Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Korean dashes!ITT: Circlejerking our way to a print anthology, cuntological evil, not reading Rainbow Factory, the retarded part of the horsewords thread, nobody wants to fuck Luna, confusing shit writing for avante garde artistry, distinguishing "He's gay" from "He's goy" from "He's Guy (Fieri)", making your RIL shorter, burning Cadance's faggy shipping journals, judging people using Sesame Street, if I wanted to think I wouldn't be writing fanfic, rescuing very old fanfics, raging against the black gaping maw of nihilism, and confusing Anonymous with Anon-a-Miss!>/fimfic/ Secret Book ClubThe eighty-seventh through ninety-first books are: (You) want to participate, read one or more of these by the 5th.On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.>Recommended stories:Tired of authors inserting their fetishes out of nowhere? Fed up with blueball endings? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!New Starter Kit - Starter Kit ->Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread: the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.Userscript for extra features:>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:>Can you pre-read my story?Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.>Additional material for authors:Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - and the English Language - Pancake Recipe -'s tips for anatomically correct clop - a story in motion - criticism ->Various reviews and riffs:Fillyanon's Bookshelf -'s Reviews -'s Reviews - reads fics - Big Master Review List - Guide to Rational Fics - Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - Thread: >>41769939
First for best duo!Enjoy this conveniently packaged Tuna:
Howdy, anons.I'm going to bed now.Flu sucks.
>>41787088Are you sure it's not AIDS?
>>41787090It's cancer.
>>41787079Didn't we already use this image? Am I delusional
I have no idea where to ultimately take this fic. I've got the basics of the climax and lots of scenes but not the why...
>>41787131I made it just now, but maybe the strip it's based on was used before.
>>41787090Well I neither engage in unprotected homosexual activities or inject used needles into my body so I don't think it's that....Could some sneaky anon be breaking into my flat and jizzing in my mouth when I sleep?
Casually sucking on your wife’s teats in a public space? Pretty based not gonna lie.
>>41787133How is that even possible? If you don't have a why, then you have puppets, not characters. That barely qualifies as a story. (So it's sure to hit the feature box!)
>>41787163I mean this mostly just began as cute scenes.
>>41787145Is it legal for Celestia to be milked in public?
>>41787169Think of a big cute scene and work towards that.
>>41787178I am, but I can't figure out if I really do a deeper plot to this. It's Daybreaker raising Twilight and it doesn't exactly have an antagonist so far.
>>41787193Why do you need a separate antagonist? Depending on whose viewpoint you're following, the antagonist could easily be Twilight or Daybreaker.
>>41787137>I neither engage in unprotected homosexual activitiesLiterally false?
>>41787206He's protected by plot armor.
>>41787203Yeah but I've got a corrupt Cadance in there and the entire climax is a whole reconciliation thing. I just don't know if I take this as some sort of there's-rebel-elements-in-the-background.
>>41787260>corrupt CadanceThen how is she not the antagonist? Your story sounds really confused.
>>41787272>how's the bad pony not the antagonist in a story about an even badder pony grooming a kid to be bad also
>>41787272Because she's Daybreaker's aide.
>>41787174Her milk never spoils and extends the lives of those who drink itIf it spills, it causes sunflowers to spring up in bloomAny stones it touches turn to goldVials of her milk are used to christen shipsRubbing her milk into a sore will heal itIt gives sight to the blind and restores hearing to the deafIt is impossible to drown in her milk; ponies are simply preserved without needing to breatheIf her milk is burned, the smoke will rise until it reaches the sun and returns to whence it cameIf her milk is poured into a dish, it is possible to see visions of the future in its reflectionHer milk perfectly neutralizes all acids and bases (to the pH of milk, which is slightly acidic)If poured over the sexual organs, it cures barrenness in mares and impotence in stallionsEvery vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient a pony needs is contained in her milk, which acts as a total ambrosiaWeapons and tools quenched in her milk gain a perfect temper and never breakIf her milk is poured into the foundation of a building, it becomes immune to earthquakesHer milk, having infinite calorie density, will burn with a pure white flame indefinitely if litIt also douses electrical firesCelestia's milk has a wide range of industrial applications as a general solvent, but is also safe enough to use as skin lotion for foalsMares who rub her milk into their manes become irresistible to stallionsIf zebras bathe in her milk, they lose their stripes and become full poniesIf her milk is infused into the bloodstream, ponies will gain immunity to diseasesIt also cures AIDSCelestia's milk flows INTO mares' teats instead of out of them, increasing their cup size and milk productionPouring her milk onto cracked glass will mend itIf Celestia drinks her own milk, it gets recycled back into the teats, but twice as potentAny foal who drinks a full glass of her milk immediately matures into an adultLikewise, any adult pony who drinks a glass is reverted into a foalIf a skeleton or corpse is boiled in her milk, it reduces down to a fertilized zygote which can then be implanted into a surrogate motherIf the surrogate mother is Celestia, she gives birth to octuplets of the same ponyIf the resulting ponies consume anything other than Celestia's milk, they immediately revert into corpsesIf a drop of her milk spills into the ocean, every fish in a two-mile spherical radius will be attractedIf a filly takes her milk into her mouth without swallowing, and transfers it into the mouth of another filly with a kiss, they both become impregnated with the other's foalIf adult mares do this, one of them turns into a stallion (with marebits) instead, while the other mare grows a penisCelestia's milk must be kept away from the EqG mirror at all times, as direct contact would both shatter the mirror and destroy the human world on the other sidePlacing an open dish of Celestia's milk out in the open will repel lightning strikes and meteor impacts for 6 miles around
>>41787311This is why nobody wants to fuck Celestia. There's always some insane consequence
>>41787297Twilight is too innocent to fall for the sun god's many tricks.
>>41787311>original content on /fimfic/Holy fucking shit, saved
>>41787311>If poured over the sexual organs, it cures barrenness in mares and impotence in stallionsI bet it also helps during the day-long orgies she holds at the Castle.
>>41787311You forgot>A filly that purposely takes just a single drop of Celestia's milk onto her tongue will grow up to have massive milky teatsThat's how Milky Way happened.
>>41787661Remember: "Day-Long" lasts as long as she wants it to.
This might seem harsh to some of you, but I think that David Silver should fucking kill himself
>>41787694That does seem harsh. What did he do?
>>41785003's no mention of him on Fimfic in the last month and his bio on the Wayback Machine says he was a mod for the Fimfic discord, so my money's on some drama over there being the cause. He also had a personal Discord that he nuked the invite link for, which raises the potential for a grooming allegation downfall by an order of magnitude. was also ebegging back in July due to an apparent health issue that caused him to take time off work, so it could be IRL shit too.>>41787073>I'll watch EQGYou don't have to subject yourself to such torment. It's not in the show. Anon-a-Miss is from one of the comics. The only thing from the comics to stick on Fimfic was a shitty high school bullying premise.>>41787193What's the focus of the story? It sounds like a full mirror universe fic, in which case readers care more about exploring the AU setting and what the characters are up to and less about big plots like the underground railroad being run by Chrysalis and the changelings to get ponies out of the oppressive Solar Empire and to the Griffon Republic. Those just serve as the excuse to get more characters involved.
>>41787739People pay him for stories and he just has AI write it for him
>>41787753He crows on the Fimfic Discord regularly about how many words he writes. He sounds robotic because he's literally autistic (with an actual diagnosis from a doctor). I don't think he uses AI for stories at all.
describe a fic you want to read that doesn't exist
>>41787761"Sweet Apple Massacre" is a short story by Anon E. Mous, set in a small, rural town. The story follows a brutal, senseless killing spree carried out by an enigmatic figure. The town's peaceful image is shattered when this killer, seemingly driven by a psychotic desire, slaughters several people without clear motivation.The story is characterized by its eerie, unsettling atmosphere, building tension as the townsponies react with fear and confusion. There are themes of violence and chaos disrupting normal life, with the question of "why" left largely unanswered. The narrative doesn't focus on the killer's identity, but rather the aftermath of the massacre and the psychological toll on those left behind.The story offers commentary on the randomness and unpredictability of violence, as well as the fragile nature of small-town life. The horror and terror are heightened by the lack of understanding of the killer’s motives, leaving readers to contemplate the senselessness of the tragedy.
>>41787761I want to read a fic about ponies reading a fic about ponies reading a fic about ponies reading a fic about ...
>>41787759Autism aside, I'm convinced he does use AI. Take this story for example story reads almost entirely like an AI that's been given a prompt and then kept forgetting what it wrote. Maybe a sentence here or there of passable writing, but I find it immensely difficult to believe a human sat down and wrote this garbage.
>>41787785Clearly you're not familiar with his work, because this is par for him. Yes, an actual human being can write that badly.
>>41787774Another database find:
>>41787761A Twinkie fic written by Cloudy Skies
>>41787687Which is always 24 hours because she's a well adjusted mare.
>>41787311>Her milk, having infinite calorie density, will burn with a pure white flame indefinitely if litThis would mean that anyone who consumes her milk never actually digests it (or rather that they absorb nutrients from it but it never actually gets reduced) and it instead just passes through them.Also this would make it impossible to dispose of except perhaps by dumping it into a black hole.>If her milk is burned, the smoke will rise until it reaches the sun and returns to whence it cameAnd in combination with this means that burning dishes of Celestia's milk will produce smoke for eternity.In fact the supply of Celestia's milk in the world would only ever increase, never decrease. It would just get recycled infinitely.>If the resulting ponies consume anything other than Celestia's milk, they immediately revert into corpseskek, that's one hell of a side effect.
>>41787795>>41787796A truly terrifying notion. I choose to remain ignorant to these truths laid before me and continue living under the belief that David Silver is merely a charlatan and not a man who continues writing despite lacking the talent for it.
>>41787079>>41773137Didn't realize the previous thread would go that fast. My cringiest fic idea which I'll never actually write, let alone publish, is inspired by Stephen King's 11/22/63. The plot is basically this: an anon (a self-insert of me, of course) finds out his dying buddy (a dyed in the wool horsefucker/faustfag/mareschizo) has been hiding a portal to Equestria. He goes through the portal and gets transformed into a pony in S1 Ponyville, with the self-appointed goal of stopping Twilicorn from happening because him and his friend agree it ruined not just Twilight's character but FiM as a show. He has a grudge against Celestia and blames her for stealing Twilight's destiny and grooming her into becoming an alicorn and princess instead of letting her live her own life. He hangs out for a few seasons, growing closer to the M6 and watching events from the show unfold. The big finale would be Magical Mystery Cure. He successfully steals or hides Starswirl's spell book so that Twilight will lose out on her chance to become an alicorn but has a change of heart. Because he's grown close to Twilight and the others and come to see them as living people, not just 2D characters, he realizes that trying to manipulate her destiny and make her remain a unicorn is just as dishonest as Celestia steering her to become an alicorn. In the end he confesses everything to her, telling her what he knows about the future and what happens if she becomes a princess, but leaving it up to her whether she fixes the spell and ascends or chooses to remain as she is, because at least the choice will be hers and not somebody else's. I'll never actually write this because I don't want to out myself as a butthurt anti-Twilicorn faggot to my Fimfic readers.The only way I'd ever share this is while being drunk as fuck so forgive any typos and/or grammatical errors
>>41787807I enjoyed that more than I should have. >review"(Big) Mac and Me" is a 4,095-word metafictional narrative. It's a fanfic about a fanfic inside a fanfic inside a fanfic inside a fanfic.The first chapter is intentionally bad (it's a parody of bad clop). The metafiction only starts in the second chapter. From then on the pace picks up; but you're already about halfway through. As you might expect from a fic like this, there is some circlejerk-y humor by way of allusions to well-known pony fics. There's not much to hold your interest, but it's not a long story, and it's competently written.If recursion is your thing, then you'll be amused by this story. Otherwise, there's nothing here worth your time. 6/10.
>>41787874I'm curious, how would you handle the show's other missteps such as Dash being gaslit, Cadance being an alicorn, and a certain statue not being thrown into the Sun?
>>41787874>He has a grudge against Celestia and blames her for stealing Twilight's destiny and grooming her into becoming an alicorn and princess instead of letting her live her own life.It's good to write deeply flawed characters.
>>41787887That's why I keep a diary.
