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Kultur edition.

Old >>122461532
Older >>122455165
Kaevum reigns supreme.
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metal is inherently misanthropic.
Better thread. Shame the American't BM thread's gonna stay instead.
This one
How do we feel about Vampyric Tyant nearing 1 million views on JewTube?
Not enough.
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no baldcuckery allowed in this thread
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Not supporting the splc thread.
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No surpise DM sucks much then lol
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Realizing that Thrash fucking sucks, are there any good, as in Progressive Thrash Metal albums? And no cringey vocals please!
That's funny, you fucking guy.
What vocals do you find cringy? Voivod's? What about these?


Techdeath is better anyways
Satanic Warmaster
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Look sick.
how many gay kultur threads are we gonna get
So is the bot gonna post itt or no
>t. mindbroken and dominated
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Woah, the percussion on this is great
When I learned burzum was a nazi and murderer it gave him this scary aura but then I saw his Twitter and discovered he's a massive retard more than anything
Wait I'm in the wrong thread
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Nu-Bros were eating great in 95
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Werwolf is becoming Hector
Is there any proof that this poster is a tranny?
There is nothing transgressive about LARPing as a vampire werewolf.
Why do you only come here to kvetch about his posts hours later? Why do you never post about metal?
Freaky metal
vargsissies.... our response....?
I've already posted about metal. Not an answer btw.
old: >>122466557
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Seems like the tranny is triggered and always responds with "Why do you never post about metal?"
>not in the mood for anything
metal for this feel?
She's never been to a metal show.
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new RYM genre has dropped
i didn't know metalheads were obsessed with trannies
brat princess isabella party condom receptacle
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>2 blasts in 10 hours
Pitiful, as expected of a kaevum op
Live shows are hated here.
>t. Never been to a kick ass show
this thread should have been deleted, yet here we are.
The text is about music
How do you know it is a she?
Just one and it is simple curiosity, not obsession. A racist tranny metalhead is very rare afaik
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based bdm chad
this board has seen better days. any oldfags still around?
>A racist tranny metalhead is very rare afaik
Who is it?
It's always been shit
It was at least fun and not stagnant
I've been here all summer.
If you have blasted Kultur 0 times you wasted all Summer.
Some non-white bitch in some shithole country. Her gender and lack of Black Metal knowledge have been confirmed but not her race, other than being non-white.
Not really, it's exciting as long as it's new for people but nothing much ever changes.
why does metal attract so many weirdos?
I bet you're krusty j.
Does it really? I'd say it's more or less the same than any other genre but with easier to pick up confirmation bias.
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It's really weird that despite being the "original" death metal band, Death's only album which could be considered proper OSDM is this.

Everything else they've made is more firmly rooted in thrash/tech/prog and people just... Seem to be okay with this, lmao.
Alice in Chains
dick is fucking big
That is also their worst album. Coincidence?
>people just... Seem to be okay with this, lmao.
Why wouldn't I be okay with it? Symbolic is their most well-written album, and mostly because it has the right amount of tech and prog elements.
he called you a bitch about a week ago. wondered how look it would take for you to return it, like you did when you were found to be a tranny on meds a few years back.
sexual frustration
I personally whine when I masturbate at night. I beg when I cum and I say, "please make it real.".
It's literally the only good thing Death have ever made, everything else was outclassed by their contemporaries.
Like just look at how thoroughly Leprosy was mogged by Consuming Impulse, and not even a year later.
You're reaching now girl. Don't extend yourself too far, you might break sooner than expected. Talk about fumbling over your words in a text...and you're too young to buy booze so...
>It's literally the only good thing Death have ever made,
Symbolic? Maybe, although TSOP and ITP are top tier as well. SH? Fuck no.
>everything else was outclassed by their contemporaries.
That's arbitrary and subjective, and being outclassed doesn't make it bad. SH is outclassed as well, in a genre(OSDM) that is massively full of shit on top of it.
Oh so you just don't know what you're talking about, got it. Here, let me spell it out: Besides parts of Symbolic and SH, Death were terminally afraid of being seen as generic compared to the other Florida bands. This is despite the fact Morbid Angel, Deicide and Obituary were doing new things on every subsequent release. So instead of just moving laterally in death metal they added trace amounts of other subgenres to appeal to normalfags who didn't actually enjoy OSDM that much to begin with. You can have any arbitrary & subjective opinions you want, but liking TSOP without acknowledging what a fucking phony gay about-face it is just makes you look like the retard here.
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Well-written, composed albums - Symbolic, TSOP, ITP. Technical riffs, great memorable solos, excellent songwriting.

