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German Power Metal
Norwegian Black Metal
Finnish Death Metal
Simple as - edition.
Superior taste subedition.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

FAG: >>122715569
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>The Walt Disney Company is an Americ-
Opinion discarded post hidden.

Varg Vikernes about his later days gathering in a french welfare office (direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "algerians", they were anti-work, they were pro-immigration, I cultivated myself to become like them
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Based. Reject everything "ameri*an". Fuck MIGA.
I hate they cut out one of their absolute best tracks from that album
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>split where both bands have pentagram logos
absolutely not listening!
>goats head pentagram logo
not listening!
I like Blasphemy.
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I never noticed how many pentagrams there are
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reddit genre
Not enough
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What about a deathshead
while I am not listening to this either, it is primarily because shart urinal suck and only secondarily because of the pentagram logo
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Dark Funeral rules
>Finnish Death Metal
What. Don't get me wrong, they definitely have great bands that made great albums, but their output wasn't as impactful as the output of the Swedish Death Metal scene, if we're going to compare them to other Scandinavian nations.
Their only good album, unironically.
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Are there disstracks in metal? Anyone got some songs that are aimed at other bands?
Why'd you like ATS and not Diabolis Interium?
there are heaps of dissotracks
Fuck Beherit
Megadeths whole career
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I can't respect anyone who builds their entire career around resentment for another band.
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What psychological construct needs to be presented within a person for them to get deep into gore/porngrind?
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A good chunk of Anal Cunts discography is shitting on numerous bands like Extreme Noise Terror, Six Feet Under, Toxic Narcotic, Deche-Charge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Limp Bizkit, Kiss, list goes on...
If you heard one crust song you heard them all
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I definitely can't listen to this. Not only is there a pentagram on the cover but the NAME OF THE BAND IS PENTAGRAM. This will definitely hurt my christian pussy too much
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Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
You should listen to this instead
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>my favorite black metal band is Forgotten Woods
What kind of person do you imagine?
Great idea to patch a hawaiian shirt, but this is too clogged. The motifs on the shirt take the attention away from the patches, you can pack a denim jacket fully but not gimmick clothing. The other problem is the geometrical lining of the patches over the randomised palm tree motifs, it's not harmonious at all.
You should place your patches more randomly with more space inbetween. If you need, remove a couple of patches and replace them with pins or smaller patches.
I love the idea. You should keep the backpatch, just the other patches need rearrangement.
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Is it bad for black metal to take itself too seriously?
At a time not too far in history it was good, now it's different. It used to be about something more than music, now you're just making music and you can be edgy if you want but you can't commit crimes for something spiritual anymore.
And also what is often overlooked is black metal used to be about sad, angry, depressing hateful shit. Now you can also make black metal about cool stuff like nature, local cultures, history, etc. best not be about Satan all the fucking time, it's getting stale.
Takes itself not seriously enough is the problem for me, I've seen it, it ruins the music. Too seriously but what, it's not music anymore it's a bunch of nazis raping nuns, it happened too. Middle ground is always best, be a normal human that's all.
german power metal mostly sucks because it has too much heavy metal influence. italian power metal is way better. rhapsody, thy majestie, secret sphere, highlord, labyrinth, the list could go on
I think the opposite is also awful, if a band (black metal or not) is overly self-aware and self-parodying. Just ruins the "vibe", if you will.
Like you said, ideally it's probably somewhere in the middle.
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Your thoughts on Cytotoxin?
There are great parody bands and bands that make a parody of music and that's not good. Good parody bands make good humourous music, bands that parody music make shit music to make fun of good music. It's subtle but it's a huge difference, and you know it when you see it.
Obviously you must reach a balanced middle.
>middle ground
So like someone who larps as a werewolf only at night instead of 24/7
Unironically yes. Nothing wrong having a werewolf-themed blackened death project but just take a fucking shower at some point.
There were insane things that happened in the black metal scene: murders, rapes, satanic sacrifices, the church burnings and so on. On the other hand you want your music to be credible, make it matter: larping is not cringe if it's for the sake of art, it's performative, it's the basis of art since prehistoric times.
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>buy ticket for dying fetus
>have to use ''ticketweb''
>sends me order confirmation
>no fucking ticket
>go to log in again
>says my password is wrong, go to change password
>tells me my account doesn't exist
>send a complaint email
>now says an email to change password has been sent despite my password being correct
>finally sends it
>log in
>tells me i have no ticket