>>41787874Why not just make all the Elements alicorns? Is she retarded?
>>41787914Alicorn dementia hits different.
>>41787088Hey, I'm fucked up too! Not sure what it is though and I'm feeling better than when I woke up
>>41787785 You know David isn’t using AI because it would be better written.
>>41787145>"Mm, I need to adjust your diet,"Who reads this? Is this nonoseknows?
@41787694@41787739@41787753@41787759@41787785@41787958Fics about obsession?
>>41787761Underage Cozy and Flurry grooming each other in a self destructive spiral.
Thinking about MCA again.
>>41788513 Mr. Chris Avellone? Writer of Planescape: Torment?
>>41788518The ponyfic, anon.
>>41787874Sounds like you have the start of something, Anon. No harm in writing out a short greentext about it to test the waters over here. If you want to go hog wild with the concept, perhaps you could even delve into the fandom's "fanon" over the years, perhaps by way of a What If spell from Twilight Sparkle to explore all those works made over the years to see what endeared those from an outside source saw about Twilight and her friends in story form, and perhaps as an "exercise" in preempting the future as well. It'd make a for a decent tribute to the collective contributions made to horsewords over the years, starting all the way back when it started out as a mere shitpost out on /co/ back in the day, the popularization both on YouTube, Equestria Daily, and elsewhere like Fimfiction, to even further beyond. In such a scenario, I presume Twilight Sparkle would be at least curious enough to dive into why those human outsiders would like for her to remain as human, to tap into that "alternate" timeline if she were to remain a unicorn. But that's just me. At the very least, test out your idea in a greentext. If it gets popular, you can refine it to something that might even intrigue those on Fimfiction. Goodness knows I've been on the hunt for unicorn Twilight fics for a while now. It'd be nice to have another on the very short pile.
>>41787874The self insert faggotry would be far more egregious than Twilicorn.
>>41787145I hate everything about this.>>41787311I hate almost everything about this.
>>41788730>would like for her to remain as humanDerp. My error. -On that note, I've been thinking of a self insert in that vein. More or less, the human in question turned changeling dropped into Equestria with another of others into the would be "canon" timeline of Equestria starting around the end of Season 2. Seeing as to his own utter distaste and dismay over how the show turned out along with all those characters versus those humans who seem fine with it, he takes the opportunity to seclude himself in the Everfree Forest to tutor under Zecora, subsisting under the small but potent affections the Zebra has to offer this odd but otherwise harmless changeling who had been a human once before. In a short time allowing him to learn alchemy to weave his own little stories alone in some manner of show with an audience of two. Thanks to the stuff being brought with him during the isekai and a charging crystal to keep them charged, the now changeling weaves those little stories into something more concrete. Using his newfound form to his advantage, the changeling playacts those characters in question, and with Zecora's alchemy brings those imaginings to life. Content with this, the changeling ambles away at his newfound craft with his Zecora guiding him, all the while he helps her in return with her own alchemy. At some point during Season 3 however, he starts getting the odd visitor every now and then who is curious about the lone changeling of the original group who sought to isolate himself, and discover his passions for pioneering a craft of world building not seen in Equestria before. Further curious, they commission him about those said stories from another world to see the what ifs of their lives and that of those different versions of Equestria. In short, the human turned changeling in question finds a balance to preserve the Equestria he came to love, while making peace with the Equestria he found himself in. Maybe even altering some event or some such along the way. It's pretentious wish fulfillment in the utter extreme, little more than a massive cope with how the show's characters and world turned out. But it would serve as a nice testing ground for weaving in some ideas of mine that barely warrant a lone greentext, let alone an entire story. The only reason I have yet to actually write out the concept is due to prior obligations of getting out work for a different fandom. But it's been a while since I last wrote some good horsewords, so I might as well humor the muse to write out the idea and see what happens once I am done hammering out the current project. You think the changeling or AiE threads would be receptive?
So has anyone done reverse zebradom, where like Celestia goes to Zebrabwe and corrupts the stallions there with her monstrous libido and teaches them free verse?
>>41788765At least you have the self-awareness to realize it's a self-insertion. But if you want to tell a story worth reading, the changeling needs to be a real character and not just a proxy for you. You need to give him some kind of wants, some reasons behind those wants, some backstory, some flaws, that sort of thing.
>>41788124>>41788764Describe what you don’t like, I’m curious.
>>41789046I don't like that you're trying to get off on others sense of revulsion.
Pot, meet kettle.
>>41788817Indeed. That's the part I am trying to figure out in actually making not only the human turned changeling, but the story itself something of actual interest. Being a self insert, the character is more or less figured out as far as the wants, needs, backstory, and other such things are concerned. Hell, I can even use said character's isolation to throw in some themes about friendship and not isolating yourself from the world so you can share in your own creations, or something to that effect. Right now I just have snippets of scenes, dialogue, odds and ends. No grand overarching plot, no greater connection to the rest of Equestria as a whole. Just something in isolation. My usual writing process when that happens is to pants it, start from scratch and build up from there as my muse helps me generate the world in question. The more I write, the more the plot and world unveils itself to me. It isn't the most conducive way to construct a grand story with a focused theme, but the alternative is to let the ideas rot in my head with no end product to speak of in any amount. So far I have just been playing with the character in my head, having them construct his own little worlds so he can play act them using his own abilities with the assistance of Zecora to make them a "reality". Perhaps even with a mind to sell those fantasies in some packaged up show, potion, or what have you to make some more bits on the side. But the protagonist is also one who seeks to isolate himself from the rest of Equestria, partly due to his own misgivings with how it all panned out and not wanting to taint the "memory" that made it so special to him in the first place, and also not wanting to interfere and cause undue harm to the "timeline". At least, no more so than whatever other humans (Transformed or otherwise.) may be doing while he does whatever with Zecora. After all, it isn't the fault of those born within it for the world being as it is, so what is his right to interfere with it? Which is where I come at a crossroads. I could throw in Discord into the fray not liking the future to be, so he might be drawn to this curious bundle of potential and play a "prank" on the rest of Equestria, leaving the MC and Zecora no choice but to unfuck his shenanigans. Or alternatively, keep the setting local with curious visitors such as a pre-ascension Twilight Sparkle who has a morbid curiosity about this lone human turned changeling seeks to deliberately isolate himself from the others of his group, which may in turn influence her to remain a unicorn a little while longer until she is truly "ready", or find some way to help the rest of her friends ascend as Sisters of Harmony. Or perhaps in turn someone like Gilda coming in to see the other versions of herself and what a "true" Gryphon Empire looks like, and takes that inspiration to mend ties with Rainbow Dash early whilst taking inspiration from the changeling's story to better herself and her own home.
>>41789198Which is all fine and dandy in theory, but actually realizing this into a coherent story is a tall order. I am writing from the perspective that the changeling in question is unfamiliar with the source material beyond Season 2-3 at the very most, wishing to keep ignorant of it to preserve the magic that made it so special to him in the first place. I'll that much like the self insert, I have deliberately kept myself ignorant about the finer details of the show's canon going forward beyond general details. Which is where the story hits a snag for the obvious reasons. So with this in mind, I am trying to figure out how to leverage this ignorance within the confines of the first three seasons and what broad knowledge I have going forward to serve as a contrast to the insert's little delusions he indulges in. Maybe have a deconstruction with having the show's characters cutting away at his shell, maybe taking the opportunity to see other realms forged with their own imagination with the changeling as they ac their own parts in the changeling's little play. Again, its pretentious as all hell. But I think I can make a few scenes work in isolation. If nothing else, the idea is helping me form the beginnings of a scene or two. I just hope I can breathe life into those characters that decide to indulge in this changeling's fantasies. Speaking of which, I need to get back writing that scene. If all goes well, expect something in the changeling thread involving Princess Celestia being the first to offer an open hoof within the next few days. Here's hoping I can give at least a few keks if nothing else.
My fic reading year in numbers:>Total words read: 2,027,350>Total words read excluding clop: 1,922,460 (104,890 words worth of degeneracy)>Percentage of non-clop words read: 94.83%>Most words read in a month: 420,089 in August>Least words read in a month: 15,749 in July \\was kinda reading Electro swing, taking up most of my time here.>Average words read in a month: 168,946>Average length of a fic each month ranges from 5K-18K. Both August and September are outliers.>Total fics read: 145 (11 of which were clop)>Most fics read in a month: 25 in June>Least fics read in a month: 3 in July>64 of those fics were published this year, 44.14%>Most pure month(s): Feb, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, and Oct. 100% of words read non-clop>Least pure month: March, 66.54% of words read non-clop>Average pureness percentage: 76.05%>Most clopfics read in a month: 4 in April>Least clopfics read in a month: 0. See aboveI had a lot of fun reading—some of these stories will really stick with me. Have a happy new year, Anons.
>>41789046>Celestia is a dumb retard>random male oc is in complete control of a godWhy would he know more about how breast milk than she does? Why does he control her entire diet? Why does he talk as if she's some sort of experiment and he's simply adjusting some variables? As the other guy said, there's nothing at all in the excerpt that shows the story has a single line worth reading. It's repulsive. I'd be curious to see what anybody DOEs like about that passage. The only things I could see is the idea that Celestia is lactating in itself and perhaps that same idea in an exhibitionist or sexual society, but I can't imagine seeing anything else in this.
>>41789198It sounds to me like you already have what you need. Just throw out the part where he has prior knowledge of the show (that's always bad).Your overarching story is a loner trying to fit in. He didn't fit in in the hive, so he left and settled with Zecora in the Everfree. That gave him the isolation he thought he wanted, but he keeps making up stories that he wants to share. He can share them with Zecora, and he can share them with the ponies who come to visit her, but he can't share them widely. He starts to get visitors, and he questions whether he wants to stay isolated. He goes to Ponyville but soon gets more attention than he's comfortable with. Now he feels like he's been unhappy everywhere he lived: The hive, where he was too independent to fit in; the Everfree, where he was too isolated to share his stories; Ponyville, where he got more attention than he wanted. Changelings are supposed to be adaptable, and he's adapted somewhat to each of those environments, but he's never really been happy. Finally he realizes that he lives on the margins between places. He does like being alone, but he doesn't want as much isolation as Zecora, and sometimes he wants to visit Ponyville, especially to share stories, but he doesn't want to live there. He settles between the two, on the edge of the Everfree.That's the story I think I'd write. It's introspective, and there are no action sequences, so it may not fit your style. Also, this avoids being like a fixfic, but you seem to be entertaining that possibility.
>>41789046It reads like a fetish story. Tasting her milk suggests a lactation fetish. Doing so in public and announcing "I need to adjust your diet" give it hints of dominance. I can't see anything appealing to non-fetishists.
>>41789332Hmm... Your proposal sound very solid. Not exactly what I am going for, but I do like your vision for what ought to be. That being said, however, the idea I had in mind factored in the very foreknowledge and his own little disagreements that my human turned changeling as a core of its story. I'll have to think on it a little bit, but you've given me an idea to incorporate your proposal with the changeling you mentioned. I am thinking of two like minded spirits. One like the changeling like you have mentioned. The other human turned changeling in a similar strait. Yet together, find a friendship to realize some measure of their dreams. One helping the other in the fires of friendship forged throughout the trials they endure. Through those efforts, they learn more about themselves to become something better, something more. The changeling in question instructing the newling on their abilities, while the other share stories that light the creative fire in the native born changeling to create and better fit in with the rest of Equestria. I need to cook on it further, but your proposal is quite excellent. I can definitely find a happy medium, incorporating the broader meta knowledge that the human turned changeling has, while also factoring in your suggestions into the greater story. The two creating stories for sapients of all kinds to indulge in with the help of Zecora to draw them into some form of dream world, whilst also satisfying the need to socialize and form bonds beyond their confines. All the while in turn helping those of their would be audience to learn more about themselves as fellow participants in the "play" to be, and giving the seeds to do more than what they are as just themselves. There's still the need to fill in the little details, but your proposal helps solidify my idea into something more. It'll take some work on my end, but I can hatch out a few test posts to see how it would do. Do you happen to have any other suggestions or other analysis to offer?
>>41789244It's her husband and she just had a kid, he's also a professional chef.
Of course she'd marry a cook, fucking fatass
>>41789427I enjoyed >>41783124 and >>41786699.
