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/mu/ - Music

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Pick Your Pokemon Edition


First Gen:

Professor Oak:
Yep, this is the thread
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Cathedral makes me cum
He was waiting all day to make this post kek
This is now a Dave Mustaine thread
I'm seeing Tomb Mold and Horrendous tomorrow and I'm excited. I don't care if liking those bands makes me reddit. It should be a fun show.
>hector made the thread
you retards had one job
Is this poster who I think it is?
Hello Me
We support this outcome here
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Check this out
We love that here

He posted that picture yesterday and it was ignored. He's been waiting ever since to post it for the general
Chris Poland is the most underrated guitarist in metal of all time
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based enjoy it. we love live music here.
cringe hate it. we detest live music here
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Dave is literally the human manifestation of metal
one of my most favorite pictures ever
dave and dave coming up (lel) with new ideas for the album
Reminder that we do not like Jude Kike here
Would anyone be interested in buying some of my peace?
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I, Voidhanger has a reputation for releasing avante-garde, unusual and odd pieces of heavy metal art. Was this part of your vision for the label, or did it just sort of happen that way?

That was my purpose since day one, the label’s motto has always been “obscure, unique and uncompromising visions from the metal underground.” I like contaminations. The metal genre — which for me was a landing place after consuming so much hard rock, indie rock, 70s progressive, 60s garage rock, jazz and classical music — is very ductile and a good ground for proposing innovations and extending the musical vocabulary. As in life, diversity is a richness, the opportunity for cultural expansion for those who make music and for those who listen to it.

If you think about it, each metal subgenre has created its own avant-garde currents. For each Darkthrone, Immortal and Mayhem we have had Arcturus, Ulver and Ved Buens Ende, while groups like Emperor, Death, Cynic, Pestilence or Gorguts have changed their faces over time, thanks to an artistic maturation that cannot ignore contaminations from other genres. Being avant-garde is not a whim, but a need of metal as well as of any other music that can be said to mature.
Adam Kalmbach is loved and /metal/core as decreed by the official /metal/ council.
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This album is a top 4 megadeth record. Definitely their best of the 90s. Great riffs, infectious melodic hooks and marty's magical solos make it a certified classic
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>This album is a top 4 megadeth record
yeah sure, but it better work this time
Reckoning Day is a banger and a half
What did /metal/ think about Bring Me The Horizons new album?
not metal
not male
what are some /metal/-approved screamo albums
That guy is like Prozak but the opposite
Yes faggot, did I stutter?
Qrd on that image?
ellefson proposing his songwriting ideas
just some cheeky fun
How do i report OP's post
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A garbage watered down pop album where Dave wanted to sell out for radio stations like Metallica were doing, yeah thats not going to be a "top 4". Mongrel.
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>i can't imagine
>to be like you
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Not metal. Gtfo
sevendust is heavier than most nsbm
shame they decided to suck dragon cock immediately afterwards
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>catchy hooks and sublime melodies intimidate my fragile sense of masculinity
pic related
Preppin for tomorrow
Where did you find this picture of me
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>radio hooks and pop rock melodies
Not metal. >>>/wpop/

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The very first metal album ever is full of catchy pop melodies you dumbass, it's literally embedded into the genre
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>In my mind, it was all real
Ok but seriously >>>/wpop/

you are arguing with a brown gay vegan that has self-admitted he doesn't even like metal despite always being here. you're not going to get anywhere, just stop it.
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#1 black metal album post- 2000

Enjoys Popcletus, Drought, SMCR, The Long Defecate, Kenose, and Furnances. Other metal interests include generic 2nd wave black metal slop and some orthodox trash.

Knows Fas, Synarchy, and Katechon are the best. Other metal interests include the peak of metal such as Jute Gyte, Ad Nauseam, Virus, Ehnahre, Gorguts, and First Fragment.
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Woops, did NOT mean to post that pile of horse dung. Meant to post this.
>>all that shit besides DsO and Gorguts
Correct. I don't see a lot of people talk about them on /meal/
>le token romanian band
unfathomably based
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>tourist filtered by everything he hasn't seen parroted by reddit and RYM
Imagine my shock.

