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Varg rage edition

FAQ https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Previous: >>122683228
This is gay but not as gay as hectors
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>albums that prove black metal is unquestionably the best subg-enre of metal

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nice thumbnail
Ah the real metal thread. Nice.
Can you fuck off to /avantgarde/ or whatever? Let us enjoy real metal.
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>avant garde
Metal has literally from birth been about dissonance old man, from tritones comes metal. How about you fuck off to /golden oldies/ and blast your consonant Elvis tracks, let us enjoy real metal.

Metal came from distortion on the Black Sabbath s/t. No one had used that much distortion before. And that tritone is just one single riff in an entire metal album. So yeah take it to /avantgarde/
>No one had used that much distortion before
They had, and distortion itself is dissonant+unmusical random noise added to the instrument. Either way you agree with me.
>that tritone is just one single riff in an entire metal album
I think you mean to say that single riff is the only metal riff on that blues rock album.
>They had
Post it
>distortion itself is dissonant+unmusical random noise
>post it
What tonality is distortion, what note does it play? We can all finally praise Merzbow for his excellent melodic works at this rate LMFAO
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>>post it
This is not more distorted than Black Sabbath.
>What tonality is distortion
Distortion clips signal, and amplifies overtones. Distortion itself is not "tonality".
Noise is not same as distortion. Completely different.
This one
>This is not more distorted than Black Sabbath.
Yeah it is, at minimum in your delusional world it is equal to BS. Even in a schizophrenic reality you dream of each night one would have to admit it is very close.
>Distortion itself is not "tonality".
Correct, nor does it have any tonality, or actual note to it, it is literally just noise.
>Noise is not same as distortion.
Completely incorrect. This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDVTzzh0sA8 is pure distortion, explain what notes are being played for us all. State the key, the melodic or chord word, in fact feel free to state anything about it besides being noise.

>generic insult based around group mentality because you couldn't think of a single point to bring up
Lol, what an idiot.
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what does meal think about fleshgod apocalypse?
>nor does it have any tonality
It has tonality, but it's not tonality. As I said, it has its own timbre by amplifying overtones.
>Completely incorrect.
Better learn things, mr dunning kruger, before speaking
>It has tonality
Such as?
>Better learn thing
Maybe you ought to do that yourself instead of linking random wikipedia pages with no argument.

I believe actually what happened is that you implied Obscura has "nonexistent song structure", to which I said "just like OSDM", then you posted a song and said "note how well organized it is", afterwards I asked what your argument to support that was, your reply to this was some generic insult because you had no point to bring up. Finally now we arrive here, with you in a meltdown misremembering things that only happened moments ago.
>Such as?
All instruments have majorr overtones(few exceptions such as bells).
>Maybe you ought to do that yourself instead of linking random wikipedia pages with no argument.
Your claim is that noise and distortion are the same, while they are fundamentally different things, for different purposes.
To understand, read what noise is in the first place. Dunning kruger really makes you an annoying prick.
what VPN provider does he use?
>All instruments have majorr overtones
None of which are what we base notes on.
>while they are fundamentally different things
Fundamentally incorrect and only a semantically arguement between the two, they are one and the same as distortion produces noise.
All this thread is missing is him responding 200 times to the same Satanic Warmaster pic or post about DSO's "superior" music
>None of which are what we base notes on.
Yes they are.
Why do you think Octave, Perfect fifth and third sound the best? It's literally why we use those intervals so often. What's why they are fundamental to music theory.
And overtones amplifies fifth in a way that makes the power chord sound more resonant, as in stronger and bigger, thay's why metal loves power chords.
>they are one and the same as distortion produces noise.
No it does not. Since your arrogance and dunning kruger prevents you from reading a simple article, let me exlain the difference.

>Distortion occurs when an audio signal is altered, typically through nonlinear processing, leading to a change in the waveform and the introduction of harmonics that were not present in the original signal.
Compared to
>Noise refers to any unwanted, random, and non-coherent sound that contaminates the original audio signal. It lacks a specific pattern or harmonic relationship to the original signal
>White Noise: Contains all frequencies with equal power per frequency band, leading to a constant hissing sound.
>Pink Noise: Contains all frequencies with equal power per octave, resulting in a lower, more balanced sound compared to white noise.
>Thermal Noise: Generated by the random motion of electrons in electronic components, leading to a hiss or hum.
>Quantization Noise: Introduced by the process of digitizing an analog signal, resulting in small errors in the signal representation.

