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Now THIS is Shredding Edition



Lord of Discussion:
I messed up the general guys, how do I delete this
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Prozak won.
More like This is Shedding (Hair)
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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>be an irrelevant nobody only a select group of 40+ year old balding grandpas remember on a basketweaving forum.
>laughed at by the next generation everytime your "articles" are posted
Prozak will be remembered for aeons
Hector will be forgotten by next week
>For most At the Gates listeners, [Slaughter of the Soul] will seem a favorite until they hear it ten years from now in the context of other At the Gates works, when it will stand revealed as a transparent commercial album made to pander to the segment of the metal audience who want the predictable disguised as the unique for the sake of fashion.
I read this on anus.com in like 2004 or something as a teenager right after I bought it and thought NUH UH. He was almost scarily right.
And a fake Nazi quote spammed for the 900 and something time lmfao. Varg never said this. Pro tip: it can't be proven he did.
Not by you since talk about him all day
Varg called Hector a faggot on TikTok live.
True lol
He’s the reason I’ve never listened to pantera.
>uncontrolled seething every time he's mentioned
>I’m not mad he’s just retarded
I like this album, in fact, I really really really like it.
Trust me, I've never laughed as hard at an article as I have when I read his "FAQ" where he refereed to Old Senile Deaf Musician riffs as "leitmotifs" and the monotonous druming in metal as "timekeeping role" as if it was a good thing.

If it was a one off thing I would have called it a fantastic piece of satire, but the life long dedication proves this is serious, and it only makes it more hilarious.
>I’m not mad I’m just laughing really hard
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Hector is obviously jealous of Prochad.
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>shitting my pants in public and being laughed at = u mad
Prozak drones really do it for free.
“Shredding” metal belongs in the trashbin. I won’t have it here in the /metal/ general
>Varg never said this.
He did though, Schlomo.
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Did someone mention shit in pants. Bring it over here, please
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Phil "Shredgod" Tougas on his favorite person composition (direct quotation):
>My personal favorite composition of mine aside from Solus is In'el

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Prozak is everything Hector wants to be. Except that Prozak does Like women and is not a faggy vegan.
Prozak also has his own website, unlike Hecatia who spends his time shitposting in the metal general of 4chan’s music board.
Prozak is a clown who will do anything for attention. In this way he and Hector are a lot alike
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terrible taste. album is rubbish
Prozak is the opposite of anything I would want.
>legion of braindamage drones slurping up any garbage you write with no thought of their own
>write retarded garbage where you call riff salad "leitmotifs" because you don't know what that word means
>spend life hyping up OSDM and hating dissonance, only for OSDM to die and become a parody of itself with the revival just like thrash revival, and then dissonance becames the center of modern metal while being the only source of progress for new metal
>have to post under seven different alter egos because no one takes you seriously outside of the barely human mongrels that you yourself probably also hate
>give up and stop posting about metal because you ran out of ways to embarrass yourself with every dissonant release.
Dissonance won, Orchestrating Shocking Defecation Musically has become a self-parody.
do be kinda true doe
Nah. Prove it goosestepper.
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That's like, your opinion bro.
What are you going to do if I prove it, post your flag on >>>/b/ or post pic of your nose?
Musical illiteracy is a ripoff musician’s best friend. People do not understand how melodies should develop over the course of a song, and how technical playing without a goal creates chaos and fragments your consciousness, not builds on it. Necrophagist play melodies, all right. They play short blasts of melody over and over again, very quickly. Then the song jumps to something unrelated and obviously “different.” It’s like a sampler plate at a restaurant, a little bit of everything so you don’t have to choose what you want. Then it jumps back. And back again. And then it’s over. The vocals are like the chant of an auctioneer. The riffs are advancing guitar exercises. Drums are what you’d expect from a failed jazz drummer on tons of meth trying to cover Nine Inch Nails. The end result? A lot of distracting, directionless crap. But people like it because it’s more technical than what you are listening to, therefore they must be smarter. QED, muddafugga.
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>Musical illiteracy
That is what I would call this post, note he has no ability to state how melodies "should" develop, nor does he actually show where or which melody "failed to develop", finally giving no counter example with explanation of a melody that developed as it"should. Total garbage post.
Tougas more like poogas
Nah. Laugh some more at you my Queen. It can't be done. And everyone knows the fag spam is also false spam lmfao
The Prozakian playbook
>I don't like it? Call it jazz or hardcore at some point during the article, probably both. I have never listened to jazz ever.
>I like it? Call it classical or Wagnian while mentioning leitmotifs at some point, probably both. I have never listened to a single classical piece.
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This is good. Any recs for other Rome themed dm?
Scared? You must be from 3rd world shithole(which includes Israel kek). Laughable.
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>a “serious” art form with speed metal
>When that “serious” social consciousness art wasn’t enough, it became crypto-symbolic art with death metal, with an extensive philosophical interpretation required to get from “only death is real” to a philosophy of abstraction to rival Plato.
I seriously cannot get even a few paragraphs into anything he writes without keking my balls off irl.

