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File: It all began with this.png (904 KB, 1280x960)
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904 KB PNG
Howdy, partner!

Well, we made it.

This here all started with a picture, meant for a bit of fun. All started with a joke, just to have a nice time with the folks. This joke, right here.


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


That there was how it all started, boy boy howdy is that not where the story ended! Princesses fixing things! Giant world threatening fights! Silly stories galore! Pink Ponies in dreamland having a time! Grand battles, simple romance, and everything in between! We got the cutest characters and the scariest monsters! Our little Princess fought to save the world with her words, her heart, her soul, and a good old fashion tussle when it came right down to it! And it got bigger and bigger until finally, here we are. Years later, looking back on the tree we’ve grown, and now we’re at the top.

All the friends who shared their art, and gave a vision to what these tales wove.

All the simple voices who helped form the story, found flaws so they could be fixed.

The /pa/ls always ready if someone had a question to help them as best they could.

These were the things that helped this story grow, keep on, and finally become what it is today. A tall tale indeed, but one worth climbing. Filled with the fruits of dozens of writefriends and artfriends and everything in between. Some big, some small, all of them a part of this world.

Thread 378 is our anniversary, and there’s no one we’d rather share it with than all our /pa/ls. Here, and in our memory. If you stopped by for a minute or wrote a story as big as could be, we’re happy to celebrate with you. Thanks for the memories.

Thank you kindly, partners, for being our very best friends.
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And above all else, we hoped you enjoyed your stay, with /pa/.

>Tia? Ah've gotta question.

"Still? I'd assume after all this time, you've known all there is to know about Equestria. Every problem, every mistake, even fun little idea or quaint little bit of strangeness, every thought you had in your head that you must make known. Surely by now you know all there is to know about this world, don't you?"

>Reckon Ah'll never know everything.

"Even so, neither could I. What more could you ask of me? Haven't I answered every thought you may have, and more?"

>Ya' have, indeed. Been nice to know you were always here waiting, ready to answer whatever Ah' stumbled across. Plans that didn't make sense, oddities with the world, whatever popped into mah dang head at any point, you were there. And ya' stuck around long, long after Ah' would've driven most crazy. You were always here, ready to help, ready to answer even if it brought ya' ta' jumpin' off the edge. You weren't just a good teacher helpin' some poor farm mare to find answers, you were a friend that's been here for me the whole time. It was comforting to always know, whatever happened, you were here. You were ready for another question.

"I, well, I thank you for that.'

>So in the end, yer' right, reckon we reached all you could say, didn't we? Everything about Equestria is finally workin' as it should. We found any messup, and we fixed it, with yer help. We fought the biggest baddies and saved the world a dozen times over! And we did it all with you long after ya' had earned yer' rest.

"I was glad to help."

>And we were glad to have you. So, in the end, there's really only one thing left, isn't there?

"Why are you a princess, again?"

>Nah, we figured that out ages ago! Ah've answered that one so many times Ah' was sure it was over! Nah, Ah've seen what you've been through, and Ah' know why Ah'm a princess, and Ah'm proud to have been one under yer' wing all this time.

"Just as I'm proud to have called you friend, I want you to know."

>Ah' know. And that's why, Ah'm finally ready to ask you. Tia?


>You finally ready to retire?
It returns after all these years…
Never thought we’d see it again
Ohhh shit is this it
This is it
She’s as beautiful as the day we lost you
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Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>Applejack used to hang out at this old hub.
>Twilight writes what she learned in a letter to somepony.
>Maud is alseep, so maybe Pinkie should do something.
>Celestia needs to go easy on the 'member berries.
>Rainbow Dash trains the next generation of Zoomers.
>Winona mistakes some peaches for apples.
>The Crusaders watch Michael Jockson's This is it!
>Mr Bones' fanservice!
Congrats everybody!

>... neat
>Ah'm OLD
>The whole thread too
Jesus how are we not dead
>Only on the HUB
Damn we actually saw the story through till the end.
We fought GODS
We even managed to bring Sunset and AJ back together!
It has been forever since we had a whole threadversary.

The chaos of the universe had never seemed more peaceful.

No doubt such a notion was aided by the simple fact that any being, save the very grandest of all, would struggle to see every part of it at once. To gaze upon the infinite certainly seemed chaotic when looking down at the minutia and the small. It could seem downright never ending when looking upon a cluster in the middle of forming a new planet, or a galaxy about to befall a black hole. The single, the individual, was a never ending adventure that seemed to stretch on into eternity. Always something else happening, always another tale to tell.

Yet, it was the grand picture that could be seen at this moment, for however lacking such a word could describe the experience. Pulling oneself into the very fabric of reality with all the primal forces of what explains the contradictions of magic did not leave much in the way of physical eyes for sight. Instead everything must be felt, like feeling of wind on hair or the light of the sun. All could be seen, all could be known, from one stretch of reality to the other, wherever there was magic, so too was that feeling. From the grandest spectacle none would ever see or know of in all their lifetimes, to the smallest of things.

The very small little thing, sitting next to her mother, wondering why her father would never come home.

All could be felt, all could be known.

Most of all, their sorrow.

It brought such pain to look upon it, yet it was far better than looking away. At least, distant as it may be, the sight of those cherished so deeply could bring comfort to one who has little to hold despite the vast infinity within reach. It brought sadness to the soul to look upon them and how they coped with a loss that should have been a lifetime away, yet it brought joy to see them be there for one another and show that even without their shining light in their life, they would go on further. A future awaited them, though not one that could be seen. For all the power granted in this splendor, the ability to see through time was not one of them. The Paradoxical nature of magic was here, now, and not among the Mass, Power, Creation and Soul that had a new overseer. What would they become in time, was left to imagination and the cruel passage of time. An eternity once dreamed upon white wings, granted at last in the most cruel of twists of fate. At last the passage of time held no sway, just as it had left untouched a certain white alicorn within the highest city, and it must be spent alone. Alone with anyone and everyone who could be witnessed, never knowing a presence was there.

A sister, who wished they could do more.
A brother, burdened by the idea of what they must become.
A father and mother who did not understand what it all meant, or how it had gone awry.


Friends, distant family, so many faces who understood this loss as they would any other. Painful though it may be, it was little different in the scope of the cosmos than one bad trip down a tall cliff, and a final ending they would see through. For all the pain such a loss would cause, that was life. Things reached their end, one way or another, time marched on and they were left only with wonderful memories of what had been. Soon they too would fade, until little more than a picture may be all that remained of a wonderful life well lived. Some did not even gain that, and were forgotten nearly as soon as they were gone, left without a grand story to be told.

Such thoughts brought comfort to know that, in the end, there remained something of those grand adventures and loving moments with family. Changes made for the better. Seldom for the worse. Changes that would carry on, changes that would be overrun. Some lasting for a lifetime, some forgotten in a week. Something would remain, for as long as those who had loved passed on what they knew. To another and another and another, for as long as time shall flow. That was all that could be left behind, in the end.

So it was those unseen eyes that gazed upon the world once known, the loves once held, and the life once lived.

A life, left behind.

Such was expected to be the reality, for all the rest of time. Mere watching, never to interact again, with little means of changing the fate that had been chosen. Merely to be a spectator, never to truly die, yet never to live again. A part of their lives, yet gone away from them for the rest of time. That was to be the final fate.

It was surprising, then, to feel the very being move.