>>41789244>I'd be curious to see what anybody DOEs like about that passage.Simple. I self-insert as the stallion
>>41789237I only started tracking in July, and December ended up being an absolute cluster fuck of distractions, but I'm really happy that I was able to stick with something for so long. It's nice to know that someone else does tracking for their horse words.
>>41789396If you have two characters, then they ought to have some similarities and some contrasts. They might both feel like outsiders, the changeling because he's left the hive and the human because he's a human in Equestria. That gives them something shared to bond over. But maybe the born changeling finds that he was uncomfortable living in the hive but he feels fine in Ponyville, (Maybe he's Kevin? And the human named him for some reason?) while the human-turned-changeling finds that he's not comfortable in Ponyville.Also, your story will be more popular with a sex scene. Since they're both changelings you can get really creative.>"Could you... turn into a dickhead?">"Uh, what?">"I mean a literal dickhead. I want you to transform your head into a penis. And I'm going to transform my head into a vagina."
So anons, what was (or gonna be) the last ponyfic you read in the year?
>>41789518I'm gonna read the Jinglemas fics for this weekend's club while chilling with my brother's dog.
>>41789518Probably the Jinglemas fic I received and pretended to like.
>>41789554Figuring out something nice to say about what I got was a greater writing challenge than writing my own fic.
>>41789518I'm not sure yet. I can end it on the good note by stopping at last week's club, or I can go through some Jinglemas fics in the next hour. Maybe they'll be good.
>>41789606Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad. Doesn't the fact that someone put effort into your prompt make it easier?The fic I got wasn't really all that good, but it's easy to say something positive when the story is genuine.
>>41789244>Why would he know more about how breast milk than she does? That was never implied? This situation occurred because celestia as concerned about her newborn son not eating well recently. In addition the oc was raised as a professional chef and has a keen sense of taste. He is able to discern nuances in food that celestia cannot. >Why does he control her entire diet?He doesn’t, iirc in the fic the palace chef does most of her cooking, but he also cooks for her and speaks with the kitchen staff, whom he has a good relationship with, to determine what they make. Why does he talk as if she's some sort of experiment and he's simply adjusting some variables?He’s not? they are married and understand eachother deeply and are comfortable around eachother. This was also clearly meant to be a somewhat comedic scene in which he did clearly push her boundaries a bit given he was in a public setting. The context of the state of the two’s relationship and the development two that point is something the author probably assumed a reader would be aware of when reading this segment that would help them understand the nature of the characters interactions in the moment. They two were previously speaking about the fact that their newborn son wasn’t eating well and that’s why he did it. He’s her husband and because of that is responsible for his wife and child’s health and what the two eat.You seem like you are autistic and are making judgments in relation to some unfalsifiable autistic mental construction in which you are correct by definition in your head instead of the actual context that the situation takes place in the story.
>>41789760NTA, it seems like your feefees were hurt and you're lashing out because the vomit inducing fetish nature of the fic was exposed to you.
>>41789370>It reads like a fetish story.It’s funny you say that because the rest of the fic is basically the opposite excluding the whole “they are ponies” thing. The closest you’ll get to fetish content is implied wholesome baby making sex.
>>41789778>this doesn't turn me on therefore it's not fetish content Anon...
>>41789518Rereading the first fic I ever read.
>>41789760>autistic mental construction in which you are correct by definition in your head instead of the actual context that the situation takes place in the story.kek? you asked why I disliked it and I said why, I never said I was 'correct'. Obviously I would never read this and would never know he's a professional chef or any further context. But I can assume he was the husband and it was his baby. although I suppose it wouldn't be surprising if that wasn't true>He’s her husband and because of that is responsible for his wife and child’s health and what the two eat.>Husband is responsible for his god wifelol, I mean sure he has a vested interest in her health and safety, but you saying he is responsible for Celestia and the baby further delves into what I hate about the passage in which (as the other guy responded) there is a power dynamic here that is not natural. A stallion has power over Celestia. Her life is somehow his responsibility. He can tell her to do something and she will probably do it. This is in contrast to the passage and what the responses have said where Celestia hasn't shown a hint of having any responsibility over his life or any sort of power/influence to get him to do anything even though he is one of her little ponies. So why not just have this guy be with some noble mare? Or a castle maid? There's no reason of course, stallion oc x canon mare will always be disastrous so you might as well aim for the highest mare of all while changing nothing at all about the dynamic regardless of who the mare is.
>>41789838>Her life is somehow his responsibility.Yeah that's how spouses work. Do you not want to take care of your wife or husband?
>>41789851>the literal millennia old demigoddess should act like an ABDL because yeah and it's indistinguishable to me from a regular relationship
>>41789869Is it bad that I kinda want to try being babied?
>>41789921To be desu I can't judge you because I want worse things but the important part is being aware of deviancy and knowing how to explore it safely.
>>41789931What do you want, anon?
>>41789869Ah yes, the baby thing of getting your tits sucked on.
>>41789948Suck on a baby's tits, duh.
You suck on Celestia's tits ONCE and everyone throws a fucking fit.
>>41789467your wpm is like twice mine
>>41790082Have either of you finished fics though?
>>41790100>total silenceOof, sorry.
>>41790082The benefits of stimulants. To be honest, it probably hurts about as much as it helps. I don't think my actual comprehension is that great. The plan in 2025 is to take notes for basically every story I read, just to be sure I know I actually understand what I'm reading.>>41790100Many. The "New Fics Read" only counts stories I finished.
>two chapters of my longfic>a trashy short horror fic>a chapter in the corpse>most of a long poem>the Jinglemas fic>started a longfic I've been meaning to start for yearsAll in all, I think it was a good year for me.Hope you made more progress than last year, Anons.
Predictions for Fimfiction in 2025? Will the site finally be overrun by bots and AI slop and die for good?
>>41790207>two longer oneshots>three short oneshots>corpse chapterIt was a good year for me. Here's to an even better 2025!
>>41789851I’m married, and I think that passage is weird. In most normal healthy relationships, both partners can take care of themselves. Yes, you care about your partner, and yes, you try to help them when they need it, and yes, sometimes you take care of them; but almost always, you treat them like an adult capable of making their own decisions. If I ever told my wife I was going to change her diet, she’d think I was joking. And if I wasn’t joking, she’d be offended, and she certainly wouldn’t cooperate. Also, she wouldn’t let me get away with doing anything to her breasts in public. She doesn’t mind it so much in private, but doing it in public would make her angry.You think this is normal. I think your brain has been addled by fetish slop.
>>41790246It's horsewords dude, calm down.
>>41790246Having read nothing else from that fic, it makes it look like Celestia is weirdly very submissive to the OC Chad McCo[o/c]k. The problem isn't whether it's healthy or not; it reads a little weird, but let people do what they want. The issue is that we're doing fanfiction here, and describing your OC's relationship with Celestia like that looks super off. But idk, maybe the previous 300k words justify it and we just lack context.
>>41789046I can't explain it, but I have a visceral reaction against characters named "Bean."
>>41790481Yeah the problem is his name comes off as farty, even though he's meant to be a cook.You could have had him be named Melting Pot, son of Hot Pot and Patty Melt.
>>41790481How do you feel about the British?
>>41790534Real human beans
>>41790246>>41790400Yeah, this. The guy acts like some noble who's just taken a maid as his concubine.A relationship with Celestia should have her calling the shots, so to speak, just by virtue of her wisdom, maturity, and life experience. But even then she wouldn't treat her husband anything like the dynamic in that scene. She'd still respect her husband, consider what he wanted, and act with some decency. She'd also be leveraging her authority to teach and help her husband learn and improve himself, not to just follow her whims because she felt like it.
>>41790271I'm not mad. I just don't think he knows what he's talking about.>>41790400I take your point that this may not be intended to depict a healthy relationship. I think the other anon believes it is, though.>>41790861If this is 300k in, then I can imagine that she started as canon Celestia and something happened to her. Maybe she's been traumatized somehow and that's made her weaker and more dependent. I can't rule it out without reading the preceding 300k. But that's not how it feels. It feels like fetish slop. It feels like the author is writing her OOC so that his self-insert OC can be in charge.
>>41790936I've heard that the series is supposed to be basically just a wholesome lovey dovey fluffy fic. I seriously doubt there's any sort of internal reason behind why that scene would be like that.
>>41790958Maybe it's their fetish. Or maybe horseword writers randomly write some really weird sex shit, like that one with the single dad courier dude talking about how he came enough in his pegasus girlfriend that she almost shot off like a rocket.
>>41790963Or that one with the unicorn from a different world having inappropriate thoughts about Scootaloo.
>>41790999man sees a disabled middleschooler and is like "Yeah that, that's what I like"
>>41791016He just like me fr.
Happy new year, anons. Got any writing-related resolutions?
>>41791088Finish my derpy fic.
>>41791088Publish my first novel.
>>41791088Publish my novel about derpy
>>41789518It was going to be it just reminded me why I don't want to read oneshots. I'm going to go back to reading Cadance in A Minor, maybe I'll get through the first week's reading. It was certainly more enjoyable than the fic I put on pause for it.
>>41790958There isn't anything wholesome about that scene, so it looks like you can disregard those rumors. The Twiflag already laid out most of what's wrong with it. I'll add to >>41790400 that there's already enough context to judge it. Celestia's initial shocked reaction was normal, showing there isn't 400k of worldbuilding that normalizes the OC's action. Everything after that is abnormal, particularly Celestia's shrinking response instead of an assertive one.
>>41791184Yes, thank you for showing up late and restating what everyone else had already figured out.
Fact: you can assert dominance over an alicorn by sucking on their boobs
>>41791187I also posted the best pony!
Fact: You can show submission to an alicorn by sucking on her cock.
>looking back on an old fic of mine>It's about a poorly translated ancient text>I made it a minor plot point that up to a certain point the original author was actually misspelling something in the first place>this is expressed with yet another poorly translated sentence that not even characters in the story understand the actual implications ofWhat the fuck was I smoking?
>>41790207>Wrote and published six one-shots or short multi-chapter fics. Only 30k words across all of them, but they're good words.>Wrote a corpse chapter.>Started and abandoned two longfics. Never made it far enough on either one to put anything on Fimfic.>Working on a 5k oneshot.>Shitposted a lot.>Baked a few times.Not a perfect year, but not so bad.
>>41789467I initially read this as 1.1 million words in two hours, it was very funny how similar that would've been to my GPU. I'm finding efficiency improvements in my embedding search, I've brought it down from two hours to embed half a million words to 75 minutes to embed a million words.I just got it to read the last fic in the Blooming Moon Chronicles, the 1 million "Glory Be" because I always wanted to know if it was a Tuna series. It turns out it's yes and no, but mostly no, it's harem. They a pair, but the author self-insert also gets both of them.Also, I just realized the author posted the first six fics in the same month. Two million words, and that isn't even when the post rate slowed down.
My new year resolution is to finish the archmage fic this year.>>41787761Police procedural about a detective investigating a serial killer. Throw in some dark magic shit to shift it more into fantasy if you want. These City Walls came the closest, but it's a deadfic and the serial killer plot was trending in a "major threat to Equestria" direction, which defeats the procedural grounding it's supposed to have. I don't want a grand villain threatening the whole country. I just want a serial killer lurking in the alleys.Or a full mirror universe fic where the moral alignment of all the characters is completely reversed. All the attempts are either actually "villain wins" AUs or half ass the core premise and still have some heroic good guy rebels. Get that DS9 mirror shit out of here.>>41790233>The spam meta will shift from art commissions to fake publishers wanting to turn your fic into a book.>Moralfags will cause some more foalcon drama.>RT will enter the backlash phase of horseword fame and start writing weird fics or have a sockpuppet revealed.>Another -verse author will die unexpectedly, leaving his legacy incomplete.>Adoption Anon will accidentally read a scootabuse fic and join Tag Anon's crusade for proper story tagging.>Behemoth Part 2 will be released, to critical acclaim from its author.
>can blow through over 100,000 words of horse fiction in a week no problem>struggle to do even half of that for non-fiction books I read for leisure and genuinely enjoy
>>41791784Have you tried horse non-fiction?
