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Haha funny kvlt bois edition
OLD >>122448398
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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Is lil kekht based or cringe?
mediocre slop
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
black metal for instagram users.
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chads of the 90s
Were you able to skip a thread with this fag spam? Might be at 900 in a row now.
Ever even been to a metal show?
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I think this was one /metal/'s first meme albums when the general was formed all those years ago
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Pre-Arghoslent that's actually good
Well I got it as a rec from /metal/ I wanna say back towards 2012-2014 or something, as this wasn't something I found myself, but I don't remember it getting memed.
It was meme'd as an Opeth-killer since Watershed was mostly a disappointment

Also I wonder what our resident black female AiC schizo thinks of Opeth's cover of Would
What are some /metal/meme albums? Make a whole list if you will
Vektor - Terminal Redux
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>not posting the text

If you listen to BM, but you don’t know what phase the moon is in, or what wild flowers are blooming then you have failed. It is shocking to me that one could be seriously interested in Black Metal and not be deeply committed to radical ecology. Is BM supposed to be about concrete high rises, suburbs, television, an easy modern existence with access to 4-tracks and corpse paint from the local hot topic? No! The music is about wild forests, unfettered rivers, nature: furious and vengeful.

Frankly, I think a good portion of Black Metallers haven’t thought too hard about why they are into the music. I remember reading an interview with Garm of Ulver, I think in Michael Moynihan’s “Lords of Chaos”. Garm just couldn’t say enough horrible things about the youthful malcontents who buy the majority of Black Metal records; I tend to agree with him. Black Metal is a fairly easy thing to get into. There is a style, a sound, a set of beliefs – it’s all there to be purchased or downloaded with nary a thought of one’s own needed to get the whole package. There is deep truth underneath the façade of grim posturing, but one needs to search for it.
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>previous single was their best song in years
>next single is more mid tempo goth metal
I'm honestly more interested in new stuff from Cemetery Skyline and Halo Effect than DT now


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>tfw when im an ecologist and have done quite a bit for r nature so that means I get a pass at listening to BM
I walk through a forest every now and then. Close enough.
Taking samples of river water and analyzing them for chemical pollutants isn't BM bro
Going out in the forest with an amateur production crew and taking kvlt pictures of you and band member's cocks while frolicking in the snow, now that's BM
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Am I missing something with these guys?
Or am I just listening to the wrong album
>album cover of a Weregoat (probably with a big snek benis) fucking a slut
How is the new Alcest bros?
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Forgor the image
Anything produced by Dan Swano and featuring Bjorn "Speed" Strid
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Björn "Sneed" Strid
That is just gay anon
You are gay (but yes that is BM)
>Watershed was mostly a disappointment
How is an album with Lotus Eater and Heir Apparent disappointing? Just because it was not Ghost Reveries?

It's still better thanwhat came after
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It was overhyped because everybody was losing their minds thinking Opeth was going to turn into Slipknot or some shit due to signing with Roadrunner
But yeah, part of the disappointment was no "Ghost Reveries II"
Amerifats were spared from the cringy local TV news performances too
>Opeth was going to turn into Slipknot or some shit due to signing with Roadrunner
Instead they turned into a Camel tribute band lol
highly insulting to Camel 2bqhfam
The only good song for me is L'envol (it is very good, tho). And I said this with Alcest being possibly my favorite band. I liked Shelter a lot more than this, despite being my least favorite album
>with Alcest being possibly my favorite band
how tight is ur bussy :3
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SadEx were so ahead of their time its unreal
Literally created shitpost metal
Sad. I just started listening so I guess I'll find out, I did enjoy both singles. But right out of the gate I'm really enjoying how textured and dynamic the production is.
Very loose you can put a basketball in there
new alcest, blackgaze so I suppose it kinda goes here?

Sounds like it might be a certified banger album. I like L'Enfant de la Lune the best so far.
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I look like this actually
best song alcest ever did is L'Ile Des Morts
it's more post-metal/rock, nothing really black in it
I've been listening to Spiritual Instinct a lot on the lead up their new album and yeah L'Ile Des Morts is killer. But I think the whole album is great.
Correct. Camel reigns supreme.
How do we feel about Dan "The Man" Swanö covering Gentle Giant?
french seems like a pretty kino language ngl
nah it's gay as fuck
even Italian is better because it's closer to Latin
Latin is for Catholics and thus blows little boy dick
there's an album for that feel
it suddenly occurred to me that dream theater doesn't sound like dream theater anymore, they sound like bands who wanted to sound like them
does that make sense
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That song makes me think about an experienced magical warrior that it's going to fight against a huge man that looks way more dangerous than him. Yet he remains calm in front of the crowd.

