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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

Archiving poner stuff is PURE SEX edition

>Why alternate boorus?
Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus arose to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
>Why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024,. As such, a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]
rainbooru.org by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] (dev MIA)

>Specialized boorus:
booru.foalcon.com by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] - Underage
lyrabooru.org - Hot glue

>Greentext, fanfiction and fanfiction archival sites
ponepaste.org managed by Not Twifag/Floorb
IAS (derpy.me/1yd6A) (Text search)
foalfetch.net managed by Floorb

>Video sites

>File sharing
smutty.horse (frozen until further notice)

>Latest Developments:
- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.
- FoalFetch is being worked on, but slowly. Downloads for stories were added.
- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites, and looking for volunteers to help.
- Ongoing comment and image spam on the various altboorus.
- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste, which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles, their authors, and tags (but not its actual content) was patched.
- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as "unacceptable" (mainly foalcon) by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom (FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru, ect.) they "found" to be associated with said material. In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net. For keeping up with the ongoing drama, see https://ponepaste.org/9926
- TPA/Ponybooru server restoration completed after going to shit. Hobune instance also updated.
- Ponerpics image back-forward buttons broken (again)
- Foalbooru brief hostile takeover/server issues? Resolved?
- Floorb finally bulk-imported missing images onto Twibooru, image processing queue bloated due to such.
- Total Spammer Death solution in place on Twibooru.
If anyone is interested: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41706083/#41772821
I'll let it rest after this.
If I were to, hypothetically, publish a story that features a scene in which a filly (literally, not euphemistically) slurps up the magical aura from a unicorn's horn, would this be considered "too much" for fimfiction? Should I just go on Ao3? I'd like people to read it...
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Knighty only gets his knickers in a twist over human-shaped lolis. You can have all the fun you want with fillies.
>OP missing horsewords.org from last thread
I've seen cozy fics with that scenario stay up.
Anon, I...
...What's Bronyhub? Literally first time I ever see the name. Nothing about it in the OP text either. Dare I look?
Booru.Bronyhub is officially shut down, creator himself announced it. That's why it was removed from OP. I think some OPs replace image banner with Foalcon booru (it's run by the same guy as booru.bronyhub)
Rainbooru is also down, but we have no confirmation if it's temporary or what.
>it's temporary or what
After 4 years of inactivity, what do you think...
So, I guess twibooru isn't going to import from tantabus?
Someone is running an importer.
>4 years
it's been ~4 months, fag
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This is retarded.
4 months of what fag? When was the last time the site got updated or the dev posting here fag?
OK if we agree Twibooru is a container for all Aislop, would this mean we can at least spare Ponybooru which should focus on actual art from this cancer?
I hope Ponerpics won't follow, because this is dumb as hell.

Don't worry, ponybooru doesn't import from twi and poner at all.
get out
>what are filters
You could have started with "I'm stupid" too.
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whats the point of these niggas
NGL, they do a good job.
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What are you complaining about
Manual imports are manual, and imports.
Filters, now.
Is there an easy way to recreate the favorites list I have on derpibooru in twibooru ?
>many untagged or improperly tagged images
Yeah, on opposite day.
It's not the staff's job to be always behind tagging or analyzing hundreds of images per day.
>Be there for assistance
>Be there for maintenance
>Moderate the content or posts
>Basic tags if necessary
Tagging is the duty of the uploader or people who know what to tag.
I remember derpibooru moderator that would regularly add "solo" tag to thousands of images. I think he was "defender of one" or something like that.
and this is how a booru devolves to "tagme"
Reminds me of the moderator who's tagging "g4" or "g5" on everything he can find.
It's actually a really useful tag
So, tag it. why ate you complaining? tag it!
Same with repetitive fetishes, or AI crap, participate, tag, vote up what you like, downvote what you don't like.
>But you can block tags
No i prefer to downvote or upvote.
how's that working out on rule34 or paheal brother
Derpibooru banned me for downvoting shit that was improperly tagged and got around my filters.
faggytrannyderpimods banned me for asking for gay images to be tagged as such next time
They don't assist, they don't maintain (https://ponerpics.org/pages/stats - 130 (one hundred and thirty) hours between the report being made and resolved), they don't moderate, they don't even do "basic tags if necessary" - Lotus' response to "add a tag to these images so they can be hidden" was "UHH WHY AREN'T YOU ALREADY HIDING ONE OF THE TAGS ON THEM???".
>Tagging is the duty of the uploader or people who know what to tag.
Knowing what to tag is the duty of the staff, because users don't.