Distortion is predictable alteration of sound. Noise is random and non-coherent additions to the signal, lacking harmonic structure.

Looking at waveforms, distortion adds harmonics, whereas noise does not.
>They do.
They don't, you are just conditioned to think so through tradition and culture
>Consonant chords sound less "undesirable" to ears
You mean to certain people in certain cultures find some certain chords sound less desirable on average in the certain group.
>Theory combines all "theories"
Utter nonsense.
> distortion doesn't alter the fundamental tone
It doesn't need to, introducing a bunch of overtones and irregular noise is still producing noise that detracts from the fundamental note in the same way playing all the notes on the keyboard makes things indistinguishable noise.
>this is like saying
No its saying that Ice cream itself is not vanilla and outside flavors are noise that have nothing to do with ice cream.

>descriptive words(such as genre, consonance, dissonance etc).
You mean subjective nothings, as there is almost nothing concrete about any of these words. What is "dissonant" to one culture could be consonant to another culture.
Reminder the schizospam started when Hector's thread was deleted
>They don't, you are just conditioned to think so through tradition and culture
I just explained in detail that you are wrong.
>You mean to certain people in certain cultures find some certain chords sound less desirable on average in the certain group.
Consensus is the same. And it is explained by waveforms. More dissonant intervals sound bad whereas consonant always sound good. In all cultures you will find octaves, thirds and fifths. But you won't find all of the dissonant intervals together in any culture. Reasonably so.
>Utter nonsense.
Not an argument.
>that detracts from the fundamental note
They do not detract in a way to lose the coherence. Fundamental tone is always the most audible, then comes the octave(same pitch), then major third etc.
>No its saying that Ice cream itself is not vanilla and outside flavors are noise that have nothing to do with ice cream.
Vanilla ice cream is still ice cream, it goes with ice cream so "that have nothing to do..." is nonsense. Chocolate ice cream is also ice cream. Tone and an octave above it is not a noise. Tone and fifth above it is not a noise. Neither is dissonant interval. You don't understand what noise even is so re-read this >>122549038
>What is "dissonant" to one culture could be consonant to another culture.
It wouldn't be consonant, it would still be dissonant. But it might be the cultural norm in one place, and bad practice in another. Waveforms don't change from culture to culture.
>I just explained in detail that you are wrong.
You calling a chord "jagged" is a descriptive nothing, "dissonance" in its literal meaning is just something someone finds unpleasing to listen to, there is nothing concrete about the term like you are pretending there is, and your choice of words prove it.
Ad populum and mob rule you mean.
>you won't find all of the dissonant intervals together in any culture
Reject has no idea most of the rest of word uses microtonal tuning that westerners perceive to be dissonant. You are ignorant and stupid.
>Vanilla ice cream is still ice cream
Vanilla ice cream is ice cream with vanilla added, it is not ice cream itself, rather it is the form and an additional element, in the same way a note with distribution is the note and additional noise produced by the distortion.
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The thing about norsecore poster is that he is stuck, he likes childish disney metal like OE but has a deep desire to be elitist. The problem is that every argument for these disneytunes is actually an attack on the very black metal he pretends holds value. I mean here you have him arguing in favor of distortion as a consonant tool or something (only god knows what loony theory he will come back with tomorrow), except that distortion is textural muddy noise that goes against everything Baroque composers stood for. Where you find such techniques is not baroque, but more in line with the modern classical, the very same style of classical he has sworn himself to hate because of some ignorant pol conspiracy in his mind about da joos or whatever.

The simple breakdown in his mind is this: "I love disneycore metal ->I must argue in favor of baroque because I wish to larp as the elite->I unintentionally argue against the very disneycore I love to begin with->descend into incoherent arguments and statements that don't line up because I am forever stuck in a silly position".

A very similar issue arose when talking about his love for Euroymous, which thankfully he seemed to have stopped mentioning as I imagine the longer the time goes the more he realizes he was being absurd. In that case he would in one breath do things like suggest Bathory wasn't black metal, but then also call a thrashy Mayhem song as black metal. Its total and utter delusion, but he will do or say anything even if his very arguments insult or detract from its premise to begin with. If he believed the things he says then he would neither care for Euroymous nor even listen to any metal at all. His latest roleplay is that of an extremely conservative Baroque fan, but such a person would call all of black metal including his disneycore as worthless and ought to never be listened to.

