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fuck your mother

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aic is proto-numetal tier slop and not metal.
aic is not metal but there is absolutely nothing even remotely "nu-metal" whether it be "pre," "proto" or whatever else you can come up with, you broccoli haired tranny faggot.
Nu metal is metal
aic is just korn but somehow shittier
aic and korn sound nothing alike
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Dude they are nothing alike
stop you're gonna make him notice patterns and call us samefags
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not my favourite canadian album of the year but pretty dece
why are you all discussing a radio rock band in a metal thread? you guys gonna talk about foo fighters next?
see previous thread
the question still stands.
basically the same band, just aic is shittier.
AICfag brought up aic as he always does. it was discussed in previous thread.
Sorry bub don't hear it
>AiC: hard rock and metal influences
>Korn: industrial, hip-hop, and reggae influences
yep, totally the same
korn is just aic with better vocals and better riffs.
Korn is just Mudvayne but worse
None of this is metal.
mudvayne is just slipknot but worse
for me, it's Peach in Chains
>uhm ackshually my poserarchives site says it's metal
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My go-to innagym
Ayo where the big boi riffs at
metal for being shitfaced for 15 days and then having DTs for the next two weeks ?
Right here
gotchu senpai
will you help me
free anna from the chains!
holy fuck my new favorite thrash album
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>Makes earlets seethe
Imagine being a pleb
based. riffs so hard it should be illegal
>What if we make hair metal, but with a grunge aesthetic
Gay and not metal you alt faggot
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how do you go from this...
Nezhegol dropping mid as always
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to this?
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happy midsummer /metal/
We have the same hairline
the rare deep forest Jew
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What's some /pol/ core? any charts?
so my dudes what is your favorite band? for me it is
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
For me, it's also
LITERAL diaper metal?
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true black metal
nunslaughter sucks
never heard of the whoresons
their message is based thoughever
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It is one mentally ill faggot fanboy
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this one is mixed like dookie and not even in a good way
>no edition no old thread
This thread is dead and gay
I wish I had a stage to scream in to a mic on.
there's always your local church
I once volunteered to sing at a church choir. When practice time came I totally ghosted them.
You sound black no offence
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that sounds like something I would do to be honest. I know how you feel anon. I'm my own worst enemy sometimes
Old thread was a travesty.
I did the same after agreeing to be the singer in a local grindcore band.
One problem was that I hadn't taken a shower. The other problem was that I realized they weren't playing metal.
PdH are for tinnitus havers ONLY
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ive done that before. if you dont eat, sleep or drink for 3 days you start seeing shit like that.
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that's fucking hilarious
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Nu-cels we eating good tonight
Listening to the new Alcest, it's kinda meh so far
I loved the Leftover Crack rec the other day.
??? why would anyone skip food and sleep for 3 days ? have you considered just not doing that? your body's going to be very mad at you
Have you considered some do it as a mystical exercise?
normies (and some autists here) for some reason like to brag about staying up for over 9000 hours. It never made sense to me. I stayed up for like 30 hours one time and i didn't feel the need to tell anyone, like who gives a shit
how about mystical napping and snacking instead?
they should be taking care of their health
I like it
i did it for occult purposes
not metal
I love punk because it sometimes fits in to pk-core.
>modern metal production is ass
>new bands emulating old production is just a gay larp
what is the solution?
no we all know nobody here actually believes in occult stuff because everyone is atheist and doesn't believe in anything so you just want to troll
on the off chance you're being honest then just take care of yourself
skipping meals and sleep is no joke
im a satanist
Cringe, satanism is so cringe
I believe in it however I would never practice it. The instant you do, you invite a lot of bad shit into your life. –t. has read a lot of books on the occult.
you are just a coward
Just be organic, doesn't matter if it's an old or new sound as long as it sounds good. Duuuuhh
so if you're open to believing in paranormal evil devil stuff why not give the lighter side a chance too ? couldn't God and our angels be just as real in that worldview? i just dont get why you'd choose that way
god is real and i hate him
taake boing
>however I would never practice it
What if someone were to accidentally practice it? Say if they followed an image posted here, that used non-occult terms. Like that one image that fucks up your thumb tendon.
In a sense everything we do is magical on a base level but actually practicing rituals is what's a no-no. It puts a beacon on your on the astral/heavenly planes.
Touch grass
>What if someone were to accidentally practice it?
that still counts as consent
smoke grass
I can get in to the whole "astral plane" and such related things as metaphor for experience, but I don't believe in their literal existence.
As a Christian I prefer to think about and refer to it as the heavenly realm. It's where God, and the angels and demons are. And it's the place where hell and the Empyrean reside, and is the metaphysical realm from which all archetypes spring forth and in which occult actions are performed through.
This album rules
yeah right i knew you were making fun of me and you probably dont believe in any of this but dont be silly and take care of your health
i’m off to bed, good night even if you’re a little asshole to me
Antisemitic post
im serious. you worship the demiurge lmao. fuck (((yahweh))). heil satan