>>41791741Well the plan is to do that, yeah, but if you actually paid attention you'd know I'm one of the people most critical about it. fic was ok I guess. skipped and skimmed a couple of sections of this since they felt like filler even though they technically weren’t. This shit got boring and the plot developments that did happen felt kind of weightless. Expecially as the fic went on. Part of that was unavoidable since the relationship between the oc and celestia was already like 85% completely developed by the time the fic started, with the only major thing left being adjustment to family life, but what it did do i don’t think it executed super well. It felt a bit more like shit just happened rather than a logical chain of events playing out. The sentimental prose the story was previously better at were also less present and impactful. The whole no nose knows series just holistically worse as it went on. I have several HIE fics I enjoy better than this. Would not recommend.
>>41792398>HIE fics I enjoyWay to tell on yourself
>review'Backing Vocals' is a 3.3k word EQG oneshot. Trixie has self-esteem issues.Though it won't blow any minds and I don't have too much to say about the story, I liked it as an amusing little SoL story about everyone favourite magician (even if in barbie form) briefly embarrass herself before experiencing the joys of having patient friends. Said friends are a little underdeveloped, but that doesn't stop the story's main plot from feeling nice. The idea that Trixie's band only has a single song is funny and so are the various music and instrument related jokes, some of which surely flew over my head.The weakest part of the story is probably its framing (while Trixie and co. talk, the M7 is out there fighting some monster), the situation doesn't lend itself to as much humor or point as much time the story lingers on it, but it's not all bad because it led to a couple of fun Ponk jokes. 6/10>review'Salvation Aviation' is a 3.6k word oneshot about Lightning Dust's post-show fate.Starting (and ending) with a poem is a ballsy move and here it paid off. If I wanted to be a cunt I could say stuff like a couple of rhymes felt a bit forced to my ear, but on one hand it might just be an ESL skill issue and (much more importantly) it doesn't matter, because the poem achieves its intended goal: It sets up the mood really well.And the rest doesn't fall behind either. The moment the story begins the jokes start pouring and it doesn't stop. From a well-hidden lewd joke to puns and situational comedy, the humor just keeps coming, but without ever getting in the way of the plot. And when it turns more serious, they give way to Lightning's story just as gracefully. An early talent crashing and ending up in a far humbler situation is a sadly very realistic story, but I'm happy the author put a strong MLP spin on it by making it less of a defeat and more of Dust picking herself up and making the best of a situation that (she felt like) she messed up. If there's one thing that surprised me about the prose, it's the usage of "j"-s. Not that it caused me any trouble, it's just an unexpected quirk that makes the story more unique. The German quips were a bit less palatable, mostly because they felt kind of out of place to me, but it's hardly a big issue. 7/10
>review'Beneath the Northern Skies' is a 9k shortfic about Rainbow and Rarity daring a snowstorm.This pairing is a bit unusual for me, but it works really well in the story. Despite the story's short length, both of them have their moment to shine (quite literally when it comes to Rarity) and the story handles their crushes on each other very tactfully; the reader can both feel that it stems from further in the past and there's even a funny bait and switch at the end, which I wouldn't be surprised if it were done intentionally to have a well-meaning laugh at some readers. The Deer god is an interesting character, I got some slight Daetrin vibes from it. Obviously there's not quite enough time to explore the concept in-depth, but that might play into the story's hand instead of against it.All in all, the story is a cute little self-contained adventure, with hints of romance and some world-building for those who appreciate such things. I also really like how all chapter names start with an "S", it's a very small thing, but I appreciated it. 7/10If only I had a coin about stories that feature supernatural creatures and "Northern" in their name!>review'Princess Cadance and the Wishing Tree' is an 8.4k word oneshot. Cadence investigates a couple in crisis.Honestly, I was alright with the hook of the story, but the first thing that really got me was Little Twilight's quip about making charts of Shining's misbehaviour It's a small and ultimately not significant moment compared to the rest of the scene, but it elevated the scene from a 'story with a plot' to a very real and funny 'family moment' and I really liked that. I think all things considered my favourite scene was between Cadence and Celestia, perhaps because I'm an absolute sucker for good portrayals of Cellie, but that doesn't mean the whole story isn't full of warm feelings. Cadence's solution is clever, cute, and shows her growth from somepony grasping at straws to intuiting something that fits her both as a pony and her station. The rest of the cast shine too, even if their roles are largely supportive. The only thing I think could have been done slightly differently is give a bit more insight into the couple's problem before it was resolved, in its current form they see very little "screentime" despite being the engine of the plot. But the resolution is romantic, the humor is sweet and the whole thing comes together as a great little bundle. Well done. 8/10>endA merry belated Christmas and a happy new year to all of you, Anons!
>>41792408>Filly makes a cumbackIt's a Hearth's Warming miracle; what a joy to wake up to.>a couple of rhymes felt a bit forced to my earDon't worry, they sounded just as forced to me ^:)>the usage of "j"-sMeaning "jingle", "jangle", "jolly" and so on? I tried to inject the prose with some Xmas spirit without going overboard, and I think I pulled it off.>they give way to Lightning's story just as gracefullyIt's a great relief, I was very anxious about the tonal shift being too abrupt, having never really dabbled with drama before.Thank you for all the reviews, and I wish you the happiest new year.
>>41792408>>41792409This can't be the real reviewfilly, right?But if so: Why did you abandon us, Filly? Why did you threw away your old promises?
When did the captcha get so fucking weird?>>41792468>Meaning "jingle", "jangle", "jolly" and so on?No, more stuff like "didja" and "Jee, thanks!". Again, not a big deal, just found them surprising.>>41792510>This can't be the real reviewfilly, right?It is me. Did I rust that much in this short period that my style is no longer recognizable?>Why did you threw away your old promises?Come on, Anon, don't be so dramatic. I took a maybe four month break (more like two in reality, because I was still lurking way past after I stopped to post). Work was ramping up and, quite frankly, the thread was getting a bit too stale for my liking and I realized if I'm having absolutely no fun being here, then the smartest thing I can do is to just step away for a while until the spark comes back.
>>41792523>JeeWell it's not "Gesus", is it? ^c^>until the spark comes backDo you feel it did, or will it be months more before your next visit?
>>41792408He returneth.Welcome.
>>41792409>This pairing is a bit unusual for meIt might just be the Rarest one.>the story handles their crushes on each other very tactfullyThat's really good to hear. This was my first foray into shipfaggotry, and I was definitely worried about making it either too underbaked or too "making your favorite dolls kiss". I still think about the future Rarafic often; I may not be able to write it now, but I don't leave things unfinished.>Deer god is an interesting character, I got some slight Daetrin vibes from itHe's technically a canon character, so I couldn't help myself there. And of course I made him a reindeer because that fits way too well. While I didn't mean to borrow from any particular fic when I started writing, I quickly realized how much of it was subconsciously inspired by Daetrin and Dangerous Business. At least those are good fics to steal from.>second spoilerI did think about it, too!Thanks for the review and happy new year to you as well!
Do people get mad at oneshot AUs if you go "I don't really have any desire to follow this up"
>>41792792I think you'd have to write something exceptional and open-ended to have people become actually mad. Otherwise they might be disappointed or engage in a short "what if" in the comments and then move on.>>41792542>will it be months more before your next visit?I'm hoping to stay.>>41792671>second spoilerYou should, it's not nice to blueball your pre-reader like that.
Fics I can painfully trudge through?
>>41792837Anything by JewnigTreeslops.
>>41787193Why are you rewriting ___?
>>41792869There's like one Daybreaker raising Twilight fic and it's a oneshot.
>>41787311What happens if I mix it with alcohol?
>>41792878It creates another Luna.
>>41792409I actually wanted to include a scene of Cadance visiting Golden's workplace and learning a bit more about him, but I was already cutting it close to the deadline.Also, I had to axe a scene of Twilight Velvet and Night Light flirting. I just repurposed their scene into that talk Shining and Cadance have.Still, glad it was solid enough.Good to have you back, filly!
>>41792881>inject pure ethanol into celly's teats>they swell with countless woonasFetish GET!
>>41788518Shit, he also did that? I've been meaning to play it forever. KOTOR 2 is perhaps my favourite game of all time.
>>41791784I'm the same, but that's because the non-fiction I read is dense and requires note taking.
>>41792890This feels like wasps but with extra alcoholism.
>>41792890The milk gains no special property until it leaves the tiddy.
Finally finished 'Sunken Horizons'. Feels like the end of an era. I think what still impresses me the most about Golden's style is that he somehow makes ten thousand words feel as if you've read a tenth of it, without compromising on quality. Sure, there are stories whose prose are more flowery, but this is an action-adventure story and so the quality combined with the ease at which it makes itself be read really impressive.Sadly though since I slacked so hard on finishing the fic, I don't think I could do it justice with a review, but then what is there to say? That it's a great story? I think everyone interested in it already knows that. Beyond the obvious caveat that the third part is nowhere and who know if and when it'll ever be finished, I think this is definitely one of the stories I'd point towards if someone asked me to pick one fimfic to show the merit in ponywords. Luna's reveal was cool as fuck. I appreciate the stakes growing higher and higher. Cellie's epilogue was mysterious and haunting. And there's still so many threads that you just feel will culminate in some huge calamity.I think the only thing that I ended up disliking more than liking is (and these are going to be legit spoilers, no memery) is the fact that the whole corruption shebang really is just Sombra stuff. Sure, the story makes the point that it's not literally 'his' thing and more of a general malignant power that evil ponies over the ages used, but it feels a little banal after so much mystery about the cause and source of the world's end. The whole alicorn lore and that Twiggles must ascend I'm also a bit ambivalent about. It's not bad, it just comes very out of left field. I mean, yes, it gives answer to how the Waterworld got created and how it could be restored, but I found myself caring about literally everything else more than this topic. Still, I understand why Golden did these and they certainly didn't ruin the story at all for me, I just don't recall disliking anything this much in 'EH'.Fingers crossed that the final part will see the light of day, one day.
>>41793244Thanks, now I know not to bother reading it.
>>41793325What really nags me about this potential resolution to the plot is that the overarching theme of the series so far was that ALL of the M6 are capable and the horrors and trials they face forced them to adapt to the new world. For instance, one might argue Rarity made much more of a direct impact into improving the current state of the world than pretty much anyone else. So while I'm sure the actual ending won't be just Twiggles ascending and waving her horn to fix all the problems, it feels like a complete antithesis to what the fic was about and if there's anything that makes me a bit worried, it's this.The coolest thing Golden could do at this point is to red herring this and show that Twiggles and co. can and will solve this issue without her needing to ascend (after all C&L weren't able to fix it, despite being alicorns themselves), but with what Luna implies in the last chapters (that magic will disappear unless someone ascends) I fear the course is set.So yeah, fingers remain firmly crossed, but I'd be devastated if after so many words and years the story would fluke on something like this. I remember at least one other Anon finishing the story, if he's still around (or anyone else who finished the fic), I'd love to know what you thought of this part.
>search through a couple of pages of all fics from 2024 sorted by a few different metrics. Look through the catalogs of the few writers I follow.>see almost nothing likely to be especially goodDamn, I guess I really wasn’t missing out on anything.
>>41792896Yeah, he’s the lead writer of the game and wrote most of it.
>>41791088I want to write more, more consistently. I also want to finish my trades and commission, get more commissions, and of course finish all of my stories sitting unfinished right now.
What's the MLP equivalent of chicken nuggets.
>>41794015Some weird Rainbow Factory/Cupcakes crossover probably.
>>41794018No no I mean likeHayburgers and hay friesGrass nuggets?
>>41794019Vegan chicken nuggets.
>>41794015This: with minced hay mixed in.
>>41794015Deep fried re-fried beans.
I recently learned that the Hungarian admiral who ran the country during WWII and aligned them with Germany actually crossdressed for a ball at the naval academy he attended at the age of 15. Apparently the filly isn't special, his behavior is just baked into his Hungarian blood. Just thought I'd share that to celebrate his return.
>>41794266>his behavior is just baked into his Hungarian blood.Can any racists in this thread confirm this?
Best Celestia/Luna reconciliation fics?
>>41794318Someone call Vogelfag.
>>41794321Sogni Infetti is up there.
>>41794266The obvious implication of that story is that troons are Nazis. Someone alert /pol/!