After all, take his very argument against dissonance and apply it to black metal vocals he loves, its beyond silly.
Snorre didn't do shit, show me any official source where anything like him "writing all the good riffs" is said. Shut the fuck up.
Actual thread without a schizophrenic spamming archived posts from 2 weeks ago
/metal/ is so good! damn!
i'm not posting in a kpop thread
you are not welcome anyway robofucker
The source is a bunch of riffs on DMDS being on Thorns demos beforehand, dumbass. For even trying to discuss black metal without hearing Thorns, you out yourself as an uneducated latecomer.
>Trannypoper once again desperate for attention and drama
Wish you would get a life instead of wasting it shitting up this general with nonsense image spam and love letters to Hctor
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Wish you had the brain to think of some new material instead of mindlessly repeating and reposting the same shit like some deranged mental case
That thread DOES NOT have /metal/ in its field.
This is the only /metal/ not past bump limit on the board.
>uneducated latecomer.
I like this term. I'm gonna use it.
Kek no
Agreed, hate that boring ass traannypoper that posts the same 5 AI pictures and talks about poop all the time. Just disgusting
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Is this death metal?
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So, I saved up some money to get a tattoo.
I want it to be metal related.
I was thinking of getting one of Varg with a writing in a Burzum-style font saying
>Honor. Family. Tradition.
Would it be /metal/-approved? Anyone of you capable at design could make a mock-up or make a better design? All my metal friends have some badass shit and I want in on the action.
I don't get why you people have such an obsession with this album. It's so insignificant, unoriginal, and boring compared to the rest of DsO's catalogue.
Of course I've heard Thorns, asswipe. But now you're just pulling shit out of your fucking ass, derailing the discussion, unfortunately. What riffs are you talking about, exactly? There couldn't have been that many that were simultaneously on DMDS later on, Thorns had very few demos. Why do I get the feeling I'm talking to a useless drone who thinks he knows everything because he watched a few Kristian Vikernes videos? Fucking idiot.
By far their most linear work, almost moving beyond riff based writing
Perfecting the use of the melodies in Popcletus except in a far more worthwhile structure.
Taking a hold of the chaos of Fas (in fact it is much more intense and frantic than Fas's peak) and managing the impossible task of making a truly extreme metal album start to finish while also providing a fantastic amount of depth to it on each replay.
Easily the best climaxes they ever wrote, even Fas's Chore for the Lost doesn't compare to the Synarch title track or Onward.

Name an album that holds this tight to the genre "extreme metal" while having this kind of depth, there is literally only Ad Nauseam and nothing else.
It's not even real metal.
If only you retards actually made the threads consistently instead of having tranniepopper do it 9 times out of 10, this shit wouldnt happen. Then again that guys literally here all day every day
Elaborate on what you mean by "depth". Also, I don't know if I would call the structure of Synarchy's melodies more worthwhile. If anything they are messier.
It's one sperg overrating it and then everyone dunking on it specifically to make him sperg out.
I can't tell what's a real post and what's copy pasted from archives
>Elaborate on what you mean by "depth".
As in its not just random riff salad with the sole purpose of being extreme. For instance any Mathcore band can shit out a bunch of dissonant riffs and yet you are sitting there bored after a minute. I'll copy paste an example I've already written before" How they foreshadow their build ups in amazing in Synarchy, for instance starting at 4:14 of the title track where they play just the start of the main riff inside another riff, then its altered at 4:28, followed up by the main riff at 4:43, which is then used to build up the climax straight into a fucking crushing rhythmic march." Thats what matters to me, I want music to flow forward, it sound be a river, not a fucking stagnant pool and certainly not a merry go round.

Synarchy melodies are far more worthwhile because they are not just there to exist as pop hooks for you to hum along to like in Popcletus, they are your respite and contrast to the whirling tornado the rest of the album is. The melodies themselves are not important, just as the riff itself is not important, whats important is where the song is going to - which is what Synarchy does better than any other metal album to exist and what Popcletus/TLD/Drought/Furnaces failed at.