>not clicking those
>clicking all of these!
Enjoy the discordance
>le stupid fucking pointless post
Yeah I like metal, thanks.
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Yo noodle arms, all your dishonest dissoshit riffs won't help you from getting BTFO by BASED caveman riffs
They will knock your pencil necked geek ass into next Saturday and if you ever wake up, not even a map will help you find a good rhythm
>he listens to bands that play more notes than he has muscles
lmao'ing at ur life u fukken nerd
Of course I will. I don't like metal, thanks.
>le angry man on the internet
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Ok obese keyboard warrior.
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based caverncore chad talking sense
Listening to all these at the same for extra dissonance. Am i doing it right?
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Reminder that this is who is making these posts. Total ugly brown manlet larping.
Top 3 for me. Better than Countdown and Cryptic but for some reason those albums are more popular.
Which one is you?
The quick and soulful one.
based Bongman
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More like Dave Dickstaine amirite xD
Tomb mold sucks live wtf
I don't care just tell me who that cute girl is
Based punk homosexuals.
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so these are the chads calling me a faggot
>First Fragment
How is it that you're so autistically obsessed with dissoslop, so much so that you think most of DsO's output isn't dissonant enough, but then also like Dragonforce-tier powercringe like First Fragment?
we have:
discount chris cornell
walmart lemmy
sopa de macaco
r/shreddit mod
9 year old boy
and a bunch of archetypal incel types
>xhe thinks I care more about dissonance than writing
Sorry Iass, but your Disneycore, Only Sucking Dick Massively, and Shreddit Boomer top 25 Metal is worthless garbage. First Fragment shares nothing in common with Dragonforce, I suggest you keep the ignorant comparisons that showcase your lack of knowledge to yourself next time.


We love counterpoint here, and the next album based Shredgod Tougas will make shall be an album composed solely of 20 minute long Fugues.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
jungle rot is god tier and captures the true essence of metal: primitive riffs and not giving a fuck
put down the music theory books and pick up some weights
>t. mongrel
>Shredgod Tougas
Electra Mustaine. Metal for this feel?
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>>Shredgod Tougas
Absolutely horrendous. Sounds like a deranged video game or anime soundtrack with death metal vocals
>skip to 0:47
>It's literally Dragonforce-slop / Yngwie Malmsteen cringe
>he thinks he cares about writing when listing to this generic gimmicky "dude i love Bach" tech wank.
He has a touch of Downs eh?
did that diapershitter actually purchase a physical album?
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>its malmsteen. its dragonforce, its ost, its a gimmick, its deathcore, its brain drill
Same slop posts, different day. NGMI Iasses. You will never understand swing.

He’s proud of himsel
Asking Alexandria - The Final Episode (Let’s Change the Channel)
It’s literally the type of music /v/ would listen to, that’s where you happen to be from originally as it just so happens?
Three Days Grace - Pain
>xhe thinks I started on /v/
>xhe thinks /v/ knows anything besides Shreddit Boomer core

Triarchy of the Lost Lovers
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Reminder that we hate and despise reddit metal here.
These are all my favorite albums
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Yeah but Dave Mustaine is based
Most of these albums are great desu. Those Mercyful Fate albums are especially beloved here.
To be fair, retarded reddit picked the right bands but all the wrong albums
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>Why yes! I do listen to these! How could you tell?!
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>Shreddit Boomer core
That's what FF is
We despise any kind of "shredding" metal here.
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I believe you must be mistaking your favorite band for FF.
I would only say that for Immortal, Manilla Road, and Death. And Megadeth.
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For me, it’s Progressive Metal and 5/4 tempos. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the genre.
Where is Burzum on this list? are they blacklisted?
No Pantera?
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I prefer 3/4 time myself.

What would your favorite band think about you obsessing what other like?
Wasn't as Reddit as Slayer was unfortunately.