A pull, stronger than even the one that had sealed a fate between worlds, grabbed hold of the very essence of what was in between the boundaries of reality. The threads of time were snagged by unseen needles, looping around every single fiber that was once a being so small, and with a single careless move, it began to pull.

Everything changed in an instant.

The cosmos faded away, eternity folded into itself, and before a single sight more could be seen it had transformed into a luminous shine so blinding that even eyes that could count the atoms in a supernova were blinded.

Soon, blessedly, it all began to fade, and a new world awaited on the other side.

Misty white, starlight colors, and the dancing hues of the novas themselves, as far as the eyes could see. That’s what greeted eyes that could finally see clearly, unburdened by the vastness of the endless around them. No more must they look through the impossible to see a single soul, now they could see as they once had before. As they were meant to. Now he could see the realm that sounded quite like one that his sister and his wife had seen, once upon a time.

A room inhabited by nothing, and everything.

“So… here you are, at last.”


He heard no steps upon an unseen ground, felt no shift in the airless void, sensed no presence beyond his own. His heart may have given out, had it remained in such a form that it may break. So great was his shock when the dancing red mane of a trail of the cosmos entered his view, and a perfect face graced his sight. Such a form could only belong to the one he had only glimpsed through the eyes of another, a being who had been challenged and had bowed out of the fight that would be won by another. The one at the end, and the beginning.

The Highest of them all stood before him in this place, of quite a more diminutive size in comparison. Towering over his sightline, with ease, yet still only a mere speck compared to what had been before.

“To think, you’d given up hope you’d ever reach this place, didn’t you?”

With a casual flair, she confirmed his wildest thoughts. He indeed now stood in the same place that had brought about the ascension of the first new Alicorns in a thousand years. The very place where his wife and his sister had their lives changed forever more, granted power beyond all others around them and the destiny that would see them rule. He had thought of it, dreamed of it, yet he had long since accepted he would never be granted entry into it. It was simply better to lay those dreams to rest lest the bitterness take hold of him yet again and go off into an adventure away from things so important. He’d done that once already, and it was more than enough.

“And now here you are, sadly with a different white face than the one you were hoping to see I presume.”

It was truth, as he would expect of one so grand. Many a nights he’d wonder if he’d see a certain alicorn he’s protected with his life, welcoming him to finally take that last step and see him truly as an equal after so long in her employ. This face as distorted and unfocused as it was due to his inability, or rather exceeding ability to see what lie in front of him, was one he’d never known and never dreamed would be present. Even so, he felt little in the way of weariness or shade, it was not as if he did not know of what she truly was after all. Though they had not been his eyes, he had gazed upon her full brilliance as surely as the one who would face her.

“My condolences for not getting to see her again at this time, I know what it’s like to want to see that face and sadly being denied.”

That, he held no doubt over.

“All the same, I felt it was time to bring you here so we could… talk.”

Such a notion would’ve made him burst out laughing, had he a mouth with which to speak it. A fact that the grand being in front of him seemed to just realize in that same instant, as strange as it was to imagine.

“Oh dear, I almost forgot.”

It brought a caring smile to that face before the splendor covered hoof waved before him, and he felt everything change.


A voice.

His voice.


It had been only the briefest of time on a cosmic scale, yet he had almost forgotten what he’d sounded like. It was almost refreshing to hear it ringing in his own ears once again, as if it were the return of an old friend after being away too long, rather than his own voice he’d known all his life. He could almost feel something when he reached out, almost see something with eyes that were undaunted by seeing more than any should, almost a thousand sensations that weren’t quite there.

Almost, almost, almost, yet never quite. Still he remained tethered to the universe itself, to reality and magic and all it brought with it. He was not free of the prison of his choosing, only allowed to finally speak in a place he did not know held sound.

“There we are. So! Now that you can chime in, let’s have a little review here.”

Pictures floated through the air, images from what seemed a lifetime ago, showcasing all manner of stages of a life well lived, and loved. Strangely, none from his perspective. All seemingly pictured from the outside, rather than an image projected from his memories, the sign of one being watched rather than the watcher himself.

It was almost discomforting to feel as if someone was always there, watching. Seeing his every move, judging his every action, reacting and saying if he did it right or if his every act had been done with folly and lack of thought born of one not meant to carry the weight of his own tale. To know someone could see his every move from the outside and judge it on merits he did not know it might reach, it left a pit in what would be his stomach. He wondered, in a way, if his works had gained favor, or if he was to be admonished for his failures.

“Oh my, quite a lot of problems back then, no? So much depressing thoughts for one with a life so bright.”

It seemed the latter was to be his fate.

“So much worrying about being a Prince, so much fussing over wings and living forever, so much worrying you weren’t good enough. This is what you thought of yourself for so long?”

He didn’t deny it, for he could not find the voice. Even with his words returned to him, he could only look away in shame.

“Don’t be so down on yourself, for all your faults, you did manage to turn it around, didn’t you?”

The fight.

That fight.

When he could take no more and lashed out against the one who had made him feel so inadequate, when he struck out at one he would call friend and who had only wished to help his home simply because she had made his wife, and him, feel so terrible about their failings. When he could take no more, and they battled across the land.

It was the start of it all.

“You grew, didn’t you?”

The start, of a better stallion. One who was worthy of his crown.

“But that’s not where it really started, is it? It all started, if I recall… with a board game, and the color blue.”


There she was, and he could see no doubt. The face worn over another to hide an identity and blend into the crowd. One of countless changelings who all looked the same, acted the same, thought the same. Yet, she among them was different. She was special.

She, was his little Applejack Two.

It hadn’t been her name at the time of course. Much of what she was, in that time, was fluid, formless and hard to pin down. Tearing away the layers of what she had placed over herself to discover the bouncy bundle changeling beneath was a challenge, and it took time. So much of what he thought he knew of her at the start was wrong, down to her being a male in the first place.

That day, with just a bit of brightness, was really where he turned around. A single smile had defeated the bitterness, and started him on a path diverged from where he may have arrived.

A path, of love.

A path where he was willing to be what a leader should, and do the paperwork of his station without complaint.

A bath to accept love for a species he had despised with heart and soul due to what they had done to him at his wedding, and to him personally.

A path that let him know, he could change for the better.

All leading on a winding tale as far as he could see. A clash in a volcano, a silly chase of a mallyball at a party, a daring rescue, a strange event in a comic book, and the love to power all of Canterlot.

“You saved many in your life, didn’t you? As any good soldier should.”

He noticed a glance off to the side, where the eyes lingered on one such event in the darkest of moments. When one who’s heart burned aflame with pain and loss and sought to take the whole world with it.

“I thank you.”

A pain, healed.

“So many battles, so many struggles, and it all leads… to here.”

There it was, at the end of his tale. The final act. The final sacrifice. For all he had fought, for all his challenge against one war or another, be they robots or the shards of creation itself, for all he had struggled and nearly fallen and carried on, it came to the end in that place. Among the stars

Facing a version of himself that had chosen power, chosen to eschew becoming better, chosen to become bitter and take control when the chance arose, who would cling to those he loved even if it may cost them so much. One who had never had the chance to accept what he could be. He had looked all his flaws in the eye in that moment, and made his choice.

“A daring final act, wouldn’t you say?”

He had come such a long, long way.

Now, it was over, it seemed.

“Shining Armor…”

That angelic voice brought the attention back, away from the pictures of his life, away from all he had been, and to the smiling face that looked down upon him.