You can actually see another example of riffs not mattering in a song by Teitanblood, who play what I consider to be a rather plain as white bread OSDM riff at the 9:10 minute of the second track on their album Death https://youtu.be/a_-MSdjeLN4?t=550, this riff is entirely unimportant, what matters is that they subjected you to a torrential shitstorm for the 14 minutes of the album, and this is finally your sweet headbanging release. It just works.
It makes it surprisingly easy to filter given he has about 4 sentences he repeats on loop.
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>tfw you forget to put /metal/ in the subject line
Why is this gay CD $33?
Go simp for plastic in the kpop thread
Thorns-fans are retarded and think they are buying the devil's cum because it says Diabolicum
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Will do!
The leather encasing
Ok. Why does it need to have that? Digipaks aren't enough and now they have to make them even gayer
Snorre is a leatherdaddy and into being dominated by other men.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
sounds like a good idea honestly
This is the only acceptable "digibook"

How so?
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>mfw Jute Gyte drops the 13th AI-generated lolsorandumb dissodiaperdisaster of the year and one of the songs is about his struggles with homosexuality and gender dysphoria
>mfw all of my money from the purchase goes to help bail BLM protesters out of jail

because varg did it before it was cool
>Seeking out a specific version of an album
>Not just listening to the first version you find
More speed metal like this?
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Ajfa is overrated as hell
Yeah, all of it.

You can do that if you want, but there are big differences sometimes. For example Burzum s/t there is a bootleg from the 90's that has a super sound to the actual release. They used a different master tape or something
Had a dream wherein I was a house party and a symphonic black metal band wanted to play, but it was one guy in a fedora and vest screaming while playing the piano, followed by a power violence band that played one note and that was their entire set
Are thrash and stoner metal the only good genres of metal? I feel like all metal is just derivative of those genres anyway
>he's still doing the routine
yep, I guess it's over for the general
This post sure showed them whats up and you totally dont come off as a butthurt loser
Ok, I'll just download a compilation from youtube of speed metal bands.
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Why do i keep landing here?
/mu/ metalheads imitate /pol/'s disingenuous attitude towards art.
Yes I am.
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>mfw wearing my bathory baseball cap with the red-eyed goat and archgoat t-shirt at work
>have sort of a pensive glare during training
>the instructor tries to bait me into admitting I'm violent by jokingly saying and sort of expecting this to enable an entry-level bond that he would harm others if it wasn't for this job so he can confirm to HR that I might intend to harm others at the workplace
>mfw keking my sides off at the parking lot

I still don't understand your story
post a pic of the cap
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Thanks. I downloaded both albums. Here is a rec for you.
saw a 12 year old wearing a Mayhem shirt
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This is good
I saw someone at guitar center wearing one.
i saw two nerds in a blockbuster 20 years ago. One had a burzum shirt and the other a summoning. keep in mind this was before youtube reddit or anything like that so it was quite weird
I wonder if Wikipedia was around then. I was using it around '07 to look up every sex act and metal subgenre.

It was 2004 so right before normies started using the internet
I was 11 so I was using the internet to browse the official dragon ball z and gorillaz websites primarily.
I once saw Attila in guitar center...
>gorillaz websites
i remember that website
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bros . . .
This is so good, tried listening to Cult Leader but it's not as good despite being a continuation but without the vocalist

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There are people here right now who would listen to this and say it's punk not metal
what is the most chaotic sounding metal?
death/black is a solid path to take
Synarchy of Molten Bones
>core isn't metal because... ummm... because I don't like it!!
>tfw t(h)rash metal peaked in the 80s with a parody crossover band with the guitarist from Anthrax
>that band's single record in the 80s was better than anything Anthrax or any of the big 4 ever put out at the time
also Billy does an insane crowd drive at 2:10 ish
>still mogs everything in its path
imagine my shock.
has sex: thrash metal, hard rock, alt metal (not a real genre though)
probably: classic metal, stoner
maybe: death, black, doom, everything else
turbovirgin: prog metal, anything that starts with prog, grindcore (not metal), anything as retarded as pirate metal, nintendocore, etc.

