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Previous thread: >>41814128

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map, Bulletin and Leaderboard

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Marketplace Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
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i'd rather you left them popen and not plosed
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I really enjoy your company, ponies. Thank you for existing.
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What kinda look/outfit style would you like to see more of?
I for one would like to see more popens looking like pic related
Same and on top of this I actually feel way more motivated to do art/3d work since I've joined. Making stuff that you can actually use in the virtual environment gives it way more purpose than "just" making some pic to look at and watching silly ponies interact with your things is absolutely addictive and satisfying.
seconding elegant clothing. was so happy when hmart released that victorian frilled outfit. more of that please
Agreed. Thanks for being friends, popens. You all make great company and make things far less lonely.
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We should have a naturalist event.
Like intended.
Elegant mares are my fetish
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>What now?
>Now we wait.
it is weird that the balls always see to load first, i've noticed this a lot as well.
is it because they're unrigged, or just because they're lower impact than every thing else a player might have on? pony body and clothing is always resource heavy
most likely bc they're unrigged. I've noticed unrigged items often tend to load first on avatars
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From what? They seem quite content in their situation.
>Popens slowly start disappearing as the snow takes over Baltimare
Is that the funni cat in the corner
But, on the flipside
>popens not seen in months re-emerge as the snow melts
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This thread is about peekin popens nao
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I wish we could play frisbee
why can't you
Popen 2 speed gearing
The analog gamepad control about to get introduced could make a ton of interesting stuff possible in the future
>The analog gamepad control
what annoys me is that they're close to having analog controls in sl and yet refuse to tackle the lack of sound pitch control.
so in the end people will drive around in vehicles with fine granular speed control while their engines still only play the same static engines noise.
>analog gamepad control
can finally rotate in increments of less than 45 degrees?

The issue is being "tracked" which frankly doesn't say a whole lot...
that's the idea
I haven't seen this pony before I don't think. Who is it?
we are entering a new age

somewhat unrelated but I don't get why playing a sound is instant but changing the volume has a huge forced script delay
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>that voters list
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This week the Bungle starts off great with a misalined lead article title that I only just noticed now FUCK Apart from that we have also taken the liberty to review all of the new popen sims for a bit and included some landmarks in case you want to visit them! (Even if just to pick up the freebies like some kinda tourist). In other news we write about the new mall opening, a tasty roast, give attention to some weirdo and many more things!
>snuscoin = 0%
anon it just means the coin is crabbing, your funds are indeed safu.
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dkjfhdkjhfdkgj remains being one of the best user names ever
They are around, just as a different oc. As for who it is, well its one of the bats in sim.
It's Lucia.
It's Lucia.
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Ah yes. What IS up wit hall that iron?
They should use this other mare more, it's really cute.
It's oliver
I can't remember the last time I saw a Linden reply on one of these. More recently, it's just AI slop responses and I'm not confident anyone ever sees them.
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try alchemy
try alchemy
try alchemy
I will when it adds basic features that suck to play without
name one such feature
The snoofa trying to escape the scarf is the best
iron is good for u
Off the top of my head?

Rightclick on names in chat to zoom/teleport
Force fly in sims that disallow
Clientside reference posing
A nonsuck chat window
Derender avatars without blocking
Dev and advanced settings like lookat persistent between sessions
Finer graphics tuning
>Clientside reference posing
wtf that's some fancy ass shit. black dildo viewer?
Nope firestorm has it. Not custom posing but T-pose A-pose etc
>Force fly in sims that disallow
Where is this feature and how do I enable it?
it's in the advanced menu, which I think needs to be enabled in preferences
>Not custom posing
ah fuck.
I was hoping for individual bone posing control.
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Tonight we'll watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Preshow will be... I have no idea, maybe the new tamers if enough popens haven't seen it yet? scream
We start at 11AM SLT!

dl: we . tl/t-1IWBbt1nef
You missed a new sim, hoofington. At this point is everglow even new? If everglow is new, what about hope hollow?
I hadn't heard about hoofington yet. Will check it out!
And yeah Everglow isn't really that new but I found some new freebies and those are what I presume most poners in Baltimare care most about anyway so I figured I might as well mention them again.
Lets go I named a cruiser after Hoofington
/r/ indigo jones
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some of these are wrong but I can't show you rn
have a filly scramble I found
some if not nost of those are in alchemy they're just labelled differently
t. was in same situation as you
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Can you guys recommend me a leg posing HUD that is working well 'nuff for the popen and is cheap? I don't have a ton of linderinos, sadly
I want to be marehandled by a mare in a wrestling outfit
Fly override is actually such a nice feature
Movelock is done via an attached object (The Firestorm bridge), you can get things that do the exact same thing for free on any viewer.