Yes, I'm kinda autistic
Haven't listened to them since Systematic Chaos and they already seemed like a self-parody back then
Nah that's the exact vibe Neige is going for
Based mammal sauce enjoyer
Also when did generic modern proge bands stop sounding like Dream Theater and they started copying Leprous and Haken?
Channeling the Power of Anons into a New Meme
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Hatebeak. The singer is a parrot, literally.
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this birb has better taste than 90% of this general
>bird still alive
>Blake dead
The only album I still listen to occasionally is lucifer incestus so that or you can skip the entire band.
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I dunno but I hate it, this nu-generation of prog metal might have a lot of instrumental talent, but it doesn't have any balls whatsoever
He's fun, but he isn't 'trve cvlt'
>it doesn't have any balls whatsoever
Implying prog was ever a manly genre
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>Heir Apparent
I prefer the real thing
That just sounds like sieges even... Almost so similar that I gonna check if they share bandmembers
huh what u mean
I just finished my first listen and I enjoyed it a lot, L'Enfant de la Lune and Amethyste were my favorites. The guitar effects at the end of L'Enfant were amazing.
that would be Subsignal
I was never really into any of their records, but I've seen them live and they were awesome.
You posted one of the softest songs on the album
Thought I honestly always considered Caligula's Horse a heavy prog band like Porcupine Tree rather than a prog metal band