Slop - everything else they've done. Dumb one-dimensional riffs for women, forgettable solos, salad songwriting.

Name one reason why you think otherwise.
Weak vocals and too many doom riffs, the cleaner production also makes me want to kill myself.
He's a ADL cunt. Been here since his app pinged during BMiia-S posting. There was a screenshot of him crying about having a breakdown because of that and needing his meds increased, but couldn't afford them. Remember: only a tranny calls other men "she". It's about forcing acceptance.
The only death album I can somewhat stand is leprosy, everything else is just boring, pretentious shit or got dragged down by them always being the lowest common denominator for dunning krugering wannabe intellectuals without self awareness.
>Oh so you just don't know what you're talking about, got it.
Oh so dunning-kruger has taken its effecr already, got it.
>Death were terminally afraid of being seen as generic compared to the other Florida bands.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think you even have a proof.
>Morbid Angel, Deicide and Obituary were doing new things on every subsequent release.
>to appeal to normalfags
Retarded copism.
What they did is write music exactly how they wanted. Appeal to normalfags can be done in other genres, there's no reason to do it in DM.
>who didn't actually enjoy OSDM that much to begin with
Irrelevant copium.
>but liking TSOP without acknowledging what a fucking phony gay about-face it is
Irrelevant low IQ buzzwords and babble.
>just makes you look like the retard here.
Why would I care. Lol, lmao even.
>Weak vocals
Nonsense cope
>doom riffs
>the cleaner production also makes me want to kill myself.
Nothing of value would be lost, so go ahead.
You're 100% correct lmfao
Can you post the screenshot again?
So you lack the IQ to understand something as simple as 90's tech Death? Fucking kek.
>dunning krugering wannabe intellectuals
Gigantic cope. Instead of writing this nonsense go and listen to the album a couple of times and realize how fucking dumb you were when you posted this
Your only arguments in this wall of greentexting were:
>Muh dunning kruger
>Cope cope cooooope You're coping
You didn't make any actual salient counter to my claims and instead chose to respond like a fucking baby.
Your post itself was full of pure out-of-your-ass strawmans. There's no counter-argument to be made when there is NO argument to begin with.