So yes, it is absolutely the staff's job to be using bulk tools they're provided to always be behind tagging or analyzing hundreds of images per day (and in some cases banning users who consistently upload with missing tags). And you likely have friends on there, and that's why you're brown-nosing them so hard.
>So, tag it. why ate you complaining? tag it!
Give everyone access to built-in bulk tools and remove the tag edit cooldown. "Wah wah I won't because vandalism"? THEN TAG THE IMAGES YOURSELF, SHITSKULL!
>Give everyone access to built-in bulk tools
Yeah, because that's a great idea, and no Anon would destroy the entire tagging system because he can't actually bother to LOOK at the images he tags. No, not at all ( >>41750832 , >>41752734 )
Yes, it's a great idea, because people who have access to those tools (and aliasing with implications too) REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING and demand that people without those tools tag thousands of images by hand.
Many of which would be properly tagged if the staff DID THEIR JOB and punished the uploaders who consistently mistag their uploads until they stop mistagging, as well as adding implications to specific artists.

Again, afraid of vandalism? THEN TAG THE IMAGES YOURSELF, SHITSKULL!
>130 (one hundred and thirty) hours between the report being made and resolved
That's with 4 admins and mods.
Derpibooru: 22 admins and mods, 4 hours
Ponybooru: 10 admins and mods, 18 hours
Twibooru: 7 admins and mods, 6 hours
would there be any interest in an alternative fimfiction-style site? i'm bored and thinking about a side project.
I don't see it taking off. Greenfags have Ponepaste, nonces have AO3. I don't think Knighty will do a Derpigate anytime soon, though he likely won't do much of anything.
From the manebooru/furbooru side there's SJW alternative of FiMFiction. I don't remember the name. It bans nazis and allows non-mlp furfag stories.
Offprint. Absolutely nobody uses it, even the retards who demonstratively dropped Fimfiction in favor of that have come crawling back.
You could try to get Florb to finish Twific.
While alternative would be nice in the inevitable situation of Fimfic going down, there's an archive of stories (Foalfetch), and everything else (profiles, comments, etc) can be cold-archived until then.
Is it too much to ask them to update aliases?
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You didn't hear this from me, but there's a new alias system coming to Twibooru. It's gonna be fire.
What kind of?
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even offprint drama is lame and flacid. it exists, but they generate it over really dumb shit. i'm just waiting for the pedophile accusations to start.
Shall I use ponerpics or twibooru? or both?
upload to twi, browse poner
poner imports from twi
Does poner have any pros besides going down less?
they don't delete furries
Is that really a pro?
They defend furries, they defend spammed ultra-specific fetish images not tagged correctly, and they let you spam-upload hundreds of low quality posings not tagged correctly.