Blasting some "serious art" sneed metal for this feel HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
I guess he "won" in the sense that time has proven him right, but, when looking at the state of the world, have any of us "won?"
This shit sounds like Zelda music.
Yeah I don’t know what he’s trying to say there either
All dungeon synth sounds like it belongs in Majora's Mask.
Like I said before Prozak writes stuff he knows is nonsense to get people worked up. This is a fact. If he just posted boring articles about good metal bands most wouldn’t know who he was
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Why are pictures of Prozak so elusive?
Let's see it, stooge
Notice how no one ever says anything about the recommendations. It’s always about Prozac shittalking someone,/something: Pantera, chuck schuldiner, thrash metal, ulver, DsO, cannibal corpse, etc
Him calling Chuck a homo was definitely projection.
>he doesn't know the ANUSian defintion of speed metal
Remind me again why he thinks that crossover is the real form of thrash?
yes check this out
What you need to understand is that everything written by Prozak starts with the basis of "how do I convince people to take OSDM and metal seriously". He and Norsecore poster are similar in that their undying biased goals turn them into silly people that contradict themselves, spout outright delusions, and even attack their own interests.

Prozak pulls on classical and sometimes even jazz to give credibility to metal, and so too will pull in other sources of "serious art" such as philosophical figures eg Plato. His own obvious lack of involvement with these genres is very apparent when he calls riffs "leitmotifs" or randomly namedrops Plato in a situation where such a name should not be brought up. It again shows its ugly head when confronted by music that does actually pull from classical such as newer Gorguts, DsO, etc where suddenly he will first of all never mention classical or jazz, or actually use classical and jazz influence as a negative thing. In one breath he praises jazz metal like Athiest and the """leitmotifs""" of OSDM, and then in another will say DsO is a jazz band and that more Gorguts is post hardcore (despite Luc literally having his studied at a university, published his own chamber piece, and had it preformed live on a hall stage).

Norsecore poster is similar in that he pulls on classical heavily, but his idealization of it turns detrimental to his argument when that same idealization means his own interest in metal is put under fire through the same arguments. Both of these people hang on the coat tails of "serious art", but both abuse it as a rhetoric technique rather than any true belief in that art. Norsecore poster will likely at least take his own larp seriously enough to stop listening to any metal eventually, while Prozak continues his life of being a psuedo-intellectual poser that has no interest in serious art like he pretends to.
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recommend me something

This chart might help
It’s still pure retardation.
Still trying to find that gay kiss from a movie he was in
Name a band that he shits on that is great besides DsO. He never said anything bad about Gorguts but refresh my memory
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I don’t understand it myself. Here’s what I know.
- thrash metal bands weren’t called thrash at the time
-hardcore punk was called thrash sometimes but without any rhyme or reason
-it’s said that crossover thrash got its name from thrash metal but how is that possible when punks bands were already being called thrash before thrash metal
bands were called thrash

Maybe someone can explain it
We should rename Hector to Pozzac
>>Malcom Dome is also credited with inventing the term "thrash metal" while writing about the Anthrax song Metal Thrashing Mad in 1984.

