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starting out the new year in your new slut body

Slutty Story Archive:

previous sluttery
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Unf, shy sluts are the best
UNF! I want to be a woman so bad…
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I wanna make Marble feel pretty
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Proof of how sluts can become even more fuckable in seamed stockings:

Turboslut gets me hard in those she's whoring... I mean wearing.
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...and with seamed stockings - as Turboslut further demonstrates here - with the addition of fuck-me heels, any hot whore is guaranteed savage dickings galore:

Scorpdk makes the EqG oh so slutlicious:
Whores... I mean here's to more sluttery in 2025:
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I’ve been gooning all day to slutquestria girls! I’m gonna goon all year! I’m done with nofap! I’m done with resets! I’m gonna good five times every day to Canterslut!
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A bit of G% sluttery.

A kitty Pinkiewhore is fine too...!:
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Absolute MILF
Slutlight is very fuckable in stockings too:

Opaline Whorecana is in need of a good hard dicking:
damn that's hot
legs... i need
they have human colored skin so they're not eqgs, they're humans

You need Pinkiewhore's legs locked around you as you pump this slut's womb full of your cum:
Oh yes, yes I do, those trips speak the truth. I love that sexy underbutt.
Lewdna & Turboslut in Cheongsams
Racoonkun makes the EqG look oh so slutlicious
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Expert seductress.
Could use a green of this pic.
How the hell does Coco manage to be a femboi despite being a female?
with those trips, I'd guess she performed some kind of ritual, satan.
The reason why she's known as Sluttershy: >>41794263
unfy tanlines

Tanlined Turboslut is very unfy:

She makes men hard.
The only error here is that there isn't enough of Rainslut Dash in this style :
Rainslut Dash always dresses in style:
She makes me hard too
Outfits that reveal *there* specifically on a hot slut’s body are so underrated.
I agree
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Sweaty Rariwhore:
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>congratulations, and welcome, to slutquestria
Downblouse is just too good
These two dressed in these outfits is my current weakness right now.

Designed for Diamond Tiwhorea & Silver Slut by Rariwhore, they display as much of the slut's very fuckable body as possible. By the one almost whoring... I mean wearing such:

Rariwhore designs these dresses to make titfucking the slut wearing such as easy as she is
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Slutty Belle sees Diamond Tiwhorea showing off her tits in a strapless dress and thinks 'I want some of that!':

...and then asks her sister to make a dress for her that makes her look as ultra-slutty as she does here: >>41798321.
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Rariwhore lewding it up with Slutdagio:
These pics are always getting hotter every single time they’re posted

EqG slutting up each other have that effect, as Rainslut Dash and a very well-endowed Slutnata demonstrate here:

Slutnata's titlicious enough to make any man want to ravage her cleavage and violently cum all over her face
i fucking love eqg sluts in slut dresses being slutty with each other
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>pull those thotty panty straps
I feel the same way~
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Lewdna as a slutty Goth nun:
Fleur is the biggest slut of all.
So much of Lewdna is overpowering me I was trying not to get hard but she got me hard now…
I like to believe that diamond tiara convinced sweetie to go out without a bra

Oh, Slutty Belle rarely wears a bra just as one of the Fish Sluts rarely wears panties, thus she's known as Slutnata 'Easy Access' Dusk

Her tits are easily accessed by men wanting to fuck Slutty Belle's cleavage. Just ask her sister Rariwhore: tits... I mean it's why she designed that dress >>41798321 to make it easy for men to fuck her breasts
Whoreflower has certainly been noticed by Colwhoreatura:

She's Glitzing her Glam
That’s hot
>Strips her in front of the whole audience to really get them to notice her this time
Sexy angle
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A Raricat is fine too...!:
In stockings & fuck-me heels, Maud CreamPie will always make men rock hard:
It certainly worked on me just now
what a slutty body wrapped in slutty lingerie
These two should kiss for sure
That’s fucking hot.
I love the idea of titfucking Sweetie Belle in her cleavage.

Slutty Belle's tits are very fuckable:
I want these sexy bunnygirls to jump me and make me get aroused for them by holding me down and making me feel them up. They know they’d have me when they feel me getting hard for them… wouldn’t take a lot with their tops already nearly falling off their bodies like that… so much bare skin to put a stud’s strong hands all over~
Unf that's hot.
So Diamond Tiwhorea, what time are your legs open ?:
>24/7 for any big dick stud willing to get between them.
god what an absolutely slutty outfit

Diamond Tiwhorea is one of the biggest sluts out there:

Guaranteed to make men hard in her fuck-me heels.
Rariwhore being slutty in stockings:
That look is too perfect for her
...your hot fuckable body in that leotard, Slutdagio:

More Rariwhore being slutty in stockings:
These girls are so slutty in these pics I can’t take it. The way you present them is such a turn on, so sinful yet shameless~ A true slut is proud to make a man get aroused and hard in his pants for her. Having such a morality overriding effect on him and making his body physically react to her… forcing him to feel good with stiff arousal standing to attention for her in his trousers and proud to be one of her victims~
I love her like that
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Diamond Tiwhorea is like that because she's loved so much:


She loves having a dick in her twat
I'd love a sexy fic of these two if anyone wants to write.
Need a nude version
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You can bet that Goddess of Sex isn't wearing panties under that sluttily short skirt.