Start with criticizing music instead of gossips, RYM reviews and storiws surrounding it, maybe I will take you seriously then. Start with something simple, analyze the title-track and tell me its weak points, compare it to other techdeath of 90's and compare it to the early albums. You probably can't even name chords or keys to begin with, your criticizm is not worth dogshit.
No, I made a habit to turn death off whenever I can because I heard shit like this been said a hundred times before they put on spirit crusher and looking with puppy eyes at me like I gonna should have some epiphany any moment now. And that's exactly why I fucking hate death.
My argument was that Death only made one good album and you're calling it gossip. LOL, triggered much?
I'm not gonna do a track-by-track analysis because anyone with a brain can see that the band did nothing new after Human, outside of a few neat drum fills. The rest was pure wank.
Compare this to the rest of the "Big Four" of early death metal. Morbid Angel experimented with all sorts of crazy production styles and managed to experiment with production and never stray from their core sound; Obituary pushed the envelope until a prototype for brutal death metal was created; and Deicide actually made tech death work in spite of lacking the professionalism.
What did Death do? They set the ground rules for other bands to stomp all over them, and now they're a mere footnote. Their lyrics are whiny effete trash, their riffs are unmemorable and Chuck was never a good vocalist.
If you hate Death you're free to not take any part in the discussion. Otherwise I am expecting an explanation, analysis, which part of this beautiful solo is "pretentious" and where does it falter?
If you feel like shitting on any music your tiny brain cannot comprehend, it should be made known that you're just childish moron who cannot even express criticizm. Only throw shit like an uncivilized groid.
>My argument was that Death only made one good album
That is not an argument you absolutely brainless retard. That is a CLAIM. A claim you still have to justify.
>I'm not gonna do a track-by-track analysis because
Becauee you can't, no further copium is needed... Lol.
>experimented with all sorts of crazy production styles
That's not a huge achievement, MA never evolved musically which is what truly matters. Death did.
Sperg or underage.
>t. assblasted no-argument shitposter
this confirms kaevum poster is a janny right?
Yeah, I will retreat from this discussion because nothing will change that I hate this shit. Was especially bad after the Chuck died with all the kids suddenly turning into oncologic music theorists. Probably listened to more death in my life unwillingly than you were able to put it on deliberately to feel civilized and grown up. Kek. Let's say there was a very good reason the Chuck pasta exists and why it's still remembered today.
>it's one guy... believe me it is... because IT JUST HAS TO BE
We love Kultur here. AOTD
>underage sperg
The difference between you and me is not as simple as you think. You, as most normalfaggies do, think in white and black format.
>muhh prog/tech! fans bad! they don't like death metal!
I can listen to and enjoy both OSDM and Tech/prog Death metal. The actual pretentious hipsters will only enjoy the technical stuff. (While some will just drop metal altogether and listen to actually complex music if that's what they desire to hear - that wouldn't be pretentious)
You probably lack the ability to enjoy both, while I have that ability. Must be sad being stuck with just a single sub-genre for the entirety of your life, never growing up to enjoy something different.
Still assblasted
I assblasted ur mum yesterday
No, I just hate death music and it's fans with a passion because they project retarded conclusions whenever you don't start to necrosuck chucks dick when getting they giving the slurp off cue. This doesn't extend to any other tech or prog.
Nice shitpost you assblasted moron
That is what ur mum said about my dick when i pulled it out of her ass and some of her shit was on it (she licked it clean later)
Well if you enjoy other tech and prog then I just don't know which anon I'm talking to and I understand that Death might not be for everyone. Each band has different style and sound, we all like different stuff, although if you're just calling it shit with no arguments you are a fucking moron and that's all.
>everything else is just boring, pretentious shit or got dragged down by them always being the lowest common denominator for dunning krugering wannabe intellectuals
Whoever wrote this clearly hates prog and tech.
Childish insults. Embarrassing lol.
How many times are we going to dicuss Death, Morbid Angel, Burzum and Mayhem? Seriously
>everything else is just boring, pretentious shit or got dragged down by them always being the lowest common denominator for dunning krugering wannabe intellectuals
That was me and that also targets Death and not any other prog or tech of any sub-genre.
Fuck I love this song. It was on GH3.
Imagine a one note solo that works.
dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee
dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee
doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo
doo- doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
>He's more than you'll ever know
>shits cum in Missouri
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took me forever to check this album out, but i think it's neat!
stalker sylke songs?
All this overt woodland shit is kind of soi.
we all played GH3 here and that's why we like metal
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well what can i say, i enjoy cascadia flavoured black metal
I would have never found metal if I never clicked on that beberle2 video on youtube's homepage in 2007.
One of those guys was rap3d
wat up, is rape being filtered now?
No but he had been raped by at least 3 dicks
>45 minutes since last post during prime hours on a saturday
Metal is dead.
Bump for Alice in Chains
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post a metal album you consider perfect/near perfect

pic is mine
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Help, i can't stop buying random metal cd's. I've spent over $10k in the past 4 months
post hauls
I have just cummed and listened to States of Matter by Avantasia.
Sascha tuned to drop B -_-
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This is about 1/3rd of it. I don’t know what a lot of it even is
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can't believe i've only listened to this once before
When my MMO hits big, I will make spontaneous $20-50 purchases, 3 to 10 times a day.
Perfect for albums.
I will then buy a shelf to hold all of them.

I fantasize about creating a room with hidden shelves that can fit 1000's of cd's
i wish i didn't live in a butthole where most music purchases have expensive shipping, taxes and import fees added to em..
i buy like 1-2 physical releases a year..

