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Hail Murder

Previous: >>122525278

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what's the most transgressive/infamous examples of metal? Everyone knows the general lore(varg/euronymous, pelle, church burnings) but what are some lesser examples of metal living up to its reputation?
Artist: At The Gates
Album: Slaughter of the Soul
Song: All of them

>and destruction upon the slam man
>who has no riffs
That Goatlord dude killing family and himself
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There are many, ones that come to mind are these
>more than 50 churches have been burned in Scandinavia after Varg set fire to Fantoft
>Vocalist of Seigneur Voland desecrated and (supposedly) raped the corpse.
>Infernus raped some woman
>Faust and Nodveidt killed some fags
>Gaahl beat up some guy, "tortured" him and filled a cup with his blood(there are two versions to this story)
>BSOD was arrested over 100 times, mostly for drug abuse but also hate crimes
>Absurd members killed some guy because he cucked one of them
They were all convicted&arrested so no myths

The most embarrassing, cringe and untrve attempt:
>Profanatica faggots licked cum off the bible
>Niklas Kvarforth faked his death blah blah boring poser shitshow
>Niklas Kvarforth faked his death blah blah boring poser shitshow
Still mad, Shining was more fun with Manila and less gay somehow
>the most embarrassing is the american't black metal one
lol burgers suck at everything evil. buncha fags
>>Niklas Kvarforth faked his death blah blah boring poser shitshow
He did do some fun stuff like throw razorblades into the crowd of live gigs, but he is mostly show.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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>Gaahl beat up some guy, "tortured" him and filled a cup with his blood(there are two versions to this story)
Gaahl seems like the more credible person, I may be bias but it seems like someone tried to pull the tough guy act on him and got what he deserved, and proceeded to whine to the cops about it. Gaahl is an inspiration to all eccentric weirdos that we don't have to take the crap of midwit normies, he seems like one of the least intimidating figures in that scene unless you give him a reason to be intimidating
this is correct, slam has poor riffs
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Don't forget these two
The most embarrassing, cringe and untrve attempt:
>Dark Funeral making a porno with "a REAL satanic priest"
>Taake vocalist making out with dudes on stage
>Euro closing down his shop because his parents told him too after he told Varg to hype it up in a newspaper
>Glen Poser Benton making up some sad cope about his meeting with Oyveystein when in reality he sucked Euro's cock so hard he made up a story about also burning churches in Amuttica
Varg and Faust were the only non-cringe things to come of the second wave. Also calling BSOD "transgressive" for being a retarded junkie fuck up is absurd, is the average homeless reject on the side of the street really "transgressive" as well kek?
Lol bet. I haven't listened to the Maniac period Shining
But fuck Shining and boykisser Niclown. He can't go one show without kissing some old guy fucking disgusting.

So credible that he tried to claim Gorgoroth was his own LOL. He's not a poser sure, but he's fucking retarded.

Most Europeans are literally cold-blooded.
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>Dark Funeral making a porno with "a REAL satanic priest"
So cringe and embarrassing that it's not even true LMAO.
But what do I expect from some hipster poser clown

Gaahl gorgoroth is just bad, why do you guys care about all this other drama
>maniac shining
They never made new material with him, he was the live replacement. Just sad if you got to kick your replacement off stage to announce you aren't dead but have to make out with your bandmates to drive it home because you are worse than the substitute doing the vocals for your own fucking tracks.
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>in my mind, it wasn't real
Dark Funeral and Cuckold of Faggots are the exact same and both would 100% without a doubt would be as cringe as to make a porno with "a REAL satanic priest". The music they play is an unintentionally satirized version of black metal, and so is their attitudes to making "evil" or "satanic" metal.

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Incipit Satan and Destroyer aren't bad.

