn flashing.
>You let out a loud gasp of surprise as your midsection is encased in a magenta aura, restraining you.
>You start, before suddenly being cut off by your captor.
>“I’ll ask you again: how do you know my name?” Trixie’s face is taking on a red hue as she becomes more enraged.
>Panicking, you struggle against the magical aura, only to be stopped as the grip tightens, causing you to yelp.
>“Tell me!” Trixie shouts, prompting you to start speaking.
Argh! Trixie!
>You splutter in shock.
Y-you’re not real!
>“What do you mean not real?” Trixie’s face darkens.
You’re a f-fictional character, from M-My Little—urk!—My Little Pony!
>You gasp as the grip tightens again. you can barely breathe.
Traveling—ack!—Magician, stopped in P-Ponyville!
>You wheeze and flail around as Trixie’s expression turns into one of surprise, and the pressure on your chest slowly increases.
You—ugh!—were humiliated!
>Your words just barely slip through my throat, nothing more than a strangled croak.
Sh-shown up as a fraud!
>Bad choice of words.
>Trixie lifts you off the floor with her magic, before dropping you a good meter onto your face.
>“Don’t you dare call me a fraud!” she shouts, the words left to linger in your thoughts as you black out.
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>"Mrs. Cherilee. Why in the name of god can't I see my daughter?" Complained Sweetie's mother.
>"Please, I'll explain to you as soon as your husband comes-" The door slammed while she was talking. It was Sweetie's father.
>"Honey, what's going on?" He asked her wife.
>"She doesn't want to tell me!"
>"Please, calm down. What I'm going to tell you is very, very important. I need you both to sit down." Cherilee asked with a stone face.
>"Mrs. Cherilee? Ok then. What's the problem?" He asked.
>"Please, look at this drawing" She said while handing it to them "Can you please tell me, who are these people?"
>"What does this have to do with-" The father stopped when he saw the drawing "Yeah, I mean, it is Sweetie Belle, Rarity and her boyfriend, Blueblood".
>"Sweetie Belle drew this not long ago. In fact, looking at her schoolbag I found other drawings". Cherilee showed them a folder with various drawings, all depicting Blueblood abusing Rarity and Sweetie Belle.
>"We sent your daughter to the school nursery. We found all kinds of bruises on her body and-" the words clogged in Cherilee's throat "It's all in here…"
>The couple took the file from the teacher hands.
>Trembling, they opened the second folder with their daughter’s diagnose.
>"She, told me what happened. What, this man has done to her and Rarity." Cherilee swallowed some saliva "We called the police and-“
>Sweetie's mother began to cry. Her sobbing filled the entire building and her tears, big as pearls, dropped on the drawings she was embracing.
>"I'm going to kill that bastard! I'm going to smash his fucking skull until there's nothing left!" Sweetie's father said, standing up and storming out of the classroom.
>Two policemen held him, trying to control the enraged beast.
>"Leave me alone! I have to kill him! It's, it's the only thing I can do right now!" he began to sob "I couldn't protect my baby, please, let me go! Let me go!"
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>After calming down, Sweetie's father told the policemen where to find Blueblood. He mostly hanged out at Rarity's place.
>With an order on their hands, they arrested both Rarity and Blueblood.
>After a quick judgment, Rarity was found innocent and Blublood guilty.
>Yet, nothing was going to be the same for the young woman.
>Not even weeks later, when Rarity showed up at her parent’s house.
>"What are you doing here?"
>"Nothing father, I just wanted to give, well, Sweetie Belle her birthday present".
>"We already told you're not allowed to see her".
>"I... I understand but, I've gone to therapy. I know what I've done. I regret every single thing of what happened and-"
>"Rarity, listen. I'm happy that you were able to move on, but I cannot forgive what you did".
>"B-But it wasn't my-"
>"Yes, it was your fault" He answered "It hurts me so much knowing how much you suffered. But it doesn't compare to what Sweetie Belle had to bear. That animal didn't hurt her, you did".
>With those words, he softly closed the door on Rarity's face.
>She stood there a couple of minutes, before heading home.
>Still, she didn't give up.
>She waited for Sweetie to come out to play at a nearby park with her friends the next day, to give her the little present.
>It was painful to watch. Her little sister, once the liveliest girl in the world, was just a shy creature, afraid of her own shadow.
>She heard news of how she stopped singing altogether.
>Oh, how Rarity longed to hear her sister sing once more.
>"The ball rolled over there, I'll get it!" AB said.
>Rarity picked the ball behind the bushes and gave it to her.
>"H-Hi, Applebloom". She greeted.
>Trixie has enough magic power to summon mythical creatures from other dimensions
A little suspension of disbelief required. But if that means we get a more capable and evil Trixie, I'll take it
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>"You! You're not supposed to be here! Get out!" Applebloom said while pushing Rarity away.
>"Applebloom, please stop, I don't want to cause any more trouble. I just brought Sweetie Belle's birthday present".
>"That was yesterday." The girl answered, trying to sound as aggressive as possible.
>"I know! I mean, sorry. Just give it to her. Please, I beg you."
>"Fine!" Applebloom answered while taking the little present to her friend.
>Sweetie Belle glared at the box before taking it.
>She opened it to find a little cassette that she gave to Rarity long ago.
>It contained songs dedicated to Rarity.
>It came with a little post it: "Would you sing once more?" signed by Rarity.
>The message and the cassette were too much for the little girl.
>Tears welled up in her eyes while an expression of terror froze on her face.
>She threw the present far away while grabbing her knees and crying as hard as she could.
>Both Scootaloo and Applebloom hugged and tried to calm her down.
>"You witch! Why do you keep hurting Sweetie Belle? Why are you such a horrible sister?!" AB screamed.
>Rarity was scared, she didn't know what had happened.
>She thought that, by giving her something to remember the old, happy times, Sweetie Belle could heal.
>But Rarity’s own ignorance and stupidity played against her.
>Every time that Blueblood visited them, Rarity couldn't stomach what was going to happen to her little sister, so she always left the house.
