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I get it, things change. it is what it is. I'm sure some of you guys find some value here, but it's not for me anymore.

granted I haven't had much of a look around here lately but it doesn't feel like the /mu/ I knew and loved 10+ years ago.

I'm looking for fresh pastures frens. where would one go for quality content and discussions both music themed as well as other themes?

thanks gang

pic related to the audience I want to reach
I was there too, and current /mu/ is garbage. Its all advertising and zoomers who pretend they know anything about music.
You're both faggots who think that 700 landfill indie bands that sound like carbon copies of each other and Kanye West are worth listening too. Good riddance and kill yourselves. /mu/ has ALWAYS been a board for gay retards
Going to see them in November. Very excited.
>been here for 10 years
Time to fuck off grandpa. Culture has moved on. You are old and out of touch. Many such cases
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great thread & album. i know exactly what you are talking about, the world just isnt what it used to be and i dont think youll have much luck trying to recapture the magic in other places

people are gonna post that /mu/ was always shit but it really did feel like it meant something back in the day, theres just been a huge shift in online music culture as a whole & nothing feels as special as it used to
>people are gonna point out the obvious but I'm finna COOOOOOOOPE
/mu/ is better than it ever has been just by virtue that literal dicksucking hipster bullshit indie music has finally died out
acktshually i've been gone for 10 years
but surely there' always a place for semi quality online conversation... it happened before it can happen again. it's probably happening somewhere, i'm just out of the loop
idk man be the change you wanna see or whatever
He's just crying that people don't all gather round to blowbang jeff magnum and animal collective anymore because every insufferable gay hipster douchbag either trooned out or finally admitted they actually just like pop and rap.
I think it's the same as it was 10 years ago but it is nearly completely ruined by a small handful of vagrant mega weirdos. There's a shitload of mostly nice and comfortably contentious people, and for like every 15 of those there's one guy with histrionic personality disorder who just begs for attention, makes extra long posts, tries to flame the entire thread with rediculous trolling just to get the attention on them. I swear there was almost none of that before.
i miss the old kanye
don't get me wrong /mu/ has always been insufferable I guess i'm just nostalgic. it just feels like this website in general isn't where I want to be anymore, but I don't know where else
that guy was definitely always here
I like both those things. I guess I'm an oldfag though.
I'm obviously familiar with and hate both those things and I've been using 4chan for 19 years. You're just a gay hipster douchebag.
exhibit A
no u
>no u are the gay hipster douchebag
>Why yes I do like NMH and animal collective
le face face
this place was built around sharing and appreciating staple pieces of music
how contrarian of you to not like what most stalwarts of this board appreciate. you truly must have a mind of your own. how admirable
>stop calling my gay dicksucking music gay
no lol. Landfill indie was always bottom of the barrel trash and all of your peers have trooned out
/mu/ was a good place to discuss the tumblr/blogsphere "Indie" era

now that the music distribution went shit and theres isnt a scene(s) or a cool circuit happening, thats it