Can't think of a good title for this cyberpunk oneshot where Dash is a self aware AI found by Scootaloo. 'New Update Available' just makes the tab look like it has malware.
Execute rA.I.nbow dash
>>41794524Digital Wings is about the most generic thing that comes to mind.
The Pony Who Fucked Rainbow Dash's Dad. stupid lil comedy I wrote up, not my best work but working I enjoy writing these characters and they get me to actually be creative.
>check out the other fics by >>41794608>95% self-insert donut steels>also picrelI would sooner read a fic by David Silver.
>>41792792Yes. I fucking despise the "here's a 3k glimpse at a wide AU setting I have no interest in exploring" genre. If you don't want to commit to writing a full story, don't give a preview.>>41793376Given the progression, I've always figured it would be something of a bittersweet ending. Like they'd be able to stop the magic decay, but not reverse it and just have to pick up the pieces from there and rebuild with what's left.>>41794524I'd say some kind of command line codefag thing like:>cmd /K "C:\Downloads\RD.exe"
>>41793376Celestia actually double ascends.
>>41794524PegasOS, if you want to go for something simple.Hardwired Loyalty, for some mild pretentiousness.>>41794836>>cmd /K "C:\Downloads\RD.exe">mfw ponies run WindowsIt really is a cyberpunk dystopia.
>>41795010What is wrong with Windows, you faggot? You think whatever hipster Linux distro you run is any better?
Hey /fimfic/, I found these saved and thought if you'd need it
>>41795309What's the point? We can't even spin and play it.
>>41795302The most kiddie-friendly distros offer a better user experience than modern Windows and there's not much reason to go to the hipster ones unless you're bored. I can't count the number of times when Windows decided to obscure something from me or cheekily change it and it turned out to be a bad idea, to say nothing of all the forced content "updates" and ads/bloat. Linux in 2024 just works.And yes, there are all the fancy customization options, but the modern defaults are more than good enough. Installing most distros is now easier than installing Windows, and the OS runs faster while taking a fraction of the space.The only reason to use Windows is if you use some Windows-specific software like Adobe suite. Even games run on Linux without a hitch, with the exception of the AAA multiplayer titles (AAC is basically a kernel-level malware that's whitelisted by the developers).
>>41795309Do one for porn words
>>41795302>What is wrong with Windows, you faggot?I switched around the time Win10 came out and never once looked back. I kept running into bizarre technical issues related to audio (usually there was simply no sound or the OS deleted the drivers on boot) and no matter what I tried they kept coming back. I also didn't like how it kept forcing me to upgrade in the most inconvenient times and how no matter what it began to slow down after a few months of use. And sure, I'm certain I could've fixed a lot of these by mucking with the registry or pulling 3rd party shit from Github, but at that point I figured I might as well just learn Linux and fix my issues there knowing a random update likely won't break them.>You think whatever hipster Linux distro you run is any better?I really don't feel too strongly about which distro I use, because at the end of the day they're 90% similar to each other. So at the end of the day, I don't hate Windows, I just found it too much of a hassle and I appreciate the fact that I can keep my PC fully updated with a single command and it just werks and gets out of my way otherwise.Now for something I actually dislike, my workplace forces me to use Mac, which is really annoying with how fucking locked down and "Apple knows best" it is. We just recently had a disruption for a couple of weeks due to a faulty Mac upgrade, which IT couldn't resolve due to not being able to roll it back or manually replace/patch the faulty component.
>>41795395>Applefag>hates MacWell, which is it?
>>41795395I feel like you need to be able to code on some level to use Linux well.I am too smolbrain for Linux.
>>41795538Try something like Mint. They make distributions of Linux that are built for the lazy and the stupid. >t. a lazy stupid
>>41794836>"here's a 3k glimpse at a wide AU setting I have no interest in exploring"Like this?
>>41795538Seconding Mint:
>>41795010Virtual Loyalty Program?
>>41795642>"ah the magical early fandom years where a concept like this can get 2000 upvot-">it's from 2016And, what the hell, it's not even a bad story for what I expected it to be.>>41795538Depends on what you consider "coding". Basic terminal proficiency is a huge boost and so is knowing how to edit config files. But nowadays GUIs get you 90% of the way.>>41795677That is honestly a great title, but to me it feels like it fits a very specific story, implying a measure of coercion.>>41795447Ah shit, shut it down, shut it down!
>>41795680>implying a measure of coercionIt is cyberpunk
>>41795689That's... a very fair point. Well, hopefully OP has enough options to pick (or get inspired) from.
>>41795677>>41795689Yeah I like that.
>>41795680>Basic terminal proficiency is a huge boost and so is knowing how to edit config filesOh, that's literally the only level I'm capable of.I suppose I'll look into Mint or something then. Moving away from Windows would be neato.
>>41795642This is like the third fic I've read from this guy about Twilight birthing an alicorn where it also causes universal arcane craziness.
>>41795721Twilight as a mom is cute
>>41795779You're right. Hopefully her brother makes her one soon.
>>41795806This is why we don't hang out.
>>41795815We don't hang out because (You) can't pony up the money for a ticket to GalaCon.
>>41796023Ah yes, Galacon at the Bürgerzentrum Waiblingen
>>41796027Don't forget Epona is back this year.>4chan has added yet another Captcha design
>>41796088Cyberpunk wish-fulfillment, huh? That's a combination I didn't expect to see. It was pretty cute. Nice job.
When was the last time this thread had any meta-discussion about itself? Like say the starter it, or the book club beyond just choosing the next story, or any of the other shit in the op post. It feels like there’s been little in the past year in comparison to previous years.
>>41796129It comes up often enough. Just last month there was some talk about optimal posting times, contest discussion, potential /fimfic/ printed story collection, trying to make Jinglemas deadlines, etc. Some of those are more fimfic than they are /fimfic/, but I don't see more generalposting as a good thing.
>>41796088>Gets told not to make it a one shot>Does it anyway Chad move
>>41796186I'm gonna probably reuse Dash-As-An-AI elsewhere in a space fantasy one, I just needed it out so I could sleep.>>41796122Thank
>>41787785Harsh. I wrote this because someone on 4chan asked for it and I put in about as much effort as that lark of an idea was worth.I had to do the sub-catcha about 10 times to pass it. Maybe I am a robot.
>>41796144>trying to make Jinglemas deadlinesHaving done so, I find myself really missing the firm grip of a *hard* deadline.
>>41793737Should I?
>>41795302I don't want to /g/ too hard, but if Windows 11 hasn't convinced you then nothing will. All across their range, Microsoft products are getting worse. The entire premise of my career is that I'm an expert in a Microsoft product that nobody else wants to learn. I make so much money that I can invite prostitutes to my house to dress up and read fics to me.
>>41796515Invite them to the next FSSBC.
>>41796524Anon. My girls are the entire FSSBC.
>>41796533so that's why filly's been so busy with his job...
>>41796088Congrats on sinbox
>review is actually a review of the latest book in the series, The Cadenza Prophecies. I have to put the review here because the author has a habit of moving fics off site. I thought that I had nothing original to say about this fic because a different anon already said it better when he said this:>It was just a very boring story. There is a significant amount of time where literally nothing is happening. But then when things actually do happen, they're always over so quickly and the problems are resolved in such boring ways.>>It's a mediocre slice of life story poorly disguised as an airship adventure.This anon is completely correct, but I find that I actually have nothing to say about this fic because I already said it all when I once reviewed The Luna Cypher. Below is a snippet of that:>I think that the fundamental flaw of the story is that it's misleading about its genre. [...] You soon discover that it's a war fic with a romance subplot. That would be acceptable, but it's also a lie. The entire war consists of two battles. It's a romance fic with a war subplot. [...] I think the fundamental problem with iisaw's writing is that they care about character drama way more than their main plot. The only real difference between The Luna Cypher and The Cadenza Prophecies is that Cadenza doesn't have a love subplot. It just has character drama. It also has more battles than Cypher, but it is laughable how infrequent and trivial they are. Aside from the first chapter, I recall that the enemy isn't seen again until about halfway through the fic. Like the other anon said, "It's a mediocre slice of life story poorly disguised as an airship adventure". The writing is not bad and I could praise a handful of characters or character moments, but that's absolutely expected for a 100k word slice of life fic. The end result is that the fic is good enough but almost entirely forgettable.One minor thing to note is that this fic does not continue the series-long myth arc in any way. I expected it to and I am not eager to wait years for another fic to come and resolve this. I repeat my prediction from my review of The Skyla Pseudonym: the series will be abandoned before the myth arc finishes. Also, the fic has so many airship terms that it includes a fucking glossary with an author's note pointing out that you're wrong if you think it is too long. The glossary is 4,500 words.
>>41796122I know it's a weird rec and a shit fic, but Sufficiently Advanced still lives in my head.
>>41796631We call that a guilty pleasure.
>>41796631I never got the appeal of Roboty. She's already 100% artificial as a flesh and blood subequine.
>>41796644What about cyborg rarity? Since she likes making clothes and shit.
>>41796648Only interested if she's physically fused to her sewing machine like a sweatshop worker.
Are there any good equestria civil war fics? Bonus points if it’s not between a celestia aligned vs Luna aligned faction.
>>41796644Never forget Jay's AU.
>>41796679What about an evil one?
>>41796683this joke has grown older than the kids tied up in the tunigger's basement. quit it already.
>>41796692Those kids aren't growing older.
>>41796716Yeah, this is why necrophilia is the logically sound evolution of pedophilia.
>>41796765I don't think either of those are logically sound positions
>>41796307Someone on 4chan asked for it because you made a thread specifically offering to write a random request from a 4channer.'t try to act like some rando was begging you to take his request and you just shat something out to make him fuck off.
Why use AIIt's a hobby Why would you be there for the joy of creation
>>41796981Why are you so FNaFpilled?
>>41796981Once AI is good enough, I'll just have it write all the stuff I always wanted to read. Then, I can just retire and live a happy life consuming pony.
>>41796660A Celestia vs Luna civil war is still shit. Pretty much the only way you're having an Equestrian civil war is with Celestia out of the picture.
>>41797063Would be cool to have a medieval 3-tribe war where they have to be re-unified under the alicorns, might be a neat Celestia/Luna origin headcanon
>>41797063Method to his Madness approximates it by turning Celestia evil. It's a stretch to call what happens there something so intentional as civil war, though. It's really just chaos.
>>41797071I had something like that planned where they're at least unified under the new founded Equestria but the big issue is the whole "sacrifice ten unicorns to raise the sun"
>>41797089To be fair the average unicorn is a little bitch whose magic extends as far as weak telekinesis and maybe a couple of talent specific spells.
>>41797111Yeah which is why you could have it likeThey want pegasi and earth ponies to also be on the block to give up their magic to raise the sun.
>>41797145Those actually have a purpose in society and useful magic.
>>41797027I hate this word, instant fight response.
>>41797160>Mud ponies >Useful
>>41797178Stupid retard, unicorns and Pegasi can’t grow food because uhhh hmm uhh erm mmm err uhhh
>>41797186Because you do it for them
>>41797186Either earth ponies have food growing magic and you can't sacrifice them because of that, or they have no magic and there's nothing to sacrifice in the first place.
>>41796975I wasn't trying to imply anyone was 'begging'. But they made a request(that I invited) and I hammered out this quick tale in a few minutes for the lols. That was it.
>>41797186Yeah, the tale in Hearth's Warming Eve shouldn't and can't be taken literally. The show already established that non-Earth ponies can grow food and that unicorns can also control the weather.
Should pegasi or earth ponies breed like rats
>>41797250Pegasi because they lose more kids to gravity.
>>41796434Making your deadline will not get you a handjob.
>>41797256That bastard is back in town?
>>41796515Windows 11 indeed seems like shit, but 10 is decent-ish. About every second Microsoft OS is okay.
>>41797414It's a pendulum
>>41794823Only 95%? Where the hell did you find anything that wasn't self-indulgently bashing my OCs together?
Fics with fancy ponies in high society?
>>41797528I don't think you deserve them.
>>41797414>implying Windows 8 was decentYou can't seriously defend that shit?