“I cannot say I’ve been watching you from the start. I cannot say I knew you would become something great. In honesty, I thought little of you at the beginning. But what you became here, in this world, it is something else. Something quite different from what was originally meant to be.”

The face neared him, leaning close enough to let him gaze into eyes that seemed to hold a thousand unmade worlds within them.

“You know they’ll move on, don’t you? They’ll find new loves, and lives further on. Now that you’ve had your chance to gaze upon them, do you regret it?”


He had spoken so quickly, the thought had barely registered. Even knowing what was to be of himself here, in the stars, he would do it a thousand times over.

“...I expected this, in the end.”

Such words were a strange mixture of amusement, and regret.

“Do you recall my words, as you stood among paradise?”

He had, every word.

“Do you remember when I said that I have not controlled this world for quite some time?”

He did, though he understood little of it.

“It was true. I’ve not held the reigns nor dictated what was to be in this place for longer than I ever held control. I, sadly, am not the one who could change a fate, perhaps undeserved.”

A sadness seeped into his heart, struck by the knowledge of a path he had never known being closed before he ever held the chance to walk it. He had little thoughts of using her as a means to escape before this, his brief musings on the fact had left him with the insurmountable idea that if she could have done so, she would have. A part of him, rational as it was, knew if such a path had been opened then by will alone or love for another, she would have seen it come to pass. Even so, to hear such things laid bare would always be as if it were a stab to his very dreams. His dwindling hope, at last crushed, and he prepared to once more move on into the spaces between all things, unwilling to dwell more on the could have been and the distant memories that came with it. If there truly was nothing more to be done, then he would rather spend that eternity watching them grow, rather than the memories he left behind.


She stilled him, with a word.

“I would be a poor mother indeed, if I did not recognize all you had done, and given you one final gift at the end of it.”


He could feel something upon his head, a gentle touch upon skin that no longer existed, a soothing hold that seemed to beat out the bitter cold that had seeped in. A caring voice between his ears, that echoed on after it had gone.

“You spoke truth when you made your choice, there must be someone to anchor that paradox of magic. Someone to explain why magic works the way it does and why it seems to contradict itself sometimes. A voice to look at that magic, understand it, and give it life. The magic of this world is unlike any other, and needs a watchful eye to make sense of it all. There must be an anchor, Shining Armor, a protector, to the very primal forces of our world.”

He accepted those words, and with the closing of his eyes, he accepted his fate.

“No one ever said it must be you.”

When he opened them again, there was light.

“I am the one who made the magic of this world… I am the one, who will oversee it.”

The splendor filled his body so rapidly, so completely, he could not even scream. Before he knew it he was awash in colors he would never know and in sounds he would never see.

“You’ve come such a long long way… I’m so proud of you, on this day…”

So consumed, he did not even notice when he breathed again.

“Your tale doesn’t end just yet, Shining Armor. One last thing needs to be done.”

He could understand nothing at all, until there was darkness.

“Know, in these last moments, it was because of love.”

The gathering in the Crystal Empire did not hold the joy it should have.

The Princess, the mother who held her two children, did not have the smile she should be wearing as she returned home to her family.

The boundless energy of a golden maned changeling should have been grinning from ear to ear.

Even the infant should have had a dumbfounded smile, never understanding a thing.

The Queen of the Last hive had no cocky smirk to her triumph over the First Queen.

The stalwart soldier had no grin to her returned form.

The ascended paperwork pushing devotee had no weary smile for her new form.

The brash and wild pegasus had no winning smile to showcase her victory lap.

None of them held the joy they should have, for something was missing in the end. An important piece, a final union among it all.

They had been without him, before. They had forgotten he had existed, by the command of magic most chaotic. There had been nights alone and days unseen. These things were not new to them. It felt different this time. This time, it felt final. As if the last choice truly had been made, and there would be no chances beyond. It was over.


So it was shocking to have the very first one to speak, be the most unlikely of them all. The only one among them who had no power.

A pegasus.

“I still love you all.”

The one who had lost so much, and gained so much, that she spoke with conviction from the heart.

“I still love you all, too.”

Conviction matched by the once infiltrator who had turned into one who would see this Empire flourish, from now until her demise.

“I love you all, as well.”

The soldier had never been one to show her feelings to all, yet to this group she laid bare the most raw and heartfelt she could bring to her words.

“Yeah… I love you guys. Hah…”

It had none of the bluster of her usual cry, only a soft, yet honest, emotion.

“Yer’ right, ya’ know… Even if he’s gone…”

The Princess stepped forwards, and reached out.

“At least…

With her limbs, with her magic, she reached out.

“At least we’ll always have each other.”

It was that little changeling that did what none had the courage to do, and pulled them into a hug.

They leaned into the embrace, honestly and truly.

“He brought us all together, it’s true. But we have wonderful memories with each other. We have… a whole life together.”

“He’d want us to be happy, and I can’t think of any time in my life I’ve been happier than with all of you.”

“I’m going to miss him more than anyone I’ve ever known… but I’m not going to miss any of you, until we join him.”

“We’re still here, everyone! So lets do what we always should have! We should finally show it!”


That was what the Queen meant, when she cried. She wished to show them, the world, love.

“Say it.”

“… I love you.”


The Soldier spoke first.

“I love you!”

The new Queen spoke loudest.

“I love you.”

The pegasus spoke softest.

“I love you.”

The Queen spoke brightest.

“...I love you…”

And the Princess spoke most true.

“Ah’ love all you guys!”

Even if she could not match the smile of her daughter. For all they had been through, for all they had lost.

They were a family again, now and forever.

“So lets finally-”

The declaration of what plans had been decided ended, with a light.

So caught up in their words, their feelings, they did not see the magic they had summoned forth. The magic of Love was unlike any other in this world, different from friendship, more powerful than mere spell. Their love had come together unlike any other kind like it, unique in the land with the most powerful wielders of its spells coming together, and without ever knowing, it had cast forth something. A declaration, to be certain.

Yet also, a call.

A heart grander in size than the tallest princess floated above the group, bathed in a white light so unlike the normal hue that would come from it. A power, born from all of them, that cast out forth into world. They had summoned it, they had made their call.


It had been answered.

They could not see what went on within it, only hear the faintest words of another. A voice none of them recognized, yet they felt as if they’d known all their lives. Within that shining creation they could see the flickers of images as if trying to witness through a foggy window, even shapes beyond being able to be discerned. Something was happening, and drawing closer to the magic they had summoned.

Something that ended, with those final words.

“Know, in these last moments, it was because of love.”

The heart shattered, and it seemed for a moment the world shattered with it.

“It… it can’t be…”

Light, perfect white light, filled the room and stole their vision.

“It… it’s…”

Yet, they felt in their hearts what they could not see.

They knew, before their sight had ever returned, what it meant.

“I love you all, too.”

A unicorn, with blue hair and a white face and a dopey smile, floated to the ground before them. Returned through time and space just to how he’d been.


His daughter had never moved so quickly, when she tackled him into the chest, sobbing into his fur while smiling a mild wide.

“Does… does this mean...?”

Through tear filled eyes, his wife, the love of his life, feared what should happen if she believed it. Feared the heartbreak, feared the end.

“Yeah… we’re finally home.”

Feared no more when she jumped forwards, joined on all sides.’