>Never witnessing what happened in those disgusting sessions.
>The reason she stopped singing, was because Blueblood always made her sing before, during and after the abusing Sweetie Belle.
>Some kind of sadistic pleasure in seeing the little girl sing while she cried.
>Once he was finished with her, he always texted Rarity to come back home, so she could cook something for him.
>While he was sitting, listening to the little girl sing.
I wonder if the spell had power more than trixie did
she seemed insecure when he called her a fraud
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"Where's my money, dweeb?"
>Your middle knuckle connects with Fluttershy's cheekbone. She lets out a shriek that hurts your ears. You held back, but she's already crying. Wimp.
"I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked for my money! Where. Is. It?"
>You have the weakling with her back pressed up against a cinderblock wall in the back lot behind Canterlot High. It's been baking all day and you can smell the asphalt melting.
>Nobody would interrupt you here.
>"P-Please, Gilda, I—"
>You slam one hand by her head, trapping her against the wall. You raise your other hand, making a fist, and slug her again, right beneath her eye. Her head shoots back, cracking against concrete, and her legs buckle. She falls down, sobbing.
"Don't make me ask a third time."
>She trembles violently, her pathetic face distorting to reveal the disgusting worm she is. Her lips wriggle around as she tries to choke back sobs. She balls up her hands, but releases them, digging what she owes you out of her skirt's pockets. She pulls out a bifold wallet with sickeningly cute animal prints covering it, fingers getting your cash dirty. You swipe it out of her hands, your nails leaving a scrape against one of them. You roll your eyes as you count. One, two... five hundred. Choice.
"Make it easier on yourself next time, dweeb, and just hand over my money when I tell you to."
>"There's not going to be a next time, Gilda."
>You turn around. There stands Rainbow Crash, bat loosely in hand, giving you a scowl worthy of your father.
"This ain't your business, Crash."
>"It's Dash." Her grip tightens around the aluminum club, but it stays pointed at the ground by her side. "If Fluttershy is involved, it's ALWAYS my business."
>Fluttershy somehow manages to stop wailing like a baby long enough to st-stutter out, "Dash, don't—"
>You park your boot against Fluttershy's forehead, shoving her up against the wall.
"Listen to your girlfriend, Crash. Don't."
>Dash swings her bat.
Version A: Reversal
>She swings it far faster than she should've been able.
>Pain radiates out from your temple where the bat connects, sending your face first into the scalding blacktop. You feel your nose break and everything's buzzing. The ground wets with your blood.
>Another impact hits the top of your skull and you double up. You can't see and everything is stars and needles and pain and she hits you again, and again, and again.
>"WITH MY FRIENDS EVER AGAIN!" Each word, distant, ringing, is punctuated by another swing, another dent. You wrap your arms over your head and you can feel your bones fracturing as she whales on you.
>"Rainbow Dash, stop!" The hits stop coming. Finally. You chuckle and cough through headache, blood, and bruises. Fluttershy is giving you a chance to recover.
>Crash may have gotten the first hit in, but as soon as you can stand, you're going to play with them for a long, long time.
>You hear the sounds of the dweebs struggling over you. Good, let them fight. Buys time.
>"G-Give me that bat!"
>Crash did a number on you.
>"Fluttershy, look at what she did to you! What she's MADE you do!"
>You grit your teeth, working up the will to stand again. You blink away the pain. Focus on the voices.
>Fluttershy's directly over you. The other one's standing over you, somewhere between your legs. Your calves tense—sweep her? Kick her? How should you do this...
>"Fine! Here, take it!"
>You'll wait for your piggy bank to start chastising before you strike. They'll be in their own world the—
>You cry out. Searing fire shoots up your spine from where Fluttershy just hit you in the small of your back.
>Again. "Yeah! That's it, Fluttershy!"
>Again. "Give it to her!"
>You can't feel your legs. "She DESERVES this!"
>Oh. Oh no, you can't feel your legs.
>Where are your legs?
>You push yourself up to look behind you.
>Your legs lay limp on the asphalt.
>Big mistake.
>You don't even have half a second to register the bat swinging for the front of your face before it dislocates your jaw. You go down.
>Boots step on your hands, heels twisting on them, grinding down on the knuckles and tearing the flesh as more hits keep coming to your shoulders and head and spine, breaking you.
>The last thought that floats through your mind before unconsciousness takes you is that your dad's gonna kill you when he finds out what happened.

>You massage Fluttershy's back as you walk away with her from the lot to your car, bloody bat in hand.
"She deserved it, Fluttershy."
>"I killed her! I killed someone, Dash! I'm going to go jail!"
>She's vibrating, sniffling, repeating the same thing over and over to herself.
"She's not dead. We need to get out of here before the ambulance shows up. Okay? Let's go. Hurry."
>"She's dead. She's dead. I killed someone. I can't believe I killed someone."
>You take your hand off her back and fish your keys out from your pocket, clicking the fob to pop the trunk and then unlock the doors. You throw the bat in the back, grimacing at the white and purple hairs sticking to the blood.
>Gonna need bleach for this.
>Fluttershy gets in the car, and you slide into the driver's seat, turning the ignition on and tearing out of the lot.
"She had it coming, Flutters. Nobody saw us. I'm gonna get rid of the bat. We're fine. We're fine, alright?"
>She just shivers.
"Just don't talk about it and everything will be fine."
>Shivers and nods.
"And if the cops ask you, throw me under the bus."
>"I-I could never—!"
"Fluttershy. I can handle myself. You? You'd never make it in juvie. It's fine."
>Fluttershy's crying quiets down. "Y-You shouldn't have done that, Rainbow."
"I couldn't take it anymo—!"
>"Thank you."
"... Hey, what are friends for?"
Version B: Straight
>You easily catch the bat, twisting your arm with the impact to deaden it. You grip it tight and keep twisting, wrenching it free from Crash's hands. You can't help but laugh.
"You seriously thought that was gonna work, Crash?"