social media isnt "social" no more, just paid promotion and this hitted hard in music biz
You fags say this and every time I recommend a band and bump the thread 7 times it dies with no attention. You're all just gay hipsters except now you're 35 and fat with a nearly dead cat.
I didn't ask you not to call anything gay
I didn't even bring up any of the artists you mentioned. you did. I posted Godspeed, which you've not referenced. if you want to call them gay as well, go ahead.
I'm jut pointing out that you aren't aying anything worthwhile. see: >>122571537
is gay hipster the only insult you can come up with?
interesting take
i am 40 and i am enjoying the new krallice. https://krallice.bandcamp.com/album/inorganic-rites
I don't care. I got one guy to check out Mike Dillon the other day and I'm mostly here to remind everyone that phish is the greatest rock band of all time. Speaking of
>is gay hipster the only insult you can come up with?
>for fags lamenting the loss of /mu/ a decade ago
the first half of junta is epic. everything else from phish is garbage.
There's nothing to discuss with music nowadays. It seems like just nothing is happening in music anymore
I wish I knew a suitable replacement. As bad as /mu/ used to be, it's never been worse than now. Absolutely nothing here except shitposting, tired politics, schizos, celebrity gossip, and random music news every now and then. If you gave a shit about any new stuff I listen to these days, we'd have lots to talk about, but no one here does. Pretty much gave up trying to post about it, except for in chart or AOTY threads, which no one looks through anyway. Good luck.
>new stuff I listen to these days
It was worse. We have one resident tripfag right now and he's obviously an insufferable faggot who should khs, now imagine at least a dozen of them spamming the board at all times. /mu/ really was never good
>with a nearly dead cat
>studio album ever for any reason
kill yourself immediately
My cat from my early 20s is already gone. Fuck I have an 8 year old 80lb hound dog who's really starting to be an old fuck the past few months and probably only has a year or two left. It feels like I only got the bastard a few years ago but then my son is nearly 4! It must be wild when you're 60 and a year goes by every time you blink.
it was always shit but it's one of the only half decent sites i've come across and introduced me to a lot of great music that ended up defining my taste in a lot of ways
>it just feels like this website in general isn't where I want to be anymore
the internet has lost a lot of character in the past fifteen years, and i wonder if there are any non-onion websites left that capture the feeling of the old internet. i've tried multiple altchans over the years, but they just don't feel right. thankfully, this isn't my whole life anymore, but i do miss the old times quite a lot. maybe it's time to fully move on.
A mixture of soul, noise, American Primitivism, jazzy stuff, electronic, ambient, etc. None of it has buzz, or a big scene, and so /mu/ doesn't care. Look how many posts there are about the old indie scene ITT, or saying music is dead. They are fixated on the scenes, the big trends, and not just good sounds.
>They are fixated on the scenes, the big trends, and not just good sounds.
How are you finding this stuff?
I stopped posting here like 10 years ago, been lurking on and off for a few weeks and this board is just a phantom now. There is no vitality, just occasional limp corpse twitches. It's like seeing a childhood friend grown into a Prozac zombie shell. Indieheads and the other subreddits just sapped this place of all energy, now it's entirely bitter jaded old spastics. Do they even do muchella anymore?
I'm the guy calling old /.u/ gay hipsters, 4chan user since 2005 which is more than half of my life. I only post here on my phone when I'm not busy at work or like now, I got really drunk today and fell asleep/woke up at 1am and am waiting to fall back asleep. I've made about 30 reddit accounts in the past 2 years and I'm sick of being banned so I gave that up. Hell I'm permabanned from 4chan on my PC for posting a picture of pepe the frog lamenting that food was too expensive for my wife's mother's day meal 2 months ago. I just use the internet to download movies anymore really and come here a couple hours a day when I have nothing to do. Otherwise I'd rather hang out with my kids and/or watch some old movie. And for the inevitable tranny who's going to report this I'm going to have a new 5g address 15 seconds after I submit this post.
what onions are good?

>It's like seeing a childhood friend grown into a Prozac zombie shell
motherfucking feel right there
you might be a low hanging fruit munching attention seeking slur spammer but at least you remind me of the good old days
some things never change
4chan feels like a dying site but theres no replacement. There are no cool scenes anymore. I was born to be in 80s England making industrial and taking LSD in a damp basement somewhere with other weirdos like me. The only weirdos now are trannies who I don't want to be around. Idk what to do. Maybe I'll become a homeless beach bum that seems like it would be more fun than how 90% of people are living
Man a decade ago is fucking 2014 at this point. That's nuts. By then the rest of the internet was pretty much dead. I think by 2012 I had probably stopped using classic forums for anything. I wonder if there are still communities of people on old style forums. I'm sure their are but they must be so slow and niche. IRC used to be the move but then everyone moved to discord which SURPRISE, turned out to be a massive gayop. I never used that shit, I knew there was no reason to reinvent the wheel. Oh well. Everything is gay now. I'll try not to make the same mistake my parents did and not buy my song a new video game console every year and maybe he won't grow up to even give a shit about online garbage parasocial communities.
I'm so glad I spent the ages of 17-30 abusing psychedelics, chasing hippie bands and posting on 4chan. No matter how gay the world gets they can never take away all of the shitposting, all of the sick riffs, all of the times I blew my brain out of my skull.
centralization sucks
every major social place is too close knit now
i miss culture
RIP Hamtrax
its a fact, more than the distribution struggle for independent/small label acts, touring became way too expensive