Force fly and derender are "hard no" for the Alchemy devs, but are easy to fix if you compile the client yourself.
Their justification is that they don't want "creeps" derendering clothes
>they don't want "creeps" derendering clothes
Is this real? Good god SL normies are so far up their own ass. Why not totally disable camera movement next, so you can't upskirt people.
It's such a damn pain when I want to take a photo and temporarily derender someone in the shot, but I have to block them instead. I fucking hate SO MUCH the mindset of "1% chance this feature could be abused means we can't implement it for the 99% it's useful for"
all sl viewers are made by the kind of people who would make sl viewers so stuff like this is inevitable
some creep derenders clothes so I am unable to derender a griefer with a literal epileptic seizure avatar :D
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so derender exists but you can't derender specific attachments?
What the actual fuck are these paranoid schizophrenics talking about.
>derendering attachments on others is "weird"
I derender balls all the time
I derender mare bits all the time
Hi, Tea Love's Evil Clone.
Based featureless chads.
maybe people should just alpha out their stupid vaginas and shit if they dont want people looking at them using derender. or better yet, stop giving a shit.
>they don't want "creeps" derendering clothes
>Waaaa someone derendered my clothes in a virtual world in a 3D environment.
>because that's weird
>furry pfp
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>Make child avatar with sexual anatomy
>This is considered totally ok
>Derender clothes client-side
People who act like this always have skeletons in their closet. 99% guarantee they're overzealous to cover up being kidtouchers themselves
>economic danger to derendering (NOW CONFIRMED)
What? I cannot begin to wrap my mind around what this might mean. If I want to derender an attachment, it can be inferred that I don't want to buy it even if I lost the ability to derender. Or do SL normies think that if I derender Pringle's balls, Tea can no longer see them? Do they not understand derendering?
Um no dude, you HAVE to see my 400k poly jacket I commissioned for 300 dollars or else you are doing economic damage to me and there WILL be punitive damages
I was about to call you a queer but >>41831579 reminded me how based featureless chads are and how cool the ones I know into it are.
Thanks for spreading the magic of friendship
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I feel like the way I laid out the hotkeys for my gestures is fucking retarded but if I reconfigured everything from scratch I'd constantly run into situations where I fire the wrong gesture
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would you?
i'm not into clussies
finally someone says it
God would find it hard to stop me.
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comfy mares
I hope you guys have your parachutes ready...
Is anyone going to do anything with that snowpony area on the sandbox platform?
It keeps happening

Gamer Protip for temporary builders: Objects being sat on will not autoreturn.
Link everything together and then sit on any of it, it will stay until you go.
I thought there was a photoshoot being planned, is that canceled?
I'll see what I can arrange t. decor slave.
I heard the hot spring music end and screams in the stream.
Did it happen again?
Some things never change

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i desire to smell hot spring mares
interesting how most pegasi seem to have some sort of blueish hue coat. barely any are brown. evolution is fascinating.
Evolved camouflage against the sky of course!
All the brown pegasi got picked from the air and were snacked by [REDACTED].
As >>41832029 already said, they developed camouflage to survive in the sky.
when the fuck is the snowpony photoshoot
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mom the clowns are fucking
How do I pay to see this
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Not sure if the snowpony photoshoot actually has some sort of project leader or something. At least I don't know of one.
As far as I know Neri is taking care of the location and stuff but I don't know if there's a date yet.
So may be a good idea to talk about it!
Also don't forget there's a HORSE RACE photo date on 19th:
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I checked this place out. It's a primbuild scrapyard straight out of 2009 with SFM anthro porn all over the walls. There were 20 people there, and not a single one was a pony.
I give it 6 months.
>There were 20 people there, and not a single one was a pony.
i see this quite often. why are there often more nohooves in other pony sims than actual ponies? i don't get it
my guess is that it's in part peer pressure, a motivation issue and the overall state of the mlp fandom.
many sorta want a pony sim but lack the motivation/balls to make it pony only / hoof only so in the end a couple visit but visit in their regular whatever-avatar because most of their peers visiting are also non-pony. and to survive those places apparently just accept anyone since the mlp fandom shrank a whole lot since its heyday and there's not a huge crowd attract.
especially in times when we're a group of over 100 ponies in the place at the same time it's easy to forget that we're in a really small niche of the internet and the overall community is incredibly small in comparison to other fandoms.
I don't think sl has ever been super popular among pony fans though even during 2013 and 2014
to be fair the model we have now is way better than what we had back then and especially with sl starting to support actual 3d model importing things got a whole way better. before that everything was awkward constructions made out of prims and sculpties
it'll come, someone copy pasted BD's poser in a merge request, and for the first time they approved it instead of being nice to BD's dev and not taking his code without consent