>>41795010Linux wasn't mentioned for fear of starting a systemd/distro autism explosion.>>41796515Microsoft will be able to literally rape people before they use command line to do shit and I don't know why FOSSfags haven't realized that yet. User experience always seems to be at the bottom of the autism list to fix. Every time I try to install a FOSS thing, it's an agonizing multiday odyssey getting the fucking thing to work. It's only going to get worse for FOSS's popularity issues once the touchscreen generation comes of age and tells the neckbeards to fuck off with their pull requests and 40 step installation processes that requires Docker, .Net Framework, and Python. They'll just suck the Microsoft and Adobe teat instead.>>41796660>>41796981>Why use AIReminds me of the "Why did he cheat? He was actually good." question. The answer's time. People do it to skip the boring or repetitive parts so they get right to the horsefame high.>>41797186They can't grow enough food, which is obvious. If either could, they would have written out the earth ponies entirely.
>>41791741I tried writing the start of something working to that end, I'm just a little torn over what sort of character the detective should be.
>>41797667Average end users have been telling neckbeards to fuck off at least since the original 1984 Macintosh. This divide will never go away. We're all just going to bitch at each other forever because we have different needs and we're too narrow-minded to realize that different OSs might be appropriate for different users.
>>41797717Well, that would certainly subvert expectations for a hard-boiled detective meant to catch a serial killer...
>>41797667>rape people before they use command line to do shitPersonally, I hate using the command line because it always boils down to throwing in some mystery command, installing some mystery package, or running some mystery executable, of which I have no idea what it does. Linuxbros always harp on about software accessibility and open-source bullshit, but I've got no idea what the machine is doing either way. Either I trust the corporation who will deliberately try to fuck me in the ass, but with a smooth and functional experience, or I trust the 10-year-old forum posts sending me to sketchy repositories full of mystery code that I have to go through the trouble of kit-bashing together myself, all so that I can play video games and run basic internet browser and art programs with half the stability. Linuxfags love to decry centralisation and standardisation of codebases (and I'm glad in principle that there are alternatives), but that's exactly what most people want since they don't give a fuck about how things work behind the scenes as long as they can run whatever programs they want to on a machine that won't break down unexpectedly. I've even tried using some of the distros with so-called "good UI", but even then simple shit breaks down and takes an hour trawling through forums to find a solution for. In addition, everything you try BEFORE the right answer necessitates installing a bunch of mystery packages along the way, so by the end, you still don't know what's essential and what's bloat. There's also always some caveat when it comes to practical use, since basically all school and work related tasks assume you're using either Windows or Mac for everything and aren't designed for the extreme variety and unpredictability of every Linux distro.
>>41797762The difference is that Microsoft uses lube while Linux goes "lol wrong hole."I've been happy with Macs for a long time, but I don't game, and gaming would be a dealbreaker for a lot of people. I did get a Linux laptop once. I had it for a week, during which I submitted (and had accepted) a patch for a GNOME bug. I don't get paid for doing that sort of thing at home, so I returned it. With a Mac, I'm locked out of that kind of time sink.
>>41797790>Linux goes "lol wrong hole."Which is just one reason why femboys are superior to troons.
>>41797242right because it’s not like everything else in the story was literally completely accurate
>>41798069I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic.
>>41798074Our forefathers had a sacred symbol for this::-)There is also this localized variant, if you like:^:)
>>41798074I’m not
>>41797595Anon... W8 was the bad one between the good ones (7 and 10).
>>417981828.1 was decent, 10 was dogshit.
Speaking of Windows, I've recovered a handful of functioning hard drives from the local dumpster; how would I go about deleting all the useless system files while creepily keeping all the pictures and stuff?
>>41797946What is this, some weird Chinese Rarity knockoff?
>>41798300It's Rarity if she was less gay.
>>41798333Stories about worshipping Rarity's balls?
>>41798300Could be Trixie too.
>>41798300>>41798362The attached post explains that it's neither of those, merely another case of some faggots' homolust itt.
>>41798372Lusting after a femcolt is actively straighter than lusting after Rainbow Dash.
>>41798402I think you forfeit your license to determine what's straight when start saying words like "femcolt".
>>41798405It's vital to know your enemy, nonny ^:3
>>41798405So do you when you say the word tomboy.
Pick a side and shut the fuck up.
I just finished an old-ass Twilight/Discord fic written all the way back in 2012 you check the author's comment to the last chapter, he cites all sorts of inspirations for the fic>Star Trek>Doctor Who>a Deviantart debate of all things>an old Incredibles ship that would be called problematic nowadaysThis kinda took me back and made me ponder just how different fanfiction/nerd culture used to be all these years ago before AO3 fujos took it by storm and fanfiction became predominantly associated with every flavor of gay shipping instead. I kinda miss it. Even current Fimfic isn't quite the same as back then. And all the inspirations the author lists for that story all sort of had a decline in popularity/prominence in online discussion, replaced by something else.
>>41798434>fanfiction became predominantly associated with every flavor of gay shipping insteadAnon, SuperWhoLock was a thing before FfiM even came out.
>>41798417Slander! Defamation! Lies behind every corner! It is not even an archetype I like, but I will not stand for this subversive propaganda.
>>41798434>>before AO3 fujos took it by storm and fanfiction became predominantly associated with every flavor of gay shipping instead>He truly, seriously doesn't know
>>41798452She looks like the Estories OC who's a Twilight and fucks AJ.
>>41798450>>41798454I knew I would get replies that fujos have been a thing since forever but STILL it used to feel like they made up just one of the groups in fanfiction rather than a good majority.
>>41798434You're nostalgic over a time that never was. Since fanfics were shared in magazines, it was Kirk/Spock, not Kirk/damsel. Since fanfics were shared on alt.text, it was Thundercats Bara.The upgrade brought by FiM was mares.Pretending otherwise just hurts you.
>>41798464Anon... Mary Sue (the original character we get the name from) was created because Trekkies had that much of an issue with content that prevalent, and that is THE archetypal modern fandom. And I wouldn't be surprised if a huge chunk of the actual OG fandom (Sherlock Holmes) was also gaystuff considering the characters.
>>41798434Reading that comment I can see what you're getting at. Overly long thank you messages do exude that old-school feeling kek
>>41798541Why is Twilight dressed as the cum reaper?
>>41798598Someone has to play the role
>>41798598Because it's ponified Sans meme.
>>41798626>uppercasesecondary spotted.
>>41798627I'm not Manga Without to talk in lowercase.
>>41798631He's not wrong--it's Sansified Black Jack, ponified.
>>41798626To think Belowfable will be ten years old this year... I'm shocked I haven't ran into more nostalgiabaiting about it on Youtube and such.
>>41798642Most people who would be nostalgic for it are on Tiktok
>>41798642Time isn't holding upTime isn't after us
>>41798640Yes, I know, my point is that in trying to explain the reference he failed to realise I had correctly identified it and was making a further one.
>>41798651>Undertale referencesAnon, please stop being cringe.
>>41798666It's not an Undertale reference is the thing you ignorant slut.
>>41798673Then whence cometh the hoodie?
>>41798642I feel like undertale was the last real fandom. Nothing made after it has had a comparable degree of creativity and dynamism.
>>41798673>not an Undertale referencesAnon, please stop being cringe.
I miss that brief year before the election when you were allowed to say good things about Undertale on 4chan
>>41798684I like it.
>there are "people" ITT who don't know *u*z*n*
>>41798684>blaming electionfagsI think we all know who's really behind all the kvetching over Undertale. And it's not Hussie.
>>41798701I bet it is Hussie. He would.
>>41798710Are you accusing Hussie of creating an entirely new identity as a furry fa(r)t fetishist just so he could try to sabotage Toby's passion project?
>>41798677Yeah, it does feel different since. I'm hoping it's simply just a period where no new series / game can really outshine and gather autists and not a lasting trend. I never really strongly engaged with the UT fandom, but I did like the amount of energy it had...
>>41798713Undertale wasn't his passion project, it was just a demo test for his real project revealed to him in a dream.
>>41798677>>41798715Murder Drones?
>>41798713No but I'm saying he'd be a bitch about things, because he is a little bitch.
>>41798677Mouthwashing got a proper fandom even if it's smaller. JJK made waves. I think you're just ten years older and out of touch with the youths.
>>41798721Lazy coomerbait, forgotten in a month or two.
>>41798715>and not a lasting trendUnlikely. Given the naivete of autists voluntarily joining the Remove Autism From Genepool Eugenics Project, it will take decades for their population to recover.
>>41798725Also Amazing Digital Circus
>>41798725I'll have you know I touch plenty of youths.
>>41798717Which is a shame, because Deltarune hardly has the same sovl. It just feels a lot more coy and loudly meta in a way that feels a lot less sincere to me. And sure, I might be forced to reconsider once the later chapters drop, but from what we've seen so far, the scrappy charm of Undertale is pretty much lost.>>41798721Never saw it or its fan content, though I have a friend who raves a lot about it. I liked Digital Circus, so I might eventually give it a shot.
>>41798721Literally more niche than TADC, so you ought to count that instead, at which point Vizieslop enters the conversation. Not without merit since Loona hit r34 like crack. And given the crossover overlap if you count MD you may as well talk Ultrakill too, which does have a very active fanart scene and will blow up when it's actually released for real the way BG3 did for some reason. But it all depends on your definition of a real fandom, and it's hard to properly judge one from outside. You could make a case for Genshin I think.
>Less than 10% of the posts are about fics
>>41798739We think fanfiction sucks and is for nerds here.
>>41798739As God intended.
>>41798739We're still fat and bloated from the holidays, give us a few weeks to recover.
>>41798739What do you want to talk about ficwise?
>>41798748Hey you know how I bet people tell you to just stop posting?Have you considered taking their advice?
>>41798736Genshin is the definition of the modern soulless twitter tiktok ADHD tranny zoomer slop fandom I'm so angry I need more buzzwords to describe my anger with
>>41798739>anon is new>>41798736Vivzieslop boils down to "knockoff protogen faggots in Hell", loona is the sole notable thing from it, and it's entirely because, as you've said, she's popular for furry porn.
>>41798756Viv should've learned the lesson of FiM: make every single character pure fapfuel.
>>41798756Pilot Alastor was an 8/10 character before they cut his balls off. Regardless, it's not about quality, it's about audience. Plenty of worse things have had huge fandoms.
>>41798754>GenshinThe problem is that the core of the fanbase is chinese, so comparing its size to the other, predominantly anglo-american fandoms is a little disingenuousSame with most east asian fandoms, really, since westerners are always a far smaller proportion of the content-producing side, while most are pure consumers>>41798734>Digital CircusI might just be a boomer who doesn't understand the way youths interact with the primary, source material of fandoms, but TADC and everything like it don't seem to generate any content beyond basic fanart, meme edits, and shitty tumblr-tier comics, which are all at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to fan content.
>>41798774Pilot Alastor only worked because he had a bona-fide groomer voicing him.
>>41798777>don't seem to generate any content beyond basic fanart, meme edits, and shitty tumblr-tier comics,You mean like most fandoms? Including this one?
>>41798782Even Pepe had full-fledged physical paintings. When your fandom ranks below a meme frog, you've got a problem.
>>41798777I think your perception is immensely skewed by the fact that pony had its own image board, boorus, and fics site, making it that much easier to visualise content.
>>41798790You're confusing cause and effect. MLP's got all those things because the Great Flood of content could not be contained otherwise.
>>41798797The where's the Sonic fanfiction site?
>>41798782>>41798790People often say that the "conditions" of the internet are such that a fandom on the level of mlp could never emerge again. The main factor there is the platforms that people use to engage with the internet. "Normal" (young people) internet culture has moved away from permanent content-hosting websites like Newgrounds, Tumblr, even Youtube to a certain extent, and towards TikTok, which is totally dominated by trends and can't effectively isolate a fandom from outside influences. There's also the fact that the internet has become nothing more than a vehicle to make money for the vast majority of semi-professional "content creators". This means that the modern fandom dynamic is based around flavour-of-the-month trends following whatever meme is popular, and as soon as one fandom hits a lull, its "fans" are immediately pulled into the next trendy thing without time for a real, long-term fan base to form. This is why modern "fandoms" never last for more than a couple years. The younger, more casual audience is just chasing the dopamine rush of being in a large community and doesn't have any loyalty to one fandom (which is also enabled because the fan communities surrounding all of these are so aesthetically similar). Meanwhile, the older or otherwise more talented producers are just looking to farm as much "engagement" for as little effort as possible, which means drawing the most generic, sketchy fanart of just characters doing nothing until they feel like jumping ship for the next "big thing".