Niggas have to beg for a brand endorsment for make a living

Bandcamp et al isnt enough to boost scene and a circuit...

So its all major label and independent acts that plays well the social media game like the soundclound rappers who made it big
I personally watched the way things work in the hippie scene. The hardest working band with the most mass appeal who launched a bunch of other bands careers with their local festival went nowhere and had to go into semi-retirement. Their na.e is Lucid. To this day on spotify they are still mixed up with some white trash SoundCloud rapper. Their "sister band" Twiddle is universally mocked but they "made it". I think they're done too now, but regardless they were doing it for a while and are only over because their band members are all drug addict divas. My point is: it doesn't matter how hard you work. You can tour the country for a decade and have your own festival and still have to hang it up to sell beer. The only saving grace is for people like us, if you're savvy enough you can find music from bands that never made it.
>The only saving grace is for people like us, if you're savvy enough you can find music from bands that never made it.

Speds like us are like gravediggers leaving flowers on forgotten tombstons

>where would one go for quality content and discussions both music themed as well as other themes?

this site is already that but worse anyways, orbiting the same few rock bands
*this board
You should listen to Lucid. They are truly a good band. Everyone who heard them liked them. The play bluesey rock with a hippie flavor. Almost all of their songs are good, especially the early ones. But the later ones are good too
The drug song is a later one off Dirt I think but listen to the albums Dewdmanwah and Miles Deep and tell me these guys didn't have something.
based and patricianpilled
fucking zoomers just can't stop
I live in Arkansas
There is no such thing as "landfill" indie, there actually is distinction between most of those bands you're just an earlet.
I'm not a fan of indie music made after the 90s, but I agree that this place is a shithole now. I missed out on old /mu/ because I still used forums until recently, but I browse the archives and have seen how much better this board was a decade or so ago.
Shitposters have always existed but they're insufferable now. All this board talks about is talentless pop whores, talentless rappers (for a site so racist, why are they obsessed with rappers and their lives?), and political garbage. Every thread seems to devolve into schizoposting or identity politics.
I think the truth is that most younger people don't have knowledge on music or the capacity to talk about it like those older than them. Try to have genuine discussion about music on this site and it's almost impossible.
I like those early 90s Seattle bands, especially AiC and Soundgarden, but try to talk about them here and it's just endless shitflinging about who "mogs" the other.
I still come here for the generals and anonymous posting that I can't get anywhere else.
Steve Hoffman forum is still going strong, and while some users are insufferable at least I can get genuine music discussion there. The threads don't devolve into brainrot political garbage like this board. The shitty rap and pop music stays in their containment threads and the majority of the forum talks about rock and audio stuff.
2015 called, they wanted to let you know that all of you tryhard dicksuckers admitted you just like Kanye West.
I don't see how liking Kanye West has anything to do with actually thoroughly exploring entire genres of music that you radically dismiss.
>entire genres of some whiney faggot writing a song on acoustic guitar about how he's a huge faggot
indie music is garbage and there's a reason every single one you became poptimists and trooned out. The charade is over.
I stopped coming to /mu/ back in 2015ish and occasionally come back when I'm not on /vr/, and yea its shit, just like most of the rest of the site and internet. Only place that I talk about and discover music really is redacted.ch. It being a private tracker keeps a lot of the obnoxious zoomers out but you still won't get that fun feeling of /mu/ 10-15 years ago. The internet sucks now and I miss the 2000's and early 2010's.
unironically rym and discord servers
why do you think so many boomers here seethe over rym? /mu/ is just discussing the same 10 classic rock albums over and over with the occasional discussion of something huge like charlis brat which is like a once a year occurance
I don't particularly miss the indie era of /mu/
rym is so much better for the variety of music discussed, i can see people who are enthusiatic about electronic music
though, conversations are slightly more niggerlicious there, as well as the tranny moderation. still a better place
>discord servers
please stop, i'm tired of that place and how every little community has to have one, further centralizing the internet