This is also my opinion. I don't enjoy Black metal much, I'm into pussy shit like Death, Thrash. Doom and Trad. But in general I notice the same thing. "oh we know this is all a bit silly haha we're just having a laugh" actively pisses me off. Have enough self respect to take your own work seriously. "B..but people will laugh and call me cringe" well, pre-emptively apologizing to the people who make fun of you is just a bad strategy.
Or even if they ARE genuinely just having fun, even then, not drinking your own Kool aid still ruins the mood. Why are Reddit bands Reddit? Stuff like Powerwolf or Nekrogoblikon fail for me primarily because they're so outwardly tongue in cheek. Something cheesy but earnest, like Falconer, I love. Take yourself seriously!
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>German Power Metal
Kill yourself.
>Norwegian Black Metal
>Finnish Death Metal
Unfathomably based.
AOTY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqfwmbACIMQ
reminds me of good old days of watching infidel amsterdam
I sometimes wonder about this with death metal bands. Like immolation, does the guy really hate Jesus that much? Does Arghoslent really hate niggers that much? How can you live in Northern Virginia (the most diverse place on earth) and be racist. You would have moved somewhere else already. More realistic is that they’re larping.
Tastelet detected
>but you can't commit crimes for something spiritual anymore.
If you feel it, you should do it.
What is this nonsense of "nope, can't do it anymore in the current year"?
Finnish dm rare rec
Based and true
>Yes why else would I post that? I
I only ask because you have nothing on your RYM for JG. Oviri is a nice blend of ambient and metal, you get some of the canons of Theseus, the industrial touches of Perdurance, and some of the form of the next two albums Mitrealitat and Birefringence.
Kek, yeah I haven't even checked it out myself. I'm planning on going through some of the ambient albums myself soon(tm), Diapason is a 2.5 hour long single drone track.... Dunno when I'll be in the mood for that.

Dungeonsyth itself is a meme genre that might as well be called low fi final fantasy music with half the talent, but the Berlin School influenced stuff is alright I guess. Idk I should give it another deeper shot before I shit talk it too much.

Cringe and false
>band is from Europe
Not listening
>band is from Europe
>band is named Europe
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Thought it would be a meme album because of the spam here but its actually pretty good

Nevermind that you can't commit crimes to begin with, back then it was part of the scene, what made the scene. Nowadays it's not part of the scene anymore it's just misc news, doesn't feed a lore. You can't get to legend status by killing some rando anymore.
For example, Absurd's music is objectively shit. Would they have achieved the same level of fame if they didn't kill some guy? Take it in 2024, make Absurd-tier buttmetal, you kill a guy: can you expect becoming a folk legend?
No it's ridiculous.
>can you expect becoming a folk legend?
Ironic, parody, tongue and cheek, and insincere art is always destined to falter and degrade over time - your disinterest and detachment from something is of an inherent less worth than someone else's conviction and belief. It will manifest itself in the music or art anyways.

You don't have to kill someone to be serious, but you do if you are attempting to put forth music which suggests you are a killer. DSBM itself a fake genre, but also a laughing stock because no one follows through on its own advice. If you are a hardcore "satanist" intent on doing evil in the world, then show your evil, if not you are just as much of a joke as the ironic or "self aware" artist.

