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Answering questions with questions when you lose edition


The state:

Endless Champion:
Hello me.
Hecky running away from the truth again
Hector got btfo last thread
Check it out for some laughs
What did he mean by this?
When is he not getting btfo?
Hector won last thread
Horrible edition
I miss that one guy who would make Vocaroos of him singing metal lyrics
The Kind Of Thirst Water Can't Quench
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How’d you find this picture of me irl?! Also I think Slayer is better than Megadeth. Don’t (You) me chuds!
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How do dissocucks like op hope to compete
They don't
That's why they write dissoshit
What did /metal/ think about Bring Me the Horizons new album?
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Varg Vikernes about the Early Hot Cheeto Scene gathering in metal(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "cheeto consumers", they were anti-clean fingers, they were pro-orange dust, we cultivated this
By having hair kek.
Any fellow Babymetal fans here?
Riffs > hair
Riffs = hair
You guys talk shit about hair metal chads all you want. They’re having too much sex to give a shit what you think
peak 90s power metal
There is nothing wrong with Numetal
only edgelords listen to gorgoroth
Shit genny
Hector won

Hat has some of the black metal vocals, I wonder if Hector agrees

Holy shit baldcucks BTFO

By running away.
Kek at bald ass niggas
>cope edition
Everyone who has ever been jealous of me or fired me has been bald
based and vignapilled
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RIP in peace, diabeetus finally got him, sticky when???
>does 1000 pinch harmonics in your path
Bald niggas have a kind of napoleon complex but towards niggas with hair
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>otter = me
>orange kot = rare recs
>calico cunt licking herself = -corefags

We welcome pinch harmonics here
I'm a corefag and I'm not ashamed of it and I want more of it
You are just a fag
Corechads rise up
Core will never be metal
You just hate it because you can't see it live and just stand there headbanging and have to either go to the back or actually get a workout
Live music is fucking gay.
>I'm a /metal/fag
>I also hate live music
Well go ahead and miss out then
I don't like crowds
Sure but no one at a metal show likes crowds either and that's why they get so pushy and shovey because who cares what these people think about you? You'll never see each other again anyway, just don't let anyone get hurt
Where is Krvsty?
He won and escaped
Summoning is the loud music of the sky?
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Varg Vikernes about the French Crop Pest gathering in Farm(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everything was covered in so-called "pests", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this (and then we starved)
>current black metal bands that sound good live
Rec, please. Batushka, maybe?
Sorry, I mean
>current black metal bands that sound better live
if you like watching men kiss and other gay stuff then may i recommend taake?
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metal bros i'm a casual metal enjoyer, can you rec me more like picrel?
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If you just look for a lot of doom metal then that will have what you want.
It's an obvious pick, but Dopethrone is an album you should check out if you haven't already.
That's one of my favourites of all time so any more like that would be appreciated
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>BREE BREE BREE's into your thread
Hello millennial frens :)
I'm not an expert in the genre, it's not one I like a ton, but I did like the two albums posted so far and I also like this so hopefully you would too.
This is exactly what I was after thanks anon
This is dope thank you reminds me of black sabbath
Anyone seen Agalloch live recently? Got tickets to see them in September
Acid King
Based side projects from a bygone era
Taake sound great, but if you like their last album. They don't play early album sets usually.
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BEATS TO DECAPITATE IN BANNERLORD 2 TO / BRUTALIZE TO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvNy1f6NF4A

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Where to begin? I like prog rock
for me, it's swedish meatballs
I really fucking loathe everything about Sweden and their stupid shitty meatballs, since furniture and dollar store "metal"
you sound pretty angry m8 maybe you should take a seat before you feint
Redpill me on Swedish metal and meatballs and maybe I'll be fine. Why the berries in the sauce man? It's so gross
lingonberries? more like lingon muh balls
Why are French Canadians the most cucked/gay metal scene of all time?
Because they're mongrel frenchies?? idk
I don't think metal has an answer to homosexuality. If you like metal, and your gay, that just blows the whole act apart, the whole metal 'image' comes crashing down.

Metal Heads are simultaneously against racism and queer bashing cause they desperately want to cling to their 'outsider' status, but terrified of homosexuals and homosexuality because it threatens their 'macho' image. Its an entire clique of people with avoidance disorder towards homosexuals, they can neither appear bigoted or accepting towards homosexuals so they try to avoid them or any implications of homosexuality altogether.