More specifically a room that will hold every metal CD album (not power metal) from 1985-2005 (with some exceptions)
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Ken's Death Metal Crypt
Looks like a swarthy wop. A metal rick beato.
where's all the bdm
where do you buy from? I occasionally buy off discogs and always feel like I get screwed due to shipping and fees, on top of people always overpricing the shit out of early issues/non-remasturbated versions of albums.
Well if you love me for beauty
I’ll stick with the sun cause at least it will warm my soul
If you love me for youth
Better tell you the truth i am old

And if you love me for money
Then get out of my way cause I’ve got little enough as it is
But if you love me for love, then honey I am yours

I’ll meet you at midnight forever is not too far
Far away from the earth light
I’ll take you away to the stars
My lady of mars
My lady of mars
Would Ken heem Jdawg?

the label/distros. Many years ago i would buy rare stuff on ebay and I sold all of that stuff. Now i'm just happy with reissues, ebay and discogs are dumb
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Also the reissues usually have demo+ep as bonus, so it's like two birds with one stone
She has thyroid problems don't get excited

Also if you're in the US the big three distros are Hells headbangers, Nuclear War Now, and Morbibund records. You can probably get most stuff from one of those three
Fred “Death” Duval
cringe edition
just like me fr
Zoomers are longhoused faggots
What even is the point of Jewish people if I never have Jewess tits in my mouth? Metal for this feel?
There is no metal for this feel. Jewish women are the easiest to talk to for a nerdy white kid. Go for it nigger.
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death metal bands wearing snapbacks and cargo shorts, yay or nay?
Really gay unless directly traceable to suicidal tendencies
hehe yeah bro i wish they were wearing makeup instead that would be so based
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im thinking... based

Nope, I can already tell I'm not goint to like it
why they ripping off baroness's art style?
>why is the artist drawing in their own style?

Is that the "Why yes I reside in the wilderness of the pacific northwest, how could you tell?" art style
Still can't believe how good Kultur is
Why is the whole thing blurred?
its literally the guy from baroness, he does loads of cover art for metalfags

Not any metal I listen to
chubtastic burgermeister doesn't want people to see how fat hes getting
didn't ask
People kept commenting "satanic stairmaster" and he told routa he wanted the video blurred.
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that's just straight dude fashion
these guys unironically get more pussy than bmfags and dmfags

Pussy that you can smell 20 feet away
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yeah. these guys are German
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this guy vs obtained enslavement, who wins?
so what?
Alright if it's slam, otherwise it's probably deathcore pretending to be DM desu
only short houses are accepted here
I love metal core
metal covers of embarassing pop songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fBWxrhZfZA
christian non-metal like skillet
Dead by April
I love The Postral Service
I love daytime death
I love DSBM
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McLovin really let himself go
There's a certain lovecraftian physiognomy that screams "christian counselor" and this guy has it.
His art is a good indicator that the music is going to be buttmetal
Not metal
This song is kind of catchy.
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i'm sure the Wacken retards love it
What the fuck are you even talking about? He's from the south
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Listening to the Inquisition guy is so fucking boring.
He talks so slowly and boringly.
Open another window and put on a family guy compilation then, adhd zoomer
based the postal service enjoyer
doesnt he fuck kids?
you wish, sicko

Ok, first we have to define "fuck"
then we have to define "kids"
Fuck off freak

Now we have to define what "freak" means

Lol he talks like that from being harassed daily by the reddit mob
hey man i dont judge
iirc he got off free after burning his HDD before cops tried to confiscate his computer for CP allegations. So he's guilty of burning his hard drive
Anon posted a video where he talks about it in detail so why don't you watch that instead of making shit up retards
you don't
I mean Dagon is a cool name cause it's taken from Lovecraft but fuck pedos man. FUCK EM IN THE ASS
are you the guy who was raped in missouri?
>the pedo denied being a pedo so it's all good
pedos are notoriously trustworthy
have no intention of disparaging the man, just sharing the only info I know. Because all we've had is mostly hearsay on this topic, and people are quick to assume guilt over allegations. I'll check out the 25 minute-long video
I was raped, yes
>where he talks about it in detail
i just watched the vid, he didnt really say any detail. he said he uploaded porn to the internet and some ai program the feds use thought it was cp so they raided him but he said some fed talked to him before they raided him so he presumably wiped his hard drives before the raid.
Pedos are the epitome of evil and metal is all about celebrating evil. So....use that info as you will
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Is there a more "metal" albumÂż?
thats a good point
Had his computer for years, could find no proof of him wiping anything. Didn't even have to plead guilty to a felony
i mean elvis married a 12 year old or something so like whatever
Fun fact: Elvis believed sexual intercourse to be objectionable so he would hire underaged prostitutes to do stuff like rub up on him and frot him while fellating him and do pretty much every non penetrative kind of sex there is.
I wait still for a better band than this in the tech death metal category.
elvis was pretty metal
You both need to listen to more metal
truly the epitome of tech death
Give me one 10/10 tech death album. Guaranteed you can't do it.
any album from necrophagist nigga
not only are you lying about Elvis's relationships, you are implying that has some bearing on Dagon's culpability. Fuck outta here
give a good song/album then.Dont just fagkeep the genre.
im just sayin, elvis fucked kids and everybody loves him.
Way too obvious. Also not 10/10s
>tech death metal category