I spent some time here maybe 10-15 years ago. A lot of people were talking about Pitchfork Best New Music. Talking about Dirty Projectors and Tune-Yards. That era.

Left for a long time, just stopped back. It pretty much sucks now. But I don't really remember back then all that well. Maybe it sucked then too.
>where would one go for quality content

nowhere. The US is shit now. There are no good options. It's shit and won't ever get better.
>they actually just like pop and rap.

just the faggots.

white men like active rock radio, punk and metal.

that sounds right.

Jews in charge don't like indie or rock, and have been pushing faggotry hard for the last 10-15 years. Well, they've been doing that all along, but for quite a while their efforts could be ignored.

Phish is on the AAA radio charts currently.
>As bad as /mu/ used to be, it's never been worse than now.

As bad as everything in the US used to be, it's never been worse than now.

the internet has allowed everyone to hear everything ever made for free on youtube.

so that's good. not for the bands, but the people.

the country is shit, the internet is shit, but free music on youtube is there and that's good.
>"landfill" indie

is a term that started to be used 10 or 20 years ago in the UK. I wasn't in the UK, but apparently there was a new "next big thing" indie band in the UK every week mid 2000s maybe.
>white men like active rock radio, punk and metal.
People just like what they like dude. Coping like this won't make it true.
I know white men who don't like rock and like EDM. Some prefer rap. Others prefer country.
Personally I'm a rock (60s-90s) guy but I don't get why faggots like you on this board get so bent out of shape about people liking other music. As long as they don't try to force me to like something I don't give a shit.
>da jooz!!!
you're part of the problem, buddy
trannies too weird for you, "weirdo"?

no, it seems like you're the faggot, and only 12 year old girls, fat middle aged women and fags like pop.

Jews however are continuously trying to shit the worst crap down our throats.

When it comes to money spent on music, it has always been rock. Live rock. Real instruments being played. Rock, country, not choreography for children women and men who think like women.
>I know white men who don't like rock and like EDM. Some prefer rap
Those are what we call "Democrats" and they're not men.
That's the problem. Pop used to be (like pre-Britney Spears) have real instruments and singers live.
There is more to life (and politics) than "Democrat" and "Republican". Any rational adult knows and understands this, but I assume you're underage. Politics are not binary.
>charlis brat which is like a once a year occurance

FALSE - just faggotry no one cares about.

People are paid to post the same crap over and over. Shills, who work for record labels. It's like pol or other boards but people are talking about other things Shouldn't there be an album about sexbots?

You're wrong. I'm right.
Idk why you decided to discharge your vagina at me I listen to mostly live soundboards of phish you landfill indie queer

you can find some rap liking white men, lower middle class, or poor, declining mill towns.

Straight white men will not listen to pop, but there are sub cultures of poorer white men who will listen to rap. Straight white men are typically not Democrats, and even straight black men are leaving the Democrat plantation.

Homosexual men will listen to a wide variety of stuff, not saying specific homos will listen to both pop and metal, but you can find pop loving homos and metal loving homos.
>The threads don't devolve into brainrot political garbage like this board

it's literally fucking banned and the mods lock threads if that happens. here if you report about 20 posts for off topic political shit the janitor might arrive 6 hours later and delete them.