Obviously not since they are Australian
The singer had a band called Arcane which was pretty good
It's just that it sounds so similar to what they did on the art of navigating by the stars, which alrdy was one of their not metal albums, just straight prog
Well if you don't know already, Subsignal continued that album's sound
I knew but thx for the reminder, memoryholed it and never got around to look into their stuff.
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Post your most recent "Fuck you, I like it"
why do metal covers have to be so gross
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Because fuck you that's why
Retarded lastfm fag
I mean, Haken was always literally discount dream theater
>Bjorn "Speed" Strid
Night Flight Orchestra is fucking legit
Except Visions and The Mountain are much better than anything DT made in over 25 years
I love that MetalArchives allow a hard rock AOR band like this
hate this meme band
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Purgatory Afterglow remaster just dropped, niggas
>/v/ has better taste than /meal/
not surprised at all
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happy midsummer /metal/
Twilight is such a kino opening track
>nooo my slop is better than your slop
Both have equally shit slop taste. Only /classical/ has decent taste on this enitre website, if you were curious.
>Only /classical/ has decent taste on this enitre website
Ok dad
>Twilight is such a kino
I almost started laughing until I read the rest
Welcome, son.
Would you rather have Swano or Tagtgren produce your album?
americans ruined metal
Only Pytten.
Correct. They also ruined this general. Culture. Germany(even to this day). Is there something they haven't ruined?
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Well, have you?
Already archived, but some christcuck posted Dark Funeral cover on /pol/ lol
They have become memefied but their first album is unironically good
"studied the fibonacci sequence"
wtf does that even mean?
Listened to it on a walk and it seems really "nothing" to me.
It's not bad at all but it almost felt like an alcest copycat than alcest themselves, as no song really grabbed me and they just coasted from bit to bit.
>the doctor
Who? He better be real fucking good at guitar
The fibonacci sequence follows the rule that each number is equal to the sum of the preceding two numbers. Not sure about the implications of that pic
When did it become cool to brag about having the attention span of a fruit fly?
>Not sure about the implications of that pic
Tool song patterns have a lot of fibonacci sequence usage on that album. I think they use it for time signatures or at least lyrical delivery, it's not like I've listened to it enough to remember.
>Not sure about the implications of that pic
The verse in the song Lateralus follows the fibonacci sequence, with each line having a number of syllables from the sequence, going up 3-5-8-13 and then down
A few years ago some dude made a youtube video about this and how the song is so mathematical and deep and profound and whatnot and I guess now people think they are the next Euler because they listen to Tool
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He's what Sematary wishes he was.
Why does it start at the anus
Because the beauty of the whole is greater through the sum of its farts
you mean it ends with the anus?
life is a cycle, and it begins and ends in shit
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The new Sanguine Relic/Black Cilice split is top notch
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How do I cope with the fact that mainstream metal is a lie? This is better than any heavily shilled American thrash album but no one talks about it because it's not part of a marketable "scene"
Thrash itself is garbage normalfag genre, where it is impossible to distinguish quality since it all sounds like ass you just "headbang" to.
That marketable scene stuff was tried in the late 80s, almost killed the genre. It's nothing to aim towards
you seem like you would be a furry with a diaper fetish
Is it actually better or is it just novel (4u)
does this sound like shit because the drums are out of time or because the bass strings are clacking on the fretboard super loudly?
I get a strong feeling that each song is an ode to one of their earlier albums so I can see how it comes off. I enjoyed the album but it don't like any song as much as I love Sur l'ocean couleur de fer or L'ile des morts. I have a feeling it will be a grower though, parts of L'Enfant de la Lune are stuck in my head already.
>00s cgi/photoshop disaster cover
sovl overload
I agree but weirdly enough they put this out in 2014 and all other of their albums are properly painted artwork.
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>Genre: Progressive Thrash/Black/Heavy/Crust
Even better.
I can imagine digital nostalgia being a thing, bands will bust out the Line 6 amps and BBE Sonic Stomp and have album covers made with Silicon Graphics.
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That's not really the sound, I guessed at one point that their planned artwork wasn't ready at release but if you look at the accompanying art of the album it seems that it was a very deliberate decision to go "yeah let's do some early 00s deviant art cgi". I guess if I see them live again I gonna ask the band.
is it heresy to play limited edition picture discs?
No, but they usually sound like shit so don't get them
i got some because they were on sale, and they look cool. wasn't aware that they sound worse but i'm not too fussed, other than the lack of proper sleeves which is a bit gay. now is playing limited to 100/200 color vinyl heresy?
No, LPs are meant to be played. I guess that the majority of my LPs only got pressed in the low 100s. Not playing them is the real heresy since it made some labels press horrible shit and not doing quality control because hipsters don't listen to their copies anyway.
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of the 200 odd vinyl I own I've probably played 20 of them
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If you're going to play them at least rip them.
At some point it's not the super limited edition but that there wasn't a huge audience to begin with. So the "limited" edition was just the only edition. But thankfully almost anything can get a repress nowadays which annoys only tards and scalpers.
I just have to get limited edition gems like this for my own amusement.
"lol suicide man spins around" vinyl can't be turned down.
yeah true, i'm not one to sell my shit so idk why i care about resale value. i guess i just have an anxiety about breaking a record's virginity that i need to overcome.
too much effort + who would want to listen to a shitty vinyl rip instead of a cd rip
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>who would want to listen to a shitty vinyl rip
Go for whatever you like, mate. I shilled out the bucks for that Bethlehem picture box even if I have the cds. It's horrible but signed because I got it below retail from the band itself. Just don't fall for the trap of thinking LPs are an investment. They could be but only if you put a lot of work in it to buy and flip at the right times which is basically its own fulltime job. LPs are for being spinned. Have fun with 'em. Also give em a wash before writing them off when they play like shit.
yeah, describes them perfectly. i'm a vinyl bro myself, but even i can admit that cd is just superior and rips of vinyl recordings are retarded.
Ah nah it's not an investment, it's mostly just for my own amusement. I might not play them as much as I should, but I get enough enjoyment out of them just for my shitty materialism tendencies.
>Bethlehem picture box
Nice, I've wanted the DsO picture box for ages but that sold out years ago. The best I got was the Taake boxset where every vinyl has the album art, so plenty of vinyl with Hoest pulling a silly kvlt pose to go round in circles.
bands/labels should release the actual vinyl masters in digital format as a bonus, vinyl rips always sound bad because quality-wise the physical format is so fucking bad (not to mention the ripping methods always add even more garbage to them)
My SW/Archgoat vinyl rip is horrifficly bass-boosted.
>not wanting the Lauri "EPIC BASS BOOST" edition of Dreams Of 8
>not playing them as much
I go through my entire collection every 2-3 months and pick about 50-100 that range from "really want to play this" over "why did I get this again" to "what's this, and do I have dementia" and play them whenever I get to it.
It's one of the joys of having all this shit on shelves, you should try it.
I need it on shelves, but really the only time I ever play vinyl when I'm working out. Otherwise I'd rather just listen at my PC with my overpriced setup and full library.