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Praise the Lord. Cleansing of the unbelievers.
one long day isnt gonna do shit to their health, but the bragging part of it is goofy. Some of the mentally ill really do stay up for like 5 days straight and see spiders and shit, that's not what im talking about
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Listening now, holy fuck
Burzum, Darkthrone, Emperor
the shadow creatures are always there you just cant see them through the veil until you are near death.
how much caffeine do you need to stay up that long?
What was your very first exposure to metal?
What was the first real metal album you listened to all the way through?
What was the first metal shirt you bought?
you cant eat or drink so no caffeine
sleeping is for posers
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New York Death Metal
TTFAF from Guitar Hero 3
Inhuman Rampage
Blind Guardian 2015 tour shirt
Hell yeah. 11:00pm coffeetime here.
"New York death metal" is just a euphemism for sweaty fat fucks and deep dish pizza
baphomet rules
Pyrexia - Sermon of Mockery
And yes I know I replied to a data harvesting bot.
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>"EP"s longer than some of their albums
Why do doom bands do this?
>talkimg about metal in /metal/ is data harvesting
Simply having working sensory organs makes one a data harvester at all times
Sup brah brah
I'm still addicted to this.
addicted to what? not a single memorable riff in their discography
>addicted to what?
(And weed)
Fred "Death" Duval
I think Altars of Madness SUCKS!
I don't think it's bad, but I could never get into it myself. The first track rips, though.
wtf i love pizza now
I was gonna order some earlier but decided against it.
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>order Death shirt from Relapse via their Bandcamp page
>digital album (deluxe edition) comes with the order
>they only have up to 2xl but I can see they have 3xl in stock on their site proper
>convey that I want a 3xl in the order message
>they tell me they have none and refund my order
>Death album (deluxe edition) worth like $35 stays in my Bandcamp collection, for free
Stay winning my friends.
alternatively, just torrent it.
It was just a happy little result from them cancelling the order.
Good for you, often happens with Amazon music, too. But 35 bucks for a digital album? Are they fucking kidding? (they want 25 bucks for tsop so I believe you) I wouldn't pay that for a physical copy unless it's a 3lp one...
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
It comes to over thirty dollars Canadian with taxes. So the shirt (a longsleeve) had been like $60 CAD.
Behemoth sucks dogshit
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i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
just got diagnosed with schizophrenia, /metal/ for this feel?
Okay that fits because 35 cad are 25 euro bucks, but still... Both quite expensive... But bandcamp also has the bad habit of adding high shipping costs to every article. That's why I often rather order from small vendors unless it's smth that isn't available anywhere else.
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Nyothaegablisz, Tetragrammacide, Nirriti
how so
>shipping from Australia
>like $60 CAD just to ship a shirt
That's why I've never once ordered anything from Australia LMAO
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Apparently HHH from liturgy would post tons every day on his private discord about how he talks to god.
>so if you're open to believing in paranormal evil devil stuff why not give the lighter side a chance too ?
Where's the logic in that? Why would faith be a virtue to any sort of god? If there's anything to the shitty abrahamic religions then it's most likely that they exist only for the purpose of culling the week-minded who accept things on faith in the absence of logical reasoning. All these christians, muslims and jews are gonna be in for quite the shock when they die and discover that Satan was the one and only true god all along. Hail Lord Satan!
>As a Christian
Gtfo out this thread. You can't be both a christcuck and a metalhead
yes you can. Christianity has its roots in black sabbath, the earliest of metal. All religious or irreligious belief is welcome. Stop being a black metal sperg
/pol/ listens to more than metal, think Mr Bond (mad lad went to jail for his music, can't say that of any of the so-called "hardcore" (((rappers)))). I don't think there are any charts for martial industrial or NSBM but there are for neofolk. What are you looking for exactly?
i'm going to spend all weekend posting here and no one is going to stop me
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Found the NSBM chart btw, I didn't think the /metal/ sticky would have it. But again, /pol/ listen to more than metal.
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Have a better one.
what are you escaping?
What's dt? something tremor?
interesting, thanks.
i wish that posting nazi shit resulted in a ban on 4chan. I'm so bored of you retards
drug test
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Got a martial industrial one, by any chance? Some of those projects/bands have overlap with/elements of NSBM.
Stop trying to censor the internet, Moshe. NSBM is a part of /metal/ whether you like it or not. Go suck some dude's dick if you don't like it
Bolt Thrower
dubs thrower. check these dubs
I think everyone wants a whole album that's just like through sun and steel transforming but I never found something that hits that way.
who has the most pleasant singing voice in metal?
peter steel
King Diamond
You dumb fucking retarded christcuck nonwhite faggot. Black Sabbath's music may have at the time referenced religious themes such as sin, redemption and fear of the devil as an occult-themed counterculture band in a western, predominantly-Christian society, but they were in no way a Christian band, nor have they ever promoted Christianity or any other religion. Tony Iommi has stated before that he doesn't follow any religious path. Kill yourself you stupid disingenuous christcuck history-revisionist wannabe piece of shit. Chistinsainty has absolutely no place in metal and never will. Christards like you should be skinned alive and burned at the stake. No mercy for your ilk. Gtfo out of this thread and go listen to gospel music you fucking gay jesus-loving low-IQ faggot.
>anon lost his shits over christcucks like he's pippa gore yelling "think bout the childwen"
Weird times
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>Christianity has its roots in black sabbath