Well, yes, but for the most part, no one spent money on seeing pop live even when there were some musicians standing behind the choreography.

The Supremes might've had a lot of hits, maybe almost as many as The Beatles but The Beatles did much better live.

18 year old girls who listened to top 40 pop when they were 12 (that's their core) become embarrassed that they every liked that crap.

If it's a rock band, there will be people going to those shows forever, even if the hits stopped a long time ago.

I've seen Phish. Jon Fishman used to live near me, I've seen him live with Col Bruce Hampton, The Mallett Brothers.

Landfill indie is not a thing in the US, never was. It was the UK, disposable radio hit indie bands. For some reason "The Fratellis" is in my brain for that. Back when hipster was just starting out - NYC 20-25 years ago - radio stations were not playing that really good stuff.
>just by virtue that literal dicksucking hipster bullshit indie music has finally died out
I agree with this. Old mu was better in a lot of ways but those insufferable hipster faggots were the worst. I'd rather have a dead board to frequent once in awhile than smug hipsters circle jerking over flavor of the month "indie" trash 24/7. If there was actual decent music being made now days this board would have more activity.

pop was always stage show bullshit since way back. it's true they did have live vocals and could actually sing unlike Britney Spears but even when this was done it wasn't respectable music like country, R&B, or jazz.
You've aged out of being a mindless consumer who doesn't contribute back, now its time to reseed. Be the change you want to see here.
It's a steadily declining bell curve. Despite its assembly line nature they did have proper singing, instruments, melodies in the 50s and the singers usually did grow up in pretty humble circumstances (and boy, did Patti Page ever).

Today they have no melodies, no actual instruments (just a wall of Max Martin synth noise) and no singing, just Autotune crap. also the performer is some rich wastrel brat like Taylor Suck.
1. They would have done Max Martin style production in the 50s if the tech for that had existed and 2. Why does /mu/ sound so Marxist?

>derp u can't be real unless u grew up in a shack with no running water or electricity
I'd be fine with a dead board if the slow activity wasn't trash, but it overwhelmingly is. You guys keep acting like indie was the only activity here, and that indie all sounds the same and all sucks. None of that is true. Also, there's a lot of great music these days, too much for me to keep up with, but because none of it is in a big social circlejerk like indie was, it doesn't translate to activity here because this board is full of shallow fools.
They still do, live. At least the pop concerts I've been to.
You are underestimating the social value of "circlejerks". Posting interchangeable bandcamp links at each other isn't very exciting, and certainly not grounds for building community.
What do you mean by 'interchangeable' here? You make a good point about just posting links at each other though; so many replies in threads that ask for music are just YouTube links with no comment or context. Posting good music is exciting and engaging in community when you actually talk about it, no matter where the links are from.
>You guys keep acting like indie was the only activity here
I never said that or implied that. I just said the hipster tripfag types were all insufferable faggots who dominated the board. Most indie does sound the same, sucks and/or is try hard "quirky" nonsense. There's some ok indie though imo.
>Also, there's a lot of great music these days
I love when people try to claim that here but can't back it up. Can you post 5 newer songs you consider great?
I've seen phishctoo. About 30 times. And I'm still a little baby in that regard
>You guys keep acting like indie was the only activity here
13 years ago? Yeah it was
> and that indie all sounds the same and all sucks
It does
Yeah, I can easily, but you wouldn't agree since we have different tastes, and then you'd say, "See? everything sucks." But if I'm finding new high quality stuff I like, then there's likely stuff out there for you, too.
see you tomorrow
>this board talks about is talentless pop whores, talentless rappers (for a site so racist, why are they obsessed with rappers and their lives?)
These are very blatantly astroturfed threads, especially the rap ones. You can tell because suddenly everyone in them tries to sound like a black twitter user and nowhere else.
He’s out of time
its so bad dude lmao. the trumpers destroyed it
"Trump ruined music discourse" is a take I've never heard before.
It's not that bad. /mu/ is holding up decently compared to the likes of /fit/ or /fa/. /fa/ is a travesty compared to 10 years ago.
I used rym frequently until teenagers started to take over the comments on albums and forums.
>every single one of you
I didn't become a poptimist. Are you saying I don't count?
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>A lot of people were talking about Pitchfork Best New Music.
I think people forget just how much /mu/core was downstream from whatever Pitchfork was talking about. As much as it got derided, it was still one of the only places of its kind. Now that Pitchfork has been hollowed out, the situation isn't going to get much better. Fantano isn't really focusing on music reviews/journalism either.