The most interesting thing about Shining was their connection to Silencer and Leere, the guy is a fucking elite. First-rate DSBM legacy in just one song

BTW here's a video that covers more of this shit
Technically correct but that doesn't make it less enjoyable. What does make this post more enjoyable is posting it with a pic of the guy that called himself "pedofaggia" once and talked the police into giving him 8 years for sitting in a car
Not even technically correct since Dark Funeral did not "make" the movie as the clown claims. Also lol at that snorre schizo even Varg mocked him in a video
Snorreā€™s music makes me snore
>First-rate DSBM legacy in just one song
>not posting Death pierce me
Ok tryhard
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>make idiotic self-parody music that is one step away from something like Impaled Northern Moonforest
>also make a porno because you are literally cringe incarnate: "the first-ever Satanic porn"
>doesn't make it less enjoyable


> the guy that called himself "pedofaggia"
Gonna need a source for this Iass, almost guaranteed to be a joke IF (big if) it exists, but lets see the context shall we?
Man is so funny too imagine kids from a first world country with 0 social problems, just commiting murder and chimping out around a scene based on some teenage energy pumping music, rock n' roll truly is an very powerful raw force, makes the kiddos go bananas, any nerd can explain what is the sonic reasons why rock n' roll has the power to energize teenagers into total freak out?
Even Steriles s better than the title-track. And the last track is underrated because posers don't listen to albums. Just that last riff alone does everything the title-track fails to do
Silencer is better at psychopathic, mentally-unstable than just sad pretty melodies
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The only thing more cringe than Glen Poser Benton's made up story being expose or Taake's vocalist spending his days kissing other men is the entirety of the "DSBM" scene. Imagine basing yourself around talking about killing yourself and never doing so KEK. Might as well rename the fake "genre" to ASWM which means Attention Seeking Women Metal.

Fucking disgraceful. Listen to real black metal.

>any nerd can explain what is the sonic reasons why rock n' roll has the power to energize teenagers into total freak out?
I think most people call it the devil
>Imagine basing yourself around talking about killing yourself and never doing so KEK
Also I forgot but Glen Poser Benton did this as well, was he the first DSDM artist then? HJAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
For embarassing stuff we can also add Nargaroth guy as a whole:
>poser who claims that he was a member of Norwegian scene, also claims that he talked to Varg directly (Varg said that he never heard of that guy)
>Was in a midnight talk show where everyone made fun of him
>shat his pants and used his wife as a shield after Antaeus drummer threatened to beat him up after he shot a gas pistol at his direction after the show
Technically, DSBM was invented by Strid, and two members of this band killed themselves
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>In 2003 Raymond Shipley was found guilty of an anti-Christian hate crime when he fired a gun at a Christian drug rehabilitation center. His involvement with Sol Evil was used as evidence in court. The band was therefore put to rest for about 10 years. As of August 2013, Sol Evil has officially reactivated.
I find gaahl more fascinating as a person than a musician tbdesu, he seems like the type who would be cool af to talk at length about music and random shit
hector BTFO
Probably lack of light, at least for Norway
>Glen Poser Benton
Remember when he said he was going to kill himself at 33? Fucking fag, at least Jon Nodtveidt stood behind his suicide
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So what, he eats pedophiles? More of an Engrish issue that 99% of the second wave and basically every European metal has. Still better than Varg calling himself Count Chocu-sorry "Grishnackh" as a teenager. Really if you count silly names then everything from the second wave was pure cringe, which is a fine opinion to have and is why we prefer the third wave.

why do poors always assume first world=no problems? Money isn't the solution to everything but don't tell the poors that, I guess when your identity is your lack of shekels it needs to be sustained
That's greek
>thats greek
I don't believe there is a greek word called "pedophagia", but if there is (maybe there is), feel free to link an explanation of it.
Yeah but it's not even worth mentioning becausr it's so cringe and non-daring.


True, he's probably a bit autistic. Autists can be interesting.

Stop posting this pedo poser

First fraggers, wtf is this?
So only two members an hero'd, while the entire rest of the genre continues putting out crybaby lyrics while never offing themselves. The results are the same, the entire genre is for attention whores pretending to be men.

If the smoke makes you choke, then leave, whats so hard about that?

Ancient greek / modern medical. Compounded of pedo for "of children" and phagia "eating" so he eats children in the greek sense of you know what I mean *wink wink*
>so he eats children
Fair enough explanation, then it has no connection with pedophilia as that is the English connotation of the word "pedo" while it has no such connection with Greek language.
>in the greek sense
Pure ironic shitposting nonsense.
>pop rock n roll
She'll hit 1000 by the end of the summer lol. She-fag Nazi too schizo to miss even one thread lmfao
Why are you replying to yourself, Iass?
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Fuck sn*rre and (((anyone))) who claims he had a hand in making of black metal
fuck off Schlomo
Shit's cringe mate the english pedofile is also adopted from greek and means "friend of children" - pls work on your general knowledge
And...she'll never get samefagging. It has to be the same anon, right? Lmfao
why are blackies so obsessed with band drama? you look like bored housewives
> the english pedofile
Which again, has no connection to the greek meaning besides ill-minded masses shitposting about the Gayreek meme they regugitate with no knowledge of the subject. Memes are not an argument.
Mindbroken polcuck tries not to mention joos for ten seconds challenge: impossible.
Second wave baldcucks certainly have nothing musically to mention since every band is just blast+tremolotrite.