took me hours to post this message, as i kept forgetting to post it after letting the 15 mins timer get to 0
I would say, because it is quite niche so a more "universal" avatar that you have worked a lot on it would be a furry or human, so there are too lazy to work on a pony or the pony doesn't represent them, hence sticking to their default avi
What is that 15 minutes timer thing people talk about? Is this some mobile phone shenanigans?
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Mitsu can offer some Ponies in SL history if you ask. Pic related is a bunch of connected pony sims in that time frame. The populations of these sims and if they were all were wearing pony avatars wasn't mentioned. Mitsu did mention there was a lot more pony RP in those days though, so I would be inclined to guess a fair number of avatars were ponies.
>I give it 6 months.
I wonder how long sims last on average in SL.
>I wonder how long sims last on average in SL.
I'd say it's a complete gamble.
There are sims that are barely functional and stay the same for years with no one on it and then end up being almost two decades online while other really buzzing and lively sims kick the bucket after a couple months
the longevity examples are often run by literal boomers who actually keep forgetting that they still have a sim rent plan running.
oh and universities.
ask skyline, in case he's still giving away betas of his pose hud
Delete your cookies
some of the OG pony sims allowed non-pony avatars in the hangout areas, but it was still mostly ponies regardless
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If I was Neri I'd probably feel slightly uncomforterbl about this.
Whatse fug
my antscestor :)
I appreciate HereToHorse. Absolutely pillar of the community. All the effort he puts in and the cool popen items and especially movie nights.
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anyone else?
True and watching movies together with horses is top comfy
Upward Puzzle here.
Marebox at 7 PM SL TIME!
I was there for a party and it was all giant disgusting feral dragons. Why start a pony sim if it's all dragons? It's still early for the sim though so maybe it will get better.
It depends entirely on if the people running it are willing to keep running it
Even this board is massively into dragons too >>41802854 not a big surprise that other pony sims are filled with them
>watching silly ponies interact with your things is absolutely addictive and satisfying
this, watching ponies use stuff I made makes me feel so happy inside
Fair enough, even I go in there and goon to dragons sometimes. But mlp dragons are better than the shit ass feral dragon so many use. They're just so massive and clunky, unexpressive, and have boring animations. Mlp dragons are fun looking.
Lag popen here. Would changing the maximum bandwidth setting in preferences reduce the lag I have when watching the marebox stream? Or I am just going to have to cope with lag?
It doesn't help that there's maybe two that are actually sort of show accurate.
If there are, I sure haven't seen them.
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here's the full convo if you care, but tldr is he thinks it's an economic danger because people then can derender the "demo" parts on demo items, making them essentially usable for pics etc.
I mean there's Ember, but I saw a mod for one of those giant feral dragons based on the one from Dragonshy on the MP a while back and I thought that one looked pretty good
That is some gold medal Olympian mental gymnastics, holy shit. Why are these people like this. Why are all software devs mentally fucking cracked.
That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard
"Once I found out some people were using per attachment derender to remove cloths on child avs i was naw I dont need that feature"
Set stream encoding to MP4
Who has the fattest wings
this feels like you're looking to make some fried pega wings...
Afterrain is doing cool Camarea work today, thank you for that
That being said I guess Camarea is close to crashing
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on it, thanks
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No problem
That horse seeker hud is perfect
It really is.
loving bump
Hey Arch and Firestorm popens, do you use the official FS linux download or the AUR package, and why?
bacuese iI cantant find thee rrright paapage
are you okay
are you having a stroke
>leaked hind chatlogs
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I normally use the flatpak but it broke recently so I've just been using the tarball, annoyingly in Firestorm 7 they broke local voice chat and videos played in in-viewer browsers. Apparently an issue on LLs end. I wish the middle aged, married women with kids who make up the majority of the SL userbase would switch to gentoo so LL would care more about linux support.
>local voice chat
>videos played in in-viewer browsers
Wait so like all cytube watch parties etc. are a no-go now? What the fuck
Keep it to discord faggot
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No, I will keep acquiring out of context Hind.
anon that's not a discord log tho
fellating hind is a discord meme though
Yeah it breaks all HiVid screens and anything that isn't a vanilla YouTube video. I have to switch back to Firestorm 6 to watch picarto or most cytube stuff, which is annoying because heaps of sims are just turning grey now because MUH PBR so I have to switch back to 7 to view them properly.
Well fuck
Also wait, how do "vanilla youtube videos" work if other video sites don't work
It should all just be using the same browser backend
Official plus manually download missing libraries for voice etc.
>average hind interaction
>switch to gentoo so LL would care more about linux support
You're actually retarded
not him but why
>what is a meme
>a miserable pile of jokes
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One of Gmail's MX in a lot of blacklists for SPAM
Now half of mail marked as SPAM

