Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Holiday Fics!ITT: Naruto, the death of, data erasure, what's the deal with felquines?, Prejudice. Spite. Bitterness, the G6 prophecy, coverart, that one guy who got cucked by Weird Al, autism-sized size autism, Chinese fics, ???, authors writing the same scenario over and over, Rich Mares North of Canterlot, bugfics, and bald ponies.>/fimfic/ Secret Book ClubThe ninety-second through ninety-sixth books are:>Recommended stories:Tired of authors inserting their fetishes out of nowhere? Fed up with blueball endings? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!New Starter Kit - Starter Kit ->Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread: the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.Userscript for extra features:>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:>Can you pre-read my story?Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.>Additional material for authors:Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - and the English Language - Pancake Recipe -'s tips for anatomically correct clop - a story in motion - criticism ->Various reviews and riffs:Fillyanon's Bookshelf -'s Reviews -'s Reviews - reads fics - Big Master Review List - Guide to Rational Fics - Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - Thread:>>41802344
First for best quartet. just died lol
>>41819407Blyat. I was THIS close to learning Slavspeak and checking out what horsewords the second world had to offer.
>>41819407wtf it's so over
>>41819407>>41819411>>41819432>justIt died few days ago to DNS buggery, use temporarily instead.
>>41819407They're gonna get it working soon
>>41819446we're SO back
>>41819385Let's play a game up either list and see what's the first fanfic you can find that you've read and think is dogshit that doesn't deserve to be recommendedModerately difficult mode: no Anthropology, Friendship Is Optimal, My Little Dashie, or Xenophilia
>>41819460>AAGthat was easy.
7th for fucking Filly in the ass rnAlso, fics for this feel?
>>41819464What the FUCK did I miss?
>>41819465Just run of the mill faggotry.Please be kind, they can't help themselves.
If my mom always made me proofread her pride and prejudice fanfics is it fair if I make her proofread my horse fanfics?
>>41819537If she was the one making you proofread what makes you sure she'd be a good proofreader?
>>41819464You are a pale imitation. But I am glad you propagate my likeness and filename autism like a plague.
>>41819574Forgot my marker of faggotry.
Why does it always have to start like this?And end like this. And also be like this in the middle of the thread. And...
>>41819588Galacon orgy was a bust so everyone's still pent up.
>>41819460 the first two chapters of this like 6-7 years ago and thought it was dry and boring as fuck.
>>41819574I'd make (You) whole, no homo.>>41819608>can't try Netanyahu>somehow manage to get a trial for an alienHuuuuuh.
>>41819588I truly don't understand the circlejerk accusation. What the fuck?We don't stick together because we're arrogant; we do it because, as some of the last enthusiasts of well-crafted proseᅳwith grammar that hasn't gone feral and themes that stretch beyond "Anon Fuck ponies"ᅳwe're practically an endangered species.It's not about superiority; it's about holding ourselves to a standard that, frankly, not everyone on this board can appreciate. Think of us as keepers of a fading art, an ancient guild dedicated to maintaining the flame of complex characters and coherent storylines. Without our little circle, huddled around our flickering candles of literary nuance, that flame would be snuffed out by a wave of greentexts and dime-a-dozen HiE retarded tropes.So no, it's not hubris when we come together to encourage each other. It's survival. It's duty. And if someone has to stand as the last defenders of FIMfiction's soul, well, we're willing to make that sacrifice.
>>41819759Always nice when enough time passes for a pasta to catch you off-guard.
>>41819759>We don't stick together because we're arrogant>proceeds to start a monologue about own superiorityLol
>>41819767Nevermind, I guess I'm retarded
>>41819730I don't see why you're confused. The alien doesn't have the might of four thousand years of a culture of puerile backstabbers behind it.
>>41819759lol. Copypasta worthy. On a related not a feel like discussion quality has declined since we’ve already thoroughly discussed basically of the fics that are good or otherwise interesting by this places standards. We’ve burned through every major line of discussion and chain of logic. Disassembled every fic worth talking about down to its base components. >>41819781What are the anthropological and sociological differences between a Jew and a changeling?
>>41819807Changelings are less love-starved.
>>41819807Changelings have been kicked out of fewer places for their behavior.
>>41819807It takes great stupidity and an even greater arrogance to say anything like that.
>>41819807People want to fuck changelings
>>41819821Counterpoint: Tara Strong. Also, my DMs.
>>41819834Also, Moxie.
>>41819834People want to fuck changelings because they're changelings.People want to fuck Tara Strong in hopes of her doing the Twilight voice in bed.Those are not the same.
>>41819858I want to fuck her because she's an archetypal bimbo actually.
Our local retard, everyone!>>41819838
>>41819858I want to fuck bug butt because I think I can redeem her.