Pinpointing the term "Hardcore Punk" is a bit more difficult, but the band B.O.A. released an album called Hardcore '81
Crossover Thrash obviously got its name from D.R.I.'s "Crossover"
Go read the Colored Sands article, pretty much a great summary of the serious art poserdom of Prozak
Speed and thrash are two different genres.
Not crossover but just thrash, what was that word first used to describe?
already stated it dood
>inventedthe term "thrash metal" while writing about the Anthrax song Metal Thrashing Mad

This is the confusion man
I have literally never heard of this meme genre until now
>625 Thrashcore
what kind of Mandela Effect is this shit
Right it came into use later on but:

“Throughout the '80s, the term "thrash" was in use as a synonym for hardcore punk (as in the New York Thrash compilation of 1982).“

Which predates thrash “metal”
Maybe it was just a simple play on words
I’m not asserting one thing or the other but I’d like to hear some examples in interviews being used because being referred to in a magazine doesn’t mean a term has caught on
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earliest stuff I could find with a basic bitch search
Bumping it up to '85 shows that Billboard magazine called Slayer, Exodus, and Venom thrash
I was mainly talking about punk bands being called “ thrash”
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The book "Hardcore California: A History of Punk and New Wave" from '83 has 7 references to "thrash" (the entire book isn't even freely available)
>Thrash-oriented compilation album called "No So Quiet on the Western Front"
>Thrash was a term which could be loosely applied to any music that used jackhammer tempos which effectively turned the beat into a hum
>Post-Punk styles: Thrash, Industrial, New Romantic, Rockabilly, Neo-Psychedelic, Ska [...]
>by mid 1981 Tool and Die had begun to book hardcore thrash shows
>The Salvation Army became The Three O'Clock combining captivating flower power themes with post-thrash pop
>The Fuck Ups were a four piece thrash band
>The daily papers and TV news capitalized on the initial real violence of the thrash-punk room
Forgot to mention a really important feature
>book was originally published in 1983
Thanks that’s interesting.

Also i think Prozac might be a little autistic and once things are categorized in his head they can’t be changed
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Yeah, it's a bit bull-headed
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>The Fuck Ups were a four piece thrash band
alright track 2 makes more sense kek
>>The Fuck Ups
I once knew of a band called Joe Dirt and the Fuck Ups- think thats the same?
When Demonaz and I decided in 1991. We didn't feel like jumping on the death metal wagon. The death metal wagon wasn't the same. We weren't into the direction that death metal was taking. It was getting too clean if you know what I mean. We didn't feel like getting on stage, looking like Nirvana and playing death metal. We wanted to take our music more into the depths of hell and create a darker journey. We got were into Bathory and Mayhem. Demonaz was into death metal like Morbid Angel and Slayer. I was into Bathory. I wanted to get into the more demonic side of it. Together we work perfectly as a unit. That was how it started. Together with Mayhem and Emperor we started this new kind of scene and we decided to call it black metal. There wasn't a black metal scene or anything. Black Metal was the name of a Venom track from 1982. Euronymous was the biggest Venom fan around. We couldn't call the music anything other than black metal. Before that, Bathory and all those bands were just called death metal. Black metal was just a Venom album and Venom played black metal. But there wasn't any black metal scene or inner circle. Later on, we had an inner circle of black metal bands and we didn't follow any trends. Nowadays, when people say stuff like Immortal is a sell out and blah blah blah...you can't point your fucking fingers at Immortal.
Yep, same band
Hector you can’t point any fingers
he sounds like snake from voivod.
punk is too high test for yall
Punk and Metal are intertwined inseparably. Only Janny and other retarded tourists don’t realize it
Is snorre and his spooky haunted house music actually considered black metal?
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In the grand tapestry of avant-garde black metal, an oeuvre such as Deathspell Omega's "Synarchy of the Molten Bones" emerges as a transcendent masterpiece, transcending the mere boundaries of auditory experience to ascend to the lofty realms of metaphysical rapture. This album, a veritable symposium of sound, is a labyrinthine voyage through the darkened corridors of the soul, wherein each note is meticulously sculpted with the same precision and reverence as one might caress the contours of a lover’s well-chiseled form.

As one delves into the profound depths of "Synarchy of the Molten Bones," it becomes evident that Deathspell Omega has achieved a sonic alchemy, an erotic symphony that mirrors the sculptural beauty of the male physique in its most exalted form. The album opens with the title track, a tempestuous cascade of dissonance and rhythm, akin to the first glimpse of a statuesque Adonis emerging from the shadows, his sinewy form bathed in the chiaroscuro of moonlight. The guitars, sharp and angular, strike with the precision of a lover's touch tracing the defined lines of pectorals and abdominals, while the drums pound with the force of a heartbeat quickened by passion.

