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Swedish Death Metal Edition


old >>122740464

faq: We love OSDM here
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Pre-emptive "any Americuck post hidden" post.
Still Kultur
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>we have effigy of the forgotten at home and with down syndrome
this Aurelian album sounds like those classic Cannibal Corpse in E Major parody songs.
Both suck cock.
Oops, meant to reply to >>122747237
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all gay tbqh
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Esoteric Warfare > Ordo Ad Chao.
both mid
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you know whether you're singing for or against christ, both angles sound depressing.
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Favourite Nirvana album /metal/?

Go here if you want to know the truth. There's hardly any OSDM there, Hector lies to you
>Cannibal corpse reject chugging riff collection
it's fine to dislike both reddit and Hector's retardation anon
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*posts white ward in your thread*
We love those here.
And the black metal sub has a ban on posts about entry level bands. So clearly it's a better place than here.
Okay band but overrated
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unironically pretty based
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Too bad reddit is so gay in every other way, otherwise it would be worth it to never see Dark Urinal albums spammed again.
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im building a 5 or six song playlist to blast while trying dmt for the first time
looking for intense shit to cause a very intense trip
so far I've got
Have you done any other psychedelics before? Because if not you're insane for trying this.
I remember listening to Cynic on acid and the end of Textures went on so long I was sure I was going to be trapped in that moment forever.
ive done acid and shrooms before, yes
as far as i can tell the dmt trip would only be like 20 minutes max anyway so if its scary its not like hours of bad trip as it would be on shrooms or acid
why are you people the way you are
Have you listened to extreme metal on shrooms? I have too much respect for them to listen to anything else other than hippie bullshit while peaking, but sometimes I wonder how the trip would go if I put in some BM or something.
it's coreshit with some gimmicks thrown in. how new do you have to be to think that's acceptable.
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Fuck this gay earth.
i think itd be a transformative experience
at worst my brain melts at best its based, honestly dont know if anyone's tried it before desu
and same, last time i did acid i just watched documentaries for like 10 hours straight and couldn't stop laughing
thanks for posting gojira
last (you)
The next nip i see is getting the rope
Any of you managed to fuck someone at a festival? Or a BJ?
This is how you turn into a glass of orange juice
good shit

if the elves try to do something to you, unironically pray to Jesus and they'll fuck off
i will, thanks
at least read this before tripping
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sounds metal as fuck, would be cool to see a demon or some shit like that
oops wrong link.
>do a bunch of psychedelics
>give yourself psychosis
a tale as old as time
dmt is like absinthe in that you get to deal with very specific shit others reported before, there are tested ways to avoid getting mindfucked
nobodies tried it with based riff blasting though
Give me some hardcore metal recs. I’ll start
didn't do shit for me but ymmv
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Name our band, /meal/
manowar is just ACDC with a fantasy aesthetic
Virgin Steele is the thinking man's Manowar
Manowar is the thinking man's Wagner
>"death metal"
>cover is a painting of scenery
>titles evoke science fiction
>main aesthetic is philosophical
>cover is drawn on a digital tablet
>cover is inciting political ideology

here's what we're gonna do from now on. your cover and titles have to be about gore and violence. otherwise it sux

yeah and the mix is even worse
but the riffs are heavier don't (you)
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It's just too good
uh huh, yea it's really really really really really really really really goooooooo

actually sux
>we have slayer at home
as opposed to the gay bar
It's so fucking hot here AT NIGHT that even when I hurry and try to drink my beer as fast as possible halfway through it's already warm. What the fuck is this shit.

shotgun it faggot
Nah, that's barbarian. My body is a delicate temple of harmony.
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>read last thread
>beta orbitor spent roughly 9 hours straight with HDS while I wasn't even there.
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Frens, on this Friday night, I would like to make a toast to the only thing that keeps us together despite the fact that we all hate each other's guts and would murder each other in a heartbeat and then possibly defile and rape the corpse.
You see, I would like to make a toast... to Metal.
absinthe is not psychedelic. at least not anything you can buy in stores
This is actually really good, it's like a deranged carnival that's headed for self destruction

Yeah I can drink to that. HEIL! *raises Deidice - Deicide vinyl*
could you please fuck off already?
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Who was the target audience for this?
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What a garbage review as per the usual for the site. Also as usual there are generic journalist complaints with no alternative examples given, because its easy to say vague nothings about something eg "riffs are of fairly basic nature, yet they succeed in being meaningful" without giving any example of what defines non meaningful or non basic. Really he is only saying "I like think" or "I don't like thing".