The challenge she can't undertake is the challenge not to post her fag spam forone thread. Like all Nazis, she's too weak.
Yeah, I still think Hector is Jewish.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Remember that time I called you out for the samelass, then you got yourself banned for posting a porn thread and all the posts I said were the sameIass were actually indeed just yourself posting multiple times?

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Alrdy prepared a long ass celebratory shitpost for the occasion. The (samefag) seethe always gets extra hard if you just point out the sheer unrelenting autism of it.
LOL. Pathetic samelass BTFO
Not that anon, but we'll let you think I
am. Damn are you the absolute best!
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Meant for>>122535743
Hasn't varg also gone on record to say the the norwegian scene were a bunch of degenerates who he doesn't want to be associated with?

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>not that anon
Meanwhile in reality:
Maybe you shouldn't use the same terminology and catchphrases all the time if you don't want to be found out you disgraceful liar. Your presence in the threads is obvious as you will join and start replying to any NSBM hours after the fact and even samelass replies to them.
Not even worth a real review, 4/10 like the rest of his atmoshit. Garbage genre.
Only trannies call men "she". YWNBAW.
100% correct
>t. Absolutely mindbroken and dominated
Yes... by laughter.
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Holy shit this couldn't be dreamed up better! Keep going please
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>deny deny deny
Always the same playbook, looked a bit silly when all of your replies were deleted including the ones where you busy denying it
Keep reaching through that archive darlin. The fact you're spending time doin that is funny enough. And...keep posting that fag spam. That post when you reach 1000 should be priceless lol.
Finally found something decent, was a bit skeptical coming in based on the cover, but blackened death reigns supreme.

FFO: Serpent of Old, Suffering Hour, Zhrine, etc

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>n-no t-t-these are t-tears of l-l-laughter
RABM sissy is mindbroken over being called a perpetually online troon so often.
Yup, you're a tranny alright.
How many NSBM panic copes so far?
Much be about as many sameIass posts you've written.
>Keep reaching through that archive darlin
>That post when you reach 1000 should be priceless lol

how will you know when it hits 1000?
you have 0 self-awareness
>Much be about
Nnnnooo... immm...notttt...pppanicing
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>in such a desperate fit she replies to ximself
Must be automatic habit at this point with how much xir replies to ximself.
>Must be automatic habit at this point with how much xir replies to ximself.
Lmfao true
Your paranoid schizophrenia is really bad today. You're shitting up the board AGAIN. Do you take meds for your DNST3?
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if this had 4 more songs it would've been the greatest metal album of all time
>more circle jerking about the same 5 black metal celebrities
oh boy I wonder what silly varg quote someone will post, I love reading the same coversations about varg, euronymous, fenriz, snorre, and dead. I swear you boring motherfuckers dont even like metal, you just like drama and celebs. Where are the real metalheads at
Looks like around 23 so far. Expect more.
what metal do you listen to?
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Mid blackened death, still better than the other garbage I was blasting. Vocals are relatively bad, and the compositions are typical for metal standards (aka bad). However it has its moments where I get into it, which is more than I can say for the mass of bland bands I blast for the making of my 2024 list.