"Famished for Breath" is a poignant testament to the yearning that courses through the veins like molten lava, burning with an intensity that only the sight of an exquisitely sculpted torso can inspire. The vocals, guttural and raw, evoke the primal cries of ecstasy and agony, as if the very essence of Dionysian fervor has been distilled into sonic form. Each growl and shriek is an invocation of the divine beauty found in the male form, a worshipful ode to the power and vulnerability encapsulated within taut, glistening muscles.
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The album's zenith is arguably "Onward where Most with Ravin I may meet," a track that surges forward with an unrelenting, almost predatory grace. It is as if one is witnessing a lithe and powerful athlete in motion, every sinew and tendon moving in perfect harmony, a symphony of flesh and spirit. The guitars intertwine and clash with a fervor that mirrors the passionate embrace of two lovers, their bodies entwined in a dance as old as time itself. The bass lines throb with a visceral intensity, akin to the pulsing of blood through veins, a reminder of the life force that courses through the virile body.

In "Internecine Iatrogenesis," the closing track, the album reaches a climax of almost unbearable beauty and tension. The complex rhythms and intricate melodies intertwine in a manner reminiscent of the most masterful sculpture, where every detail is honed to perfection. The music swells and recedes like the breath of a resting god, the chest rising and falling in a hypnotic rhythm. It is a fitting denouement to an album that is not merely listened to, but experienced, felt deep within the core of one's being.

"Synarchy of the Molten Bones" is more than an album; it is an ode to the sublime, an erotic hymn to the male form in all its glory. It invites the listener to lose themselves in the labyrinth of sound and sinew, to revel in the dark beauty that lies at the intersection of flesh and spirit. Deathspell Omega has crafted a work of art that is as intellectually stimulating as it is sensually exhilarating, a testament to the power of music to evoke the profoundest of human emotions.
>he finally got a trip
cya kektor, never reading another one of your word vomit posts ever again.
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I’m the real Hector by the way
we love booba here
Low t album
It is a travesty of monumental proportions that I, with my discerning palate, must coexist with these cultural troglodytes who mistake the ephemeral and the vapid for the genuinely profound. My musical tastes are not merely a preference but an extension of my superior intellect, a reflection of my ability to perceive and appreciate the sublime in a world mired in mediocrity. The likes of Deathspell Omega, whose compositions are a symphonic tapestry of existential dread and metaphysical inquiry, are beyond the comprehension of these simple-minded philistines. Their artistry, their profound explorations of nihilism and the human condition, are wasted on an audience that prefers the puerile antics of pop idols and the mind-numbing simplicity of punk anthems.

These people, these uncultured swine, are deaf to the complex time signatures, the polyrhythmic structures, the raw, unfiltered emotion that courses through the veins of true metal music. They are blind to the metaphorical and philosophical depths plumbed by bands that dare to defy the norm, that challenge the listener to think, to feel, to transcend the mundane. In their intellectual laziness, they opt for the path of least resistance, consuming the musical equivalent of junk food, while I feast upon the rich, dark banquet of metal's finest offerings.

In conclusion, the chasm between my superior taste and the pedestrian preferences of the masses is a reflection of a broader intellectual divide. I reside in a rarefied realm of aesthetic and cognitive excellence, far removed from the pitiful squalor of mainstream consumption. It is a burden I bear with a mixture of disdain and resignation, knowing that my unparalleled appreciation for true musical artistry sets me apart, a lone beacon of enlightenment in a sea of mediocrity.
>Highly intellectual
Great! Now you can finally leave 4chan and start a life kek
based Crimson Glory, Spawn, and Vader
check out Bowel Erosion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3YOR6k9jDs
Leaving 4chan would be akin to severing a limb, an act of self-mutilation that would render my intellectual and emotional existence incomplete. It is here that I have encountered some of the most profound philosophical discourses, the most incisive critiques of contemporary society, and the most unvarnished truths about the human condition. The memes, often dismissed as mere frivolity, are in fact a potent form of modern-day folklore, encapsulating the zeitgeist in a manner that is both poignant and trenchant. They are the digital hieroglyphs of our time, conveying complex ideas and emotions through a deceptively simple medium.

To leave 4chan would be to abandon a part of myself, to forsake the very environment that has shaped my intellectual and emotional being. It is a space that defies conventional categorizations, that operates outside the constraints of mainstream acceptability. It is a space where I am free to explore the outermost reaches of thought, to engage in discourse that is both enlightening and unsettling. It is a space that I cannot, and will not, forsake.