>You kick Fluttershy over and turn at the same moment to face Crash. She looks scared.
>Good. She should be.
>You pat the head of the bat against your open palm and smile.
"Here's a tip for you, Crash. Next time you have the jump?"
>You swing for her stomach. Her arms block it, but her pained grunt says she won't be able to do that again. She takes a step back.
"Don't give it away."ribc
>Another swing, from the opposite direction. It catches her elbow and she yelps in pain, letting you continue through into her rib cage. She goes down, curling up on her side.
>You grin to yourself.
>You just came up with the best idea.
>You're going to enjoy this.
>You roll her over and give a few more swings to warm her up for what's coming next. Shoulders, to keep her docile. Stomach, to knock the wind out of her. Nose, to bring some color to that ugly mug.
"Hey, Fluttershy. Stand up."
>You turn around and click your tongue. She's so slow. You swing the bat, flinging dust free from the wall beside her head.
"Next one's going for your eye if you don't stand up right now."
>She snivels, getting up to her feet, cowering behind her stupid long hair.
>You toss the bat at her. She squeaks, dropping it. You sock her in the kidney for the screw-up.
"Try catching it next time, loser."
>As she's recovering, kneeling down to pick up the bat, you step backwards, planting the heel of your boot on Crash's face. You make sure the sole's tracks leave a nice, clear imprint by shifting your weight back onto her.
"I'll lay off you if you give Crash your best Great Bambino impression."
>"G-Great Bambino...?"
"I want you to swing at her as hard as you can."
>"I—I could never...!"
>You make a fist.
"You want this until you graduate?"
>She squeaks again, mumbling under her breath. You open your fist up and shove her back, sending her into the wall again. You step off Crash's face towards Fluttershy.
"You can make it stop today, Fluttershy. All you have to do is hit her once, and it all stops. Me, Sunset, stealing from the shelter, everything. No charge, no strings."
>It's gonna suck losing such easy money, but you've got other marks that you can hit up.
>Besides, if she chickens out, you're not out of money at all.
>And if she doesn't chicken out?
>Oh, that would be choice.
"So what's it gonna be?"
>You look down at her, huddled against the wall, clutching the bat by the head. She looks past you at Crash.
>You turn around. She's getting up. Rolled onto her side, hand outstretched to support herself.
>Bold move.
>You walk back over to her and smirk. You lift your leg up.
>"You're a real piece of—"
>She squeals as you drop your weight on her hand. You hear something pop. That's a good sound.
>You scrape your boot backwards and admire your footwork. Oh, yeah, that finger's broken. Good angle, too.
>You kick her a few more times, raising your voice to be heard over her screams.
"What's it gonna be, Fluttershy? The clock is ticking."
"Ten... nine... eight..."
>"Don't listen to her, Flu—URGHK!"
>You swing steel toes into that little area between the belly button and the solar plexus.
"Don't interrupt me. Ugh, you made me lose my place. Where was I... ah. Three... two..."
>"P-Please move..."
>You grin and step aside, giving Fluttershy plenty of room to make her major league debut.
>You call out as she closes her eyes and lifts the bat over her head.
"Oh, wait. You gotta hit her somewhere special for it to count."
>You smear the blood dripping down Crash's face over her face with a boot, giving extra attention to her lips.
"Right in the pearly whites."
>Fluttershy opens her eyes, pupils pinpricks, staring down at Crash.
>Crash's gaze is unfocused, clouded by pain.
>"Fluttershy, don't listen... liar..."
"Name a single time I've ever lied, dweeb. To either of you."
>They couldn't.
"But, hey, it's your choice here, Fluttershy. All of this could disappear. No more missed school days. No more repeated grades. No more lying. No more pain. Gone, guaranteed. You know what you need to do."
>Oh, this is perfect. Crash trying to turn her against you. The way her mascara runs, crying, unable to drop or swing. You think she might break, until you hear her whimper words.
>"P-Please stay still, Rainbow."
>"Don't LISTEN to her! Don't do this! We can—"
>"Please..." She tilts the bat backwards over her head, preparing, "Please... please... I'm sorry, please..."
>Crash opens her mouth to protest and gets a bat lodged between her teeth.
>Credit where it's due, Fluttershy gave it everything she had. Crash rolls on the ground, howling with pain, bleeding all over the blacktop. Fluttershy's collapsed in a pile, staring in shock.
>She can't even cry.
>Your heart swells.
>This is the best you've felt in years.
>Giddy, laughing, you step over Rainbow Crash and kneel down, pulling her hands away from her bleeding mouth. Fluttershy took out the front teeth and a canine.
"You did some fine work today, Fluttershy! Two, three... four! My high score's three in one. I think you've got a gift for this."
>You can't stop laughing as you pick up Crash's bloody, spat-up teeth from the pavement.
"You've got a wicked nose bleed there, dweeb. Lemme stop that up for ya."
>You shove two into each nostril, and decide to take a few pics to remember this by.
>You pull out your smartphone and snap some pics, both of Crash and of Fluttershy holding the bat.
>Fluttershy finally breaks down crying.
>Snap, snap.
>You pocket your phone and get up.
"Well, it's been real fun, dweebs, but I've gotta go. See ya tomorrow."
>You walk away to let the two work out the future of their precious 'friendship' together. You wonder if they're gonna stay friends.
>As if.
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Really excited to see where this goes next....we haven't gotten anything with DT or Silver in a long time
I just love the horror on her face the hopelessness..the realization. Its soul crushing
oh this is still going nice
Flutterbuse yay
>glimglam really was one of our best writers.
>I'm pretty sure they still haunt the board. Hopefully they'll contribute again.
>glimglam is one of the best writers we get.
>If the threads stay up long enough we'll get them again
Thanks anons. I somehow didn't notice this thread, but I always have fun with these when they appear. It's nice to see this one is succeeding.