I used to have a habit of taking a half hour to an hour just before bed to spin a vinyl, but that fell by the wayside in favour of just "fuck this I'll go to sleep"
I can relate, but after a time I switched to mostly playing physical shit and rarely using my files. Makes me listen to more music because I decide more quickly on what to play next and don't have fits of 20 minutes of skipping.
Dragonforce are incredibly gay
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Anything made after the pandemic
There was no pandemic you stooge
Wrong, the pandemic never ended
Didn't care, don't care, never will
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Wear the facediaper, chuddy
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You can pretend to be hecky all you want but he's too much of a pleb to enjoy Paysage.
Shit meant to reply to >>122456693
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Im not him, im jusr exploring new shit
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why does every Mgla album have a single 11/10 track and then a ton of 5/10 slop
As much as everything else sucks, Paysage is probably the worst off that chart. Pure garbage for RYMtrannies and no one else.
shit take
I don't even see the single 11/10 tracks. Never got the hype.
You must be the Thorns tranny
Because you're still dumb to realize almost all metal fucking sucks and any self-respecting man should listen to Classical instead.
then why the fuck are you even here
Eat your veggies today?
Low IQ monkeys detected
that so stupid because venom, bathory, sodom, and mercyful fate didn't care about any of that
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anons used to unironically discuss this album
To make fun of you and enjoy the occassional decent metal.
Don't mind him, when he speaks of classical he means vidya osts and is fishing for a copin tech in most threads.
do you not like

11/10 is a bit strong, but I think they are very good tracks, mostly for their "choruses". Then the rest of the albums is paint by numbers boring shit I'd never listen to, but tracks like that keep dragging me back.
Low IQ monkey using my own meme
Incredibly retarded
Aesthethica is quite actually great. Idk about the rest of their discog.
Dunning and Kruger would spend months analysing you.
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You don't know what Dunning ane Kruger were analysing at all then lol.
black metal is inherently
i bet you can't stomach one second of modernist/post modernist classical stupid posing faggot
fag music
At least I can spell.
Panzer Division Marduk
6.5/10 it's okay. And that's only because both have strong parts while often meandering through boring shit. Which is basically my criticism for the rest of those albums. Getting deja vu here, feels like I've written this post before.
So good trans sister
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Modernistslop sucks
Uhh such a skill.
Shut up, favela monkey
i know this general is full of schizos yet i keep coming back
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We too.
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>no u!
Kek seething imbeciloid.
One of us
>nonchalantly drops an hour long animated movie as a music video for an entire album
>enters the thread
>pissing and shitting himself
>starts to spin around on the floor like a chromosome dreidel while hitting his head
>"you seething yet?"
Always entertaining.
all these retards who hate on incantation never name a good album in the same vein stylistically, obvious trolls
Yes monkey, I am one of you the mammals posting on /metal/. But I'm human, you ain't. Have a banana.
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Dismember - Like an Everflowing Stream
I remember being into these guys back when they only had their first album out
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Hyperdontia is pretty retarded as a bandname, ngl. Put it in a list to check out later anyway.
The consequences of being Brazilian
brutal death metal peaked in
Post your super obscure metal recs then faggot. Let me guess more generic death metal with gore artwork
Dilate bitchboy
Suck on my girthy cock tranny faggot. I will dilate your lose bussy
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How do I start listening to some metal as a punk/hardcore/metalcore pleb
Headphones + music player + metal cd = Enjoy \m/
That's fucking gay, you disgusting faggot
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>listening to CDs
You work your way from grind back to dm, do thrash after that and are free to go anywhere from that point.
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Where do you think the music comes from when your cheeto stained fingers click "Download"
Right, doesn't mean I have to subject myself to them, does it? Key word "download" you fucking dunce.
i am shocked you aren't some south american or indian
I've posted my location in this general several times before.
Let's see your address
No thanks, not making that mistake again
Not posting timestamped pics anymore either
best 90s tech death album?