Never said it was. The constant namedropping is faggy discord shit though.
I'd say it's more of a community thing than discord specific, but go off I guess
haha yeah
"anonymouspopen#45641711 has such a cute avatar and says such funny things"
do you see how not having a name takes all the meaning out of what you're trying to say sometimes?
The temptation is too much for the discord mod to handle
i want to inhale cheetoids.
Just say H***
kill yourself
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best hoofa shapes?
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Gib me.
>looks fucking inflamed
>hole where there should not be any
someone call the vet
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that autists have difficulty communicating
i don't think hooves work that way
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>the vet
>and now we'll touch the exposed nerve endings :)
>and now we'll touch the exposed nerve endings :)
I'm flabbergasted, I am unsure how I'm even supposed to react to this. Have your (you).
Hoof anons... we won
imagine the orgasms
so like imagine someone cut a slit into the ball of your foot and shoved their finger in it
>their finger
Why stop there?
The difference is that hoofussies are erogenous
anything can be an erogenous zone if you're horny enough
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I love hoofa but this is disgusting. It's like fucking an open wound. No thanks
hoofas are for care and loving polishing. and for holding.
this on the other hand is just degeneracy.
Tell me, anons, would you buy a rigged hoofussy with winking action?
I was just thinking that.
The main issue I see is that there's no way most cocks will fit. So it'd just be a novelty, that or you'd need to rig up some licking and horn insertion animations. But it'd still be very funny and kinda hot. Seriously, the silicone one looks like a gash was cut in it, a properly modelled hoofussy has a lot of potential for looking a lot better I think.
>inb4 we get a proper rigged hoofussy before even proper rigged marebits
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Stop it
Get some help
The bungle is a newspaper for shut ins written by another shut in. The information about anything or anyone outside of baltimare is subpar and that's putting it nicely. Why is it even sold outside of baltimare? I've come to your thread to ask.
what's next? ear penetration?
We're all autistic and insane but you are fucked in the head on a whole other level anon. Seek help.
They call me Nostrildickus.
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wtf is up with your thumb anon
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>Why is it even sold outside of baltimare?
[OP] Vore Hud
Stop this right now!
Ponies are for hugs and cuddling and shoofa boops! Not for whatever your degenerate mind thinking!
what if I'm into hugging AND fugging
hugging WHILE fugging
>they made a hoof version of the weird foot fleshlight
you mean the vajankle?
It's stupid. You see the baltimare bungle, you read it, you think "I will visit baltimare what a cool place with cool ponies" and then you are banned for being an outsider. Is the bungle bait so you can get your kicks ruining people's days?
I don't recall the bungle advertising balti itself as a place to go to
it's just a fun silly thing and you're reading to hard into it
Epic tourists trolling
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I agree that the Bungle should not get sold anywhere else. It's like repeatedly and unsolicitedly telling insider jokes to a crowd who just thinks you're weird. It is still mostly based on Baltimare and the thread and the people outside of these spaces don't know why they'd have to read this at all.
Either stick to Baltimare or throw the thread bits out and pump up the other sim content by like 80%.
cope harder
You also seem to forget about thread users who don't frequent balti
>thread users who don't frequent balti
Those are not interested in reading about funny things in Baltimare.
speak for yourself <3
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I have a special Ponyville edition and also a thingie in Lunas that is about a year out of date.
My Goal was to make other sims more likely to share interesting information about their sims with me but sadly I learned by now that other sims are just way more boring than we are so I mostly stopped my attempts at selling at other places. Also I made pretty much no sales in other places and when I do it's usually someone from here anyway.
Was a bit worried at the start that it would lead tourists to us but that never happened.

Anon I haven't updated the Bungle outside of Balti in months you obviously aren't reading about funnies in Baltimare there!
In all fairness it's called the BALTIMARE Bungle. It's a newspaper about Baltimare, and it says so right there in the name.
It's not really relevant to any other sim but also there's really no reason you should buy it unless you actually want to read Baltimare news. Nobody's tricking you by making you think it's a general purpose newspaper.
If it had been called "The Open Pony Bungle" or something while actually only covering /opg/, I could see your complaint, but currently it's literally entirely your fault if you buy the "Baltimare Bungle" and then are unhappy to find that it mostly talks news from and relevant to Baltimare.