I guaranTEE you some metal heads are very very gay and very, very repressed, that there is a heavy lesbian / bi scene on the metal bandwagon, and that being a trans metalhead is one of the surest ways to get killed by a repressed homophobe in a leather jacket.

Gays killed the metal scene cause metal had no answer for it.
a massive percentage of metalfags are nerds who have never touched a woman, gay shit makes no difference
I'm American but have a shit ton of French Canadian genes in me and I only want metal to get more aggressive
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Also, metalheads are totally envious of the classical scene, because they are snobs who look down on other types of music for not being technically proficient, but can't cop to the fact that classical music is by far the most technically proficient music in the world. They hate classical for being sachrine and fake but also because they are just SO much more profecient than them as artists and they fucking know it, and overcompensate by being one note rage-aholics who alternate between melancholic 'sensitive' songs for the 'strong, silent type' and thrash metal that emphasizes speed and clever tricks like harmonics over actual proficiency. Basically metal takes shortcuts to sound like classical but it can never compete on a technical level, thats why after a while it all starts to sound the same, because metal heads have no emotional range and are hyperfixated autists without the training to eveer compose something as complicated as a symphony.

Most classical music IS sachrine, but metal, despite some artists being highly skilled, just can't compete with the level of proficiency of classical composers.
metalheads who like classical are more closeted than metalheads who suck dick.
I like metal and classical, and classical is infinitely better. I still listen to metal sometimes though.
Basically, since both homosexuality and bigotry are seen as a sin, metalheads must somehow appear to be both to maintain their faux satanist image.
Jazz is more like metal than classical but I get what you mean
Jazz is awful.
Oh come on, really? You don't like any jazz?
Classical is for gay pseuds who would rather read a history book than smash a woman.
I don't like classical or jazz
You'd probably like Bill Evans
>chad behavior
>gay pseud
Weakling spotted.
I probably wouldn't
Blasting Jut Gute again. Vast Chains is a bit more stripped down compared to the later works (besides Unus Mundus Patet), Its also noticeably slower and more grinding than the normally tumultuous and intense style he has. At first I thought it was worse because you have these slow agonizing sections where its mostly a single guitar playing these really jagged notes that edges the line of serious and carnival, but after a few runs through the album its much more coherent than I originally took it for and I quite like it now. It might even be a good starter album for someone maybe, although actually upon reflection I think the slower pace might make it even more unapproachable in that there isn't even energy to make you rock with it. Flux and Permanence is a great track and is the one I would pick to highlight the album's style.


I really do love Adam's music, he is a wonderful composer and I would like to meet him and chat I think. Specifically I would like to question his philosophy with his politics as I feel they are at odds with each other.
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it's finally growing on me, still a lot of mixed thoughts about this album. the new guitarist is they worst they've had
very cool, hector (didn't read your post btw)
imagine if jdawg was actually hector.
>muh hectorians
how did that happen
Just bad
there's a little hector in all of us>>122696517
I haven’t read a Hector post in over a year
Desecration and Black Metal Tornado are killers but the guitarist is like a blinded orphan prodded through the fog. I waited to see them live to make sure I'm not missing something but again Gezol and Zorugelion had to carry 100%. if the rumors are true and this is the final album it'll be sad.
>replying to the jfag shitposter
>he thinks he goes unnoticed
btw, Gezol dyed his hair for the Sabbat tour, he didn't do that for the Metalucifer shows last year. kind of weak.

whatever, I just want to rant about Sabbat
Skip this overrated garbage and go straight to the 3 best prog metal albums:
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Necrophagist - Epitaph
Sadist - Above the Light
Are you alright, mate?
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Pretty good
oh no no no no
wtf, I'm sipping from one of those tartan cups rn
who drinks from plastic cups except at parties
>"""they""" don't drink from a horn
I only drink from 2l bottles of carbonated drinks that have been left in my room for most of the day.
I'm trying to make my dick bigger by filling it with microplastics.
hey, they're just the right size for my dissolvable multivitamins. had tetany once, that shit sucked
You could get a mug or glass that's the same size surely, you animal.
Could tell just off cover alone that this is not metal. >>>/lgbt/
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are they worth getting into?
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>dying fetus European tour
>tickets on sale this thursday
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oh but I do. I look them in the eye as I take out another single use cup, every day without fail.

where did u see that?
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>I look them in the eye as I take out another single use cup, every day without fail.
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And one again with garbage coreshit bands like Chelsea Grin and Despised Icon. Glad I caught them at OEF.