“You’re home!”
“We’re back!”
“Everyone’s finally back!”
“We’re all here!”
“I love you!”


Joy, pure unfiltered joy filled the room as they danced, they bounced, they kissed and they laughed. From the infant who knew little of what was going on and only smiled with the infectious joy that filled it all, to the heartfelt child who had never known more happiness than the moment she could hug her father once again and know it was real. They all felt a happiness they’d never known, a relief that had defeated the dark cloud hanging over their victory.

The sun shined bright on the Empire, at last.

They were home, at last.

“Now we can-”

The pink maned changelings words stilled and she suddenly pulled back, and the rest of them with her. They looked to one another, a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

“It’d take a lot of preparation.”

“A lot of planning, yeah.”

“Lots of stuff to buy, things to pick out.”

“Have to get the whole place ready.”

“And of course there’s all the groundwork needed just to get started with that preparation.”

"It might be next year when we're finally ready!"

They all knew what they needed to do.


And they would not delay another second.


The wedding bells were ringing.

A one Princess Applejack, a simple mare who had been personally responsible for most of those strange little creatures ending up in the Crystal Empire, found the chair she was sitting in quite uncomfortable, and it had little to do with her legendary derriere not quite fitting in the seat. It had more to do with it being one from the ballroom closet, long since forgotten about. It was one of a myriad of mishmash set dressings and seats, grabbed from whatever they could find closest and thrown together with care yet with speed to get this party rolling as fast as they could manage.

The announcement from the revival of a certain Crystal Prince to wedding had been almost a breath. Barely had his sister been even allowed to squeal in joy at his salvation before she was whisked away to be a best pony, again. The dragon brother may bemoan his lack of ability to throw a bachelor party, yet he had been quite the tearful mess when he had seen again his brother was alive and well. Ponies and creatures alike had been floored by the declaration the motly Crystal Crew was finally getting hitched to one another, and several had insisted they slow down so a proper ceremony could be handled.

They would hear none of it.

They had waited too long, so long, for their chance to finally come, and they were going to take it with all the gusto of a starving mare finding the last scrap of food on an island before it was snatched away again. This event had proved they would never know if they got another chance, and they were going to take it.

So, with slightly mismatched curtains, with a rug that didn’t quite reach the alter, and with dresses picked out years ago that could finally be worn, they were going to do this and they were going to do it now.

They had called any and everyone who wanted to attend, and attend they had in this now packed to the gills hall, and they got to doing it. It was time to finally make it official.

And there in the chaos of it all sat Princess Applejack among it all, keenly aware of every event that had lead up to this, and how much of it was indeed, truthfully.

“All mah’ fault.”

Love is in the air.

Wedding bells are ringing.
No fucking way
Love is in bloom!

A bunch of brides, a handsome groom! These hearts, becoming one! A bond that cannot be undone because

~Looooves innnn blooooomm~
Now that’s an anniversary surprise
Just going for it

Only took 18 9 friggen years
She was there first!
Happy anniversary, indeed.

>You know at some part we just win way too hard, our daughter in law is going to be the ruler of an entire species.


>Honey no.

"I will hug them all with my hooves!"
Alright that’s a funny little nod to us taking… forever

And I like the idea Faust is the center of the magic of this world

>Well, sissy! We made it!


>We sure did have a lot of time with no Shiny or Mommy, but look where we are now!


>Yep, got mah' Shiny back, got mah Mommy back, got more mommies now apparently, so that's a whole thing. Now we're lookin' at a whole future ahead! Who knows what we're gonna be! Ah' might be a rebellious teenager that's gotta save the world! Or you might be a rebellious teenager that's gotta save the world! Or a different thing Ah' never seem ta' find in mah books cause it's always rebellious girls savin' the world now. Ya' think we'd have at least one who's just happy ta' be there. But then who knows! Maybe Ah'll become Queen Applejack Two! Maybe you'll become a dark empress Ah' need to turn back to the light, or you'll be a super nice pony who gets into crraazzzy hijinks! What iffin' ya' gots two dates to the prom!? The possibilities are endless!


>But Ah' want'cha ta' know, regardless of what happens or where ya' go, no matter who ya' become or what'cher gonna be, Ah'm proud to have been yer' sissy for as long as Ah' could. Ah' may have been first, but you'll always be the most special sissy. Ah' love ya, Flurry.

"...love you too."
Cue the genie

>So... this shit got real crazy, didn't it?

"Understatement of all time! Why are you bringing this up now!?"

>Dunno, feels like today is some kind of special monumental once in forever event, and Ah' feel like reminiscing. So uh... what was up with the murder room?

"We used it for fun OnO adventures! Like it was supposed to!"

'Ohhhh yeah. Weird we went fantasy though, considering we saw way more fantastical stuff. I fought on a river of souls that fed mass to a dark god.'

>Ah' made him a tree.

'You tree'd him up!'

~Hey remember when the craziest thing we saw was a flying city for parties?... what happened to that?~

>Didn't Shining loan you a lot of money for Partyland 2?

~I think I legally still owe him my firstborn.~

(Sorry about that, by the way.)

~Considering your chaos stuff is the only reason you beat a snowglobe and got us out of being trapped, I think it evened out.~

{Oh, that dreadful universe! I had to beat a changeling with my own burning tail!}

>Do not get me started on other me coming in and fighting more than I did. Ah' liked tusslin'! That fight with Chrysalis was still mah' best one!

"I liked punching Chitania with a train. That was fun.

'I liked punching her out of the train, that was also fun.'

{I rather did not like exploding her that one time.}

~Did you ever figure out how to decode that weird changeling tablet from the start?~

"Oh yeah, forever ago. We kinda just brushed past it."

>Like the box Pinkie kept for all these dang years?

~Came in clutch! Where were you on that one, Twi?~

"Look my whole thing was boundaries on science, friendship, and fixing things."

'We know, my whole thing was realizing my limits, nepotism is bad, friendship and fixing things.'

~I'm pretty sure I was always perfect, but I did have a lot of stuff about learning that work needs to be done if it's smiling or not, and friendship and fixing things.~

(I learned to not fear the chaos, friendship and fixing things.)

{And I learned that nobility is pointless if you are feared, none are above reproach, friendship and fixing things! What did you learn, Applejack?}

>Ya' mean about the Belief versus honesty thing? The whole control versus living free thing? Punishment and vengeance versus Justice thing? How to reel in friends being crazy? Being curious don't mean you're making a difference? Giving someone a second chance might not work, and that means it might take another one still to fix it? Storm King's a jerk? Morlocks are neat? Changelings ain't that bad?... Ah' did a lot around here.

"Well you were a big focus, I spent a stint being a valley girl."

~I miss the valley girl.~

(We all do even if we won't admit it.)

>We did a dang lot, didn't we? That ain't even talkin' about the mandarins.

"Or the Shiny fighting."

'Or the Wonderbolt Hallway rumble.'

~Or the Moon thing with Sombra.~

(Or the Domshy rampage.)

{Or the time I fought a manticore.}


>Been a real crazy life, hasn't it?


'Ohhh yeah.'

~I'll say!~

(Oh my.)

{Certainly, darling!}

>So, uh, now that we done fought the biggest one... what next?

"..go back to the paperwork?"

'Yeah the paperwork needs to be done.'

~Someone has to fill out forms!~

(And make sure everything's running smoothly, it can't be all battles.)