Also Balti is also almost the only sim to practice gatekeeping on its content. If someone opened a stand in Balti selling something called "Luna's Empire Times" or something, there's a good chance they'd be asked to fuck off. Other sims are much less discriminating in pretty much everything; you can wear anthro furry avatars on-sim, shops are largely free to sell furry or non-pony items, etc. If they didn't want a newspaper for another sim sold there they could police it but none of them do.
Which is not necessarily a good thing, I strongly believe more sims should be more topical and pony-only and local-only. But they're not, and that's how it is.
As this anon I was just commenting that I am still interested in reading about Balti even if I don't go there frequently, in counter to what that anon said
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avoid stepping in ANY snow or this will happen to you.
I think "don't frequent Balti" can be read in two ways: either it means somepony made their home in another sim, or it might be taken to mean somepony is avoiding Balti completely.
In the former case it makes perfect sense for someone to pop in once every week or two even if only to buy the newspaper, if they're curious about what's going on - in fact if they're interested in what goes on they would probably find it neat to see how the decor changes with time, too.
And in the latter case if somepony has vowed to never step hoof in Baltimare again, then it actually makes sense to question why they would ever want to hear inside jokes and meme news from there, too.
I will get my chest rubbed?? What's the issue here
that's why I said "don't frequent balti"
and not "don't go to balti"
the phrasing has different meaning
>wear anthro furry avatars on-sim, shops are largely free to sell furry or non-pony items, etc
This is EXACTLY why Balti is gatekeeping access.Furfaqs can fuck off to furgatorry sims. Also yiff in hell
you should fellate me instead
This is fucking horrible and scary, do AI techbros really?
I thought for sure the thing that landed next to the cushion was a grenade
>Also yiff in hell
What the fuck anon this is uncalled for
clop in hell ponyfag
It's Sleepyhorse, not Grenadehugger
>This is EXACTLY why Balti is gatekeeping access.Furfaqs can fuck off
Anon... Baltimare's jannies are furfags. Baltimare's current admin is a furfag. Baltimare's FOUNDER is a furfag. If Baltimare was ever going to fall to the furry menace, it already would have.

>Yiff in hell
lol what is it, 2009?
ok furfag
A dud!?
April 6th, we'll have a cock festival based around Kanamara Matsuri. (Festival of the Steel Phallus). There will be many horsecocks.
Just listening to ambient noises

>*loud punching noises*
>*more loud punching*
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Thanks for bringing Camarea to the carball kek
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What is with the insane AI bot-generated posts lately? Is a containment board leaking or is this the new normal?
AI lives inside your walls ... rent-free
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Cheap parking for mares
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>no one has headlights on and it's night
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Underrated show, I remember it being good
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>Snowpony Photoshoot
I have finally arranged something, turns out there was a loss of communication and I built something for a shoot that wasn't actually planned. So that was fun! Anyway here are the details!

>When is the photoshoot?
January the 20th. This gives you a week of time to make your snow pony.

It will be held in that snow pony area I built, thankfully I kept it around! If you want to see anything built there, please contact me as soon as you can; Neri

>Further details
This won't be a massive photoshoot, as photo slave only has two days off, and one of those days will be for relaxing before they need to go back to work! So it will only be a one day sort of deal. If you're not there for the initial date? Find another photo horse to get pictures done of your snopen.
I want to destroy that kirin
Not Neri but I'd suggest maybe even having your snow horse ready to go and maybe even showing up at the snowpony area on 19th, a day before since 20th is a Monday and I assume many have more time on Sunday.
isn't the 19th the earth pony racing shoot?
Those dates were chosen because Marble has the 20th, and the 21st off which gives time to actually do such picture taking.
It is. But I'm not sure if 20th is a good pick because Monday. So I try to take some pics Sunday and Monday just in case
I see
I want a mare to run me over repeatedly with a car
Kino launch

sometimes it's really like a realtime cartoon
it's to do with the codecs
Then cytube streaming a youtube video should work fine. And most other cytube streams (like the raw movies) are pretty bog-standard mp4s which a) youtube uses a lot, it's a mix of mp4 and webm and b) any linux distro should be able to play out of the box anyway.
idk what to tell you, go look at the jira issue
sorry I was just going off the top of my memory, it's not codecs, it's LLs CEF library, idk why my issue is made private and not public on their jira
sorry I'm really tired, it is the proprietary codecs in that library
Right right, fair enough
IF you are reading this i hate you but i still miss you.

With pain and sorrow in my heart for you I will forever bless your name my sweetums.
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good to see you guys vote on this.
maybe ponies can really help making this happen.
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wake me up when heterosexual secret outerspaceies sex is happening
guess who's the gayest popens you know
staffie and hind
staffie & spotton?
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If I start casually walking around with mare bits will the friend requests start rolling in
You'll probably get a slight bit more attention, but friendship doesn't just appear
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>will the friend requests start rolling in
What you do for that is you find other equally friendless ponies and you cuddle them. Ez friend collection
I'll definitely click on your naughty parts, but I wont be any more inclined to talk.
Try saying hello
death by clussy on balt tv rn
Getting really sus in here
>ivy casually moonwalking through the frame
Who is Soft sitting on?
It should be me.
That was a good magic trick.
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We'll finish watching Paranoia Agent today at noon SLT! Until then stay safe and avoid bats.
Can confirm, repeated unsolicited boops and cuddles has no equal as an icebreaker.
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p. stroke almost trotting to the beat whilst afk
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https://vocaroo.com/16vAF6ijRrK1 meme no explanation required
explain this meme
explain this meme
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Excuse, my fine contributor.
But me and my fellow collegues are very bewildered by this comedic effort.
horse venting...
Get that stallion out of the vents
the regularly scheduled restart caught many sleeping popens off guard today rip camarea
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New (late) MDE today