What I like about sites such as MA or RYM is that while the reviewer might not give a better alternative or example, I can go to their 5/5 rankings to see what they consider to be great music. Which of course 100% of the time is some of the worst tourism you have seen, often conflicting greatly with the vague arguments they use for one band and also working perfectly for something they apparently consider perfect.
>grainy footage appears of cynic playing a new song at hellfest
>it's actually great
>there is a god and he knows what my favourite bands are
>album comes out
>it's not good
>never pay attention to them again
You are truly a sociopath
Hector pretending like he just woke up or something, like he hasn't been here shitposting all day.
Bathhouse denizens
not in burgerland, yeah
vermin womb - retaliation
knelt rote - trespass
if you want slow, go with primitive man
if you want black metal, go with rotting sky (this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhq0t7QJ3mk)
I chugged the warm beer then 3 minutes later ended up puking. Lmao.
Anyway I opened another one. LET'S GO!
no that was trannypoper pretending to be him dunno how many times i have to explain this. seriously you guys are dumb as shit
based dark prison massacre
but yeah the cover can be upsetting
i need as much caveman dm as you can recommend lads

Yes but he was around the whole time
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Wolverine blues

only the 1st post is him mr. redditspacer
lmao knew it
>tfw 2 of those are me
Serpent Column is fucking terrible, punk beats and rock n roll leads dominate the albums, which I would say is the furthest thing away from DsO, but now with garbage like Drought and The Long Defecate I suppose maybe they do have some commonality hahahahah. Either way, SC are certainly closer to Emoviolence than real black metal.

An actual answer would be early Imperial Triumphant, they were really close to getting to DsO level, just needed a touch more depth when it came to song writing.

I mean this Wyschnegradsky bit is literally straight out of FAS

Then take a look at this
It so DsO, but its also so well done that what can you really say beside to admire that yeah they are pretty good.

Not even the first one is me, Iass.
>Hector meltdown incoming
choose wisely

tomb mold or incantation
200 stab wounds or cannibal corpse
frozen soul or immolation
gatecreeper or autopsy
dso or tomb mold
"hector" is another gg schizo persona and he will delete posts/ban you for pointing it out
What's your thought process behind those choices, they don't make any sense
And your reasoning for this?
Absinthe has been legal here for a while, even with wormwood afaik. It's pretty uncommon at normal stores but I see it now and then.
favorite metal instrumentals?

fork and spoon
Didgeridoo, ya cunt
Fretless guitar
Quartertone guitar
Regular guitar
Fretless bass
Percussion is garbage.
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I realize there isn't a chart here and the fag is a joke
what's a good melodic metal album for a normalfag like me? I'm tired of bland poppy bullshit, I want something heavy but also I'm too normie for ultra hardcore death metal, I still need nice melodies and something that's understandable
please no metallica
*the faq is a joke
In flames - Dialogue with the stars

At the Gates - With fear i kiss the burning darkness
kill yourself normalgroid
not before you
slaughter of the soul sounds like it'd be right up your alley
Not metal
stick to hard rock like Deftones or something. Metal isn't your genre
Not white
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There is a chart for you actually
WFIKTBD will be a more rewarding listen. It also has a mix of songs that are more easy and less easy to digest.
Guns N Roses
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
I'll try to make some pics for you faggots tomorrow. About random shit or whatever. It will be hard to not get totalled.
didn't ask
thanks for answering my inquiry, king
>Here's a chart of gay shit and oh, i threw in your favorite album just because
there are fear factory riffs heavier than dso
Not metal
>t. nu-male
Appetite for Destruction is a glam metal album
>dude pyschs lmao
All glam has pop song structures and is vocally driven, not riff driven. Not metal.
Name someone who has a better ear for melody than Alf svensson