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on their instagram page, I seldom go on it but I checked it and saw this.
I wouldn't turn up for the full thing, the one near me starts at 6:30 till 11pm but I want to just see dying fetus, I cant be arsed turning up too early but I dont know what time df would be playing specifically so I dont have to stand through hours of other bands. I did that at possessed and regret it.
nice might go to budapest
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What a fucking listen this was
Utterly incoherent nonsense almost certainly derived from the mind of a closest homosexual who over-inflates the importance of his desire to suck cock.
Classical is the single genre all metalheads respect, the "They hate classical for being sachrine" only exists in your mind and maybe a tiny minority of those who listen to the genres that are basically just punk such as slam and grindrcore. Punks hate classical because they hate effort in regards to anything.

The obsession around being "sachrine" is again, not real. Most of the normalfag population of metalrejects have some form of abhorrent pop in their playlists from Taylor Swift to Kanye West.

Whats harder to believe is writing up two posts of garbage and not mentioning the contradiction between metalrejects saying they like classical and yet never listening to the genre, which is just down to IQ, most metal is pop music for the masses same as Taylor Swift. Of course pop listeners who love their repetitive "riffs" cannot into classical, that much would be obvious.

Also you failed to have a conclusive point to your posts, you attack metal fans, and then what? Is there some grand point to make here, are you showing a path forward, or are you suggesting the genre is dead, or that its missing some aspect?
I've found a way to filter out this idiot, I'll give it for free only to the best blaster ITT thoughbeit
what the fuck are you babbling about?
and what the fuck are you babbling about??

peak retard hours
kekky is hear every hour and consistently wrong and retarded. Just ignore the delusional poorfag.
I can only listen to modern classical old shit is boring
thats not heccy tho
Love it thanks king
>is hear
time to leave, gents.
'ave a nice ride.
Yes, but his HDS told him it was
Why would you want to? I dont see a reason to filter music discussion on this board. Sure his posts are longer than average but it's not like that matters, unless you have a tiny monitor and it blows up your entire screen
>I dont see a reason to filter music discussion
Thats the thing, these people don't care about or enjoy music to begin with, they don't discuss music, instead they come on 4chan with the singular goal to cry about something, anything, and for now its myself. Notice there is no OC anymore? That all the music posted is stale tourism from 40 years ago? The majority of the posters here are like 40+ year old shiny slapheads, and for them metal is just the golden oldies station where they play the same things they heard two and a half decades ago on repeat for nostalgia while crying about anything new.
I don’t get why Winston still comes here if he hates this place so much. Is he a masochist?
Vitriol and DF show with time for some uninterrupted pints in between, nice
There is no where else, Metallum's population is literally a fucking retirement home where old men spend their days talking about Judas Priest and Metallica. RYM mods permaban you from forums if you have any different opinions, and especially if you ask about the censorship.
Brah, you are actually responding, you can also check out Belzebong

Seriously, I wish Hector could go there and troll them to an early grave
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The vocalist of Ehnahre is amazing, his has these moments that are so perfect like the opening of the fourth track of Old Earth, sounds like the conjuring of pure frustration. Real unique style, and in other later albums it becomes even more so as he makes it more and more throaty.

every schizo has left one by one after hector mogged them
I don’t know how he managed to become more insufferable than Negru, Krvsty, and Bongman combined.
>his has
he* has

Hector doesn’t argue in good faith and plays dirty

Also samefags more than anyone I’ve encountered
First track is nasty I will listen to the rest on my way to work tomorrow ty very much
Do you have any justification for that statement?

Spent 90% of his time talking about jews and he latest political fad from communist to christian to pagan, spammed punk music, cried about punk music like hatebreed not being called metal, would reply to himself 7 times talking about power metal with his trip on.
Didn't even like metal, spent 90% of his time "owning" heckin chuds and driving polticial discussions, spammed punk gabage, posted 0 (zero) metal ever, his literal self admitted goal was to be a reverse chud to own chuds and yes he took it seriously.
Spent 90% of his time posting /soc/ nonsense that has nothing to do with any music at all, posted his cock on /soc/ because his inceldom made him prison gay, his taste is derived from wanting acceptance from old men, wasn't even here for music reasons he just wanted a /soc/ general to cry about being incel
Adam Kalmbach??
You will never be a janny.
this is our punishment for angering serbia
Dropping the jewel.
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Imagine if Adam posted here... please make a fugue with industrial and noise elements.... please....