Truly the worst "extreme" metal category.
that prooves me you just want to disagree with everyone,have a good day.
No I don't spoonfeed the retards here. You might not be one but I have to assume. Also some level of gatekeeping is desperately needed because thanks to the internet all the year two listening zoomers just find the most surface level trending shit on RYM or whatever and think that is all that's worth listening to. Probably why dissocrap is so popular right now
i never used rym in my life man,i also play the guitar and use daws to mix,surface music is ok as it brings more fans to the shows and that feeds the bands you love.You are just old and bitter and i dont condone you as that was the case 20 years ago when i started to litsen to metal too.At least in europe.

When you post a link please write a brief description or I'm not going to watch it
gg allen
good shit thanks

here's something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30DBWjY3Xx4
>those "riff battle" youtube videos where some boomer duplicates himself in post and takes turns with himself playing riffs from different bands
post exemplar, please. this feels like a good night to watch that
Not metal.
there are literally hundreds of these vids from dozens of different guys
tkae all my updoots :thumbsup:
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mornin' /meal/
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why do you spend money on things you don't need and are not going to use?
Vol.4 is better.
Changes and FX ruin it.
Nehëmah - Light of a Dead Star
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Reign in Blood is the greatest heavy metal album of all times
i tried venturing to the other boards but they are too cringe. i'll stay here.
Turned this off after two songs.
I've been listening to the second part of that interview listening to Dagon talk on and on about bullshit like AI. Fucking horrible. I feel dumber after listening to it.
Listening to Beethoven's Grosse Fuge to cleanse my mind. (not Hector)
Maybe they chemically castrated him Turing style and now he's a robot. Would explain all the last antidepressant core parts in the last album. Kek. Just kidding, no idea, didn't follow them closely just noticed that he went from having RIFFS to having none.
it's called a hobby. why are you here?
You're so smart for listening to that
I would call dropping 10k on random bs a problem and not a hobby. I mean not even I know much of the shit in those pics. It's like they piled the shelf warmers on him because that guy successfully got identified as the one tard that's gonna buy everything. If it's a hobby my suggestion would be to start listening to that shit and only buy 1 new one for every 20 that were at least played once.
don't forget St. Vitus Dance
Do you know that poster? Maybe he has money to spare. I'm sorry others enjoying art more than you triggers you
Saint Vitus
still better
Nickelback are metal
Electric Wizard
This is not about money to spare this is about piling on an impossible to catch up backlog. Nothing more retarded than a collection that nobody listens to. So he probably doesn't enjoy anything of this at all, just to throw new stuff on the pile. I don't say don't buy shit at all, just don't buy shit you won't ever listen to.
you took the words out of my mouth
Ok, I just saw his post saying he doesn't even know most of the bands. Yeah that's retarded
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>there was a very good reason the Chuck pasta exists
what paste?

This one is so good
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>well written
i will never listen to DsO because of that one schizo
No one gives a fuck
deep down you do
The first two albums are all right traditional black metal
Listen to what you want homo
exactly. that's what you're supposed to do.
I gave them a congratulatory listen after he almost singlehandedly samefagged kpoops bug thread into autos age. It was still shit.
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based guy who associates DSO with kpopers
I do this and say this and look like this
did the zoomers take over the website or what?
that album cover looks awful
this website is 50%+ brown zoomers
The band doesn't have a single decent one, so it might even be their best coverart
why does this album keep getting posted?
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So I've FINALLY checked out Saint Vitus, and I'm liking what I'm hearing.
One schizo who's on here every waking second.
brown zoomer here, we run this shit nigga

Do people here even listen to music, or just shitpost
You might enjoy this then.

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