Of course all of this stems from "culture" and lyrics which both have nothing to do with music, both the serious and ironic "artist" care more about outside factors than the actual music, resulting in lacklustre results in both. Naturally however if I am to listen to shit black metal put out by a murderer vs shit black metal put out by a normalfag clown doing his half hearted parody, I know which I will pick.
Death - The Philosopher
Sarcofago - Fuck Off The Melodic Black Metal
Because you're nobody on this planet. You're litterally Anonymous here, everybody here is Anonymous.
Unless! you create some totally new thing and then you kill a guy. First you have to create something new, just killing someone doesn't make you a legend.
You just said Absurd did it without making anything worthwhile.
Someone can do that again quite easily.
so wait a sec, Hector likes dissoshit nonsense, but also likes tech death that includes Hannes Grossmann, but the same time likes power/prog like Eternity's End?
you could just pretend you killed a guy while recording pastiches of your favorite albums and then just say something about a social experiment when you're found out. worked for Nargaroth
I have an idea
How about we just make cool riffs instead of killing people
>wasn't as impactful
You would know about being impactful, seeing as you’re so often packed full of cock. You fagget.
Because they pioneered political black metal. Wouldn't have made it otherwise.
In France we had loads of black metal musicians who did satanic ritual necrophilia, murders and all with a neonazi undertone. It never made them famous.
Yeah or like the guy from Silencer who said he killed a kid. Pretending is more successful than actually committing crimes because then you don't end up in jail like a piece of shit, and you can claim whatever you want if you're clever enough you can get away with anything.
>muh hectorians
yep, that's a thing.
holy finnoid rage
>”Cocktales… a woo-ooo!”
"Pretty good" is an understatement. Name a better album.
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>filters Reddit
>filters NSBM chuds
>filters truefags
>filters hipsters
>filters ME
Unstoppably based
Is there anything more creativity and morally bankrupt than a covers album?
One of the most overrated bands in metal.
A black metal album
what does that mean
Don’t make me heem you.
Instead of producing original content, a band will release 40 to 50 minutes worth of cover songs
It's shallow and insulting
>Because they pioneered political black metal. Wouldn't have made it otherwise.
it's mostly that the German scene was still pretty young. at the time of the murder no German BM band had a full length out. if it happened 5 years later no one would remember them.
Yeah it's true.
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covering yourself
>no German BM band had a full length out.
You just revealed your own tourism
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if they change up the arrangements and play in their own style it can be good fun. Deceased's cover albums for example. but you're right, it almost never happens
sounds like a cool guy
released in December, the murder was in April
it's creatively out of ideas for sure. cover songs i never liked so an entire album being them wouldn't be offensive, just incredibly boring. maybe if it's how >>122725261 says it can be interesting.
Anon thinks bands that only do covers have little creativity and/or confidence to make and play their own music. Anon thinks cover albums are the lowest form of music. He is not taking into account the fact that covers are popular and fun; autists on this website do not understand the concept of fun and popular things
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>implying implications
>How can you live in Northern Virginia (the most diverse place on earth)
The first incarnation of Absurd was neither black metal nor national socialist. It got hijacked when the guy went to prison
>bands that only do covers
do they exist though? name five (5) of them in your next reply to quench my mind
Also that murder wasn’t motivated by anything, it was just some schoolyard BS
Thinking about the creative process when listening to an album is the most pseud poser thing you can do.

If a band is covering something you've never even heard, what's the fucking difference? As long as the music is good(songwriting, riffs, sound) who gives a shit if it's a cover?
>band covers a song
>but it's a song I've never heard
name 5 examples
Literally no one likes covers, not even normoids.
Post covers
When I was new that happened all the time
There is someone out there whose favorite albums are the Six Feet Under cover albums.
how could anyone NOT like this
kek based
>replaces the Painkiller solo with the intro to Creeping Death
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Thanks to the anon who posted this a few threads back. Do the other albums sound like it, at what point in their career did they change their musical style?
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Imagine the smell of people who actually enjoy bands like Esoctrilihum
>Thrash metal band covers heavy metal band and mogs
>Melodeath band covers thrash metal band and mogs
>Norsecore band covers melodeath band and mogs
Does the superiority need further evidence
Not as of late, but the Norwegian scene definitely acted like a bunch of kayfabe wrestlers.
all mogged by polka covers
You're welcome.
>Do the other albums sound like it
Yes, Second Spell(debut) is great. Third Spell is different, but still worth checking out.
After that they changed.
You've probably heard Obtained Enslavement, Witchcraft is their masterpiece but Soulblight is more atmospheric, similar to Gehenna.

Organ is a rare instrument in black metal, unfortunately. Organ and Harpsichord should be abused in black metal
basically he likes anything gay and terrible
He’s like a bizarro Prozak, same snobby attitude, but has the opposite taste.
Difference is Hector doesn't have an established website of his own and can only shout out his terrible taste in the metal general thread on an Angolan bicycling enthusiast forum
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>Obtained Enslavement
Why does this get shilled here all the time?

I hate Gorgoroth
>Døden and Torquemada
Literally who?
The main guy came back from prison and had to start his own band (wolfsmond) Krl imagine getting cucked out of your own band by chuds
I, Voidhanger Records is an enemy to true metal
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>hipster artwork with no band logo, digipak for every release no exceptions
They’re just one of many
he played in both bands until 1999
>Why does this get shilled here all the time?
Because it's one of the best black metal bands.
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4 albums in their discography and the last one being this? Kek i don't think so.
You’re right. Uncoincidentally the asgardsrei EP is solid as well. After that it’s all chudslop
It's like one of those book covers of a trashy romance novel written by an obese hamplanet
The absolute WORST covers are when an extreme metal band covers a trad metal song, and just growls instead of singing. Yeah it's not all on the level of SFU, but it may as well be.
For examples, pull up any covers album put out by Dwell Records in the 90s. All terrible.
Even if they released bottom of the barrel dogshit, they still have Witchcraft, which is more than (almost) any band can offer.
they licensed the cheapest satanic looking shit they could find. Aborym did the same thing with this guy, he was on something like 20 cheap horror novels before they used him for this cover
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this general belongs to thräsisters
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>re-record the album 2 years later
For what purpose
Name 5 examples of this happening.
yeah, I can only think of Butcher the Weak
>big Japanese milkers not in my mouth
For what purpose
I forgot to quote
Here's 23 examples
It never happens, why would the record label pay twice. They want the shit released but the band knows it’s garbage
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This >>122726467 was recorded in 2019 and the re-recorded version was released 2 years later.
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I'm a total newfag when it comes to bm but I picked a vinyl of this recently and it's pretty kickass
Based Diamondchad
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>One man black metal band
>The one man turns schizophrenic and starts making glitchwave final fantasy blackgaze
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More like Just mid
That very clearly Smokin Sexy Style DMC technical avant ambient noise though
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>Humanity is bad, le nature is good
yes. problem?
you havin a giggle m8
core is metal