kek read comments
@sothis1448 is literally our norsecuck.
Another thread, another animal, another hector meltdown, another synarchy, another kpop. Bunch of faggotry like always
Distortion is not noise, we’ve been over this.
and don't forget the bitter one who always finds something to fuss about
>still samefags
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This is better
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These guys are opening for a band I'm going to see in September. Are they any good or are they just posers? I'm considering listening to them but they only have two albums and their photoshoots look kinda poserish tbqh
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only TRUE METAL for me
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My boogers taste salty.
Death metal
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>song by nu-thrash band
>has a riff that goes like 0000000000002342
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Cringe metal.
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Trad doom was right all along. I recant on my hipster dissoshit Avantgarde ways and embrace real metal
Traditional Metal (e.g. Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, Dio) correlates with high IQ and high T levels. Death Metal (e.g. Deicide, Obituary, Morbid Angel) correlates with with high IQ and high T levels. Black Metal (e.g. Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone) correlates with very high IQ and aspergers but below average T levels. Nu-metal/-core/avant-garde/christian/post-/experimental (i.e. false poser metal--e.g. Slipknot, Korn, Deafheaven, Lengsel, Stryper, Deathspell Omega, Ehnahre, Jute Gyte, etc ) correlates with very low IQ, homosexuality, dysgenics, and mental retardation.
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Thoughts on Massacre?
Hector was right all along. I recant on my reddit boomer tourist ways and embrace real metal
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i'm not picky with death metal, but that band just might be the most boring
Traditional Metal (e.g. Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, Dio) correlates with old age and low T levels. Death Metal (e.g. Deicide, Obituary, Morbid Angel) correlates with with baldness and obesity levels. Black Metal (e.g. Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone) correlates with very low IQ and aspergers and below average T levels. Core and Nu correlate with a lower age but low T levels. Avant-garde/christian/post-/experimental (i.e. true real metal--e.g. Deathspell Omega, First Fragment, Ehnahre, Jute Gyte, Gorguts, Ad Nauseam etc ) correlates with very high IQ, full heads of hair, youth, ascendance, nobility, and profound genius.
Prove you're not a sub-genre exlusivist and name 3 classic Metal albums you like. Go!
Christian “metal” is dogshit. I’d rather listen to gospel if I wanted good religious music.
Everything Christian is dogshit though...
>christian metal correlates with high IQ

"Thrash" metal doesn't count btw
I can guarantee you that Christians have a higher IQ on average than Satanists.
100% true
I am a sub-sub-genre exclusivist, classic metal sucks
Imagine not liking Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate and Deicide while proclaiming "christian metal" correlates with high iq. This is how you know this faggot poster is a low-IQ brownoid doofus. Disgraceful
>Imagine not liking Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate and Deicide
>i'm a faggot and a poser and I HATE true metal
What kind of advanced contrarian do you have to be to defend christcuck metal?
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Hector why have you listened to the based Paracletus more than Synarchy? Do you just post nonsense
We like to look at his last fm here
Because a scrobble = one song, and one song on Paracletus can = less than 2 minutes. I also started my last.fm late after I spent like 4 months listening to it everyday, I'm probably missing like 250 scrobbles of it at least.
Ask the no-life virgin basement-dwelling austic non-white christcuck faggot that shits up every metal thread

Those are album scrobbles. That's not listening to the album one time?
Another daily proof that Popcletus fans are braindead midwits.
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Phil Tougas on christian metal (direct quotation)
>80’s Christian heavy/power metal is heavier and better than most satanic extreme metal bands.

kek poser

is this a Hector post
Angel Of Death or Raining Blood ?
Oh look, the brownoid true-metal-hating christcuck jesus-loving autist faggot made another shitty image insulting legendary metal bands. Yes /metal/ bros! Let's hate legendary metal bands and ONLY listen to gay shit like Stryper, Deathspell Omega, Lengsel, and Jute Gyte! Whites have no say so in metal anymore. We browns will transform metal and make it diverse and abrahamic!
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>t. can't even do basic math to realize my Synarchy playtime is roughly 4x higher than Popcletus

>Stryper, Deathspell Omega, Lengsel, and Jute Gyte!
Greatest metal bands ever

I thought it was times listening to the whole album. Anyways it's not a good look for you
>4x higher
>not a good look for you
This is the average Popcletus midwit trying his hardest to pretend hes not a borderline bicycle collecting chimpanzee.
This, but unironically.