Jesus the king of Black Sabbath
foobar2000 and slsk is all you need
I've read all their biographies. Geezer, who wrote the lyrics, is a catholic, as is ozzy, tony isn't religious but does believe in god. Geezer stopped going to church when a nun mocked him for having long hair but has always been a catholic. Read the lyrics, not every christian is a bible bashing church lover, the real ones have the church in their heart. I'm not even a christian but I have immense respect for it when it is practiced earnestly. Just listen to after forever and read the lyrics. They all wore corsses ffs. Do some research before talking about metal, cause you are clearly a poser who knows nothing. Read some biographies
discussion is over now.

trad doom is a good genre but not a good person
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Agreed. Von Thronstahl has a very unique sound but are a bit too experimental sometimes which makes some, if not all, of their albums a bit of a mixed bag. Made a thread for this genre if you want to discuss further, I am curious if any chart exists. >>122465863

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Jesus was born in England, he's the son of Ozzy and Tony's unusual, yet progressive, gaysex pregnancy. You heard that right, Christianity is rooted in Black Sabbath.
Tell us more about Black Sabbath origins of Christianity
Don't you mean Judeo-Christian?
filter tripfags you retards. except the best blastings guy
read the lyrics, read the biographies. I have no interest in defending something that is so obvious. It's as boring as defending the view that water is wet. Why do you think so many doom bands are christian? candlemass, trouble, reverend bizarre, saint vitus, pentagram....... its not by chance.
That one chick from that one White Skull album. And usually I don't want women.
>a fascist regime
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damn this is catchy
The problem is that VT is normally neofolk and his neofolk sucks. Sometimes Welle Erdball hits the same spot or older laibach songs but if you look at that the bags are even more mixed.
I played a ton of FreeCell yesterday when I listened to Leftover Crack. It's 3 am now. I am tired.
I thought /meal/ hated grind
Blood Upon the Altar
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Delirium tremens
Fucking hell you're so dumb man. So dumb.
you are stupid and not worth anyone's time
Lmao kys you stupid grasping-at-straws pathetic christcuck faggot. Practically everyone who grew up in 60s Western society was raised as Christian of some sort or other. Even your president Biden is "catholic", right? As you even said, they're definitely not faithful church-going adherents. They didn't give a rats ass. And they certainly didn't form a band to promote the Christian faith. They did the opposite rather: they created an occult-themed band that scared the shit out of the faithful christards of the time. And here you come 50 something years later to tell us all they were actually a Christian band trying to spread the word of your faggoy nonexistent god. Lmao you should be burned at the stake for retardation
Based fellow west coast anon. I slept all day though, because I am a bat.
This fucking sucks
cool pig
Broooo. As the resident Xtard, even I know you're wrong. None of them are religious including Geezer. I know cause I read his autobiography last summer. He's at most spiritual.
ozzy's epiglottis was removed for our sins
Oh well, got to use what you have. If it doesn't exist, create it or look further. You could express the demand in the thread I created.
>I slept all day though, because I am a bat.
I have a 25 hour sleep cycle which is neverending and cannot be stopped. Sometimes I am awake during the day; sometimes during the night.
Such a good album. Witching Hour makes me lose my shit!
stop talking about sleep you retards
dopethrone XD
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Reverend Bizarre are defo not pro Christianity. They have a song called Caesar Forever ffs. Trouble really are Christian I think tho.
I love sleep!
Never could dig this band. I'd rather listen to D666 or Diocletian.
there's nothing worse than a tripfag who turns their trip on/off constantly
All of the music I like has a cathartic element to it. Every single piece.
Guns n Roses are metal
I recced that suveräna album. But like many of those artists that sometimes hit the spot a lot of it is dark ambient filler. I don't want dark ambient filler, I want constant fanfares to a marching beat.