i quite like this, give more similar pls
sorry, bud. that ONLY works for retards.
is killswitch engaged metal?
we're part of nature tho, therefore nature is also bad
it falls under a sub genre of metal, probably
This along with De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Burzum, Pure Holocaust and In The Nightside Eclipse are the only quintessential black metal records.
True creative landmark, whose masterminds are unparalleled.

The few noteworthy imitators are from the same region, under the guidance of same producer (Pytten - who produced every album except Under A Funeral Moon).
You can explore the rest, only if you seek mediocrity.
What is this guys connection with Snorre?
4 cavemen growling
here's 20
i know these are not metal. We are discussing cover bands
Well put, this is pretty much my own sentiment as well.
thoughts on Apator?
If your sentiment is that "DSBM" is a fake genre you're an idiot.
Priest chad here. I'm not even in the mood to see them in the slightest, I rather see a few short punk shit. I fucked up.
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This is good
That's Minas tirith.
They used to have gay twink sex with each other
I've listened to the first album of a band called Savage something and they had a female vocalist as well, it was trad/thrash. Is this the same band? Because that album was utter shit. Especially the vocals.
Nevermind just checked my musicbee and text files yes it was this band.
the only good Savage bands are Savage Grace, Savage (UK) and Nasty Savage
Seigneur Voland covers are ALWAYS kino
It really is. I can’t believe Prozak drones and Disso-tards would agree on something. Maybe that’s a sign of exceptional brilliance.
>savage grace
proto-EUPM cheese gayness
>savage (UK)
lmao, literally who
>nasty savage
still on my list

verdict: the only good savage band is Sava(ta)ge
Inquisition - Obscure verses for the multiverse
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>American't black metal
Come on now
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America is the 2nd best nation for BM, Norway are like 4th if I'm generous.
America is not even 10th
It's the only black metal album I like so I reply to every rec req with that.
90s - Norway
00s - France
10s - Finland
Just Emperor alone BTFO's entire murrican scene tho.
>proto-EUPM cheese gayness
lolwut. only one USPM album that can go head to head with Master of Disguise's aggression, Satan's Host - Metal from Hell.
>Femperor shill
Back to >>>/r/eddit with your tourist cheesy synthshit
>nooooo you have to like my laughing stock of a scene!!
But enough about Norgay
Nah brah brah. It barely has enough speed metal balls in it to not make it gay screeching faggot shit like Dragonforce and their ilk.
Utter clown garbage
Enough about Non-gay? No they at least have good BM. Enough about Amerrygay, tourist.
>nuh uh!!!!
Okay tourist.
>no u
Speaks the muttourist
Poser post
To be honest they win by default. 2000s was the last good decade, for death metal also.
Name 5 great finnish BM bands
(Not saying there aren't btw.)
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You never heard of the infamous underground bootleg by McMetal? Dawn of the Big Mac?
Bad band
American't black metal be like
I could name a list of bands and you could say they suck. But that’s not the point. Their scene is just so active compared with anywhere else and they’re very anti-poser which I appreciate
Didn't know mexicans made BM
I can't really fight you there. Finland at least has quantity.
THIS JUST CAME IN: I don't think I will grow back my pornstache. It looks cool as fuck (despite what LITERALLY everyone else said) but also makes me look way older and I'm at that point where I don't want to look old. I have to think through my stage look again.
(For the record I've been called a pedo/rapist/serial killer/sheep herder [latter by my mom] with the 'stache but I loved it.)
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Only thicc bitches in sleazy medieval metal regalia are real
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>it was "iron bloke" until a last second change to man
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>it was "fuck these brazilians, man" until a last second change to Det Som Engang Var
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It's hipster dogshit
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SURE! I've been here and there . . . wherever the wind blows ha-ha-ha-ha!
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Found it on ye olde soulseek
>south america
Why can’t we keep these monkeys in a cage and let them out when we need metal
In before Argentina is white
>6 dollar "processing fee" for a 15 dollar concert
hope the CEO loses his arms
Hey man, might I interest you in this board if you want to rage at random flags and ethnicities. >>>/int/
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>ye olde
more like oldje hehe...right?...am I being weird again?
Imagine living life being this retarded lmao, "vocal driven".
Cynic is based tho I'll give the author that.
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>Black metal is my life!
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when did metal bands stop looking good and cool?
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>implying /int/ doesn’t just copy all of /sp/‘s memes
One of the most retarded takes I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
rare Prozak W
Just post them. No matter how shitty they are I won't comment on their quality*.
>3 gigachads
>and then the guy on the right
They only look good to faggots.
Who the hell is Prozak
This is what it looks like when someone can't admit they've been filtered. It's okay to not like an album because it's too difficult to wrap you're head around(and Paracletus isn't that hard to get) but insulting those who aren't filtered just makes you look like an idiot. Almost every single criticism he levels against the album doesn't even make sense.
way before that picture was taken
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>relied on what Ulver and Satyricon did, which was to create long melodies that start impressively but go nowhere and require the song structure to intervene “dramatically” and interrupt before people realize that the melody is like the rambling of a drunken person.
As a fan of both early Satyricon and Ulver, when does this happen? Genuine question. Is this guy confusing these bands with something else or?
Texan oldfag who's run a few metal sites over the years
>Prozak trolling the new generation of metal fans