You seem to be getting upset again
>Black Album and DM same as KEM
Either absolute trash taste or decent bait
Oh wow! An irrelevant braindead christcuck that no one has ever heard of gave his worthless, ignorant and gay opinion on 80s metal!
Why would I be upset at someone else shitting themselves? Your own self-disgrace is not my problem.
>brownoid true-metal-hating
Maiden is insanely popular in south america though
>S/T over the holy trinity
Time to blast some real true christian metal, utterly beloved here.

This but unironically
this is probably closer to hardcore than metal if you want to split hairs but it’s fucking great
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Angel of Death
For me?
It's Altar of Sacrifice.
This, fuck satanists, /metal/ is a Christian general. We love Abrahamism here.
Hector was brown all along
The only good kind of metalcore
Thou false light and fraud among frauds
Oh, holy trilemma
We have come here to bask in thy fall
We have come here to revel in thy withdrawal

Thou weaver of spells from afar
No foul trick can save you now
No cursed prayer, hymn, or psalm
No enchanted cross, no bewitched moon or star

Poison root of Abraham!
Poison god of dust

Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had arch-snake Abraham
I am not one of them, and neither are you
So, let us his song refute

Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had desert-demon Abraham
I am not one of them, and neither are you
So, let's just cut him loose

Abraham! Masked shepherd of the slithering lamb
Behold your flock scattering
As we banish you back to the sand
As we banish you back to the holy land

Your new name is Charlatan!
Cursed root of the-
>real true christian metal
Abrahamism is a cancer that has plagued our planet for far too long.
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>some baldcuck with a lastfm account from 2004 messages me
>20 years, thats two decades
>averages like 2k scrobbles a year (I average 17k despite listening to genres with much longer than average song lengths)
>he has conversations with N*gru on his account
>top bands are all tourism
There are literally 60 year old men who browse this general LMAO.
>admits that he doesn't own physical albums and streams everything
>thinks this is an own
today hector found out old people exist
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>physical albums
He has a lot to learn, our little Hectorito.
The most twisted sounding death metal album
sabbath, mercyful fate, slayer

I don't know any N*gru
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Boomer, your memory is disappearing faster than your hair LOL.
Noone cares about your facebook arguments
is hector a real person
The faster this guy is forgotten from the collective consciousness the better
No, he's brown
Yeah maybe back in the 1990 old man.


I literally don't know who that is
If you’re telling the truth, good. The insanity of Negru should be forgotten
DsO influenced by diapercore
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what are you blasting ?
hey guys, its been hard to keep up with the threads for a while so here is the plan- instead of discusing meytal, just listen to 9 hours of ebintasia, in sequence, on repeat, and leave
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I got tricked into listening to an Ulcerate clone. This shit sucks

>live so far from every venue that it would take more than an hour to get back home by multiple night buses and walking through shady areas
I didn't mind it when I was 20 but I feel like too much of a boomer for this now. I'm actually surprised nothing happened to me when I was just roaming every shithole at night completely drunk alone.
Love this album
Blasphemer reigns supreme
Time to fenrizmaxx and only go to see live music if it's saint vitus
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This band is coming to town. I've never really listened to them. Should I go or save my money?
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Clearly just listing a bunch of garbage that he and the rest of the band listened to when they were younger and making awful gabage like their first two albums. When asked about albums like FAS, Hasjarl didn't once mention any of that trash.

Hasjarl on the sound of FAS (direct quotation)

>What I’m trying to convey is that Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum would not exist without Penderecki and Wyschnegradsky. That’s what unlocked these musical territories for us, territories Bataille would call le trouble.
Sounds nothing like Ulcerate you retarded mongrel.
It does though
>in my mind, it was real
yeah we love Christian metal here
True, I spend my weekends shitstomping satanists for laughs, bunch of pathetic faggots.
Incredibly based. Seitanists deserve no less.
/metal/ is inherently an abrahamist general.
Except DsO is still metal, and still has harmonically and melodically written ideas structured in a specific way, it's not sonoristic or aleatoric, it's tonally and timbrally still locked in a standard metal format
You don't go from Penderecki to DsO, that makes no sense. DsO still has far more in common with Immolation and Gorguts.
I'm sure they appreciate Penderecki and they got some aesthetic inspo from it, but they're not remotely in the same wheelhouse.
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Have you heard of POD? Best Christian metal band in my personal opinion
Christ is King!
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DsO is further away from Immolation than Wyschnegradsky and if you had even slightly above average IQ you could hear the tone clusters that Penderecki and so many modern classical composers loved so much in FAS and beyond.