In conclusion, my attachment to 4chan is not a mere addiction or a whimsical dalliance; it is a profound and enduring bond, an integral part of my identity. It is a digital homeland where my intellectual and emotional faculties are both nurtured and challenged, a space where I am free to be my truest self. To leave 4chan would be to deny my own nature, to forsake the very environment that has fostered my growth and understanding. It is a place I will never leave, for it is a place where I truly belong.
spamming generative AI text should result in a life-time ban
I for one welcome the hector impersonating chatbots
I’m glad Hector finally got a trip so I can filter him.
thats tranniepopper doe
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Nice larp, lass.
Fuck off shartyteen.
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In the boundless expanse of avant-garde black metal, Jute Gyte's magnum opus, "Perdurance," stands as a beacon of exquisite, labyrinthine beauty, a shimmering testament to the brilliance and allure of its creator, Adam Kalmbach. To delve into this album is to embark on an intoxicating journey through a soundscape that is as much an exploration of the sublime as it is an homage to the arresting presence and unparalleled talent of Kalmbach himself.
To speak of "Perdurance" is to speak of Adam Kalmbach, a man whose beauty is matched only by his boundless talent. His music is an extension of his being, a sensual symphony that resonates with the deepest parts of the soul. It is a testament to the power of art to transcend the ordinary, to elevate the listener to a plane where beauty and intellect converge in a rapturous embrace.

In conclusion, Jute Gyte's "Perdurance" is not merely an album; it is an erotic odyssey, a celebration of the sublime artistry and mesmerizing allure of Adam Kalmbach. His music is a seductive dance, a tantalizing blend of complexity and raw emotion that leaves the listener spellbound. Kalmbach is not just a musician; he is a muse, a paragon of beauty and talent whose presence is as intoxicating as the music he creates. To experience "Perdurance" is to be enraptured by the essence of Kalmbach himself, a man whose allure is as timeless as his art.
you should be agreeing with the larp though
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In the tumultuous sea of envious low IQ p*nk mongrels and deceitful imposters, my use of a tripcode on 4chan is a desperate yet noble effort to preserve the sanctity of my unique brilliance and ensure my unparalleled voice is not drowned in their cacophony of mediocrity.
That's a good one. I think I like it a better than False Light but False Light might be my favorite song by them.
Will the real Hector please stand up?
unironically based, hope the kpooper does the same, though he's too much of a coward to do it
The GOAT (literally)
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this but unironically
priest, judas
At what age did you grow out of metal and repent for your sins?
Still waiting, princess lol
The goat
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>Catholic priest wrote a doctoral thesis that included analyzing Deicide lyrics
trad and doom reign supreme
Mark my words: this next Nails record will be the greatest 5/10 record ever made.
>implying it won't be the greatest 4/10 album ever made
Ah, the perennial debate of musical hierarchy, a testament to the subjective nature of taste. While it's endearing that you find solace in the somewhat rudimentary confines of doom metal and traditional heavy metal, one must recognize that such preferences often stem from a limited exposure to the genre's more complex and intellectually stimulating branches. Your adherence to these subgenres is akin to clinging to a child's crayon drawing while dismissing the nuanced masterpieces of a seasoned artist. But do enjoy your simplistic riffs and predictable rhythms; some of us require more sophisticated aural stimulation to truly appreciate the vast expanse of metal's potential.
Begone, kucky.
Hopefully this queer gets bored of ChatGPT by tomorrow
Still waiting for you to agree on my terms >>122740981
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>music theory graduate program course includes in depth study of consonance and dissonance. Synarchy and Paracletus used as real world examples
>music theory graduate program
Might as well take gender studies
>that will be $40,000 plus tip
getting an MFA in music theory is basically admitting you've resigned yourself to a life of teaching because you couldn't hack it as a musician
No problem my queen
Haven’t been on 4chan in a good while. Do people really still frogpost here?
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When I was studying at uni for an actual degree, I'd often pop into the library archives and check out masters theses (mostly law, political science or sociology related)
There's not a lot of audio related stuff to the aforementioned disciplines, so sometimes I'd just listen to original compositions done by music graduates and I'd say out of the 30,000 music related files on the NAS, over half was rap and hip-hop and of that figure, LITERALLY all of it was woke shit
I never encountered something actually good that would seem like a music major submission
Damn that’s enough to make someone reevaluate their life’s purpose
The seed of doubt already germinates within you
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I did my masters thesis in solid state physics.
Clear picture of nose with timestamp, faster, more believable it's actually yours.