Why are you replying to yourself (again) Iass?
mainly burzum, darkthrone, nsbm, emperor, mayhem. Just the really evil underground stuff that nobody knows about
fuck you kek
You've replied to yourself 24 times in this thread alone? Impressive, there are only 104 posts so far.
Kek NGMI Iass
So I decided to listen to In Flames' Foregone and I'm really surprised by how much I like it.
>you just like drama
>enters thread and tries to start drama
Time to filter ā€œlassā€
>he tried, but he failed miserably
So true Iass
fuking avantransia bullshit will never be over when am I getting edguy (NEW) TOBI?? ive been on your musical methadone for long enough ill take another fucking shitty aoty for crying out loud
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why do people make these types of unnecessary snarky posts where you stretch whats happening so you can feel like you 'got' someone, when in reality its just petty and bitchy. Grow a sack
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Idk his post seemed bang on to me Iass.
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Imagine caring about anything beyond whether or not you like an artist's music, especially in metal. As long as people aren't preachy I don't
yeah I don't know why people make unnecessary snarky posts like >>122536368
Is The Dillinger Escape Plan any good? I've heard more than 1 person compare them, and insist that they're an influence, to Deathspell Omega. It's peaked my interest but core shit is core shit, I don't want to waste my time.
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>makes the worst album of the entire band's discography
>still is a 7/10
Memespell Omega
>Grow a sack
Did they tell you that in the psych ward last time you failed?
Reminds me of "I know you are but what am I" toddler response lol. Is this what you used to say at the playground before you got beat up? Let's make it 26
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>this tripfag should be thoroughly patronized for his obviously jewish behavior
Weather is getting hot, the loons cook restless in their sheds.
It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day.
Oh my God. No way you're the retard from the other thread I was lurking. Get a fucking life dude
Lurk more cuz no.
Sure bro
Which thread?
that retarded thread with a comic about heckin metal nazis. it was on the top of the catalog yesterday because of the spergs fighting in the replies
Metal is forged in heat, therefore summer is the most metal season.
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Correct, as proven by the universe for making it the season when the beers taste best.
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Can't write music or even play simple chords on a guitar? Just serve up a bowl of atonal and disorganized synthslop and call it Symphonic Black Metal
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Not in the summer heat, brainlet

Completely melanated posts, afraid of European cold. Go back
true metal is the enemy of the sun and all sunoids by default
Enjoy your shrinkage, coldsissy.
basically all symphoshit is worthless, true. It grasps so hard at being "majestic" it ends up a cacophony of music box melodies and forgets to actually be metal.
No and they are lying
>t. seething over harsh european weather
Tell me how I know you're circumcised.
Bring me any DM chad from the swamps of Florida, and I can guarantee you theyā€™d destroy BM sissies from Norway.
you do not have the IQ to overwinter successfully
Bjƶrn "Speed" Strid on eating ice cream in Japan(direct quotation):
>I was on vacation in Japan once and somebody took a photo of me eating ice cream because they couldnā€™t believe it that the Soilwork singer was eating ice cream on the streets of Kyoto. What did they expect, raw meat?
Why does every Metallica album after Kill Em All sound the goddamn same
>when the tunnels are nice and cold and beer isn't kosher enough
So I think my metal genre of choice is Melodeath for sure. I just really like strong melodies. Dunno why I'm posting this, but In Flames is probably my boomer band of choice, kinda shit era aside.
More than BM, thatā€™s for sure.
fuck off cumshitter
>in my dreams, it was real
Foreskinless filtered incel detected kek
its all so forgettable besides all nightmare long and lux aeterna
>its all so forgettable besides
>an inferior songwriting clone of One
>a literal who track
you have neurosis
Why are you all so mean to each other?
its all a meme we actually love each other here, even hector
>using buzzwords like "atonal" and "disorganized" to describe symphonic black metal when almost all "conventional" black metal has those attributes in greater quantity

found the whiny black metal purist. get out faggot. only keyboards are real. i bet you hate power metal too
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Reminder that metal peaked with Neoclassical Symphonic Black metal and it's not even close.
Black(ed) ā€œā€œā€œmetalā€ā€ā€ is sissy hypno music.
Foreskinless incel seethe and cope continues
>>Gaahl beat up some guy, "tortured" him and filled a cup with his blood(there are two versions to this story)
I totally believe this, even for a second.
You listen to riffless garbo
More foreskinless seethe. I guess the pain during infancy really fucks up your brain as well lol
Varg will never be your father.
>>an inferior songwriting clone of One
that's the day that never comes
Foreskinless rage cope kek
You have a tiny peepee
You have no foreskin lol
Your penis is small and you like to eat poop
They are complete shite and not an influence. Only reason they are compared is because mongrels think anything dissonant = the same, its why they call every disso bm band DsO and every disso DM band Gorguts.
Foreskin-absent post lol
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Gayest post ever
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everyone was being nice to each other until you posted this
Death metal is so fucking gay.
This isn't all that great, stop trying to convince everyone else that it is.
Fuck off, toxoplasmosis pussy.
Even a homo like Chuck had more testosterone in his body than the entire Norwegian BM scene.
Circumcised melanated post.
It is one of the greatest albums in history of 20th/21st centuries of music, along with: Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk and Nattestid Ser Porten Vid.
Of course a faggot like you cannot appreciate it.
Speaks the incel with no foreskin
Are you in the band? You sound awfully butthurt. I don't give a shit, im just telling you its not all that amazing. And for your information my foreskin is alive and properly lubricated by your mothers clam
More test than you, Jimmy Numale.
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>just telling you its not all that amazing.
Just telling you you're low IQ tasteless waste of breath.