-queen, kek, pure reddit.
jon would shoot me and varg would stab me
Only posers like Slayer. They can only name one song and you know what it is
>be me
>wrote number + name on a piece of paper
>wrapped it in money and gave it to a stripper/dancer
>she still hasn't texted me
Is it ogre? Should I have mentioned I listen to metal?
You need to learn some charm bro. Here! I’ll give you a pickup line that always works
>Excuse me for bothering you ma’am, but does this rag smell like chloroform?
The stripper doesn't actually love you, you mark.
>research suggests that the most popular bands ever have the most fans, and that's bad
>my generic neoclassical shred band has no fans therefore it's better
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I don't look good in normalfag clothes
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Works for me
>research shows that the most reddit bands are beloved by redditors
>this upsets my reddit sensibilities when my reddit is exposed
My favorite metal band is Slipknot
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had that one on before bed last night
lets keep it gemmy

"ssj4" captcha
Ynr Megadeth on Duck Dodgers
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We love Slipknot here.
(first two albums)
You now remember Christopher Lee made multiple metal albums.
Grindcore swedish death metal fusion
very very cool, anon! *raises devilhorns with wrist bent at 90 degrees*
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
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I am literally, unironically, going to listen to this for the very first right rn (right now)
For me, it’s Disturbed, the most hardcore metal band
Just listen to Ne Oblivscaris, same thing but not as lame.
Holy fucking RIFFS
Now THIS is metal
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First track is one of the best on the album too.

Since we’re talking about black metal, what’s Evanescence been up to?
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Making death metal
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hitting the wall
you mean hitting the fridge
mama cass has a metal project too?
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He has the touch of Gods.
Fifth time today
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>blasting pop rock for an entire day
My condolences
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Hasjarl on Popcletus being a watered down normalfag radio friendly version of themselves for teletubby watchers (direct quotation)
>Interviewer: Why Paracletus is, seemingly, more focused and straightforward perhaps?
>Hasjarl: This is because we consciously decided to give the songs structures that were somewhat closer to traditional rock structures.
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Peak of Dissonance
Peak of Consonance.
And no one cares about that fact except for you.
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Ok poptimist. >>>/wpop/
Link me somewhere on the internet where someone else is crying about Paracletus being pop music
>dissofunko edition
>60s garage rock
much more based than metal. sad!
I wish jute gyte didn't make 12-minute-long pieces of music based on one or two (often good) ideas
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Reddit doesn't cry about it, thats true, maybe you can join them and blast some Taylor Swift as well seeing as its the from the same genre you love so much.
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we don't think about it at all
I know a girl who develops crime scene photos
upon the right, I saw a new misery
as the roots undo
>We don’t think at all
Fixed that for you
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I tried to convince him to make through-composed piece. Hes been tainted by minimalism and le ebin riffs.
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>tf2 pyro cosplay
not listening!
You have 30 more albums to buy poser
I am a poser!
I took some lessons with him and ALL he would do was get on zoom wearing a diaper and try to get me to play sultans of swing with him
Based Glen Benton posting on /metal/
king diaper is hated here.
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What kind of monstrosity is this fucking shit? As if the Casio keyboards trying all their might to emulate "epic" classical music were not enough, it seems this shitty band has seen fit to drag the other pseudointellectual genre of choice of the faggot closet: tech-death.

This piece opens with what one might almost mistake for a classical overture, a deceptive whisper of string sections and orchestral grandeur even... but soon, the inevitable descent into the bowls of shit mountain ensues as bass guitar farts followed by a Spanish flamenco soundtrack torments my insanity. Finally actual metal kicks in, but the guitars wail in grotesque mimicry of Necrophagist, a perversion of Muhammed Suiçmez's mastery and splendor twisted into dishonest riffs and chugga-chugga bullshit. The drums, more suited to a an autistic war chant demanding dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, thrash with reckless abandon

The vocals range from guttural growls to shrill shrieks, each more jarring than the last and are so atypical and unpleasant to the ear, even to a seasoned metal master such as myself. This is what Schuldiner must have sounded like grunting out each and every hot Tampa night as Masvidal merciless rearranged his shithole. I can't even understand these lyrics, is this Arabic???