The argument that "its metal bro!" doesn't hold up when you actually listen to the music.
Is a sonorist riff.

The rest of this awful garbo DsO listed have nothing to do with their sound and when asked about albums like FAS this is again what Hasjarl had to say (direct quotation)
>The key to understanding the structures within Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum is to keep thinking in terms of contemporary classical music. Revisited with our capabilities of course, and within a very specific, narrow context.”
Based. /metal/ is a Christian genrel. Satanism and occultism has absolutely no place in heavy metal. Neither does does atheism or paganism. If you don't submit and bow before Yahweh then you aren't metal. Simple as.

is this metal
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Yep. This is why metal is the best genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dx8MbsO_4s
btfo lol
Both employing clusters doesn't make them one and the same. Immolation and Gorguts used clusters too. It's been part of metal for a while, anything "ugly" sounding will be used in metal.
The argument that "its dissonant bro!" doesn't hold up when you actually listen to the music.
>Is a sonorist riff.
It isn't. That statement even make sense.
Sonorism is about timbral experimentation. A riff isn't timbre. DsO uses the same timbres that every metal band uses.
Hasjarl's pretentious comments don't change any of this, Hector.
sounds like metal to me
btfo lol

OK you win this time
pic unrelated
make sure you post pics anon
cringe, for both you and that guy
>That statement even make sense.
>Sonorism is about timbral experimentation
In other words you are literally too stupid to understand what you are saying, because there is nothing but "timbral experimentation" with that riff, its LITERALLY a sonorist bar of music. Ligeti for instance would play all 12 notes at once. A "riff" is a repeated pattern, the "notes" being played in that "riff" are completely irrelevant to the timbre they are wishing to expresses. Or do you have an argument against that, and no I don't mean saying "its all da metal to me brah!", how about you explain it in any sort of depth at all?

Immolation is barely even dissonant, the music they play is braindead riff salad OSDM, I mean what possible connection is there? Do you even have an argument for that? Or let me guess, "its dissonant bro!" or maybe "its all metal bro!". Funny how Gorguts is another band that took from classical, Lemay has a degree and his own classical piece he wrote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-Dz_IjpUPM. You are a retarded mongrel.

>DsO uses the same timbres that every metal band uses.
This is what I mean when I say the average metalcuck is too fucking STUPID to have a human conversation with. You don't know what timbre means, just shut up, don't bother trying to google it, just end yourself instead.
btfo lol

>haven't used last.fm in years, the last scrobble was 8 years ago or something
>log on to mess with Hector, send him a message calling him a poser
>Hector gets too excited that he got a message from someone, starts shouting about old people like he does
>Thinks 20 + 20 = 60
literally nothing alike except for some scales or whatever, this has none of hte interesting parts of ulcerate, and the clean vocals are fuicking cringe
>the "notes" being played in that "riff" are completely irrelevant to the timbre they are wishing to expresses.
Which is why "sonorist riff" is a nonsensical phrase.
The timbre is that of a distorted electric guitar, played like it always is in metal, so it can hardly be called an experiment in timbre.
You're just a silly person.
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>admitting you are well past 40 years old and posting here
Holy KEK, someone give this pathetic old baldcuck a bullet to the head already.
How will Hector backpedal and try to redefine timbre now?

>someone literally tells you they're 40
>you interpret that as "well past 40"
>The timbre is that of a distorted electric guitar
Holy shit you are so fucking stupid its unreal. At least Norsecore poster's problem is abstract though, this is literally just a complete failure in understanding basic terms.
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>I'm still young and got it guys!!! Look at me go, I managed to stand up without my cane today!!!
uhh honey hasjarl is literally in his 40s thats gonna be an ick from me
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>Immolation riff salad
>uhhh actually timbre means something completely different when i use it
this is like that guy the other day saying mono sounds don't exist because you have 2 ears kek
Yeah and look at the absolute cringe he makes these days, I'm literally one shit album away from calling him a disgraceful baldcuck who has descended into blues solos, rock n roll, and pop anthems.