Hector is a constant nuisance when people are trying to start discussion. Take care of him and you solve the problem
Negru was the worst by far. just an insufferable retard
Kek I remember how he posted bloody pads to prove that he had sex
His antics were amusing, at least.
give me groove
>industrial and noise elements
Why are you pretending you know anything about fugues?
Because he’s a pseud.
>give me groove
Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss

Explain how either would make a Fugue impossible, midwit.
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It is often said in the most complex forms of Fugue that the line between perfect structure and outright random noise is hard to distinguish, imagine fully committing to the idea and having a complete whole form of beauty like a Fugue gradually ascend into literal madness with the sound of grinding steel and hollow screams. Ravel's La Valse is a prototype of such a thing, only in waltz form, the line between ecstasy and suffering blending into something indistinguishable, where sincerity and satire are one and the same.


Metal is the perfect place for these ideas to grow and flourish, as a middle ground between the "sachrine" of classical and the "ugliness" of industrial.
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>captcha kd nxa
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>NONE broke up today
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>no reply
Everytime, 2easy.
Is that the she-fag?
I can't hear anything except the drums, it's terribleю Did he download some kind of .vst drums plugin?
This poster is gay.
his taste in metal is shit
its a joke
>I was merely pretending to be homosexual
Sorry, I’ll try to be more sensitive to you actual homosexuals next time.
>no u

Popcletus poplicus, we won
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We always won.
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Jute Gyte is not metal
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Sounds fucking dreadful, I also can't imagine what sort of poor minded reject would extend Abscission by nearly 2x the length even more when its already so repetitive and simplistic, only serves to highlight how far away from classical this sounds, it couldn't even be filed under minimalism since nothing is happening. Also when the synths start on this, BLEH, fucking rancid stuff.

Further proof that popcletus remains midwit bait for people who need rock n roll structures and are filtered by real classical.
>boomer calls extreme metal pots and pans because its too intense for him
When people posts this image, its only pure irony.
Drought actually sounds like pop
We like pop music here.
>no notable choruses
>rotating the French flag for your new bedroom bm album
Temple of Baalls
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>Exactly what I expected, more babby’s-first-modern-classical wrapped up in a brickwalled overcompressed clicky drum trigger package
Fucking hell he literally nailed Hecky in one fell swoop lmao
Reminder that the poster "Dr. Khan" rips the authors asshole a new one in the comments for the pathetic word salad this "article" is.

My favorite was the theology and philosophy student
Yeah it's the same word salad Winston spams just with a negative outcome instead of a positive one.
Remember in a previous thread he said the album is "like a river".
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Hector hands wrote this
It's a jewish man, just like you, but more masculine.
“Portal, along with Ulcerate and Deathspell Omega, ushered in a style of metal that is entirely rooted in audience manipulation through a reliance on discordance that borders on desperation.”


It’s like Hector’s entire worldview BTFO in one comment
First album, Orchid. They're stellar on this one
And I'm not saying you should ignore the previous guy who replied to you, as he recommended great technical death metal albums, but I'll dump more relevant recs
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Can y'all recommend me some more baldcore like First Fagment? I don't like stuff like Obituary, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse. They have too much hair, their lyrics scare me, and you can tell they're all really high-T. As a zoomer with a badly receding hairline and low T levels because I'm allergic to meat and dairy and have to drink lots of soi for my protein, I can't relate to high-T music. I need something that hits softer. Some of my favorite bands are First Fagment, Death Cab For Cutie, Deathspell Omega, Stryper, Ehnahre, Deftones, Jute Gyte, etc., etc. Ad Nauseam. I like my metal avant-garde, post-, and experimental. And if it's christian than that's even better! Basically I need something I can listen to while hanging out with my friends at Starbucks and drinking a Chocolate Jaca Mint Frappuccino with extra soi milk. Any recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks y'all!
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Fugue? Isn't that that fish that kills people when they eat it?
holy kek
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Try gorguts. They're one of the more so-y death metal bands. Just look at them lol
>t. She- fag
>vince neil with sòy glasses
>generic baldsòy #76544567
>90s dave grohl but extra sòy
Whenever I feel like this general is the worst place to talk about metal, I remember deathmetal.org exists
I have an abundance of ear wax in my ears

metal for this feel?
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was this really recorded on acid? the album sounds way too tight for that

It’s a playground for trolls not somewhere to discuss anything
orthoblackies will say anything to sell an album
First truly based post this general has had in months.
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Empyreal is 100% bald and gay

It’s funny how the commenters go there thinking they’re going to out-troll Prozac. They always lose.
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so just like Khaos?
Prozak is based
>core isn't metal because... because I haven't showered in 6 days!!
kek it do be like that
>6 days
Rookie numbers
leftists are just better at writing metal than rightoids
at writing "metal" you mean
of all the bands that espouse far left politics I can think of maybe 2 good ones, while righty ones have far more
I once went two weeks without showering because my power was out and I didn’t want to freeze the pipes.