Nothing more amazing than Obtained Enslavement.
>no u!
Foreskinless incel self-BTFO lol
Could you faggots stop fixating on each other's dicks for 5 minutes and talk about metal? Jesus this general is aids.
Are you one of Vargā€™s deformed Hills Have Eyes kids sent here to shill MYFAROG?
Absolutely enraged malding foreskinless post.
Don't even pretend a /metal/ MYFAROG group wouldn't be based as fuck
Iā€™m not buying a copy of MYFAROG.
MYFAROG cannot be understood if you have no foreskin no matter how hard you try.
If OE and Emperor are so good, why did they only make 2 good albums (each)?
Iā€™m not buying To Hell and Back either.
Because good music ain't slop.
I would like to point out that since my mother is a Jew, an actual rabbi did my circumcision and so I have the best of both worlds because it looks neat, clean, and great, but still has a nice amount of glide at the base and midshaft.
However, I cannot confirm or deny if he sucked on my bloody baby penis giving me the evil spirit of Moloch.
Now listen to the song of my people you fukken chuds
>since my mother is a Jew
stopped reading right there.
we all know the true key to whiteness is nipple color
>he doesn't know about my superior wiener
your loss babe
Not only. Blue/Gray/Light Green eyes. Platinum Blond/Dirty Blond/Very Light Brown hair. And most importantly, Foreskin in place.
Otherwise - you're just not 'white', as in Native European. Be proud of your own race whatever it is.
I donā€™t get why anyone takes Vargā€™s racial autism seriously, heā€™s like the Scandi equivalent of Tariq Nasheed.
>t.jealous melanated swarthoid
Varg is not a high key homosexual tho.
Varg doesn't try and demean his own race for getting buck broken though
Tariq Nasheed is obsessed with big southerner cock
Yea I guess Bach made 1000 piles of slop
And Chopin made more than 3 hours worth of great music right? Lol.
Some are more productive than others depending on their life. Gotta stop with that copium, it's fatal.
I'm more of a Liszt guy. And yea I suppose the old composers did it as a full time job, but Ihsahn has had plenty of time/money to give us another great album. Where is it?
>/metal/ - circumcision and classical music
Bands that use death metal riffs but power metal vocalsā€¦go!
how about power metal riffs and death metal vocals
Ihsahn is now making his own progressive metal which isn't bad but just not my style, since it's too far from Black metal and not entirely Classical.
Also I was blasting Bach when you mentioned him, forgot to mention lol
Why listen to slop metal when you have this? For guitar timbre maybe, and then the only choice you have is either OE or Emperor since almost everything else is a total slop.
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Caution: reading this post in its entirety accelerated male pattern baldness. Be forewarned
War metal on the same tier as metalcore.
Didn't think this thread could get even more retarded
It also outs one as foreskinless & melanated.
Dont pay attention to it, its some braindead death metal fan. Its all a cope
I agree, itā€™s unironic slop
ā€œBuzzwordā€ is the only buzzword being used here
Extremely solid black metal from The Mistake by the Lake, Cleveland.
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>band is called The Mistake
>they're USBM
You WILL watch Dave's show, right anon ?
Depends. Will his daughter be there?
The one named after Metallica's first label?
>Poster is an ESL
Dave has a daughter named Megaforce?
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>for guitar timbre
>picks synthslop disneycore like OE and Emperor that have nearly no relation to classical
Incoherent as always.

>post hidden
>stub hidden
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OE is neoclassical and Heks understands fundamental principles of composition as well as harmony, counterpoint and melody-writing - none of which can be said of Adam Kikeache(and 99.99% of metal """musicians""") he doesn't even understand what Harmony means LOL.
Adam Kalmbach literally(literally) has a degree in composition, and writes down the form/techniques he uses for each album on every bandcamp release page.