New balls, please. So Candyass can empty them in her womb

She is maid to be fucked:

I'd make kitty Rariwhore purr:
Can we try reading a dictionary and not use "whore" and "slut" for the next 100 posts.
Can you try not being such a newfag, >>41815582 ?
It's "Slut" and "Whore" round these parts, tourist.
She was designed to empty my balls…
I want to be her toy
I love sluts with lollipops

Diamond Tiwhorea isn't the only one who can look even more slutty by sucking on a lollipop:

It proves she can drain your nuts dry
imagine the tongue
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Besides Fluttershy, sunset and the dazzlings who else are the canon sluts?
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This is the Canterslut thread: ALL of them are. They're all nymphomaniacs.
Definitely Rarity both in and out of canon. She sloots it up every time she’s on screen.
>Make bell jingle and tits jiggle with humping
She is pure and would never be aslut you monster!
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We are toghete and she would never be such a perverted minded slut!
Her heart belongs to me!
S-She sweared on it!
I want to plap Flare Warden.
Let's try to be more creative.
>Let's try to be more creative
Let's laugh at the tourist that is >>41819901
anon got a point.
>past Canterslut threads
>been just fine with "Slut" and "Whore"
>anon got a point
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Imagine the moaning during the game
>Those tiny tops
Designed to let those huge titties bounce for the crowd while these sluts jump up and down
Getting absolutely drained by a canterslut
Or scissoring
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Lewdna is checking to see if Lywhore is wearing panties: She isn't

Umpire: 'Advantage, Lywhore.'
Always remember
>"Dumb boys should be re-educated and turned into girls (sluts)."

Don't forget, this is Cosplay Friday. Guess who is Yae Miko who has the power to force-feminise someone in Genshin Impact ...?!:

Whore of CHS is perfect as this character. And for putting dumb boys in their place
Candyass sees your hard dick:
It’s hard because I see her soft tits.
you can really easily! just make a simple potion and youll be a real pegasister!
Youll need around 5-over 9000 pennies (or copper coin from your country), and a straw, put these aside.
Get a clear jar, scoop 2 tablespoons of salt into it, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
Now the first important ingredient should be in the bathroom cleaning supplies:
Ammonia (any brand). Pour it in until the jar is 2/3 of the way full (as tall as you want the crystals to grow)
The last ingredient is laundry bleach (careful not to spill on your clothes!), fill the rest of the jar.
Now drop the pennies into the bottom, and quickly take the straw and blow bubbles onto the pennies to get the crystals going.
You should begin to see stringy crystals form after about 30 seconds of blowing. That's it!
The attached pic took around 10 minutes of steady blowing
The pink and purple some from the production of copper-calciphate using the CO2 in your own breath! (blowing until youre dizzy actually increases the CO2 in your breath, giving better colors)
Good luck!
be sure to post your results, my female friend!
>The attached pic took around 10 minutes of steady blowing
Low effort copypasta
I’m sorry that horny fun makes you mad
>one off
Time to sudoku.
Love her cute undies
It was made
so that's why she's wearing that...
That’s one hot tennis outfit
I want to make marble walk funny
Diamond Tiwhorea is about to prove that she's also not wearing any panties :
That dress being the only article of clothing?

Sometimes Diamond Tiwhorea wear panties, sometimes she doesn't: But you know she'll be whoring... I mean wearing boner-inducing fuck-me heels
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Turboslut in one of the sluttiest outfits designed for her by Rariwhore:

I'd give her the most savage dicking with my thick & veiny cock, making her scream with the mindblowing orgasm from my mancream violently blasted into her womb

The sight of this whore in that revealing microdress certainly revealing the fact she has no underwear on , fishnet stockings & 7-inch fuck me heels would raise my lusts to levels only Rariwhore knows. No wonder these two are my faves.
Hope she wouldn’t mind me reaching under to check… and then keep my hand there anyway to feel her up a little~
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Pinkiewhore the Goth slut:
Shes mad you’re not groping her boobs yet
Look at that whore just wearing that in front of everyone
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...and here's Rariwhore proving how she and Turboslut - >>41827394 - are my faves:

Her in that ultra-slutty sideboob-revealing microdress, I'd grope her luscious tits while railing Rariwhore from behind: my ballbag brutally battering her clittie, as my glans tip does to her cervix, to the end of my end - as I go balls deep - kissing her deepest part and gouts of my hot cum filling her willing womb.
Goth pinkie needs more representation
i also made a regular Ponk goth
Please post it, if you feel like it
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>Goth pinkie needs more representation

Ask, and you shall receive:

I want to have hot Goth sex with Pinkiewhore.
That soft curvy body would be so amazing to strip the feel up and mount on top of
I Must hump the Rariwhore
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More of these whores being slulicious in the leotards & fuck-me heels of bunnygirl outfits:
They love showing off their hot bodies in small leotards and I love enjoying the view
What was it
New EqG thread on /trash/ if anyone’s interested
I don't mean this to be arrogant; I genuinely am trying to be helpful and "teach a man to fish" here. It's a very useful extension
Alternatively you can just go directly to Desuarchive
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So how does this work? I know for some people it's an autogynephilia thing, and sure, that's weird but at least it's straightforward. But what about the rest?
How do you define "slut" in this context? Is it just a nymphomaniac who's still implicitly loyal to you? Is it a promiscuous woman, and you're just fantasizing about a one-off fling/friends with benefits? Or is it about actually having a promiscuous waifu/gf/whatever?
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The EqG love sex. They're sluts and whores. That's how it's worked for so many Canterslut threads from the start right up to now, so don't overthink things. Just enjoy the sluts. And the occasional green.
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Maud CreamPie in this slutty dress makes me rock hard:
So in other words, it's the first one? Alright.
They're just nymphomaniacs who love sex. With lots of men. So it's neither. Just enjoy the sluts & whores posted in these threads: the EqG love sex
She really knows how to get me looking where it counts
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I mean, now it just sounds like the second one. Or maybe it varies based on the person?
Of course I'm going to enjoy fat pastel tits regardless, but that can coexist with conversation without it being "overthinking."
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Slutnata 'Easy Access' Dusk is the most fuckable of the Fish Sluts:

...and as she rarely wears panties and is in a short Cheongsam that barely covers her cunt, no wonder all the men have easy access to her very tight cunt
Checked and unf
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Post your wife
Candyass is everyone's wife as are all the EqGs. They're fucked by all men
Short slutty dresses
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She's still yours if you marry her, anon! Regardless of her hobbies and duties as a princess.
Candyass may be married, but she still sluts around. Open Relationships: they're a thing. And Candyass opens her legs for any turgid thing
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>they're a thing
Well, of course. Those are the hobbies and duties in question. You might've put a ring on her finger, but she's got obligations as the Princess of Love! If that means she's taking a different male's load every hour, so be it. And if she loves her job, all the better.
I would let a slut hop on me until I’m as nympho as she is
Hot kissu! PinkiexCaddy is underrated.
There's so much of these sluts to choose from!:
So which one has taken the most dicks? Do they keep score and compete with each other?
>So which one has taken the most dicks?

Rariwhore. She is the Slut Supreme:

That choker & fuck-me heels with ankle straps advertise the fact that here is a hyper-slut wanting dickings galore for this whore.
Miles and miles of cock.
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In that slutty outfit, Diamond Tiwhorea will make many 'Magic Wands' appear:

...then make them disappear in her cunt, only to make so much cum appear in her womb
What's our relationship with /jdb/ anyway. Good?
I could be wrong, but I think the threads are pretty mutually exclusive. People here don't want sluts to be little girls, and the other thread doesn't want little girls to be sluts. At least as far as I remember seeing, and like I said I could be wrong.
>People here don't want sluts to be little girls
Speak for yourself

Dunno, but here's more Diamond Tiwhorea:
Speaking for myself, I want it, but I remember it getting negative responses before when it was brought up. Though my favorite idea with it is Sweetie imitating Rarity.
Well, you're speaking for yourself. I prefer sluts to be big girls
Yeah, fair enough. As much as I like the idea, it's certainly one of those divisive things, so I was just curious. I did vaguely remember some greens involving the CMCs in years past.
Really, I like it all. Little sluts, teenage sluts, and even milf/cougar sluts. Though regardless of age probably my favorite is ones that start out more innocent or wholesome turning slutty rather than just starting out full bore.
I prefer adult Slutty Belle. For two reasons:

1- Tits

2- Tits
1: Her one tit
2: Her other tit

Slutty Belle has very fuckable tits:
Woah mama

Whoa sister:

Rariwhore's tits are even more fuckable.
Whore of CHS gets me hard when she's in fuck-me heels with ankle straps:


...and yes, we are
These girls make me so hard, I’d date them just for the inevitable sex that it’d all derail into

Cheerwhorelee the cougar is out on the hunt for fresh young man meat to feed her cunt's cravings for pleasure & wombfillings:

This teacher will... 'educate' them on sexual techniques so as to give other sluts the fuckings they deserve
Guess I’m a physical learner
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Whore De Lys, what time are your legs open ?
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How does a Canterslut's first time work?
It worked for Marble >>41789455
Sluts look hotter in black:
Which canterslut is most likely to like it up the butt?
>inb4 coco
And even hotter slipping out of that black fabric
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Yes, that's what Stage Slut would be doing - while dressed as this character from Genshin Impact - all the while I was giving her a good hard dicking:
Sexy witch outfits are my fetish

Then whore... I mean more you shall have:

Rariwhore as 'Ara~ Ara~' Lisa from Genshin Impact:

...and I'd make an 'Impact' on her as I violently filled her womb
Rariwhore makes me so horny
I choose all~!
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Goddess of Sex is bewitching :
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Then she slowly gets freakier
Rariwhore’s dress is so good here
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Rariwhore always looks so slutlicious in black. Especially when she's almost in THAT dress...!:
Imagining the nipple slips that thing would have turns me on so hard
Bewitching indeed
I want to plap the pie sisters
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On her way to drain a twink (she’s walking right towards you)

Yes, we'll share that cake:

...and then we'll share our cum with you, Vinyl Slut & Whoretavia.
Careful. Sliderfag is on the loose again.
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Hell yeah, I love sliders
That lingerie looks fantastic on that gorgeous body~!
She looks far better here than she did in EqG with that gigachad chin
So much sluttage to choose from!:
Is AWD still active here? Because ho lee fuk that is the horniest writefag I ever read.
me and me
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Figured I could post this here since there's 'slut' in your general.
>fetish slut
Don't threaten us with a good time!
Please I didn't know I had this weakness!
hot boobs

More Daybreakwhore the ultra-hot slut by Scorpdk:

She's hotter than a fusion reactor.
That's Nightmare Star.
How frowned upon would it be to shill original fiction heavily inspired by some old somewhat niche Canterslut-related stuff ITT?
I personally don’t mind it, but I can’t speak for anyone but myself. Also it could be considered too off-topic as per the rules if it’s not mlp related.
>from scorpdk's patreon
>what are filenames
they prove headcanons/opinions wrong
>Slutty Story Archive:
You can add those sorts of stories to that, >>41860826
All the boys DEMAND detention from Miss Whore of CHS
I’d extend my detention by reaching inside of her unbuttoned top~
No, they just prove he's dumb. That's literally the Nightmare Star design from the card game.
I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of your statement, Nonny.

And you can bet that Whore of CHS isn't wearing panties under that tight microskirt so you can also put your hand between her legs and feel up her cunt :
>Start to do exactly that
>She doesn't stop you
>She encourages you to keep going
>She doesn't even allow you to stop
>She wants everyone to watch her cum

In this short outfit, Whore of CHS invites you to stimulate her slutty slit and feel up her underboobs:
>phone between thighs
>vibration on at max
>she just posted a lewd selfie and is waiting for the notifications to roll in
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She always knows how to turn me on.

That's because Rariwhore is the Slut Supreme. She knows how to make men hard for her
Rariwhore’s cleavage is her greatest weapon. Those bras she’s wearing could never cover enough of her big soft chest to hide how sexy that deliciously bouncy rack is. She doesn’t even have to do more than move around a little to get men to pitch erections for her~
Before they know it, she’s guiding their hands along her bare tummy before pushing her tits onto them, something any hot blooded stud could never resist.
Rariwhore’s big soft bouncy tits were made to be groped and felt up by strong male hands an she knows it!

More of Rariwhore's cleavage:

She would grasp my dick and guide me to the part of her where the only place softer than that is her cunt, squeeze her luscious tits around my turgid shaft and say 'Fuck them, Darling'.

It wouldn't take me long - with my long thick dick making her cum too, as her tits are very sensitive, thus the reason for her wanting to fuck them - for me to violently cum on her slutty face: her blissful expression speaking volumes of how she enjoyed her tits being ravished like this. Which is why she likes facials via titfucks: tits... I mean it's the ultimate compliment to her and how she can make men hard. And want this ultra-slut.
Fuuck that’s so hot~!
Just imagine how horny it makes her to feel your erect cock responsively twitching between her soft mounds of flesh… the way your silky skin glides over the solid diamond underneath that makes up your stiff throbbing shaft. Her sensitive tits can feel every last bit of that as she watches clear pre leak out of your tip that points right at her awaiting blushing face…
She loves how your fingers flick around her bare nipples that have gotten all stiff and excited~!
I’m imagining that with that pic now… fucking Unf…
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Titlicious Rariwhore:
>Jogs past frat houses on purpose so they can watch her tits deliciously bounce
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