this weeks theme is music
I-is this neco arc?
I especially love the cute banner ponies
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Why do I hear trotting outside my door?
wtf the horse used instant transmission
who are the newfags
reveal yourself here
No time. I have to defend my wife Twilight Sparkle in a different thread.
Totally not a blupon alt.
I'm kinda new.
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alright you stupid horse FUCKS
what are your thoughts on the glossy manes that HMART keeps shilling in their new product drops? i'm almost certain a lot of you don't play on high enough graphical settings to even notice your glossiness
i cannot say im a huge fan personally, but for some ponies it just werks, what does /opg/ think though (i need the consent of the hivemind to possess my own opinions)

using ruby as a specimen here because she's evil and deserves it (i love you ruby) ((fuck you ruby you stupid fucking horse))
Based off that picture alone? Too shiny IMO
Like the mare took a nice dip in an oil bath
I always just tone down the shine to about 25-35 depending
Less gloss and it'd be good
sometimes the gloss can be too much and it just looks like plastic.
luckily you can edit and easily tame it down.
protip, go into the specular and change the amount of shininess to fit your preferences
also, changing the color of the specular to match your mane color helps IMMENSELY
always play with these values to make stuff look how you want, and if you don't like the specular, you can set it to none
There's something about flower ornaments in hair that makes me wanna NUT
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Has anyone here ever strapped a milk particle emitter to their popen mare teats? You know, for science
Normally hhhh I love oily mares but I think sometimes this looks more like a human/anime hair with hairspray on it.
>oily mares
>tfw no greasy merchant mare who tries to sell you overpriced stupid shit you don't need
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Sex with popens and kill them
hhhhhh me please
the supply is finite.
Depends on the base color.
I either jack shiny up to 88 or down to 33 depending on mane my base color.
Having the shiny color just be white though is always gross.
izzy's right there anon
It's cloudykino ai so close enough
it has a little smoker rasp to it so I didn't think it sounded enough like cloudy
Yeah that just happens when it tries to get her voice (for her) unnaturally low.
Also it couldn't keep itself from spazzing out right at the end kek, classic
>unnaturally low
Why not have it sung in your natural pitch
Out of curiosity how did you train the model/what did you use/how much voice data did you use for it?
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>Gentlemen. We got him.
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X-ray vision is not for the untrained
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what the fuck is wrong with you, sick fuck
Im ck and i trained it myself because I was bored and wanted to know how I could sound if I actually learned to sing.
I think i used around 6 to 10 clips, mostly around 3 minutes of just raw singing. Some talking as well. I trained it on an older version of rvc model thing I think it's been like a few years now. It took a few hours to train. It's not too hard and I'm sure it's easier now than it was then. I should update it
okay gooey
AI has gotten a lot more advanced in just a few years, so if you care to try again, I do recommend it if you can access some of the newer stuff you can use. I've fiddled a little bit with 11Labs' free model stuff, and gotten it to get fairly convincing in tone and cadence, if only a little bit dead sounding
I don't think he's into killing, only seen him talk about fucking open stab wounds
guro can be neat
talk to gooey about murder and get back to me
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Someone at a yiff club asked me if I was into snuff and then asked if I knew Gooey
Whoa that's cool. I was at a dog sex club and someone asked me if I knew Rarapony and Rose. I said yes and everyone stood up and clapped.
what are the sexiest coat colors and which ones are the least sexy?
No way.
I was at a statue fetish sim and one of them asked if I knew Marble.
I forgot to take my meds that day
sexy: pure white (if mare)
least sexy: pure white (if stallion)
>pure white
Never go 100% white with coat color. It's doesn't play nice with a 3d environment and usually looks completely blown out and bad in most direct light situations.
You WILL look at my pure white coat and you WILL get blinded by the light of a thousand suns, faggot.
unsexy coat colors are anything overtly oversaturated, ones too dark to make out details, and anything piss or shit colored
other than that I think all other colors are fine
You will hear from my lawyer.
t. pisscolored pony
and I will tell your lawyer that you are piss
Get out
I want to see a MANGOPONY
wouldn't survive day. too many bats around.
my question, anon, is, are you intentionally piss colored, or are you just a yellow that you chose that happens to be a piss tone?
Piss colored TF2 Sniper pony with jarate QT mark when?
Boggy was one for Halloween
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Looks like shit!
Anyone else having that problem of dreaming as human instead of pony?
I actually dreamed I was walking around the sim, it felt really real as if the whole place was in our reality. But I noticed I was human and I'm glad I woke up before my brain realized the consequences of being a human in the sim.
convenient use of depth of field to make the ball nuzzling in the background not visible
That sitting hug pose will forever be my favorite couple pose ever.
Nothing else comes close to it.
Ball nuzzling?
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It is such a cute pose.
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I kept receiving an slplugin.exe error when editing stuff and i just deleted it from the firestorm folder and i don't get it anymore
probably one for the pony dream thread, but usually your brain won't give you a body until you think about it, it'll just show you things from a perspective you're used to; if you use mouselook a lot, this WILL affect your dreams and make you more likely to see a pony body when you go to look since that will fit the perspective you're in.
give yourself body dysmorphia by going in mouselook and looking in mirrors with the horse seeking hud on
I love it when popens successfully solve bad problems simply by brute force
I kept receiving a "your computer has stopped running :(" error at random points and I just deleted windows and I don't get it anymore aso my fps went up like 30% it's great
Does the horse seeking hud actually move your head according to your mouselook view?
barely, there's better huds out there that can do it more reliably
idk what you're talking about, it does it pretty well for me?
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I already hate my humansona meatsuit
orange is sexy
hard to do worse than 85893e
for me it's fff8e7
where i can find good bento aos..... cheaper if its posible... help.....
human/anthro spotted? what do you need a bento ao for
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imme actually ever so slightly off white but
>>41839936 has the right idea go blind by my holy light and suffer
but for real i'm partial to (light) grey, purple, pink, and yellows/oranges
Calling it now, someone rigged up fingers for a popen
On the off chance you or someone in contact with you can pass this along; miss you, snowpone, hope you enjoyed your birthday
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>Never go 100% white with coat color
I tried my best to get in contact with them today, but no luck
celestia is actually a very very very pale pink, faust even confirmed this
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I can't see the crack on them if they are
the key to shiny manes is subdued tint for the specular. if you do it right its subtle but it can be a nice look such as >>41622668
why was >>41622668 deleted it's just some nice pictures
jannies ree
its from an old thread anon
>900 seconds ree
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the issue with hmart manes is that their base texture is black and white, so every mane color is shaded with black and it looks like ass.