Anyway, since I'm here, I can take some writefag requests if anyone is interested. Name a character and a method of abuse and I will do what I can with it (I tend to do better with psychological/emotional type abuse than the edgelord torture-porn stuff, but I can do w/e I guess).

Delivery might take a bit so please keep the thread bumped
Welcome in.
Request: Mrs. Cake abusing Mr. Cake while customers aren't there/aware. This can include verbal, physical, whatever you want. You could also add cheating into the mix.
But the story should be from Pinkie's perspective as she witnesses the events while she's at sugarcube corner. So she gets like a 2nd hand kind of effect from it too, and feels bad for Mr. Cake.
this one sounds fun, I will get to work
Looking forward to it, I'll be here
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Are you the anon that made this one too? It got pruned from the derpy thread but I saved it.
President John addams punishing glimmer for having any hopes and dreams.
This >>41785023 scenario, anon abuses raimbow dash physically and emotionally until she no longer brags about herself.
Bonus points if her self worth is completely crushed and the m6 are unwitting accomplices to her abuse
>By the time they arrive at Anon's house Derpy is back to her bubbly self
"Are you hungry at all?"
>Derpy nods excitedly
"Good, because I'm starving."
>Anon walks into the kitchen, Derpy follows him
>He pulls out the leftover tomato soup that he had from earlier and begins to heat it up on the stove
"This is going to take a few minutes, why don't you get comfortable on the couch."
>Derpy continues watching Anon without saying anything
>Her tongue lazily hangs out of the corner of her mouth as she smiles
"Or you can wait here, that works too."
>Anon gets out two bowls and places them on the table
>He walks over to the counter and grabs the loaf of bread
>Derpy's eyes try to keep up with his movements but only one of them ever seems to be able to track him
>He rips off a small piece from the loaf and hands it to Derpy
>She looks at it for a moment before taking it with her mouth
>Anon goes back to the counter and rips off two chunks and sets them next to the bowls
>As he goes to check on the soup, Derpy's attention turns to the bread chunks sitting on the table
>Anon puts his hand above the pot to gauge the temperature.
>His hand heats up quickly, but not to the point of burning
"I think it's ready"
>As he looks over at Derpy she freezes
>She has a piece of bread sticking out of her mouth
"That was supposed to go with the soup"
>He also notices that the other piece is missing from the table
>He sighs
"It's fine I have more."
>She slowly resumes chewing
>He brings over the first bowl to the pot
>With a wooden ladle he scoops up the red liquid and pours it in the bowl
>He walks over to the table and places the bowl down
"Alright, here's yours. Be careful, it's hot"
>Anon grabs the other bowl and brings it over to the stove
>As if on cue he hears a splatter of liquid behind him
>Derpy is sticking out her tongue with soup dripping out of her mouth
"I told you it was hot"
>Anon walks over and checks on her
>"Are you okay?"
>With her tongue still sticking out, she nods
"Okay, let me see that bowl"
>Anon bends down and starts to blow on the soup
>Derpy tilts her head as she watches him with interest
>"what are you doing?"
>Between blows he responds
"I'm cooling it off for you"
>After a full minute of blowing, he dips his finger inside the bowl
>He feels the warmth on his finger but it's no longer hot
"Alright, it's safe now"
>As Anon walks back to the stove Derpy eyes her bowl cautiously
>Anon returns to the table with his bowl and sits down
>He notices that Derpy is just looking at her bowl
"Go ahead and eat it before it gets cold, it won't hurt you anymore."
>Derpy sticks her face in the bowl and begins slurping it up
>Anon smirks as he brings his bowl to his lips
>With a long sip he takes a hearty gulp of the comforting soup
>He puts his bowl down and looks for his piece of bread
"Oh, right."
>He walks over to the counter and grabs another piece
FUCK yeah, glad to see you back glimglam!
>Anyway, since I'm here, I can take some writefag requests if anyone is interested. Name a character and a method of abuse and I will do what I can with it (I tend to do better with psychological/emotional type abuse than the edgelord torture-porn stuff, but I can do w/e I guess).
I'm thinking we should put something in the next OP that pushes away from torture porn.
Once you cross the line from abuse to torture porn, it just isn't hitting (lol) right anymore. Totally different genre at that point.
the look on her face when she wakes up.....fuck
This hurted good. Especially love the last face she makes.
>With bread in hand he dips it inside of the remaining tomato soup
>He watches Derpy avidly lick her bowl clean as he finishes his meal
>Anon stands up and brings his empty bowl to the sink
>As he's rinsing it off he feels a sudden nudge in his side
>It's Derpy
>He looks down at her and then at his shirt
>Her face is messy with soup stains, and his shirt now has a tomato blotch where she poked him
"Sorry Derp, that's all that was left."
>She frowns
>A devious smile appears on Anon's face
"I have dessert for later."
>Derpy gets excited and flaps her wings
>Anon puts the washcloth under warm water
>After draining it he kneels down next to Derpy and starts to clean her face
>As if her body is getting used to it she puts up less resistance as he rubs her mouth and cheeks
"Alright, you are as good as new"
>Derpy looks confused
>"i am?"
"Anon chuckles"
"It's a figure of speech, at least where I'm from"
>Not fully understanding she doesn't question it further
>Anon walks into the living room and looks down at his shirt remembering the soup stain Derpy graciously gifted him
>He takes it off and tosses it on the ground in a random direction
>Derpy inquisitively walks up to him and inspects his shirtless form
>As her eyes swirl around taking everything in, Anon positions himself into a double biceps pose
"Like what you see huh?"
>She doesn't respond as she stares at him
>Enjoying the attention he puts his arms over his head and behind his back, tightening his abs
>Without warning she boops him in the belly button with her snoot
>He lets out a high pitched laugh
>Derpy smiles as she boops him again
"Hey, that tickles"
>He rustles her mane as he makes his way to the couch
>As he sits down Derpy flies up and lands next to him
>She scooches over so that she's pressed up against him
"You certainly aren't bashful, that's good."
>Derpy has a perplexed expression on her face
>Anon wraps his arm around her
"You see Derpy, were friends right?"