{Right, that's the whole point, isn't it? Fixing Equestria's problems before they become out of control world ending events.}

>Ya' know what? Yer' dang right. Hopefully we'll never fight another dang battle in all our lives, cause we're gonna fix it right here before it happens.

'Lets do this!'


"...I mean, not this second, because the wedding."

~Well yeah we're not gonna leave this thing in the middle of it happening.~

(That would be silly.)

>But when we leave, we do it together, right?

"Right. Because, in the end... don't you know you're all my very-"

>"'~({Best frieennnnddss!})~'"
Congrats for making it!
This doesn’t even touch the CMC Odyssey or CE Crew adventures, or the Seven subplots, or the Pennydrop portions, or-

It’s been 11 years we did a lot
I wonder if the guy who made that OP knows the monster he created

>I've gotta tell you, we've really come up in the world!

"I'll say!"

>To think, we met at a random diner, found out one of us likes hair products and the other can juggle, and look at us now!

"It's... honestly pretty unrealistic."

>Yeah doesn't really add up when you think about it.

"You lived with us for like months and nobody complained. You are an actual literal citizen of the Changeling Hive and ponies were just okay with that."

>You'd figure someone would've complained!

"But nope!"

>And your whole thing was juggling and somehow you lead an entire army for a bit.

"That was so weird."

>And now here we are, pretty much mayors while also being ambassadors of Harmony City.


>I wonder why we had such longevity despite juggling and hair being nice?

"Yeah, you have a pretty substantial longevity, I'm just surprised I can take it."

>Well of course you can, you're my jugglebuddy! You know how to handle keeping balls going!

"And dealing with FUCKING HOLES!

>Ha haaa! That is what you say! You shout a lot of stuff. See? We got a lot going for us besides just being jugglebuddy and the guard.

"Yeah, you're right!"

>...I think we were too loud, the ponies in the seat in front of us are staring.

"They don't look upset though."

>Maybe they like hearing about my longevity and your balls?

"You know I think we're onto something!"

>...you'll always be my jugglebuddy, I hope you know. If it's one year or a thousand, you'll be Jugglebuddy.

"And you'll always be the best pony ever."

>Thanks for being the most unlikely of meetings.

"Thanks for being better than we deserved."

>Shall we?



"I... I actually did."

>...what does that mean?

"...I don't... know..."

The world is a beautiful place
WE don't know the monster we created.
I hope he smiled

There once was a simple fella, who had himself a problem. He had an addiction, you see, brought on by loneliness and just a lack of sense. Wasn't much besides a little note that made some folks smile with how silly he was, bein' simple as he was, but it was honest in what it was. He was just another face in a crowd, just a bit less clever than most.

He never would've thought the day would come when it would all change, out in the middle of the desert. When an addiction turned to a boon, and he was given a chance most folks never would. Some strange looks and the power to make a difference. Now, this simple fella didn't have much to his name, not a single thing save a gascan he found on the side of the road. Surprised folks then when he still helped out best he could, never asking for much. A poor soul finally took pity on him one day and let him come from the cold, let him stay in a shack out back where nothing lived save a couple broken tools. Gave him a blanket, let him rest.

Changed his life, with one simple act.

Fella had no reason to leave after that, stuck around, russled up some bad folks who were tryin' to take advantage, wormed his way into the heart of that simple little town. Folks came to know him as that changeling who never quite got the disguise down, always with just a fake mustache he found at the bottom of a trashcan. They played along when he had a secret identity, played pretend with him cause they reckoned he liked it. Smiled when he helped the orphans off in the distance, thanked him kindly when those spores nearly made them rush out into the desert. They loved to see his garden of flowers, carried from between the rocks or in places they wouldn't survive to a place where they would thrive. Had a good time, a fun time, as he built a life. He started as little more than a gag, just a fun little fella who said a funny little thing.

>What kind of cake do you think they're going to make?

And he was just as simple now as he was back then. Thicker than rocks or dumb as bricks if you were feeling unkind and didn't mind having your hide tanned by the folks around him. He might not fight back against things like that, but they would. Appleoosans stayed together.

"I hope it's chocolate, I have such a craving for that..."

Some, closer than others.

'Shucks, I'm just glad I ain't gotta miss this one, fella's last wedding was apparently a hootanany and a half!'

A simple little changeling with a simple little thought had once gone to the desert.

>I think ours was nicer.

He found that red headed mare who leaned against his side, and he started something magical.

"Yeah... I agree."

He didn't have tales as high as those around, he wasn't in nearly as much and could go for years without being seen by them, but that was just fine with him.

"Love you, mah' little firebug."

He was a simple changeling, and he was happy with his simple ending.

>I love you too, Ingrid.

It was more than he ever dreamed.
Cheers for making it this far.
And I deeply appreciated the “fuck it we ballin” outlook
It’s a nice little nod to the idea that even though she hasn’t been in control of the show since forever, she’s still a part of the magic.
What does it mean
Faust may not be here, but she's always with us in spirit.
Well shit, way to finally make it past the finish line

>I can't believe Shining is getting married twice before I got married once, I'm really falling behind on the whole thing.

"You spiked to early, is the problem. Top of the world first few events, best guy ever, secret agent with a gun, and then you just kind of ehhhhh."

>I fought dragons off of an airship with a wrench!

"I was flying the airship, so..."

'Can we just be happy for our fellow Gunclub member? I'm so proud of her! I still remember when she snapped my neck like it was yesterday..'

~And I remember when she kicked my ass... hard.~

(You lot are friggen crazy, I just watched my mom get murdered while ya' lot were doin' all of this.)

>Hey, that building fight was radical. You against Fizzle was freaking amazing.

"Please do not keep bringing up when I got my ass kicked."

'You did great in the fight, though.'

"I did better in Fillydelphia!"

>You are a weird magnet for Changeling things.

"Weirder was Partyland."

~I missed that, I was fighting living dolls in Canterlot.~

'Yeah we just brush past that one a lot.'

>We brush past a lot, because we do a lot. Nobody is even talking about the Storm King being defeated, did we even talk to the Hippogriffs so they know it's safe to come out?

~I have no idea what you're on about.~

>It was a whole thing.

"So, uh... who's gonna get married next, you think?"

>Seventy Seven and Cheerilee.

~Wait, you guys aren't married!?~

'I would've invited you lot. You're friends I didn't fight in the middle of a Cordyceps invasion, if nothing else!'

(You guys don't think me and Pom are next?)

>Nahhh he's gonna be too busy getting gray hairs for the next couple weeks, I think Seventy Seven's beating you to it.

'We can double up if you want.'

(...I kinda want that.)

"Fine, after those two, who's next?"

>Dunno. PJ? You planning to tie the knot?

~You know, I was gonna laugh you off and say nobody can pin me down, but I dunno...~

"Nobody thinks I might be next?"


'Not even a little.'

~Absolutely not.~


"...Spike I need a favor."

>I'm gonna pass on this one.

"It'll just be for a bit, I'll let you do honeymoon stuff!"

>...I missed you guys so much.

~Can we play OnO again?~

>Absolutely not.
>Silver Spoon

>If you really want to stick it to them, you can marry me.

"Silver Spoon, you're my best friend. My actual best friend. My forever best friend. I don't care that you went on a weird survival bent with PJ, I don't care you froze up and didn't go Fillyboom at EVO, and I don't care that you've been doing a business without me. You are my best friend ever."


