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Hi /Mu/, we haven't made any music in a while. Would anyone here be interested in covering The Blue Album?
Dibs on vocals for the title track

yea sure m8 i'm down
someone make the world has turned and left me here but in a shoegaze style
I quickly put together this guitar for Buddy Holly.
Do you think it's okay with the cracks or should someone else do it? idk why my interface does this, I even got a new cable and it still does it.
Can't wait to hear the Only In Dreams solos
I can do drum tracks i get pretty good sounds now.

I don’t know how to record bass, what do I need?
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Audio interface
We have drums now!?!?
I’m willing to record all the bass parts when I get my interface then
Other people like to play bass too, so just claim a few you'd particularly like for now, if you please.
The real important question: what will we do for the intro conversation on The Sweater Song? Explain the joke of sneed?
How The Re/Mu/sters work: Anons claim which parts they think they can play and then record them and send the parts here. Anyone is allowed to play any parts or mix any songs as long as they're within reasonable quality. Once everything is finished we have a watch party on YouTube and admire our autistic work.
Trips are discouraged, this is an anonymous project done entirely on 4chan.

Follow along with this playlist, and please don't use spotify, or anything else as it is often at a different speed.

You can submit your takes through vocaroo.com, catbox.moe or google drive, among others.

Where to find other Re/Mu/sters work:
Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGLKHGviiFrZfqJurKMzuw
keeping the thread alive, in the morning i'll record some drums and harmonica :)
I'll record the bass part of Say It Ain't So on Thursday. If the quality is fine I can do other songs as well
Throwing this out there: There's gotta be an anon here with a near exact copy of Cuomo's voice. Either wenise him, or do the covers in various styles (a lounge version, a country version, a mariachi version, etc) and get borderline shitpost vocalists to match those styles.
only in dreams really speaks to me on all levels but I really feel the vocals the lyrics are my life basically, if the rest of the song gets done I'd love to have a crack at them especially the verses
I think the reason why so many re/mu/sters never get finished is because they try to tackle huge ambitious albums instead of fun pop rock that everyone can agree on. It's why Ziggy Stardust took barely 2 weeks to get done and every album afterward took months. It's insane that Mirage was ever finished considering that album has some pretty crazy playing on it. I certainly plan to contribute some guitar to this, maybe some vocals too. Get my Matt Sharp on n shiet.
Great idea, these songs are relatively simple, so it's not difficult to make different style out of them. As >>122583346 mentioned, a shoegaze style would work for TWHTALFH at least!
If there's any songs in particular you think would work in a "lounge, country and mariachi" style, feel free to shout them out :)
There's a lot of harmonies on this album, and we could have different anon's sing different sections of the song, so you could certainly fit in somewhere
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here's the logo using the original weezer font. idk how to edit the band, i can't think of anything clever
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nvm here it is, it broke the website
What if we just did covers of Hash Pipe in various styles, but still used the blue album cover and named each version of the song after the tracks on blue album?
Lots of room for vocal contribution here. A lot of songs have both Matt and Brian as backup singers. Would love to participate but I don't have an audio interface or a good mic for vocals :\
if you record with both your computer and phone microphone at the same time it might sound better
i'm broke too but i'm still going to record stuff and hope i get mixed in
Drive by bump good luck on this chums
Looking forward to hearing it anon, much love
this gonna be something
can't wait
here's the drums to no one else. they're not fantastic but this thread is moving slowly so it's something https://vocaroo.com/1lrHyD3rqLY7
No problem, that works perfectly.
I'll create a pastebin soon
gee golly i can do vocals for everything pretty much lol if theres demand
but tmrw im sleepy as shit. fyi i only know buddy holly, i refuse to listen to this meme band but i think i could do dudes voice just fine
Okay do lead vocals on Buddy Holly then
If there is any piano on the album I can contribute, but I don't remember there being any.
Claiming "we will write a postcard to our friends and family in free verse" bass vocals
There's piano and string piano at the end of The Sweater Song, but we might do something more modern and electronic for that part(?)
buddy holly gfunk synth. fl studio kind of fucked it up sorry
Scaruffi reviewing Weezer
Are we going to sing the "Yeah" and "Let's go"s or can we ignore them?
yes we're singing them, especially the screech before the solo on in the garage
Got Matt Sharp vox for Jonas and Surf Wax. I just recorded the parts where he actually sings but it shouldn't be hard to drop it in.
I'll try to get some more later, probs guitar on Surf Wax too.
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Say It Ain't So - backing vocals


Assuming the lead singer does the high lines in the choruses
Buddy Holly - Bass

Say it Ain't So Lead Guitar (Right Channel)
I'll do the other lead part unless you're planning on doing it
Gonna do lead vocals on Undone
Do you think I could sing lead on Surf Wax America?
Needs other person speaking
Holiday Lead Vocals
i propose we do a cover of just what i needed as a bonus track in memorium of ric ocasek. he produced the blue album and that song is so good
I think we should do that and Susanne (it’s my favorite)
Holy shit this is sounding so good
Undone - Lead Vocals (including Scaruffi in italiano and other spoken word - use as you see fit)

I can record the fade guitar during the quiet part of Surf Wax America
Tomorrow I'm gonna try some trumpet for the harmonica part on in the garage.
fuuuck i could claim say it ain't so and some other ones, but i'm way too busy right now.
Surf Wax America Fade Guitar
I claim mixing The Sweater Song! I invite everyone to sing and play nonsense on the outro, might make it quite a bit longer than the original.
Pastebin updated. Let me just say I'm shocked at how much progress we've made in the past 7 hours alone, I don't think we've had progress like this in 4 years.
Nice. Let's see if someone comes up with something better
Claiming the clean guitar riff on The Sweater Song, might record some of the distorted parts later.
someone update the list
I can play the organ on Holiday
And Surf Wax America
Updated these to remove some guitar hum, and also I split the clean and dirty tracks for easier mixing
I'll record a full version tomorrow and see what you guys think. Maybe another song too, I'll have to try a few to see which sounds best in my range.

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