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black murder edition
old: >>122466558
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
I haven't listened to metal since 2009. What did I miss?
Artist: Blastthrone
Album: Panzerblasts
Song: Beholding The Post of Blasts

>And destruction upon the reddit man
>Who posts no blasts
literally nothing of importance
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Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
As a Jew, I'm getting real tired of seeing this posted
>Artist: Darkthrone
>Album: Panzerfaust
>Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>>And destruction upon the holy man
>>Who hails a jew
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Probably the best album since the 00s
Average fingol metalhead be like
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>urge to get busy comes out of nowhere
metal for this feel?
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Why is this considered one the best black metal bands? They all sound like shit (the unholy trilogy in particular, soulside journey was alright), they keep pumping out shitty albums even today and they started out as a death metal band, its like they were riding the black metal trend from the very beginning.

I think they are super overrated and commercialized (even though they claim not to be).

The first Burzum album i think is better than the whole darkthrone unholy trilogy.
this is the post blasting post in disguise
No idea, early adopter bonus or something like that plus a few memeable tracks.
the trilogy codified Norse BM and you are literally fucking deaf if you think UAFM is badly produced.
They started out as a trendy black metal band.
they started as a dm band
trendy death metal*
norwegian death metal
Molested > rest
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If you dislike UAFM or TH you just don't like Black metal. Or you like the modern Black metal(which is utter garbage IMO). Pretty much all the best BM bands are worshipping the oldschool Darkthrone sound, not necessarily the playing style, riffage or songwriting, but the production value, guitar tone etc. All three are archtypes of how Black metal should, or rather must sound.
>They all sound like shit
Correct. As all Black metal should. Try >>>/mu/ if you have any problem with the Black metal sound.
Correct. They started as trendy DM and switched to become the very first Black metal band to release a full-length album.
>the very first Black metal band to release a full-length album.
you stupid faggot.
>They started as trendy DM and switched to become the very first Black metal band to release a full-length album.
Exactly. They were influenced by Mayhem at the time. They literally changed their music to fit in with the black metal trend.
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Newfag tourist detected
>if you don't like this band this means you don't like the genre
Fragile fanboy ego.
And they both recorded and released studio BLACK metal album before Mayhem. Deathcrush is funcore.
if you were making death metal at the time in norway, you were a poser and untrve.
Snorre Ruch
>We would like to state that Transilvanian Hunger stands beyond any criticism. If any man should attempt to criticize this LP, he should be thoroughly patronized for his obviously Jewish behavior.
all fucking norsecore faggots must fucking hang.
I don't listen to Darkthrone these days but I don't want to imagine what Black metal would've become without them
Look at it, newfag tourist poser in full rage. How embarrassing lol
imagine black metal without bathory
without Norway, the leading bands would be Samael, Blasphemy and Beherit, the Italian and Greek scenes would be much more prominent, and Bathory would stay as a direct influence on new bands for much longer
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>The first Burzum album i think is better than the whole darkthrone unholy trilogy.
All these bands would be refered to as thrash or death metal today
They are even today, by non-tourists
Blasphemy were called grindcore back in the day
And that's the correct label.
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How many churches did darkthrone burn down?
not really, but it's annoying that black/grind bands are called "war metal" now when that's a term first used by totally unrelated bands in Australia. Yosuke from NWN pushed this revisionism until it took
On-paper first actual Black metal album: A Blaze in the Northern Sky

In practice: In The Nightside Eclipse/Pure Holocaust.

What are some controversial opinions of yours
>the merit of an artist's music is dependent on what crimes they have committed

by that metric lostprophets sends burzum home on a STREETCHER brah brah
Blasphemy has nothing to do with Black metal in any shape, way or form. Literally nothing. 0 riff that can be viewed as Black or even Blackened.
Lo-fi grind is the perfect genre label.
Darkthrone were a band following a trend of the time. They were never black metal to begin with. Black metal was more than just music, it was a movement.
Gay poser take
trendy reddit comment
Reddit will love gays such as yourself
>influence fallacy
Ah the typical /meal/ disease of thinking something has to be praised because it's considered influential. No, the weight of later inspiration it caused isn't played with the record. That's why these "who invented what now" discussions are retarded and usually full of tourists who need the old bands that are nowadays well established as mainstream to give their opinion on the genre some kind of legitimacy.
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>something has to be praised because it's considered influential.
First wave shitters in a nutshell.

Something/someone can be praised for the style, form, genre invented. Bach inveted the fugal technique, for example. Even though "Fugue" existed before Bach, it was not until Bach inveted the technique it became something meaningful.