While I can't deny there is extreme technical proficiency here, there is a cold precision in the execution. Yet, this only serves to highlight the underlying emptiness. Technique without taste, skill without SOVL—such is the tragedy of this ill-conceived fusion. It's like fucking a really hot girl who lounges in bed a lazy cat staring at you with disinterested, glassy eyes and sighing once in a while.

This song stands as a testament to the perils of attempting to blend the unblendable. It is a stark reminder that some boundaries are best left uncrossed. It is miscegenation in musical form, spawning a bastard mutt.

Fuck this shit Hector, now I see why you are so goddamn retarded.
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I think you mistook him for that time you paid some diaper eceleb 15 bucks to reply back to your question on if he knows of any good old folk's homes for when your knees finally give out.
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>asio keyboards
>a deceptive whisper of string sections and orchestral grandeur
None of these things are on this album.
>but soon, the inevitable descent into the bowls of shit mountain ensues as bass guitar farts
The first instrument played on the album is the bass, so there is no "soon"

In other words, you didn't listen to the album and this is probably chat GPT.
Ok but Breaking Benjamin is metal
listen to some real metal
Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove It)
>The first instrument played on the album is the bass
Also I will correct myself here and say the first electric* instrument played is the bass.
everytime I tried to ipen my mouth to ask a question he just played the riff from layla really badly over the top of me. I didn't learn anything
Just can't play guitar though, hes just a retarded balding reject that cons other old baldcucks into being his paypigs and shills for free.
Is Tool certified /metal/?
I meant tougas I don't recognise whoever heccy posted by half their heads sorry
it must be glenny b by the scar right kek?
Hello! I am from Shreddit and wanting to expand my social circles!
Any fellow Babymetal fans here?
Again, I think you have Tougas confused with your eceleb master, I suggest you head over to alcoholics anonymous and submit yourself for both your drug and paypig addiction.
incoherent post
NGMI Iass.
If by ngmi you mean not gonna make incoherent posts, sure
Incoherent post.
concession accepted
>this thread
one of the most hectorian threads weve had in a while

Why did Adam send you a vinyl sleeve with a damaged corner
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>DVD cases
apologies, the brazilian postal system is not known for handling packages gently.
Do we like Nightwish?
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We love nu metal here. Have anybody heard this album? It’s raw as fuck.
Nightwish are one of those bands that went from being cool to uncool to cool and uncool again
in 2024 they're so old that it's like you appreciate some of their old stuff and recognize their impact and relevance, but dont actively listen to them. They're nostalgia-core. Runescape pking-core
Yeah you could say I've got pretty obscure taste in metal
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Hate them and the 50 bands that try to sound like them
Hello me
any heterosexual dissonant metal?
Slipknot - Duality
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Currently blasting
Yep, massively underrated along with SFSGSW and yeah probably honestly top four Megadeth.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Varg Vikernes about his later days gathering in a french welfare office (direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "algerians", they were anti-work, they were pro-immigration, I cultivated myself to become like them
Just saw Varg outside the local gay bar wearing cutoff jorts
I raped Varg in the sweltering summer of 92
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
I was on my way to rape Varg myself
Varg should be Trump's running m8
This but Dave Mustaine instead
The Roast of Dave Mustaine. I’d watch that.
Guests being the entire Metallica band, Marty, Chris Poland, Broderick, Grover Jackson
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I want to give Varg babies.
Whats wrong with basic song structures? Most trve cvlt faggots bitch about how BM shouldn't be technical. Make up your fucking minds.
>Play Fas
>Noooo black metal shouldn't be technical
>Make paracletus
>Noooo metal should be pure wank
Just admit it, you hate dso because they btfo every other bm band.
based misunderstander
heccy is actually crying about how ACTUALLY my le taste is le superior even though we like the same band (he is homosexual and brazilian)
Binging Electric Wizard right now
Elaborating on the themes of continuity of consciousness, identity and change, there is a lot of imitative polyphony on this album. The title track opens with a two-voice canon (A), followed by a riff derived from that canon, itself joined halfway through by a second guitar in an inversion canon. After this riff, a new two-voice canon (B) appears which is joined at its midpoint by a return of the first canon, creating a four-voice double canon. The inversion canon riff recurs, followed by another inversion canon riff, derived from canon B, that ends the track,. "Grief of New Desire" opens with a four-voice, four-note canon. The note sequence D-half flat, C-half sharp, D flat, C natural is repeated on four guitars, each in a different octave, each starting on a different note in the sequence. Because all four pitches are in constant circulation the effect is harmonic stasis, though the shifting registers create an illusion of cyclical movement like a sound-object being rotated. The slow riff which follows becomes a canon. "Lugubrious Games (Sans Frontières)" opens with a canon backed by delayed (hence canonic) drums; "Machinery That Renders Debt Infinite" includes inversion canons.
"Ship of Theseus’s lumbering compositions are calculated and ponderous, taking time away from their polyrhythmic antagonism to sojourn into prickly clean guitar passages and unsettling intervals of noise and samples.... Much like abstract art, Ship of Theseus is devoid of many of the things we normally find pleasurable in music, yet still might manage to generate significance and potentially even beauty for (some of) those who take the time to parse its inaccessible facade. I’m positive that I don’t understand much of what Kalmbach is doing here, and calling Jute Gyte “difficult to listen to” is putting it rather lightly (this stuff makes Paracletus sound like Sunbather, and this record is actually on the “mellower” side for Kalmbach), but Ship of Theseus is an inarguably impressive work in its vision, organization and execution." - Metalsucks.net