Hack or Hek or whatever his name is wrote disney melodies on synths, which contradict your original point about looking for guitar timbre when the only person you shill plays a suitable timbre for his suitable melodies.
have a nice day
what is it about
Adam Kalmbach donates money to the NAACP
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>Deep Space Alien Astral Avantgarde Synth
no wonder I slept on this for almost 2 decades, it's just a shitty meme album
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I've been jamming to this a lot lately. Fun album.
>le breakdowns
Richard Wagner
or Dick Wag to the ladies
Yeah, I like Wagner.
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Glam/Thrash should have been a thing
Glammened death metal
Glamchads reign supreme
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Glam? Yeah, I like glam.
Mƶtley CrĆ¼e, Def Leppard, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, Scorpions, Tesla, Dokken, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Poison, Cinderella, W.A.S.P., Ratt, Quiet Riot, Stryper, Twisted Sister, Warrant, Hanoi Rocks, Extreme, Great White, White Lion, Y&T, Mr. Big, Kix, L.A. Guns, Faster Pussycat, Damn Yankees, Firehouse, Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Winger, Steelheart, Love/Hate, Night Ranger, Enuff Z'nuff, Nitro, Helix, Europe, Lita Ford, Thunder, Vixen, Lynch Mob, Badlands, Autograph, Keel, Dangerous Toys, Bang Tango, Whitecross, Jackyl, Michael Monroe, Vain, Kick Axe, Giant, BulletBoys, Steeler, Trixter, EZO, Every Mother's Nightmare, Danger Danger, Tyketto, Lizzy Borden, Britney Fox, Jetboy, Zodiac Mindwarp, Pretty Boy Floyd, Junkyard, Hurricane, Tuff, Roxy Blue, Black 'n' Blue, Aldo Nova, Angel, House of Lords, Wildside, Candy Harlots, Wrathchild, The Darkness, Babylon A.D., Tora Tora, T.N.T., Sleeze Beez, Blue Murder, King Kobra, The Scream, Shotgun Messiah, Contraband, Killer Dwarfs, Mr. Nasty, Wild Boyz, Kik Tracee, Southgang, Rockhead, Beau Nasty, Saigon Kick, Nelson, the list goes on...
>Adam Kalmbach literally(literally) has a degree in composition
Some undergraduate degree from literal who conservatory, who cares? His music is jewed modernist slop.
>which contradict your original point about looking for guitar timbre
80 IQ post. The guitars are heard throughout the entire album except for intro/outro. Sickeningly imbecilic & melanated.
first for bdm
Varg has more testosterone than your entire mexican family tree combined.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fByKXXT_Xgs&ab_channel=Stallion-Topic
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>Some undergraduate
Compared to the 0 degree either of your allstars hold right after you declared Adam to not know what "harmony" meant, the obvious hilarity of this situation continues to be highlighted when you realize neither of your "musicians" have ever made a classical composition, nor have any connection to classical, but "jewish modernist slop" composers like Luc Lemay hold degrees and have their own classical compositions lol.
>80 IQ post.
Ah yes, so you suggest the genius of a keyboardist (read: synth player) as your argument for wanting guitar timbre, as you suggest people who hold musical degrees don't know the basics of music, yet the clowns playing disney melodies on synths with no degrees are your idols and I'm the one with "80iq". Top kek.

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The songs are kinda ass, I saw them live a few days ago and they played some pretty cool songs see pic related.
Mexicans love Varg though
How the hell did you find that?
No one should list the songs from a concert
should be a surprise to people.
Mexicans live and breathe metal, Vurg is just a poser who played in a BM band in the 90s.
sounds like shit
>Compared to the 0 degree
0 degree is pretty much all the same - not relevant.
>genius of a keyboardist (read: synth player)
Nope. He's both guitarist and keyboardist.
Besides, metal can be composed at a keyboard and then transcribed to guitar. Doesn't matter which way it was done, Heks himself plays both instruments.
>and I'm the one with "80iq"
You assumed there was something wrong when I stated that guitar timbre is what I like about OE specifically:
>which contradict your original point about looking for guitar timbre when the only person you shill plays a suitable timbre for his suitable melodies.
You are shockingly imbecilic.
It is a surprise, the list is for past concerts, the new concerts are empty until they actually play the song or the band lists it themselves somewhere
Totale Vernichtung ā€“ Ritualmordlegenden: candy funderground horseshit album kicks off with emulations of the past (Gorgoroth, Absurd, Darkthrone, possibly Samael) tied together around unrelenting melodic intensity and lots of gently falling melodies stacked up against line-drive chromatic riffing with the precise even rhythms of music for children who have had brain injuries, evoking the past but not exceeding it nor even getting close to reaching it.
Although not real surprise, if you can look past concerts and extrapolate the songs they are going to play now. Some bands are VERY lazy and always play EXACTLY the same songs every show on a tour. Rammstein does it which is why i thought it would be pointless getting another ticket for their show. ACDC played same songs with exactly same show until they had to replace Brian with Axl Rose.
Megadeth mixes up some songs but you can still know what to expect.