you know who else has composed classical pieces? /metal/'s favourite /gg/uitarist mick barr
>The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch or intensity.
Yes, the electric guitar has a distinct timbre, DsO uses it the same way one expects it to be in a metal context, no extended techniques or manipulative electronic effects, just a distorted guitar.
You're a very silly person.
/gg/ might be the most normie general on this site. they worship eric clapton and the RHCP guy for fucks sake

holy fuck this sucks kek
>Aw DOOD there is literally one type of timbre in distorted guitar, literally only one and every distorted guitar is the game, and btw that method of your playing has no effect on the timbre, and btw I'm a fucking midwit mongrel out of his depth
>oh and also there is no experimentation with timbre in any instrument ever because a piano is just a piano, a violin is just a violin, sonorism doesn't even exist because I am a fucking idiot who has no idea what timbre is or isn't
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>metal can be just like classical
Hector, what is the timbral experimentation in the Katechon riff you showed? What are they using besides distortion pedals? Any specific technique?
He's not fucking with the sound of the guitar though. He's just playing it the way a guitar is normally played in a metal context. The point is not timbral experimentation, it's the notes he chooses, which is the same approach any metal band takes. It's not like Penderecki at all, who's scores don't even tell his performers what notes to play half the time, but rather what extended techniques to employ to manipulate the timbre of their instrument.
You might be the silliest person ever.
Tougas poster vs. Hector, will this one go past the bump limit again
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howcome immolation still mogs all these shitty techtranny bands?
What timbral experimentation exists in a Ligeti choral piece you unholy retards? Do you even fucking think? Are you human?
Not metal.

They can be manipulated with extended techniques and/or preparingt he instrument with foreign objects. The focus on timbral experimentation is achieved through downplaying any note choice.
DsO doesn't do either of these.
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>da Ligeti isn't sonorist brooooo, all choral is just vocal timbre brah, das what I call HUMAN TIMBRE brah, like how you gon tell me he be using timbre and just voices brah, broooooo sonorism doesn't exist broooooo
>the focus on timbral experimentation is achieved through downplaying any note choice.
You mean exactly what that riff was? Again since you ignored the question before, what note significance is in that riff?
We broke Hector.
hector looks liek THAT?
I'm a neet with very little money. I can afford to see only one of the following this year:
Dying Fetus/ The Black Dahlia Murder

Which one do I see?
The riff is the note choice, you dumbass.
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Dying Fetus/ The Black Dahlia Murder would probably be the best live performance, they both rip live. idk about the new vocalist fro bdm but probably same.
deicide are based but i imagine pretty boring live
One of the best solos you'll ever hear

Since you seem to be incapable of any solid statement, what note significance is in that riff? Just explain what makes any of the notes they played matter. Its there some tonal progression? Is there some melodic nature? What are the chords being played? Why did they pick those chords? Why can't you seem to explain even a single thing about it?
melanated iq hours
We don't call it The Long Defecate for no reason.
>what note significance is in that riff?
The same as any other riff, it literally defines it.
What is timbrally experimental about it?
>The same as any other riff
>What is timbrally experimental about it?
Alright you are stuck on repeat and now default to answering questions with questions, feel free to have the last reply, its the only "victory" you could ever achieve vs me. Later you sad reject.
>another hecky victory
literally unbeatable
now that the dust has settled, did hector win or lose?
We won bros.
The Hectorian age is over.
I accept your concession.
clear W for the big H his question was pretty clear and the other guy dodged it twice in a row plus asked the reverse of what H asked him out of frustration
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Haven't listened to them since they released their second album. I need to revisit those early releases. I really liked Agony, although I remember relistening to Mafia a couple months ago and it wasn't as impacting as the first time I listened to it. I guess I just thought the clean vocals were more dominant on that one than they were.
Hectors question was answered simply and Hector ran away from the equivalent question that would justify Hector's entire position.
Another embarrassing L for our Heckster.
nah you ran from the question with a bullshit non answer after he asked you in several different manners how you could explain yourself. sore loser brah
Correct. We need more posters like this, and less retarded mongrels who can barely breath through their nose, let alone understand human conversations.
It's literally the answer. Riffs are defined by their notes, and that DsO riff is no different.
What's the timbral experimentation of it? There is none, that's why he (You) ran away.
really sad, take the L and just move on brah brah
They write big booty riffs
You are so silly, Hecktor.
Dean guitars are where metal rejects go
>everyone is my enemy
take the meds
Need a name
underrated kek
Hello me



Best blasting of the thread

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