Same way "Black metal" existed, only in the name of Venom album.
If Euronymous decided to call it Svart metal there would be less confusion and some lo-fi grindcore and thrash metal bands wouldn't be called Black metal.
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Darkthrone has 21 studio albums and their merch has become like McDonalds, sold all over the world in every metal music shop.

Influential as they may have been they are also one of the most commercially successful bands in the extreme metal genre.
Where's the anon who had the screenshot of the 'ADL guy' who causes all the problems for the Nazis? Wanna see what he looks like. Can't remember lol
>noooo you can't be successful
If you like first wave that's fine, liking darkthrone is too. Like influence you also can't really listen to popularity either. But it's not like you need to fill up the sticker page of first wave before going to 2nd and so on.
Influence can be a nice rabbit hole to research, a little music history side hustle that can be appreciated... That's completely detached from the actual music. Either you think it fucks or it sucks, easy as.
I've been in the U.S. for a week and my ass is on fire because there's no bidets
metal for this feel?
someone on youtube said so, so it must be true
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>Influence can be a nice rabbit hole to research,
Yeah and most people don't know how to even research. I promise you every first wave shitter thinks first wave has anything to do with Black metal because they read so on wikipedia or watched some tourist youtuber who read from wikipedia himself. That's how new metalfags came to be, no one is playing guitar anymore. No one is reading about which bands influenced who and HOW in oldfag interviews. Every original Black metal band, who invented the typical sound that did not exist before(Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal, Emperor) claim Black metal was not a thing before them.
If you don't take their words for it, then let me show you an example, and you name a band playing in this style prior
Not a single band except Mayhem, Burzum, Thorns and Stigma Diabolicum.

I can delve into specifics and explain in detail every technique used here that has not been used before by any band prior(except the bands stated above). The techniques that probably existed in different genres(such as Death metal) but were not unified as one into a new genre(Black metal)

First wave shitters can't do that. I can. That seperates the elite from your average filthy poseur on the street.
"someone on youtube said so, so it must be true"

The new motto. For the first wave shitters everyone. LOL
I would bitchslap all first waveshitters ITT and make them apologize for being massive faggots lol
are you Negru? lol
Why abuse the elderly? Nobody under the age of 30 listens to that shit
Total support.
daily reminder that metalhead culture is a joke and that music is all that matters
this sounds better honestly
That guy looks like Jeff Goldblum...
death metal started here
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but their demo is literally called Death Metal
underground italian glam metal gem
>glam metal
Deicide copied the logo, too.
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the more grotesque these covers are, the better.
>needs the toilet to pee in his butthole
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saw them live, was fairly decent, got a nice comfy long sleeved t shirt thats kinda like a jumper there as well, good for winter around the house.

blastin' also learnin this on guitar, what are yous learning, you do play an instrument, right?
never gonna listen to a shilled album
no one does anything except jerk off and blast metal
never gonna listen to an album
you little rascal anon
listen to a playlist on shuffle instead
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>blast metal
is that not the point? hopefully no one is jerking off itt, stop watching porn
it should be the point. sometimes people do both at once.
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They weren't the only underground metal band following trends.
if you make several paragraph long posts about black metal you need to cool off and have an ice water.

Think Next Time Before You Allow Asperger's Disorder to Win
>On-paper first actual Black metal album: A Blaze in the Northern Sky

Correct and not controversial
>jerking off whilst blastin metal
has anyone actually done this kek
The second statement is controversial. I'm saying Immortal and Emperor made actual pure BM before anyone else did
the real question is that who makes the best black metal?
No such thing
France has my vote for best black metal.
It's a weird DM/BM hybrid album.
Less BM than Bathory.
>weird DM/BM hybrid album
Bathory is not BM at all though
Best Sophisticated Black metal:
Emperor, Obtained Enslavement, Abigor

Best Standard Black metal:
Taake, Kaevum, Mutiilation

Well it was the first so of course it's going to be kind of a hybrid.