Would lay the blame more at those committed to keeping a garbage dozen frog/wojak threads up at any given time. They're on every board.
>whines about le frog
Go back to >>>/a/ and stay there you dumb tranny
>whines about le tranny
Go back to >>>/pol/ and stay there you dumb chud
>be tranny
>whine about frog
To the surprise of nobody
>>>/a/ is that way
shut up faggot loloololol
ok boomer
trannycord safespaces
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ADHD nu/mu/ cant sit still for an hour and a half anymore

anyway, anyone listened to this? im listening now and its pretty great ngl
I prefer current /mu/

In the past this board had so many patricians, who knew all fo these artists i never heard

Now it's filled with normies with surface level or down right awful taste, so i am the patrician now teehee
This. Fuck Fantano, RYM, and Pitchfork, and especially fuck old /mu/
Everyone replying is only proving OP's point.
There are no good music forums anymore. The IMDb music board used to be really good years ago.
Really? Who would ever think to look there?
Poptimism ruined music discussion on the internet
It's pretty funny too that they all just took a lot of aspects of old/4chan culture (memes and music taste) and just pumped and dumped it all. I honestly don't get modern internet etiquette either; you get flack for correcting people and labeled as gatekeeping yet everyone is clearly clout chasing and trying to be the next influencer/tastemaker on shit like YouTube or whatever. Fuck all those gen z teens who used this site just to chase clout and get chicks.

I also despise how everyone is alright with pretending to know shit by just watching stupid vids of people regurgitating wiki articles/me dropping shit from old /mu/ charts. I guess this all pisses me off cuz I'm the same age as these fucks. I've been going on here and this site as a whole for 10 years and I still feel like a newfag at times. The youth have no respect for culture and etiquette. Parasites
Thanks, Poindexter.
yeah /mu/ was so much better when every thread was just
over and over again
The Re/Mu/sters will return and bring about the /Mu/ renaissance
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Hi /Mu/, we haven't made any music in a while. Would anyone here be interested in covering The Blue Album?
Yes exactly
Shiggy about it if you will, but that is genuinely the case