Why can’t you trust an atom?
>Because they make up everything!
thank you, thank you, I'm here all week
It's kinda mid
University education is a rip off.
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the vocal delivery on Blood Stained is so fucking dogshit
I posted my flag on /b/ lol. But the fact you actually looked that up is the best.
Your resume with all your shit certs earned from unaccredited online courses get sent straight to the recycle bin
I prefer to study for myself instead of for others. Being a workerbee normalfag is the lowest form of existence.
Megadeth mogs your favorite shit band
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>no nose picture as requested
>not even >>>/bant/ link
Honorless. JIDF as suspected.
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>After this I’ll be able to defeat Hector once and for all
stop leeching off your mom
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why is black metal so popular with trans people?
Trans people tend to be more high IQ.
ADLfag absolutely rekt
As if there was ever any doubt lmao
Now you want a deal? Skip one thread with the fag spam and you'll stop getting btfo on the NSBM fag shite forever
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>yeah baby, here's my room where all the action happens, heh heh
>mentally ill genre attracts the mentally ill
>thread was basically full of shitty hector spam at the start of the day
>"it will have stopped by now"
Think I need to take a longer break than just every few days.
me on the bottom right
I’m giving up on posting recs. You guys don’t deserve recs

god i fucking love NWOBHM so fucking much
You don't have any
wish she'd shit on me
at this rate Kektor will be fully pulled into Prozak's orbit, I can't believe these developments lmao
looking to get banned again?
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this is like dan swano stuff if he was actually good
Swanö's better as a producer than a songwriter but you can't say that Moontower isn't a solid 8.5/10
This world is a cruel place
And we're here only to lose
So before live tears us apart let
Death bless me with you
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living
When are you going to start posting delicious uncut cocks oozing pearly white cum again
Many such cases
You have to have very high estrogen levels to enjoy it.
literally put on this song randomly10 minutes ago
Holy fuck both these albums are awesome, I love Arghoslent inspired bands

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>Holy fuck both these albums are awesome, I love Arghoslent inspired bands
not reading!
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Trans people have very low self-esteem and are subsequently overly obsessed with self-image
Black metal tends to be pretentious (to varying degrees), attracting listeners that like it for its aesthetic more than its actual substance

Lets be real, nobody fucking listens to shit like mutiilation and grausamkeit for any reason other than feeling "kvlt"
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Which of the Deathspell Omega pretenders is the best and why is it Serpent Column?
>Lets be real, nobody fucking listens to shit like mutiilation and grausamkeit for any reason other than feeling "kvlt"
I do. Fuck you faggot.
It’s a positive review Hector
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>nobody fucking listens to shit like mutiilation and grausamkeit for any reason other than feeling "kvlt"
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We freaking hate Varg Pamperskernes here.
Varg is the dad /metal/ wishes it had
Dads are for losers.
single mother household, huh? makes sense
Øystein Aarseth, more like Goystein Arsebreath
wtf is shredding and is it important?
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new Satan on the way
based boomers
I'm my own man. Fuck my mum.
Shredding the guitar equivalent of jerking off and no it's not important because even guys who did it well like David Chastain and Joey Tafolla suck balls
>spams autistic quotes almost 1000 times
But who are you quoting
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Same reason I keep posting about the current peak of black metal
Shitnarchy on Moldy Boners sucks
Did the mods abandon this place?
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>Did the mods abandon this place?
Isn't it obvious that we're a containment thread?
would you press charges if The Great Kat sucked your balls?
>post an album
>it sucks
constructive criticism
>implying she wouldn't bite them off
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Maybe if you actually tried picking up an instrument and recording music you'd recognise just how fucking talentless they are
They put more effort in their makeup than their music, pure poseur shit, and yet you gobble it up because it's 'le obscure'
There's nothing worthwhile about those 'bands' except their goofy photos and internet lore, get a grip
Yeah because she is old and looks like a crackwhore
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can we say whatever we want?
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Why didn't he just save those songs for this
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Anything except the gamer word
is being a gamer bad or something?
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Great thread
keep seething
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we hate vidya gaymes here
What is diaperpozzy playing?
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who wrote the edgiest lyrics in metal? pic related but I'm sure someone out there had them beat
I play guitars and piano virtually every day, and I play everything from Chopin and Bach to Mutiilation. Get the fuck out of here you gigantic faggot pseud.
75% of black metal is pure wrestling promo shit.
still holds up as the best thrash record to this day.
Meyhnach faking his death was something straight out of WWF

Good choice for brutal lyrics. Fuckin savage
Adam Kalmbach is a charlatan and fraudster
you showed your hand by using that image
>Control Denied
Caged and cucked
I have always stood against diapershit.
The game's soundtracks was composed by former Celtic Frost guitarist Curt Victor Bryant.