Which is why those unexpected not that popular songs are very nice to hear for once
black metal was never supposed to be popular
get a trip so i can filter you faggot
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has anyone checked this?
what's with these people wearing makeup? are they gay?
I've had sex with way too many women to think an album with that cover like that would be worth checking out
maybe just ugly
>sex with women
you don't belong here
you get a reputation for being a degenerate
Just 1 track. They still have the classic Limbonic Art sound, but they omitted synth completely which I disliked. Not a fan of the clean production either.
You've never had any sex, let alone with a woman.
No they are metalheads who like metal(non-posers) you're welcome to fuck off
take your own advice
>t. NSBM fan
>not relevant.
Well of course its not relevant for you since pop disney melodies need no training to procure, the entirety of power metal + OE and Emperor proves as much.
>Besides, metal can be composed at a keyboard and then transcribed to guitar
Yet here you are, listening to synths. Pretty sure this is you too >>122540438 "they omitted synth completely which I disliked" lol, lmao. I assume "its not me!" is next.
> guitar timbre is what I like about OE
Yet decry Soulblight because of the lesser role of the synths despite it being more focused on guitars kek. Contradicts time and again. Oh but then its "no its da hekin composition difference!", sad excuse just like the "only a bit of dissonance is ok!" as you pretend to like a genre (black metal) that along with death metal is entirely based around being chromatic, atonal, and/or dissonant.
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Correct, all disneycore is NBM.
mexicans live and breathe alchoholism but nice try
hi luc
>forgetting about Shelter
Techshit is soi
Sodom - Agent Orange
this thread is retarded
Can't be contested.
this general is retarded.
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Grand Belial's Key
who is responsible for this?
Most people.
They prefer to force stupid memes against the bands and subgenres they dislike, instead of actually listening to what others enjoy.
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>Well of course its not relevant for you
Yeah no shit it isn't. I value music not jewish modernist trickery.
>need no training to procure
Sure, write any species of counterpoint.
Or any unique chord progression such as
>Yet here you are, listening to synths.
That's like "oh you're listening to Brahms Symphony No.4? Here you are listening to just Cello and nothing else!"
Unfathomably low IQ
>Yet decry Soulblight because
Heks was not handling keyboards and it is less interesting than Witchcraft, still great nonetheless.
>despite it being more focused on guitars kek.
And what exactly does that change?
Again, Witchcraft has guitars playing throught the entire album except for short intro&outros. The guitar timbre is there, along with various synth which add more depth to the music.
>the "only a bit of dissonance is ok!"
>entirely based around being chromatic, atonal, and/or dissonant.
Made-up nonsense

Extremely imbecilic, almost 90 year old diaper wearer with 80 IQ. You have complete emptiness between your ears lol
jesus christ
That was the most autistic thing I've ever read.
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Witchcraft is undeniably 10/10 and greatest metal album etc etc. But it would be even BETTER if it combined some non-symphonic synth with symphonic synth it already uses. Combining Dark Ambient synth with Symphonic, plus rawer guirar tone. Just imagine the masterpieces Heks could've made if he wasn't lazy

If you mean my post, I take that as a compliment thanks
I'll keep ignoring this guy, I guess.
all you listen to is black metal?
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And Classical.
I have seen more than 20 cover images for this shit
start a new thread already
Yeah countless of reissues/remasters, what's worse is that they all sound different and I can't decide which is better.
Best blastings of the thread
I first heard it on the The End Records CD, so that's how I usually imagine the cover.
Also, I'm nearly certain that version uses a blue-tinted image of Half Dome of all goddamn things. Kind of hilarious.

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