lets do it
>>122583000 Let's do it then
>search up some bands on the /mu/ archives
>a couple of the posts are my posts from 10-12 years ago
great stuff
Alright everybody take notes this is what you say if you wanna be a pussy faggot drone with no balls and no freedom of thought, if you wanma be like this guy right here, kill yourself
The quality of posting across the whole site has been in a consistent nosedive the past 6 years.
I think somewhere like the old /mu/ will not be tolerated after OWS because it puts too much power in the real grass roots which is a threat to established interests. As a result we have Poptimism and consensus cracking in previously influential music boards such as this
Poptimism is literally the invention of music critics who found a neat way to package pandering by carefully eroding the necessity of artistic merit in their writing.
he got raped?
Or maybe it's from major labels and corporations trying to herd everyone into the same slop trough
True, but music writers have to take the slop seriously nowadays in order to keep their jobs.
pop was never not slop. yes, it was regarded as banal product in your grandpa's day too.
Absolutely. I guess I just consider critics as part of the the pyramid these days
I have no idea what poptimism is exactly outside a meme term that is thrown around.
It used to describe something concrete, but nowadays poptimist is just a slur that gets thrown at people who don't enjoy Tuvan throat singing.
>Poptimism (or popism) is the belief that pop music is as worthy of professional critique and interest as rock music.
Before ~2012, it was close to verboten to discuss pop music (with a few exceptions) on music websites filled with hipsters. The gatekeeping eroded between 2013-17, allowing for pop music discussion. As everyone with a brain cell expected, that simply resulted in pop dominating internet music discussion - and worse, attracting the most braindead sorts of music listeners who are more interested in celebrity gossip than music.
Or, to say pop since about Britney Spears when it became a carnival show not about the music.
Not if the pop music was above a certain threshold of quality. And the term hipster is too much of a pejorative at this point to be useful here. I would simply say serious music fans. Many of whom would anyway be nerds rather than hipsters.
current mu does suck but its oldfags like me that keep this place chugging with occasional decent albums and band discussion. I will say as someone who got insane good recs a decade ago I still manage to find new music on here as long as you listen to the right anons, just this last year ive downloaded shit i never heard of from here in huge quantities vs the prior 2 years, just keep posting good threads bros and ignore rap/electronic/kpop etc discussion
>been gone for 10 years
well its only been really bad for about 6 and i think its better this last year than it has been
this is the mentality i take in and why i post brainiac every other week
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Been here since 2012. I've tried to keep optimistic about this place over the past 6 or so years, but it just gets worse and worse.
I never thought I'd be the old boomer complaining about this shit but it literally feels like I'm teaching a class of unmedicated, spastic ADHD children who can't be civil for 1 minute.

The quality of discussion happening on /mu/ is near rock bottom.
Nothing funny happens here anymore. I haven't seen a clever original meme in years.
No one seems like they're having fun.
Hardly anyone here is knowledgeable and open-minded about music.

I believe gatekeeping is an absolute necessity to protect what little hope for a future this board has. Without it /mu/ just fills up with retarded shitposter plebs from twitter/tiktok/reddit who think they're posting in good company when they should be lurking or fucking off.
If we can ditch the MCR, Deftones, numetal, buttrock, and grunge nonsense, then we can actually devote some time to discussing quality musical acts again.
grunge is good because it has soul, numetal has a few good acts because it makes top tier hooks
>has soul
You mean appeals to junkies. I won't even give numetal any serious consideration. Leaving it at that.
That's like coming on here in 2009 and saying "Just get rid of all the Talking Heads, King Crimson and Jethro Tull"
The stuff you're complaining about is old enough to be this eras version of "The Classics"
Doesn't matter if you don't like them, that's such a random, unimportant part of the board that it wouldn't improve or worsen anything.
I don’t miss old /mu/ for a second. There are some things I miss about it, mainly the fact it was pretty active, but besides that, I don’t miss the indie slop, postrock, electropop, Midwest emo bullshit that everyone and their mom on /mu/ used to suck off, it was absolutely horrid and I will absolutely take poptimism and as many rap threads as possible over those days.

And again, the amount of tripfaggots with their little identity and cliques, god that was such lame shit, im glad we chased all those people away back to fuckin Reddit or discord. Those are the type of people crying about muh old /mu/. Get fucked. It’s dead, gone and not coming back. Go out on some Elliot smiths, death consciousness, or American football on and slit your wrists about it
No, it's not really "The Classics." We just have a few very loud and devoted schizos salivating over a few of these irritating acts from the 90s and early 00s. They think it's nostalgic or revisionist but it's just stepping over and shitting on all of the quality content that /mu/ had set in place.
Godspeed you black emperor is garbage
absolutely terrible sleep inducing songwriting
>actually that thing is generally critically acclaimed? Heh. It's uhh... well, it's terrible! ;)
As one of the many posts ITT insulting indie, I wonder what music you're into. Metal? Classical? Jazz?
>generally acclaimed = LE GOOD!!!
me and you both know that’s the most retarded argument ever in existence. if that’s the case Justin Bieber is leagues better than Godspeed you black emperor retard.
>it's been 10 years since I first started saying "this universally acclaimed work of art is secretly shit and only I noticed"
>come back
>people still say variations of it
So many contrarians itt and on this board turning against classic /mu/core. What the fuck are you even listening to? Classic Rock and Jazz are fine, but I have a suspicion that many of you listen to nu-metal and Trap instead.
I'm calling out the contrarionism. You're not the first person to criticize gy!be with a vague blanket statement about crescendos.
Hey don’t get me wrong. There is definitely good or great indie bands out there. I don’t necessarily hate indie, just most of the ones /mu/ used to shill back in the day, and the fact it was one of the main genres that used to be shilled. It wasn’t good hipster music. It really was pretentious faggoty shit.