>>41819868There's no such thing as bad publicity.
>>41819858>implying you wouldn't ask a changeling to do the Twilight voice
>>41819871There's only like 4 and only two are annoyingly vocal about it.
>>41819868If only he stopped posting. Permanently.
>>41819882>only voice
>>41819892Imagine adult Twilight's voice cumming from her filly self.
>>41819892>>41819882Remember, this is canon.
>>41819892Do you think after reforming changelings make bank as sex workers
>>41819957Sperm bank
>>41819957If by sex work you mean secretly working to manipulate society over generations to make changeling partners the de facto superior standard to the point every other species breeds itself into extinction, yes.
Since it’s on topic, best changeling fics?
>>41819974You always ask this, and the answer is always Bug minus 2 chapters.
>>41819974Changeling of the Guard
>>41819979I’ve literally never asked this before, who are you talking about schizo?
>>41819979Wait what? Which is the 2nd chapter that shouldn't be read?
>>41819973Unfortunately shapeshifting yourself into that race to breed with that race just produces a pony of that race.
>>41819957No, nobody wants to fuck reformed changelings, and the people who say otherwise are too obnoxious themselves for fagbugs to handle.
>>41819974I liked the latest tailso fic.
>>41819974A Bug on a Stick.As >>41819979 said, skip the "prequel" fic and the last "epilogue" chapter, because they're separate from the main story and only try to ruin it.Other than Bug, In Sheep's Clothing was also pretty good.>>41820006I bet he meant the prequel/sequel story.
>>41819999Lurk more you phoneposting faggot undeserving of the quads.
>>41820024The "prequel" has 2 chapters by itself though.>>41820013Superior pony genetics confirmed.>>41820000
I can’t recognize 100% of the posters here. Could some of you make an effort and choose a flag or a gimmick? Thanks.
>>41820024>In Sheep's ClothingForgot about that fic. There should be a list of all of the previous fics that have been read in the bookclub added to the op post.
>>41820040I express my gimmick through my writing.
>>41820040My posting style is so variable I may as well have multiple personality disorder.
Is there an L word with a definition along the lines of 'aggravating', or maybe more accurately instigator'? Need it for a chapter title. I'm currently using 'Loudmouth' and I don't exactly hate but it doesn't fit completely.
>>41820071-Livewire-Loose cannon (Two words)-Larrikin-Lightning-rod-Lippy
И вce-тaки Фoнoвaя Пoни этo caмый лyчший фaнфик. Tyт и никaких cпopoв нe мoжeт быть.
>>41820141>>41820157Oh, I like Lippy, will probably use that. Thank you.
>>41820163Heeeeт я бyнтapь и я бyдy нeнaвидeть пoпyляpныe фaнфики пoтoмy чтo этo кpyтo
>>41820191Cлoгaн этoгo тpeдa
>>41820163I don't speak reactor but it's certainly the best of the hyperpopular fics, and perhaps the only truly good one.
Fuck off with your Arabic symbols.
Rainbow Dash!
>>41820230I just wrote about her: >>41820206
>>41820255I get the artwork. I write about the artwork.
>>41820240>Perhaps ‘soared’ were an exaggeration -> Perhaps ‘soared’ was an exaggeration>She felt like she were carrying cargo -> She felt like she was carrying cargoYOU HAVE A PROBLEM. A SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT PROBLEM.Also>cutie-mark -> cutie mark.
>>41820293My use of "were" indicates the subjunctive mood, not mistakes. I've consistently hyphenated cutie-mark, and seem to recall looking at official documents before making this decision. Thanks though.
>>41820326You're wrong and dumb.
>>41820519I'm pretty sure I'm not.Did you like the story?
>>41820528Oh I'm not the anon who read it, I'm just tired of the bullshit you're spewing making the rounds.
How do you deal with the fear of not living up to your own expectations regarding your new projects?Not regarding views and that. I've made my peace with none of my stories breaking 30 total votes again.I mean in the sense of feeling your stuff isn't as good as what you made before.
>>41820658I simply read my old stuff and realise it was garbage.
>>41820658I consider each of my stories a success in its own way.
>>41820658You have to believe that you're writing better stories than you used to.I don't mean uncritically ignoring their flaws, but appreciating what you've made and acknowledging that while your previous fics are good, they're surely much more flawed also.Personally, I don't find it hard to convince myself of that, but recently I got a clear vision for a story that I feel woefully incapable of writing well and it's been haunting me all week.
>>41820700Yeah but you've written little.
>>41820819Uh... Yeah?The show is my LITTLE pony.
88th for best duo!Enjoy this conveniently packaged Tuna:
My Big Pony
>>41820863They had sex once and that's how Kirin became a thing.