>She nods as she focuses all of her attention on Anon
>He gives her a reassuring smile
"We certainly are. Which brings me to my next point. Friends like to do things for friends."
>"they do?"
"Yes, like how I shared my soup with you."
>"oh okay"
>Anon's smile widens
"And there are other things friends like to share. More intimate things."
>With his free hand he grabs one of her forehooves
>Blushing and looking slightly confused, Derpy watches Anon fondle her hoof
>He drags his fingertip lightly across the surface of her frog
>She lets out a little gasp at the unfamiliar sensation
>Next he brings her hoof to his mouth and gently kisses it
>Derpy's face continues to turn more red
>She doesn't understand what's going on but her heart is racing
>Anon slowly brings her hoof to his groin area and begins to have her pet his pants
>With his hand guiding her hoof she rubs where his already slightly erect member is forming a bulge
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>molesting the mentally disabled
you sick bastard
>I'm thinking we should put something in the next OP that pushes away from torture porn.
I'm inclined to disagree.This type of thread is already niche, dividing it will hamper staying power. These threads should have the least amount of censorship when it comes to the scope of bullying, abuse, and even torture. Torture porn doesn't need to be the theme, but I don't think it has been in this thread either.
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>molesting the mentally disabled
you sick bastard(Good)
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make some really good points here
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>You are now maud pie.
>You love rocks.
>Just kidding, you’re not Maud at all! It was you, Pinkie the whole time!
>Playing pretend could be so much fun though, sometimes it was the best thing you COULD do.
>Other than throw some totally ‘rocking’ parties for your favorite sister in the whole world.
>Or your friends.
>Or some really nice strangers.
>Strangers are just friends you don’t know yet, after all.
>You have soso many friends now.
>Nop0ny seems to be available lately though..
>You keep inviting them to parties but they don’t show up.
>Or they look away from you when you’re talking.
>Silly p0nies must have a lot going on in their life!
>You wish they would start coming back to Sugarcube Corner more though, your bits are starting to get a little tight to rent your room here.
>But that’s ok.
>Things’ll work out, they gotta stop being busy eventually!
>Days later.
>Almost no customers most of the time.
>The Cakes seem kinda funny because of it, but not haha funny like when you told them that super duper good knock knock joke.
>They didn’t seem to think your haha funny joke was very haha funny either!
>Miss Cake made that face like she ate a sour candy worm, chuckled, then left with Mister Cake.
>You really wanted to see her smile, but you’ll just have to think of a better joke later you guess.
>Rent getting steadily more scary, you’ve been trying to pick up some side work.
>Freelance party throwing/setting. It’s going um..ok, you guess. At Least some p0nies seem to like it. You always did throw a good party.
>You hope everyone stops being so darn busy soon. You don’t need the bits just for your room-gummy is starting to get really hungry too.
>Sitting behind the register, watching p0nies walk up to the store, they look inside curious. For the briefest of seconds you think they’ll come in and you can talk and have fun and get some bits for you and the store and-
>They leave when they see you.
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>Customers don’t come to Sugarcube Corner anymore.
>Cakes seem increasingly unhappy with you around.
>Rent is nonexistent now, throwing freelance parties has absolutely gone south. No one seems happy with what you do anymore, last customer said he wouldn’t pay you.
>Nop0ny wants to be around you more than a few minutes, including your friends-except for Twilight.
>Why’s this all happening?
>Did you throw somep0ny a bad party? Did you do something?
>There’s a low lead ball in your stomach that forms as your mind picks through ideas, some good, many that make you upset and you push away as fast as possible.
>You think about going out and finding Dashie-until you remember she asked you not to hang around her anymore.
>Boy that had been a confusing day! Haha! You..
>You think of another p0ny you can hang out with.
>There are none, except Twilight.
>They’ve all asked you to stay away for the most part.
>Asking why sure did make them upset too.
>Rainbow Dash spit in your eye.
>No Tears! You smiled and said you were sorry and that you’d let her have some space.
>Couldn’t make your friend feel bad for your mistake, that’d hardly be fair!
>Nop0ny comes in today
>You close the store early.
>You promised yourself you wouldn’t cry.
>Really you did.
>But Gummy got so skinny so fast.
>You tried so hard to get him some more food, growing baby alligators need to eat more than adult p0nies.
>But he just got sicker when you had less and less bits to buy anything with.
>You thought, maybe, if Fluttershy could house him you’d be able to visit everyday.
>Fluttershy didn’t want to take him in, said she had enough animals.
>You wonder if that..if maybe it wasn't..
>No, Fluttershy wouldn’t lie like that.
>Your nose runs and you can hardly see past your own tears, Gummy is taken from your hoofs, such a skinny little alligator, and replaced with a small pile of bits from the exotic pet collector you sold him to.
>Baby Alligators need to eat.
>You choke your tears back, Gummy slowly turns to look back at you as the p0ny leaves your room and the store. Blinking those dopey eyes of his.
>You wave.
“Bye-Bye Gummy don’t..don’t forget to write your friend Pinkie Pie!”
>You spend the rest of the night laying in bed, looking at the empty space where he used to sleep with you.
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>You’ve been evicted.
>When you came home to Sugarcube, your stuff had already been sold to make a profit from the loss you’ve caused to the cakes.
>Twilight doesn’t talk to you anymore now either.
>When you had left, Twilight was the only p0ny that came to watch you go.
>She said you two could still be friends, that she would write you back.
>You write her a letter every week.
>You never find anything when you check the mail.
>You look up at the ceiling from your bed, you haven't been home since you were a filly.
>Maud doesn’t stay home much, she doesn’t like being around dad.
>Limestone had an ‘accident’ last week with some spare rope in the barn.
>Limestone has never been one to express emotions the same way as you or maud.
>Never thought she’d be the one to get choked up saying goodbye!
>Your joke makes your heart sink somewhere far away.
>You are alone, even surrounded with what’s left of the Pie family.