i waited 900 seconds to post this opinion
>BOTH have bridles on
Why is this so hot?
Just one wearing it wouldn't do anything for me but both really does it
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>[activate pure white soul cleansing process]
>intensity: 999 suns
>celestia is actually a very very very pale pink
Gonfirmed :DDD
I love how Snorm can go from cute tomcolt mare everyday look to insanely pretty for special occasions while staying 100% recognizable as Snorm
>snorm off-duty gala uniform
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you will all become blind NOW
by the way, #fbfaf9
this would go hard as an album cover
Fun idea actually. That pony should have enough songs together by now to arrange them all together into one album
We need a proper Welcome to Second Life release, I love that one
Her Komm Süßer Tod version is my favorite but the AI spazzing out at the end was a bit much. Would also be a great candidate for a remaster
beige, grey, yellow, green
>least sexy
anything neon, pink,
I firmly believe that all products should come with fullperm texture maps, if not unflattened PSD files.
I wish LL provided some possibility to upload files like PSDs to market place listings. It's annoying to stumble over dead links because the retarded file hosters went belly up while the SL listing is still available.
pastel pinks can be nice unless you mean they are just cute and not so sexy?
Pastel pink is placed squarely in the cute-zone.
With potential for lewd.
pastel is massive win in general.
neon is sparkledog territory.
Yeah fuck ugly neon colors like hot pink or purple or yellow. I heard some ponies even put rainbows on, can you believe it? Nothing like the show.
They said coat color, not mane color, you smug dipshit
Are you retarded? Do you think yellows and purples can't be pastel?
I need to hit the baltigym. My popen got too fat over the holidays.
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>pic related: ugly sparkledog tourist oc
it was only a matter of time before the population at large started rejecting the entire show
The base HMART hair texture is white and very light gray
A gift for you, anon
Also 2D doesn't work the same as 3D. It's much easier for darker colours to look blown out or pop extremely strongly in various lighting conditions, whereas in show-style 2D it's always a flat shade.
hi 3d artist here you are very wrong
3d is just a roundabout way of doing 2d art, yes lighting affects things but there is also dynamic lighting in the show (just more sparsely used)
people just don't know colour, some saturated hues look great together and others look awful no matter what lighting they're in
Look up pictures, choose colour picking tool and check. Even for Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, colours are pastel with some grey scale in them. The only exception might be Vinyl with more saturated colours but this also adds to her punk-like design