>>41820877Just another child of Equestria's #1 deadbeat mom
So Celestia runs around fucking up her kids does that mean that Daybreaker, as her inversion, is a caring and attentive mother?
>>41820883Celestia fucks up her kids.Daybreaker just fucks 'em normally.
>>41820883wasn't that Dyx
>>41819807Changelings are actually redeemable
>>41821119Only cause they're fuckable
>>41821119Yes, if you take them to your local Hay Burger, you can redeem a changeling for free hay fries with purchase of a burger.
>>41819460Thread just for bitching and moaning that your fictions will never be as well received as any of these> rel. It's always within the first five posts, a barely concealed circlejerk. shift + click
>>41821146Fics where changelings work in scam call centers?
>>41821191Fics about a changeling phone sex line?
>>41819730>can't try NetanyahuIf I remember the plot right, Chrissy gets hunted down by an Equestrian taskforce since the changelings lack a kingdom, who turn her over to the UN for trial to bolster diplomatic relations since Equestria popped in TCB-style off Australia's coast.>>41820326Officially, it's "cutie mark". Pic related.>>41820658>feeling your stuff isn't as good as what you made beforeI don't have that problem. I have the opposite. Everything made previously is cringy shit I can't stand and question why anyone read it.
>>41821326>Officially, it's "cutie mark". Pic related.Well, fuck. I wonder how I got that idea in my head.I guess I can review my stories and make that adjustment later, or I can just leave it be and change my future work in this respect.
Off the page 9 you go!
>>41819465Anon is just posting his erotic fanfiction.
>review'Empire Apple' is an almost 45k word political drama about Applejack becoming the leader of Equestria.I've never been a fan of reviewing unfinished stories, because you can't truly form an opinion without knowing the end, however, seeing how the author has been absent for more than half a year without even logging into his account, I figured now is as good a time as ever. And man, what a shame it is that this fic was never finished. Obviously I'm a little biased, because it plays exactly into the sort of stuff I like: airships, Applejack, and accidental authoritarianism.While the story's prose occasionally betrays the author's slight inexperience (there's occasionally words missing or almost repetitions very close to each other), the actual narrative reads surprisingly compelling. Both the Princesses and all of the M6, except for our favourite farm pony have been sucked into hammerspace in a cataclysmic event and now AJ is faced with the double whammy of both needing to run Equestria and prepare for yet another event that might mess things up even worse. As expected, she alone isn't capable of achieving this, so from the get-go ponies of better and worse intentions show up to assist her. What I really like about this setup is that despite AJ being the seat of power, she never feels completely in control. She doubts her benefactors, goes off-script when she feels like they are trying to mislead ponies through her, and even ends up being nearly betrayed. It feels realistic in a way I haven't seen in many fics. You always feel that proverbial sword hanging above the characters head due to both the mistrust and the fact that they are on a *very* stringent schedule before almost-literal-hell breaks loose.I feel the only real weakness of this story is that a lot happens off-screen and that sometimes results in single-sentence resolutions of topics that could've been interesting to learn more about. For instance, with the Princesses gone, not all ponies immediately accept AJ as Il Poneche, yet we don't really see them being convinced, instead we just have some of AJ's partners go off and fix it. I guess it's not the main point of the story, but still.And, that's more or less what I can say about the fic... Again, it's unfinished and with the author gone, I figure we're unlikely to see the rest, which is a shame because the story was just getting real good. I suppose if you don't mind the literary blue balling, it's still worth a shot to see what could have been. No score this time.
>>41821874It also has a very funny "Also liked" column.Since you weren't posting when it happened, do you have any idea what sort of search engine fuckery happened to your Maiden Voyage? It kept hanging in the 'Popular Stories' box for almost two unbroken months starting in the middle of October. It's doubly strange because while it did get a couple likes (though presumably from main page exposure), it's nowhere near proportional to the absurd amount of referrals it accrued over that time.
>>41821672She's so rapeable.
>>41821912>It also has a very funny "Also liked" column.I can kinda see why Witless would be there, but the other one... Is mare abuse political intrigue?>what sort of search engine fuckery happened to your Maiden VoyageNo clue, Anon. I did notice it myself, even when I wasn't actively engaging in pone, I was checking Fimfic every once in a while. My only guess is that maybe it was getting just enough clicks a day to keep its heat, but not enough engagement to get back into the sandbox.I am surprised that out of all my stories that would be the one to get sleeper attention.
>>41821874>Empire Apple>Dangerously close name to a title I wanted for a story I'll probably never writeAm I safe or unsafe, hm.
>>41821326>off Australia's coastNew Zealand is Equestria?
>>41822208Why do you think Gaben wanted to go there so bad?