"And I've seen how you talk to my dad don't play that game. I will forever ignore it because you're my best friend, but I know. I know."

>...fair enough.
Well if Delight wants his harem, he can probably slip it under the radar
Honestly anyone who wants to get married can just roll with it now

>Oh are we actually invited to this one?


She was invited to the last one just said no!
I’m glad, because this means my anniversary animation can become a thread ender animation! Just gonna act like my graphics card didn’t short out before I even started my render 2 days ago… poor 2080… new one is on the way!

>...this has been really weird since I tried to sneak into the Empire.

"And got wrecked by a child."

>Even she doesn't know how that happened! She doesn't know! Nobody knows!

'I had fun running around during Kingsmoot though.'

"Even if we never saw those guys again."

'Hey, it was for the world! You know, really fleshed out our personal relations, really dug deep into all this whole thing outside of just ponies! We had characters and unique faces to see, after all! Who cares if we didn't dwell on them? They were there and our world we better for it.

>I disagree, your sister was annoying.


>And her sickly kid.

'Didn't he die?'

>He could've and we'd never know.

"Still we were fun. I had fun with the other fella. Cheese!"

>And Delight was interesting.

'I think he was going to try to fuck my sister.'

>I wonder why he gave up on that?


'Still, we got to have our fun bits, mom got a cool fight scene, it was all worth it in the end.'

>I suppose.

"...so are those two ready for the wedding or what? We're going to be late."

'Sis said she needed to help him out with the suit before they went off.'

>I understand completely.

"Do you, really?"

>I needed to help you.

"Oh... OHHHHHHH...oh..."

He fidgets.

"Bowties are hard..."
Thank god he made it
What if we had Princess Rarity? Equestria would benefit from plenty of generosity
We’re coming home Elizabeth!
We do. She's in the thread. She's been in the thread since thread 2. She discovered some ponies were overly afraid of royals due to the power gap and worked to fix it, exposed the ones not doing paperwork to remind the populace they're regular ponies, and nuked a dinosaur changeling(Regular sized)

She was also really fat for a bit.
We also had another Princess Rarity but she sucked at her job.

>It's weird we've been present since the robot invasion, but never really took off.

"You had a fiddle off."

>That I did, it was cool, but it hardly lasted.

"And then we showed up in the finale, with music!"

>Strange, isn't it?


>...wish we'd done more?

"Heck no those psychopaths tortured everyone they touched!"
~8 bit~

>They didn't torture everyone they touched! Just mostly. A lot of me. And mine was for comedy.

"Meh, I was in an awesome fun arc, I don't care how little we showed up later. I got to be the spooky scientist, always playing the sides, yet never having to commit to anything! And an arc centered around me!"

>It was actually rescuing me...

"PShhhooo, no."

~So, it finally happened, he's getting married...again.~

(To more mares.)

~And you know what?~

(You know FUCKING WHAT.)

~...I'm happy for him.~

(I'm ecstatic!)

~You go, buddy! You find happiness and we'll be happy for you!~

(You be a good guy and keep working at it, we're proud of you!)

~No more bitterness, we're done!~


>Well, you guys finally changed.

~What can we say? It feels like it's time to put it... to rest.~

(Don't say it all creepy.)

"I am offended by your words. Anyway, pervert... when am I finally getting to walk down the isle?"

Having to wait 15 minutes to say “congrats” is the weirdest thing, but congrats
We called that character development
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Jesus imagine telling someone a shitpost would outlive Gen 5...
The final arc lasted longer…
In fairness that thing should've ended a while ago...
Happy anniversary /pa/ls!

>I worry I frontloaded my suffering, and it balanced out to where I barely did anything late game.

"You saw a changeling explode into spiders..."

>Yes and I didn't get to stab Chitania, only a Fluttershy clone! It really didn't meet my potential.


>...erm... you clearly got off worse, with the portal to demons we never even spoke of. What was up with that?

"You're lucky you're cute."

>Hrm... so, once they're done-


That brings back memories

>They thought they could escape me by not inviting me in time! But little did they know, the guards wouldn't stop me!

"Due to them not caring?"

>Exactly! Probably! But no matter, for I-

"Hey, Cloudchaser?"


"You don't have to keep upping the ante more, you stuck around. I know the craziness was just so you didn't get forgotten, and I'm cool with it! You did good! Maybe lets appreciate the moment instead of a robot fight, or arguing with your sister, or making up another sister, or fighting with the town, or all that. Let's just enjoy how long we stayed friends, right? Because it has been a long, long time, hasn't it?"


"Thanks for keeping me with you."

>Well, obviously... you're best pony.
Yeah but we just wanted to do more and more characters to give them a final fight, knowing we're probably not gonna get another..
>It took 11 years to get them married
>Shining and Cadences story begins with a wedding
>Ends with a wedding
It’s like poetry it rhymes
And in the end I guess they did, one final show before they bowed out

"Interesting. There's quite a number of people here."

>That is something I've noticed, Mother.

"A number of whom are female and likely single."

>That's a reasonable guess, Mother.

"It seems like an opportune time for a stallion to find someone interested in a relationship."

>That's debatable, Mother.

"Well, this stallion should at least mingle with them to see if an opportunity is there."


"THAT stallion is you."

>...Do I really have-


>...alright, mine words can be held within no longer, what happened with our lives?

"I was a mayor! A mayor! And not even a good one! And now I'm a ghost kid helping dream walking spook fighting warrior! I do more in like a week to help children than I did in my entire tenure, and they're all dead!"

'I worried I would forever be a side piece, never emerging from my hut. And now here I am, fighting monsters with my big stripped butt! How did I change from swindling Twenty Nine for his wealth? Now I'm a master of dreams and leave my potions on the shelf!'

~Trixie was always perfect she doesn't know what you lot are on about.~

"Niney was your ghostwriter because you didn't like how you sounded!"

~...oh wow, that was a while ago.~

>Thou still owes me several bits.

'And more from the games, we have not forgotten that. I do believe thou has many a coupon to trade tit for tat.'

~That was forever ago! They expire, probably!~

*Yeah I went from snuggling booty, exclusively, to being a pretty awesome nightguard with a job... who also snuggles booty, because plots, of course, are awesome, especially covered in chocolate milk on a filly.*

>I received many a call from your teacher about Silver Spoon... and more about Diamond Tiara trying to kill thee.

*She exploded me!*

(No offense but I feel like the smoke monster who got abducted by angry ghosts and is now a partially crystal-actual crystal not the breed-pony is a bit weirder than getting a job.)

{Pffttt, I freaking fought a morlock chief for the right to rule, talked to my mother in the Hivemind, and rescued my friend from a sentient fungus. My life is a bit more crazy than yours.}

>Everyone, please, tis not a contest!

"Right, because Niney would win."




"Niney, we all started with stuff. Like, Thirty Two popped out of the ground having just survived just the worst nightmares."

{I still hear the crunches.}

"Sombra was a wicked king at the start and even I was like, a mayor who talked with Celestia. Your whole thing was "Horny for royals". That's it. That's all we knew about you, forever."


~So? Even Trixie can see the bigger leap. The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie was GREAT and POWERFUL at the start, so Trixie becoming this magic being is just expected, but you started out a pest and ended up being the Ghost Kid center of the universe, student of Luna, and snuggler of certain individuals.~

(OH COME ON! How do you know that!?)