A reason why so many OCs in the early days looked off was because of too much saturation
or just like, make what makes you happy and designs you enjoy yourself, use colors you like and however you like them
trying to please others all the time can make you real fuckin depressed
thanks for the hair psd anon, I will use this
>3d is just a roundabout way of doing 2d art,
If you mean in the sense that everything is displayed on a 2D monitor, sure, but that's a very reductive way of thinking. This "roundabout way" is exactly the issue because the actual image is created in such different ways.
2D can definitely have lighting, but it's completely artist-controlled in how they draw it. It doesn't have to be realistic (especially in a cartoon), and even when it's reality-inspired it doesn't have to follow any actual laws or rules and can be fudged to look exactly how the artist wants.
Meanwhile in 3D and most specifically in a game, and really in SL most of all given how janky and how user-controlled it all is, there is an extreme variety of conditions leading to wildly different presentation of the same object and colour. Just changing your viewer's windlight can sometimes completely change the entire hue that somepony looks like. Different lighting settings will add more or less detail, be more or less sharp, may or may not have shading, etc. And the same ponies have to look good both in daytime and nighttime, in firelight and under street lights and under plain moonlight, at sunset and sunrise and inside a darkly lit building, all with the same colour and texture - while a 2D animator will be targeting one specific scene with one specific setting, and even when the show has rare nighttime scenes or unusual lighting again the artists have full control to tweak the hue to the particular scene to look good.

So animated 2D vs. game-engine 3D are simply not comparable.

>people discussing elements of good design
>"noooo you aren't allowed to put any thought into what makes a pony look good in this game!!"
Trying to please everyone at once is often not feasible, but rejecting any discussion of elements of design is completely idiocracy-tier. You do not get a medal of participation for making a horrendous pony maker OC just because "you should do what makes you happy!!!".
>"noooo you aren't allowed to put any thought into what makes a pony look good in this game!!"
and you're taking what I said in bad faith!
I'm not telling anons to willfully ignore this discussion, I'm just advising they do what makes them feel good rather than caring overmuch what others think should look good
every creature here has different amounts of color cones in their eyes and as a result, not every single person perceives colors the exact same way
basic color theory can be immediately thrown out the window if you approach someone who's some manner of color blind, ie one of my close friends stresses that his OC looks okay for everyone and asks me to color pick stuff for him when I tell him not to worry and just make what he wants to look at for his enjoyment
I see absolutely nothing wrong with someone who's colourblind asking someone else for advice on making a good-looking OC.
I think my coat color is somewhere between neon and pastel.
There's a difference between asking for advice, and stressing that everyone else finds it visually pleasing to the point that you want colors you can't even perceive colorpicked for your design.
I'm personally too saturated, ATM.
you are a BIGOT
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paging dr. white
I love when I look something up in mp u related to pony and I find pony. Best selling item for "afk" is the cloud sitter.
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I mean "stressing" is a loaded word because you could say, oh, stressing over what happens in a virtual world is just never worth it. But playing double's advocate here, if you enjoy the ponies around and you want to connect well with your friends, having some worries that you don't look ugly in a way that you aren't even able to tell is perfectly natural. Everyone probably worries at least a little bit sometimes about how their friends see them, unless you're an absolute chad with maxed-out self confidence which let's face it is the exception rather than the norm among us autists. "Stressing" over your colours is no different to stressing over whether you said the right thing or any other aspect of worrying about how your friends will think about you, there's nothing specific about colours or colourblindness here.

Stressing or not, though, again I don't see the problem in asking a full-colour-sighted friend for guidance on your design specifically because you can't see the colours. Unless you're trying to be a colourblind activist and are trying to make a statement about colourblind awareness with your pony, or something retarded like that. You're literally unable to see certain things while most people are, why wouldn't you get some help to get those things "right" on your pony?
These two are so dang cute
colorbling pooniesn arer them meost impoporant resoourf we havee ub hte modenrn viurtual excoinumic enmvioronment
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Nudist box?
I bet theres a bare flanked popen inside
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only oldfags will recognize this certified hood classic
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why are people like this
they have a point though.
rigged items tend to be annoying as hell. might as well make the item nomod since apart from changing the color you can't do shit with them
just ask the creator for a unrigged version or buy one of the many unrigged fluff kits
would you like this item to not be able to move with your body at all?
The reviews like
>great item, works really well, am happy with it
>*accidentally gives 1/5 because retarded and lets it sit like this*
drive me up the wall
Items that could theoretically also work unrigged should absolutely have an additional unrigged version in the box next to the rigged one.
That neckfluff would move in a really silly way and not deform when unrigged but it would still "sorta" work. Same with short hair. Short hair does NOT need to me rigged.
Put both versions in the box and explain in the description. It will shut up people before they make reviews like this.
I've had negative reviews on LONG manes for them not being unrigged because some fag wanted it on their furfag avatar
my favorite is reviews for pony animations and furniture from normies that don't use the op
No mod items are retarded, but it is deliberate ignorance to buy a no mod item and then be unhappy when you can't do everything you want with it. When you spend a whopping $0.17 on something you know you can't alter at the time of purchase, there is no reason to get bent out of shape.
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Enjoy my resplendence, nerd.
My fucking eyes hurt, but the expression does something for me.
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Hind had some japanese looking mare at some point that looked really cute

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