When I hear "sweet child of mine" I think it's for old women.
Don't use sidechaining compression.
AND also don't use that retarded faggity-ass reverb that always sounded like shit.
I listened to Sweet Child o Mine the first time I did mushrooms and had nigh on a religious experience.
yeah dude i love bands like AC/DC, Judas Priest, Accept, etc.
Please never get near me or talk to me again.
Satanism is metal. Satan means metal. Literally like 70% of classic metal albums have satanic imagery/themes.
Total newby here. My girlfriend is big into what she calls "death metal". I didn't really get it at first but she took me to a band called Obituary concert earlier this month and it was really fun and I was blown away. Does anybody have any recommendations of similar bands? I want to learn more about this style of music and impress her. I need like a qrd on this style of music
how do you make an album sound raw without adding effects to it?
They're fucking boring and Nergal is a pretentious faggot
you described this general in a nutshell
Grand Belial's Key
This is some good shit.
Mad overrated honestly
We hate that transgenderised nonsense here.
bro stfu. I know much more than you do about this. I forget what interview but in a 2000s interview sami says that trad doom should be christian and although he himself can recognise the negative things christianity has done, reverend bizarre is a christian band with christian lyrics. I swear, none of you posers read lyrics, its important, especially if you are wanting to discuss lyrical themes. I'm so sick of talking to people with no knowledge of metal, i have yet to find any people online who know their shit, i have met a few irl tho.
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Since faggots don't post FAQ anymore
i just listen to mocking the philanthropist
Overrated as fuck. Some of the most mediocre metal I've ever heard.
i have a fetish for mediocre metal. it makes good background music.
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Listen away chuddy
Let's see your citations then. I think you're cherry picking these interviews. And as for Geezer or any of the other Sabbath lads – they're about as Christian as James Hetfield with his Jesus and Mary tattoo.
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of course the poster who loves a reddit shit band like sleep knows nothing about doom metal but wants to run his mouth. Seriously fuck off and do your research you fucking poser
what is the opposite of nsbm?
I dunno. I think I might go and ask a neural network that.
Revelation - Never Comes Silence
jewish gay nonmetal
Like I'm sorry if I'm wrong but you're all over the place. Sabbath def no, Reverend Bizarre based off their lyrics no, Trouble yes, the rest you mentioned I'm going with no. Bobby Liebling is not a Christian, look at how he acts. Saint Vitus I seriously doubt it.
rambling like an idiot will get you nowhere
Is the low res purposeful?
do your research. I'm not spoon feeding you shit. citing ceaser forever as proof they dont have christian lyrics is fucking retarded, its a song from a roman perspective. Read some more fucking lyrics you absolute fucktard, better yet, stick to listening to sleep and smoke some more weed to rot your brain you fucking low iq retard. Do some more le epic bacon drugs and kill all your dopamine receptors you cunt
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Why are you so mad?
i already posted the lyrics to after forever, which is proof enough and cited geezers biography that was written last year where he talks about himself being catholic. Saint vitus is literally called saint vitus, listen to the lyrics of the self titled song off the first album, or let me guess, you only have heard the le epic bacon wino era albums? seriously stop talking to me. you dont know anything, do some research.
Bro. Broooooo. You're wrong. Seethe about it.
because im tired of posers. Im tired of people not understanding black sabbath, they have been around sijnce the 70s and people still fucking dont bother to read the lyrics and think about them. Nobody fucking thinks anymore and it is frustrating. im surrounded by retards all fucking day and i wish i could talk to metalheads who know their shit
The concept of opposites, especially for complex or nuanced subjects, can indeed be challenging to pin down. NSBM, or National Socialist Black Metal, combines elements of black metal music with extreme far-right ideologies. To determine an opposite, we should consider both the musical and ideological components.