>>41798842And that's a good thing.
>>41798824Sonic, despite the autism, has orders of magnitude less fiction. The only thing comparable to ponies is Star Trek, and even that was left in the dust by the herd stampede.
>>41798846You don't mean it, you just wanted to reply with something witty to his wall of text.
>>41798854No, I do genuinely enjoy the societal rot and cultural degeneration we are witnessing.
>>41798677To expound upon this, it feels like people especially kids are just not capable of formulating their own independent thoughts. And making their own fan content based off of that. Mlp and undertale generated a shit ton of fanon content, with new independent stories and ideas built off of the original piece of media. It felt like the media was actually interfacing with something organic and living that evolved and responded. Newer fan content for stuff like digital circus or helluva boss is absent of that death. Lower dimensional. No responsive ecosystem under the hood.
I don't understand how someone can have proofreaders and still have glaring grammatical errors. Like stuff that's not like, a comma misused but straight up missing words.
>>41799286The mind is exceptionally good at filling in those missing little pieces information. See?
>>41799295this is a problem with speed-reading more of than anything else
>>41799050>new independent ideasI mean, Undertale AUs are largely just recycling different flavors of the same beats from Genocide, but I suppose they at least can get very elaborate about these recyclings.
>>41799475I think Undertale was always more conductive for broader elaborate AU type fiction (as opposed to standard coffeshop AU tropes) because there's stuff in the source material that already supports narrative multiplicity. So it's an unfair comparison.
>top things are human>againEw
How's that fanfic going, Anon?
>>41799635My proofreader's on vacation
>>41799635writing in verse takes a long fucking time
>>41799640You have GPT4o for that
>>41799635I've been unable to focus on anything productive for a week and it feels awful.
>>41799635I started it when I was in a bad headspace during one of the worst years in my life, wrote several chapters, had a breakdown and distanced myself from that subject matter and now I can't finish it because I don't want to go back to that headspace
>>41799635Just finished watching a fren plap his filly plush while RPing as the filly, so I'm in just the right headspace to write some grade-A faggotry.
>>41799645Anon, i'm not gay.
>>41799717and yet you post in the same thread as >>41799701.curious.
>>41799701Both of you need to be arrested and permanently prevented from molesting fillies and filly plushies.
>>41799827anon... fillies aren't real, it's a plushie
>>41799883Your dick can't tell the difference.
>>41799888The law should be held to a higher standard than 9 inches.
>>41799899The forbidden is attractive, anon, and the more you indulge the more forbidden it needs to be to arouse. Let's see the contents of your hard drives.
>>41799911This is such a retarded narrative that is almost only ever applied to porn for some fucking reason, probably stemming from a culture of sexual repression where sin had to be represented as a slope to fear monger people. The only other context it's used in is drugs and nowadays the idea that weed leads to coke gets you laughed at. Imagine saying this about food.
>>41798290You basically can't. Windows is very bad for putting shit in places that you'd never expect.
>>41799911Fillies aren't forbidden, because they're not real - they're just cute!
>>41799924>Imagine saying this about food.>The more spicy food you eat the spicier it needs to be to keep the same spiciness.That's just true.
>>41798850It's one of my regrets that I never made the time to get in to Sonic. Anything producing that much autism must be doing something right.
>>41799924Weed leads to weed oversmoking, as it no longer brings the same feelings and dose has to be increased, and brain damage. Overeating leads to more overeating, as the dishes no longer bring the same feelings and their frequency and quantity have to be increased, and everything damage.Lusting after fillies leads to two things: lusting after children yourself, and paving the way for others lusting after children. Step by little step.Your attempts to discredit slippery slope would've worked better if there wasn't pestil (foalcon -> lolicon), shino (foalcon -> lolicon), lil miss jay (foalcon -> lolicon), realdash (foalcon -> lolicon), and plenty of other artists who became no longer satisfied with fillies and moved to children. "Not real" children... that you know of.>>41799943>using "they're cute" as an excuse for lusting after filliesYou're lusting after corrupting that cuteness, or your brain is miswired and associates cute with sexy.
>>41798842>internet culture has moved away from permanent content-hosting websites like Newgrounds, Tumblr, even Youtube to a certain extentI think you're making a great point but I don't know how to distinguish the beauty of Newgrounds from the cesspit of Twitter.
>>41799946This implies people will crave spicier and spicier food, or darker and darker chocolate, which is just not true. >>41799948It's not hard to get into it. Just avoid the official rereleases for everything up to Heroes and emulate instead.
>>41799953>your brain is miswiredCongrats anon, you just discovered fetishes!
>>41799953LMJ was into cunny before he was into mlp, and has since moved away from it. More to the point though: if what you said was true then it would be a much more universal problem. Everyone eats, almost everyone has sexual pulsions, and everyone enjoys something, yet only a fraction of people go for harder stuff and only a fraction of those take it too far. If people aren't falling down the slope en masse then it's not actually slippery at all.
>>41799973>people will crave spicier and spicier foodThey do. Any who seek out spicier food do. Normies won't - but normies don't eat buldak ramen or use any sauces above 8000 Scoville or so either.
>>41799953Yeah man, it's a slippery slope. Many modern-day mass shooters started with arguments on the Internet, then threats, then they went out and shot up a place to follow through. Hello future mass shooter!
>>41799973>which is just not trueIt is. Everyone eating spicy food for its spicy taste will eventually go for spicier foods to feel the same kick. It happened to several people I know, including myself before I stopped.>>41799983Despite evidence to the contrary, most people have functioning brains and they are aware that slipping would be bad for them. They might have different stopping points, but they only fuck up if they deliberately discard those inhibitions altogether.That's before factoring in addictions.
>>41799953>retard>in fimficshocker
>>41800006You just debunked your own argument with>most people have functioning brains and they are aware that slipping would be bad for themYou didn't go out and start pouring acid on your tongue or sticking a lit blow torch in your mouth to get the "same kick", because you're smart and knew it would be harmful, right? And filly fags aren't going to go out and look at real CP, for the same reason.
>>41800010What do those numbers mean in real units?
>>41800019Anon... Those are years and percentages.
>>41799992>They doThere's an ocean of difference between "there are people who do it" and "everyone does it". More to the point "Loli makes you a pedo" is a stupid unprovable argument because you can assume 90% of pedos will be into loli, so there is no reason to be surprised when one is caught as both and no causation to be drawn from something with clear correlation, and because we also have multiple proven examples of vocal anti pedos being into fictional underage porn (hello there Numbers).
>>41800016That does not mean the slippery slope doesn't exist, only that people can control it much like they can control other potentially harmful activities. Acting like it's not something to be aware of is how you get people to plunge head-first.
>>41800006Anon, addiction to anything other than hard drugs (do gambling, porn, or food) is literally just mental weakness.
>>41800032Sounds like you're spiritually weak.
>>41799953>>41800000Nice get. I doubt he'll be a shooter, but if he is then please go kill the /biz/ janitors & moderators. They actively make people lose money and they're unironic scammers with millions in their bank accounts which they use to fund more scams.Also better to use poison to not get caught.
>>41800062>bizIf you're posting there you deserve to get scammed.
>>41800034And many people have been found to be weak at least sometimes, or no one with a brain would ruin themselves with those things.It shouldn't be grounds for banning anything that can be used to harm yourself, but going around outright dismissing the risk just because you're fine is a dick move towards those who happen to be vulnerable.
>>41800067It's called natural selection, hon.
>>41800073Yes, something we have evolved out of as a civilized society.
>>41800076That's not a good thing.
>>41800076ah you slipped through the cracks eh?
>>41800076I want to put a joke here but it would be spoilers for something and somepony ITT still hasn't gotten around to it.
>>41799946That's not how spice works retard. Sensitivity to parabens is genetic.
>>41800000wasted digits
>>41800000perfectly utilized digits
>>41800092Put it under a spoiler.>>41800076>>41800073>>41800067>we have evolved out ofIf you did you wouldn't be allowing people who were already selected out to drag the vulnerable down with them. In other words, we'd not be having this discussion because filly fanatics and autists and other genetic dead-ends wouldn't be allowed Internet access, as they inevitably use it to promote dead-end activities to try and feel good for their mistakes by making others commit them too.
>>41800115But then he will click on it. Or someone will reply with more spoilery stuff.
>>41800122>But then he will click on it.It will be his choice and it will be a valuable learning experience.
>>41800125It really won't. It's one of two things I don't want him spoiled on.
>>41800122>>41800132dude are you actually fluttershy? if he clicks on the spoiler which you outlined hes been reading that’s natural selection.
>>41800140Kindness is a virtue, anon, and one I know other people here don't share.
>>41800161I get you, Anon.People forget that spoilers are meant to hide spoilers, so they just automatically hover over them.I blame discord for making spoiling stuff look like a quirk rather than a function.
>>41800174what did he do?
>>41800180Thefted a waifu
Man this thread is fucking awful. Worst one in a while. The people in here are not wise or mature. Fucking can’t even take responsibility to have civil discourse about horse fiction in the thread specifically for the discussion of horse fiction.
>>41800228The first half of this thread was almost entirely about fics and writing. The last 200 posts were less so.
>>41800228Making posts about what you want the thread to be about is a far better way to improve things than making posts complaining about how it currently is.
>>41800228no /fimfic/ thread is good
>>41800228I haven't done anything though.
>>41800237>The first half of this thread was almost entirely about fics and writingNo.
>>41800278We had one fic posted
>>41800278You're right, it's more than half.
>>41800278you know you can scroll up right?
>>41800295I did.
What do you mean it's already Saturday. I need to get to the club fics.
>>41800354it’s friday
>>41800359Not here it's not.
>>41800376Well, get to reading.
>>41800000No seriously, what a waste. Speaking of things that aren't pony on /mlp/? Not sympathizing with the alt right and S S on 4chins?What has this board come to?
>>41800629You want some cheese to go with that whine?
>>41800629Yeah, this thread clearly leans more SL and GS than SS.
>>41800664>dles (ayvrybody)
Fics about the dysgenic effects of war?
>>41800629Dunno about you, but I'm all about that /ss/Good age gap romances where the mare is older than the stallion?
>>41800714Like Fine Wine is literally your image
>>41800721Well, of course.I was wondering if there were more.And yes, I've read cancerino's fics, too.
>>41800000Don't worry anon, I'm not going to shoot you with digits like that. My dubs say so
Favorite longfic?
>>41801137By sheer length, Electro Swing is up there.Sucker for a Cute Face has a special place in my heart, despite the >nohoovesI'll go the safe route and say Twiguard 1+2.
>>41787079>thread posted monday>already at 463 posts (as of writing)It's been really active around here lately, but considering how off-topic shit is, I know it's just even more circlejerking than usual
>>41799701>having frensfake>watching him fuck a plushgay>spoilergay + 4Holy shit anon, kill yourself NOW
>>41801137Diaries of a Madman
>>41799948you could just as easily apply this to furrieshell, considering its sonic, it totally is furshit
>>41800161>>41800132NTA, but what's it a spoiler for, though?
>>41801137Prey and a Lamb despite being an edgy fic with a Mostly OC cast (something I expected to suck or go to shit at some point) is a story I genuinely enjoyed.I guess Rise and Fall of Sassaflash is pretty nice too (I love the Mule) if you can count that as a longfic.
>>41800000Never make a post you wouldn't be proud of as a get.
>>41801318mare assmare assarreeaassss
>>41801323See? You should've gotten the get.