>Only p0ny 'close' to you left in your life is Marble.
>She’s such a quiet mare, but you know why.
>You know why, as you lay in your bed keeping your eyes fixed on staring through your ceiling.
>It makes what happens easier.
>The movements are familiar, as is the smell of old earth on him. Breathing labored as he rests over you, your skin prickles underneath him.
>”Thou art as beautiful as your mother is, Pinkamena.”
>Dad is in your bed again, he is most nights.
>His breath is hot.
>”My daughter hath truly returned to providence at long last..”
>You never liked this part growing up.
>Twilight smiles, going through her notes with care. When She's done she makes short order of sending her current findings to her precious teacher, thanks to a little help from spike.
>She’s going to Sugarcube Corner to pick up a treat for her picnic today with her friends.
>By her table, there is a small trash can stuffed full of opened letters. Some stained with tears, each one smelling like granite and dirt.
>She hadn’t thought the experiment would go nearly this well, she watched with fascination what happened as her friendships dissolved. A p0nies life really can go terrible so fast without anyone around!
>Her paper on the effects of a friendship withdrawal is going to be great.
>Celestia will be so proud.
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A lot of green in here I need to catch up on. Good stuff
This pic always makes me chuckle but then I feel bad for laughing
>rent problems
spookiest green in the thread
rip gummy
How did Twilight get everyone in on it?
>How did Twilight get everyone in on it?
>Edge used to be cool in 2011, now it's not
One of the abusechad's most remarkable strengths is his endurance. Over the years, these brave anons have weathered every storm. Hugboxers have frequently attempted to hamper progress at every turn.
>If it's not cupcakes it's not allowed!
>Why isn't this banned?
Words of damnation have been placed on some of our finest anons. On countless other occasions, the carebears have declared that the end of pony wrongdoings must be imminent. And yet, through it all, abusechads have only grown more powerful.
"Yeah...like that."
>Anon lets go of her hoof and lays back on the sofa
>Without his hand guiding her, Derpy isn't sure on what to do
>She quizzically pokes the bump in his pants
>"anon what's this?"
"Unf, keep going and you will find out."
>Anon's dick starts to twitch as she continues to prod him through the pants
>Now at full mast, his cock feels strangled underneath the textile prison
>Yearning to break free, he pulls down his pants and lets his cock loose
>Flopping down and then up it stands on display at the ready
>Derpy opens her mouth in surprise as she gazes at the green human appendage
>It twitches again as if it notices her presence
"Meet Mr. Anon, he's going to be your new friend."
>Derpy continues to stare in surprise
>Anon takes his arm that was wrapped around her and places his hand behind her head
""Alright Derpy I need you to say hi to Mr. Anon."
>She's still staring at it
"Well? Introduce yourself."
>"hi mr anon im derpy hooves"
>She gives his cock an awkward smile
"Good, now give him a kiss. As friends do."
>Once again Derpy looks confused
>He brings her head down next to his penis
"Here, I'll help you."
>One of her eyes is looking straight at it and her other eye is looking up at Anon
>He guides her snoot to his cock in hopes she will kiss it, however she sticks her nose directly on the tip and takes a big whiff
"Ah...Mr. Anon likes that too."
>Derpy pulls her head back slightly and wrinkles her nose
>"mr anon is smelly"
>Anon ignores her comment
"Open your mouth so Mr. Anon can take a peek. Only use your lips and tongue to show him around."
>Anon brings her head back down to his cock
>Derpy has her mouth cracked open
>He presses his dick against her lips but her mouth isn't open far enough
>He can feel his dick starting to get impatient
"Open wide and say Ahhh"
>Derpy slowly opens her mouth more
>Anon wastes no time entering the breach
>Her eyes go wide and she starts gurgling as his cock fills up her mouth and reaches her throat
"Oh, fuck yeah. Stay there like that."
>Anon tries to thrust back and forth but her teeth are starting to pinch him
"Ow! Open up open up!"
>Not waiting on her slow reaction he grabs her mouth with his hand and begins to pry
>Gaining enough wiggle room he pulls back his hips and out comes Mr. Anon
>It flops on Derpy's face, landing on her forehead
>Without delay Anon inspects his penis and everything looks intact
"Whew. That could have been bad."
>'Maybe shoving my dick down the throat of a special needs pony isn't the best idea' Anon thinks to himself
>Anon looks down and forgot he still has her head pressed down
>His saliva covered cock is planted directly on her face, her nose buried in his balls
>He lets her head go and she bobs back up to her sitting position
>Anon's cock is still throbbing so he moves to the next logical step
>As he stands up off of the couch his pants drop down to his ankles
>Derpy monitors him as he maneuvers in front of her
>She's flustered and still unsure of what's happening
>She looks up at him innocently as he hovers over her
>With an almost crazed smile and cock pointing at her he explains
"Okay Derpy, I need you to stand up and show me your butt."
>Derpy continues sitting there, she's staring at his cock
"Mr. Anon wants to visit your special place."
>Derpy doesn't know what he's talking about but she does as she's told
>She stands up on the couch and turns around with her butt facing him
>Anon takes a good look at her squishy behind and is tempted to slap it
>He giddily refrains but he places his face on her flank
>It's soft but meaty
>He closes his eyes with a large smile across his face
>Derpy blushes as she feels him embracing her butt
>She moves her head sideways to try and see what's going on, but she's greeted with a view of the ceiling in one eye and the kitchen with the other
>As Anon snuggles his face against her butt he realizes that his cock has been waiting
>Only a glorious ass could distract him away from his true goal
>His eyes wander below her ponut, finding the target
>Her marehood is in full view, her clitoris winking rhythmically
>Anon's cock somehow grows even more as he takes it all in
>Her big ass and ponut, and her mottled vulva just asking for it
>He licks his pointer and middle fingers
"I'm going in, please relax."