atrocity - hallucinations
Too bad, I was gonna come give you a kiss
i don't keep track of everything you do
I see you
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Great. That's what I want to read.
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone
/grind/ fans, what are your favorite full lengths from the 90s?
>Doesn't like metal
>Still claims AIC is metal
Something doesn't add up here
WHen did I say I didn't like metal?
you don't like a single metal band
Explosions in Ward 6, Jouhou, Casualties of Progress, Dropdead 1993, Need To Control, Ten Torments of the Damned, I Like It When You Die, Morbid Florist, Inhale/Exhale, Human Jerky, The Purity of Perversion
name metal you enjoy then
grunge is slop
These may be the greatest lyrics known to metal
i do nothing but listen to black metal in my moms basement
See >>122460008
Where does it say that I don't like metal?
Took me a while to go through part of my album collection but here:
AiC, Acid King, Annihilator, Benediction, Sabbath, Cancer, Crowbar, Dark Angel, Death, Death Angel, Demolition Hammer, Destruction, Dio, Dissection, Down, Edge of Sanity, Electric Wizard, Exodus, Forced Entry, Grand Belial’s Key, Priest, Massacre, Megadeth, Mercyful Fate, Metallica, Metal Church, Morbid Angel, Motorhead, Overkill, Ozzy, Pentagram, Possessed, Powermad, Slayer, Strapping Young Lad, St vitus, TAD, Testament, Unleashed, Xentrix, Venom, Vital Remains, Voivod
Also, see the above where I said which genres reign supreme. Faggot.
It's not. AiC is the greatest band of all time. They are better than your favorite band.
Of course.
also Bolt Thrower
couldn't find the ep anywhere
How is atmo sludge a meme?
Oceanic is about a guy who gets cucked and Neurosis frontman was a wife beater
the hardest metal known to man
how many cocks have been in your mouth? rough estimate.
don't be modest
why is it called pizza thrash?
I'm not being modest, I'm being honest.
I'm not gay.
how many women have you fucked
not metal
That's what I say as well.
I don't know what that is.
Venom - Welcome to Hell
Listened to Sleeps Dopesmoker for the first time ever today. What did I Dr Pavel I'm CIA about it?
Party thrash would be more accurate, but pizza parties are a thing too
don't exaggerate
I'm no exaggerating. I'm being exact.
5 in my lifetime, not just this year or whatever
>humble bragging
Chicks love AiC
BMcels don't understand.
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Because of dumb shit like this
HAD to be a shitposter from here
They also love Frusciante
do metalheads dress up the same as they did back then?
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you have never had sex. i don't think you've even seen a woman's nipple irl.
You don't know shit about me.
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it's pretty obvious
It's not
Anonymous posting on a dead image board does not mean anything. It is a separate persona from real life. With the internet and social media, I can choose what I want to reveal about myself.
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I had psychic, metaphysical, tantric sex with both of these anon's mothers
I astral projected my BWC into their loose cunts before their cuck dads could even fluff the designated bull
and you can lie about having sex and being heterosexual
But I'm not, though no matter what I say you can choose what you want to believe and what you want to deem as false.
So even asking the question to begin with was pointless. I complied with the "be honest" part, and it's not like I said 25+ or something, but again, it's all meaningless anyways.
you say it's meaningless but you still insist on lying
I'm not insisting on lying. You are. You said "be honest", I did, yet you accuse me of lying. No matter how honest I am you will accuse me of lying. You just want your ego satisfied. You are one of those people who can never be wrong.
nigga why are you arguing with a stranger on the internet about whether youve had sex or not if you know youve had sex and hes trying to tell you you havent why are you going to the ends of the earth to defend yourself
being insecure about whether youve had sex or not seems to me to be a thing that only affects people who have never had sex before, as people who have had sex are typically confident with themselves. so this leads me to believe he has not actually had sex before because why else would he be this insecure
no, i just know that no woman would ever let you touch her pussy. unless you raped them. are you a rapist? you do seem quite mentally ill.
having confidence in yourself is KEY to being able to have sex, yet this fag does not have confidence in himself. he's either a pathetic insecure retard lying about not being a virgin or he's a pathetic insecure retard who is also a virgin
kill yourselves
She can't die before posting nudes
I need to see that thicc ghetto jungle bunny booty

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