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Spotting EUPM-enjoyers edition
old >>122712524
faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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DSO made ne gay
core is metal btw
>not the biggest poser shit ever
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I just wear a plain black t shirt so no one can judge my taste in metal bands
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This grew on me a lot. Anyone got recs for moody/dramatic melobm? Bonus points for raw.
DSO made me drown in pussy.
Neopussy that is
Sabaton is alright in my book
more like turned you into one
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The official /metal/ rite of passage film. ST below.
>Popol Vuh - Kha-White Structures
>Burzum - Tomhet
>Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
>Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
>Dimmu Borgir - Alt lys er svunnet hen
>Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
>Old Man's Child - ...Og Jeg Iakttok Dødsrikets Inntog
>Dimmu Borgir - Entrance
>Brian Eno - From the Same Hill
>Dimmu Borgir - Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
>Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwô
>Burzum - Hermoðr á helferð
>Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
>Popol Vuh - Morgengruß
>Popol Vuh - The Christ Is Near
>Popol Vuh - Kleiner Krieger
>Burzum - Frijôs goldene Tränen
>Judas Priest - Caviar and Meths
>Melissa Auf der Maur - Awasakwa
>Queens of the Stone Age - Spiders and Vinegaroons
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>Sabaton is alright in my book
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thanks for reminding me I'm gonna have to suffer through a Haunt set if I want to see Satan this year. nwothm fucking sucks...
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ITT: /meal/ you wailed to
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Sabaton is the most based metal band currently active
You low test black shital fags will never be one of us true defenders of metal.
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Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
I'd rather see Haunt than Satan, unironically
That's the singer from Kaevum, right?
Dissodookie is worse than crust punk and metalcore combined.
it's just mass produced crap. not 1 (one) memorable song
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Sabaton's not a poser band but a lot of people hate them because they have a lot of poser fans who only learned about them through call of duty and can't name another metal band other than maybe metallica
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anyone else lost in a Roman wilderness of pain or am I the only wigger out 'ere feeling bummed out?
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Caveman riffs, blast beats, and fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. Nothing else matters.
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>mogs "dissonant" "atmospheric" and "philosophical" black metal in one fell swoop
I think they have a lot of memorable songs, like this one for example
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>wear any band shirt

>wear Slayer shirt
>boomer comes up yelling YEA SLAYER!
I met my wife by wearing a Cradle of Filth shirt and she had on the same shirt
What did she smell like
>I just have this image to make fun of you, I swear guys
Like lilac and gooseberries.
Germany has 0 (zero) good black metal bands.
This guy actually took a lot of inspo from Thorns
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Youtube thinks I'm gay.
Only the shitty core is metal
core is kreig
>mod keep warning me for posting about Hector
>continue to do nothing about him

nah fuck off
AJFA is the greatest metal album of all-time
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Reminder that time has proven Prozak (mostly) right. He was right about death metal, Burzum, race mixing, (((them))), the joys of sodomy, etc.
Prozak embodies every bad stereotype of metalheads.
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Where can I read his opinions about all of these?
He looks like a mexicano.
What did he say about such subjects? Could I get some direct quotations?
>title track is just worse My Way
eye of the beholder pisses all over any chance at that


I am Vrag Burzvm
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Only Greek BM is real
I always wondered if anyone tried mixing it like if you where either at the drumset or in the middle of the band
Who is Brett Stevens
It takes a pretty high IQ to understand Rotting Christ.
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This thread's lastfm metalhead user selection
i wanna see bad metal album covers
One of Prozak’s many aliases.
Possibly the worst
Wtf I remember reading articles by Bret Stevens back in the day on corrupt.org and I thought it was a different person because his pic was some young looking dude that looked nothing like prozak
Prozak had to do something to make it seem like it wasn't all just him
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didnt know you guys in this thread also made an album

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everything by razor
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it's so strange to see an album this good with an album cover so horrid. usually shit album covers indicate shit or at least mediocre music, but this is one of the best osdm albums ever
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music on hold
i was just blasting some juty guty as you posted this
it happens every now and then. picrel is one of the best comebacks in dm
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Balbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander?
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Entire of /metal/ doing CSI work rn trying to find any slip ups kek.
The samefagging begins
You don't buy every one of those do you? Maybe that's why you think it's good.