All Texas bands are ANUS-core
Stop being metal bigots.
All metal is metal.
>All metal is metal.
Including the bigtoted metal?
chudmetal is metal too
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he was an autist magnet comparable to Sonic the Hedgehog and the tards he influenced deserve prion disease.

Worth it for all the thrash metal fans that are still seething to this day because of him
Love that album. Where did you hear that?
some guy on MA reviewed the album claiming Mark said it in an interview, I couldn't find the source though
Or the fact he has single handedly given Negru a lifelong breakdown.
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nice spacing
The things he’s said about thrash are absolutely retarded.
This is the last Manilla Road album I liked. They got too thrashy after that. I haven't checked out any of their more recent albums though
his opinions outside of dm and bm are useless. he thinks speed metal is thrash and thrash is crossover hardcore.

I’ve had this same conversation with people countless times. I can always tell when someone seems a little too upset

But that’s correct
Maybe on planet retard
>I haven't checked out any of their more recent albums though
definitely check out the first four reunion albums. Playground of the Damned was where the lineup changes got to them imo. the later stuff sounds tired.
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Thanks I'll give them a listen
Lost his hair from playing in an OSDM band (you can look it up), I warned him about the hair loss.
>muh soi, soi, soi, did I mention soi yet?

I don’t think he voiced many opinions about the bands themselves besides Pantera which he ragged on constantly. He he even wrote that it wasn’t a focus of the site and only mentioned it when he was talking about extreme metal in the 80s
Is sleep token metal?
only the shitty core is metal

good core like early Converge and Poison the Well belong to hardcore
>alternative “metal”
>The 5 Minoxidil Side Effects You Should Know
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Wat exactly is the idea that Pozzak is "trolling" anyways? No one dedicates their lives to writing the same thing over and over again as a "troll".
was for >>122698468
But it has metal in the genre name



It’s how people cope with being wrong


so does nu-metal
We need a website called isitmetal.org so we can aggregate bands and have a resource where we can definitively say if something is metal or not
Rush would still be included
that's metal too
new general is invalid
You're invalid.
Rush is generally prog rock but they’ve leaned into metal many times.
Time to watch it die like it does every time one is made KEK.
Cool it with the transphobia
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Janny is going to delete that thread
I recall he trolled Chuck Schuldiner's mom after his death, seemingly because Chuck converted to Christianity from his former faith. (funeral crashing is a custom specific to certain peoples originating from MENA)
Nah, I have never once in my life written anything as word salad as

>“The absence of thematic development or variation such as it leads to narration via internal development of character or spirit would be forgivable if at the least the unchanging center or subject of the work were experiencing significant external events as a form of somatic suffering as was the Satan character of the Fas album.”

Find one (1) post I've written that comes close to that. In fact the way I write is very much direct and to-the-point, I don't believe I have ever once been accused of writing in a flowery way because I don't, most of the time I speak in what amounts to bullet points. Feel free to provide an example of the opposite.
ev&doe it doesnt need to exist in perpetuity

im more than content to only make it every now and then when I have a day off :)
I’ve always suspected that Prozak is a crypto-jew.
not crypto at all, he just thinks he outgrew his origin.
he's latinx
All Americans are inbred mutts except for me because I trace my lineage all the way back to Charlemagne
what, I can trace mine to Genghis Khan, have a sense.
hello Chang
or Aleksy kek
explains why he hates the Irish so much. However, he also simps hard for classic WASP Americans. He's basically a whiter Sowell.
apparently, 16 million men are related to him. Dude fucked and impregnated like crazy
Melodeath gang wwa?

Fugues are based on counterpoint. Counterpoint means
>two or more musical lines (or voices) are simultaneously played which are harmonically correlated yet independent in rhythm and melodic contour.
"Industrial noise elements", whatever that means, cannot be harmonically correlated, because they have no harmony in the first place. Unless you have examples where noise at least resembles some kind of harmony, a key.
that's the joke, anon...
Mongols murdered and raped way more people than VIKANGS could ever dream of
I’ve seen pictures of him, and he does look very brown.
What about Encyclopedia Metallum? They draw a clear line it's hard to fuck with, I respect that, even though there are plenty of bands I like left out

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