>Barely containing an excited giggle, he reaches his hand out
>As his moist fingers touch her vulva, something unexpected happens
>Without warning her rear left hoof kicks him in the stomach
>Shocked and reeling in pain, Anon falls backwards onto the coffee table
>With a loud thud he lands on his back
>He loses consciousness for a moment
>When he regains his senses he wakes up to a teary eyed pegasus poking his face with her snoot
>As Anon remembers what happened he becomes enraged
>Filled with adrenaline he jumps off of the coffee table
"What the FUCK was that? Are you crazy!?"
>He looks down at Derpy expecting an answer
>She looks up at him and is sniffling but she doesn't say anything
>Her silence only makes him more angry
"Well? Say something damnit!"
>Anon looks down at his stomach and sees a bruise starting to form inside the hoofprint indent
>He puts his hand on it but pulls it back when it stings
>"m-mommy taught me to kick if somepony touches me there...im sorry"
>Still in a rage he lashes out at her
"Oh? I guess that makes it all okay because of your STUPID MOMMY."
>Derpy scrunches her face for a moment and then begins to bawl
>Anon's adrenaline begins to fade
>As he watches her cry he realizes what he just did
"Derpy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that..."
>He walks towards her but she flinches
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it has begun....
I think magic too. Something like a reverse want it need it spell
>Pinkie's living in a simulation
wow she's just like me
ponies look good in cages
at least gilda got a green, she's lacking in this thread
True...why not nake a request then?
Gilda bullying a younger Twilight in an alternate universe where she's not a big deal or Celestia's prodigy.
Luckily, Anon is not a pony.
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>In that moment Anon thinks about how messed up his initial intentions with her were
>Getting the slow mare in town to bed for an easy lay
>But things are different now
>He actually cares about her and doesn't want to see her get hurt
>She has feelings too
"Look, I just-"
>Before he could finish his sentence Derpy runs out of the front door
>He goes to chase her but she's already in the air
>She looks back at Anon, her face full of despair with tears flowing
>Anon puts his hand out towards her but she turns and flies away
>As Anon curses at his predicament he notices that he's completely naked
>And that he still has a boner
>Berry Punch is leaning out of her window tending to her shrubbery
>As she's fluffing her bush she notices the green man and his cock
>She peers over at him with curiosity
>Anon covers his dick and runs back into the house
>He kicks the coffee table over
>His adrenaline pumping again as his temper tantrum resumes
>He stomps angrily around the living room with his cock flopping around
>He looks down at the bruise on his stomach and tries touching it again
>Pulling his hand back he walks into the bathroom
>He eyes up the bottle of lotion and reluctantly grabs it
"I was supposed to get MARE pussy today, not this faggot hand again."
>With a sigh of defeat he applies lotion on his dick and starts rubbing it in
"Who is it going to be today."
>Anon ponders all the hot mares in town and who's the most qualified to fictionally milk his seed
>Feeling mixed emotions at the mention of her name, she's the mare he wants right now
>Someone kind and understanding
>He starts to stroke himself as he thinks about the cute noises she will make as he takes her from behind
>When Anon first arrived in Ponyville Fluttershy took an interest in him
>She offered him a place to stay while his house was still being built
>Although, that was extremely short-lived

>"Anon, what are you doing?"
>Fluttershy whisper yells at him as he has her pinned down on the lounge
>He has one arm pressing her face down and the other is undoing his pants as his hips are grinding on her butt
>When his pants drop, an erect Mr. Anon pops out and finds itself pressed against Fluttershy's warm ass
>Her eyes go wide when she feels his dick on her butt
>She gets more frantic and manages to actually break the whisper barrier
>Anon freezes, realizing something is wrong
"Um, is there a problem?"
>Fluttershy's face turns red with anger
>As Anon lets go of her she flies up to his face
>"Is there a problem? Is there a PROBLEM?!"
>Anon is taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere
>"You just..."
>She pauses and looks down at his still hard penis
>Wanting to put space in between them, she flies backwards towards the ceiling
>"You just tried to rape me mister!"
>Fluttershy's tone is now back to hard whispering
>Anon's jaw drops at the dire accusation
>Angel is standing nearby making rude gestures
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>anon fumbled the bag TWICE
just send this zigger to tartarus hes done
>It turns out that just because a mare invited him over doesn't mean that she wanted the dick
>A tough but important lesson for Anon
>Ever since that incident the other elements of harmony tend to avoid him
>He increases the pace, stroking himself to finish
"Oh yeah. Fluttershy..."
>In his mind he's plapping her pussy while she's looking back at him with hearts in her eyes
>Unable to hold back any longer, he lets his load fly loose
"Ahhh, Fluttershy!"
>Some of it squirts in the sink, the rest plops unceremoniously to the bathroom floor
>As he slonks his meat draining the rest, he is hit with a wave of negativity instead of the post-nut clarity he was seeking
>Not bothering with cleaning up he goes to his bedroom
>He carefully gets inside of the bed, wincing when his stomach bends
>Mentally and physically exhausted, he closes his eyes and passes out
>The next morning he grunts as he gets out of bed
>The sharp stabbing in his gut reminding him of yesterday's events
>Anon gets dressed for work and leaves his house
>As he's walking to the cafe he spots Silver Spoon
>Surprisingly she is by herself
>With a pompous gait she makes her way over to him
>"Good morning, Ape."
>Groggy with dark bags under his eyes and feeling as though he was kicked by a horse, he cannot even manage a fake smile
"Aren't you supposed to be in school? And where's your boss."
>Silver Spoon's face turns red in embarrassment
>"W-who do you mean, and I don't have school today, it's Saturday."
>Anon rubs his chin
"Oh, I guess it is the weekend. I really need to get a new job."
>With the conversation over Anon resumes his journey to Café Hay
>Silver Spoon positions herself in front of Anon trying to stop him
>He continues walking as though she's not there
>"Hey, what are-"
>The gray filly falls over as Anon powers through her blockade attempt
>Her glasses fall off to the ground
>"Get back here y-you brute!"