Oh, wait, you asked for pros. No, there isn't any. The only beneficial thing they did have (derpi id matching/listing derpi fave count) hasn't been resynchronized for years.
the number of upvotes were imported from derpi (initially), and you can order by it
Poner does not have Boxless. 'Nuff said.
So I should use twibooru then? I really don't feel like supporting derpi no matter how small.
>Source: my ass
Fuck off, samefag.
I would honestly use twi if the rankings weren't shit. If they added separate rankings from different boorus I might migrate.
That was already mentioned twice, anon:
>they don't delete furries
>They defend furries
>defend furries
>defend spammed fetishes
>let you spam-upload mistags
(it's only a small portion of the list)
Twibooru, or if you want slightly less effort, ponybooru (it doesn't import from twi or poner, but twi and poner both import from it).
Care to show actual pictures, instead of arbitrary arrangements of tags?
From my personal experience, they do delete non-MLP pictures when reported. Are you whining while not even taking an effort to fix it?
>>Poner does not have Boxless. 'Nuff said.
>That was already mentioned twice, anon:
>>they don't delete furries
>>They defend furries
You're completely incoherent.
>Care to show actual pictures, instead of arbitrary arrangements of tags?
Open the links, shitskull.
...Are you suggesting that arbitrary arrangement of tags should be auto-deleted? All this hand-waving means you don't really have a concrete point, just FUD.
You still haven't opened the links, shitskull. And going by your demagoguery, it's because your images would be deleted if the rule of "MLP only" was actually followed.
So you're afraid that your "argument" would fall apart if scrutinized closely, so you make sure to be as vague as possible and not provide concrete examples.
Ponerpics won't import AI content from Tantabus or other spaces.
It does via importing from Twi.
Nah it's him who sucks everyone's dick. Where do you think he gets his money for the servers being neet?
And you still haven't opened the links, shitskull. Definitely a stake in protecting furry images.
is this actually meant to be f*ta or did he fuck up when drawing the teata?
The latter.
Wait, I meant the former. Fuck, too many cocks in my eyes.
I'd say I'm tired of my wife being used as the face for futatrash but I have the shit filtered so I never have to see it anyway.
horsepussy is horsepussy
Never was a fan of the pet thing. I suppose that's why she's tagged as "oc".
Years later, this schizo is still triggered by "deerbooru" prank on April 1st.
Yes And? that in no way relates to what I'm discussing. I don't care if your futa is a "herm" or whatever the fuck, stop putting horse dicks on mares.
not a fan a 90% of her fetish content.
fluttershy in particular seems to attract a ton of different fetishfags annoyingly enough.
Then we have a problem.
AI isn't in trouble and I don't care about my gens being not archived on all boorus. It's a mistake.
You're not a real flutterfag if you wouldn't gag on her cock.
This is new to me.
I never heard about that one either.
>braindead homosexual uses the no real scotsman fallacy to groom people into his shit fetish
>full-grown adult
>afraid of being "groomed"
>full-grown adult
>forces his fetish everywhere, gets coloncrippled when told to fuck off
Which booru deletes all g% garbage?
All boorus allow to customize which tags are deleted from the whole site:
>be ponermod
>250 reports from the same retard who reports every single aryanne or foalcon image
You should just be ignored.
Making false reports is grounds for a ban, no?
>waah waah we don't do anything because some retard is spamming reports and we won't ban him because we don't do anything
I don't care, shitskull. Do your job or resign.
R63 is a different thing.
That would be fine because he's a real stallion.
>fucking a flaremare is gayer than fucking a stallion
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You're not a flutterfag, you're a fetishist who just uses her for your sexual fantasies. You can't be called a (pony)fag unless that pony is your waifu, the term gets conflated with people who just wanna fuck a character or have them as their favorite all too often here.
>but I do love her
then you love an oc because that's not her. If that is the case, which I hope not, realize there's more to a relationship than sex because that seems to be all your ilk ever talks about.
This ultra-purist autism and no-true-fluttercunt is cool and all, but could you at least TRY to frame it in a way related to the thread?
Like, say, how >>41802133 causes tags to be used less through apathy, or how >>41805694 is A: a more common opinion than not and B: causing mistagging or the like.
i know these are reaching and probably the same guy, sorry about that, but this really is way out in the sticks compared to booru/etc. discussion
That's why. They have an almost separate space and a quasi separate fandom because of it.
is that one fag that refused to look at searches presented to him still around
Wasnt there also a russian site for mlp stories ?
You mean ponyfiction.org ?
Any news on pools/sequences? This is the last feature to reach parity with danbooru.
Ponepaste search is down.
There are some stories/translations on everypony.ru (ponyfiction.org) and darkpony.space.
Twibooru. Poner is broken as hell(related, next and previous image buttons don't work and so on) and the admins have completely abandoned it pretty much.
Galleries exist but barely anyone uses them.
Okay so that wasn’t just me
Galleries are like folders for faves. Pools are for easy comic navigation and viewing. They can be edited by anyone just like tags.
if a chinese fimfiction site exists.. what are chinese boorus? I wonder what's there..
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I'm not sure something like that could exist without being flooded with ponified Tiannamen Square pics.
Someone at least ponified the Chinese Power Word Banish some time ago.
Whoever imports tanta to twi, why do you do it manually? (Then bitch in the description.) Just write a script seriously.
Since Discord implemented threads I'm thinking of finally starting my own channel since I don't need a server admin and neither a server.
I kinda want to make a media discussion place but separate the communities into normal & elite, the elite are people I can promote so they can do high quality posting and everyone will see the channels, but they can't post in them until they're promoted to elite.
Any suggestions for it?
Also I'm thinking of buying 4chan ads, can anyone tell me if it's worth putting ads on /mlp/, /tg/, /co/ since those won't eat up as much of my money and I can keep them up longer? Not sure if I should put them up on /tv/ or even /v/ that would eat my money.
gtfo zoomer
Get a load of this faggot lmao. Go eat shit and fuck off.
No. What you gonna do now, big boy?
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add you to the list of pedos!
So does derpi have a monopoly on image hosting or what?
Not even a little.
Also, I'm now reminded that smutty.horse is still down. Big sads.
Technically it's not down, you can still download stuff but you can't upload anything.
Yeah, that's definitely better than a total shutdown, but I still miss the days when we had our own Catbox, with Blackjack and hookers.
Not at all. It has even less content than Twi or Poner. Simply because the altboorus import from Derpi and don't play along with the site's ideological purges and pants on head retarded decisions.
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We didn't have it with Blackjack, just blackjack.
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I'm sure you could've had picrel pop up in the corner, if you were lucky.
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Which booru admin has the cutest butt?
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Should images with crude (or any) drawings of a character be tagged with respective character's species tags?
E.g. https://twibooru.org/468153
Should "pony" and "alicorn" tags apply here?
That doesn't fit. Chrysalis has wings and a horn because she's a changeling. They're a different category, unless you want to consider all changelings alicorns because of their anatomy. I wouldn't do that though. Alicorns as term refers to ponies with a horn and wings in particular. And the show has never implied anywhere that changelings are an offshoot of ponies. If anything, the larvae thing has proven the opposite.
Never mind, I just realized the pony/alicorn tag refers to the doodle of Twilight on her scroll. That makes sense.
Yeah I should've worded my post better. My bad, I'm retarded.
>That makes sense.
Yes, as long as they're in image they should be tagged. The confusion will persist until per-character tagging is introduced, and then it will be FURTHER confusion because of search queries looking like json input.
I'm not ever gonna donate to help a booru that stores Ai shit. Fix that shit.
so you're donating to none of them then?
Yes, just as "sex" would apply to a clop drawing-within-a-drawing.
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What software do you think the ponies are working on?

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