Oh wait, too late
Mental gymnastics incoming
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>kills /metal/ with one post
I love Type O Negative so FUCKING MUCH bros.....
this poster is either gay or an obese goth girl
>Not many replies to his gay "haul" Hector approaches meltdown territory
Nothing wrong with fat goth chicks.
Fat women don't belong in metal
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Fat chicks dressed as Valkyries absolutely belong in metal.
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Lol, yeah this is exactly the type of retard I expected. You can hear it in the music, they aren't intelligent people. Its too close to second wave and the overall form of the songs/album is far too monotonous.
>metal: dissonant
>funkos: popped
>sauce: triple ghost scorpion
>beard: oiled
yep, it's /meal/ time
unfortunately, heccy does it for free
based, we love that here
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rottweilers are so cute
we all dont like them
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Dissection was one of the last bands to be associated with violence and action in metal. Jon Nodveidt, a true Hessian who rejected the modern world, committed various acts that most will consider morally reprehensible yet they embodied his personal philosophy and the ideology of his music. Barring the third album, Dissection display a penchant for ambitious composition within a framework of heavy/death and black metal. The second outing reached too far and ended up sounding almost confused from the virtuosity of the musicians and the wide number of techniques at their disposal without the vision to streamline all these ideas. The Somberlain is a lot more focused in its inspirations by sticking closer to the source material and more structured arrangements
"you gotta go to the desert, into the forest, to the ocean. There's something out there, it's spiritual"
didn't he wear diapers?
gay diapershitting manlet who wrote bad maiden rip off boomershit
tbf they are doubly handicapped (American/Texan)
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I remember when the news dropped on Blabbermouth that Jon was kill. The first comment was "Guess he finally heard Reinkaos."
Extreme metal shouldn't be played outdoors in daylight
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Oviri I choose you!!!
I have a question about a few tunings that I've been using.
I've realized that everything I've written has been in these tunings. Faster tempo songs are either in C or A# and slower, doomier songs are down in G or F. If there's any music theory nerds here, what is it about these tunings that sound so good? I've just always gravitated towards these tunings and I don't know why.
Post something you've written
anything except standard tunings is for retards, sorry anon
You like the sound of lower tunings, that's basically it. If you're going that low on 6 strings, why not move up to 7 or even 8 strings? (Or bass?)
What about power metal
No I'm shy
I do play bass but not as often as guitar. I've also just never really cared for extended range instruments. I just like six strings.
post your playing, i promise I wont insult you, faggot
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How long do you spend playing/writing in each tuning before switching?
Kanye Cachet
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Yea I feel it, I used to tune to B on a normal scale 6 string. These days I only use standard or D at the lowest, but I'd consider picking up a baritone scale (27" at least) for the lowlow.
Extended range is cringe
Niggas have been playing b/a standard on gibson scale six strings since the 90s. I've never seen anyone except retard shredfags play all 7 or 8 strings, most metalfags would be fine with just the bottom 4.
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why do they mog every other dm band hard
because of the black guy
terrence is a white man at heart
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theres only one based groid in metal
Who is more of an honorary Aryan?
Terrance Hobbs or Caller of the Storms?
>muh heckin slapperino 9 string basedface
not metal
both more european than varg thoughbeit
touch grass incel
I don't make the rules sorry zoom zoom
No he clearly meant the based nigga on drums
he didn't play on that specific album
Absolutely not
Do you actually blast JG mcdohl?
Great cover
>pentagram logo
not listening!
Why are you even here
A gay person would write this post
>nooooo you have to like my heckin logosloppa
Gay like Gaahl
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Let's see which gets removed first this or >>122719953
Mors Principium Est saved my life
>mid AF meloshit saved my life
black metal isn't music
holy fuck
my nigga
Ritual marks of penitence
>Rotting Christ
Beloved here.
Why is there no Korean metal bands
I like this one. Looks like the cover art for an old PC game.
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there's Crash but that's about it
le edgy metalhead
le filthy tourist
le church burner
who is the metal equivalent of Eminem?
a washed up has been that doesn't fit in with the modern scene of their genre but still keeps coming back anyways
would they win in a gang fight against GWAR?
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for me it's ungabunga riffs
Geoff Tate
they have a girl in the band so no
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GWAR had this chick for like a year
Her big ol fake tits squirted blood
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this band is very consistent
>pentagram in cover art
not listening!
begone, christcuck
sup Dave
>told a suicidal friend to "hang in there"
Looks like Lauren Mayberry
on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being a total poser, how much of a poser am I?
favourite bands:
Like a solid 3 my dude
Very middling honestly. A little bit of great stuff, some good stuffs, and a mountain of totally unmemorable, yet inoffensive (musically I mean), crap. They're the easy listening of bm.
0/10 I like those bands so it's not poser music
Vader is good, think I might blast one of their albums I haven't heard yet later.
I was listening to Welcome to the Mordbid Reich today
Nice, I like that one. I've also heard Impressions in Blood, Litany, and Necropolis, but I'm only really familiar with Welcome and Impressions.
I've got queued up:
>Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno
>Vader - Necropolis
>Naked Whipper - Painstreaks
>Naked Whipper - Moloch Acid Orgy
I need recs for more cult bm about mushrooms and Moloch.
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>cult bm about mushrooms
>rotting christ
Thenk u metslbroda \m/
Listen to Sothis right now, the EP not he album version. It’s Vaders best song
Ok m8 will do. Does it have a gutbusting guitar solo in it? I need shit that has absolutely insane solos.
solos are hated here.
Incorrect trips
based and riffpilled truth trips
An arrow in heart
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Famine is unironically one of the greatest riff writers ever.
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Patrick Mameli
You mean you