Awesome thread guys. Can I get some heavy swedeath recs? I
Asking Alexandria - Closure
What?! You asked for some recommendations!
Someone please give me some recs. That retard is going to ruin my night
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>First Fragment
>3 hours ago
Of Mice and Men - Second and Sebring
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how it feels to post on /meal/
what kind of retarded gay nigga actually enjoys first fragment? at least dissoshit is heavy
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metal for this feel?
The Devil Wears Prada - Hey John, What's Your Name Again?
Paramore > Megadeth
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Listening pic rel Thrash cd.

Any other exmamples of "We live in a society" type of thrash metal? Albums like this come to mind:

These are kinda lame lyric themes, like some very basic critique of societal issues in western world, but kinda fits with the times of the era (late 80s, early 90s)
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Architect thread?
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>The Walt Disney Company is an Americ-
Opinion discarded post hidden.
>mogs all these years later
honestly, how did they do it?
Slayer reigns supreme, simple as
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This is black metal?
More like hipster shit.
Why do you obsess over metal that's overly complicated and odd? Pretty sure there's something else for you to enjoy that's easier to digest?
As you can see, metal community all around the internet doesn't care about this much complication in music, otherwise metalheads would be listening to classical or jazz music. Even there you have huge portion of music that's easily digestable in standard repertoire.
You're not changing anyone's mind here, so what explaind your stupid behavior?
Architecture is beloved here.
Imagine being an artist and being that self-aware of your own music. Talk about cringe. But Hector sees that as a good thing
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Being self-aware of your own music is fine, but this dogmatism that 'everyone else should enjoy the same complicated music as I' is cringe. He's waging wars daily writing paragraphs, for what exactly? He is not going to change anyone's mind
>basic song structure
You can have either of these without the other, you are an idiot.
>trve cvlt
You mistake me for someone else with entirely different beliefs.
>you hate DsO
He's the definition of a pseud. He wants to come across as smart and deep when he isn't. It's all how he is perceived than the actual music quality.
he's basically a woman
been going to shows for 20 years and tonight's the first time I've got my face busted open in the pit. fucked me up real good but have some ice now.
pure testicular domination
Complicated and odd to whom? You? Low IQ mongrels on /metal/? 4 voice counter point is complicated, nothing in metal is complicated.

Odd, or interesting? Reminder:

>The so-called black metal bands were supposed to all be original; they were all supposed to bring something unique and special to the scene.