~Did you not know Twenty Nine and Marey had a thing? Trixie has revealed your secret!~



'My friend is just saying that even your relationship with Fifty Six was unknown at the start. We never even knew you had any care at all let alone a big bright heart.'

(Yes, even I just used you like a pawn to try and reclaim my body, I didn't actually like you. At all.)


'Nah uh.'

~Not even a little!~

{I liked him...}

*I liked you too, cuz!*



"But hey, you turned it all around, didn't you? Look how far you've come from the guy who almost got killed by Seven!"

>...tis a rather daunting gap, isn't it?

"And now here you are, they let you come to the wedding! They used to blast you out of the Empire! Literally blast. Flying."

>I suppose, tis true. Though, to be truthful, I would have been forgotten as a mere gag had thou not been there with me. Without Marey's structure, Trixie's bluster, Zecora's swindle, Thirty Two's loneliness, Sombra's plotting and Mine Cousin's need for care, I would be... pretty much nothing, wouldn't I?

{If it makes you feel better, we'll call it a collaborative effort.}

>...I would like that.

"Sooooo, while we're here... getting any ideas from this?"

>The wedding?


>...a few.


"...Sombra did you just-"


*Can I throw the bachelor party?*

{Oh my, no. That falls to me.}

"Wouldn't you try to-"

{I'm not interested in marrying him... buuuut.}

~There it is. Well, very well, since she is so unable to be resisted, Trixie will...~


~You didn't want to cut Trixie off?~



>Mine life has been quite strange... but wondrous.


{You said it, Reggie and Q!}

>Oh, you!

What a wonderful life it was.
Speaking of, would Tiempo be sad Spitty is tying the knot officially, or is he happy because now he KNOWS they’re okay with multiple partners? Like if he can get in good with one he might be able to have them convince the others
I'm sure he's happy for her in general, knowing she missed Shining so much and now he knows they were engaged back... god, back over ONE HUNDRED THREADS AGO. He was there first.

But yeah he's probably like "Oh shit I have an actual shot now." Getting in with the royal couple is apparently doable.
>AJ asking if Celly is retiring
>Wedding happening

Is... is this happening?

Is Best Pair happening?!

>...So I was just a camp councilor at the start of this, right? That was... wow I was in a middle of a war.

"And the best one ever!"


"But do we love... each other!?"

"Shut up with the theory that if we share love we radically transform! It makes no sense!"

"It would help if we tried!"

"What logic is that anyway!? Oh no we can't just look like this, we have to be colorful unassuming sparklebugs underneath all of this! Nope, something with fangs and black!? Too scary to exist as it is, it must secretly be something else! That's racist. You're racist. And fat."

"Harmful! But true, so it's extra hurtful!"

"Just say thanks to the pretty pony and stop thinking about how many of us just talked like idiots for the first couple threads and then just did that for the rest of time, when we weren't fighting!"

"Thank you, pretty pony!"

>...I like where I ended up.
~Photo Finish~

>You don't have to fuss so much.

"Fuss!? I'm not fussing, I'm freaking out! How did you manage to score seats at a royal wedding!?"

The griffon squawked, adjusting her fine dress that no doubt cost a fortune again and again and constantly looking at her makeup in the mirror, a stark contrast to the cool changeling leisurely lounging in his chair next to hers, and an even more stark contrast to the suited dragon who's collar looked just a bit too tight on the other side of him.

'Yeah I feel... deeply out of my depth, how did you get us here and in not too bad seats, at that?'

>It's how I roll. Party Pony Productions made sure we got the hookup, have to show we were there for the next investor pitch.

~Ezactaly! Zee vork of zee performer iz nevah done! Ve must show we are among the hobnobbery, regardless of what performances vee do! Vis zis, zee funding for zee Mansion of zee Drake series is assured!~

'That's the big fantasy epic series, right? With all the realistic battles and what have you?'

"You're still not reading your lines!?"

'I improvise, it's my thing.'

>He improvises, baby, let him wing it.

"I'm the one who has to deal when he fumbles a take!"

'Hey, magic don't always come on the first cast. Sometimes you gotta chant to get the spell.'

~Zee reshoots are vorth it, vee are not finding anozer dragon who iz villing to do vhat he does on film. Zey zink it iz too, vhat iz zee vord, 'namby pamby'.~

'She means the-'

"I know what she means!"

The Griffon's puffy feathers suddenly deflated when a hoof lazily brushed down across her neck.

>S'alriiight girl, you're prettier than most of the folks here, and you know it. Don't see them selling out showings to movies on their pretty beak alone.

"Hrmph, hard to believe that when they see what goes in my face."

>Chiillll girl, chillll. Next thing's going to let you show off your acting chops.

"In addition to the other stuff?"

~Oh, yez. Zee saucy zcenes will be in zere, zee chemistry between zee the zree of you iz, ze magics!~

"Well, at least it will be serious work between it..."

>Bahhh you like it.

"I know I like it, I love it, but I've been doing it long enough I want to be taken seriously, and not just taken from behind by a changeling!"

'I'm fine with that, that's my favorite part.'

"Fucking unprofessional!"

~Shush! Vee must make a good show, for Zee magicks! Zen vee may return to zee trailer, and he may vork on your stress!~

>It's cooool baby Photo, I know how to handle it.

"...so did you get another note saying thanks for being a huge chunk of the Changeling tax base?"

'Which is a real thing that happened, in addition to us working for an Element of Harmony, Pinkie Pie, that's all weirdly true. We're a weird addition to this world.'

>Nahhhh, dude...

He adjusted his sunglasses.

>It's just the show.

And smiled.
Goddamn that’s a DEEP forgotten cut, he got like 3 total stories
Morlocks sure got some interesting turns.

>Huzzah! We have been invited to the... funny pony word for union of mating!

"Word is Marge age! Vekir is knowing this, for Vekir did muchly studying with Catbirds! Ambassador Vekir is muchly studied to world and all wonders!"

'Hrm. Weird that it start with Rekulk coming up top, and scaring everyone for sandwich.'

>Yes yes, quite of funny! Rekulk in original suit was like monster, they called! But only wished for trade, yes yes! And Trade, Rekulk did!

~When you weren't saving a spiderling.~

>Rekulk is often forgotten but important part of team, yes!

"Vekir know that, they forget Vekir on Partyland too, and do her own thing there!"

'Grehem is mostly forgotten in general.'

>Cry not, Grehem, you are good... what is pony word... Bro-sher-in-law?

~It's weird you don't know it yet.~

>Muchly hard to learn language for most!

"Yes, Vekir did not not go to massive trip and fight a dragon!"

~Undead dragon, technically.~

>Rekulk is still very proud of Sebjek for defeating storm king!~

~That was Rainbow Dash, technically.~

>Storm King Army?

~...That was Sebjek, yes yes.~

>HUZZAH! Now, do be of careful, Head of Metal reminds us that the Sun Demon will melt us if we are touched. Very scary, sun demon!

~It's a weird weakness we have.~

"But Vekir did not let that stop her or Handydog! Hello, Handydog! We know you are muchly changed from random thing Spike fight on airship!... He grew muchly!"

>We all grow muchly, and now we have city of white of our own!... That got damaged by evil living book, admittedly, but it there! Very proud, yes yes!


'...Is it true you able to dream walk?'


'That... very odd.'

~Lot of things about us very odd.~

>Wow I feel... very out of place in all of this.