1. Musical Component: Black metal is known for its aggressive, fast-paced, and dark musical style, often featuring themes of nihilism, misanthropy, and anti-religion.

2. Ideological Component: NSBM specifically incorporates National Socialist (Nazi) ideologies, which include racism, anti-Semitism, and fascism.

Given these aspects, the opposite of NSBM would need to contrast sharply with both its musical style and ideological stance. Here are two dimensions to consider:

Musical Opposite:
Musically, the opposite might be a genre that is slow, melodic, and uplifting. This could be something like:
- Ambient Folk Music: Characterized by peaceful, acoustic melodies and themes of nature and tranquility.

Ideological Opposite:
Ideologically, the opposite would be something that promotes inclusivity, equality, and peace. This could be represented by:
- Progressive Rock/Pop: Known for themes of social justice, peace, and unity.

Combined Opposite:
Combining both the musical and ideological opposites, one could argue that the opposite of NSBM might be something like:
- Progressive Folk Music: This genre blends the peaceful, melodic aspects of folk music with progressive and inclusive themes, focusing on unity, equality, and positive societal change.

Therefore, the opposite of NSBM, considering both its aggressive, dark musical style and extreme far-right ideology, could be Progressive Folk Music, which promotes peace, inclusivity, and melodic harmony.
real schizo hours
Oh Lord, I can´t conceive
Why was he torn from me?

Death is all that I see when I observe the world we have built
And Death is the majesty we all have to face
But you my God are the one and your word is fulfilled
As we sleep under peaceful shade of your grace

lyrics to funeral summer by reverend buizarre. seems a little christian does it not? fuck off and seriously do some research if you want to talk to me about doom emtal
If you read Geezer's biography you would have caught up on the multiple times where he said he was spiritual and never was Catholic like his parents. They wrote After Forever as a reaction to all the bad press they had – unintentionally, and more due to marketing rather than their lyrics – gotten saying they were heavy into devil worship and the occult when, up to their first two LPs, they had had a grand total of two songs about the devil and nothing else about the occult: and After Forever was their response to all that. If you had read Geezer's book you would have known that.
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You're pretty confusing because you made it seem as if an album like that didn't exist/you're looking for it and now you say that I am looking for it and that it is one of your recs. Do you get the confusion? Lol.
Scrap that list. All you need is the first Possessed album, the first 2 Death albums, the first 3 albums from Deicide, Morbid Angel, and Obituary, and the first albums from Entombed and Dismember. That'll teach you everything you need to know about Death Metal. All this subsubsubgenre technical/gore/brutal/grind/slam/faggotry/gay/homo is just poseur shit that ruins death metal by turning it into parody.
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you didnt read the biography i read. he clearly states he is catholic and mentions how his son is atheist but was raised catholic. He raised his kids catholic, he was raised catholic, he wrote catholic lyrics, just seriously stop
I doubt it
Maybe they are Christian, I don't know. I don't think those lyrics by themselves are conclusive.
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Personally, I can't stand swarthy italians like iommi swinging a cross around on a chain. "mama mia" stupid fingerless whore
male prostitute
pray the rosary

Stupid 70s hair oompa loompa

Oversized cross faggggg

Look at this shit. Smooth black and a cross. A mockery to smooth black. This shit circumcizes me. Looks like a cadillac logo.
Bling bling; straight form a 200s direct-to-video disney smooth hot pink shitfilim. Imagine if a pagan symbol was made with these cartoony proportions. I'll bet the execs at the tv network would love it.
"My brother the retarded lion"

A big ol chain for a stupid chrome cross. Stupid tony iommi. Big fat broccoli haired 70s zoomer.

Tony Iommi is a brocolli haired 70s zoomer.