>I think that Black Metal is too narrow. And I think that was not the idea at the beginning with Black Metal

>Do you think you'll make Black Metal by endlessly copying A Blaze In The Northern Sky? You make Darkthrone, not Black Metal!

Adam Kalmbach:
>Black metal as a genre [has[ a certain respect for idiosyncrasy and adventurousness built into its foundations, where artists can pursue individual creative goals wherever they may lead and the main audience expectation is that the artists remain indifferent to audience expectation.

If your art isn't "odd", then you aren't making real art.
You dodged my main question
>to whom? You? Low IQ mongrels on /metal/? 4
To me and most of /metal/, yes. That's no news to anyone.
You have cherrypicked quotes to support everything you say and nothing else
>some death metal band decides to wear sweatpants one day
>a bunch of norgefags start chimping out like a bunch of turbospergs, start killing each other and themselves, go to prison and seethe about it to this day
sweatpants won
>Why do you obsess over metal that's overly complicated and odd?
that first fragment song seems pretty tame in a way... I mean it's a gay version of bach. his music without the in depth complexity, and without the aggression of metal.
I don't think it's bad, just seems 300 years too late to be ground breaking.
>virgins wear sweatpant
>chads laugh about it, engage in violence due to higher T levels, later have 10 blond kids
Future is kvlt. Sweatpanty virgin lost.
Holy based.
Dragonforce is beloved music on /v/
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>Chopped in half
>Feel the cotton on your lower half
>With sweatpants ways comes destiny
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>To me and most of /metal/, yes.
Not my problem. Is it not true that metal fans love talking about how complicated their music is compared to pop? Is it not true that metal itself (especially extreme variants) is perceived as utterly "odd" to most of the public? Is it not true that the "metal is the new classical brah!" is a common statement among metal fans?

Your perceptions of complexity or strangeness are irrelevant to me, I will continue to post the music I enjoy. You can argue in favor of your overglorfied pop tunes, and I will argue in favor of music with more depth.

Name a single Bach piece with that much swing and syncopation, retarded mongrel.
>t.low t
It's white and manly. Back to plebbit.
>Obituary mogging KVLT sissies to this day
how did they do it? are caveman sounds truly the perfect metal formula?
/metal/ is always at its worst when Shrektor stops pretending to have a job or really any kind of life outside 4chan.
Ok but you forgot your gook avatar.
>Is it not true that metal fans love talking about how complicated their music is compared to pop?
Nah, not in general. But those who do are right, average metal is more interesting than average pop today, to an average person. But pop is more commercialized so metal doesn't get much attention, that's their main complaint.
>I will continue to post the music I enjoy.
That's not my issue nor do I care.
The issue with your logic is here >>122734732
If you're so keen to come out as a "metal fan" you should talk less about metal you dislike and more about the one you like, or you can stop using "muh metal fans do this" excuse.
>Nah, not in general.
>But those who do are right
Have to love the irony of this.

>so keen to come out as a "metal fan"
>a "metal fan"
Who said this? I don't believe I have ever once called myself an [x fan] of anything in my entire life.
either slow down the first fragment song to 0.75, or speed up this bach track to 1.75x. the bach song is more interesting and dynamic, and it's one nigga with a piano 300 years ago.
There is no swing or syncopation in this song, you sad mongrelized tourist. You don't listen to classical, you have no idea what you are talking about. Why even bother replying to me disgraceful subhuman?
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Guys, I’m taking my Dragonforce music and heading back /v/. Sorry for the intrusion,
I'm not answering your question because I'm not lowering myself to your thoughts. I swing my answer in your faggot direction as I swing my fist.
speaking of Dragonforce, I've been listening to Noturnall today. Mike Orlando is pretty insane when it comes to particular types of shred. Seems like he left the band now though.

We don’t listen to “shred” here.
Reminder that Hector is into scat and bestiality
Incoherent post.
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Coherent post.
Käthe Kollwitz was a tranny btw



lnceIpopper is a tranny
final fragment
True, incel to troon pipeline is real.
1st for dabbing on tr4nnypopper
DsO anons are the new Tool redditors.

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