>>41797740Nah it won't. These City Walls already did a Pinkie OC. She got murdered by the serial killer shortly before the fic itself did.>>41798850>only thing comparable to poniesThe Naruto, Harry Potter, and Twilight sections of all beat Fimfiction's total fic count. And if we include AO3, so does Star Wars, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu!!, Supernatural, and Genshin Impact.>>41799635Pretty good. Nearly at 100k. I've been focusing on the "dinner scene" chapter where everything's going good and everyone's happy and content right before shit hits the fan and the story's tags finally take over.I have unfortunately gotten into the Tom Clancy habit of introducing a character and immediately going on a three paragraph bio explaining their backstory, but I guess that's just what happens in biographies for characters who aren't the focus. It is fun inventing new lore whole cloth, like the Royal Guard having the opposite of PTSD and getting an itchy trigger finger from centuries of peace.>>41800000>/fimfic/ get>it has nothing to do with fics and is instead part of some retarded, unrelated argumentPerfect summary of the thread.>>41801137Probably Winning Pony. Yes, it has a ton of problems, but it was also the only fic I read for 12 hours straight.
>>41800714What's the opposite called?
>>41801441Getting married to a devoted wife and having several healthy offspring?
I like MILFs, but it seems hard as fuck to do well in a pony setting. Mainly, I really like for milfs to have massive tits and aged, curvy bodies, but with a pony you can only really depict this with some wrinkles under their eyes. I could conceive of an 'anon in equestria but it's 20 years after the show and the mane 6 are all milfs' story but it would be an immense struggle to get any eroticism out of it.
>>41801441See >>41747702
>>41801463Any adult female could plausibly have massive tits and a curvy body. On a mare, they'd be crotchboobs, and the curves would be in her barrel, but it's the same idea. You can already do this in canon with the Mom 6 or Peachbottom or Harshwhinny. Or even Celestia or Luna if you felt like it.
>>41801475Yeah, massive crotchboobs are not particularly erotic or motherly in my Human senses.
>>41798842>Every new explosive trend lasts like 2 weeks at most>Fandoms or runaway successes that break out of this to become part of general culture are insane cesspits full of porn, slop, and far and above the most deranged people you've ever seen in your life>Even then, these fandoms at most get 1% of the fan content MLP did/ hasI just got out of a decade-long intense depression so I can finally start working on my hobbies with aspirations of making quality content and fictional universes that I hope will inspire people the same way MLP inspired me, and give back to the world. The environment I see in the modern era looks absolutely bleak, however.
>>41799050I take it this is you giving permission for me to write my vision of edgy post-apocalyptic equestria.
>>41801495Go for it.What sort of apocalypse are you going to go for?
>>41801495Do it homo. Just remember - if you make it "some other setting but with ponies", you will fail.
>>41801511I imagined one day a typical "Nightmare Moon wins" scenario but twisted it a bit and filled it with my own ideas to create a more unusual approach to the "Everlasting Night" concept: A magical darkness created by a magical discipline Luna developed while stuck on the moon grows and spreads from regular shadows and cannot be removed by anything except materials derived from sunlight (and rainbows, which is condensed sunlight - both things are sources of power ponies use). Celestia has fixed her sun permanently in the sky to drive back this surface darkness and focuses her light in specific regions to not spread its power too thin, and provide her ponies places to live. The concept of the apocalypse is more about things being preserved and frozen in time and/ or forgotten from memory, than it is about outright destruction and corruption. Luna is partially driven by the fact she lost everything upon being banished and returned to a world who entirely forgot her so her shadows preserve old monuments and cottage homes as if they were dioramas or museum exhibits, even allowing some sunlight to slip through and give these eerie, nostalgic places a clearer vision of how things used to be. Time is frozen in these 'ruins' - things are maintained and shelves of shops are restocked by the shadowy custodian ponies of the new kingdom Luna has forced upon Equestria.There is a lot more to this but the idea is growing and evolving over time but this is the gist of things. I have a lot of minor concepts I consider really cool I want to tell in a story but ultimately I need to find some kind of compelling hook or a goal before I begin to really flesh this out since it's pretty devoid of actual substance.>>41801534It might not seem like it here but my top directive with this is to try and figure out how to make an apocalypse that fits for ponies conceptually and is inseparable from canon instead of just defaulting to 'bombs fall because I NEED my generic raider apocalypse and don't care how I get there'. I don't like how a lot of these settings paint ponies as being so eager to rape and murder at the drop of a hat and want to avoid a lot of the AU cynicism I see, while still trying to create a harrowing, grimdark setting. Some ideas i've toyed with are ponies fighting these shadowy monsters and the terrible world around them by laughing and smiling like Pinkie giggling at the Ghostie in s1e2, or ponies pursuing a pacifistic approach where killing is a very big deal if it must be done. No guns, either. I think it would be fun for ponies to fight with sunstone/ rainbow-imbued devices, like filament lassos, haul mirror plows that project sunlight across the environment, lanterns, flashlights, fireworks, etc to push away monsters of the darkness. And I could use their overall optimism or naivety to put a kind of tragic twist on things., like the wife in When the Wind Blows being totally ill-equipped to even comprehend how serious things really are.
>>41801490You have no idea he relatable your post is, Anon
>>41801479It's okay, anon, this thread is very accepting of faggots.
>>41801366>Nearly at 100k.I'm afraid by the time you release this, everyone will know the full plot ITT, considering how you always detail your progress. Although not many anons would read it anyway.>>41801588>where killing is a very big deal if it must be done. No guns, either.How are you going to have your epic fights, then?
>>41801681And transgirls :3
>>41801709>>41801710it's like poetry, it rhymes
Fics to make me feel as though I’m trying to read after getting a lobotomy?
>>41801750Anything by דוד סילבר or RuzigTreeslops.
>>41801707Ponies work together to fight off the various monstrous 'Ponies of the night' that inhabit the darkness. So it is very much a ponies vs monsters type of conflict (though I want to delve a lot into some concepts I have in mind about what shadow ponies really are, and what the conflict truly means). They wont go out of their way to curbstomp a rampaging monster right off the bat, but in the heat of the moment if it just won't stop or cannot be subdued they will have to kill it. Regardless of my approach when I finalize my outline I wanted to treat it with some sense of gravitas and not flippantly have a happy rape and murder adventure across the wasteland, even if combat and death is a very real part of their world.Their gear is more built around acrobatic maneuvers and their horsey bodies than pointing a gun and shooting at the monsters. I figure this would end up being more dynamic and interesting when they are forced to fight. I'm sure I could conceive a lot of interesting combative scenarios with these parameters.Or am I autistic and your question was sort of a sarcastic poking-at how a lot of these settings and stories revel in shallow, edgy violence and must be action-first romps?
>>41801215I can't say because then people might spoil it.
>>41801463Write anthro or humanised.
>>41801829Fuck off, Nigel.
>>41801750Warring Heaven
>> time I see this artist I'm reminded of this pic and just can't help but wonder how people can be so uninformed about how dicks work.
>>41801850A dick can be hard and curved at the same time, not to mention horsecocks tend to remain more flexible compared to human dicks.
>>41801876Anything else can be safely interpreted as artistic liberty for the sake of porn, unless you want to start arguing about pony skull shapes and more.
>>41801884He put the urethra on the side of the penis.
>>41801829I've actually been strongly considering this, BUT it does feel kind of pointless to write horsewords for non-horses. Like, the unique thing about MLP is that it's about ponies not humans, so if I'm just gonna write about humans anyway why not write for a more human-orientated fandom like Genshin or whatever. In the end I think all my horsewords will be devoted to ponies, and my love of MILFs will have to appear in other places. It doesn't feel right to me otherwise. Or well, there can still be pony MILFs, they just won't be sexualized in my mind. Like Cheerilee could be portrayed as kind of haggy / mature but not as like a super busty kind of milf.
>>41801891That's just meant as a bulge in the shape, and it's an artistically exaggerated rendition of something you see on real horsecocks too.
>>41801894Try it, anon. See if you can make anthro that still feels pony to you.
>>41801894>>41801898You're incredibly tasteless faggots, and for this thread, that's saying something.
>>41800228>Man this thread is fucking awful. Worst one in a while.Sorry, I've only posted in this one once because I had better things to do.
>>41801921I say without aggression that you should have some self-awareness that only an extreme minority of an already minority of people will have an appreciation for something like bloated crotch tits on a pony. That goes a bit beyond taste and into hyper-obscure niches. I won't begrudge you it, but if that's your marker for taste, then you'll only have 5 friends in the world.
>>41801928>argumentum ad populumI accept your concession.
>>41801928You could write chesties / bimbonies like LMJ or Phi draw them.
>>41801930That's only a fallacy if I associate truth with popularity, which I didn't. It's all well and good if you want the marker for true taste to be something extremely obscure that only 5 people in the world like; it's just good to be self-aware of that fact. I may as well say you're a tasteless faggot for not liking genderbent Shirley Holmes x futa Mrs. Hudson slashfics or something. It will surely mean as nothing to you as your proposition means to me.
>>41801932You could kill yourself and the world would be a better place.
>>41801935There are far, FAR more than five people capable of recognizing the superiority of pony MILFs.
>>41801936And that's why I keep living.
>>41801938This is specifically a discussion on crotch tits (obscure themselves) and then bloated crotch tits (on milfs). MILF ponies in general have obvious appeal. Although I'll acknowledge it may be a couple dozens or maybe even hundreds rather than literally 5.
>>41801938>Crap Heart>Delta Pee>Even more OShitsKill yourself like the artist should have.
>>41801942>crotch tits (obscure themselves)[citation needed]>>41801943Contrarianism is so last decade.
Crotchtits look like balls. It's diet futa.
>>41801947It's okay to be gay, but it's not okay to be a faggot.
>>41801947That's how the porn artists draw them. Crotchteats are only good if they're small and not so far back. They shouldn't be visible from the back, really.
>>41801946Anyone who unironically puts OCs next to canon characters should be publicly executed.
>>41801946Obscure from a global population perspective. You're probably looking at 0.001% of the population that even knows where horse teats are located. Obviously, people deep into MLP porn will have more awareness. Then, a lot of crotchboob art goes from so subtle they're invisible or barely present, or over-the-top comical and clearly not fetishized. So even with a reasonably high presence in fanart, that does not translate to mass appreciation.And finally, then we reach specifically associating bloated / especially large crotchboobs with milfs, and having like a pleasant association there. Almost no human being alive will have that naturally; they'll have to have trained themselves and specifically sought out all pony MILF crotchboob content there is to even start forming that association. So we're left with extremely small numbers. You can't dispute this, or else you'll sound like a crazy person. That said, all this dialogue has me laughing at the idea of a milf MLP thing that plays this completely straight, like, a comedy where a MILF rarity seductive waggles her bloated crotchboobs and Anon is incredibly repulsed, so maybe there's some literary value here...
>>41801960>you'll sound like a crazy personwhat fun is there in making sense? >:)~
>>41801960You're making excuses for your biped lust. Away with you.
>>41801681Now animate her walking. Full physics, no clipping allowed.
>>41801947That's a big part of why I like them.
>>41801947>dietMilk has more calories than cum.
>>41801947They only look like balls when artists fail to draw them, which is ...most of the time, actually, or they wouldn't be drawing this grotesque bloated nonsense in the first place.And then there's artists who draw the balls like they're boobs.>>41802022Gay. Homosexual, even.
I'm happy to know there are more people who appreciate the allure of a mature mare.
>>41802123Fillies need to come from somewhere.
>>41802134Other fillies.
>>41802167If your filly is old enough to reproduce you should switch to a newer model.
>>41802182Spoiled Woona dom...
>>41802182Ew. Age regression fags are so fake.
>>41802232Do you think Luna popped into existence a full grown mare?
>>41802254>/fimfic/ in charge of reading
>>41802258Alright I've read that pic dozens of times and I swear "again" wasn't there before.
>>41802263Anon experiences the Mandala Effect.
>>41802349These ITTs have been getting lazier and lazier.
>>41802396You're welcome to bake, you know.
>>41802404I would much rather complain.
>>41802396They need to be smaller to accommodate all the fic links this week.
>>41801188At least I'd not be a virgin.
>>41801366>The Naruto, Harry Potter, and Twilight sections of all beat Fimfiction's total fic count. And if we include AO3, so does Star Wars, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu!!, Supernatural, and Genshin Impact.How? I cannot imagine some of these getting that much fan fiction. Is Naruto even an interesting universe to write in?
>>41802474>How>Naruto>the most gaybaiting shonen in history >>How Anon...
>>41802469I'll give you a pity fuck if you make it to GalaCon.
>>41802529It's impressive how you're such a coomposter yet you're so completely rizzless irl.