Me personally I like psych rock, Prog rock, Avant Prog, some classic rock, proto punk, garage rock, punk rock, noise pop, shoegaze, grunge, metal, hip hop, r&b, hyperpop, jazz, classical, some electronic music, a lot of stuff really
>pretentious faggoty shit
Completely useless pejorative. We'll take you seriously when you can get the hang of vocabulary.
I miss the old Kanye. Straight from the go Kanye
I listen to similar stuff as you do but I still think 95% of the original sub /mu/core is great. What bands do you think are pretentious?
Yeah no shit, that’s go to meme to make fun of them, because it’s true. The songwriting isn’t good, they build up to a meme crescendo and then wind down and you’re supposed to be left feeling like it was so epic because muh volume dynamics went from soft to loud gradually when in reality it was a boring waste of time that you wouldn’t listen to on a regular basis unless you’re mentally retarded or an out of touch fart smelling hipster
Thank god the new generation mutants dropped that shit. Id take ice spice 100 times over the majority of “classic mu-core” and your problem with trap or nu metal shows exactly what’s wrong with the old mu core geriatric indie shilling retards that used to run this place. Your seething about new /mu/ is amazing, please keep crying
kys zoomer. music is not your thing
Useless? I think they’re quite useful descriptors of what I’m describing. If you need help understanding what pretentious or faggoty means, dictionaries are a google search away
Glad you asked
Talking heads
American football
Soundtracks for the blind
In rainbows
Ok computer
Sigur ros
Talk talk
Elliot smith
Xiu xiu
Built to spill
Yves tumor
The cardiacs
Modest mouse
Yo la tengo
Alpha beta apology
Ys / have one on me - Joanna newsom
Swans albums
Drive like jehu
Sweet trip
Sufjan stevens
Nick cave
Mars Volta
Jeff Buckley
Tame impala
James Blake
Sun kil moon
The strokes
King krule
Ariel pink

Probably more but that’s what I can think of right now
Not a zoomer lol, have been saying for like the last 15 min since I just popped in this thread, I’ve been here since 2010 and I hated old /mu/ and the culture, and I hate new /mu/ slightly less actually, it got a little better over time albeit less active
Fuck off and kill yourself annoying contrarian faggot
Oh yeah and the Daughters. That was another one that would get posted, they fuckin suck too. Hmm lingua ignotta. There’s more if I just think about it
Ouch, must have struck a nerve with that one. Dont cry too hard champ. You don’t have to have shit taste your whole life, you can always changeS
>old /mu/
how many simultaneous kpop generals in catalog are we talking here?
Your shit talk is so weak lol. Get a tripcode so I can filter you, annoying retard
Explain cogently how anything in Yo La Tengo's discography resembles "a gay man." You're just a low iq contrarion creature looking to incite anger.
I agree on
they are indeed pretentious starting from kid A but OKC and Bends are great alt rock
>talking heads
>in rainbows
>xiu xiu
>this is pretentious faggoty music
>proceeds to list a bunch of great music
Why publicly brag about having such shit taste

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