"Ha, ha, ho, ho, ohhh he slays. Listen to the funny changeling, slaying with his words."

>I'm serious, I barely know anyone up there except my Queen, who honestly didn't like me all that much. Looking back on our interactions it is frankly stunning how much she yelled at me, and to be honest the only time I really interacted with Cadence was when she pinkbubbled out so much rubble from me I counted as road reconstruction. Most of my interactions are fighting Jetset and nearly getting stabbed, or fighting Jetset and nearly getting my neck snapped, or being hospitalized.

"You worked with him, too! I remember, I was there! Stumbling into a bunch of ropes and dangling from the ceiling one time."

>I'm just surprised you looked like you got kidnapped twice...

"The nightguards did kidnap me! That happened!"

>Other thing.

"Oh riiiiight. You were cool in that fight."

>I got beat the crap out of for a while and then winged into a victory.

"Hey! I rewarded you when we got home for carrying me like a princess!"

'Me remember that, that when dragon spy on you two during. Me fight him and Princess and lose.'

>You turned it around later, big victory against a stronger princess was to come!

~And changeling Queens!~

>Oh yeah, that was true... Bunny couldn't fit in the chair?

"Obviously not, we're broadcasting for her."

>Pity, she earned it after defeating that mech in the snowy tundra so we could save those ponies.

(Why didn't anyone care about that?)



'Me still sorry for going crazy with blue moon.'

>Water under the bridge.

"Yeah, it worked out fine! My sweetie even got a little extra action then!"

>I genuinely cannot believe I used to be dismissive to her for being a flake and feel awful.

"You had your moment about this with her, it's fiiiine."

>Pure hive seems so silly now... most hives are stupid.

"And tried to kill you! But that's how you grow! I remember when you kept insisting we weren't dating."

'And when you say me just experiment.'

~And you not realizing how big it was when you save me from constant torture.~

>...n-no, I knew that one, I just didn't show it.

~Me have very bad backstory.~

(How did all this start with you, anyway?)

>Oh, there was some confusion about Forty Two being in two places at once, so she took me, an infiltrator, and zotzed me into being a fighter who fought like her, and things spiraled out of control.

"...you're serious."

'You get made like this because miscommunication about placement!? All this! Cause silly thing!'


"You're lucky you're cute."


"So! Since we're here, when are you finally going to propose to us?"

>Oh, we didn't talk about-wait, us?


>...Just a side piece, eh?

"Be lucky I'm into it."

>My life got very odd, very fast.

'Can me bring guns to wedding?'

>They said no.

'Not them wedding!'

>...very odd... and wonderful...


"...It's weird this all started with us beating the crap out of each other on the princesses orders and like, going back for more."

>I was just thinking that.

"And then we went full murder room."

>Oh god the murder room. That was a mess.

"Messy indeed. Remember when I found out who my mother was via scream?"

>I would've been convinced she was messing with you if your mom hadn't actually appeared. And then tried to kill you. Then saved you?

"She was very confusing."

>Remember when you wanted to be Forty Two so bad?

"The fireflight road trip! I remember! That's why you got my headband, so I didn't have to get a helmet."

>You're cuter with the headband.


>So, uh... this event here, got you thinking about... anything in particular?

"Maybe, maybe..."


"I would look great in white."

>...you sure would.
Cheers /pa/ls, props to you for making it this far
Is everyone getting married!?
Why not? Now or never bitch, will they or won’t they!
Yeah we kinda stretched out a lot of the romances, it says something 55 has been married for a while now but nobody else

>My Fawntaine Wedding Planners will save my company!
(Sweet Note)

>You think we're invited?


>Yeah that sounded silly as soon as I said it.


>Had to take my shot.
>Love is in the air.
>Not Love is in bloom

That’s the END of the wedding you pleb
It was real fun looking back on it all. So many stories…
What a start, speeding up like the good old days
One last happy anniversary!
Ultimate baby.
And a post one for you.

>Prodigious! I knew that the fella would return, heroes always come back from their supposed demise!

"AHHHAHAHHA!... wait but you said they don't come back in real life.

>Normally, no! But my maniacal mare of mischief, clearly someone fighting a god would be different than normal!


>Now we can look back on all those times when I was but a nerdy soul, trying to woo you, and you just came out of a comic book and absolutely nobody questioned you.


>No really, you were in Partyland, you fought Variolus, and nobody thought a thing of it!

"Completely missed it!"

>And then the comic book ate us!


>Very strange!



"...so, when are we having our own major event?"



>Lucky Strikes

>...So you remember when we went through the forest?

"With the traps Seventy Seven set up? Yeah? Why?"

>I'm getting flashbacks to trying to wrangle those ponies now.

'They're not that bad, we've been through worse. Like when we fought Cordyceps, that was something.'

~Or the time we fought a bunch of slavers who killed kids.~


>Before your time, Meat Puppet. Sorry we didn't get to do as much with you.

(Sounds like I was better off missing it...)

>Anyway yeah, I fought a camel mono-e-mon, it was cool.


>The armor worked.

'Did you really fight off dolls that one time, Haymaker?'

"Hung out with Blueblood and Peej at the right moment, got to shine."

'Neat. Hey, does Gambling still own most of your debt, Quicksilver?'

~We worked out a payment plan in the Marehamas, remember?~


~I also went to therapy.~

'Now that's smart!'

(Agreed, did wonders for me!)

>Remember the mayo?

"Oh god the Mayo monster."

'Ponies almost got frozen to death!'

>But we did fine on our own! No need from the mega helpers!

~Yep, we're a long way off from comically awful at everything!~

>We've come up in the world!

"...why aren't any of us married."

>I was just thinking that.

"I missed my shot, I could've had a Blueblood PJ sandwich!"


"Buggy BASTARD!"

>...we've literally been around since Blueblood and nobody knows a thing about us, outside from "Hey those guys comment on stuff occasionally"

"Our life is a cruel joke."

>Should we at least reveal our names before it's over?

Now see that goes poorly in comics


"No, we're not killing her off again you can't keep pulling that out when your sales get low.


"I hate dealing with execs.
He got away with abducting Shining...

>...whatever happened to that one guard that hooked up with a griffon?

"Dude nobody remembers Harmony City subplots."
They came such a long long way

>I miss partyland.


>I got to do stuff there.

'You got your own sub... plotty... thing outside of it, you had your own cast!'

>Awkwardling is fun, but alas.

"You got a massive fight with Shining!"


"We got diddle! We got beat in the fight in Partyland and then bubkiss! Nada! None!"

'You got a thing with Soundcheck...'

"At the end! Maud by far got the most screentime!"

>That was because of the parts you didn't see.

"...wait what?"

>Apologies, Pinkie sense wore off on me for a second.


"...whatever happened to that thing dad did with the world punching thing?"

>It was for a gag.

'Wish someone would gag me.'



>...Tis weird we are only known for hitting him once.

"YOU are only known for hitting him once, I'm known for... vocal acts, mine husband."

>...and the jello fight.

"And that yes."
>Bow Hothoof

>...why did we never get a thing?

>Mr Shy
"Mrs Shy"

>I feel like we should've had a bigger part in this considering everything.


~What do you mean? Aren't you proud of me for being involved in a big action scene and staring Manes an Chains?~

>...I am but I shouldn't be...

"I just wanna know you're not..."

~Not what?~

"I don't wanna know!"
clones don't count

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