You can tell this is like his first or second time because he's planning out music like it's an event. For the most enjoyable tripping experience the best stuff to listen to is what you already like. If you're actually a metalhead you're not going to suddenly stop liking it on drugs because it's "scary" or whatever
Scandinavian Metal Attack
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>band members want to play deathcore

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In advance I'm sorry to disrupt your basement dweller life. ;)
Not metal.
unironically Chris Barnes
classic death metal album, 9/10. -1 for in inadvertently giving birth to wigger slam, deathcore, and a whole host of other garbage genres
>not being about that life
10/10, singlehandedly made the florida death metal scene look like a bunch of kittens

Starts off with Immortal riffs, goes into a short dissonant arpeggio, then to a cello riff, turning into a melodic disneycore riff, and then back to Immortal riff with chants for the exit. Imperial Triumphant first album is a bit all over the place, and there are some absolute trash songs on here like "Christian Holocaust", utter garbage. Has a lot of slightly cringe inducing classical nods too, like power metal style playing a Chopin bit on electric guitar.

Small beginnings for Imperial Triumphant, almost as bad as DsO's, but there is enough interest to show a glimmer of hope.
didn't ask
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Dreadful. Utterly monotonous vocals, idiotic melanated chugshit, every song and moment sounds the exact same. 2/10.
Better than anything Suffogaytion ever did.
new york death metal > florida death metal
I can't believe I agree on something with h*ctor
I know, he's a racist
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Most USDM is just too damn boring with 2-3 exceptions maybe. When european bands imitate the style it ends up being superior. Pic related
This girl is cute, but notice that literally no black women irl look like that. Metal for this realization?
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But I am sure Boomers creamed themselves when they first heard it back in 199-whenever
Where the hell do you weirdos come from
what is an immortal riff

and what is a disney core riff
Immortal riffs are just badass riffs that don’t care about being technical or other bs
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the chad of the norwegian black metal scene
Can janny clean off the off topic images please
sounds absolutely nothing like effigy of the forgotten, some fag told you it sounds like suffocation and youve never listened to the band before
Not metal

They only enforce racism and nsfw images
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he plays it different than how i play it but then again im not tuned down
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>I started this gangsta shit
>And this the motherfuckin thanks I get?
does someone want to post some of the rarer niche/meme charts which arent in the pastebin
not true, jannies banned me for "racism" once when I rightfuly called hector the N word
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this is somebody's mother
i get most but explain carcass being on there
popularized meloshit and opened the gates to a thousand imitators
Heartwork is babbys first death metal for those who don’t like death metal
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Post Hectorcore that actually isn't Hectorcore
didn't realize they were melodeath, never liked their songs enough to listen to an album
Heartwork was a major departure. It’s one of those albums that isn’t bad, it’s just the people who like it
do you guys wanna hear this interesting little tidbit i learned about gojira when i met joe duplantier
sure why not
ok so apparently their name actually comes from a song by a band named the blue oysters called godziller and gojira actually means that but in china buffet hot plate langage apparently joe doplanter is a huge fan of egg drop soup but not super high quality kind just the buffet kind and the cost effectiveness of eating a bunch of sishi specifically california rolls and when hes feeling froggy those weird little ones with the tiny orange balls on them or if he's trying to impress a girl one of those ones with the little pink piece of sausage or something like that on top of it at a buffet instead of a sishi restaurant because whoncan afford a sishi restaurant in this economy and he got the name from the song godziller from the blue oysters while looking at some half shell oysters at the Chinese buffet and that remindeded him of the name of the song and he thought to himself wao that's a really good name and then the Chinese lady said ya theyre my favorite band hey did you know that this song is actually called gojira in my langage and he said wao and then he started to headbang and i started to headbang with him and he looked at me and said "gojira is my band now" and then he looked me right innthe peepers and threw a sishi at me and it landed right in my mouth and that's the story of how gojira got their name
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Immortal riffs generally have a bit of thrash or even death metal influence to them, rhythmic with a bit of palm muting at times.