Kind of like how Hell awaits is a thrash/death metal hybrid by today's standard
White gentiles.
Does anyone else find it weird how there's almost no crossover between the prog rock and metal communities?
I literally have /prog/ open in another tab
black metal is just death metal that is played bad on purpose with shit production
not convinced
write a 500 word essay on the topic and cite your sources
that requires effort which is not allowed
Do you guys know more albums that are so bad that they are hilariously good?
Why does the first need to be a hybrid?
If Burzum was already on a label instead he would have make a true BM album
>Catchy metal riffs
>Vocals sound like it's sung by a decrepit zombie
Why is this suppose to be considered bad again?
Considered Dead
how many metal albums have you listened to?
Because Chris sounds like he is about to pass out from asphyxiation

>You fight for life breathe
>Hanging from the rope
>The body just twitches there

>Eyes are bulging
>Turning bloody
>Rolling back in the skull

top-tier death metal
Well yeah, it's Death Metal.
Quite literally
Too bad the prod is utter shit. Must have been mixed on headphones or something, it's so terrible it's sad.
It's fucking good otherwise.
Sodom - Agent Orange
Wodos - Agent Blue
You know remember that cringy phase of corsetcore bands throwing everything at all the wall and having nothing stick
>gothic metal
>all in the same song
wew lad
I wonder what Hasjarl is doing rn (right now)
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Candlemass - Ancient Dreams
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I've been obsessing over Funeral Mist lately, it's unreal how good it is.
One day it just "clicked" or whatever and now I have to listen to at least an album every day.
Salvation, despite being so praised and pushed, is probably my least favourite.
Currently blasting Maranatha, it has some seriously interesting and inventive solutions, while Hekatomb and Deiform are some of the most vicious and "pure" BM records I've ever came across.

Also Arioch/Mortuus is fucking amazing also for his layouts and art he does under the label Holy Poison.

Legionfaggots should seriously throw themselves into a vat of rancid cat shit, I don't get where they get the galls to talk shit about an objectively better vocalist, let alone lyricist, composer and full-fledged artist.
I'll give him a call rm (right now)
I've been listening to Funeral Mist since I was 12.
Legion mogs Mortuus, in every way, but I don't talk shit about either vocalists. Talking shit is just moronic since nothing is "muh objective"

Aomeday Dark Funeral will "click" for you as well, and maybe you'll realize the supreme viciousness of ATS, Diabolis Interium and Vobiscum Satanas.
So you've been listening to them for a year uh?
>Legion mogs Mortuus
Yeah, you've no idea what you're talking about.
Like I said, Mortuus is a complete artist, while Legion was just a vocalist with zero range that wrote some of the worst, most gramatically embarrassing lyrics for Marduk.
You literally sound like one of those 3rd world spics complaining about muh Legion in every Marduk comment section.
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I kinda like that stuff. It's nostalgic.
>out of nowhere Dark Funeral
So it's that autist now uh

Das it mane
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Black metal is inherently trendy.
What does /meal/ think of Scour?
Judas Iscariot
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>So you've been listening to them for a year uh?
Jealous cope.
You are probably thinking I'll have authority if I have much better experience in Black metal than you do (which I absolutely do lol), so you resort to this cope, no other explanation kek.
>Mortuus is a complete artist
You sound like one of those blue-haired vegans
>while Legion was just a vocalist with zero range
Not even true.
Legion's charm is not in range(which Legion anyway), but timbre of his vocal, which is as ferocious as it gets next to Caligula maybe.
Mortuus does his weird(but evil) growls but rarely, on a live set he doesn't have the balls to even attempt pulling it off. He's a decent vocalist, but his timbre is not like a cutting sword, similar to Legion
But more like throat-singing and gargling
(I even cherrypicked some of his best performances)
The only way Mortuus can even compete with Legion, is if he can sing this
But he never sings it live and this was probably recorded seperately bit by bit.

You're just trying to act like a hipster while looking like a moron. You can have a personal preference, sure(although you evidently cannot appreciate best classic/standard Black metal vocals), but you're just shitting on Legion for no reason. Hipster.
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Great Dark Funeral worship. But where are they? Last release in 2020 lol
>which Legion anyway
Legion has* anyway.
Panzer Division Marduk
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looks like you've had too many tabs open and posted in the wrong thread
just go ahead and delete it
Also this for me, though I was just listening to America Septentrionalis before it lol. I hope it gets a vinyl pressing soon, I don't feel like ordering from DTB and waiting 2-3 weeks for shipping from Germany again. The ONE time I ordered a tape from a dungeon synth act I like from a label there took nearly a month to arrive. The MFs didn't even put tracking info on it either so it was just a guessing game for arrival.
no you go away
I would wait for asrar pressing America Septentrionalis in that case. Afaik dtb only does mcm anyway.
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Affection Seeker is one of the best power metal songs ever
Oh yeah I figured the vinyl would be an asrar thing, just know that DTB has the CD releases. Which I also wouldn't mind getting my hands on lol. Too bad Return is all sold out from Goato, I'd buy it along with From The Sword digipack, but ordering one thing at a time really feels inefficient. I may as well wait for their next monthly batch to see if anything else is worth picking up. Maybe that live in Finland Maquahuitl vinyl too.
and i dont even have as many tabs open as you say
My jotunheimer and from the sword are also both asrar pressings, desu I prefer them to goatwax releases. No idea how it is for CDs since I only look at them if there's no lp release available.
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Here we go
it's over
Oh yeah I'm aware they did the pressings themselves, just that they had copies available still through goato when I last looked lol. I've also never ordered from either so I'm curious what the shipping experience is like.
I guess that depends were you need it sent. I guess US because you look at goato?
Yeah. Well, Canada so basically the same lol.
Shouldn't it be very easy to get this at tdg if you are a leaf?
tfw only listening to metal right now on shitty headphones
Okay it really isn't they are picked clean. Weird was pretty sure they kept all the finpat stuff.
what does this mean guys
That nobody told Russia that bombing civilians could result in their own civilians been bombed, possible false flag to boost draft morale but basically nothing ever happens
Solitude Aeturnus
dio is kill
A little bit newer to collecting physical media in the past couple years and unfamiliar with some acronyms so, tdg?