The newest game in the series is named after a Celtic Frost album, To Mega Therion / Mecha Therion.

Nice gory oldskool games inspired by metal. The main character even headbangs after killing bosses.
lnceIpopper spams the thread with stalest of bait and LITERAL AI SPAM and the retards of /metal/ still reply >>122745134


Also it is odd you post this after I R'd all your posts
But really though you are here 24/7 do you not have anything to do?
My voice needs to be heard, my wisdom has to be shared.
Gonna take that deal, goosestepper?
it better be good. their past 2 were kinda shit
Best album of the artist's discog. And it didn't even need a ping snare.

Feel the same about the new devourment. Don't (you) me. Better than molesting the decapitated in terms of general heaviness
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This goes hard
Ex Deo are VERY Rome themed but calling them "good" is pretty questionable.
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this is more or less what you can expect on the current tour

War Pigs (Black Sabbath song)
Invincible Shield Tour Anthem
Panic Attack
You've Got Another Thing Comin'
Rapid Fire
Breaking the Law
Riding on the Wind
Love Bites
Devil's Child
Saints in Hell
Crown of Horns
Turbo Lover
Invincible Shield
Victim of Changes
The Green Manalishi (With the Two Prong Crown) (Fleetwood Mac cover)

The Hellion
Electric Eye
Hell Bent for Leather
Living After Midnight
We Are the Champions (Queen song)
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Usurpr - Marauders of the Ascendant
why are nsbm bands so ugly?
I don't know why I've recently felt drawn to this one. I've never liked Cannibal Corpse much.
The best basedlbum of all time.
5/5 record right here
your balls dropped
Earth Infernal was the best one since Life Sentence
I'm just happy that /metal/ as a collective stands against chudism and bigotry. We can all agree on this one.
>artist is trying so hard to be le epic NS he writes a song praising the Dirlewanger brigade
How fucking far down the hole do you have to be for that kinda mental gymnastics
I remember a picture of him when he was in college
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holy shit that is a fucking NECK
you arent meant to shit cum either, but you proved everyone wrong
Not metal
ugly people make bad music. generally how it goes
This plus they don't like sex with women so it's of no concern.
Wonder what he has a degree in.
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Dont stare at me like that with them big ol eyes
Tits cover
Shit cover
sorry sweaty (not)
fas or synarchy bros
Is it good or shit, haven't tried it yet
For me, Fas. I like synarchy but it's low down my list of favourite DsO releases.
How it started

How it's going

Read the whole thing sweetheart
faggot hipster garbage, post some incantation brah brah
you lied and got your ass handed to you, faggot
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Lol. Told you there's an opportunity for you to stop having your Nazi ass get btfo forever and you can't handle not spamming. For one thread. Your ma must've really did a number on ya. Fuckin schizo ocd etc
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Go spam your disney music faggot. Disso>disney
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what nazi spam did i post?
Do not let hector make the new

That is all
early nu
migrate when bump limit

hey Hector, what do you think draws more chicks? a circle, or the letter M?
Nonsensical post.
trying too hard brah brah
300 j
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>The Walt Disney Company is an Americ-
Opinion discarded post hidden.
nta but Onward to Golgotha is the best one
>Dies at 89 degrees F
Lmao, imagine getting cucked by the sun this badly
Friendly reminder that if you have no foreskin you'll never be metal.
Now covert that to C and reply to me again, my Amerislave.
This is an American site tourist faggot. Seethe europoor faggot
>Hardcore thread
Kys faggot
You are using Wheel, a mesopotamian invention. Have you thanked Iraqi people today?

literally handcrafted for my enormous 4 inch bwc
>Themes: Roman Empire, History, Conquest, Antisemitism
does someone want to post some of the rarer niche/meme charts which arent in the pastebin

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