Listen to this
and then listen to that Summons to War track, you'll make the connection yourself instantly.

Should be self explanatory, but any sugary disney princess tier consonant melodic riff that has no real place in metal, usually its some plastic attempt to sound "classical" or "folk", but sounds fucking idiotic coming out of a distorted guitar with harsh vocals and aggressive drumming overtop. This can be further emphasized through casiocringe resulting in the embarrassment of the "symphonic" "metal" genre.

Anyways, heres some prime disneycore cringe of the standard variety
>the blue oysters
>china buffet hot plate langage
>he said wao
Did I miss anything else
damn thats crazy
the chick who plays Snow White always makes me diamonds
the part where he threw the sishi and it landed in my mouth
Did you like that?
Yeah, I bet you liked that
he actually threw it in the air and karate kicked it into my mouth like a hackeysack it was kinda unsanitary but i didnt want to waste it so i ate it anyway
What you call Disney riffs I call cheesiness where a little bit can be acceptable. It’s definitely not a black or white thing
Ok that's pretty based then, but you know what would have been cooler, what if the sishi was wrapped in China paper to make it look like a flying fish like on the album cover
I hope this cringey gojira tard doesn’t stay long.
Nah, this schizo is actually wholesome
that actually happened too i forgot to say but that happened too
holy fuck
damn thats crazy
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>newfags not recognising the classic 'jira pasta
it was scary
I've been here all summer
>literal diapershitters still mogging
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Show me a better metal album than this
the hardest metal known to man
absolutely fucking based
Whats wrong with ulver?
possibly brain damage
hey guys i found the best deathmetal.org article

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wheres the charts
strange post
immolation and autopsy mog thoughbeit
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Disgraceful chart.
he just like me fr
post the best 90's metal album
>what's the difference between me and you?
>about five record shops three arsons and two bullet belts
Whatever faggot
Knocked Loose still released the AOTY
that's not how it works
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Incorrigible Bigotry or Arc-lite by Coroner
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Based and correct.
metal is associated with
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it's not the most original blast, but man
It's One of The Best
how much longer will you listen to metal?
retarded question
>thought I was getting out of it
but then
>started working out
>the riffs hit a little harder than before

not for the foreseeable future
metal is as diverse as any indie or rock genre. the only common thread is that it's heavy, intense, stimulating
Coping With Catpics - The Legacy of Meals Most Ineffectual Blogposter
i have to sleep soon, so probably another half hour or so
Yeah, getting a little into hardcore and stuff that's not really "metal metal" but I still love metal. Just got done listening to Slit Your Guts by Cryptopsy on repeat.
it's benedictine convulsions for me
neoclassical melody disguised as bdm
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black metal posters left the thread. post chugs while you can
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
i dont think that actually happened
fuck tremolofags
I agree
though I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, that benediction album starts with several straight minutes of tremolo riffs lol
have a comfy night metalfags
White Ward started playing on my Spotify. I don't like it.
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>Since Transilvanian Hunger over two decades ago, Darkthrone have left their material unrefined and organized. 1995’s Panzerfaust started a trend of open worship of pasts greats (Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales / Emperor’s Return) and self-plagiaristic punk rock. How could Fenriz and Nocturno Culto have gone from making elitist “Norsk Arisk Black Metal” to being mainstream media punk darlings gazed upon like a set of Scandinavian Henry Rollins? Given Fenriz’s felinophelia, there is one obvious answer: Toxoplasmosis. Yes, the disease the causes those cysts that pathologists find in the brains of neurotic, crazy cat ladies and Frenchmen at the morgue. Continual reinfection with toxoplasma gondii from cleaning out little Nugatti’s litter box is the sole logical explanation for Fenriz’s odd shifts in taste and behavior.
I actually like Cynic, I love hipster metal shit, its a guilty pleasure of mine
yeah cynic are pretty damned based desu
re- anythings are gay htough
'nother cynic non-hater chiming in
what album would be good to try after Focus
Not based
Traced in Air definitely. Similar stylistically. I think the Carbon Based Anatomy EP was similar but I haven't heard it in a while so I might be wrong.
Before Focus they were basic early Florida Death Metal.
Kindly Bent to Free Us and after is different, less metal, more of the hippy new age stuff.
The only correct answer here is Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
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still trying to wrap my head around how they decided to and got away with putting the exact same track, recording and all after the same track and just labeled it the same thing with a "pt. 2" after it. Has any band ever done this before? I know Pig Destroyer has put the same song on an album twice but I think it's a different recording and they're not back to back
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>The Walt Disney Company is an Americ-
Opinion discarded post hidden.
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Kiwi hours. Who here /backyard burial/ bigger drama than mayhem
this kot for sure is blasting devourment in the thread today
traced in air probably
for me its 12 foot ninja
For future reference, this is the nadir of Disney fluff, and naturally M-A retards love it
God bless New Zealand. Love Māoris, love metal,