He’s like an artist who has perfected his craft
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looking at the priest setlist they are playing random fucking songs every single venue
if I don't hear riding on the wind imma cause a fucking riot brah brahs
It's hard to not think he's just pretending to be retarded when actual retards in /metal/ unironically share the same opinions.

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Nappy Priest is hated here.
Blasted this earlier, great album
Though I probably still prefer Firepower
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>no The Return
Shit opinion, probably 3 years into black metal. Keep going, champ.
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>Shit opinion, probably 3 years into black metal. Keep going, champ.
This cover is so fucking back. Disregard the sexism, but it's just a fail anatomically. Good music tho.
An American posted this.
Prozak is a troll and not one at the same time. He mixes truth with nonsense, the nonsense is like an easy target he gives people. So more comments on his articles and more traffic. His target audience he hopes to reach he expects to glean the point he’s trying to get across, but what ends up happening is the retards eat up the nonsense. The comments are always a shit show because you don’t know who’s a troll who’s a retard and who actually knows what they’re talking about. That works to his advantage
Type O Negative rule
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>An American posted this.
Yeah it looks fucked but I like the dragon, the colors and the design so I love it.
>330 million people
>1-2 relevant black metal bands
>holy shit dudes I just realized Norwegian black metal is like the only "quintessential" black metal
I mean, you loser didn't even include The Ritual. Poser
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Us American only like the high test subgenres.
Forest sissy hypno tranny noise aka black "metal" is for faggots and communists.
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No idea what The Ritual even is, we only listen to real music here
Am I a retard because I was 100% sure this was sped up?
Based Blood On Ice listener!!
>I need things to be anatomically correct or my peepee doesn't work
Time to check those T levels
>Prozak is a troll and not one
he's literally a GNAA member
I haven't heard that in a very long time. Kek
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Über super duper diaper crap
You are a fucking retarded chickenbrain. The Return is not black metal in any shape or form. Get the fuck back to plebbit
Varg became a lolcow after his YouTube account got banned.
bm (bowel movement)
try saying this at a Mayhem show, lmao
As if the pussies in the crowd or on stage would do anything. You could probably throw a full diaper at Hellhammer or Smellbummer as I like to call him and he would just sit there and take it like the Sandcrawler that he is.
I dont care about her opinion
fuck off cumshitter
this so much
question: if your band member gets caught liking transphobic tweets, what do you do with said member?
Bongman would have never let this place turn out this bad.
make love to him
Kill him
I remember being on Prozak's IRC channel back in the day. Basically it was just a bunch of guys pretending to be homosexual.
I'd give him a high five
discover his inevitable Ella Hollywood folder on his external drive
why cant you let other people make the threads trannypopper?
there is no option but to get rid of them. there's no room for hate in metal. we're a community and we stand up for the oppressed.
>band members having a twitter account
band is ngmi
Like literally you are hawkeying this thread 24/7 talking about your beloved all day, at 12 pm even

dude does not have a job
Breh, you are going to spend the next 4 hours replying to your own post over and over again (for like the 10th time now) and are complaining about others having no life

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