>As she fumbles around on the ground trying to find her glasses, Anon simply ignores her and keeps going
>Anon hears screeching behind him but he doesn't care
>As he plods on he starts to think about the mares in town
>None of them give him the time of day
>Except for one
>The dopey pegasus with a fat butt
>Anon smiles as he vividly remembers placing his face on her flank
>His smile fades as he realizes he may not get that chance again
>As he arrives at the cafe he walks around to the back entrance
>Opening the door he's greeted with a mess to clean up
>Dishes piled up, the garbage bin overflowing, and messy countertops galore
>The closing ponies always leave plenty for him to do
>With a sigh he grabs his apron and gets to work

>After what feels like an excruciatingly long shift, he hangs up his apron and walks out the back
>He takes a moment to stretch, being careful as to not agitate his bruised stomach
>He sets off to what is becoming a frequent destination
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Good stuff anon, keep it coming.
>Along the way he sees the normal townsponies for this time of day going about their business
>A few of them acknowledge his existence, he nods back or waves
>Some do their best to pretend that the strange green monkey man does not inhabit their peaceful town
>And then there are the others who are completely oblivious and in their own lane
>A small pony zooms by on a scooter, her tiny wings assisting her propulsion
>Anon smirks and moves out of her way
>As he approaches the playground, he spots trouble
>Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are hanging out at the entrance
>"Well well well, what do we have here."
>Diamond Tiara eyes him up as she paces back and forth
>Silver Spoon has her head held up high and is ignoring Anon
"Your Highness. To what do I owe the honor of your presence."
>Anon gives her a slight bow but makes sure not to go too low due to his bruise
"I'm caught up on all of my dues."
>Diamond Tiara frowns
>"Hmph. I guess you have been a good little subject. How mundane."
>Anon takes pleasure in her frustration
>He looks around inside the park but does no't see anyone else
>With an eyebrow raised Diamond Tiara watches Anon
>"Looking for somepony?"
>Anon returns his attention back to her
"As a matter of fact, I am."
>She rolls her eyes in disgust
>"So you really are some kind of perv."
>Blushing, Silver Spoon looks up at Anon but turns her head when he returns her gaze
"No, I'm looking for a mare. A gray pegasus. Blonde mane. Have you seen her"
>Diamond Tiara pretends to be in deep thought
>"Hmmm, no. Can't say that I have."
>Anon frowns
>"She's that important? Is she your lover or something?"
>Silver Spoon's attention is back to Anon, waiting on his reply
"Um...no. We're friends."
>"Haha yeah, right okay. Why would you be looking for her here anyway."
>Anon blushes in embarrassment
"Uh, well she's a little slow and likes to play here. Her name is Derpy Hooves"
>"The pony with messed up eyes? Talks funny?"
>Anon smiles and nods
>Diamond Tiara's typical smugness returns
>"5 bits."
>Anon's smile turns into a scowl
>Diamond Tiara let's out a little yawn
>Anon feels like squeezing her face but reaches inside of his pocket instead
>Before responding she counts the bits
"I saw her flying around earlier. Near here."
>Anon processes the sparse information
"Anything else?"
>"Nope, that's it. Goodbye loser."
>And with that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk away
>Anon looks to the skies but does not see any sign of Derpy so he starts walking to her house
>As he's walking he's thinking about what he's going to say to her
>After raking his brain over the idea coals, nothing solid comes to mind
"I'm sorry? I'm sorry for yelling? I'm sorry for being mean? Let me touch your butt? Gah, I don't know."
>Cheerilee gives him an uncomfortable smile as she passes by
>Her saddlebags filled with heads of lettuce and carrots
>Deep in thought and muttering to himself he doesn't even notice her
>Before long Anon arrives at Derpy's not so well-kept residence
>Taking a deep breath he knocks on the door
>After waiting several moments nothing happens
>He knocks on the door again
>Still no response
>As he goes to look inside one of the windows the door opens
>Anon turns around and walks over to the door
"Hello I-"
>He stops mid sentence when the zebra wearing a white uniform starts to close the door
>With a startled expression she keeps the door ajar as she hides behind it
>"Who are you?"
>With her thick accent she questions him
"My name is Anon. I'm here to see Derpy."
>Still eyeing him with suspicion she continues to grill him
>"Ms. Hooves does not get visitors."
>Again with the barely understandable accent
"I'm her friend."
>Anon notices that she's wearing a white hat with a red cross on it
>"Ms. Hooves does not have any friends."
>Starting to lose his patience Anon tries his best to stay calm
"Look, I'm her friend. My name is Anonymous. I live in Ponyville, I have a job at the cafe. I just want to see her."
>The zebra finally appears to lower some of her defenses
>"Ms. Hooves is currently occupied, I can take your message."
>Anon sighs knowing that this is the best he's going to get without the situation escalating
"Fine. Tell her to meet Anon at the playground tomorrow, the usual time."
>The nurse nods and then slams the door
>Anon stands there for a moment and shakes his head
"Fucking ziggers."
>Disappointed, he walks home.
>For a split second he thinks about hitting up the bar for a few drinks
>Last time he went there he got turned down by an older single mare
>Apparently she's a regular there so it's still a little awkward
"I have cider at home anyway."
>That reminds him of his neighbor, Berry Punch
>She's always carrying saddlebags loaded with bottles
>Surely she would be a blast to drink with
>Anon mentally pats himself on the back, knowing that he would without a doubt get too touchy feely
>She seems like a good neighbor and he doesn't want to mess that up
>Arriving at his house he opens the door
>He goes to the kitchen and fixes up some leftovers
>After he's finished he cleans up the living room
>It's still a little chaotic from the previous day's events
>As he walks into the bathroom he feels something sticky on his foot
>As he's cleaning up he's wondering what Derpy is up to
"Is she thinking about me? Will she even meet me tomorrow?"
>Eventually he hits the hay knowing that he has work in the morning
>His last thoughts are of the unique pegasus pony
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>Fucking ziggers
kek he just like me
Anon as an abusive pony slaver
bonus points for the inclusion of fillies/colts

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