Also, has Finian taken down like every bandcamp page of his? I can't even find Ifernach now, and without him being on social media idk where else to keep up with any releases besides the labels accounts lol.
boring and le sad
Tour de Garde, basically the canuck label for this stuff. Even does the main releases for some of the ifernach stuff. As for bandcamp, it got taken down, finpat probably can't keep an internet presence at this point because of aufnorden and mcm. Maybe for his sisters of mercyesque goth stuff because nobody can rly believe he did that.
The last part kinda makes me chuckle too cause like, wasn't his first demo the only real NS stuff he did under Aufnorden? I thought (from the lyrics I COULD decipher) that anything since was all Viking/norse-boner stuff.

Kinda hard to take claims of that stuff serious when the MF covered Honeymoon Suite of all things lmao.
You're a complete spastic
Well from the sword has a straight up nazi-rock cover and for mcm a bit of heiling to heighten the mood is just a stylistic device. He got shielded by his native larp long enough but I think the authorities don't buy that anymore, lmao.
i’d rather not know anything it sounds too dark
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would you rock the dso longsleeve?
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fake and gay
Yeah any interview I've read from him seems like he's just trying to be an edgelord, I don't really buy any claims he's serious about it lol. The native thing being a larp I'm not 100% sure on either way, as a fairly pale looking native dude myself lmao. Like, I'm the spitting image of my dad who is full on native, and my mom is part native too so I'm definitely something. I just look like I need the sun.

I mean, this is also the first "but the riffs!" act I've come across for NSBM too lol. And I really like Ifernach and Gulguhk to begin with so that may play into it.
Sneeds of the Desolate
No, but I'd wear Leviathan longsleeve
I simply don't give a shit, if I like it I like it and if you get served the swastikas right away you know what you are dealing with. But I support the edge lord notion. Nobody can do a Phil Collins cover on the same album he sings "why I'm surrounded in this world only by subhumans" and not laugh his ass off releasing it.
Is wearing that sort of like a bandana in the back pocket for BM fans
Amyl and the sniffers
The Final Sneed
Only Death tees have that function to signal your willingness for oral intercourse
i hope you're not wearing your metal merch in public. people will think you're a weirdo.
Who cares.
I'm not a fat slob and I actually have long hair so normalfags think I'm in a band
the first death metal album was
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Yes, I fucking am.
I've always had a tendency of separating the art and the artist, I mean one of my most musical-taste shaping bands from my teens turned out to have an alleged sexual predator as their lyricist/singer/guitarist and it hasn't spoiled those albums for me since lol. Put a bit of their lyrics in a new perspective for me but other than that the albums still kick ass. It's not like listening to Satanic Warmaster or Aufnorden is gonna have me goose-stepping down the main street of my town or anything and if it did, chances are I already had those views to begin with and just wanted vindication haha.