Fucking no, lmao
>dumb ai generated frog image
>electric midwit
>dude le drugs lysics
yeah..... fuck off, listen to real doom
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Thy Hammer Speaks the Truth Of Heavy Metal Law
pantera? more like panty wearer
>Tard Doom can't into Electric Wizard
I bet you can't into Earth or Sunn O))) either. I know how much you hate Sleep. We're just diff, man. Don't be such a spasticated cunt, ok bud?
their first three are decent enough but their later shit is awful, and yes, sunn O)))/earth are awful non metal bands. You listen to metal made for the uninitiated
We get it, you love to dickride Bandcamp bedroom core. It's ok, I do too.
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what metal bands have black band members?
literally read the thread retard
Man I fucking LOVE Ne Obliviscaris
they suck donkey dicks tbqhwyf
>reading threads
not how it works
May I ask what's a band that you love? Not judging but curious what someone who doesn't like NeO listen to
Total RABM superiority
Angus McSix has a black girl on guitar
it never gets posted
Solitude Aeturnus
jute gyte, death spell omega, the list goes on
Idgaf abt these bands
are you high?
i am never going to type the thing after Sunn
pretty sure the thing is the sun
eat meat in front of a bunch of vegetarians
nihil novi sub sole

more le funny metal memes?
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>Naming your band after an appliance company
>Naming your band after a band that was named after an appliance company
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>naming your band after a planet
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stupid ahh
go away
If you guys want to listen to some seriously obscure drone doom, listen to Münn.
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Never heard of them
Will take a look at some songs
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nah, im good
Lol i remember when their album came out and i downloaded it thinking it's the real thing
I wouldn't desu
if you were trying to make me angry me it didnt quite work out and it actually just made me laugh
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love a good daytime bm cover
1 minutes in, so far nothing he said was wrong
2 minutes in and yep, it's starting to get cringe so I turend it off.
pure tourism
great album tbdesu
need more maiden riff bm
Band/album name?
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can't remember album name
gudsforladt fuck
>Los Angeles
>theme: communism
hmmmm. not so excited to listen to this anymore
I didn't know they were commies desu I just like the riffs
Holy fricken smokes!
>American't black metal
American't music desu
still less cringe than natsoc metal
This is vastly superior USBM
I thought this was just vektor worship
cope with another catpic
>feel-good black metal
thanks, I'm out
They are not even that good, the commie band
>just bought my dying fetus euro ticket for december

corrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I cant beleive they are coming to the city next to me, finally get to see my favorite balding metal bloke
lmao it true. power metal fans are so gay
Fucking faggots want BM to wipe their ass and change their diapers for them. Sad.
haha yeah bm wasn't cringe at all until now!!!
Just popping in to tell you all I hate you but I love metal. Cheers
BM is never cringe. The cringe is (You)
>BM is never cringe
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I dont know what's the actual subgenre but any other bands like Black Magick SS and Edelweiss - nazi-hippie stuff, esoteric nazi psych etc.
The trve black metal is the friends we made along the way
Black Metal is Punk of Metal music.
Tfw try to get my gf into death metal but all she likes is black metal
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>corpse paint
Peak aesthetic
>church burnings/history
Most versatile sub-genre, easily peak of metal

Based is an understatement. It's both based and cringe, which makes it ultra BASED.
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i found something hilarious a while ago, i was searching for parts for my ball vape on dhgate and an edelweiss bong came up in the suggestions. its not even a shitty thin one either. hahahahhaa
>gf has better taste than you
Put on some Archgoat or Morbosidad and if she doesnt like that then dump that stupid tastelet whore
the social media era ruined a lot of the bm/nsbm artists for me when it became apparent how many raging homosexuals there's been in bm since 2nd wave.
Tfw every girl I try and date friendzones me and says we get along too well. Literally happened three girls in a row who says ‘I feel like I can be myself around you’ but doesn’t want to date. Why wouldn’t you want to date someone who you get along with? It’s really confusing to me. Metal for this feel?
why does EUPM get a reputation as being gay or fruity when japshit power metal takes the cake?
Nsbm was ruined for me when I saw the pictures of the band members and how ugly they are
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>his gf doesn't like old school death metal

Because nobody cares about japshit. Their metal is just cosplay for them. Abigail and sabbat are goated tho, of course
EUPM is far better than USPM and japshit. It's just the homosexual OP.
Versailles is somehow still less gay than this

just be yourself champ

I do be myself, that’s why I’m confused. We have a really good time then I get excited and happy then it turns out they are not interested in romance now I’m stuck with another friend that I don’t really have time for
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>release one of the best power metal albums of its era as their debut
>follow it up exclusively with disney shit
are you actually attractive though? and do you push them away by coming off as desperate
Caller of the Storms, it's not even close.
>The Walt Disney Company is an Americ-
Opinion discarded post hidden.
I don’t think I’m bad oooking and I don’t think I come across as desperate, I guess nobody is totally self aware and I’m doing something I don’t realise :(
Best blastings of the thread
Yes why else would I post that? I haven't listened to all of his stuff yet but my favourites are:
1. Oviri
2. Mitrealitat
3. Birefringence
4. Ship of Thesus

I've been meaning listen to his ambient albums too, though I gave his dungeonsynth project "Loremaster" a try and didn't like it. I might just not like genre itself honestly.
bait, but will proxy respond to those who recognized themselves in the bait once and for all: because you're ugly and/or you're not her type you fucking stupid mongoloid

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