If you're going to set golden standards for 'Disneycore' you cannot ignore this album:


It's like neutered Summoning: all the commercial, easy listening and non-Dungeon synthy aspects of Summoning mixed with Peter Jackson LOTR soundtrack type of music and Hollywood choirs. The Redditor listens this and thinks: "It's Epic. Just like Skyrim. And those bearded warriors. I can dig this"

Summoning never aimed for this sound, even though they gravitated accidentally towards this with Stronghold and Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame- But they got back to their black metal roots by the time of Oath Bound (that Reddit hates for it's non-listener friendly elements). It's no wonder Caladan Brood is North American band, many copycat bands in America take the worst aspects of their European idols/influencing bands and try to make a commercial offering out of it
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NWOBHM is not a genre. It was a movement linked to a specific time period.
we love NWOBHM and NWOBHM-riffs here.
I've tried listening Diamond Head, but it doesn't even sound metal band to me?

I mean I don't remember much of it, but it sounded like The Who or Cream, rather than metal
You’re an angel witch yoooooure an angel witch
>angel witch

Doesn't sound like metal, but some sort of heavy blues with faster tempo
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theres one good riff on that album, please stop posting it
That’s what nwobhm is bro. Learn your history
Now this is nwobhm
We love and respect traditional doom here
wigger slam is my favorite genre
Correct. And people who think Priest and Motorhead are NWOBHM deserve the rope.
I'm looking for more 'cleaner' sounding black metal, stuff like mgla's groza album for example. I don't really care for the ultra gritty reverb static of the guitars some other black metal bands have.
Try indie rock genres like shoegaze and dream pop, might be more your thing lil bro
Thrash metal
You want black metal albums with good production?

I really like this one:

It is nothing special black metal, but recorded full analog route with ex-Children of Bodom producer Anssi Kippo and from production perspective it is good. No computer stuff, editing etc.
Try Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus, it has relatively clean production, without losing any atmosphere
Give this album a listen.
i'm working a job next week with a metalhead i need recommendations please. i was had this playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52oQ4S8PepaJ2LqfqNInN8?si=a984157b625a4201 on a bluetooth speaker when he caught me listening to marshall crenshaw. he looked disappointed. i tried playing enuff z'nuff and cheap trick but he didn't seem into it
sunbather nigga
>American't black metal
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One of their worstest albumses
Why not try to have a sincere conversation rather than autistic so troll posts that go nowhere
We hates Metallicas here
Megadeath all the way baybee
Dave Mustaine sucks so hard.
dont you have shopping to do at the gucci store, james?
James could afford that, unlike Diaper Dave who has to beg Five Finger Death Punch to let him open for them.
>godly drumming
Gaytallica fanboys are actually some of the dumbest people around
that's a man
The drumming on that album is amazing. Watch a drum cover on YouTube if you don’t believe me. A lot of the drum patterns weren’t written by lars
It's nothing special, but you are right. …And Justice for All is Metallica's best album. I even like it production -wise, it's not quite "standard", but charming in it's own way.
Rock is better
>A lot of the drum patterns weren’t written by lars
Didn't they also have a drum machine fill in for Lars or am I misrembering?
Best blastings of the thread
yours is unequivocally worse

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