And your last point really solidifies my view on it, it's the cheese factor of his covers that make me go "yeah this dude is trolling pretty hard.", I doubt any ardent Nazi is out here thinking 80s hair band covers should make their way onto a release.
Obituary - Slowly We Rot
Radio still plays Gary Glitter and ppl don't go out and book diddle tours to Phuket every time "do you wanna touch" is being played. Every artist can turn out being a piece of shit and they often do.
Ain't no one opening that
that's fine

edgy as fuck
why do metalheads have long hair?
Self cooling device for headbanging activities
hand-me-down from hippie culture
A great era for metal
Yesterday I bought a Ramones t-shirt
Ancestor Barbarian Attire
to harness the power of electrostatic energy
poor kitty
cause it looks sick
my gf wanted to get me a cameo message from jdawg for my birthday.
my best mate james ferraro but some meal on his instagram story
Cool, I like his music
goregrind is absolute shite, surely on par with deathcore
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I've enjoyed most of what I heard from antimessiah, currently listening to this. I think totale vernichtung is still my favorite, feuerbestattung is becoming one of my favorites
only gore is real
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Headbanging is far more satisfying with long hair. You get a little momentum with that extra weight flapping around
Why are you replying to yourself, lass?
Any other Metal bands where the singer sings like an old wizard?
Name 10 old wizards who you've heard singing?
They told me not to post their names on 4chan.
Napalm Death
Cultes des Ghoules vocalist cackles like a witch in some track
Sounds like a fucking vocaroo that would be posted here
Yes, I was 'filtered' by this generic USPooM band
Yass! I just love their LGBTQ t-shirts! They are to die for!
early 2000's metal
Sadistik Exekution
What we listening to?
Bestial Warlust
Hell yeah
ur mom moaning
She's BBC only I'm afraid.
she a burzum fan?
No, she's fucking your dad.
has more merit than a lot of the garbage people pretend to like. The odd time signature changes are hard to play
>hard to play=good
Yeah I like to listen to it
I'm a Christian here to inform you that you hate Christianity because you want to live like a pig, not due to any serious rejection.
nothing worse than a drummer who can't maintain the beat
I've been taking NAC and it's done wonders for my singing voice.
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ok so I'm finally sold on Obtained Enslavement. First listen to Witchcraft I didn't get the hype, subsequent listens have endeared the album to me and now I'm sold. Thanks /mu/ I don't think I would have given it as much a chance if I didn't see it shilled here every thread. If only I could figure out how I only recently discovered it, I've known symphonic BM for quite some time and been an Emperor fan back in the day, I think I'd have stumbled across it
Imagine sucking her tits
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Few more listens, and maybe couple a months, and you will realize there is absolutely nothing remotely better or equal in the genre, MAYBE except Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk and Nattestid Ser Porten Vid. It takes time to appreciate it at first.
Black metal is shit tier
blackened death however is kino
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Correct. Metal is shit tier overall and there is no much difference between Black and other metals, only difference being that Black metal has Obtained Enslavement and other genres don't.

Classical is gold is beloved here.
Spit at the church, evil I get
Shit kino, true.
focus on the things that interest you rather than the things that don't
We prefer hardcore punk here
We love shitting on metal and praising classical here.
Thank you brothers
>hardcore punk
why are you still here, troll?
punks have nowhere else to go
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Chopan and brocolli, my favorite.
Y'all niggas can't even play Chopin so keep his name out yo' mouths
Oh you're a Chopin fan? Probably don't even own any merch, poser ass.
>punkchads make classical incels (all two of them) seethe
Of course
You mean Barcarolle?
Incorrect. I play Prelude in E minor and some of the Waltzes. At least for now.
I have quite a lot of merch from my metaltard years, but only respectable merch I own are of Emperor and Abigor.
changed your mind again?
Merch are for posers and women. The only purpose are show-offs and aesthetics. Waste of money.
chud metal
Tis Juder
Dee Uh Side
Metal for men who allow men with bigger cocks access to their wife's vagina?
day yh side
Dankspell Omeletta
Any of those recent bandcampers from Portland or San Francisco.
Carnal Lust might as well be the best track on Witchcraft.
classical is so gay they got a composer named da bussy
>album has only one good track
He's French so it doesn't count since all French are gay lol
Learn a Ballade and come back
what does metal and classical have in common?
>He's French
I just assumed he was jewish.
Nothing. But the good metal bands are inspired by Classical.

go back
Kultur edition next.
Happy birthday devil.
Dé ee saïd
>my gf
>watching jdawg
Totally incompatible.
>>Artist: Darkthrone
>>Album: Panzerfaust
>>Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>>>And destruction upon the holy man
>>>Who hails a jew
I am listening to the first three Cannibal Corpse albums and except for the song "Under the Rotted Flesh" it just isn't clicking with me. Should I keep going through their discography? Do things get different when George comes along?
Don't listening to that balding dogshit, listen to good music
Not a metal head but what do on your opinions on the metal band "Graveland" and it's bands singer?
flip flops graveland, are you kidding me?
pseudo-intellectual attachment
venom and bathory did it first. Cope cuck

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