I fucking hate the cunt!@!!!!!!!!!!
idk if they are christian but its a christian band. why are you arguintg with me? i klnow more about this than you do. stick to le epic drug music and stay in your reddit lane
This ia fucking retarded because Black metal itself is inherently melodic and very folkish most of the time, prog is not uncommon either because Black metal tends to be the most experimental out of all extreme metal genres.
Ulver, Windir, Taake are clearly folk black or black with folk elements w/e. And then there's KPN, literally NS prog-folk Black metal and one of the better known NSBM bands.
I assumed a "Christian" band would be composed of Christians.
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>I can´t conceive
I can't consneeve!
And have Christian lyrics
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>why am I arguing with you?
Because you're just wrong.
electric green machine
do you know what i mean?
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Eurotrash spotted
Yeah maybe, I'm lying down with a fever so I might be not as coherent as I like, I try to clarify: I think there are no charts since those I know of focus more on the dark ambient or neofolk parts that that is often attached to military industrial. See von thronstahl: you have at least 5 Europa callings for each through sun and steel. There is a rym list which basically has the same problem. So what you gonna do to get a chart is collecting the albums that lean more towards the industrial instead neofolk or dark ambient and topster that shit together yourself. So I just gave an album that imo would fit on such a chart. But maybe some rando anon will surprise us with a well curated list neither of us knew of. Which I kinda doubt.
You're right. Black metal does indeed often incorporate themes of nature and sometimes even melodic elements. Given this, let's refine the criteria for identifying the opposite of NSBM:

1. Musical Component: Instead of focusing on melodic and nature themes, we should emphasize contrasting musical attributes, such as:
- Lightness instead of darkness
- Harmony instead of aggression
- Positivity instead of nihilism

2. Ideological Component: We should look for genres or subgenres that actively promote inclusivity, diversity, and anti-fascism.

Musical Opposite:
- Pop Music: Typically characterized by catchy, light, and harmonious tunes. It's accessible and generally has a positive or neutral tone.

Ideological Opposite:
- Anti-Fascist Punk: This subgenre of punk rock explicitly promotes anti-fascist, anti-racist, and inclusive messages.

Combined Opposite:
Combining these elements, the opposite of NSBM could be something like:
- Anti-Fascist Pop Music: This hypothetical genre would combine the light, catchy, and harmonious qualities of pop music with strong, inclusive, and anti-fascist messages.

So, refining the previous answer, the opposite of NSBM, considering the need to contrast both its musical style and ideological stance while recognizing that nature and melody can also be part of black metal, could be Anti-Fascist Pop Music. This genre would embody the lightness, harmony, and positivity of pop music while promoting inclusivity and anti-fascism.
the future's here
o haven't you heard

Fucking horrible lyrics.
Cringey homoerotic gospel music. Not metal. Only a true fag would recommend this shit. Kys
kek imagine putting this much effort into your posts
I think a totally-ai vertion of /metal/ would be possible. One AI for bongman, another for negru. One for trad doom. Leave em to talk to each other for 100 years.
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>you didnt read the biography i read
I read this one, it's his one and only as far as I know.
It's kinda nice, despite the latent homosexual aggression. I'd take it over Vargposting any day.
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Tard Doom fucked off because he's angry and wrong lmao
EUronymous was a homosexual.
He was transgendah
Now that's more like it. Based AI.
And he was probably... gayy.
hehehe looks like i rustled some feathers
I would be surprised if there was any straight guy in this general.
chad metal
>just ordered food
Metal for this feeling?

Mogged by actually good music. All this osdm shit is garbage that makes your hair thinner and gives you dementia
>those I know of
Care to share them? I have no problem with dark ambient/neofolk and since it's a pretty niche genre it's probably the best for now. I get what you mean with filtering those subgenres but that's like looking for a niche inside a niche. Just look at the archives, most of the threads fuse with those subgenres and still get no/hardly any replies: https://desuarchive.org/mu/search/subject/martial%20industrial/

>I want constant fanfares to a marching beat.
You might want to consider checking out regular martial music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFi10H_Y4xk
>a bunch of fags arguing about what's metal and what's not
what is this, fucking high school?
11:11 (double time-dubs) past the hour beats 11:19
>bunch of fags arguing about what's metal and what's not
that describes the vast majority of metal discussion since metal was invented

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